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These people are people you can rely on,

These people are the shoulders you can cry on,

When times get tough, they’ll pull you through

When there’s nobody else who you can talk to,

Nobody else to share your greatest secrets and deepest fears

These people who won’t disappear, these people are there to the end

These people are your friends,

These people are people who annoy you

Pinch slap and ignore you,

They pretend to be nice

But it’s all a disguise

They’re just there because of something you have, something you did, or someone you might be

These people are just mean

These people you should away from

These people are not your friends

These people you can fall out with,

Pick, snap and shout at,

But in the end you can mend,

Because these people are people who you can trust

These people will never judge,

These people will always speak their mind,

Even if it means being unkind

The truth is what they say

They will never lie, cheat or walk away

These people are your friends

These people pretend,

These people act,

These people steal, they have no tact

These people would laugh at you with everyone else

Just to look cool, not to stand out

They wouldn’t apologise

They just corrupt with their lies

These people you should stay away from

These people are not your friends

These people know you through and through

There’s nothing you can hide,

Neither out or inside,

Each and every feeling,

Each and every worry

They know what it means; will be there in a hurry

To comfort you; be there for you

These people are your friends

These people know how you are

Watched from a far

When they see something they want

They don’t care who they hurt

Don’t care what they do

Their smiles are fake

Their interests too

They find it hard to tell the truth

These people you should stay away from

These people are not your friends

These people you spend all your time with

Shopping, chatting and laughing with

Even when you’re not together you can still talk

Text messaging or Facebook

You never run out of things to say

And always remember the things you did with them that day,

The jokes you told, just don’t get old

When you tell them to each other

Much different from anyone else

These people are your friends

These people are rude,

Blame it all on you,

So you spill your secrets, tell them anything

They twist and turn your words

Spreading the rumours

Stabbing you in the back

Taking the people who you trusted most,

But they forget one thing

That those are people

Who’d never betray

They’d never ever walk away

Those people are your friends

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