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History At Devil’s Den

This story is told by Susan about what happen with employees at Devil;s Den. There are many
problem happening at Devil’s Den, employees get free food during working period, customer steal
food at the canteen, also employer steal money from shop counter and no one take action on it as
well. Moreover biggest problem is no one actually care what happen at Devil’s Den, none of
employees do not care of losing their job because the lack of rules, also responsibility to the

Key problems

Start of employees allow their friends to get free food, also their own employees themselves are also
taking food in large qualities when finish their works. Moreover employee can eat whatever they like
free of charge during the working period. Continues with low wages pay to the employees, these
problems make no one want to work hard for the business, also no responsibilities. Next easy access
to the unlocked storage room door, and inventory was poorly controlled, also weak supervision by
student manager and it seems like employees are enjoying freebies of doing the wrongs thing at
Devil’s Den.

Swot Analysis

S = this story only mention one of the strength which occur to one of the employee call Bill. He
always get this job done, he make a list of small duty that need to be done.

W = there are a lot of weakness at Devil’s Den

- Steal food by own employee

- Steal money from counter from their own employees
- Lack of responsibilities of manager

O = CFS have to mention about what problems occur, and take any corrective action. So this can help
to prevent some problem that happen in Devil’s Den.

T = also a lot threats occur.

- Low wages
- Easy access to the storage room
- Inventory poorly control
- Afraid of losing friendships ( employee who witness customer steal food can not challenge
anyone because their fear the loss in friendships)
- Lack of responsibilities by manager

Relate alternative

This story can relate to the Low Cost Providers Strategies.

In this story, we can see so clearly that employees do not get enough pay, so this problem is
bringing a lot of threat to the business for example:

- Employees have to steal food

- Employees also steal money
- Manager do not care much about their responsibility for the business

This is the biggest reason, no one want to work hard, once they do not get the right wages.

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