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Loitering in disgust and despair;

Watching silently the setting sun.
A sudden darkness overtook me
I found myself in a strange land.

In dreadful encounter with death

An unexpected miracle happened.
Gruesome darkness turned into Light!
The end was just a new turning point!

I beheld a most graceful soothing Light

That filled my whole being with delight.
It exposed my best guarded secrets;
And exploded all my deepest regrets.
It appeared in my fathomless despair:
Shining, magnificent, unparalleled,
Bursting through a formidable dark veil:
As the white light of a full moon night.

All the happenings of my past life

Unfolded upon the mind’s screen.
The mind, viewing all its misdeeds,
Solemnly whimpered for pardon.

Suddenly, the effulgence accentuated

Until It shone like thousands of suns.
For sure, It was neither the moon,
Nor any planet, not even the sun.

It was Athing different from these:
It was mysterious, yet so familiar.
It was full of love, virtue and life.
It was so full of joy and playfulness.

Leaving the highest rim of the skies,

It descended gracefully towards me.
I lifted my dazzled eyes and beheld:
A beauty never before experienced.

Its graceful bluish beams revived me.

I felt rejuvenated, exhilarated, ecstatic…
A disembodied cool voice asked: “Who’s That?”
My heart answered without the slightest doubt.

“This is the Divine Light! I’m blessed!”
Without saying a word of man’s tongue,
The Light responded with utmost love:
“My dear one! I’m your true inner Self!”

Washed away were all my sorrows!

Burnt away were all the shadows!
All my bitterness just melted away.
A divine sweetness pervaded my being.

In deep gratitude and utter reverence,

My heart and mind just surrendered.
Something deep down has passed away.
This one shall never again be the same.

All hurts and wounds were healed!
Death gave way to a new energy.
Death was now a faithful friend
Ready to impart its confidences.

The Light revealed Its several reflections

As shining spheres with unique personas.
As they entered into the Supreme Light
They got merged into the One Light.

As each shining sphere emerged from It,

The former regained its reflected status.
Yet the Self-effulgent Supreme One
Never lost Its fullness and majesty.

It overflowed my whole being with a love
So deeply unconditional and companionate.
Reassuring me of our unbreakable bond,
Of our timeless spiritual connection.

“Forget everything, forgive everyone!

Set out to your loving family in peace.
Nothing bad can and will befall you
It’s all My design for our encounter.

Tell everyone about this our encounter

Ask them to repent for their misdeeds
Tell them to forgive others’ mistakes.
Go! Live in peace and do My work.

Strive earnestly to uplift the mind!
Cleanse the heart of the six enemies!
All paths leading to Me are valid
When trodden with genuine love.

Don’t worry! I’ll always be with you!

I’ll guide your path throughout life.
Just do My work and be ever happy
In the end, you’ll come to My world.”



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