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m m

By: Sheldon Wharton & Leah Thompson

Útam ns help your body
work r ht.

Berr es, Apples, Salad,

Bananas, and Broccol are
just some of the ood
v tam n foods.

Too much Ú tam ns can

be very bad for your body.
It can be tox c, wh ch can
make you s ck!!
¬ou could l ve on
th s stuff, because t
s your ma n source
needed for your l fe.

Soups, Green Teas,

Úeetables, Fru t, and
M lk are ood sources
of th s nutr ent.

W thout water you

could et dehydrated
and have dark pee ):
M nerals help your body
bu ld stron bones and
have a ood stron

Some ood M nerals are

Nuts, Peppers, Peaches,
oranes and Grapes.

W thout these your body

w ll not do all the th ns
that you want t to.

½ arbsµ help your blood
flow eas ly.

Good sources are Bread,

Pasta, Potatoes, corn and

W thout arbs you could

become a d abet c. Wh ch
would not be fun at all.

Fats  ve you enery to
do th ns, but only for a
l ttle wh le.

Some examples would

be h ps, ook es,
Donuts, andy and cake.

Eat n too much could

make you Fat, f you ate to
much and d d not et
enouh exerc se. Be
careful how much you eat
of these!!
Prote ns help your body
repa r your sk n, muscles
and bones. They help you
stay stron.

 heese, Beans, Ham,

Turkey and Peanut Butter
are all ood sources of
Prote ns.

¬ou could start to et

very weak, maybe even
et very ll.

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