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Chemistry of Life Compounds

I. Chemistry of life
A. Matter
1. The Nature of Matter

a. Chemistry
b. Matter
B. Atoms
1. Nucleus = center/core
a. consists of protons and neutrons
b. Protons = positive charge... Neutrons = Neutral charge
(1) Proton = +... neutron= no charge
2. Number of protons is called the atomic number
a. protons = atomic #
3. Each atom has the same amount of electrons as protons
a. Electron has negative charged particles
b. thus, Electronic charge of the atom is zero
(1) # electrons = # protons
(2) 29 protons plus 29 electrons = 0
C. Compounds
1. Made of two or more elements
a. Elements are not stable by themselves; thus,
(1) they combine w/ other elements
(2) forming compounds
2. Bonds
a. Covalent Bond
(1) This is when 2 atoms share one or more pairs of e'
(2) Water (H20) is a molecule
(a) 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen
b. Ionic
(1) An e' is lost from one element to another.
(a) they then have a charge
(2) positive and negative charges attract, combine to forming
(a) ioning bond
(b) a molecule
II. Properties of Water
III. Carbon Compounds
IV. Chemical Reactions and Enzymes.

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