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Questionnaire – Current Facilities & Preferences

1. Do you use fast-food services in the area?

 Yes
 No

2. Which fast-food services do you use (if any)?

 a) Kebab
 b) Sandwiches
 c) Hotdog
 d) Pizza
 e) Hamburger
 f) Fish & Chips
 g) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)
 h) None

3. What type of fast food do you prefer?

 a) Hamburger
 b) Pizza
 c) Hotdog
 d) Fish & Chips
 e) Kebab
 f) Sandwiches
 g) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)
 h) None

4. What typeof fast-food services are in the area?

 a) Hotdog
 b) Hamburger
 c) Pizza
 d) Fish & Chips
 e) Kebab
 f) Sandwiches
 g) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)
 h) None

Customer Trends

5. What else do you buy when purchasing fast food’?

 a) carbonated (fizzy) drinks
 b) coffee, tea
 c) Other

6. What time of day do you eat fast-food?

 a) Before 11am
 b) Between 11am and 2pm
 c) Between 2pm and 6pm
 d) Between 6pm and 10pm
 e) After 10pm

7. How often do you use fast-food services?

 a)Once a week
 b) Twice a week
 c) Once a month
 d) Once a year
 e) Other

Need for & Access to Product/Service

8. How much are you prepared to pay for fast-food?

 a) Less than £1
 b) Between £1 – £3
 c) Over £3

9. Would you buy from my new stall?

 Yes
 No

10. Do you think other people would use the service?

 Yes
 No

11. How far do you live from the stall?

 a) Less than half-a-mile

 b) Half-a-mile to two-miles
 c) Over two-miles

12. How often do you pass the stall?

 a) Every day
 b) Twice a week
 c) Once a week
 d) Once every two-weeks
 e) Once a month
 f) Less frequent
 g) Usually, never

13. Your age group?(enter ‘M’ for male, and ‘F’ for female)

 a) Up to 18
 b) Between 18 and 30
 c) Between 30 and 50
 d) Over 50

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