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D3: Original RPG System DUE DATE:

Expectations: Put simply, you are to create your own original RPG system that can be used as either a tabletop role
playing game or implemented within a computer RPG game space. This should be no shorter than 30 pages in
length, but a complicated system will likely require 50 to 60 pages to fully describe in detail the mechanics and play
of the system.

1) You must create an original intellectual property that is NOT related to any previous published or
unpublished work in any form. (Note: there are exceptions to this, but only if you talk to me and
get it OK’d first!)
2) Your system must be significantly unlike any system that has come before. It may include
elements of other systems or make significant changes two or more systems that have come
before but at its core it must be an original idea that is all yours --- one major “innovation.”
3) If your system uses dice (and it probably will) you must tell me which dice it uses, why and how
those dice are used. (If it doesn’t use them then come talk to me about your diceless system idea.)
4) Your system must include some way to create (or other way to determine) the following elements
as discussed in class:
a. Qualities - how the character looks, feels, acts, is perceived, etc. (mechanically or
b. Abilities - what the character knows how to do, accomplish, attempt, skills, traits, etc.
(should affect the mechanics)
c. Statistics - the character’s natural abilities, stats, etc. (pure mechanics)
d. Personality– how the character is to be ROLEplayed. (usually non mechanical, but may
or may not be addressed within the mechanics - Sorry, but this time it’s NOT optional)
5) Your system MUST include:
a. A description of the game world(s) or similar(required) such as:
i. A description of the setting or settings (if there is one)
ii. A brief description of the related back story (if there is one)
iii. A description of any important characters (if there are any)
b. A description of the structure of play (required)
c. An example of any and all mechanics (required)
d. And in depth explanation of the system’s QUALITIES, ABILITIES, STATISTICS,
PERSONALITY (from above, required)
e. A fully formatted and usable character sheet
6) Your system NEED NOT (but can) include:
a. Numerous charts and graphs for every possible “whatever-thingy” for your game
b. Numerous extra flavor-items and their stats
c. Scenarios and worlds
d. Pre made characters
e. An introduction to role playing as a prefix
f. A ridiculous backstory explaining why the Garthunk of Xandar was made Blue Raja of…
g. Needlessly over complicated rules for grapple, spell casting, vehicles, falling, fabrication
of technology from raw materials, animal husbandry, basket weaving, torch-lighting, etc.
7) Your system MAY include (and if so must be described):
a. An “Artha” or “Cool Point” system for bonus die modification/rerolls, etc
b. An underlying mechanic not covered by the above
c. Any additional materials, descriptive elements, charts, etc that you like.
d. Anything that would be needed to actually play the system that is not discussed above
such as a character sheet generator or a cheat sheet table.

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