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You’re invited to…

Axtell Memorial Day Community Dinner

When: Monday, May 30 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Where: Axtell School Practice Gym

The Axtell churches are working together on this community meal, so we need your

Keene EFC will need to provide:

8 workers to help serve
4 workers for the 10:30 -12:00 shift
4 workers for the 12:00-1:30 shift

12 dozen cookies for bars

The cookies/bars need to be individually wrapped or packaged in Ziploc baggies
(1 large cookie/bar or 2 small ones in each)
*Sign up for 1 dozen or more

2 dozen pieces of angel food cake

The angel food cake needs to be sliced and packaged in individual baggies

Please sign-up in the Fellowship Hall to work a shift or bring cookies/bars or angel
food cake!


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