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" What My Parents Expect from Me"

Eldest person in the family is always expected to bear most of the

burden of family, and needs to fulfill those duties with responsibility. It
is always said that the eldest member of the family always need to be
extra responsible and careful about the things he/she is doing. As a child
i was the eldest kid in my family and my parents always use to pamper
me a lot, they always fulfilled my needs and even now they are fulfilling
my needs. My never parents never expected nor pressurized me to get
90% or above or be first in whatever i am doing. All they always used to
say that try to be a good human being and never hurt anyone.
Being eldest since childhood I was responsible to take care of my
younger brother, whenever we use to play outside or in school and later
as we grew older together those responsibility deepened and was more
on behavioral side like how to behave when guests arrives or when we
meet someone. Being eldest I was always expected to be nice, gentle and
well behaved with others. Time passed and now I am in pursuing my
post graduation and all my parents expect from me is to successful
complete my education and get a decent job so that I can make my
future secure and take care of my family.

Sanjna Kaul
(M.B.A Batch 2010-2012)

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