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Book Project Choices

Memory Bag: Fill a bag with objects that represent the character,
setting, problem(s), events, and solutions. Be ready to share the items
with the class.

Book Jacket: Create a new book jacket with cover, interested

details, summary, author information, and much more. Be as realistic
as possible – book spine, barcode, etc.

Sandwich Book: Create a sandwich book with bread (book info),

lettuce (summary), tomato (setting), meat (main character), cheese
(what made you happy), onion (what you thought was sweet or sad), and
bottom read (overall review).

Story Skeleton: Create the parts of a skeleton and connect them

with yarn or string. Each part of your skeleton will give different
information about your book: main character, setting, problem, other
characters, interesting details, solution, and review.

Cereal Box Project: Bring in an empty cereal box to decorate with

information about your book. You will include a summary, review,
character, setting, and creativity 

Flip Book: Create a Flip Book including information the book. You will
have a title page, information about the setting and characters, the
problem and solution, as well as additional interesting information or a

M. McNinch 2011

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