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Hi everyone... I already divide several topics in convenience for u.

If you’re not satisfied with it, just

email me and tell me which topic that u wants. But I hope that you’ll be happy with what I already come
up with to avoid any problems:

IPE and the Environment

Presenter 1 - Siti Shazrin Faliza
 Introduction
 The Widening Scope of Environmental Problems: A Brief History
 History about environmental problems
 The Proliferation of Actors and IPE Perspectives
 Who are within the environmental actors
Presenter 2 - Siti Fatimah Mansor
 The Science and Disputes Facts of Global Warming
 The facts of Green House
 Effects of Global Warming
 Global Change Skeptics
 Forests
 Oceans
Presenter 3 - Noor Aisah
 Global Management of Climate Change
 The Kyoto Protocol
Presenter 4 - Najibah
 The Run-Up to Copenhagen
 Copenhagen And Beyond
Presenter 5 - Noorshafiera
 Solution: A Green IPE?
 Limit Population Growth
 New Technology
Presenter 6 - Ishmurotov Ilhom
 Markets for the Environment
 A New World Order
 Conclusion

As for the late notice that Dr Chris told me today, our group will be six of us including new member,
Ishmurotov Ilhom. Please understand the topic well and came up with your own idea about it. Avoid
copy and paste from the text book if u can. Please bear in mind that everyone must submit the power
point to me tomorrow before 10pm so that I can reorganize it n send to Dr Chris for finalize it, in case
something’s missing out. The paperwork should be done by the latest 16th April 2011. Please email me
and I will compile it for u guys. After that, I will email all the members the full paperwork as your copy.
All members’ cooperation’s are highly appreciated... Thank you


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