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Chemistry of Life Atoms

I. Chemistry of life
A. The Nature of Matter
1. Chemistry
a. The structure/function of all living things
2. Matter
a. Anything that occupies space and has mass
b. Mass is the quantity of matter an object has.
(1) Mass is not weight
(a) The same mass would not weigh as much on the moon because it has less
gravitational pull
a. It has the same mass because it has the quantity (amount) of matter.
3. Elements
a. can't be broken down into simpler matter
b. Each element has a symbol
(1) Most of them are the first or first two letters of the name
(a) He = Helium F = Fluorine

4. Atoms
a. Retain all of the properties of the element
b. So small true structure cannot be seen
c. Nucleus = center/core
(1) Consists of protons and neutrons
(2) Protons = positive charge... Neutrons = Neutral charge
(a) Proton = +... neutron= no charge
d. Number of protons is called the atomic number
(1) protons = atomic #
e. Each atom has the same amount of electrons as protons
(1) Electron has negative charged particles
(2) Thus, Electronic charge of the atom is zero
(a) # electrons = # protons
(b) 29 protons plus 29 electrons = 0
f. Electrons romp around the nucleus at deferent levels
(1) 1st level houses two electrons, only
(2) The 2nd and remaining levels can house up to eight
B. Properties of Water
C. Carbon Compounds
D. Chemical Reactions and Enzymes.

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