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What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is child’s play

• A child is prohibited from watching his
favourite TV programme, because the other
children want to watch another show. He turns
to his mother and says:

• Mammy why is it better for three people to be

selfish, rather than one person?
Philosophy is child’s play
• Child: Daddy how do I know the clock doesn’t
go round twice when I’m asleep?
• Daddy: Because you couldn’t sleep for 24hrs!
• Child: But what of it went faster while I was
asleep, and no one saw it?
• Daddy: Don’t be silly.
• Child: Can I bring the clock into my room
tonight to make sure it doesn’t go round twice.
Definition of philosophy:

• Philo - Sophia
• Love – Wisdom

• Philosophy is the love of wisdom.

• Wisdom is the understanding behind

particular claims.
Philosophy so far!
•Pre-classical: Concerned with nature
and science
•Classical Greeks: Concerned with
humanity and ethics.
•Modern Philosophy: Concerned with
questions of knowledge: How do we
know? (Epistemology) Descartes.
•German enlightenment: Pushing the
limits of knowledge: Kant and Hegel
•Existentialism: Concerned about
human existence.
•Analytical Philosophy. Formal logic
and analyses of Language.
•Phenomenology. Concerned with
everyday phenomenon.

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