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I. Lead up to the Holocaust

a. Hitler’s early life
i. Career goals
iii.WWI service
b. Nazi rise to power
i. Debt from WWI
ii.Worldwide depression
iii. Hitler’s jail time
1. Overthrow attempt
2. Mien Kaump
c. Persecution of the jews
i. Nuremberg laws
1. Immigration to other countries
II. The Final Solution
a. Rounding up of Jews
i. Transportation to Camps
ii.Selection Method
iii.Targeted Groups
b. Extermination
i. Methods
1. Showers
2. Firing Squad
3. Starvation + Labor
4. Gas vans
ii.Number of dead
1. Aushwitz
2. Other camps
III. Liberation
a. Allied troops Take back Poland
i. Camps Desolate or very few left
ii.Find Evidence of Holocaust
b. Death Marches
i. Coulden’t walk were shot
ii.Hide evidence of killing
c. Formation of Isreal
i. Denied Immigration Acess
ii.British Land Handed Over

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