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A Little Act of Green

When I was small, I thought everything that human beings invented was good. I
learnt later not all are fine. Everything got the pros and cons. Same goes to plastics.
Human beings invented plastic bags for the convenience to carry things. However, just
as good as genetic foods, plastic bags are causing serious issues like global warming
and environmental pollutions.

Back in Form 5, I was told plastic bags are made of polyethylene that takes 1000
years to break down. Then, in last semester Mr.Fred asked for a promise to say “No” to
plastics even mineral bottles. I did give a try but frankly speaking it’s not easy as
sometimes you forget to bring your own bag. While a part of me saying ‘Shazzy, do your
part as citizens of the Earth! ”, I feel it’s quite difficult to keep up the green habit.

It’s easier said than done as most people on the planet use plastic and tosses
them away later while I need to carry things on my own. However, watching a video on
“Say No to Plastic Bag” a couple months ago changed my perception. The statement
stacked within me as I learnt the fact again - Every piece of plastics we use will never
get destroyed. It will last into perpetuity as everything goes back to nature except
plastic. Except plastic!

Not to count the environmental damage caused by the omnipresent single use of
plastic, I’m sure the earth has suffered a lot.

Now I get the point. It’s time for me and everyone to get serious about reducing
the plastic bag usage to save the Mother Earth. It’s never too late to start now. So, let’s
make changes people! Don't pay for a plastic bag, bring your own eco alternative. You
will never know a small change can start a revolution.


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