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Competency Mapping

What is Competency?

Competency is an underlying skill, personal characteristics, or motive demonstrated by various

observable behaviors that contribute to outstanding performance in a job. Competencies exist at

different levels of personality. The various levels are:

 Knowledge

 Skills

 Behavior

 Personal Characteristics

o Traits

o Motive

What is Competency Mapping?

Competency mapping involves the determination of the extent to which the person possesses the

various competencies related to a job.

For Ex: The extent to which a person is adjustable, resourceful, capable of working efficiently

under stress, capable of anticipating threats, finding solutions and contributing in innovations.

Which is then compared with the extent to which the various competencies are required for a job?

The comparison enables us to know the suitability of a person for a job. So this too is used for

setting standards and checking the employees standing on the various competencies’ platform

and further, the training needs of a person can also be identified.

A company can save a lot of cost on training by efficiently using knowledge management. A

person may be perfect in one aspect and may lack in others, if the knowledge in which a person

in a master is shared by all, then that will reduce the cost of training. At least it can make the

person aware about the new concepts, which he is totally unaware.


Heads of Functional Departments

Finance / Marketing / Personnel / Technical / others

Heads of the Functional Departments explain in detail

what all compentencies should an employee possess and
to what degree

HR Department designs such a performance appraisal

method, which checks the competencies possessed by
the employee and to what degree


Competencies’ requirements Self rating by employee on

given by various heads each competency

Inputs from functional heads

defining to what extent an
employee possesses a

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regards Training
Krishna saladi

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