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The Why’s and the Why Not’s?

The interviewer is looking for the best among the available.
So you are always in competition

What do Interviewers Assess?

Can Do Will Do Should I Hire

Skill Set Culture Fitment Value for Money

Prior Tasks Handled Boss and team Match Promotability

Industry Knowledge &
A Survey - What Influences Your Decision to Invite a Candidate for an

Follow-up contact from candidate

Academic Accomplishments 8%
9% Relevant work experience
Cover letter directed to12%
specific job

Referral from someone within the

company 14%

Education that matches the
What makes a candidate stand out most in an interview?
No of employers who selected this option

• Personality that seems to fit

position and team 158

• Answers that include thoughtful 149


• 114
Sincere, passionate interest in
the position
• Poised and professional attitude 102

• Providing evidence / an example 79

of intelligence or ability to learn
0 50 100 150
What makes a candidate stand out most in an interview?
No of employers who selected this option

• Knowledge of company / organization

• Thoughtful questions to the

• Professional dress

• Direct and appropriate eye contact


0 20 40 60 80
Advice to Candidates

• BE… • DO… • HAVE…

– Confident and — Research about the — Passion for the position
company / organization
enthusiastic — Previous experience
— Show respect to the
– On time — Extra copies of your
resume and cover letter
– Prepared and — Focus on your field of — A list of references
professional interest
— Evidence of work or class
– Yourself — Give examples of
assignments that relate
leadership roles
– to the position
Honest — Follow up
– Assertive — Relax
– Concise while — Ask questions
answering — Dress professionally
— Switch off cell phones
Advice to Candidates contd…

• Your target position • Accurate dates of employment
• Details about the position • A real interest in the position
• What qualifications are required • A clear and concise objective
• Your strengths • A positive attitude and
• How to think outside the box maintain eye contact
• What you are getting into before you • How you can be an asset to the
commit company
• Where you want to work and why
you are a good “fit”
Answering 6 Common but Important Interview Questions
• Tell me about yourself
• Why should we recruit you? 
• Why do you want to work here? What do you know about our
• What are your weaknesses? 
• What did you dislike about your last job? Why did you leave your last
• Where do you see yourself in five years? 
Why Interviewers ask what they ask?
Understand the question behind the question .
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
– Why they ask: They want to know what you bring to
the table and how your strengths and weakness are
relevant to the job
• Do you prefer to work by yourself or as part of a
– Why they ask: They want to know if you can work
unsupervised and if you can get along well with the
team in the company.
• Why did you leave your last job?
– Why they ask: Can the reasons repeat in the job for
which you are being interviewed
• What do you think this job involves?
– Why they ask: They want to know if you've done
your research and do you are enough
• How did your last job prepare you for this job?
– Why they ask: They want to know what your skill
sets are and how you apply your knowledge. They
also want to know how much training you'll need.
Before you start elivering
What Impresses An Interviewer?
• Your preparation
• Your professional conduct
• Your keenness to join, if offered
• Saying I don’t know but I will find out
Pre-Interview Preparation
• Know yourself
– What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What is your
personality type? What are the things you do very well and very poorly?
– What are your short and long-term goals?
– Evaluate yourself in terms of the position you seek.
– Formulate responses by asking the question: "Why should they hire me?”
– Remember that you're there to sell yourself and secure a job offer
• Research the company
– Utilize all resources to review annual reports, trade magazines and
newspaper articles.
– The Internet offers a wealth of company information and industry
– Know the company's products and services.
– Be prepared to tell the interviewer why their company is attractive to you.
Pre Interview Prep - Dressing for the Interview

• Suit (solid color - navy or dark gray) for

senior sales jobs. Saris or dress suit for
women and avoid revealing dressing
• Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with
the suit)
• Belt
• Tie for middle level jobs
• Dark socks, conservative leather shoes
• Little or no jewelry (for women)
• Neat, professional hairstyle
• Limit the aftershave
• Neatly trimmed nails
• Portfolio or briefcase
On the Day of the Interview
• Arrive atleast 10 minutes early
• Dress Professionally
• Look Confident & Relaxed
• Talk Courteously to the Security Personnel & Receptionist
• What to bring to the Interview
– Latest Resume
– References
– Folder & Pen
– Last compensation with break ups
– Details of the advertisement /job posting/consultant brief
– Business card
During the Interview
• Maintain poise with head of the
panel and other interviewers
• Know how to pronounce the
name of the interviewer's and
company name
• Avoid aerated drinks
• Maintain eye contact
• Allow interviewer to control the
• Be prepared with questions that
demonstrate your understanding
of the job and the research that
you have done
Ask the Right Questions
1. What type of salary growth and promotion opportunities does this position and the company

2. How can I add more value beyond the role requirements?

3. Successful people in your organization – what are their top 3 qualities?

4. What would my first assignment be if I'm recruited?

5. What do you like the most about this company?“

6. What is the organization's culture?“

7. Who will carry out my appraisals if I'm recruited?“

8. What exactly are the job responsibilities?“

9. When will a decision be made on the successful candidate?“

10.May I contact you if I have other questions?"

Closing the Interview
• Be prepared with a wrap up statement of interest that demonstrates
what you learned during your research and in the interview
• Ask the panel if they need any additional information from you after
the interview.
• Ask when a decision will be made – when can you follow up
• As you are leaving, thank everyone who has assisted in the process
• Please note that selection process is both logical and emotional. The
last impressions matter if you are in the running
Post Interview Stage Follow Up
• Recap interview (write out questions)

• Send thank-you letter or email

– Follow-up within 48 hours
– Express gratitude for the employer’s time
– Highlight qualifications
– Restate your interest in the company/career area
– Communicate enthusiasm to have met with them
Top 10 Mistakes during an Interview
Top 10 Mistakes Interviewees Make
1. Not understanding the Questions asked
 There is a question behind each question
that is asked
 The Interviewee generally misses out on
that and answers too long or too short
 Interviewee gives stock answers
2. Dressing Inappropriately for the Interview
3. Doing no homework on an organization
before going there.
4. Giving a tentative or wrong answer instead
of saying I do not know
5. Appearing disinterested or arrogant
6. Bad mouthing the previous job / boss
7. Not asking the right questions when asked
“do you have any questions?”
8. Showing an urgency to have the job
9. Setting a time limit because of your next
10. Not being self aware or being excessively
self conscious

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