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VALDEZ, Janine V.

March 14, 2011

BSN 202 Prof.M. Dublin

What do you like and hate most about the Filipinos?

Filipinos are much known for their CLOSE FAMILY TIES. They value their families the
most as manifested by their deep love and care for them. Filipinos are never separated, though
distance may intervene, through thick and thin, they still find time to enjoy and to help each
other. The universe conspires to a family's growth together- to stand beside each other during
times of failure, to offer undying love and support, to jump with joy together during times of
victory. Trust that the family will stay when everyone else would not. This positive trait of many
Filipinos is what I like the most. Relating it to my family, we have been into countless hardships,
challenges and sacrifices, but still in the end, our closeness binds us together. Whether it may
be a financial problem or struggles of health conditions, it has been proven that my mother, I
and my siblings is always there to make things right.

On the other hand, Filipinos, being GOSSIP MONGERS, is one of the traits that make the
Philippines still at the bottom. Many citizens of this nation are fond of inflicting
misunderstandings and quarrels due to false information done with hearsays. Families as well
as friendships have been shattered because of idle talk or rumors, especially about the personal
or private affairs of others. It hurts that Filipinos, though known for being kind and good
persons to neighbors, still are not satisfied of their lives to the point that we talk about others
which in turn can destroy others’ reputations. Imagine having conversations in which we talked
about people’s good qualities and accomplishments behind their back. Think about it: wouldn’t
it be fulfilling in a completely positive way? Speaking about how others helped us, praising their
talents, admiring and aspiring to cultivate their good qualities—speaking about all of these
uplifts our mind, creates the positive karma of right speech, and helps spread happiness in the

Philippines is not yet far behind to change and aspire for progress. If we, Filipinos, will
help and strengthen one another, there we will find success.

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