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ZL=input('enter ZL value')% load impedance

Z0=input('enter ZO value')% desired input impedance
eps=4; % relative dielectric constant
dp=0.001; % dielectric thickness in meters
f0=500e6; % frequency at which a perfect match has to achieved

% physical constants
mu0=4*pi*1e-7; % permeability of free space
eps0=8.85e-12; % permittivity of free space

% compute required characteristic line impedance


% find the width of the line


% compute distributed transmission line parameters

L=mu0*dp/w; % line inductance in H/m
C=eps0*eps*w/dp; % line capacitance in F/m

vp=1/sqrt(L*C); % phase velocity

Z0=sqrt(L/C); % characteristic line impedance

d=1/(4*f0*sqrt(L*C)); % length of the line

N=100; % number of frequency sampling points

f=2e9*(0:N)/N; % frequency range

betta=2*pi*f/vp; % propagation constant



title('Input impedance of the quarter-wave transformer');

xlabel('Frequency {\itf}, GHz');
ylabel('Input impedance Z_{in}, {\Omega}');
axis([0 2 0 50]);

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