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Kalam Quest 2023
(15-18 years)


Total Questions : 100 Time : 60 minutes

Pattern & Marking Scheme

Section Logical Reasoning Science Achievers Section

No. of Questions 30 50 20

Marks per Ques. 1 1.5 2

Section – 1: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Section – 2:
Physics: Electricity and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating current, Electromagnetic
waves, Optics, Modern Physics, Semiconductor Electronics, Communication Systems.
Chemistry: Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, p-Block
Elements, d- & f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Organic Chemistry, Biomolecules, Polymers,
Chemistry in Everyday Life.
Biology: Reproduction, Genetics, and Evolution, Biology in Human Welfare, Biotechnology, Ecology.

Section – 3: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section – 2.

If all cats have tails, and Fluffy is a cat, what can you conclude?
A) Fluffy has a tail.
B) Fluffy does not have a tail.
C) Fluffy is a dog.
D) Fluffy might or might not have a tail.

Which of the following is an example of deductive reasoning?

A) All birds have feathers, therefore this animal has feathers and is a bird.
B) Some birds have feathers, therefore all birds have feathers.
C) All birds have feathers, therefore this animal is a bird.
D) Some birds have feathers, therefore this animal might be a bird.

If A is taller than B, and B is taller than C, which of the following statements is true?
A) A is the tallest.
B) C is the tallest.
C) A and C are the same height.
D) The order cannot be determined.

Complete the analogy: Hand is to glove as foot is to _______.

A) Shoe
B) Sock
C) Sandal
D) Boot

Which of the following is the odd one out?

A) Apple
B) Orange
C) Banana
D) Mango

If all squares are rectangles, and all rectangles are shapes, which of the following statements is
A) All squares are shapes.
B) All shapes are rectangles.
C) All shapes are squares.
D) Some shapes are squares.

If John is older than Sarah, and Sarah is older than Mark, who is the oldest?
A) John
B) Sarah
C) Mark
D) The order cannot be determined.

Which of the following is a synonym of "abundant"?
A) Scarcity
B) Limited
C) Plentiful
D) Rare

If today is Monday, what day will it be after 3 days?

A) Tuesday
B) Wednesday
C) Thursday
D) Friday

Which number comes next in the sequence: 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ___?
A) 35
B) 36
C) 38
D) 40

If all apples are fruits, and some fruits are red, which of the following statements is true?
A) All apples are red.
B) All red things are fruits.
C) All fruits are apples.
D) Some apples are red.

Which of the following is the odd one out?

A) Circle
B) Square
C) Triangle
D) Sphere

If all dogs have four legs, and Spot is a dog, what can you conclude?
A) Spot has four legs.
B) Spot does not have four legs.
C) Spot is a cat.
D) Spot might or might not have four legs.

Complete the analogy: Pen is to write as knife is to _______.

A) Cut
B) Eat
C) Cook
D) Paint

Which of the following is the next number in the sequence: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ___?
A) 36
B) 30
C) 42
D) 49

If all roses are flowers, and some flowers are pink, which of the following statements is true?
A) All roses are pink.
B) All pink things are flowers.
C) All flowers are roses.
D) Some roses are pink.

Which of the following is an example of inductive reasoning?

A) All cats have fur, and Fluffy is a cat, so Fluffy has fur.
B) Some cats have fur, so all cats have fur.
C) All cats have fur, so this animal is a cat.
D) Some cats have fur, so this animal might be a cat.

If A is equal to B, and B is equal to C, what can you conclude?

A) A is equal to C.
B) A is greater than C.
C) A is less than C.
D) The relationship cannot be determined.

Which of the following is a synonym of "intelligent"?

A) Stupid
B) Dumb
C) Clever
D) Ignorant

Which of the following is the next shape in the pattern: Triangle, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon,
A) Octagon
B) Heptagon
C) Decagon
D) Nonagon

Which element belongs to the p-block in the periodic table?
a) Boron
b) Oxygen
c) Sodium
d) Iron

Which of the following is an example of a biomolecule?

a) Sodium chloride
b) DNA
c) Propane
d) Hydrochloric acid

What is the process by which an alternating current is produced in a coil due to a changing
magnetic field called?
a) Electromagnetic induction
b) Electrolysis
c) Electroplating
d) Electromagnetism

Which of the following is NOT an example of an electromagnetic wave?

a) X-rays
b) Radio waves
c) Sound waves
d) Gamma rays

What is the name given to the process by which light is refracted when passing through a prism?
a) Diffraction
b) Reflection
c) Dispersion
d) Scattering

What is the term used to describe the movement of electrons from one substance to another?
a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Redox reaction
d) Electron transfer

Which of the following is NOT a property of a semiconductor?

a) High conductivity
b) Low resistance
c) Variable resistance
d) Dependence on temperature

What is the term used to describe the process by which living organisms are genetically
a) Ecology
b) Evolution
c) Biotechnology
d) Reproduction

Which of the following is NOT a type of chemical bond?

a) Covalent bond
b) Ionic bond
c) Metallic bond
d) Hydraulic bond

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the rate of a chemical reaction?
a) Temperature
b) Concentration
c) Surface area
d) Mass

Which of the following is an example of an electromagnetic device?

a) Loudspeaker
b) Light bulb
c) Battery
d) Resistor

What is the process of conversion of solid directly into gas called?

a) Sublimation
b) Condensation
c) Vaporization
d) Melting

Which of the following elements is not a noble gas?

a) Neon
b) Helium
c) Argon
d) Nitrogen

Which of the following is not an organic compound?

a) Propane
b) Ethanol
c) Sodium chloride
d) Glucose

Which of the following is not a type of RNA?
a) Messenger RNA (mRNA)
b) Transfer RNA (tRNA)
c) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
d) Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

a) Detoxification
b) Carbohydrate metabolism
c) Blood clotting
d) Protein synthesis

What is the term used to describe the process of creating new species by natural selection?
a) Evolution
b) Adaptation
c) Mutation
d) Speciation

Which of the following is not a type of cell division?

a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis
c) Binary fission
d) Glycolysis

Which of the following is not a form of energy?

a) Kinetic energy
b) Potential energy
c) Sound energy
d) Electric energy

Which of the following is not a method of purifying water?

a) Distillation
b) Filtration
c) Decantation
d) Evaporation

Which of the following is not a property of metals?

a) High melting and boiling points
b) Good conductors of electricity
c) Malleable and ductile
d) Low-density and brittle

Which of the following is not a type of pollution?
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Soil pollution
d) Light pollution

Which of the following is not a function of the human circulatory system?

a) Transporting nutrients and oxygen
b) Removing waste products
c) Regulating body temperature
d) Fighting infection

Which of the following is not a type of microbe?

a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) Fungus
d) Spider

Which of the following is not a type of renewable energy?

a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Nuclear energy
d) Hydroelectric energy

What is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas called?
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Sublimation
d) Fusion

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a chemical reaction?

a) Formation of a new substance
b) Change in color or odor
c) Change in mass
d) Change in volume

What is the process by which plants lose water called?

a) Photosynthesis
b) Respiration
c) Transpiration
d) Fermentation

Which of the following is not a function of the human digestive system?
a) Breaking down food into nutrients
b) Absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream
c) Removing waste products
d) Regulating body temperature

Which of the following is not a form of energy storage in the body?

a) Carbohydrates
b) Proteins
c) Fats
d) Vitamins

Which of the following is not a type of soil?

a) Loamy soil
b) Sandy soil
c) Clay soil
d) Rocky soil

Which of the following is not a phase of mitosis?

a) Prophase
b) Metaphase
c) Anaphase
d) Telophase

Which of the following is not a component of the earth's atmosphere?

a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Calcium

Which of the following is not a type of rock?

a) Sedimentary rock
b) Igneous rock
c) Metamorphic rock
d) Fossil rock

Which of the following is not a component of the nervous system?

a) Brain
b) Spinal cord
c) Peripheral nerves
d) Spleen

What is the SI unit of temperature?
a) Kelvin
b) Joule
c) Watt
d) Newton

Which of the following is not a type of chemical reaction?

a) Synthesis reaction
b) Decomposition reaction
c) Subtraction reaction
d) Combustion reaction

Which of the following is not a type of tissue in plants?

a) Epidermal tissue
b) Ground tissue
c) Meristematic tissue
d) Neurological tissue

Which of the following is not a type of wave motion?

a) Longitudinal wave
b) Transverse wave
c) Sound wave
d) Standing wave

What is the SI unit of frequency?

a) Hertz
b) Newton
c) Joule
d) Watt

Which type of electromagnetic waves have the highest frequency?

a) Radio waves
b) Microwaves
c) X-rays
d) Gamma rays

Which law of electromagnetic induction states that the induced emf in a closed loop is equal to
the negative rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop?
a) Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
b) Lenz's law
c) Ohm's law
d) Coulomb's law

What is the process by which a solid changes directly to a gas without going through the liquid
a) Sublimation
b) Vaporization
c) Melting
d) Condensation

What is the term for the amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a
specific temperature and pressure?
a) Concentration
b) Molarity
c) Solubility
d) Density

Which type of cell division results in the production of four haploid cells from a single diploid cell
a) Mitosis
b) Meiosis
c) Binary fission
d) Budding

Which of the following is an example of a monosaccharide?

a) Starch
b) Sucrose
c) Glucose
d) Cellulose

Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure?

a) Stethoscope
b) Thermometer
c) Barometer
d) Sphygmomanometer

Which gas is most commonly used for the extinguishing of fires?

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) Helium
d) Nitrogen

What is the term for the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to
produce oxygen and glucose?
a) Respiration
b) Photosynthesis
c) Fermentation
d) Combustion

Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Methane
c) Nitrous oxide
d) Oxygen

A motor is placed inside a magnetic field. What will happen if the current passing through the
motor is reversed?
a) The motor will spin in the opposite direction
b) The motor will spin at the same speed
c) The motor will stop spinning
d) The motor will heat up and burn out

A transformer has 1000 turns in its primary coil and 5000 turns in its secondary coil. If the
primary coil is connected to a 120 V AC source, what will be the output voltage of the secondary
a) 24 V
b) 120 V
c) 600 V
d) 3000 V

A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 100 MHz. What is the wavelength of the radio waves
a) 3 m
b) 30 m
c) 300 m
d) 3000 m

A semiconductor diode is connected to a battery in the forward bias. What will be the direction
of the current flow?
a) From the anode to the cathode
b) From the cathode to the anode
c) No current will flow
d) The direction of current flow cannot be determined

A sample of water is found to have a pH of 5. What does this indicate?

a) The water is acidic
b) The water is neutral
c) The water is basic
d) The water is contaminated

What is the molecular formula of glucose?

a) C6H12O6
b) C12H22O11
c) CH4
d) H2SO4

A motor is placed inside a magnetic field. What will happen if the current passing through the
motor is reversed?
a) The motor will spin in the opposite direction
b) The motor will spin at the same speed
c) The motor will stop spinning
d) The motor will heat up and burn out

A transformer has 1000 turns in its primary coil and 5000 turns in its secondary coil. If the
primary coil is connected to a 120 V AC source, what will be the output voltage of the secondary
a) 24 V
b) 120 V
c) 600 V
d) 3000 V

A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 100 MHz. What is the wavelength of the radio waves
a) 3 m
b) 30 m
c) 300 m
d) 3000 m

A semiconductor diode is connected to a battery in the forward bias. What will be the direction
of the current flow?
a) From the anode to the cathode
b) From the cathode to the anode
c) No current will flow
d) The direction of current flow cannot be determined

A sample of water is found to have a pH of 5. What does this indicate?

a) The water is acidic
b) The water is neutral
c) The water is basic
d) The water is contaminated

What is the molecular formula of glucose?

a) C6H12O6
b) C12H22O11
c) CH4
d) H2SO4

A concave mirror forms an image of an object that is magnified and upright. Where is the object
a) Between the mirror and the focal point
b) At the focal point
c) Beyond the focal point
d) Inside the focal point

Which of the following elements is a transition metal?

a) Nitrogen
b) Calcium
c) Iron
d) Oxygen

What type of reaction is occurring in a battery when it is being charged?

a) Reduction
b) Oxidation
c) Neutralization
d) Hydrolysis

Which of the following is not a type of chemical reaction?

a) Acid-base reaction
b) Combustion reaction
c) Nuclear reaction
d) Frictional reaction

In a plant cell, which organelle is responsible for photosynthesis?

a) Nucleus
b) Mitochondria
c) Chloroplasts
d) Ribosomes

What is the process of DNA replication?

a) The process of making a copy of RNA from DNA
b) The process of making a copy of DNA from RNA
c) The process of making a copy of RNA from protein
d) The process of making a copy of DNA from existing DNA

What is the relationship between a predator and prey in an ecosystem?

a) Predators are helped by their prey
b) Prey are helped by their predators
c) Predators hunt and kill their prey for food
d) Prey hunt and kill their predators for survival

An IIM Ahmedabad Gold-Medallist who worked
with Boston Consulting Group and consulted
United Nations-World Food Programme. He
worked as an Advisor to the 11th President of
India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam from 2009-2015. He
was associated with the Indian Institute of Space
Sciences and Technology – a research and
education venture of ISRO. He has written 15
books, including three as co-author with Dr.
Kalam selling over 400,000 copies in 12

Homi Lab is the nudge needed to make learners a part

of many firsts such as the first human on another planet
or the first human to find a cure for cancer.

Homi Lab

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+ 91 7827276694

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