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Dear sir/Madame,

I shree prakash.vk student of student of Pearl Academy of Fashion here by

request you to fill up this questionnaire. The information provided by you will be
kept strictly confidential and will be used for academic purpose only

1) Are you aware of the brand purple from titan?

a) Yes
b) No

2) People of which age do you think purple suits?

a) youth
b) 22 – 35years
c) 30 – 50 years
d) 50+

3) How you were aware of the brand purple?

a) Advertisement (source _____________)
b) News articles (source ____________)
c) Friends
d) Relatives
e) Others

4) Rate the price range of purple?

a) Cheap
b) Value for money
c) Expensive
d) Rip-off

5) How do you categorize purple?

a) Classic
b) Elegant
c) Stylish

6) What was the first titan brand you purchased?

a) Edge e) WWF i) Bhandam
b) Raga f) Heritage j) Classic
c) Octane g) Orian k) Nebula
d) Zoop h) Fast track l) Sonata

7) What do you think of Titan?

8) How often you purchase watches?
a) Once in 3 months
b) Once in 6 months
c) Once in a year
d) others
9) which sub - brand of Titan do you posses?

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