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Mark Zitzmann

Professor Robbins

ENC 1101

05 October 2009

The Fast Life

I chose an image of a Ferrari for analysis. I asked myself why does this picture stand out,

and what is it selling? What pulls me to the picture? The picture is a computer generated image

with various artistic techniques. I was attracted to the crystal drops splotched all over the Ferrari,

and the picture itself. The picture said something spiritual to me. It tells me how we should

conduct ourselves in life; it tells us what life is. The picture represents the choices we make, the

good, the bad, and whether we have a plan or not. The image provides inspirational goals that we

should all strive for in our lives.

This picture holds a slick crystal clear Ferrari as if it were made of glass. There is a black

background which could represent nighttime. The angle of the picture is from the top front right

looking down the cars body. The image helps us step back, and view it from a distance. There

are also lines that wrap around the car in white and dark blue. These lines make the Ferrari

appear to be moving through the night. The lines could be night lights passing by the Ferrari as it

moves real fast. The lines give it a real smooth ride feel as if there was nothing that was going to

stop it.

There are little droplets all over the picture, some are bigger than others. I assume the

droplets to be raindrops. It looks like it is raining. The raindrops blow off the car as if it were

driving real fast. In the bottom right of the picture, the tires appear to be spitting water out the

back as if the car was in total control. There is a compression wave that is in the front of the
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Ferrari. It looks like the Ferrari is sitting in a puddle pushing it forward. The fact that the Ferrari

appears to be moving, makes the tires look like they have plenty of traction.

In analyzing this picture, I said earlier, "The picture sells something spiritual". The

picture inspires goals that we should strive for in life. Like if you were to stand in the rain, stare

up, and let the raindrops hit you in your face. You would have the choice to either, stand there in

the rain and get wet, or go inside. You do have the choice to drive in the rain or stay at home.

The fact that whoever is driving a Ferrari in the rain, and is not timid or hesitant, says “bold”.

You can push through the rain, or wait. You can hope the rain will stop, but you always know the

rain water won’t go away! You can either push through your stresses or let them pile up. The

picture says if you work hard and battle your stress you can make it. You have the freedom to do

whatever you want to in life to succeed.

The lines that race by the car could be viewed as a timeline of our lives. It is like we are

racing through time pushing everything out of the way. The lines say that life moves fast, and if

you don’t pay close attention, it could pass you by. So pay attention to your memories that you

feel are important or you might lose them.

The raindrops are the little everyday problems that get in the way. The Ferrari can still

ride through them, but the compression wave in the front could be all the stresses that have

accumulated that we haven’t yet dealt with. In life it is important for us to work out our stresses,

otherwise they might be too much water to drive through. So when your problems that hit you in

the face, you must deal with them.

The tires look like they sink a little bit into the puddle, as if they were gaining a foothold.

This is because tires need grip or traction as we do in our lives. Instead of running away from our

stresses, the tires help us stand on our feet, so that we don’t get knocked down. The Ferrari is a
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symbol of strength and stature. It is what we define as “rich”. When we see the Ferrari, it's a sign

of achievement or accomplishment. When the Ferrari pushes through the compression wave with

speed, it says to me that we have stability or control of our own destiny. The fact that it's a

Ferrari says we already know how to manage our own problems, and achieve success.

In conclusion, this picture up lifts me. It shows me how to conduct myself. The picture

tells me a number of things. Some of these things were more dominant then others. The picture

says that everyone has stress, and everyone can let problems accumulate. It also says that if you

are so absorbed by stress, life can pass you by. The picture tells me that you shouldn’t let stress

take control of you, but take control of it. With strength, life can steer you in the right direction,

and only then, you will succeed. These are the most important and inspiring goals we should all

aspire to own.

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