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Pato "Casa Juancho" $21

Boneless Long Island roast duck a l'orange with pine nuts and figs

Pechuga de Pollo con Pasas y Piñones $19

Boneless chicken breast in a pinenut and raisin sauce

Conejo al Jerez $21

Rabbit cured in sherry, fresh thyme, and baked in a creamy brown sauce

Cordero Sepúlveda $21

Roast lamb shank with rosemary and garlic in a reduced Rioja wine sauce

Ternera con Setas $23

Veal scaloppini and shiitake mushrooms pan grilled and sauce deglazed with
cream sherry

Cochinillo Segoviano $21

Roast suckling pig

Pallarda de Ternera $23

Grilled thin paillard of prime veal

Steak Tártara $30

Original recipe prepared at table side

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