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Contents Acknowledgement... Preface Jntreduction {of the .retigions)..ssseeseeeeeeeeee ivation from 7 Divinity... Part Mireel Trini ogical 7 fhe B Cone lusio: erpretas Salvation from The Gite The Letter......... The Reply.s.... 0s Divinity. The Word... John’s Birth..,.. John 10:30...01.. Son of God.......-.. John 815-8, 3-30, » John 14:9......02 Trinity. seeeeseee Miracles..... Ascension Atonement Doctrines The Bible Conclusion. 8720, Relipe Mohammad (pbuh) from The Bible { Salvation Part III }142 Prophecies by Jesus Christ (pbuh).........+..." 143-155 that > seeeeeee "156-158 Prophecies by John The Baptist........ 158-162 Deutronomy 18:18-19 and Kedars..(Qureshites}.." 162-177 Gospel of Barnabas...... feeeeeene 177-186 Prophecies by Jeremiah.. : 186-187 Prophecies by Jacob PBUH fees 187-188 Prophecies by Messes PBUH........ seeeeeee” 188-190 Prophecies by Solomon PBUH. Prophecies by David, Isiah, & Others PBU them." 191-267 Prophecies in Hindu & Persian scriptures......" 207-215 Who is the greatest...iviews opposite camp)..." 215-241 Christianity History & confli Second Arrival (of References... seveeeee” 190-193 us Christivesseee Salvation from The Bible IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST GRACIOUS MOST MERCIFUL SALVATION FROM THE BIBLE _.cknowledgenente First of all I thank Allah The Almighty,The compassion- “syuce, The cherisher, The sustainer of the universe, Who made me born in a Muslim family and guided me with the truth thr= ough His revealed book ‘The Woly Quran’delivered to His last Prophet and Messenger Mohamued PRUH, eize 1 was also the ignorants.I pray to Allah, The Almighty 1f keep me alive be it on His approved religion Islam and if He causes me to die, bet me breath last with His holy name on my lips. Secondly 7 like to acknowledge my gratitude to Hr.Ahmad Decdat an Indian born, South African national,A Muslim scho- lar of the Christian scripture and a scholar of comparative study of the religion and above all a brave relentless sol- dier in the cause of Allah,had been the source of encourage- ment to me and the knowledge. May Allah shower upon Him, Ris abundant bounties and add to him more wisdom,courage and let him serve more and more humans in the path of righteousness and accept his services for the religion islam and make the- se the reasons for bis pardon on the Day of Judgement. Thirdly I acknowledge my gratitude to Dr, Jamal Badawi whose video and TY programmes and lectures have helped me a- lot in the understanding of the subject and the material for this book. lng... Fourthly I like to acknowledge ny thanks to Ur. Recardo Disquerra of Philippines ‘My Father in Law’, Who sent me a lesson from the scripture (Vol.i1, $9 of 1968) in response to some reading and audio-materials, that I sent to-hia-to- impart some knowledge of Islam,the actual religion taught. by ‘Jesus Christ—pbuhy I read the lesson to the justice of the [eubsect ‘and my satisfaction.And to my surprise I found it so much conflicting and confusing that made me go into further Study through my available materials and found lot of mis- (interpretations which needed much of justifications, I prep- ated the reply with reasonable questions on the subject from the lesson and some logical interpretations of the verses acceptable to a layman’s understanding. fventually the answer became lengthier enough, which gave me the idea to give it a form of a’booklet,in order to serve some purpose and enligh= tenment to the seekers. Yet my questions remain for answers Which are extended towards Mr Ricardo Bisquerra, and those who follow his faith, - Quran, The Divine Constitution Acknowledgement Ir y bastly I am so grateful to Dr. Zaghloul Raghib Elnajjar 8c. Professor and Head of the Department of Earth science, jaiversity of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, K.S.A. for his guidance and valuable refereeship of this book which he cou- ‘aq make it possible out of his extremely busy schedule. May Pallah give him a long life and reserve His special rewards for him for all his services in His cause on the day of Jud- Jgement Ameen. I also like to acknowledge the help that I have sought from the pamphlet by Prof, Krishna Rama Rao in relation with Prophet Mohammad PBUH, as ever great human born on the face of the earth. T submit my due apologies for not seeking his permission, yet I believe he will not mind the use of his article, which constitutes the most important part of this book. This is to let the readers know a little bit of the person of this great human who gave an unamendable constitu- tion for the human society and whose every bit of life became a part of the religion, However I keep the credit of the part “Who is the greatest" reserved for Prof.Rama Krish- na Rao. Similarly all those such works which have been used in this presentation, owe my acknowledgements in general. Let me acknowledges, with this study I do not intend any scholarship recognition or debates or dialogues. As I said earlier it is not intended but incidental, started to answer a letler from a father in-law of a Christian faith. But now for avaryona, Tt is a study earnestly intended to excavate Lhe truth and putting a sign demarcating, ‘Salvation’ this way (-->) at a corner of a complicated roads network of faiths. Condition You have to follow the indication and you will know the truth. Many who donot agres, may accept my “apologies in advance if the study or the commentary matter hurts them anywhere for it is natural, a faith is a delicate Subject and truth is a bitter substance. I Gan understand, but they should believe that hurting anyone isnot my ‘inten tion, but helplessly if I may have to mention some facts, —Figures—and—comparisons—for—the sake of understanding and— recognition of the truth. Also, T wish to submit my apology before the readers to forgive ma for my poor language and punctuations, consider ing my nonliterary career, as T am just a medical practitioner, and not a man of Engfish literature, who should be rich in these minutia of English grammar. I pray Allah the Almighty, to accept all our efforts in His cause, what ever, and who ever,is thus engaged in. Ameen Dr. Aftab Abmad Khan Islam, The way of life Preface “ 31I Preface: doubt that human has achieved miraculously on the material grounds but his Moral world has gone deepest down all times, Since moral is related with the spirituality and the later with God Almighty, suggests that our moral back- wardness is because of the fact that we are ignoring God and godliness in our lives.It is our every day observations that man is committing moral crimes such that even the Satan will sit_in a corner. This is because of our race towards mate~ rial gains is so much occupying that it does not leave any Lime with us even to think of God whal. of the rites and the obligations towards ilim, Neither do we have time to educate our dven on this subject. Therefore a chili grows up dis- respectful towards his parents, teachers and elders is natu- If he doesn’t follow the moral or is not his fault use we do not give them any education about it.The lives ss is a natural phenomenon keeps on moving, When an in- dividual reaches to old age, his strengths are already worn otf together with the materials transfers to another inheri- lance which he collected all his life. This is the time when js so helpless he needs his flesh and blood should come formard to take care of him same as he did when this flesh and blood from him was very small.But truth comes infront in a very ugly and horrible shape, then he realizes what he had gained what he lost. Today we read some Rawana had stabbed his old parents in their belly fighting for inheritance, but one Shrawana who will carry his parents on his shoulders © 4 pilgrimage.Moral world doesn’t exist without the belief in God, Accountability and the belief. of rewards and the pun- ishments for sins in the life after death.Moral education so acutely needed today if you want to come back to some degree of humenity, if you want to enjoy some moral order in the the life of the world, and if you want to save title of your superiority in the whole creation. This book is an effort of my eleven years of hard work to impart some knowledge of God Almighty, giving a lay out about the religions in general and _-&_comprehensiveand_comparative study_of the two gigantic —— faiths Islam, and Christianity, It is prepared honestly and genuinly in order to help in finding out the religion of the truth and reminder of accountability to save the eternal 1i- fe after death. I can assure you the arguments used here are logical and can not be contradicted unless one is determined to do so.I pray God Almighty to take me more and more in His service what ever best I may be able to do. May Allah guide the readers with the truth and bestow peace and lawful sust- enance in their lives and save them from the eternal fire. Amen. The book is open for your honest comments in order to find out the very purpose. However you are still the best judge. Dr. Aftab Quran, The Divine Constitution Introduction Iv ‘INTRODUCTION As stated earlier, This ‘book exists incidentally as a result of a few dialogues between me, and my Father in-law Mr-Ricardo Bisquerra of Philippines, through our letters. It consists of three main parts namely, Part-I, Part-II, and part-TIl. Part-I consiilules the questions and some logical int~ erpretations of the unreasonably and unlogically explained, jmportant verses,ialked in the lesson from the Bible, #9 Vol. 31 of 1968 from Philippines. Part-TT, is ¢ quecra which has been incl and Lhe second parts, FROM THE BIBLE? of the letter of Hr.Recardo Bi response of ti Parti This letter part TE before my answer. The first Uhe book SALVATION Part-TTT, consists of through various pre regarding the coming of The Pro~ phet. of peace, Tho messenger of salvation, Pro. Mohammad PBUI This is the most essential part in this book for the seekers of the truth ss if sili help them in the formation and stre= ngthening the will understand. This third part is named as "MOKA WE BIBLE". This part also includes some important: of the people other than Muslims i.e from amongst Christians, Jews and Hindus regarding Prophet Mohawmad PBUH and The lioiy Quran, A brief account of the hi- story of Christianity and some comments of renowned Christ— ians about Christianity, The book concludes with an interest~ ing chapter of the second arrival of Pro. Jesus Christ PBUH. The Religion Man from his very existence was in the recognition of a supreme power as the creator and the controller of all which exists in this universe and bowed to Him in worship and has felt satisfied with it,as one The most Powerful, The Supreme above all beings, Kind and the Hearer of the unspoken words” and of the cries in the secrets, alwaysTawake,is his patron, his helper and the deliverer from all pains and problems, in the world and the ultimate savior on the judgement day for his eternal abode in the here-after. This supreme being he Pronounced God,and his faith, with all emotions and worships he termed it, as "The Religion". The concept of this supreme power prevails in the human mind from all ages and according to his understanding he has even tried to imagine God in a shape,and gave a picture from his mind,and thus many started worshipping the creations of their own imaginations. As many People did this, as many different images with different na- mes and shapes took the birth. And it is natural, one would not necessarily agree fully with the other to accept some one else’s imaginations and interpretations.’ Therefore any one who differed from others, created a god and the faith of Quran, The Divine Constitution . Salvation from The Bible v ‘pis own linderstanding befitting to his needs and demands and fo,many different faiths and religions were found. While the _pan was worshipping the images of his own mind,God chose men from time to time in all the nations and guided them reveal- jng the truth to let them know what God really is, and what fle is not, and to guide the people,how to live a social lite ‘these men were called ‘The Prophets? and The messengers of Gos uote Quran: "ANd FOR BVERY NATION WE SENT AN APOSTUR“CH.10247 Thus we have amongst humans, worshippers of the images as for Hinduism and worshippers of Ged in unseen in Tslam WWISTIANITY, As generaily defined, The religion founded by aus Christ, However a Susiim shall differ to this defini- on as Jesus Christ who was known as Hasaiah Yasu until Ist ceuiury A.D and had never known his name as’ Jesus Christ and tie term Christianity in his life. He was one of the five greatest messengers of God a righteous servent in ilis cause iad not come to give his own ideas and the docirines but ane to remind the religion of God,particulariy for the peo pie in he house of Israci, The religion taught by Prophet ses and earlier prophets, including Prophet Abraham and ) PBU them for which,and every prophet, until it was fin- ajized through Prophet Nohammad PBUH. The term Christianity as such, was first used by Ignatius Lhe Lishop of Antioch (died AD 110), in his letier to Hagne- si Thus the term Christianity is a rather late Christian neologism used to contrast the beliefs and way of life of Christians with that of both Jews of the synogosue and sect~ arian Jewish Christians (i.e.Christians who wanted to retain Mosaic law) Quotation; Ref. Encyclopaedia Britanica, 1973-74 edition. Thus it makes clear that this lately defined Christ~ jan’s faith and the way of life was not given by Jesus Chr- ist,as he himself was from Jews and retained the Jewish laws in his teachings as he said, Matth.5:17-18 "Think not that I have come to destroy the law, out to fulfill.” And the sect~ arian Christians who wanted to retain the Mosaic laws were the believers and the true followers of Jesus Christ who we- re different from rest of the Jews, who had rejected Jesus Christ altogether and Ignatian Christians who had formulated new faith and new ways of life, and had rejected Nosaic laws, which Jesus Christ himself observed and stated to fulfill as in above verse, Therefore it is not the justice to attribute Today’s Christianity to Jesus Christ, as its founder, which he never preached. Briefly Christianity,is a complex, but the largest faith of monotheism,clad in the cloak of polytheism, ‘The Trinity” Father and The Son and The Holy Ghost, not three persons but one person, =~ Quran, The Divine Constitution Introduction VI £ - CHURCHES; preaching, % ‘Not the works But Faith’. * Trinity, 1John 5 Ghost are one". 7-8 "The Father,The Son and the Holy he Holy Trinity’! # Ascension of Jesus from the dead, 1 John 15:13 % Jesus died for our sins 1 Cr.John 15:3, Redemption + Salvation through the blood of Jesus. 1 John 15:3 # Jesus, God incarnate. end judgement etc. ne savior of the day of The most interesting « rect of Christian faith is, That the death is the full payment for ali human sins and a in faith of Chr all enter The Paradise with question by The Lord for aay of his small or big sins, which he had already committed in his life in the world, provided he breathed last with the faiths listed as above.! yy! @ IS it true, or a br Q- Is Paradise by virtue of deeds and correct faith or by inheritance 7 Q@ Is this faith evidentially proven or a leap into the faith without conformation.? Jesus pbuh said, * "As the body apart soul is dead,so is the faith apart deeds is dead." James Ch.2:26. * "If you want to enter the Paradise keep the command- ments" Matthew. 19:16-17 * Verily verily I say unto you, Except your righteous- ness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, Ye shall by no means enter the kingdom of heavens Math. 5:20 The present faiths in Christianity are not the teachings of Jesus Christ PBUH, but the Job of clergies who formulated these centuries after Jesus Christ PBUH,that is why there is no compromise between the two. Righteousness demands from us the deeds and the sacrifices under the correct faith. Hany People are not convinced with the controvercial accounts in Christianity, Therefore they search for the truth. ISLAM, is the second largest faith based on the princi ples of absolute monotheism, Belief of One God in unseen as the creator and sustainer and absolute in all respects. The Religion'Islam’ explains its foundation from the creation of Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible VIL first buman i.e Adam PBUH and so all prophets and messengers were deputed by Allah Almighty, on earth for human guidance, those named and those not named, All are Prophets of Islam without distinction and Prophet Mohammad PBUH, remained the last one in this series, in whose time The Religion was comp- jeled and finalized, and received Allah's recognition ar aproval for its practice by all men and women as their reli- gion. Quran Ch.5:3"THIS DAY HAVE T PERFECTED YOUR RELIGION ‘AND HAVE I COMPLETED MY Fi S FOR YOU AND HAVE CHOSEN FOR You TSLAM AS RELIGION," Therefore Islam as wrongly believed by now Muslims, is not founded by Mohammad PBUH but ofcourse was coupicted ai his hands. MAN DID NOT OPEN HIS F ES IN THE DARKNESS i WILL CREATE NY THEY IN REPLY, “THOU SHALL CRE. ED BLOOD ON EARTH. WE WORSHT b, "WHAT I KNOW YOU KNOW NOT" i THINGS (QURAN CH, 2:30-31) OWE WHO AKD PRAISE YOUR GLORY, TAUGHT ADAM THK NAMES OF Allah the Almighty 3ave humans through Adam PBUH a vast nowledge more than those of the angels and wisdom to think, and freedom to act. Discoveries in science and technology is the clear evidence of human’s vast Knowledge for which the xevse as quoted above stand _ It is wrong to think that opened his eyes in the ignoranée. +-"AND WE SATD TO THE ANGELS,"BOW DOWN TO ADAM" ,AND THEY LOKED DOWN, EXCEPT IBLEES, (Lucifer The satan) HE WAS PROUD AND WAS AMONGST THE REFUSERS. AND WE SAID TO ADAM, "LIVE YOU AND YOUR WIFE IN THE PARADISE AND BAT FROM IT ANY THING THAT YOU LIKE AND DONOT GET NEARER TO THIS TREE OR YOU WILL BE OF THE WRONG DOERS. THUS APPROACHED TO THEM THE SATAN, AND GOT ‘THEM OUSTED FROM WHERE THEY HAD BEEN. AND SAID WE,(God) “YOU ARE ‘THE ENEMIES OF EACH OTHER, (Satan and Adam) AND FOR BOTH OF -YOU-IS~AN-ABODE, AND SUSTENANCE -ON-EARTH FORA FEXED-TIME— AND LORD TAUGHT ADAM THE WORDS OF PARDON AND HE PARDONED HIM INDEED HE IS PARDONING KIND. AND SAID, "GET DOWN BOTH OF YOU FROM HERE AND IF AS IS SURE THERE COMES THE GUIDANCE FROM ME THEN WHO WILL FOLLOW MY GUIDANCE SHALL HAVE NO FEAR NOR WILL ‘THEY GRIEF AND THOSE WHO WILL REJECT FAITH, AND BELIE OUR SIGNS THEY SHALL BE THE INMATES OF THE FIRE, THEY SHALL ABIDE THERE IN FOR EVER." (QURAN (CH. 2:34-39) The Lucifer (A creature from fire) before becoming Satan was a great worshipper of the Lord and from his prayers he had earned a distinguished place amongst all angeis and had his name Azazeel. He too was given tremendous knowledge. But when he refused to obey The Lord, All his worships were was- ted and was ousted from his place and status, and was conde~ mned as Satan and was called Iblees. Quran, The Divine Constitution Introduction VIET who will care for the hereafter has Le work s s0 havd this may be. To such a belie- ihe ver Allal gar hereafter, and pro- lees a bert suenann ioo,Bul even if il is teee LN amps is no » or begins to wor unrighteous, he tes ta rejoice with patience, and praise The lord in ali circumstances, he may encounter in his life QU. -3 “BY TIMB,(Lhe token of time through Lhe y y MAN GS UN i OUS DEEDS Ai ages) AND DO RIGHT EXCEPT SUCH AS WHO HAVE TAITH ND ENJOIN THE TRUTH AND PATIENCE” Therefore, [slam satisfies the human mind logically and reasonably. vefore for a Muslim the salvation lies in his faith as well as in his righteous deeds, and that appeals is attractive, and this is the reason, Islam prevails above all the contemporary religions, and is easily accepted by laymen as well as by intellects,without slightest hesitation. Islam befits perfectly with the nature that is why it is free from any controversy and so no questions raised. And is readily “acceptable toa reasonable minds ..., God, Resurrection, i Judgement, Paradise and Heil are the truths te be believed ymeeen. And there are sound logics about these iets wich appeals to the reasoning minds, Vogicd, Asin our woridly life, there are courts of jus~ tice and police stations to maintain the law and order situ- ations. Similariy, One works for there is a payment, but if he knows that there wiil be no payment or a reward he will - stop working. The concept of the reward or punishment after the death,has been kept being reminded to men in ali nations and all ages through the messengers in order to maintain the Jaw and order on earth in the Divine spirit without the need of the police and courts. Prophet Mohammad was the last of the reminderers for the whole mankind. Reference Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible xv Alquran, Ch, 34:28, “WE HAVE NOT SEND YOU, SAVE AS A BEARER OF GLAD TIDINGS AND A WARNER; FOR THE WHOLE MANKIND BUT MOST MANKIND DO NOT KNOW." ore. the limits of: man are exhausted, there begin the capsbilities of God Almighty,for example the maximum punish- ment at the hands of justice in the word for any single ma~ jor crime or multiple major crimes could be one single capi- ial punishment for all crimes. But this is as justice, if one who has killed hundreds of men showld he killed huniteds of times and this is not possib men but ts iefinitely pos~ FT God The Almighty, i.e. why Gad reminds men (nat itis panivhuont is more lastint and more severs,and (hat there is a cstape From Tis eyes mist reach, however snail and concea- jets crime may be, white man, who has a Tinited vision, the wero, doers can escape lis exes and keep vn committing the crimes until they are seen and caught ilis rewards is wen who lived their jives within the ord suffered and sacrificed in His cx 5 can compensate their sacrifices sul fferings sa- ve Aljah who can reward Chem a perfect compensation in terms y' His eternal Paradise.And nothing in the world can compare ewards of the Paradise,the beauty and comforts of which cm never be imagined by man. down Laws of io worldly re These basic facts,The God, Resurrection, Judgement, Para sitxe, and Hell were emphasized by each messenger, whether he : Noah, Abraham, Mosses, Jesus or Mohammad PBU t-hem.There- it can easily be concluded that Prophet Hohammad PBUH, ed the same religion, which had been revealed to the first messenger and later to all the intermediates and lastly to Prophet Mohammad PBUH, and this was Islam. God’s approval for this religion is received in the Holy QURAN in Chapt.5:3, “THIS DAY I HAVE PERFECTED YOUR RELIGION FOR YOU, COMPLETED MY FAVOUR UPON YOU AND HAVE CHOSEN FOR YOU ISLAM AS YOUR RELIGION Note that God has used the words meaning Perfected—and completed, and not given, and so it becomes clear for the eyes of those who have vision, shall have no difficulty in recognizing Islam, as the first and the ulti- mate religion of God.lere are some verses from Quran verify- ing Lhe statement that islam was the religion of all the pro bhets and not for Mohammad PBUH, alone. oe 1 "ALL PROPHETS, WHICH WERE MUSLIMS" Ch. 5:44 2.AND THIS WAS THE LEGACY THAT ABRAHAM LEFT TO HIS SONS aN SO DID JACOB, (Israel); " OH MY SONS GOD HAS CHOSEN THE FAITH FOR YOU THEN DIE NOT EXCEPT AS A MUSLIM.” that is in the faith of Islam “Ch. 2:132. 3."WERE YOU WITNESS WHEN DEATH APPEARED TO JACOB? BEHO- LD HE SAID TO HIS SONS, “WHAT WILL YOU WORSHIP AFTER ME"THEY Quran, The Divine Constitution Introduction "SAID: "WE SHALL WORSHIP THY GOD AND THE GOD OF THY FATHERS, “ABRAHAM, ISMAIL AND ISAAC THE ONE (True) GOD ; TO HIM WE BOW JN SUBMISSION (islam), Ch. 27133. 4. “AND BEHOLD! I INSPIRED THE DISCIPLES TO HAVE FAITH; TUEY SAID,WE HAVE FAITH,AND DO THOU BEAR WITNESS TRAT WE BOW 70 GOD AS MUSLIMS." Ch. 5:114 (Gjsiples of Jesus W's cl) 5.(The magicians who believed in The Lord of the worlds. after their combat with Mosses, are answering to Phara- ob's threat} “YOU WANT TO TAK GH ON US SIMPLY BECAUSE, WE BELTEVED JW THE SIGNS OF OUR LORD, WHEN THEY REACHED US OUR LORD’ POUR ON US PATIENCE AND START. 1 our sou- LS UNTO THER AS MUSLIMS." Ch. 7:12 WORSHIP Tt is the physical demonstration on the part of a bel- jever of his bondship to bis Lord, paying thanks and proc] viming, His greatness reading the glory of God Almighty, and submission to the Lordship of The hord,Physicaiiy as well as mentally in a degree of absolute humbleness, iove, and devo- Lion.Any soul worshipping thus, achieves nearness to God and gets away and away from the Satan, Therefore Worship makes a soul spiritially cleaner, and cleaner and does not allow any dirt of evil ideas and deeds to settle on a pious person Every permissible deed of a believer is included in his worship such as working honestly, earning livelihood for him self and for his family,care for himself and his family, pa- rents and neighbors, good behaviors, Hospitality, Sacrifice in the cause of mankind, country, God and His faith are gre- ater forms of worship. Humans are forgetful by their nature and can easily forget and be tempted by the Satan and may commit malicious deeds, such as dishonesty, cheating, greed carelessness towards other humankind even his family parents Joining more dirty effairs end parties if he is not occupied mentally with compulsory prayers./( gf P ¥ Praverse/ 6 af But once an individual is in observance of his faith in The Lord of the worlds, The Day of judgement, and keeps him~ self engaged mentally and physically through attending pres- cribed Prayers, as many as five times a day besides spending every other moment in remembering God and reading His glory while awake or at rest at work or at meals would not leave a mind empty even for moments to allow the Satan to get in,and tempt him towards the evils Quran, Ch. 29:45 "INDEED PRAYER RESTRAINS FROM SHAMEFUL AND UNJUST DEEDS; AND REMEMBRANCE OF GOD IS GREATEST” (thing in life) without doubt Therefore, worship is necessary for the’ cleanliness of one’s soul, and mind as the water, is necessary to clean the Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible RVI jody. There is a tradition from prophet Mohammad PBUH which Snilizes prayers and ablution with a river which is flowing jn front of one’s house in which he washes five times a day, * Prophet PBUH asks his companions"Shall there remain any dirt Jere upon the person of such a man? The companion replicd No The prophet said,Fxactiy same way the five times prayors wa- sh off all. the dirts from the soul of thc worshippers. Or as had said the prophet. The Prayers are prescribed upon the believers under fix cd Limings." as stated in The Holy Quran Ch. 4:103 INDEED THE PRAYERS WAVE BEEN PRESGR ERS UNDER FIXED TIMINGS". ED UPON THE BELI- For a believer, there is no escape from the prescribed prayers and those of the believers who abstain obligatory prayers are considered atpar nonbelievers, truly as stated by prophet Mohammad pbuh. New Quran, The Divine Cons ution een ue AN Ad AAT, (0 AA A zanaany tamsanenae N.accrensa oneorya (2a Reena, flinseas casa nel i BEE — oh | eA AMER TA maaan npeioml Salvation from’The Bible-Part T 27th May 1987 Part I pearest Tatai Regards and the best wishes Received the lesson from tbe Bible(Vol.11 #9 of1968) and your letter that you sent me,through your daugh- ter. Though T have taken a considerable time in its answer but this was requir- ed so as to make me able to do the justice with the subject you have brought forth . ~ T& s-i1 read the lesson with patience did full justice as per your expectations. But there are things which logicsdo. . not accept. Therefore I have certain doubts and . many quaries regarding various articles of faith and many related verses which have compelled me to ask you for their clerifications. My answer of your letter and the study of the above men- tioned lesson from The Bi- ble (No 9, Vol. 11 1968) is as under, Your quick reply will be most desirable and twill help us to reach a “conclusion about the truth. ———Many—of—us—believe—of—God. For. any. religion. the.very fundamental concept goes towards God, Who is God and what is God? Humanity since the very beginning is wand- ‘ering around to know this truth Different people and different nations have dif- ferent concepts regarding God, Let us see what could jbe the most logical and ap- tplicable concept regarding God Almighty before we open up the actual subject Jesus Christ PBUH, Because he too is believed as God in some sects of Christendom while some dispute his divinity. God It is the great misery of the human being with all excellence of wisdom, He hardly has any knowledge of God Almighty. Truly a human mind can not comprehend God fully, but atleast how much is told to him by the Pro phets of God. Many of us do not believe altogether any existence of God. They attribute every thing goes on by way of its nature and the material is every thing. I will not go argue with this group of people except that I will say there is none who at any time in his life was not compelled to have beli- eved of a super power in control of all impossibili- ties. Those who believe in God, Most of us believe God wro~ ngly and this is because We are curious to know How God is, and do not bother to know What God is. And so of what He is not, and Do _not..know any thing of Him, what He is. No one on earth can claim he has seen God, not even Prophets of God.A human eye can not tolerate the Look of God.You can not tolerate a view of the lightening or of the sun. How than God Himself, Who is the creator of these objects. An insta~ nce stated in Quran where Prophet Mosses PBUH, had Quran, The Divine Constitution Divinity desired to see The God. He was told "You can not tole- fate that lock 0 Moosa, but jook at that mountain if it remains to stand then you may and there was a lighte- ning Noosa fell unconscious when he regained conscious ness saw thé mountain had fallen ashes. So it is fut- ile to bother for one to imagine God, How He looks like, but simply should bother to know What God is, will profit him more, and will help guidance into the righteousness. Holy Quran Chapter, 03. "GOD COMPREHENDS ALL VISTO- NS,BUT VISION DOES NOT COM- PREHEND GOD. chapt.7:143 (God to Mosses) "YOU CAN’T SEE ME,WELL LOOK AT THAT MOUNTAIN IN FRONT OF YOU.IF THIS MOUNTAIN CAN RETAIN ITSELF IN ITS PLACE, THEN YOU MAY. AND GOD THREW WIS LIGHT UPON THE MOUNTAIN WHICH TURNED TO DUST AND MOSSES FELL UNCONSCTOUS." What God is known to us is by His attributes. * Onnipresent * Omnipotent * Never sleeps or get tired, even slumber doesn’t take him up. * No Partners, * Not begotten, nor begets * None like unto Him # The Lord of the uni- verse,Alone for wor- ship. * The Lord of the day of Judgement and the Lone savior. * Kind, Most benefi- cent Gracious, Pardoner Compassionate The Merciful etc. etc. etc. whee In The holy Quran God has 99 beautiful names of these attributes with which He is known to us that, What God is. And His belief demands strictly unseen.For the be-~ lief means unseen otherwise Having seen some thing and then it’s belief,Well It is not the belief but the wit- ness or an experience. Because of the poverty of the words, we hear similar words for objects in the creation either, e.g. God is The Creator, Man also creates some thing new. God ——-* Absolutely_Indepen-——— i's — Know: _Established_for ever Almighty All Capable All Knowledgeable Alhearing, Alseeing The Creator of all things from nothing The susthiner of the universe * Light of the skies and the earth. * The beginner of the skies and the earth. wR * also Knowledgeable to some -extent, God is capable Man too possesses some amount of capabilities etc. etc. But here what is to be und- erstood very clearly, that one can always retain in his mind the difference be- tween the creator and the creation. All qualities re~ lated to God is His own and not awarded by any one,that is why these qualities of God are permanent with Him. But all qualities possessed Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible-Part I by any being in the crea- tion are awarded and there- fore these are not permane- nt and vanish from being with that being in the cre- ation.Secondly The approach of God is infinite unlimit- ed whereas the qualities of a creation are limitted.atal. (amet All those people who attri- bute Divinity to any one, may measure the authority of his belief at the scale of the above attributes. If he, or she, or it, measures fully at the stated stand- ards and criteria. He may be right. But if the belief falls short in fulfilling the requisite criteria is probably wrong and needs to correct. Some Quranic verses in evi- dence of the various attri- butes of God. Quran Ch.1:1-3, “ALL THE PRAISES BE TO ALLAH, THE SUSTAINER OF THE WORLDS, COMPASSIONTE, THE MERCIFUL, THE LORD OF THE JUDGEMENT DAY. Ch.2:255 “ALLAH,THERE IS NO GOD BESIDE HIM, HE IS ALIVE AND SUSTAINED, SLUMBER SEI- ZES—HIN-NC (OT ;NOR-HE- SLEEPS" EARTH FOR THE FIRST TIME, Ch.57:3 "HE _IS_THE_BEGINN=____LIKE_OF THEM, YEA!_HE—IS—THE ING HE IS THE END,HE IS THE APPARENT, HE IS THE HIDDEN. AND HE HAS THE KNOWLEDGE OF ALL THINGS Che112:1-4(Al-Ikhlas) "TELL THAT ALLAH IS ONE, ALLAH IS NEEDLESS, NEITHER HE BEGETS NOR IS HE BEGOTTEN, AND TH- ERE IS NONE LIKE UNTO HIM." ran Ch. 2 :117 "THE ORI- INATOR OF THE SKIES AND THE KARTH,WHEN HE DECREETHS A THING SIMPLY SAYS TO IT, BE AND IT Is, Ch. 3:47 “SHE [Mary] REP- LIED, "O MY LORD! HOW SHALL I HAVE A SON WHEN NO MAN HAS TOUCHED ME;HE SAID, "SO IT WIbL BE FOR ALLAH CREA- TES WHAT HE WILL, WHEN HE HAS DECREED A THING;HE SAYS TO IT ONLY, BE AND IT Is. ." Ch.2:284 “ALL THAT, BETWEEN THE SKIES AND THE EARTH BE LONGS TO ALLAH, AND WEATHER YOU REVEAL OR HIDE THAT WHICH IS IN YOUR MIND ALLAH WILL ACCOUNT IT WITH YOU THEN HE WILL FOR GIVE WHOM HE WILL, AND PUNISH WHOM HE WILL, Ch. 36: 78,"AND HE RECOUNTS FOR US A SIMILITUDE AND FORGETS HIS CREATION. HE SAYS; WHO SHALL QUICKEN THE BONES AFTER THEY ARE DECAY- ED,? * Ch.36:79,SAY THOU; HE SHALL QUICKEN THEM WHO BROUGHT THEM FORTH FOR THE FIRST TIME._AND HE IS THE KNOWER OF EVERY MANNER OF CREATION Ch.36 : 81, “IS NOT HE WHO CREATED THE HEAVENS AND IS CAPABLE OF CREATING THE SUPREME CREATOR, THE KNOWER Ch.36 :82 “HIS AFFAIRS WHEN HE INTENDS A THING, IS ONLY THAT HE SAYS TO IT: BE, AND IT Is." Ch.36 : 83,"WHEREFORE HALL- OWED BE HE,IN WHOSE HAND IS THE GOVERNANCE OF EVERY TH- ING, AND TO WHOM YOU SHALL BE RETURNED" Quran, The Divine Constitution Divinity 4 bapt. 21: 22 “HAD THERE EEN GODS BESIDE ALLAH, THE IRWAIN WOULD CERTAINLY FIGHT HALLOWED BE ALLAH, THE LORD ‘THE .THRONE FROM WHAT F fuer UTTER". 2, Ch. 23:91."ALLAH HAS NOT TAKEN TO HIMSELF ANY SON, AND THERE IS NO GOD BESIDE WIM, ELSE EACH ONE, OF THEM WOULD HAVE GONE OFF WHAT HE HAD CREATED AND ONE OF THEM WOULD EXALT THE OTHER. HAL LOWED BE ALLAH WHAT THEY DESCRIBE.” ch. 17:23 “YOUR LORD HAS DECREED TO WORSHIP NONE BUT HIM", Ch. 17:39 “THESE ARE AMON— GST THE PRECEPTS OF WISDOM, WHICH THY LORD HAS REVEALED TO THEE, TAKE NOT WITH GOD ANOTHER OBJECT OF WORSHIP, LEST THOU SHOULDST BE THRO- WN INTO HELL,A BLAME WORTHY AND REJECTED" 7 All our holy scriptures, Quran, The Testaments, The Vedas and Shastras are full lar attributes. But Who, and what has caused ixing the impurities with PURE’ rendering the mixture unacceptable, became the weak so is our moral world weaker today. One may throw away his old and sick pare nts from his responsibili. ties. Kill his father for some greed, or slap his mother, burn his wife for want of dowery or lust of a woman, Rapes, steel or be~ comes a terrorist.Is it not true? Yes it is true. Let’s think, How to correct our moral world to be called worthy of our status in the creation. Is it not human is spoken at the top of all the creations? but which human? A fearless terroriz- ing one ! or a God fearing charities maker.? God has said in QURAN Ch.49 verse3 "O MAN KIND WE CREA- TED YOU FROM A SINGLE pair MALE AND A FEMALE AND MADE YOU INTO NATIONS AND TRIBES THAT YE MAY KNOW EACH OTHER NOT THAT YE MAY DESPISE EA- CH OTHER, VERILY THE MOST HONORED AMONGST YOU IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAH, IS (He who is) THE MOST RIGHTEOUS OK YOU, AND GOD HAS FULL KNOW WEDGE AND IS WELL ACQUAINT- ED (of all things) Colors, languages are the signs of God meant for the fter death. This is the reason for the superfecia- ity in our belief and the ractice of the religion, here by the sufferings of ur moral world. Just as T said very truly "There ay not be a proof of the xistance of God in the just as our faith in God is A sermon recorded by the faithfuls at the occasion of the last Huj with the Prophet Mohammad PBUH, which he addressed to the pil- grims. "0, people listen’ to my words,For I know not anoth- er year for me after this year to find myself amongst Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible~Part I you at this place. Your 1i Yes and properties*are sac~ ed and inviolable amongst ne another until you appe- ar before the Lord.And_re- 0, people you have rights over your wives, and your wives have rights over you, Treat them with kindness and jove.Keep always faith— ful to trust reposed in you All men equal in Islam, The Arabs have no superio- rity over the non Arabs,Nor the non Arabs have any sup~ criority over the Arabs, You all are the children of Adam and Adam was created from the dust." Well calculate your self, which is logical appeals und which apeals in all po-~ sibilities is nearest to the truth. And in truth is hidden The Peace and The Now The subject: Jesus PBUH Ir yes..No disputes, No need for arg Is he The God Himself ! 7 Incarnate! or even the son pe God? What makes him God? peeds debates,arguments and justifications to verify he belief and a book like ‘his analysing honestly and eparating the water from he milk, putting forth the ruth crystal clear for the eople who are keen to know he truth. Every argument used here is pure, ... malice is not intended Rest assure. JESUS, God incarnate 1? Q- Can one imagine that God was impersonated !? Can human intellect ima- gine the divine nature of God.? The answer is definitely no Q- Does JESUS pbuh, who was carried in the womb of Mary PBU her,for nine months was born naturally,grew up as a little babe before the eyes of everyone in his communi- ty, qualify to fit to God's qualities? The man who hungered and ate,needed to excrete, felt tired and slept, like any common dependent. Can he qualify to be God? God, Who is fully independent of all things.? The Holy QURAN Ch.5:75reads "CHRIST JESUS SON OF MARY, WAS NO MORE THAN AN APOSTLE AND HIS MOTHER WAS A SAINT- LY WOMAN,HANY MORE PROPHETS USED TO EAT FOOD LOOK HOW THEM, LOOK HOW THEY DEVIATE FROM THE TRUTH.” Christian’s argument, Jesus fully man and fully God, at the same time.! Q-Did God Almighty surren- der His independent nature to assume dependent nature? Absolutenesé as stated in this statement‘Full man and. Quran, The Divine Constitution {AKE_OUR_SIGNS_CLEAR—FOR Divinity full God’ can never be ach- jeved, if God was retaining His. independent qualities and yet became a man, a fu- ily dependent creature. And a mortal. Such a complex combination, a mixture! yet one will insist for its Purity, 4 fully man and fu- ily God at the same time is far away from the truth! A dependent nature needs air, water, food, rest and excretion, and an opposite sex for reproduction and multiplication. For without these the animal will not exist. God is independent of all needs, so lives and never dies. How a dependent can be at par independent!? When the former dies, if these needs are not met out and the later doesn’t need any of these for His survival. So the two can never be joined together to make one. Any time God is considered inc- arnated to a full man will simply suggest No more God! and further as a dependent creature,it becomes parish- able: And that parishes, is duran Ch. 112, (Al=Ikhlas) TELL, THAT ALLAH IS ONE LLAH IS’ NEEDLESS, NEITHER IE BEGETS, NOR IS "HE BEGO- ITEN AND THERE IS NONE LIKE NTO HIM.” ‘ccording to the scripture sus PBUH, died and was ised after three days i.e dwas dead for three days ath changes a living per- n to an innert body. It never come back to life unless it is made so.There- fore,doubtlessly There must be one still greater to bring the dead god back to life. (God forbid) Q-Who ran the universe for those three days? INCARNATION ! Can anyone imagine that God Almighty descended to earth in human or in any other form, as it is believed for Jesus PBUH in Christianity. Q-Does God need to incar- nate? Jesus, The only incar nation! for a belief in Christianity. not before or after. !7 @-Why not the Hinduism theory of repeated incarna- tions in human as well as in other forms is justified or NO INCARNATION, and. why not? Incarnation means limita~ tion of the limitless Divi- ne nature in space and time Which is far above such limitations as God has crea ted space and time. There- "€ any creation logically can not limit its Creator. The Creator, knows and und- erstands well, His crea~ tion’s needs and problems, selects out someone of His servants and reveals His guidance for the people in a nation. This phenomenon is known as appointing a Prophet or a messenger to convey the messages of gui- dance strictly perfect in purity without introducing a word of his own will, in Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible-Part I Yghe utterance, or in his Meetions. This is known as yprophethood or the Messeng- jprefieod and so God Almighty dex not need to incarnate, eet sends His guidance th~ jPeugh His messengers as is jbelieved in Islam. And this te logical to understand. / ‘ 2 Christianity, does believe in the prophets, except for Mohammad and Jesus PBU them For Jesus PBUH, it believes Ihim a ‘Son of God’ and God himself in flesh and bones (God Incarnate) but not as » prophet and the messenger or God. Thus they disqualify him from what he was and ry to qualify him for what ie was not. Why so?! s it not the exaggeration f love to Jesus, PBUH.? Is FU not the- deviation from he normal belief to an ab- jormal one? Can Jesus Christ PBUH, be ivine any way? Ref.Lessons rom the scripture Vol.11-9 ff 1968 from Philippines. |. He claimed not to be di- ne (page No.241) He-did not proclaim hin- lf openly to be God, ast__in the beginning. +f 253) estions~ on between the statements Is it not the contradic- } one lesson. !? Did Jesus pbuh, ever sp- in’ secret? Did Jesus pbuh, ever say WPlicitiy 7 "ram God, or Worship me." Please quote a verse, a plain statement if there is any? Is it not true? Jesus pbuh was so humble, He did not like, to be called even good, How for himself God!? Ref.Matthew, Ch. 19:16-17 "A Jew comes to Jesus pbuh addressing him, Good Master what I am to do to enter in the life” ? (life= eternal life). Jesus pbuh replied: “why call me good, there is no good but, God only. But if you want to enter in the life keep the commandments” What else, are your argume- nts? in evidence of The Di- vinity to Jesus PBUH. Q- TS IT HIS MIRACLE BIRTH? Born without a male contri-~ bution, purely through the Will of God as the Holy Qu- ran testifies, but this is no miracle of Jesus, of his own or of his noble mother, but Tt is the miracle of God, the Creator Who creates tthe way He will. Quran, Ch.21:91, AND SHE, ,THE BEST OF THE CHASRES, WE 'BREATHED INTO HER FROM OUR SPIRIT AND MMADE HER AND HER-"SON--OUR—STGN-—FORTHE WORLDS. God created human being by four ways. 1- Adam pbuh, was created from dust no father or mother. 2. Eve was created from the body of Adam something like fis- sion, yet the two divided halves were not exaclly alike, but possessing diff erent features,and charrac- ters, An opposite sex, Thus the creation of Eve, again without father and mother. Quran, The Divine Constitution Sonship Jesus PBUH, from mother fione and no father and “thus God made Jesus PBUH, a ign of His capabilities. 4. Prophet Isaac pbuh, son of Abraham and Sara and Proph.John The Baptist, son of Zacharaya and Elizabeth too are the examples of miracle births, unnatural in a way They were born from very old unreproduc- tive age group parents, particularly the mothers ot both of them are reported barren that is sterile. Th- ese are examples of correc- tion procedures ,However the fourth general way of crea~ tion for every common human being. That is,a result of a méther and a father union. What else ? IS IT, HIS SON SHIP 7 Since Jesus PBUH, was born miraculously without a male contribution, Therefore Ch- urches attributes Paternity of Jesus to God. They don’t seem to be agreeing with the infinite capabilities of God Almighty, Who needs nothing to create any thing only His will. Quran Chapter.36... Verse:81,"IS NOT HE WHO CR- EATED THE HEAVENS AND EARTH FOR THE FIRST TIME, IS CAP- ABLE OF CREATING THE LIKE OF THEM, YEA! HE IS THE SU- PREME CREATOR, THE KNOWER.” Verse:82, “HIS AFFAIRS WHEN HE INTENDS A THING, IS ONLY THAT HE SAYS TO IT: BE, AND IT Is." verse:83,"WHEREFORE HALLOW- ED BE HE, IN WHOSE HAND IS THE GOVERNACE OF EVERY TH- ING, AND TO WHOM YOU SHALL BE RETURNED." But Churches attribute begetting to God even thou- gh reproduction is an anim- al need,for if no reproduc- tion the animal will cease to exist.But God is far be~ yond, He is omnipotent and eternal,Therefore lives fr- om ever to ever and needs no son,a helper, or a part~ ner or a family, Isn't it? It looks so awkward and st- range even to think such, for God,It totally destroys the supreme image of God, It reduces Him to a mere anim- al,who should die also when the life term is over to be replaced by his own produce and so on and on. Therefore with this feature the chain Verse:78, “AND HE RECOUNTS FOR US A SIMILITUDE AND FO- RGETS HIS CREATION.HE SAYS; WHO SHALL QUICKEN THE BONES AFTER THEY ARE DECAYED?.” Verse:79,SAY THOU; HE SHALL QUICKEN THEM WHO BROUGHT Bd FORTH FOR THE FIRST -—AND HE IS THE KNOWER OF EVERY MANNER OF CREATION ‘And then greed—and— qt for power should also play its role from time to time for the throne. Now you can just imagine if such should have been the picture, This universe had already been ruined long, long ago and you were never talking of billions and billions in years about the earth. See how beautifully Quran telling this in Chapt.21: Quran, The Divine Constitution Salvation from The Bible-Part I “yap THERE BEEN GODS BESIDE ALLAH, THE TWAIN WOULD CER~ (TAINLY FIGHT, HALLOWED BE ALLAH, THE LORD OF THE THRO- NE FROM WHAT THEY UTTER". Ilowever Christian Bibles speaks of Jesus, Son of God SON OF GOD Jesus, Begotten not made. John 3:16 Question: What is meant by begotten? Does it not mean Received after sexual union of the male and a female. 4- Is it not an act of sex related to animals.? #- Does such an application befit to the quality of God who creates things from no- thing or anything.? What He needs is His will alone.? QURAN: "AND THEY SAY THE COMPASSIONATE HAS BEGOTTEN A SON.INDEED YOU HAVE PUT A THING MOST MONSTROUS.AT IT, THE SKIES ARE READY TO BUR- ST, THE EARTH TO SPLIT, AND MOUNTAINS TO FALL DOWN IN UTTER RUIN” Ch. 19:88-90 For your knowledge the word ‘Begotten’ has been dropped from Revised standard vers- ion R.S.V,of the Bible, wh- ich is backed by thirty two 2- Is it not a metaphorical 4, use of , the. word'son,to God even God’ is used in the Bi- ble, for some righteous men such were the common usage in the Hebrew language. Metaphorically we are all the children of God, The Creator, because our whole existence depends upon Him, He is our Sustainer Nouri- sher, and our Protector for all things. Those,who stand highest in the order of piety and devotion to God, Almighty,are closest to Him spiritually. As says The holy Quran in Chapt. 49:13, “MAN KIND! WE CREATED YOU FROM A SINGLE PAIR OF A MALE AND A FEMALE AND MADE YOU INTO NATIONS AND TRIBES THAT YE MAY KNOW EACH OTHER VERILY THE MOST HONOURED OF YOU IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAH Is HE (Who is) THE MOST RI- GHTEOUS OF YOU. AND GOD HAS FULL KNOWLEDGE AND IS WELL ACQUAINTED.” Now See how many sons of God in the Bible,even seve- ral of them are first born! and some even gods.! 1, 82 Psalms and John 10:34 "Is it not written in your laws ‘Ye are gods.’? (god = ~scholars—of—highest—eminen-———righteous-men) ce, and fifty co-operating denominations, as an inter- Polation, not found in most ancient mdénuscripts. So the Pillar on which the idea of begotten son rested stands Ro more, The verse John, 3: 16 is taken off atleast for the R.S.V. Bible readers. Questions: I= Is Jesus the only son of God mentioned in the Bible? 2, Exodus 4:22, related to Mosses pbuh, it says "I made ye god to Pharaoh and Aron thy prophet. god = Prophet Prophet = helper 3. Luke 3:38 Adam which was the son of God. 4, Exodus 4:22 Israel is my son my first born. Quran, The Divine Constitution 5, Psalms 2:7 David my son. g. Jeremiah 31:9, Bphraim is py first born. 7. Romans 8:14, “As many as righteous, the sos of God. Lexpre- dy even These metaphoric as sons of yods were not mistaken for teal by the peopie of Torah nor by the people of inject hose in the Line of Jesus Gheist. Why (hen a simijar helaphorical use of son of God, spoken for Jesus Chri PBUH is believed in the re- al sense. 7! Yet more examples: 8, 2-Corinthian 4:4, Satan is told here as the god of this world. "In whom the god of this world hath blinded them wh- ich belive not"(meaning un- belief is the work of satan which is spoken in the abo- ve verse as the god of this world.), lest the light of the glorious gospel of Chr- ist,who is the image of God should shine unto ther @- Would you consider Satan Sonship 10 es, as his father, and fore fathers but Surprisingly no two names are identical in the two lists except Joseph The carpenter which is men- tioned in both the lists Obviously, both the scribes are supposed to be inspired by God!. Surprise upon surp- rise, a man who is believed having no father suddenly.’ has 66 fathers, great, and great grand fathers and The God! who is alleged to have begotten him isn’t mention- ed any where in any of the two lists. But unlike Melchisedek, Jesus, had a beginning end according to Christian bel- ief has had already an end. But as per Islamic belief he still lives however. he. has to fulfill the nature’s law of death, for which he has a second coming. Now weigh the two. Q-Whom do you find greater? Obviously the one without father and mother, without descent, beginning and-end. These are the qualities of God Almighty. Why not then Melchisedek is greater than Jesus and worth worship. (1 “as-god?! Certainly you will y, "NO" This is the meta- seek Allah’s pardon: ) —phorical—expression—of—his———SUGGESTION evil powers. Q.Hebrew 7:23 Paul reports: | "Melchisedek, The priest of the most High, king of Sal~ am, the tax collector with~ out father, without mother, Without a descent or an end us pbuh in the book of Genealogy, is shown in two Separate Lists, with 66 nam- Out from all confusions let it be explained simply, God creates what He will, from anything or from nothing. Holy QURAN reads: 1.Ch.3:59-60"THE SIMILITUDE OF JESUS BEFORE GOD IS THAT OF ADAM,HE GREATED HIM FROM DUST AND THEN SAID, ‘BE’ AND HE WAS,THE TRUTH COMES FROM GOD, SO BE NOT OF THOSE WHO DOUBT. Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible~Part I 11 2, Ch. 36:81-83 “HAS HE NOT “QREATED THE SKIES AND THE BARTH? AND IS ‘CAPABLE OF CREATING LIKE OF THESE, AND WE IS THE CREATOR KNOWLEDG- ABLE. VERILY IF HE INTENDS A THING, SIMPLY HAS TO UTTER 70 IT,BE AND IT IS.SO GLORY BE TO HIM, IN WHOSE HANDS IS THE. SOVEREIGNTY UPON EVERY ‘THING AND TOWARDS HIM, IS YOUR RETURN.” What then?,That makes Jesus God!. IS IT. TNE BAPTIST’S TESTIMONY ? Jesus was baptized by John The Baptist pbuh, in the river of Jordan like a penitent Jew. First testimony: Matth.3:11 “He who comes after me is mightier than I, whose san- dals I am not worthy to bear, He will baptize you with spirit and fire" Second testimony: John 1:29 "Behold the God,- ~-7And I have see:t Wid have witness that this is the son of God” Question: ‘iv Jesus and John PBU them, Were these not the two pro- separate mission, In order of superiority, he should have been Jesus PBUH, bapt- izing-John,and not the vice versa, 4, Is it not Jesus?,who had said about John “No man wh- ich is born of a woman is greater’ than John"Mat.11:11 Q- Was Jesus, not born of a woman too.? 5. Matthew in Chapter 11:3 records; John, The Baptist is in the prison before he was decapitated, had heard of Jesus,sends out his dis- ciples asking him, “Who he was,if he was THAT PROPHET? Does this not mean that the Baptist didnot know the ex- act status of Jesus PBUH until he had heard of him in the prison and later he was decapitated, In other words John had never met Jesus.Thus Matth. 11:3 dis- qualifies Matthew 3:15, and John 1:29-34 which are des- ecribed to be the surest ev- idences in the divinity of Jesus, that is John had ne~ ver baptized Jesus or had said "The Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world or Son of God" etc. Ref. Lk.7:18-23 on the same subject ‘Phets-contemporaries; 2.Were not the two prophets running their mission sepa- rately? 3.Had John recognized Jesus That Mighty Prophet? whose Sandals he was not fit to bear. Why then he did not submit himself to Jesus in order of superiority.? The @vailable records tell us that the Baptist was on a Quran, The Divine Constitution Whatever Baptism, John The Baptist used to practise.To me it seems of some value. John, The Baptist used to baptize the penitent Jews by giving them bath in the river of Jordan for physic- al.cleanliness before their spiritual cleanliness. In other words, one who was thus given bath, was going to repent on his past foll- ies in his life,should make Baptist’s Testimony 12 = oath with his Creator,He will not repeat these any more, thet he will remain ‘gteadfast in deeds, and in the belief of His deity alone, The Day of Judgement ‘and The life here after for the rest of his life, To such a person, truely rep- ented and determined for his steadfastness. You may pronounce him, Born again. The Baptism of Jesus sugg- ests that a person like a prophet, who is immune of sins,and is already granted the cternal life, needs to repent, yes he truely xep- ents and repents more than any common man would do, Imagine when a prophet does so much repentation,Howmuch @ common man should need to do it. A saying of prophet Mohammad PBUH. He used to seek Allah’s pardon not Jess than seventy times in a day. The baptism in practice to- day in Christendom has no Purpose like that of The Baptist. But a bath to an infant, who yet understands nothing or to a grownup in the name of the Father, The Son,and The Holy Spirit,and the. faith; 7 Washed away the sins of the whole world with _his_blood, ——crimes—like—stealing—murde. and that He, who lives in this faith and dies, he has been redeemed by Jesus for the eternal life. Surely, One with such a faith, will not have to bother for his eternal life, for he has believed the paradise is already sanctioned to him regardless, what he does in his life. Therefore for him the life is to enjoy only. Since all are to die some day, he too will die, and the death is the payment of all sins of the life in the world, so nothing extra for him to pay. what ever he does, Not a question from God! straight away, he will be ordered to Paradise for his eternal abode in the heavens. What an attractive aproach! A free pass to Paradise and a licence for all worldly enjoyments. But Does it appeal to a sensi- ble mind? What for then es- tablishing the Day of Acc- ounts when there is nothing to audit ?, why then there will be a court when there is mo trial ?, what is the meaning of judgement when the verdict is already pas- sed?! So, Do anything just keep the faith, The Paradise is yours, became a Christian’s slogan. Can you imagine, this belief how much wrong, it is doing in the world to-day. Evils like drunkenness, gambling, adulteries even incest, are common in many of the Euro~ pean, Christian societies, which are prevailing there upto the extent of epidemi- 7 7 Wan to wan marE= ages are legalized, Besides rs rapes, and terrorism are at the peak in the most ci- vilized world.Reason,little or no belief in God and His Judgement,and the life aft- er death.If one escapes, the eyes of the law, There is nothing for him to bother about.Did Jesus PBUH desire such a society after his great sacrifice.? One may argue, if these evils are not present in other commu= Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible-Part I _ 13. nities, such as Muslins,Yes iafere are, but a quick look tthe ratio, which are ‘Staost negligible in compa~ prison. Just a look on the noble teachings of Quran, Howmuch the world is: starving for these today. The Holy QURAN reads Ch. 17:23-24 YOUR LORD HAS DECREED TO WORSHIP NONE BUT HIM, AND BE KIND WITH YOUR PARENTS ,WHETHER ONE,OR BOTH OF THEM ATTAIN TO OLD AGE, IN YOUR LIFE. NEVER SAY A WORD OF CONTEMPT. PRAY TO GOD FOR YOUR PARENTS. 0 LORD; BE KIND TO MY PARENTS THE WAY THEY HAD BEEN TO HE WHEN I WAS AN INFANT. Such a beautiful guidance, Only the Holy QURAN can gu- avantee, a beautiful, clean and blessed society. On the contrary, The most edwanced of the countries in the world today discard their old and and sick parents to old retired people's camps (Geriatric homes) away from ' their responsibilities Just imagine your own flesh and blood whom you brought them up with so much care and love, will discard you away whole building of the Chri- stian faith stands on this very piller which is issu- ing exemption from the acc- ountability,If this central piller is removed the buil- ding shall be on the ground Therefore Christianity can never expect any improveme~ nts in the social and moral structures as the correc- tion is defied. It is the belief of Accountability and the fear of failing for want of enough virtues will keep a believer straight on the path of virtues. This belief is the administra- tive force to keep a man a godly one. Remove this and see the society,same as the one with the jungle rule without a fence. The Paradise can only be earned by good deeds, and correct faith and is not inherited just as it is st- ated in the following verse Matthew. 19:16-17 "If you want to enter the Paradise ‘keep the commandments” ’ Commandments mean faith and deeds both. Let me read out these from The holy Quran and to show you Torah and Injeel are preserved in the mother scripture to prove, ‘Tike a waste. How would you feel about it?Who will tell Isiah Ch.40:8 "The grass withers and the flowers fa- -the-selfish—children—?—that-—~—#3-_but—the—word—of—our—God— The Paradise prevails under the feet of the parents, None but The Holy Quran and The Prophet of Islam PBUH. As for Christianity, Yes there can not be any impro- vement in the social struc~ ture and moral affairs un- les the very basic belief ‘Keep the faith, Deeds not important" is corrected and this can't be done es the stands for ever." obviously Torah and Injeel, the two testified words of God, do not exist on earth any more what you see today is the old and New testa- ments or Thalmud and The Bible,which are human scri- pts. So where is Torah and Injeel today if you wish to show the ‘commandmetns to prove above verse in Isiah Quran, The Divine Constitution Baptist’s Testimony 40:08. Wih due apology, The Sible shall fail to prove ‘the verse. But the verse ‘is AMFUL (deed) AND AN EVIL. ” ( opening the road to other, evils). a4 true and" you can prove this Ci! Seruth, from The Holy Quran 7.Verse 33,NOR TAKE A LIFE- ‘the nother scripture in wh- WHICH GOD HAS MADE SACRED, {ch the earlier words are EXCEPT FOR A JUST CAUSE. preserved and so will stand AND IF ANYONE IS SLAIN WRO- for ever as it is promised NGFULLY, WE HAVE GIVEN THE by God Almighty “INDEED IT AUTHORITY (to demand Qisas= 18 WE, WHO HAS REVEALED THE payment or to forgive): BUT SCRIPTURE AND IT IS WE, WHO LET HIM NOT EXCEED BOUNDS WILL PROTECT IT". IN THE MATTER OF TAKING LI- FE; FOR HE IS HELPED". For example Check for the Ten commandments of Torah &. Verse 34, "COME NOT NIGH to Nosses PBUH in The Holy TO THE ORPHANS PROPERTY EX- Quran. CEPT TO IMPROVE IT,UNTIL HE ATTAINS THE, AGE OF FULL Chapter 17, Holy Quran, STRENGTH"... Commandments 1-10, 9. Verse 35,"GIVE FULL MEA~ SURE WHEN YE MEASURE, AND 1. Verse 23, “YOUR LORD HAS WEIGH WITH THE BALANCE WHI- DECREED TO WORSHIP NONE BUT CH IS STRAIGHT: THAT IS THE HIM... 06, MOST FITTING AND MOST ADVAN TAGEOUS IN THE FINAL DETER- 2. "AND BE KIND WITH YOUR MINATION.” PARENTS...(read the rest of the verse as quoted above) 10. Verse 37, "NOR WALK ON THE EARTH WITH INSOLENCE: 3. Verse 26, "AND RENDER TO FOR THOU CAN’T REND THE EA- THE KINDRED THEIR DUE RIGH- RTH ASUNDER, NOR REACH THE TS AS(also)TO THOSE IN NEED MOUNTAINS IN HEIGHT.” AND TO THE WAY FARER. Verse 39,"THESE ARE AMONGST 4. verse 26-27,BUT SQUANDER THE PRECEPTS OF WISDOM, WHI- NOT IN THE MANNER OF SPEND- CH THY LORD HAS REVEALED TO “THRIFT, VERILY SPENDTHRIFTS THEE, TAKE NOT WITH GOD AN- ARE THE BROTHERS OF THE EV- LORD, UNGRATEFUL." 5. Verse 31, "KILL NOT YOUR CHILDREN, FOR FEAR OF WANT: WE SHALL PROVIDE SUSTENANCE FOR THEM AS WELL AS TO YOU. VERILY KILLING OF THEM IS A GREAT SIN".(This also incl- Udes killings by way of ab- ortion) §. Verse 32,NOR COME NEARER ADULTRY: FOR IT IS a SH- OTHER OBJECT OF WORSHIP, EST-THOU-SHOULDST—BE—THRO=—— WN INTO HELL,A BLAME WORTHY AND REJECTED". These commandments are all talking of righteousness in deeds and _the correct belief! Unfortunately the present formula of Baptism and the Christian faith has barred people from these commandments for which To- rah talked, Injeel talked and Quran is reminding. Islam, The way of life ~ Salvation from The Bible-Part I tt next that makes Jesus 12 HURRE THESE, HIS MIRACLES !7 oe LTHE MIRACLES jesus PBUH are The Holy QURAN and so, I do “pelieve Jesus PBUH, gave life to the dead by God's permission, healed the Lep- Pes and those born blind by God’s permission, and so on performed by testified by But these are in the testi~ 5. His people in desert Si- mony of the powers of God, nai were provided a shadow who created Jesus, and not of clouds for 40 years. testifying any powers of “Jesus of his own. 6. His people were provided food (Man & Salwa) for for- Q- Do miracles make Jesus, ty years. God? Isn’t it? Jesus, PBUH said: “Miracles are no test 7. He also raised a dead to to judge a person, right or life killed by some one, wrong.(Ke said) "Do not be~ disputed over for the kill- lieve it. For false christs er, to expose who was the and false prophets will killer, The dead was raised arise and will show great to life again. signs and wonders so as to ead astray if possible ev- Quran Ch. 2:71-72 "YOU ALSO en the elect Matthew 24:24 RECALL TO MIND ANOTHER INC- IDENT: YOU SLEW A MAN AND So wonders are no proof to BEGANE TO DISPUTE ABOUT THE Prove the authenticity of a MURDER AND ACCUSE ONE ANOTH Prophet,even the false per- ER OF IT,BUT ALLAH HAD DEC- gon can cause wonders as REED THAT WHAT YOU HAD BEEN the verse clearly states. TRYING TO HIDE SHOULD BE DISCLOSED. SO WE COMMANDED, @- Was Jesus alone to per- "STRIKE THE CORPSE OF THE miracles of prophet Mosses? ( the sacrificed cow ) SEE Were these-small? Were the- HOW ALLAH BRINGS THE DEAD _ Se not nine major miracles that prophet Mosses pbuh, | Rad perforaeg through the Will of God Kz \666 AK l.His staff,a dry dead woo- den stick changing to a ser Pent, double transformation A dead to living,and an ob- Ject from a plant origin to an animal. 2. He would take his right hand to his pocket, and it comes out bright as a moon. 3. Tearing apart, the sea, and making a passage throu- gh it.Is it a job of a man? 4, Hitting the stick to the ground and gushing out twe- lve fountains of water from ite ‘JTO LIFE AND SHOWS YOU, HIS {SIGNS SO THAT YOU MAY UNDER STAND” 8.Curses of blood and frogs and lice upon Egyptians for their arrogance. 9- The Torah and The Comma- ndments written over the tablets of stones, Quran, The Divine Constitution 15 Miracles i "@- Was prophet Mosses pbuh, too, taken for his miracles to be @ God?. Obviously The answer is NO. @- Why should then Jesus, pbuh be taken for his mira~ cles as God himself. Didn’t Jesus say:? 1, All powers given unto me Matthew 28:18. _ 2, I cast out devils with the finger of God. Matthew, 12:18 3. I can of myself do noth- ing. John 5:30. . All these verses suggest that Jesus pbuh, didn’t cl- aim of doing anything in his own power except by the will of God.The greatest of the miracles that Jesus had performed, was giving life to a dead person. Lazarus’s Case:John chap.i1 Lazarus was dead for four days, and was lying in his sepulchre. (grave, or a big roomy chamber) Jesus, at the sepulchre of Lazarus. %- verse 33 "Jesus groaned" 16 may believe, that Thou has sent me.” Do these verses mean, that Jesus pbuh, performed mira~ cle in his own power and name.? Since miracles are evidently possible only to God. So he is God! as sugg- ested in the lesson on page No. 255. Now read John 11:41 again and see that How Jesus PBUH had feared that such mirac- les may be mistaken as his own work, so he spoke loud- ly to let people hear and now thater+ss0,s "they may| not think that, i did it] that they may believe that) Thou has sent me." Jesus performed miracles through the will of God, to let people know and believe that, he is the chosen man of God and this he verifies from the above verses. Look for yourself, how You are attributing lies to th- is sincere,truthful, right- eous servant of God to have claimed divinity for him- self which in no circumsta- nees ever, he did so. Tell- ing such you donot make him TA silent prayer) —4~-verse~34-—"Jesus-wept" he is ~spoken—bord;-which—he— (pouring his heart to God) verse 40 Jesus: "If you have faith you will see the Slory of God.” (Remember he did not say “my glory"). *- verse 41 Jesus: "Father I thank thee that thou have heard me and I know, Thou hear me always, but because ef these people they may think I did it, that they high, rather low,before his Lord as he is ashamed when is not. More you attribute divinity to Jesus, more he is hurt. Further, Peter testifies in the book of acts, Ch. 2:22, "Jesus of Nazareth, ‘A man’ approved of God amongst you by miracles wonders and si- gns which God did, by him. Meaning there by,he was not God, but aman, ‘select of Islam, The way of life Salvation frem The Bible-Part I 17 “god Almighty, for His spe- “edal services through His signs sanctioned to him by way of his birth, miracles and by way of his Ascension {n life. Jesus PBUH in him- self was a sign of God of His capabilities. Qquran,Ch.21:91 AND REMEMBER WER WHO GUARDED HER CHASTI- TY; WE BREATHED INTO HER OF OUR SPIRIT, AND WE MADE HER AND_HER SON A SIGN FOR ALL PEOPLE. Isaiah refers, Jesus as the servant of Yahweh, (transla- ted as Jahowah) i.e servant of God. Let me explain for you the word Yahweh. Ya= A vocative expression in Hebrew as well as,Arabic meaning a sound like ‘0’ weh (Hebrew) equivalent to Howah in Arabic, meaning He as a whole, Yahweh = 0 He, referring to God, 0, God. What next, in evidence of the divinity of Jesus.!? IS IT, HIS ASCENSION ? (Ressurrection) “Rising from dead ai av= ing been buried for three ~days—and—three—nights—in Now we will study. the Bible for this important subject which is considered tobe the strongest evidence in the divinity of Jesus Chr- ist PBUH. 1- §IGN_OF JONAH, Matthew.12:38-40 A group of Jews asked Jesus pbuh for a sign.Jesus answered:An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign. He refused to give them the sign and said: "As Jonah was alive for three days and three nights in the belly of the whale so shall live the son of man (Jesus) for three days and three nights in the belly of the earth. If you just make a careful study of the above state- ment, you will notice the big difference between what’ Jesus,pbuh said and what is preached in the Christia- nity. Jesus pbuh, according to the above quoted verses from the Bible, has stated clearly that, He shall be producing the example of Jonah, As Jonah PBUH, was ALIVE for three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall live je SON Oo} i.e, Jesus PBUH, himself) for three the sepulchre, 264 lesson Vol.11, No.9. For the resurrection from the dead, Death of Jesus is @ condition,says Paul, 1Cor. 16:13-14._ i days—and—three—nights—in the belly of the earth. Now check what Christendom says: ‘DEAD’! rose again on the third day. And Jesus PBUH said “Live for three days and three nights” Now tell me,Who is speaking the truth JESUS or the Church.? Jesus, said LIKE Jonah Christendom UNLIKE Jonah. Quran, The Divine Constitution q- Whom are you supposed to “follow, JESUS or the church? However, the general belief proves that the Christendom believes Paul and is over- leeking Jesus PBUH. For He is Paul, The master mind to chalk out the formula of doctrines of Christianity, And he insists to believe that "If there is no resurr- ection of the dead, and Christ has not risen from the dead, vain is then our preaching and vain is your faith” 1Gr.15:19-14 g Why, Is it not? To prove his laid down theory: "Jesus jed_for our sins"?leriia:3 in order to conveince peo- ple of their easy salvation EVAN IF HE WASN'T DEAD, HE MUST DIE 1 Q- If Paul was certain of the death of Jesus,Why then he used the word “If"in his I Corinthian 15:13 ?. 1 means uncertainty,a fai~ th based on uncertainties, means a weaker faith or in ether words no faith. I am surprised how one can depe- nd his or her salvation on weaker faiths. BT _Us_FiNb-OUT-more-argum=~ ents of ‘THE LIVING, JESUS‘ trom the Bible,.in relation With his Ascension. Accord- ing to Islemic belief there. had been Ascension of Jesus but of the LIVING Jesus in his flesh and bones. Ref. Quran 4:157-158. “AND THEY ROAST, WE HAVE KILLED JESUS SON OF MARY,A MESSEN- GER OF ALLAH, WHEREAS IN /FACT THEY DID NOT SLAY HIM NOR BID THEY CRUCIFY HIM, BUT THE MATTER WAS MADE ted Quranic verses.—. Islam, The way of life Ascension is DUBIUS FOR TREM AND THOSE WHO DIFFER THIS MATTER ARE ALSO IN DOUBT CONCERNING IT, TREY HAVE NO KNOELEDGE OF IT AND FOLLOW MERE CONJENCTURES." Y Crucifixion and/burial from the various recorés: in tae Bible, It is learnt, Jesus, was crucified on Friday efterncon before the Sunset, For if the Sun sets ‘sabbath’ (Saturday) sets in and it was prebibited in Jewish laws to make any crucifixion on Sabbath day. Therefore by the evening before sunset Jesus should have been brought to his sepulchre.(big roomy chamt~ ered grave) So Jesus was in his grave from Saturday night. (The end of the day commences into the night for the next day.) Before opening the argu- ments, As a Muslim I must say, Crucifixion and Ascen- sion is Church’s belief and Muslims have no relation with this belief, According. to Islam,Jesus was Ascended but alive before the enemy could aprehend him, as we have read in the above guo- Arguments on living Jesus, Ascension of. As per Bible. 1,buke 24:1-3 tells us thet Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb of Jesus on. Sunds morning and found it empty, saw the stone was removed, windings were present but the body which was supposed to be there, wasn’t, , Salvation from The Bible-Part I 19 "Now upon the first day of the week (i.e. Sunday) very early in the morning, They came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.And they entered in and found not the body of the lord Jesus. More or less same,The inci- dence is also reported by Matthew and mark in chapts. 28:1-3,16:1-3 respectively. Now if vou count the days, and the nights, After Fri day evening till Sunday mo- rajng it counts, two nights, and-a day. where as Jesu said three nights and thre dnys-Even according to Paul Jesus rose on the third day. was supposed to be present in the sepulchre when Mary Magdaiene discovered, hin, wissing from the sepulchre on Sunday morning. How much had he exactly stayed in the sepulchre, No one can tell with certainity. Her! rose soon after the burial or the next day, or even on the third day? but it is certain Not 3 nights and 3 days as_ver, Matth,12:38-40. *-Paul, Cor. 16:43-44 "A body is buried in a physi- cal body and is raised in a spiritual body. 4-Luke reports, Ch. 20:36 “After death they die no more”. Death makes the body innert ive, motionless and what is ascended is the sp~ irit and spirit doesnot die and this is normal affair for every common living be- ing.What makes Ascension of distinction for any human, is his Ascension in life. And we claim for Jesus Chr- ist of this distinction but You want to deprive him of this distinction. 2.Further more Lk. Ch.24:23 tells us when Mary Magdale- ne found the sepulchre emp- ty, she started crying, and she gets a vision of angels calling her, "Woman why thou ery, why thou seek a LIVING amongst_dead Wary Magdalene was convinced that Jesus was alive through this vis- ion and sets out in search for him and finds him dis- guised as a gardener. She came to the disciples of Jesus, and told them that Jesus was ALIVE but they did_not _helieve her. The absence of the body from the sepulchre inspite, ‘twas sealed with a heavy” stone and was subjected to an uninterrupted custody of four soldiers (Ref. Lesson Vol.11, No.9, page No. 257, according to Math.27:62-66) The body of Jesus,was found Missing, when it was suppo- Sed to be there in the sep- Wlchre,is the proof that he Was not dead, as Ascention after death is spiritual so Stated by Paul in the Bible Quran, Mark, Ch. 16:11,,"They heard hat he (Jesus)alive (Gree! Zen) and he was\ seen by her but they believed not. Reasons i. That none of his disc- iples were present at the occasion of alleged cruci- fixion. (No eye witness) Mark, Ch. 14:50 "They all forsook him and fled. ii. The disciples had not believed Mary Magdalene. The Divine Constitution Ascension 20 pe why?Is it not true that the concept of~ghosts and spirits was so common in those days, that they thou~ ght Yary Magdalene might have seen the ghost? Jesus pbub,wanted to assure them that what they were thinking about him was not truc.lie came (walked in) in the upper chamber. juke ,Ch.24:36 Disciples saw the master and were territ~ fed, for they thought him a spirit. Jesus said "Behold my hands and my feet. Tell~ ing Indeed i am the same man feel me and see me for spirits @o not have flesh and bones.And they felt him and they believed in joy und wondered. Jesus asked,” Do you have something to eat and they gave him some broiled fish a piece of bread and honey comb and he ate ib at the very sight.” Asking for food and cating it at the very sight of the disciple, to prove that he was Alive in flesh and bo- nes,a body that needs food. FOOD IS THE NEED OF LIFE. look 1 ve—no-~-d Hinite shape. a Did Jesus, 2. Do spirits eat? Eating, is a funclion in the living “beings, which need food for “energy Jesus hungered,so he askec for food. A proof for life. 3.Do spirits need disguise. Mary Magdalene found Jesus in disguise of a gardener, A8guise is needed to hide from being cought end kill- ed, well one who is already dead.Should he fear another death, 4. Resurrection after death is spiritual. as stated by Jesus. References: #-Luke chapter 20:36, as quoted above. “After death they die no more. Some Jews came to Jesus with a riddle, A woman wise married seven — husbands. which one of these is going to have her on the other side? ive in the heaven. Jesus replied, “After death they die no more” i.c after death they will be raised in a spiritual body and not a physical body. Spiritual bodies need no food, no toilet and no sex. If Jesus was raised from the dead should have been a spiritual body, should look like a ghost, and must not ask for food? But Jesus as~ ked for food.....and he ate infront of them convincing- jy proves life, as he hung- ered and ate. the tomb of Jesus, with sp: ices,what for? It is learnt from the Bible Jn.19:20, to anoint (massage)the body of Jesus. @- Do dead bodies need ano- inting? [Anoint = Massage) Since Mary Magdalene had taken spices to massage the body of Jesus suggests She knew Jesus was, Alive . and not dead. Islam, The way of life Salvation frem The Bible-Part I 6. Mary Magdalene having reconised Jesus, clings his feet. Jesus said: "Touch me not for I am not yet Ascen— ded” meaning Please donot touch me, it hurts for T am not dead yet, meaning ALIVE Intact sensations is the feature of life. Dead obje- cts have no feelings. 7. Thomas ,-one of the twelve disciples,was not with them when Jesus came. The disci- ples told him, We have seen the lord." but he said to them,” Unless I see in his hands the prints of the nail and place my finger in the mark of the nail and place my hand in his side,T will not believe"Bight days later, the disciples assan— bled again in this house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you and then he said to Thomas, Put your finger here and see my hands; and put out your hand and place it in my side; donot be faithless but be believing" Thomas answered him, "My God -Hy lord”: Jesus said you have believed because you have seen me but blessed are those who have not seen —(Faith—d Unfortunately,This exclama- tory utterance of Thomas, at_his—disbelief—-has—been cepted in the Christendom as a witness in the divini- sty of Jesus PBUH, insisting Thomas had called Jesus, God and Lord! simple exclamation isbelief—makes—J for we Sort & literary excellence, Even a layman, when makes such an exclamation for any of his follies may hit his fore- head and says,My God,! what a fool, I had been, 1 did this.! Such an exclamation before anyone will not make him God. If the Christendom is true in its belief May T ask,Did Thomas or anyone of the disciples ever threw themselves in prostration before Jesus.? Thomas had exclaimed God, My Lord for his disbe- lief, that the master was ALIVE and he didn’t believe his fellow disciple’s con- firmation.. Jesus appeared in a physi- cal body with all the signs of life,< convincingly prov- ing, to the disciples that he was alive and not dead. This is enough in the evi- dence of Living Jesus My Luke 1:3, testifies "And he (Jesus) gave many convinc- ing proof that he was ALIVE Dr. Floyd Clark argued that Jesus was alive and came in the upper room in his physi cal body in flesh and bones lef. Debai toyd-Clark—and—Mr-Ahmad- Deedat Subject: “Was Jesus Crucified" held in Albert Hall London. I want to know from Dr. Floyd Clark How can he call a body with flesh and bones but without blood in circu~ lation, A Living Body!? Is there a scientific support is—ckaim?—Jesus-breath= =~ ed, Jesus walked Jesus ate. All these phenomena belong Quran, The Divine Constitution Ascension 22 to life.Do these not depend on blood circulation? He (pr. Floyd) further wanted to give a stand to this statement by telling, that since no blood was oozing through the holes due to nailing, was the proof for him that the blood was not in circulation. | I want to tell Dr. Clark that there is a phenomenon in a living body, related to blood and this is termed as coagulation, and through this phenomenon blood iise~ if makes a plug at the wou- nd opening, to prevent any further oozing. However Paul had a reason to believe Jesus died and was resurrected. While Paul was walking on the Damascus road, had a vision of a great light and heard a voice calling him Caul, Caul "Why thou perse- cute me, Why thou kickest against the pricks"? (BOOK OF ACTS CH.22:7 RSV has al- ready removed this dirty, filthy second phrase from - the verse which you find as such in other Bibles like KV. ete. *-1 Cr. 15:4, Buried and rose on the third day acco- rding to the scripture. a-1cr, 16:13-14 But if there is no resurrection of the dead neither Christ has risen, vain then is our pr~ caching, vain is then your faith. 4-1 Cr. 15:43-44, It is buried a physical body and raised a spiritual body. A DEAD BODY SHALL BE A SP-~ IRITUAL BODY, BUT ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURE, JESUS WAS PROVING HIMSELF ALIVE IN FLESH AND BONES AND BLOOD. Christendom insistingly disproving Jesus by telling him dead when he said ALIVE Meaning there by,Christians tell us that Jesus, failed twice to fulfil the only sign that he promised to give in his genuineness. 1. Failed for life. 2.Failed in staying for the stated duration of three days and three nights in the belly of earth. Why then Jews are blamed for_not accepting Jesus Ch= —=This—was-onlya—vision—and——rist,;as_a-_messenger of God. — —hot—a--solid~tangible—meet— ing of Paul with Jesus but might have assumed this Spiritual meeting as physi- -¢al,and gave his episode of resurrection Jesus died and rose again on the third day %-1 Or, 15:3 Christ died for our sins according to the scripture. But thanks to The Holy Quran that has made one bi- llion Muslims to believe in Jesus Christ as one of the mighty Messengers of God, born miraculously to the virgin Mary without any male contribution only thr- ough the will of God, Unfortunately many Christi- an scholars do not believ Ref. Shock survey London Islam, The way of life More than 70% of Anglican Bishops believe that the birth, the crucifixion, and the Ascension, might "have not happened ‘as given in the scripture. Ref. Shock survey London. - More than 50% of the Ang- lican Bishops say Christi- ans are not obliged to bel- ieve, ‘Jesus was God.’ Shock survey. But For them who believe Jesus, was God and died for our sini Q- Did Jesus die as a man or as God ? If died as a man iundreds of thousands men dic every day many prophets and pious people died but ene man can not carry away the sins of even one single man; so how for the whole world!? But if he died as God,! we want to know, Did God die.!? How then, He is immortal and immutable? How then he is god.!? Intallect says,that perishes, surely is not God. The Holy QURAN warns such believers Ch.5:72"THOSE WHO SAY JESUS SON OF MARY, WAS GoD, IS AN ACT OF. BLASPHEMY Salvation from The Bible-Part I considered an interpolaion, for not found in the most ancient manuscripts. RSV is backed by 32 scholers of highest eminence and 50 co- operating denomination.How- ever due to some vested re- asons it reappeared in 1972 edition, Such a game is al- ways being played with the holy book, like The Bible which is believed to be the word of God. The foot notes of omitions and addition on each page in the Bible are in evidence of the above statement. Through these changes they are able to produce newer and newer versions more suitable to their desires and needs, besides this more versions and their editions meaning, more and more profits and the innocent Christians,Who take the oath of the holi- ness of the Bible, They do not know after two thousand year’s of long buisiness of additions and omitions how much God's word may have been left there in to beli- eve and the much controver- sial acount which, to beli- eve and which omit?. The word of God has been conta- minated and impurified by the intended manipulations, and polluted with lies by. '—SATD—CHRIST; “O- CHIDDREN OF ISRAREL! WORSHIP GOD_My --LORD. AND YOUR LORD" WHOEVER SHALL JOIN OTHER GODS WITH SOD, GOD WILL FORBID UPON HIM HIS PARADISE, AND FIRE SHALL BE HIS DWELLING PLACE AND THERE WON’T BE A HELP FOR THE WRONG DOERS. Another shocking surprise to innocent Christian breth ren, The word Ascension was taken off from the Revised ~Standard Version of The Bi- ble of 1952 edition, being the insincere hands is dis ~—closed——by—The—Holy—QURAN- fourteen ‘hundred years aio, in Chapter 2: 78-79. DO THEY NOT Kiow, GOD KNOWS, THAT THEY HIDE AND THAT THEY DISCLOSE, AND AMONGST THEM ARE ILLITERAT- ES, WHO DO NOT KNOW OF THE BOOK EXCEPT CONJUNCTURE. WOE TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO WRI THE BOOK WITH HANDS, THEN THEY SaY,THTS TS INDEED Quran, The Divine Constitution 23 THEIR OWN ~ Aw FROM GOD AND SELL FOR A MIS ERABLE PRICE, WOE TO THOSE WHO WRITE THE BOOK, AND WOE TO THAT WHAT THEY EARN. However in relation with Ascension, the statement of the Holy QURAN is quite cl- ear that leaves no doubt. ch. 4:157-158 "AND THEY SAY JN BOAST WE KILLED EISA (Jesus) SON OF MARY THE APOSTLE OF GOD, THEY DID NOT KILL HIM NOR CRUCIFIED HIM, BUT IT WAS MADE TO THEM AP- PEAR SO THEY ARE FULL OF DOUBTS THEY HAVE NO CERTAIN KNOKLEDGE EXCEPT THEY FOL- LOW CONJECTURE (Plain guess work)FOR SURE THEY KILL HIM NOT. NAY BUT ALLAH RAISED WIM UP UNTO HIMSELF FOR ALLAH IS ALL POWERFUL AND WISE. There is no statement on this subject in any docu- ment on the face of earth as this in the Holy Quran so explicit and so definite Why then all this denial of the truth? Just to insist upon the preaching of the Churches,Even if it did not happen, It should happen in order to establish the fai- “th,that Christ paid for our Ain: d@_got__us__redeemed Trinity 24 what Jesus has said in this relation. 1- If you want to enter the Paradise, keep the command- ments Matthew. 19:16-17 2- "Verily Verily, I say un to you, except your right eousness exceeds the right- eousness of the scribes and the pharisees, Ye shall by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew Ch.5720 Meaning salvation needs co- rrect belief and righteous deeds. But the Pentecostal churches will preach, You are saved not by work, but by faith. Well use your co~ mmon sense, A concept which makes sense is the true co~ ncept but which doesnot ap- peal to your reasons is not true. check with James Ch.2:26 Who says, “As the body apart spirit is dead, Same is the faith ap- art work is dead”. How can I understana !, 4. father would deal with his. two sons equally, of them, One cares and serves him well,And the other does not THE FIRST COMMANDMENT. for the eternal life.It may rbe—an—attraction—for—the gentiles providing them fr- eedom from obligations, and “exemptions from the prohi- bitions. Yet furnishing the - surety for salvation. Well it is for you to scratch your mind to think of all reasons to believe that God will give you His precious Paradise without having re- &Ceived-from-you,-not-a-tear or a drop of sweat. Look )What Jesus has said in this yaecount. A—kearned—Jew—comes—to— Jesus pbuh and addresses, "Rabace (Master, teacher) [examines him]"What the -fi- rst commandment is?” Jesus, pbuh replied: "Hear 0 Isracel, The Lord, our God, The Lord is ONE. This was the first command- ment given by prophet Moses pbuh, 1300 years B.C, which Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible-Part 1 és was repeated by Jesus’ PRUE _ word by word. Six hundred years A.D, A Christian missionary came lo Medina from Yemen to ex- amine Prophet Mohammad pbuh and asked him "What the first commandment is?" The Prophet pbuh answered, and read out Chapter 112 Surat Al-Ikhlas from the holy Quran. “TELL, (O Mohammad) ALLAUl, (Lord) IS ONE. In Arabic Ahad" “Qulho-wallaho Bul Tatai,I£ I ask you what the first commandment is? You will tell me, "For there are three that bear record in the heaven The Father, The Word,(Son) and the Holy Ghost and these are not th- rec but one God." 1 Epistle of John Ch. 6:7, (TRINITY) STRINLTY As defined above, A complex mixture of polytheism with monotheism, Three distinct identities, Three separate Persons, combined together to form one person, The Fa~ ther, The Son, and The Holy tries, If he says yes! tainly he is lying. cer~ Questions: 1, The first commandment in Christianity which speaks of Trinity as stated above. Well, Is it not different from the first commandment given by the Prophets, ear- lier Mosses, Jesus, as well as Mohammad p.b.u. them ? 2. Did Jesus pbuh preach Trinity?. Is there a state ment in the Bible in rela~ tion with Trinity by Jesus PBUH? For your information this 1 Epistle of Jn. 5:7, which reads witness of The Father and The Son and the holy ghost has been dropped from many of the protestants Bi-~ bles such as RSV, Gideon's international, NIV etc. and others and is changed with objects like Blood water, Blood and spirit etc. Why has this happened so,? They say Trinity of The Father, The Son and The holy ghost is an interpolation, not found in the most ancient manuscripts. IF JESUS WAS GOD, or a part Ghost. of God, THEN WHY HE SAID ? nowy ince—oTr T."t can of my self do no- for three distinctly spoken thing. Jn. 5:30. sheads making three distinct mental pictures of three _ Persons, one of the Father, 2 Other for the_Son_and the “third for the Holy Ghost? And you are asking him to _ imagine the three images in “one well he has to super- impose one over the other = to make these for one per- Son. This is practically “impossible, how so hard he 2."All powers are given un to me, Matthew, 28:18. 3. “He who is sent is not —#reater—than—Who—sent—hims"— John, 13:16, Do you find any claim for divinity by Jesus pbuh ? in any of the above quoted verses,Rather he is telling quite humbly,for himself of his bondship to God Al- mighty Quran, The Divine Constitution 25 Logical Interpretations = gurthermore, 4. Jesus, on the cross cry- ing "Eli, Eli lamasabakh- thani = My God, My God why have thou forsaken me" (As for Muslims no such belief Jesus, pbuh was ever put on the Cross) This is Just for the argument sake,as recor- ded in the Bible. Question: Who is this Eli, i? (My God, My God) unto whom Jesus, is said to be crying, when he himself was God Almighty in flesh and bones as is believed in ristianity? (Aramic) my Lord, Tlahi= (Arabic) My Lord. Regarding Trinity check the view of the Holy QURAN. QURAN 1."0 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK (Christians are in address) DO NOT EXCEED THE LIMITS IN YOUR RELIGION NOR SAY FOR GoD, BUT THE TRUTH CHRIST, FISA (Jesus) SON OF MARY, WAS NO MORE THAN AN APOSTLE OF GOD, AND HIS WORD, WHICH HE, BESTOWED ON MARY, AND A SPIRIT PROCEEDING FROM HIM, SO BELIEVE IN GOD AND HIS APOSTLES, SAY NOT ‘TRINITY? STOP IT, IT WILL BE BETTER GLORY BE TO HIM: EXALTED IS HE THAT HE WOULD HAVE A SON TO HIM BELONG ALL THINGS IN THE HEAVENS AND ON EARTH AND ENOUGH IS GOD AS DISPO~ SER OF THE AFFAIRS"Ch.4:171, 2.CHRIST DENTED NOT, TO “SE- RVE AND WORSHIP GOD, NOR DO THE ANGELS, THOSE NEAREST TO GOD DENY: THOSE WHO DENY HIS WORSHIP AND ARE ARROGANT HE WILL GATHER THEM ALL TOGE- THER UNTO HIMSELF."(To ans- wer) Ch. 4:172. 3.THEY DO BLASPHEMY,WHO SAY GOD IS ONE OF THREE, IN A TRINITY:FOR THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ONE GOD.IF THEY DES- IST NOT FROM THEIR WORD (OF BLASPHEMY )VERILY A GRIEVOUS PENALTY SHALL BEFALI THE BLASPHEMERS AMONG THEM. Ch. 5:73. 4.AND BEHOLD! GOD WILL SAY, “oO JESUS, SON OF MARY, DID YOU SAY UNTO MEN,WORSHIP ME AND MY MOTHER AS GODS BESI- DE GOD?" HE(Jesus) WILL SAY "GLORY TO THEE, NEVER COULD I SAY, WHAT I HAD NO RIGHT, HAD I SAID SUCH A THING TH- QU WOULD INDEED HAVE KNOWN TT, THOU KNOWEST WHAT IS IN MY HEART, THOUGH I KNOW NOT WHAT IS IN THINE FOR THOU KNOWEST IN FULL ALL THAT IS HIDDEN. Ch. 5:116. 5."NEVER SAID 1,TO THEM EX~ CEPT WHAT THOU DID COMMAND ME, THAT WORSHIP GOD,MY LORD AND YOUR LORD, AND I WAS A WITNESS OVER THEM WHILE I DWELT AMONGST THEM:AND WHEN THOU DID TAKE ME UP, THOU WAS THE WATCHER OVER THEM, AND THOU ART THE WITNESS OF ALL THINGS Ch.5:117 IF THOU DO PUNISH THEM, ART EXALTED IN POWER, THE WISE. Ch. 5:118. of some importent verses, taken in witness to explain divinity to Jesus. 1. "I and my father are one? John. 10:30 In the context of the above statement I will suggest, you to read from John, 10:23 to John 10:30, Islam, The way of life 26 Salvation from The Bible-Part I 27 Yyohn 10:23-27. "Jesus was Syalking in the temple, in the portico of Solomon. So “the Jews gathered round him and said to him, “How long will you keep us in sus~ pense?If you are The Christ tell us plainly” Jesus ans~ wered them, I told you, but you do not believe,The wor- ks, that I do in my father’s name, They bear witness to me; but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” Jn.10:28--"No one can pluck my sheep out of my hands.” Jn. 10:29- My father is greater than I,My father is greater than all,No one can pluck His sheep from His Hands. _1 and my father are one" John 10:30. (Sheep=the believers). This clearly indicates oneness in the purpose of God (that the sheep of God) It is to see, Those who are in faith should remain one in faith. And does not mean oneness Please read John 17:21. “They all may be one, As Thou Father art in me and I in Thee, that they may be”. @Do you think this oneness shall make all of them ,One God ie God Himself,His mess ‘@ngerjand the men of faith! Well your answer will be NO You will say, “They are one in the purpose of guidance” - __.-..eich_-human—rather.each_ of Exactly the same explana- tion ‘reasonably be applied to John 10:30. Q- If this explanation does not satisfy you, then fiow would you explain this logically? 2. "I am in the Father and the Father in me"John 14:10 suggests spiritual nearness 3. “The words that I speak to you I speak not on my own authority.But the Fath- er dwelling in me. It is He who does the works"Jn.14:10 Jesus PBUH is obvious to tell for himself a messeger of God? God reveals and the Prophet serves and so no such claims for which he is believed. 4, "He who has seen me has seen The Father” John 14:9 Does this mean Jesus as Fa- ther Himself or simply sug- gests understanding of God. flod is unconceivable while, “Jesus was conceivable, Bible’ itself admits “No man can see God and Live" Jesus him-. i “ aS ever. self o9idy here von 4724)! wearness of the ap his God. This spiritual re- lationship is not only liq mitted to the apostles but God's creatures dss evident from the face of a ‘godli_ person. QURAN: WHEN MY SERVANTS ASK YOU CONCERNING ME I AM IND- EED NEAR (to them) I LISTEN THE PRAYER OF EVERY ONE WHO CALLS UNTO ME. Ch. 2:186. Quran, The Divine Constitution 6. "He who hates me hates Father" John 14323,Very frue God loves His messeng- gys more than other indivi- Guals in manking,An assault gnecr an attempt of insult Sf the mcssenger is an act 7 aggression against God. QURAN: GOD SAYS, "HE WHO 1S ype ENEMY OF GOD, HIS MBSS~ EXGER, HTS ANGELS , ARCHANGEL GABRIEL, ARCHANGEL MIKAEED, TRDEED, GOD IS THE ENEMY OF He UNBEGIBYERS.” Ch. 2:28. the 6. "Without me you can do nothing.” John 15:6. = hope You do not intend to tell me, This verse Jesus is cl- aiming here to be God him- self, Tt simply meana the guidance is revealed to the messenger and he delivers the messages to the people in words as well ite pract~ ical demonstration with his own Life that people sho observe him and follow. Be~ yond doubt, We know nothing and so we can do nothing without the guidance of the prophet. I. "The words that you have heard is not of wine but the Father who sent me“Jobn 14:24,Self explaining,he is simply 2 messenger to con~ yey God's message. Thi Peaks, not his o1 ef God, Who reveals. But 8. “Son of man sitting at the right hand of the power Psalms 110:1, ‘Son of man’ “used in Bible for Jesus pb- ak is counted for &3 times and son of God.only 13,Nei- ther he was the son of nan nar gon of God, but son of Mary created purely through the Will of God, as testi- fied in the holy Quran. Any Logical Interpretations 28 way, Qoes this explein the physio-geographical presen~ ce of Jeaus with The Lord.? If so then-you have te des~ cribe the cize and the fea~ tures of God as well, Imag~ ine, If you can,? or simply explains the spiritual nea~ rness to God.Obviously pie~ ty brings one nearer to God Almighty spiritually and which of the humans can be nore picus than a prophet.? 9.0n page number 255 of the jesson 9 as referred in the beginning: An allegatio! Jesus could know, what is ip the heart, and the mind of the person in front, be- fore he would tell it.” Since the act of reading of the hearts and minds is exclusiveiy, the quality of God, Therefore Jesus is God! T wonder for such inter- pretations by the pecple of exceptionai intellects. Ev~ ery information necessary, revelations or otherwise, _ aches to the prophet from God and so, is the meaning of God being with hia. He jis there with the prophet to read any heart, and mind of the hidden secrets. The people of the past may be excused for their ignorance if misinterpreted for sach observations from a Prophet as-God-Hinself:-But today's man if tabks such after ha~ ving witnessed scientific and technological achieve~ ments such as Wireless and Satellite transmissions j= iRockeh Eransportations an Yanding at moon and distant planets have already proved Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible-Part 1 29 the possibilities of Revela tions, and Transportation of His Prophets like Moha- nmed PEUH from Mekkah to Yaroshalem at the speed of electricity and then wher- ever God Almighty had desi- red His Prophet. to witness His signs and bringing him back at his place and there fore Ascension of Jesus Ch- rist and Prophet Mohammed PBUH alive and in person, { Incidence of Mairaj } are understood and are thus proving the stated Miracles and wonders to be true.tnus explaining the capabilities of God Almighty, far beyond the capabilities of humans. God is God for He is ALL CAPABLE. If man, a creation of God, is capable to throw his voice or show himself in India while sitting in America or even at moon, Then let him believe for God to be capable of little more than man. If Man can Lransmit the uttered voice then God can transmit un- uttered voices and thoughts And for a God believer this much is required to be bel- ieved and he must not cont- inue to believe what the People of 400 A.D. had been believing.Jesus was not the 10. "You believe in God Bel- ieve in me." (Quran; BELIEVE IN GOD AND HIS MESSENGER.) repeatedly hammered in“Quran. None can expect guided if does not believe the “prophet and follows him. Faith in God requires the faith in His prophet. None of these verses as quoted in the lesson vol.11 No.9 is explaining Deity to Jesus Christ, unless it is so intended. Misinterpreta- tions to satisfy the pur- pose for insisting deity to Jesus PBUH may help Chr- istian,identity and worldly gains but not the salvation QURAN: discloses the posi- tion of Jesus PBUH, Ch.3:51 Ch.5:116,Ch.5:117 & Ch.5:72 Ch, 3:51 JESUS SAID: “IT IS GOD WHO IS MY LORD AND YOUR LORD THEN WORSHIP HIM, THIS IS A WAY THAT IS STRAIGHT" The uncontroversial, un- challengeable, and explicit language spares no doubt that Jesus PBUH was a mess- enger devoted and righteous servant of God, neither the God conveyed His messages, but all messengers were in similar spiritual contacts. As the people of those Pro- phets and Messengers did “hot~confuse~between God~and the Prophets.You too should Bive a correct recognition of God and keep the requir- ed distinction between Him, and His Prophets. A DOUBT STRUCK PERSON AT ANY STAGE IS NOT A BELIEVER REST ASSURE+ who still refuse to accept this truth, may do so but they should know that they are committing a horrible sin by attributing lies to “Gods “Besides for then~who~ still believe so, they are in doubt about their belie? as declared by eleven of the nineteen.i.e. More than 70% of the Anglican Bishops "YOU ARE NOT OBLIGED TO BE: LIEVE THAT JESUS WAS GOD. Ref. Shock survey Anglican Bishops London. Quran, The Divine Constitution The Bible 30 THE BIBLE (With due apology) THE BIBLE unlike Holy QURAN There is not one Bible, But several Bibles namely. 1.Roman Catholic’s Douay Version based on Vulgate, written in Latin,first pub- lished in 1582 consists of j3books regarded as through vn Chrough Lhe Word of God 2. Authorized King James Version, Protestant’s Bible published in 1611 based on Greek manuscripts (country- language)and these are more or less 24000 in number, how ever people of scholarship say " Not the two of these scripts are identica: 3. Revised Standard Ver- sion of Bible, two editions 1952. and 1971, RSVis based on the most ancient manu- scripts, Most ancient dates B-400 years after Christ R.S.V is backed by 32 scho- lavs of highest eminence and 50 cooperating denomina tions. : RSV makers while throwing the most beautiful flowers of their tributes to and these are so many and so serious that called for a revision” and So they revised God’s word and removed most of the defects —Some--of —which—you have gone through, are al- ready removed such as: ~ John 3:16 ‘Begotten Son’ ~ 1 Epistle of John 5 : 7 ‘Trinity? Islam, The _the ‘at “the statement ~ Mark 16:16, 16:19, Luke 24:51 Ascension’ > Mark Ch.8 in RSV begins from verse 12, Verses from 1-11 as related to a woman caught in the act of adult- ery and many more alrady removed as defects, - Mark Ch. 16 in RSV ends at verse 8.Verses from 9-20 the whole chunk has been ex punged from R.S.¥, which in K.J.V. ends at 20. Besides many other changes which they have thought de- fects such as in John 1:21, That prophet is changed to The Prophet,Very small cha- nge but extremly purposeful meaning, i, Disqualifying John ‘The Baptist’ from the status of a prophet. John 1:20-21. ii.Disagreement with State- ment of Jesus PBUH regard - ing John The Baptist as "No one greater than John which is born of a woman, except vthe least in the kingdom of - \, heaven” Least ie lastof the of// “'propheta to come, and he war Mohammad “PBUH who is indi- cated here as \ That Prophet’ attempt to remove any indi- cation towards That Prophet. as Prophesied in Deut.18:18 It doesn’t matter for a Church if John ‘The “Baptist remains —a—prophet or not but it is thus they are able to pronounce Jesus The least in the kingdom of heaven. They may not believe Prophet Mohanmed PBUH. But mpt. in futile for comes from Jesus himself.If he was the last he should have said so way of life -these in their Bible. SMexcept me" .Fegard through Salvation from The Bible-Part I 31 or explicitely “rT am the last" just as prophet Mohammad PBUH said, "I am the last, No prophet after me, Any claim will be a blatent lie" and so is declared by The Holy Quran. iii.By changing ‘that’ with ‘the’The conception of that prophet is altogether gone. Thus denying Deutronomy 18: 18, And closing the chapter of That Prophet, altogether For whom Jews are still waiting. For they too deny Prophet Mohammed PBUH as The fulfilment of the pro- phecy. All this by the RSV makers to pronounce Jesus Christ PBUH youngest member in the kingdom of heaven so as to make him qualified for Matthew 1i:11 and to close all discussions at The BIble and Jesus Christ, and denial to look at Quran and Mohammed PBUH for any cleaner guidance. Thus one can say ‘Three hunts in one shot’. - Similarly King James Ver- sion of the Protestant’s Bible does not include, The seven books namely Barouch, Judith, Tobias, 1st Maccabees 2nd Haccabees, Wisdom, and, Bible,which Roman Catholics and through Word of God,whereas Protes- tants pronounce these spu~ rious and so do not include Whom to believe Who is righty?. ~ Question: What do you say, Are these the word of God or not.? “No! you won't say; But If Yes! How are you going to convince Protestants and the rest of the world.? Latest of 1983, is The New International Version,N.I.V AUTHENTICITY ? The people of the contem- porary faith has found out that - 87.5 % of the verses of Mark,Matthew, Luke and John are affected by corrections Other ancient authorities add or omit or insert,which is evident from the foot notes almost on each page, and in every Bible, Meaning 87.5% of the Bible, so bel- ieved to be the word of God is contaminated by the imp- urities introduced by the ancient authorities through desired manipulation. You may say 87.5% of the Bible is not the Word of God. However people of the Chr- istian faith insist to exp- lain that, the Versions are actually the translations. like to explain here the difference between transla~ tion and the version. A translation has the free- dom r: choosing the words change the original text or the meanings. But, A version includes a change in the text letting out an absolutely different mean- ing. You should understand the difference between the two from the following examples. Jobn (Jesus to his mo- ther)"Woman what am I to do with thee” K.J.V, and Gid- eon’s International Bibles Quran, The Divine Constitution The Bible @etc. But John 2:4 in R.S.V. “ible reads this verse as - “Woman what you are to do with me"A totally different meaning. This liberty can only be enjoyed by the ver- gions and not by the trans— lations. So, These are ver~ sions and not the transla- tions because of the chang- es in the text and in their meaning in the two versions of The Bible. Even the two editions of the same ver- sion comes out with some newer changes in the texts, yielding different and des~ cired meanings. This is the main reason that there are contradictions, controver- sies and conflicts amongst the people of the scripture and one doesn't agree with the other and is thus comp e}led to have some thing. which he will agree and so gufheit scholarships sit” ‘to ‘hake something:like KJV,RSV NIV, Gideon etc. etc. {. Matthew 11:11, is also an A\yyexample of different mean- ngs between two such ver- i ons/Bibles namely KJV and R SV. Removal of Ascension of Jesus Christ from 1951 edition and its reappear- ance in 1972 is the example "9f one version of The Bible So these are versions and ot the translations. { Contradictions, e.g. ol. dn.3:13 "No man ascended &teo heaven except Son of man pve. (Jesus). But 2 Kings Ch.1:11"Eliajah ended “in the heaven" An bEolute contradiction. 32 2.Mairk 15:21, on the cross. Jesus was put But 1 Peter Ch. 2:24 was put on a tree", "Jesus Some one amazingly explai-~ ned that this is no contra~ diction,For a cross is also made of wood and comes from the source of the tree.So a cross, a chair, a table or a door are all one meaning. as all are made of wood and these all come from the source of trees.! 3.Luke 4:2"Jesus tempted by the devil." where as James 1:13, says "God can not be tempted by the evil" True, Belief of Temptation of Jesus disqualifies him as God But if You insist so,! Then It is a contradiction. ro Obscene materials e.g Porn- ography in The Bible, Ezek. Ch.23:1-20,The story of two prostitute sisters,can't be read in public or private gatherings before parents or children wife or even a fiance, if she has been a decent lady. How then a se- nsible man could imagine, reveal such obscene descri- _ptions and topics of immora this!I will suggest you to read Ezekiel Ch. 23: from 1-20 and realize that 2 ——_________________such-dirty—filthy—materials— which you cannot possibly read before anyone. Can you imagine such an unhealthy topics of immorality could ever be the subjects for revelation from God. ! The criterion for God’s word must be that’ One should feel elated and confident Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible-Part 1 33 6 while reading, and not that She is ashamed of reading “iteWhen Holy QURAN, is read “or is heard one feels as if springs of melodies are erupting which sooth every ear which hears even he understands or not, but those who understand,, can see fountains of knowledge and wisdom are gushing owt The Word of God should be the example of purity and the beauty of the language, wisdom in thoughts, freedon from errors and contradic~ tion.All these are evident~ ly present in the Holy @u- ran, which from the time of its revelation till today for 1400 years extends a challenge to any being to produce one single chapter like of it seeking any help besides Allah Himself. And you should know, The smal est chapter in the Holy Qu- ran consists of as few ver- ses as three only. The cha~ Lenge still stands. Don’t you think ?, that there had been people of the language and calibre, from the time of its revelation till this dey.? | Quran Chapter 2:24 “AND IF YOU DOUBT IN WHAT, WE HAVE REVEALED TO OUR SERVANT, THEN GIVE A SURAH CALL ALL YOUR WITNESSES BE- FUL AND IF YOU COULD NOT DO IT, AND YOU CAN’T DO THEN FEAR THE FIRE WHOSE FUEL SHALL BE HUMANS AND THE STONES" Let us see how do the rea- Sonable people from the opposite camp realize this truth. 1. “Well then if the Koran were his own composition other men could rival it, let them produce ten verses like it.If they can not and it is obvious that they could not, then let them accept Koran as an outstan ding evidential miracle. (Ref .H.A.R Gibb, Mohammada- nism, London 1953, P-33) 2."So if there has been any opportunity of any forgery or pious fraud in the Koran which distinguishes it from almost all other important religious works of ancient times.It is exceedingly st- range that this illiterate person should have composed the best book in the langua ge"(Ref. Basanta Kumar Bose A professing Hindu, ‘Mohamm- adanism’ Calcutta, (India) 1931, P-04.") God says in the Holy QURAN in Chapter 4: verse 82,. "DO THEY NOT CONSIDER THE QURAN (With Care)HAD IT BEEN FROM OTHER THAN GOD, THEY WOULD SURELY HAVE FOUND THERE IN, MANY DISCREPANCIES.” So it is testified that a pure word of God must be free from discrepancies and sin- ce all the versions of the Bible are full of these discrepancies. So It can’t admittedly, it may contain SIDE GOD, _IF_YOU_ARE_TRUTH-____remnants——of —the—meanings— from the word of God revea- led to Jesus Christ as Holy Injeel. ‘bies’in the scripture. is not a Muslim or a Jewish idea but this idea is con- tained in the Bible itself. Ques.- Who wrote the Bible? Ans. - The Scribes. Quran, The Divine Constitution Jerem. Ch. 8:8, Jeremiah is supposed to be the most au- thentic book of the Bible. " How can you say, we are wise and the word of the Lord is with us, But behold when actually the false pe- ns of the scribes have made it in to a lie”. Meaning... The present Bible is not the Word of God. ‘THE REASONS 1. The Bible in the whole text, neither verifies its name nor does it testify the text, as Divine. 2.The language of Jesus Ch- rist was Aramaic, while all the Bibles have been taken from manuscripts written in Latin or ancient Greek lan guages, none of these was spoken by Jesus Christ, PBUH or by any of his disciples when the Scripture was re- vealed in the language of the prophet and his people. 3. The ancient or the most ancient manuscripts on wh- ich these Versions of the Bible are based,date as far back as 200 to 400 A.D app- roximately. The Bible 34 a word of his own,but. which was revealed to him. ! For over 80 years having Jesus left away the world, The companions or their im- mediate followers did not * think of compiling The*Inj- eel, untill after one hund- red years, ‘when the people first thought to compile the sayings of Jesus Christ for their references. Therefore Delay in record- ing, Involvement of many men and the languages in the task, vested motives caused the loss of original Injeel and replaced it with what they call ‘The Bible’ which isa, men written document: though contains in some parts, the meaning trom the Word of God.which can easi- ly be recognized by its nan} compromizing nature, «with the faith of Christianity . (With due apology) Tt is so amazing, The word is contra~ dicting the faith!.In other words, the faith of Chris- tianity, is based on cler- gy’s words and not on the word of God, Once again it is only Quran which can se- parate out from the earlier scriptures including Bible talk may change in a matter from men, That’s how, The of minutes from_one_lip to ___ Holy _Quran_stands_as_a_qu: another if it is not recor- ded immediately Proph.Jesus PBUH did preach Injeel, but did not dictate it to be written,or wrote it himself or even demanded from his disciples to compile in the , form of the book nor wan if. A book that he used to Carry, open and read, but What. ‘he preached war The Tnjeel for he would not. say et - oa be Islam, The lity control. Ch, 5:51, “TO THEE WE SENT THE SCRIPTURE IN TRUTH CON- FIRMING THE SCRIPTURES THAT CAME BEFORE IT AND GUARDING IT IN SAFETY (Quality cont- rol): SO JUDGE BETWEEN THEM BY WHAT GOD HATH REVEALED, . AND FOLLOW NOT THEIR VAIN DESIRES", way of life @-Do you depend your salva- tion on the Word of God, or the Faith which is found in contradiction with word of God? Rest assure the Salve~ tion is not in the dogmas based on assumptions doubts uncertainties and lies, but in following the teachings and the deeds of the proph- ets. Christians believe in Abraham, so do the Jews and Muslims. Abraham said, “ONE GOD" so said Tshmaeel and Isac and all the prophets Israelite lineage and side lineages even before him such as No- ha, Enokh and Adam PBU them said ONE GOD. So we know of Mosses, David, Solomon, PBU them, so said by Mohammad pbuh, and so must have been taught by Jesus Christ PBUH None of these worthy sons in the progeny of Abraham differed his father or even before him,from this funda- mental knowledge of God.How should you expect a worthy son like Jesus, PBUH being in the progeny of Abraham, PBUH, and a mighty messener of God, titled as The soul of God, had differed from all other prophets and his great’ great grand fathers and_going_to..theextent_of- claiming Divinity and prea- ching Trinity!. As alleged. Judaism and Christianity are the origin,but much la- ter of the time of Prophet Abraham pbuh, So it is true and logical to understand that Abraham, pubh was nei- ther a Jew nor a Christian but certainly a righteous Servant of God who had sub- mitted himself to the will of God, and had recognized God as One Lord, Same as to Quran, The Divine Constitution Salvation from The Bible-Part 1 36 understand this for Prrphet Mosses and Jesus Christ PBU them,That the terms Judaism and. Christianity are much lately created terminolog- ies and the two great Pro- phets PBU them never knew that such terms shall be given to their faiths. For themselves neither Mosses PBUH was a Jew nor Jesus PBUH was a Christian, They were true servents of The Lord upright and absolutely surrendered to the will of The Lord. Lone and ‘All cap- able in the creation and the provider of the suste- nance farf‘His creation in the universe, all powerful with absolute will to do anything, without the need and the help of any ‘ objec in his domain.Same they had believed for themselves and the same they had taught to their children and their people in their respective nations.In Arabic express~ ion such persons who submit themselves to the absolute Will of God, are termed as Muslims, Therefore the term Muslim does not find its origin from Proph. Mohammad pbuh, as it is generally understood, but from ‘the first man on earth, who had submitted himself to the will of God, i.e Adam pubh. It is not fair to believe for Prophet Adam a sinner. He did commit the sin due to his inborn human nature of weakness and forgetful- ness but he sought pardon from his Lord, and The Lord pardoned him and not only this but chose him for His guidance to his immediate progeny.Once chosen for gu- idance, He was a submitted person i.e A Muslim to God. + Quran Ch. 20 :i21-122, Rerses from 116-120 relate Suhe story of Adai, How he ERbbpened to eat from the forkisden tres, as a resulr the atan, by THR TwaTN SIRE, (Apa AND SO ! AND RELEN- AND Gurnss nou ony ned of the committed, guided and e Lord } “MANKIND surrendered imsel? OLY QueAN, 1h. 67" ADRAHOM WAS wor a JEW NC CHRISTIAN BUT HE. WAS RUB aN FATTR AND SUD- MeTTED HIS WiLL TO THR WILt * GGD, (Muslim) AND HE DID Sibie 3 T ASSOCIATE wITH Gop. CTHER cops 2. Ch. 22130, ‘AND WHO TURNS OWAY FROM TRR RELIGION Ot ABRORAM, BUT SUCH AS DERASK EIR SOULS WITH Wes {Abrabam)Wi CHOSE BD PURE IN THIS (WE HEREAPTER THE RIGHTEOUS ONES." CU, (israel } ; "UH 80D HAS CHOSEN PR eon YOU HEN BYE NOL f. 8) Gh. 21453 NESS WHEN DEATH JACOB? BEHOLD Mk SATS RIS SONS"WEAT WILL Zou eoR- 6. Ch. 5:44 “AND BEHOLT: + PIRED TRE pIS@7PLES AVS FAITH TI Ss » AVE FATTH,AND DO THOU. aii #SINESS THAT WE BOW Te Pharoah TH THE magicians of vie reliewed in The tus ¢ worlds after having re- cognized the real. miracle st their magics in com bat with Mosses, They are answering to Paaroha’s thr- eat in these words) Salvation from The Bible-Part I 37 © gh.7:126, "YOU WANT TO TAKE REVENGE ON US SIMPLY BEC- AUSE, \WE BELIEVED IN THE SIGNS OF OUR LORD,WHEN THEY REACHED US,OUR LORD POUR ON Us PATIENCE AND STABILITY AND ‘TAKE OUR SOULS UNTO TH AS MUSLIMS" :44, “ALL PROPHETS, WHICH WERE MUSLIMS" jiow then it is possible thal. Jesus pbuh, had taught anything Lo his disciples otliee than the belief in One God and total submiss— ion to His will.So his tea~ chings can never go differ- eni, from the fundamentals of Islam. Even if you go to the hitory of Christianity you will know the evolution of the word Christ and Chr- istianity is as late as th- ree centuries after Christ. In the life of Jesus these words were unknown, So how can believe! Christ had Laught Christianity and na~ med it so.Therefore all the fundamentals of Christian belief such as Divinity to Christ, sonship or even third of the Three(Trinity) or Ascention,Savior for the Day of Judgement, Atonement from sins through his blood believe these Deity, shall. excers to the, eterna] life unquertioned, are the articles introduced by the Churches, af.-Pavline school of ‘thoughts much after, Jesus Christ. PRUH. What Jesus per Quran: Christ said as “O CHILDREN OF ISRAEL! WOR~ SHIP GOD, MY LORD AND YOUR LORD, WHO EVER SHALL JOIN OTHER GODS WITH GOD, GOD quran, WILL PROHIBIT HIM THE PARA- DISE AND THE FIRE WILL BE HIS ABODE,AND FOR THE WRONG DOERS THERE WON’T BE A HELP CH. 5:72 AL-QURAN. BIBLE: Mark Ch.13:32. Jesus said, “But of that day and that hour, no man, not the angels no neither the Son but the Father in heaven." Look for your belief that Jesus will be the Judge on that big day, you may beli- eve as you wish and contra- dict Jesus reject your own book but prepare yourself for the definite consequen- ces. Look further he says. John Ch. 25:4-6. “How much Jess a man, just a ‘maggot’ and the son of man just a worm, (Jesus for himself) Above statement of Jesus is regarding the judgement day where Jesus has clearly stated his position on that day,How then the preachings of the churches, contradict~ ing the book.The status for Jesus PBUH, which The Bible does not claim but the chur ches and so he is believed as God Almighty for worship and the Saviour of the Day of Judgement. How do you dict Yet further: 1._He_who is sent isnot Jn. Ch. 13:16. 2.Is it not written in your scripture? "Many people will come to Jesus (On the last day) telling, “Lord we used to do many things in thy name "He will-reply: "Yes! But I do not know who you The Divine constitution Conclusion are." Matthew 7:22 And they will return in utter desp- air to their final abode in the hell fire. CONCLUSION j.- Disagreement on the part of the majority of the Anglican Bishops regarding the matters of the Birth, Divinity, Crucifixion as we have read above in shock survey hondon, 2.- Reference: John3:i8 ‘BE- GOTTEN SON’has been dropped from RSV Bible as an inter- polation or fabrication not found in the most ancient munuseripts. 3.-Ascension,Mk.16:16 16:19 luke 24:51, thrown out from RSV. Bible of 1952 edition, however, restored back in i971 edition for some vest- ed reasons, but certainly nota belief for the thirty two scholars of the highest eminence, who prepared the version, and 50 cooperating denominations who backed it 4.-1Epistle of John stra nity thrown out from R.S.V. Bible without celebrations. Jesus not God, Not the Be- taken place, Trinity, none. Who are telling these? Not the Jews, nor The Muslims, But the Christians of the highest scholarships and authority on the other words these were the main supporting pillars on Which Christianity rested, are down, meaning there by Chrintianity does not. exist) Atleast, for the Anglican, ‘Rishops, RSV makers and those who have atarted believing sa. Islam, In fact these mainstays of Christianity were the Part- ing Lines between two gig- antic faiths of Monotheism, ie Christianity that consti tutes 1200 million heads and Islam which constitutes 1000 millions i.e. Total of 2200 millions of the world population. e This is the first half of the admitance of the truth The second half is the bel- ief of the rest i.e. Quran and Proph.Mohammad PBUH.May Allah guide all the sincere folk desirous of the truth. 5- Verses in contradiction of the Christian faith 6- Verses requiring the correct faith and the deeds in righteousness. 7. Undetermined the Bible and and the belief. of PBUH status Jesus 8- Quran and ite testimony for Jesus PRUH and his place in Tslam. 9- Unchallangable ‘status of Quran but the dirbelief. disbelief, on the judgement. day if Quran and "Mohammad PRUH are found just. Those Christians who have believed now, that Jesus PRUH is not God but. a mesa- enger of God only, and was not. begotten by God (QURAN- GOD DOES NOT REGRT NOR TS BEGOTTEN, Ch.112:3) not eru- cified, Nothing like Trinity but ONE GON,They are alrea~ dy Muslims in their belief, For them that remains is to The way of life read the testimony witness that There is no deity exc- ept the deity of Allah, and witness that Mohammad is the messenger and the ser- vent of Allah and that Holy QURAN is the final guidance to get the full benefit of their correct Nonotheistic faith.As it is being seen that many Christians whe do like to not stay in the dackness, used their mental faculties realized the tru- th and are rapidly ing to Islam and they so happy and contented, revert= feel The Holy Quran in Ch. 5:82 tolls us, "STRONGEST AMONG MEN IN ENIMITY TO THE BEL- TRVERS WILL BE THOSE OF JEWS AND THE PAGANS (Poly- theists) AND NEAREST AMONG THEM IN LOVE, TO THE BELIE- VERS, YOU WILL FIND THOSE, WHO SAY WE ARE CHRISTIANS. BECAUSE AMONGST THEM ARE MEN, DEVOTED TO LEARNING, AND MEN WHO HAVE RENOUNCED THE WORLD, AND THEY ARE NOT ARROGANT". And we can realize that this is such a well spoken truth that the major con- verts in Islam are from Ch- ristians, rarely fromthe Jews and the Polytheist Salvation from The Bible-Part I 39 ment,and the accountability and lastly The fate. 3.had been righteous in his deeds and had cared for per missions and prohibitions. 4. had established prayers md had paid charities from his rightful riches. had not omitted any of the obligations carelessly. Now just review the teach- ings of Jesus PBUH and see who are his true followers. i. Jesus pnuh taught his disciples, When you meet each other greet them tell- ing "Peace be unto you. He himself would always greet his disciples saying"Shalom Al-eikum"(Hebrew) John 20 26 parallel in Arabic Alsa~ lam-o-Aleikum" Who says this? -> Muslims. 2. Jesus pbuh used to fast for one month most likely in Ramadan as Quran tells “O YE WHO BELIEVED! FAST~ ING IS PRESCRIBED TO YOU AS IT WAS PRESCRIBED TO THOSE BREORE YOU, THAT YE MAY LEA- -RN-SELF-RESTRAINT"-Ch+27183— SURE NOONE CAN SAVE ANYONE ON THAT DAY,BUT WHOM 80D; SHALL WILL. AND ON] THOSE SHALL BE PARDONED, WHO 1. had believed in One God and had worshipped Him alo- ne, and had not associated with him partners, 2, Who had not rejected any thing asked for belief, e.g “Any prophet,Any Divine book “Any of the angels,Life aft— er death, The Day of Judge- Neither Christians nor the Jews fast in this month. Who does this? -> Muslims. 3. Jesus taught his disci- ples how to worship ‘fhe Lord. Jesus pbuh,demonstrated his disciples ‘how to worship The Lord. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus along with his disci- Quran, The Divine Constitution Conclusion 40 ples said, "Stay and Watch" and he walked little furth- er then fell down on the ground with his face (i.e in Prostration) and prayed. Mathew 26:39 Al] Prophets worshipped th- cir Lord in prostration. who does so? -> Muslims. Q- Po Christians prostrate? i! ou ever seen a prayer in any of the churches obs- erving prostration in their prayers No, they refuse to humble them selves before their Lord The creator, The cherisher and The sustainer Lock if you have ever seen Pope, he does it, wherever touches the new land.Why not ask him what does he do and why? if it is not nece~ sary for others too in the faith. Wow, Can you judge your self who are the real obse~ rvers of the teachings of Jesus? Christians or The Muslims? Basically all prophets tau- ght one religion, "The Reli will of The Lord that is Muslim to their God. 1, John 5:30-31 "Ir can of myself do nothing,as T hear T judge and my judgement is just, because I’ seek not my will but the will of the Father. If I bear witness of myself my witness is not true. 2. John 11:41-42 “And jesus lifted up his eyes and said “Father I thank thee that Thou hast heard me And I knew thou hearest me always but because of the people that stand by, I said it, that they may believe that Thou hast sent me. A parallel corresponding verse in Quran about Proph- et Mohammad PBUH,Allah cer~ tifies,Ch.53:3-4. "NOR DOES HE SPEAK OF HIS OWN, EXCEPT WHAT IS REVEALED TO HIM." That is in full obedience to God Almighty, in all commitments and deeds, and surrender to His will, up- right in all affairs. Abso- lute monotheistic practice and teachings. No trace of any Kind of associations of gion of God. Ref. Quran. his_crea-_ Ch.5:44 “ALL PROPHETS, WHICH WERE MUSLIMS Ch.3:19,"TRULY THE RELIGION IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAH IS ISLAM Muslim, one who submits him self to the Will of God. None of the prophets said a word of their own nor did they do anything from their own will, So did Jesus PBUH as He said, They were all submitted to the absolute tion in the deity of the lord. Christian’s belief of TRINITY, without proof from the Bible, except the epis- tles of John written by Paul and for his writings Paul says he writes uninsp- ired. Ref. II Tim. to my Gospel "According Be sincere Nothing is more important than your eternal life if you really mean it and care for it. Also think Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible-Part I for your kins, They are so loved to you.God’s guidance is there, search for it. Salvation is required to you as much as it is requi- red to me, and all. So Lord guide all of us with the truth on the path of the success for Salvation Ameen Na Athiredawana Anilhamdol~ iifale Rabbil Alameen. ai ses be to Allah The her And sustainer of chord iI] the werlds and peace be ante the sow), of Wis serve- st and messenger, Mohammad, ven of Abdallah and his progeny and companions. y Yours, Dr. Aftab Ahmad Khan Quran, The Divine Constitution HEA MEAD AAA SAGA ADOT A sae aeune Aeneas AE fait atanpaa aceon naarza/ Abt "OSTmEEIRE ree gc PANDAS ATTN TDA a Wbacasirranesavausen! frag aa ry temmeasseint 7 Seon © ste opus hunt Ae) The Letter 42 PART Ir "SALVATION FROM THE BIBLE 2" IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST GRACIOUS MOST MERCIFUL INTRODUCTION : Referring the acknowledgement of the Part I of this book "SALVATION FROM THE BIBLE”? Fortunately 1 have received the reply of the Part 1, from Mr. Ricardo Bisquerra from Phils e ppine. Whom T have referred the reason for this work from me In this part, I have tried to answer Mr Bisquerra’s lettes with more arguments from the Bible supported by Quranic verses. Before going to my answer I like to record here Mr.Bis- querra’s letter so that the readers could find the Joining link between these two parts so as to have, full understands ing of this subject and be able to recognize the truth. May Allah bless each of the readers of this book with the light of the truth to choose their path to salvation. THE LETTER Bani Masinloc, Zambalis JAN. 18,1988, Dr.. Aftab Ahmad Khan, Dear Son, Before every thing I hope my long awaited letter finds you and your family in the best of health. I am sorry I hove fot Sent you letter sooner then this have not Torgotioe “frectally your long letter in pamphiet form about ievene T have to ask the help of a friend a_seminarian—to—help me— peeuer Your questions. I understood very little of the tare ciger dings you sent me as T am not familiar with the pronune pidtion of ‘your English words, besides I am quite Mech ne hearing now. They say it is natural happening ‘to pespis Oo pid ege like me.t can understand more by reading racher chat earing. T enjoyed reading your letter in the form of pamphlet sbout Islam. I find a lot of virtues. thoughts in Islam the We 2S tought in my Bible about Christ. Our answers to your “questions are as follows: ( I expect you have a copy of what You sent me as we tried to answer page by page.) Islam, The way of life, Salvay e-ohe Part-1i 43 Page? Referring te Christianit righianity, sesus Gurist. The greatest prophet sent vy God, after all other prophets failed, Please read We. 21:23-45, Nt. i2:i-i2 and Luke 20:9-1 shy of Jesus, Ple: Lnat He is Ged, the son (2nd bhe father and who the usction the “ceminen” Go the Pvords 2 Hie goes on aud that the Father and Hi ity. it might also helg vou to oO amderstaed fa oe cheyst's birth +. Wha 8 Re ?S Sher ont i ‘ sus Gheist soins wut ee God is 4 if the roof lim Sevhgtures is able ee uuee ceud mat tye « wh of tke Bible} [mn the heginnin! ens Lag (afcaurss 9s inspired by God Himself} thai sume body. = hat Clesl ise. He: omit c cout His heing the form of God to become mortal ifes 8 Lead John 5:30 £ Hatin. robe the Tethes Humisity and total Page Sai Please read Felipe S:8-8. “John chapler (i-4 “Sucvivui should be, undenstesd otherwise, Quran, The Divine Constituiion, The Letter 44 Page 10, item 13- The physio geographical presence is a temporary reality in the person of Jesus for He ascended (re 'gurned to Father). : Page 11 item 4 Please understand that the whole of the " Anglican Bishops..dees not constitute or even represent all Bishops of the world. And that they even rejected many other truth of the faith and their rejection and refusal could mee an that they are wrong and they are actually. Page 3. Did Jesus ever speak in secret? I would like to believe that many of the Jesus words were not recorded John, Page item 1-5 Yours is interpretations are correct » interpretation and not. al} To understand the correct one, the listener of God's word ( Bi reader } should consider author of the text, his audience, the literary nature ete. und a book even so accurate even a learned man is not enough to discern liis message accurately and completely for the sou ree of revelation is God Himself and our human faculties are limited to contain the vast revelation of, His Divine person. Page 15 Was Jesus alone to perform miracles -Please read Fexodus 3:19-20 and 4 :1-4, Mosses is the prototype of Jesus Christ ic His Divine powers (the divine power in him)and his popularity prefigures that is of Christ. He is but a shadow, Page 16-3 John 5:30 Humility, obedience to qualify com- minity in the blessed Trinity. Page 18 about Jonah- Your version again has a mistrans~ jation - Alive and Live are nonexistent in the correct trans lation. This leads you to understand and conclude wrongly. e Page 19 Mt. 12:18-40 intends to present a sign as requ~ ested by the Jews and primarily doesnot intend to explain or describe His own death The expression might be defective but Please see this text in comparison to three other texts, Mt. 16:21, Mark 8 ; 31 and Luk: 2 This _three_da: a SS ‘nights is never said or meant but "on the third day". Please understand that Jewish days are considered in a different as “we do A Jewish day consists of SBE sunrise to sun set only. Thus Friday first day, Saturday the second and Sun day the third .da: Please understand too that “on the third day” means a different thing " after the theed day " So that Please understand that the missing bedy on that Sunday morn- ing is the proof of His resurrection from the dead. Page 21 about Mary Magdaline- Please read again the text the correct one,and please understand that He didnot disgui- pe, but Mary thought He was the gardener and definitely not hiding Himself, Islam, The way of life, tn sy é : God's scrd sas nev-r rivised. $1 was the fox 3 AL LRAE hay covised Ga eder that the Bible for ali - ils messane God revelation man, nation ~ace ems. Rosser pioted Love (Jeremia! wad Vou wiht find gst be e sasing bere, Lose. eeyneat oc nly on many ver ts Fags Es Question 2 ivcse coed 4h. 2a may ces judge a book uy its cover crapyt are mat atbractd eiess inhes waay weitere (3 tape SSTO a = ‘at their work wil} come together as one Bible. There Are reports that differs from sne Look to the other, There Wie Cvoris vague and af {Sue ebendiebary hen eagle : : tng st eogrs and Ge ben, sane Song tes WAL for ell ar b\en i: you sey that sour Guran La they God © asebP ane P nee Posie ot Sbeut 1 serfer on and oh: Without, naving © on, pease. = Even afte bearin cacks ( serions study concern gig.) f stiat velie © aod jt red grown littie more! on the Bible as vod’: ve nee in matters: 2 ite cor Quran, The Divine Constitot The Letter @ faith and knowledge of God inspite of its being written by many different scribes who never met and never even thou- ght they are contributing their share in the formation of the book, but still present materials for the spiritual nou- pishment of God’s people. Doctor i or would rather say we might not have answercd all your questions but this dialogue between us is quite in- teresting. We are al! seeking for the truth Sincerely Yours, Sd/ R. BISQUERRA your father inlaw Islam, The way of life, 46 Salvation from The Bible Part-II 47 Eirhe Reply. Fa ere ty the actual er I would like to fs in efforts to provide healthy knowledge to people of both the sectors, Christians as well as Hus Jims, and those who are in search of the truth. I like to submit, my due apelogy io ay Christian brethren, for am looking into The Bible with Une eves of reasoning and not of a critic.I'm not hege lo be disrespectful to thi holy scripture. But in due @fforts to put before you quite respectfully, Lie truth it contains and how we can achieve our goal of salvation. Therefore I expe- ct from my Christian breth- ren that they'll go through this work patiently and wi- th needful attention putt- ing acide all prejudices so that they may be benifitted desirably with this work, Later on they can very well pass their decisions, after Weighing their reasons for rejection or acceptance. ~Doubtlessly, It is very important for every human being who believes in God, that he will be judged for his deeds in his earthly therefore worry for his success for the life “after death.Not only Islam, but The Christianity too ives full emphasis to it. : The simile of the life dn the world is that of the “Vegetation when young,It is -8reen and fresh, Then it “Sows older changes to yel- glow and ultimately it redu- Ses to hay. But the life ere after, as described by the prophets is never to terminate if in paradise, always green and fresh, and if in the hell, in pain and punishment for ever, The pleasures of the paradise and pain of hell, Wo eye has ever seen, of a mind has ever imagined except. for certain prophets whom God got witnessed these tr- uths.Pro.Nohammad pbuh in a vadilion has compared the gains of the life of the world with the moisture that sticks Lo the finger dipped in the sea, whereas the sea as a whole, are the gains of the life in the Paradise or as has said the holy Prophet. PBUR. ALL prophets, in all na~ tions and at all times have taught the humans of the unity of God and the wor- ship for iiim alone, without association to His Divinity with anything in the sky or on the earth.The qualifying people on the Judgement day shall be the believers in the unity of God, and the obedient ones,who had lived their lives in total submi on to the Will of God, following the foot steps of the prophets in their times And the disqualified shall ro gressors,and evil doers who shall be condemned to the hell fire for their lasting abode in pain and torture. Therefore,where a messenger has given a glad tiding of God’s inimaginable Paradise also warned men of the pain and punishments of the hell fire. Which God has lit for the evil doers. May Allah guide us to the right path, grant us pardon and the place in the Paradise and save us from the fire, Amen Quran, The Divine constitution The Reply WoW THE Reply. I have also (pried to answer Mr. Bisque~ ra’s letter point by point, that no point is left un~ fatisfied in the efforts of tevealing the truth in ace— ordance to the scriptures nnd the statements of the prophet PBUH. tasting from the closing comment in the letter, He. R. Bisquerra. “Doctor T would) rather say we might not have answered all your questions but this dialogue between us is quite intere~ sting. We are all seeking for the truth. Ans. -Respected Sir, you are speeking of answers of all the questions! But I am so- rry to say, " I was looking for one single answer which could satisfy the question. However the most encourag~ ing in your letter is the lust sentance of this draft druth,” Those who really intend so, God bestows upon them, His light that illu- minates his mental facult- ies which enables him to recognize the truth.But for those,who prefered for them away into their desired tc, They_never perceive light and recieve guidance from God.They are certainly of those, destined to the hell fire, the eternal loo- = gers, Quran 2:257, "ALLAH IS THE FRIEND OF THOSE, WHO BELIE- VED, REMOVES THEM FROM THE =DARKNESS INTO THE LIGHT, AND ‘OF THOSE WHO DISBELIEVED, THEIR FRIENDS ARE THE SATA~ sNS, WHO DRAG THEM FROM THE Islam, The way of life 48 LIGHT IN TO THE DARKNESS, THOSE ARE THE INMATES OF FIRE, THERE IN THEY ' WILD DWELL FOR EVER.” Quran 24:4 "AS TO THOSE WilO BELIEVE NOT IN THE HERE-AFT BR,WE HAVE MADE THEIR DEEDS PLEASING IN THEIR EYES; AND SO THEY WANDER ABOUT IN DIS YRACTION. 24:5 SUCH ARE THEY FOR Wi A GRIEVOUS PENALTY 1S (wail ing), AND IN THE HERE APT! THETR'S WILL BE THE GREA‘- EST LOSS.” OM Now the question iss.+ Where is the true guidance? Since all men are to be ju- dged from Adam to the last human a rvle a judgement can't be passed upon a person unless tic court has satisfied all the witness so as not to leave a chance for error in the Jjudgement.Here the witness— es shall be from the Proph- ets, who came in every nation and in all times and above all shall be the wit~ ness of Prophet Mohammad PBUH and his faithfuls,con~ cerning the provision of guidance for every human who was born, that he can provided with the € at lance, Therefore it must be born clearly in every mind that— no one shall have an excuse before God to say that the guidance did not reach to him,That means guidance was available in all times and 50 is available in our time too,but what is needed from us is the eye to search for it, before we die. Quran Ch.4:41-42, “HOW THEN IF WE BROUGHT FROM EACH PE-~ Salvation from The Bible Part-11 4 PLE A WITNESS, AND WE BROU- (gHT THEE A WITNESS AGAINST PEOPLE. ON THAT DAY qHOSR, WHO REJECT FAITH AND pISOMEY THE APOSTLE WILL WI- THK BARTH WERE MADE Oi THEN: BUT NEVER WILL -qHEY HIDE A SINGLE FACT ROM GOD.” AND quran Chapt. 16:89,"0NE DAY WE SHALL RAISE FROM ALL NATIONS A WITNESS, AGAINST FROM AMONGST THEMSEL~ AND WE SHALI BRING THE! SS AGAINST THESE PROPLE: WAVE SENT pOWN TO THEE THE ROOK EXPL AINING ALE. THINGS, A GUIDE A MERCY AND GLAD TIDING TO MUSLIMS As per one of the tradi- Lions from prophet Nohammad PUI, That. The messenger of Allah PBUI said,"On the day of judgement Prophet Noha (Noob) shall be called for witness and Allah will ask him, “Had you conveyed my message to my servents"? H will reply, "Yes my Lord. Then God will call the peo- ple in his nation and will “ask them, "Did Noha convey my message to you.?" They will flatly refuse and will say,"No warner ever came to isha, “Your people deny, Do you have a witness?And Noha will say Yes,"My witness is tohammad PBUH, and his peo- Ple." (Subhan Allah) Allah Will ask the people from the followers of Mohammad PBUH, You were not present _ then, How could you witness for ‘the prophets earlier, They will say,"our Lord Thr /Ough the witness of our pro Phet Mohammad PBUH. in whom \ We believed and of the holy Quran which he read to us testified the prophets cari ier." or as has said The Holy Prophet. (May God for give me for my language and for any mistake for te knows the best.) For then, who bother for the truth and search,i will recommend, Lo them to look into The Quran, bef they conclude their’ search, Never mind Jet them go thr- ough it with the eves of a critic. In case of Quran many times negative effor have proved Lhe positive results. For Instance, one Mr. Salahuddine Agarwal, Once a fundamentalist Hindu of Roorkela in India prese~ ntly settled at Ranchi Bih- ar, a prosperous lawyer and a businessman stood against Quran’s Challenge being in- errant.He studied seriously but couldn’t find even one, then He picked up the life of The Holy prophet Of ls lam PBUH,if he can find any thing which he can show to the challenging Muslims, But There too, He failed, Then he concluded. "I couldn’t find a thing to raise -his finger, that means Huslim’s challenge is true, And if it is so then, why should I then he embraced Islam. For reference I keep his speech recorded. The Holy QURAN is the last revealed book from God to His last messenger towards the mankind ie Pro. Mohammad PBUH.Since he, PBUH is the last of all the pro- phets and Quran is the fi- nal of all revelations from God. Therefore our success of the life in here-after depends in the observance of the guidance in Quran and a life style on the Quran, The Divine constitution ‘The Reply Boot steps of the holy pro- [phet Mohomead PBUH, to the Ebest of our capabilities. PIndeed God is pardoning isi~ vad for all our shortcomings “wony may argue, Why Hohamnad PBUI alone? throug’ AIL this discussion & ou, is be answer Lhis ®HY and this answer is on definile reasons besand ol allenge and The answe forth to from my reply of Sri rra’s lelter, reproduced above. Me. R. Bisquerra "i enjoyed your letter in the form sf pamphlet, about. Tslam." ANS. I, in the of this subject, FROM THE BIBLE, Tywhich you have “ugh T simply pages of the Bible, and ought before you the rel Jon of Jesus Christ paul, and you saw ISLAM in it, Meaning there by you have admitted indirectly, that you saw Islam in the verses Quoted from The Bible, and that is what we are trying presentation SALVATION? in the Part. gone thro= opened up, ide bre Feligion from God except ine and which is ISLAM. I quote from QURAN 1. Quran Ch. 3:19, "TRULY THE RELIGION IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAH IS ISLAM.” 2."THE SAME DID ABRAKAM EN- OIN UPON HIS SONS,AND ALSO PYACOB,"O MY SONS! LO! ALLAH SHAS CHOSEN FOR YOU THE RELI [GION THEREFORE DIE NOT SAVE EYXOU ARE MUSLIMS”. Ch, 2:132 Muslim = One,who surrenders himself completely to the Will of The Lord.) ‘Jacob’, Hope you know-his second name,is Israee]l pbuh.He had twelve sons the youngest of those was Josef (Yusuf)pbuh and see what they replied on their father's call. 3. Ch. 2 ssing to 133 (God is addre- Nohammad pbuh) “or WERE YOU PRESENT? WHEN DEA- TH CAME TO JACOB, WHEN WE SAID UNTO HIS SONS: WHAT WILL YOU WORSHIP AFTER ME? THEY SAID "WE SHALL WORSHTP THY GOD, THE GOD OF THY FATHER ABRAHAM, ISMAEL AND ISAC, ONE GOD AND_WE_ARE UN “meaning Surrendered. So children of Israeel pbuh promised their father to remain in the total submission to their Lord. ie ( Muslims to Him } Concluding Abraham was Mus~ lim, Ismael, Isac and Jacob All were Muslims, so were Mosses, Jesus and Mohanmad p.b.u, them. and so are all righteous people (Allah be pleased with them) ive, in total submission to God. 4.Ch.5:114 "AND BEHOLD! I INSPIRED THE DISCIPLES TO HAVE FAITH,AND DO THOU BEAR WITNESS THAT WE BOW TO GOD AS MUSLIMS, The above verse is stated in the Holy Quran in rela~ tion with the followers of Jesus Christ PBUK. 8, THE magicians who belie~ ved in The Lord of the wor- lds after their combat with Mosses, They arqganswering to Pharoha’s threat ) that Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-I 51 YyOU WANT TO TAKE REVENGE ON US SIMPLY BECAUSE WE BELIG~- VED IN THE SIGNS OF OUR LORD, WHEN THEY REACHED US. OUR LORD POUR ON US PATIE~ NCE AND STABILITY AND TAKE uk S01 MUSLIMS” Ch. 77126 Mr.R.B. “Even after bearing your attack” Ans.. Respected Sir; I feit hurt to read the noted expr ession attack in your lett~ er. ATTACK means assault or treating with insult Did I? s there a Muslim who can dare calling the name of Jesus Christ PBUH,disgrace— fuily or even with less re- verence? And what of Jesus PBUH, any of the prophets Tt is an article of the fa- ith for muslims, to believe in all the prophets and to believe in what ever is re- venled unto them from God , and that We are not suppos~ ed to make any distinction between them and if we do go, We are expelled from the faith of Islam. a > AND WHA’ | TOWARDS US (Through Mohamm- pbuhJAl SCAND ISMAEL AND ISAC AND JA~ ‘COB, AND THE TRIBES & WHAT THEIR LORD. AND WE DO NOT MAKE = DISTINCTION AMONGST EM, AND TOWARDS HIM WE E IN SUBMISSION. Ch.2:136 Islam doesnot belittle lesus pbuh, But rather tes- fies and glorifies him. Mst as prophesied by Jesus PBUH, himself in John 1 "And he will glorify me" My christign friends might dis agree with me for they bel- jeve the verse is related to the holy ghost. 1 will talk on this subject in its suitable place. But here I want to tell you, How Islam glorifies, not only Jesus pbuh but all those prophets Who have sustained an ext~ reme degree of trauma and disgrace upon their person at the hands of the people of the scripture (i.e, Jews and Christians) who have thrown lot of filth on th- cir pious characters. God, didnot leave His chosen men who had suffered in His cause, and lived a life in total submission and devo~ tion are presented to the world wrapped up in filth, Therefore God revealed in Holy Quran through Mohammad pbuh of their piety and innocence and cleansed then off from all allegations in one sentence by pronouncing all_of them, innocent and sinless like infants. As they are specially protect~ ed by God Almighty from all sorts of temptations, so is believed by 1000 million Muslims in the world. Had Tod noe reverted tire tracer in Quran?,There was not one of the earth which could have ever challenged these allegations,and have testi-~ fied for their holiness.And Please tell me, Who could have ever believed these men, who are shown in the Bible so much unholy, (God forbid) were the chosen -men of God and were meant for the guidance of the rest of the mankind? And those who believe these passages of Quran, The Divine constitution S ec, are in doubt of jhe ate of those great he wie of character for the predtjnd, who are Pronounced radnets and the messengers eer rGod) both in The Holy e > Bible and : Py. akSUS Christ, pbuh. is Le juved in Christianity as MA or God, and God Rimsotf {god incarnate) and when (Ree netie® is disputed x (mgt Christians, The bel- fevers so Lo the extremes with owl « Compromise, God! or if nok God, Imposter? God!and if nol God, Lunatic? tay. Anis Shorosh D.D( Rut. adebate between Mr. Ahmed Deedat and Raverand Anis Shorosh D.B.,yheld in albert Unilin London, Topic; Is Je yus God ?). hat ever adje- ctives they like, they may use for their Hero, But T want to know, Are these ad- jcclives TMPOSTER, LUNATIC, synonyms of God. ?! 1 seek AMah’s pardon and Wis ref- uge from such scholarships. There are many Christians who do not believe Jesus as God This has put Jesus Chr- ist PBUH at a place of dis~ pute permanently, that a sector of the people of scripture (Jews) whom Jesus belonged, refused to accept because of those improper -titles, They labelled him blasphemer. Who did that 7?! Those who showed for him, the extreme degree of their love. They crossed the li— Bits in exaggerations Pronounced him, Son of God and God Him self! 2. JEWS, not only had denied Jesus PBUH as the messenger of God but also called him, false prophet, and boasted they killed him disgrace- fully and supported their charge against him, for a false prophet, proving it from the Bible, Deut. 13:5 and 21:21-23. You will read these verses in relation with Ascension. However Ch- ristians accept this claim whole heartedly in order to support their ‘Theory of Ascension from the dead’ thereby the theory of the Divinity to Jesus, and Atonement from sins through the blood of Jesus, finally redemption and Easy Salva~ tion.Acts 17:18, 1Jn.15:3-4 13-14 ete. 3.Jesus Christ pbuh is acc~ used in The Bible, of using harsh language, such as calling for gentiles with words like Snakes, Swines, Dogs, wipers etc., Even for his mother, addressing her disrespectfully. * “Woman What have I, to do with thee” John, 2:4. 4 "Give not that which is holy to the dogs neither seast ye your pearls before swines. Matthew, 7:6. But On the other hand The Holy Quran clears him away Seormspuch=accusetiors=—=———e ALLAH DOESNOT APPROVE _UTT=— ERING OF HARSH WORDS EXCEPT BY ONE,WHO HAS BEEN WRONGED AND ALLAH, IS EVER HEARING AND KNOWING". QURAN, 4:148. How then Jesus being a pro- phet and messenger of God could have used such a lan- guage.! The Holy Quran fur- ther testifies in Ch. 19:32 Islam, The way of life Fees : Seanp DUTIFUL TO MY MOTHER, Mary] AND {Allah} MADE ME NOT UNDLESSED AND ARROGANT" 4g, Jesus, is accused in The pible Lo have made wine from the water,it is repor- ted as the first miracle, (hich he performed, Tt was Mn ewecasion of a marriage te iL Cana in Galilee, ani the mother of Jesus too tus there Jesus vas also ited along with his di . When the wine ran The mother of him, “They have wine " (Meaning request Jesus, from his mother flo somelhing) Jesus said hers to “Woman what have I to do with thee?"Mine hour is not yet come." John Ch, 2:1-11 WoTH; [Tf You will read this in R (Bible} You will read"0 Woman what have you to do with me" unlike the first one as is used in other Bibles such as, King ivanes,The Gideon's Interna- "tonal etc. Can you transi- yate these two sentences, and gist me know the meaning of Ethe two sentences is one !? of the rd of God and thus crea dng conflicts. E,, To cut short Jesus PBUH EMiraculously made the Wine, i the water in that fea~ it) as was insisted by his other. Jn, Ch.2:1-11. This Miracle has * done immense rong in the Christendom ning wine religious and a it became a curse in st of the countries spe- tally the western world. 0% Alcholics,majority are Quran, The Divine constitution Salvation from The Bible Part-II 53 drunkards. The evils of the Alcohol almost every body knows. May I ask You, Did Jesus use wine for himself? 5. Jesus is reported in the Bible, was tempted by the Satan. Luke. Ch. 4:1-2, "dnd Jesus full of the holy spirit re- turned from Jordan, and was led by the spirit for forty days in the wilderness, tem- pted by the devil. At the same time St. James says, [Ch.1:13] "Let no one say when he is tempted,I am tempted by God, For God can not be tempted with evil. CONTRADICTION ! A disgrace for such a migh- ty messenger of Allah, as for Jesus PBUH, and what of a prophet, The Satan does not possess any powers over righteous men, Who can by all ease defeat Satan, for all his temptations.More so when Jesus is believed God and yet can be tempted by the Satan, then where should a common man stand. Do you want to say, Satan is even mete einen ecepatieatioes —Thus_It_is_a pure lie agai~ nst Jesus pbuh, that he was tempted by the evil. Proph- —ets inthe first place—are— specially protected by God,“ Secondly they are madé so pious that unpiety can nev- er touch them. Satan can never have any powers over the prophets. Once again Islam brings out Jesus,from utter disgrace which the scripture has put him in. 1 can’t understand what moral Attack One can receive out of such a mention in the scripture except a disgrace to this great prophet and the migh-, ty messenger of Allah, OR” Perhaps, You are seeking an excuse or a free licence to sins?.A prophet never falls prey to the desires either of his own self or of the people, any body, not his father, not even his motier or wife and children. jot the beauty,Neither the thr- one, nor a threat on his life. ive Nothing can shake him from the path of ihe service of The Lord. He can not move even the least bit of of his own unless recei- ved God's permission, This is how we believe about all the prophets, together with Jesus PBUH,We believe Jesus had never touched wine him- self nor had ever allowed for his disciples, For wine is never considered a heal- thy stuff in any circumstan ces, iow then Jesus being a prophet could have made wi- ne for the people and for his disciples. This is from the people, who had desired wine to be made lawful,even religious and therefore ha- ve attributed PBUH it to gh a Jesus thr concocted testified by Quran. Against this alleged mi- racle. Quran, has also des- cribed a miracle related to his infancy.You may say The first miracle after his birth which puts Jesus PBUH in a position much higher and declares him a prophet from his birth. when yet in the cradle,he speaks to the crowd who gathered - around Mary PBU her, questioning about this infant,when they Islam, The way of life B4 knew she wasn’t married.And this young baby, spoke to the people and protected the prestige of his mother. QURAN Chapt.19:27-33. “THEN SHE BROUGHT HIM TO HIS OWN FOLK, CARRYING HIM, THEY SAID O ! MARY THOU HAS COME WITH AN AMAZING THING. OH SISTER OF AARON! THY FATHER WAS NOT A WICKED MAN NOR WAS THY MOTHER A HARLOT THEN SHE POINTED TO HIM, THEY SAID, HOW CAN WE TALK TO ONE WHO IS IN THE CRADLE A YOUNG BOY? HE SPAKE; "LO! I AM THE SLAVE OF ALLAH, HE HATH GIVEN ME THE SCRIP— TURE AND HATH APPOINTED ME A PROPHET. AND HAS MADE ME BLESSED WHEREVER I MAY BE, AND HAS ENJOINED UPON ME PRAYERS AND ALMSGIVING SO LONG, I REMAIN ALIVE,AND HAS MADE ME DUTIFUL TOWARDS HER WHO BORE ME AND HAS NOT MADE ME ARROGANT UNBLESSED. PEACE BE ON ME THE DAY I WAS BORN THE DAY I DIE, AND THE DAY SHALL BE RAISED TO LIFE. Not only to Jews but for many Christians, The status of Jesus pbuh is disputed, His birt, man or God, cru- cified or not, Died or not, every thing related to Jes~ us_christ,is—under—doubt—in- Christendom.70% of the Ang- ican “Bishops; ~"YOU-ARE “NOT OBLIGED TO BELIEVE THAT JESUS WAS GOD." Ref. Shock survey Anglican Bishops London. Besides, his birth, Crucifixion and Ascention might not, have happened as reported in the scriptures Ref. Anglican Bishops Shock survey. Therefore all these --uncertainities——prevailing— regarding various beliefs Salvation from The Bible Part-II 55 Ptor Jesus Christ. Who will decide these disputes?May I know what document, do they pos! except the authori- ty of Uoly Quran only,which n decide in justice any h matters in dispute. IL gan separate the Lruth from the lies for its reputition and indisputed authority. Thus TC is the only stand- ard document to differents abe whe right Crom the wre- mit is a quality contro} A device which can quickis geliecis out the fit mate rial from the rot. Quran Ch, 5:51, "TO THEE WE SENT THE SCRIPTURE IN TRUTH CONFORMING THE — SCRIPTURE. THAT CAME BEFORE IT AND. GUA RDING_1T IN SAFETY:SO JUDGE BETWEEN THEM BY WHAT GOD WATH REVEALED, AND FOLLOW NOT THEIR VAIN DESIRES,DIV- RRGING FROM THE TRUTH, THAT HATH COME TO THEE." And so yoo can see the status of fosus Christ PBUH, amongst 1000ms Muslims of the world is determined, Not a bit of dispute in his miracle bir- th,As a man and the prophet ef God, Not the son or God imself, the miracles which he performed through God’s Permission,The scripture he .Was_revealed,—not—crucified—~ Rot died, Ascended alive, in his physical body etc. Now be just, and review ali this once more and Tell me, Does Islam pay more revere- Ree Lo Jesus pbuh and glor~ ifies him, Or is it attack~ ing his position? as you have blamed in your letter The OTHER PROPHETS who have Sustained great hurt on th- Sir persons at the hands of the people of scripture and are accused for Drunkeness, Rapes, Adultery, incest and idolation are... 1. The great prophet Noha pou, is shown to have been drunk to the extent of becoming naked before his grown up sons. Genesis 9:23-24 "And Shem and Japhet took a garment and jaid it upon both his shoulders,and went backward and they saw not their fa- ther’s nakedness, And Noha awoke from his wine and knew his younger sons had done to him." 2. Prophet Solomen pbuh, is accused of not only having a large Harem but also of worshipping false Gods. (Idolatory} 1King 11:9-10 "And The Lord was angry with solomen and commanded him concerning this thing that he should not go after other gods, but he kept not what The Lord commanded.” Surprizing!,He is told here arrogant, yet continued to be a prophet and a chosen one, who received the guid- tion’s guidance.! Does it appeal _to_a sensible mind.? 3.Aaron pbuh himself a pr ‘phet and ‘brother of a migh= ty prophet and messenger MOSES pbuh, is accused to have fashioned THE GOLDEN CALF, for the Israelites to worship. Exodus 32:4 "And he Aaron received them golden ear- ings at their hand and fashioned it with a graving Quran, The Divine constitution Attack tool after he had made it a golden calf and they said, these be thy gods 0, Israel which brought thee up out bf the land of Egypt." 4.Prophet Lut pbuh,His per- son has been wrapped up wi- th the filth of INCEST,with his own daughters. Genesis 19:36. "Thus both the daughters of Lut were with the child of their fa~ ther” 1 seek Allah'srefuge 5. Prophet Jacob pbuh, is necused of incest with his daughter inlaw. Genesis 29:28 "And Jacob did 30 and fuifiiled her weak and he Laban gave him Rachel, his daughter to wife aiso. 6. Prophet David pbuh is accused of adultery. 11 Samuel 11:4-5 "And David sent messengers and took her [wife of Uriah] and she came in unto him and he lay with her, for she was puri~ fied from her cleanliness; wand she returned unto her house; and woman conceived “and sent,and told David and said I am with child." . [God forbid] and they say ".Prophet soloman is that ch- - ild.How then David could be accepted in the genealogy of Jesus, PBUH when it sta- rts from a person who comm~ ritted adultery and had an-——sexualimmorelities. illegal downward lineage. “AS per Deuteronomy 23:2, "4 . bastard shall not enter in “the congregation of the bo-* td even to his tenth genc- ifation” Shameful and Dis- Islan, The graceful and so much hurt- ing to the prestige. of Je- sus Christ pbuh, and for his believers in truth. T.Another allegation of cest and rape, by Ammon son of David with his half sis- ter Tamar. II- Samuel 13:14 "Howbeit he [Ammon] would not harken un-to her voice; but being stronger than she, [Tamar] forced her and lay with her 8.Multiple. rapes by Absalom on David’s Concubines. II Samuel 16:33, "So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top of the house, And Absalom went into his fath~ er’s concubines in the sig- ht of all Israel." 9. Incest by Judah on his daughter inlaw, Tamar. Genesis 38:18, "Judah on the way to Timnath to sheer his sheep saw Tamar, He thought her to a harlot be- cause she had her face cov- ered and He [Judah] gave Tamar a signet and staff and came in unto her and she conceived by him". enitoneti- The believers of these statements from this holy scripture The Bible, might seek—for excuses for them selves to justify their God forbid, Could this be imagined, God had chosen wrong people, to guide the mankind. ? way of life 56 Salvation from The Bible Part-IL Gould anyone ever pay res- pect and tolerate a moment with them to listen of any wisdon ? could anyone having read such events of utter immo- rality about these great characters of human kind, shall ever agree, they were prophets of God and the rc ghLeous people to set ari- KbL Lhe rest of the mankind in their respective nations Is there any document on earth besides Quran which » could wash off this filth from the holy persons of these great charracters of human kind and prove their innocence from these alle- gations: Thanks to Allah, All the praises be to Him, Who en lightened us with the truth and Guided us through His last and final Word reveal- ed unto His last prophet Mohammad pbuh, whe conveyed the truth in full and final which otherwise was not Possible as all the previ- sous revelations were alrca- dy lost or masked by the false hood. Had Allah not. revealed Quran the final the darkness, eo ‘DIVINITY = Referring to the DIVINITY of Jesus, The Letter Mr. R.B. "Felipe 2: 5-9 Jesus Christ, is implied > that He is God,the son, (2nd Person in one God), sent by God the father and’who took the form of a man.” Quran, Ine Divine constitution Answer . Person which means one body or one individual, Can unit be broken? If it can be, It won't be defined as unit. The universe is one, which cannot be divided into more of it. And if this whole is considered a big circle, A circle can have only one center, and God is the cen- ter of this universe and Therefore God is also ONE and cannot be divided. As the unit is unbreakable and so is God.The God which you can divide, This is not God.You speak of three Gods in One God.! Three distinct spoken persons, The father, The son, and The holy ghost and yet one person. How it can intellectually be acce-~ pted as one person, How can you count i + 1+ 1=1?!What methamatical formula should you apply to make it possi- ble?How so hard you try but It has to count three. How- ever, In Trinity, Figure 3 (three) is an opted number. Question is why only three? it may be any number even millions. Well if three or more is your choice beside one God. You may do so, But certain that the st: ‘ength o: is in the unity. Quran: Ch.21:22 "IF THERE HAD BEEN GOD, BESIDE ALLAH THE TWAIN SURELY HAD WAGED WAR". The second part on this question “The son, sent by God, Father who took the form of a man."! God is independent in His nature.that is needless for - ST Divinity z thing which is necess- Fang thing which 3s pecese: ereated being, This indepen- Gent nature makes God immor tal. Where as man, other creature which depen- for ds on things necessary existence will die if these needs are cut from the pro- vision. Therefore a depen- dent is a mortal, And so no fortal can ever be justi~ fied, for the throne of The Henvens. if God incarnated,! ie Took the form of a mortal, The (ransformation had required from im, suspension of His. independent, qualities .Mean- ing,Having done so,The imm- orial should become a mor~ tal together from His all enpable quality to incapa— bilities, A powerless and helpless being. In short Wk THUS CEASES TO BE GOD. And in case if He retained Wis qualities God in all Wis mights,HE WAS NOT A MAN ¥or the slogan of purity as God und human at the same time is fai from the truth. | iene Jesus, Was he a man or not? If man, Not God and If God! Not man.For the combination ther man nor God. Because the mortal and immortal can never be mixed together.! And if you can still attem- Pt to mix the two insoluble Substances, and tell, it is homogeneously dissolved Well only the blind will Rode his head to your claim vp Jesus PBUH, was a man and Mo more than a man. A comp= alete normal man with every (eed of a mortal,He hunger- dand ate,He got tired and Islam, The way of life slept,He felt happy and sad He cried and wept, He need- ed toilet. His mission was short,so didnot marry, else might have had children too He had every need and the weakness of a normal man. The Holy QURAN Ch. 5:75 reads “CHRIST JESUS SON OF MARY, WAS NO MORE THAN AN APOSTLE, AND HIS MOTHER WAS A SAINTLY WOMAN, MANY MORE, PROPHETS PASSED AWAY BEFORE HIM. THEY USED TO EAT FOOD LOOK HOW WE MAKE OUR SIGNS CLEAR FOR THEM, LOOK HOW THEY DEVIATE FROM THE TRUTH According to The Bible what ever had happened to him, Temptation, humiliation even crucifixion, was because he was a human, and could not prevail over his enemies but as God and then facing such disgraceful defeats at the hands of his enemies is an utter injustice with God Such a complicated mixture of the two neither full man nor full God shall bring confusions to the people. Such believers shall lose the right conception of God and His powers, and this is not untrue, we are already seeing the chaos in the the superficiality of their faith which we observe from the careless attitude in the matters of the religion Mr. R.B.."He [God] called God a word,,and he goes on to say that the word was made flesh that is, He emp- ti 4 (Himself of His being to become mortal. (Felipe 2:5-8,) ‘He emptied Himself to become mortal’ 58 meaning surrendered all in- dependent qualities. precisely, NO MORE GOD !? Is it.? yes, The sentence means so. Deuth makes the life inert Jesus died, means also red- uced to an inert body like nny nonliving object. Where ns the characterstic of God ts life which has no end.So God is alive, from ever and for ever and is all capable and powerful. Now how can you put any thing from the reation which was at any Lime defeated by the death could be considered All powerful Inconqucrable God? Even if you say rose again, on the third day,Well inert means lost energy, that is lost all powers to be able to make any move on its own unless an external force makes it to do so Therefore if you say, Jesus was revi- ved on the third day. Now the question is Who revived him? There must be some one still greater to be able to revive that inert body. So The reviver is God, and the revived, who was once lying dead for any length of time as net ‘THE WORD? -. Yes Jesus is the Word of God, The Word Be, which God uttered and Jesus pbuh,came - into being.So The word ‘Be’ solely depended on God’s utterance.Had He not utter- ed, ‘THE WORD’would not have existed Similarly the spi- rit when was blown got the life, Had it not been blown How it could have excessed to life Therefore both the word and the spirit depend Quran, Salvation from The Bible Part-II ed on the will and the dec- ree from God Almighty, when was passed, THE WORD, found its existence.Thus anything that finds its existence, is only through the will of God.How then can you consi- der the creator and the creation could be at par. God is Word is independent and The dependant. -God is word is the creator and the creation. is omnipresent, omnipo tent and infinite, and the word which was awarded the existence and the powers,So is finite. ~God So the word has limitations at each level, where as God is limitless in every respect. In short, characteristic which God possesses is from his own,whereas any feature which a creature is in poss ession is awarded, Therefore the two in no way can be equal. Speaking at the same time "GOD, WHO SENT and GOD, WHO WAS BORN" Do these two sen- ing.? If God born,then what ____about that who sent,? And "y if God who sent, How then the one which is sent is God?. If you really want to understand you are bound to think. And-the only differ- ence between animals and humans, is the brain which can think and if we are not using this God gift, We are not uoing any better . than the animals. Even the Bible says Donot believe till you have measured its accuracy. The Divine constitution 59 The Word 60 1-Thesalonian §:21_"Prove all_things before you hold=- fast.” Holy Quran symbolizes as cattles those whe believe blindly and donot use the gifted faculty of human in- tellect. oly Quran Ch.7:179, THEY wa’ ARTS WHERE WITH THEY UNDERSTAND NOT, THEY HAVE WHERE WITH THEY SEE WOT, Ti HAVE EARS WHERE WITH THEY HEAR NOT.THEY ARE LIKE CATTLE, NAY EVEN MORE THOSE ARE THE HEED- LESS ON The theory of the Divinity to Jesus, can’t be reasoned to truth, Therefore you may call it confusing Some call it a mystry.Just for belief and not for reasons. Reference. A debate between Mr. Ahmad Deedat and Rave~ rand Anis Shorosh, D.D. The above statement was made by the later.However The Bible says, \ "God is not the author of confusions.” 1 Cr, 14:33. Therefore a confusing th- Pr: God. But it is the creation of unsincere human minds “und hands. For the sincere People fear God and can’t afford attributing lies to God, and can never dare ad- ulterating The Pure with impurities.Let us see, what does Bible reveal to us on ‘his subject. The main supporting verse on the subject of Divinity to Jesus comes from Jn. 1:1 It states, "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word ‘ was god". Jn. 1:1, From the analysis of this verse, we can get two poss- ible explanations. 1."Word” The utterance from He willed and utter~ ed BE and it was.So Word is not God, but the utterance only". Quran Ch.2:117 "THE ORIGI- NATOR OF THE SKIES AND THE EARTH, WHEN HE DECREETHS A THING SIMPLY SAYS TO IT, BE AND IT IS. 2."Word" if considered God, Then there must be two Gods As is believed in Christia~ nity * Word God. God The Father * Word God. God The son @ Can any one understand and explain ? This very idea of more than one God is contradicted in the Bible itself. Let us study both the testaments and sce what do these say about God. ‘*- THE OLD TESTAMENY, 1.Deutronomy 4:39, "That the Lord, He is God” in heaven above’ and upon the earth beneath, There is ‘none els SO ONE GOD. 2. Deutronomy 6:4, “Hear 0 Israel, The Lord our God is ONF 30D." 3: Isaiah 10:11"That ye may know and believe and under- stand that I am He, Before me thereywas no God formed, Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-II 61 shall be after me, Te oven I em the Lord. Be~ side Me There is no saviour $0 ONE GOD AND THE LONE SA~ yiour. This may be compared neither with a verse from Holy quran. ch.57:3°HE IS THE BEGINNING fie tS THE END, HE IS THE APPARENT, HE [S THE HIDDEN AND HE HAS THE KNOWLEDGE OF ALI, THINGS". 4, Isaiah 44: 6 "am the first Tam the Last, Besidc Ne Lhere is no God §. Isaiah 45:18. "For thus saith the Lord,that created the heavens; God Himself thal formed the earta and nade it,He hath established it, He created noi in vain, He formed it to be inhabit ed, I am The Lord and there is none beside me. meaning ‘ONE GoD’. These conclude, There is only One God, Who created the heavens and the earth, else none to partner Him, in his domain, Read further; Deut. 4:35, Exodus 8:10,II Samuel 7:22, = IKings 8:23, I Chrn. 17:20, Wosea 13:4 and Zachar.14:9. y You may argue these are all #from the old testament. Al~ Tight before I put before you the examples from the eNew testament May I ask you “8 question, Ts not the old Rtestament,| a part of The jHely Bible and is fully Ebelieved as the word of God FDon't you? Well Let’s go to gthe New Testament and see, What it reveals unto us, prbowe it. Quran, 4- The New Testament 1-Mark 12:29"And Jesus ans~ wered him, The first,of all the commandments is HEAR 0, ISRAEL, THE LORD, OUR GOD IS ONE LORD. 2-ICerinthians “We know an idol is sothing in the world and there is none other God but ONE GOD. Contrary to this, every church, every Christian's home is decorated with the supposed images of Jesus and Mary. The verse did not mention exceptions,yet exc eptions are taken for Jesus and his mother,PBU them Any explanation to it.!? 3. 1 Timothy 2:5 "For There is ONE GOD and one mediator between God and man‘The man Christ Jesus’. meening Jesus a messenger between God and the people. Christ NOT GOD a mediator. Please note, but ‘A MAN? Now decide either John. 1:1 is correct or the verses as quoted above, from the Bible For, Of the two contredict- ing’ statements both can’t spervorrect—at—the=same—time— Only one or none. Logically -in-our—study—of_the_subject— No way we find any definite evidence which can justify Jesus PBUH fitting in the Divinity with God. The reasons are as follows. 1.God so pure and clean,How He ca be believed taking birth through an unclean birth channel of a mortal and as a mortal. s The Divine constitution The Word < 62 2. The mortal means,One who js liable to die, or perish or looses his existence can ever be believed as God, The protector of the whole cre- alion-This is the requisite for God. One sho happened to have lost his own exist- ence For any length of time | will not satisfy the requi- red queiity. Therefore does nol posses the right to be recognized as God. The very ' fundamental of the requir: nents Cor God,is His quali- ty of omnipresence, omnipo~ lence ie existing from ever for ever. And capable of every thing in His own m ght.Any thing which doesn't fulfill this very fundamen- tal requisite for the deity cun't be accepted as God. Jesus was born disqualifies f him for the quality of omni ¢) presence. t lle lost at the hands of his Evenemies disqualifies him “ for all potence, in his own pmight. Band died, as believed in gOhristianity disqualifies hin for the quality of imm- ortality. You may insist he and whichever is perishable , Air, water, Food, excretion sleep and the sex for runn- ing the race, These are the needs of animals. If any of these needs is cut from the provision,The animal dies. So was Jesus dependant of all those needs on which life exists Where as God is absolutely needless of any of such things and there- fore, He is immortal and so is God. 4. Could it be possible ‘to place two Kings on a throne and expect order and law in that kingdom. Will not the two compete and try to over power the other, and fight and bring disasters for ea~ ch other and to the kingdom See How beautifully,’ The Holy Quran has explained this. Holy Quran 1. Ch.21:22 “HAD THERE BEEN GODS BESIDE ALLAH,THE TWAIN WOULD CERTAINLY FIGHT, HA- LLOWED BE ALLAH,THE LORD OF THE THRONE FROM WHAT THEY UTTER". 2. Ch. 23:91."ALLAH HAS NOT TAKEN TO HIMSELF ANY SON, AND THERE IS NO GOD BESIDE HIM, ELSE EACH ONE, OF THEM aised—again—on-the--Srd- -WOULD=HAVE-GONE-ORF-WHATSHE- ffor three minutes or even ree seconds breaks away pthe very image of immorta- slity of God. Therefore Jesus doesn’t qualify for God,But Amortal like all other mor els except he was a chosen in of God, deputed to per- re the special duty of a enger for Him. He Well he remained dead ‘A dependant means one who ends on things necessary W his existence such as, HAD CREATED AND ONE OF THEM -WOULD_EXALT THE _OTHER.—HA— LLOWED BE ALLAH WHAT THEY DESCRIBE.” 5. God never sleeps Psalms 121:4 "Behold, He that keepeth Israel, shall neither slumber, nor sleeps This statement of The Bible can be compared from a ver-, se in holy Quran, Ch.2:255"ALLAH, THERE IS NO GOD BESIDE HIM, HE IS ALIVE Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-II ) SUSTAINED, SLUMBER SEI- TES HIM NOT, NOR HE SLEEPS” g. Jesus was tempted by the Yevil as stated in the Bi- ple Luke 4:1-2,(Reported by eimost. all canonical Gos- pels.) While Ged can not be lenpted by the evil.James 1 113, Simple logic The devil can exercise his powers up~ on the weak only, Evil is not made stronger upon good ven so when Jesus PBUH, is Believed God ?! yet he was over powered by the devil! (God for bid)You mean devil is stronger than God ?! How then,God can retain His th- rone?! (I seek Allah's ref- uge from such a belief.) The occurrences, and the statements by Jesus, do not in any way suggest or dec~ lare Divinity to himself. A number of these statements are recorded in Part I of this book. Please turn the payes back and refresh, And you will realize,that Jesus Christ,pbuh remained humble to his Creator, His Lord, and The Lord of ali things which exist between the sk- jes and the earth.Jesus had never made a claim of deity except he declared himself 63 i. Born as a helpless crea- ture to a human mother, Wh~ ile God is omnipresent and established on the throne from ever for ever. ; Jesus was dependent of nature’s calls and needs when God is absolutely ind- ependent. Jesus, needed the sustenance, and God, is the sustainer. iii. Jesus slept, But God never sleeps.Psalms Chapter i2i:a iv.Jesus was tempted by the devil as ‘stated in the Bi- ble.Luke 4:1-2,(Reported by almost all Gospels.) While God can not be tempted by the evil. James 1:13, v. God can not be seen, While Jesus was seen by all present around him. However John,14:9 “who hath seen me has seen God.” has been argued by the Churches in evidence of the divinity to Jesus Christ. Thistverse from John is contradicted by John him- self at several occasions. 1. Jn. 4:24 "God is spirit" Naturally the spirit is in- visible ice. can’t be seen ~humt.e_and—ebedsent—in—the- —as_bas osha service of his Lord, In all his statements he speaks of _ himself humble and obedient servent to his Lord.He said #"4 disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant is above his master" Math. 10:24, * “He, who is sent is not &reater than who sent him." John, Ch. 13:16 summerizing the arguments. Quran, 2. Jn.5:37 Neither you have ever heard Him at any time, nor seen His shape, How can you see a spirit then." 3. "He that hath seen me has seen the Father" simply means as suggested by John, himself at another occasion in Ch. 14 verse 9, "he who has known me has known the Father.” The Divine constitution ws. e jmothy 6:16 "Only sove~ Reign the King of kings and Jord of lords iho alone has Winmertelity and dwells in Bifapproachable lights, Whom aan hase sven or cast Paver seo." qoly Quran Ch. 6:103._"GoD COMPRENENDS ALL VISTONS BUT VISION DOES NOT COMPREHEND gop. the Lruth shouts upon tie nents. God is beyond any human powers to comprehend Rhich the Light can't con- ceive. Wow then human eye can see? Tf Jesus was God?! Wow lien John, 14:9 can be understood when all others deny including himself in $ued:24 and 5:37. T like Lo present here an incedence recorded in Quran in chapt~ er 7:143 when Noses desired God, to show Himself, and God’ replied "YOU CAN'T SI ME, WELL LOOK AT THAT MOUN- TAIN IN FRONT OF YOU. IF THIS MOUNTAIN CAN RETAIN ITSELF IN ITS PLACE, THEN YOU MAY. AND GOD THREW HIS LIGHT UPON THE MOUNTAIN WHICH TURNED TO DUST AND MOSES FELL UNCONSCIOUS." However, The light of God =-can—be—perceived—in_every. bit of His creation, For in i these, There are His signs for the people who have in- sight, and so the person of Jesus’ pbuh, too a sign in the recognition of God, and His capabilities. Jesus, like all other mess~ engers and prophets was a chosen man of God for the task, He was the source to bring the people the under- Standing about God, and so the verse John, 14:9 stands » for. This item No. 5,is the ans~ wer of a note written by Mr R, Bisquerra, in his letter quoted in inverted commas as under..."Survival should be understood otherwise, be- cause he did not say under- stood but SEEN." Yet-more, arguments can be put, Which of the men, or objects, thet exists in be- tween the skies and the earth, can compete any of the 99 attributes. of God, Almighty and may claim divi nity.! Allah, says in Holy Quran, Chap. 18:108 "YOU TELL, WERE THE OCEANS TO BECOME INK, THE OCEAN WOULD SURELY EXHAUST, BEFORE THE WORDS OF MY LORD WILL, EVEN THOUGH WE BROUGHT ANOTHER FOR SUPPORT Jesus Christ as the WORD OF GOD spoken in both the scriptures,Bible as well as in Quran.Because Jesus PBUH was created in the womb of Mary p.b.u, her without the agency of a human sperm.But through the decree of Allah "Be", and he was there. In Quran,This event is quo ted in detail in chapter 19 verses 45-47. “REMEMBER WHEN THE ANGEL ; SAID,"O MARY VERILY ALLAH GIVES YOU A GLAD TIDING OF “21. A-WORB FROM HIM, HIS NAME WILL BE MESSIAH EISA JESUS CHRIST, SON OF MARY HELD IN HONOR IN THIS WORLD, AND IN’ THE HEREAFTER OF THOSE, WHO ARE NEARER TO GOD." i.e. “ 64- hie Salvation from The Bible Part-II JESUS, The word from God or belonging to God. This is in correspondence with a verse in The Bible. 3:23 "and and Christ icorinthians, Ch. Ye are Christ's x bein Now back to John 1:1 "Zn the beginning was Lhe word, and the word was with God and the word was God". vr Perhaps It was, THE WORD WAS GOD'S. All that differs is a drop of ‘s And it is rend as “The word was God May be,- manipulation of the xeripture are proven. lioly Quran ch.2:79, “SO WOE TO THEIR LEARNRD PEOPLE WHO WRITE THE BOOK WITH THEIR OWN HANDS THEN THEY SAY IT 1S FROM GOD TO EARN FROM THIS SOME PROFIT, BUT THIS WRITING OF THEIR HANDS AND ‘St EARNINGS SHALL BRING DISASTER TO THEM.” So Quran unweils the cheat~ ings done with earlier scr- iptures, such as Torah and The Injeel, suggests that there had been deliberate manipulations of the state- ments in order _to_add_evi-= ings and in sound is, an- other. word ‘THEOU’, which means the word was’ God's. It was not difficult for them, who had desired ‘The Word’ to be God;"\changed #8: withsU. This little change served a big purpose, Comp- letely different meanings. A different faith and a different zelighen from, the “original” Judaigit”, and-‘was hamed as Christianism which basically was an effort in establishing the identity from the rest of the Jews, But the sincere believers did not agree with this change and the results were horrible. Consequently A massacre of the believers of THE WORD WAS GOD’S by the believers of, ‘The word was God,History is witness. The Churches of the faith, The word was God are stand- ing on the heaps of the bodies of its deniers, Let us review the story of Christ’s birth from The quran. uran continues in Ch. 3:47 “SHE [Mary] REPLIED,"0 MY LORD! HOW SHALL I HAVE A SON WHEN NO MAN HAS TOUCHED ME; HE SAID, “SO IT WILL BE EOR ALLAH CREATES HAE HE “ences to confir the divi- nity to Jesus PBUH. ~ , we Let us analyse from The Bible further 1 Corinthian 3:23, "And Ye are Christ's and Christ is God's" To find out the tru- th, Tt is necessary to know the “actual. word in Greek from which the, meaning “Word was God’ “is” derived. This word is ‘THEOS’ Very Rear to this word in speli- WILL, WHEN HE HAS DECREED A u THING; HE SAYS TO IT ONLY, BE AND IT Is." So the word was, Be and this is not only for Jesus, but any thing He intends to create, He has Just to say Be and it comes into being. Quran at another place in chapter 36 verses : 81, 82, 83, puts forth the ability of Allah to create, it says Quran, The Divine constitution = ~ The Almighty. Prophets and ief” those upright amongst men are spiritually closer to Mark 6:5-6 “And he could do God, are heared of their no mighty work,save he laid prayers. Never a prophet his hand upon_few sick folk should ever clain he did and healed them and he mar- anything himself or posses~ velled because of their un- Islam, The way of life . Salvation From The Bible Part-II belief. And he went around about the villages teaching a So, Shall we still say the uiracies performed by Jesus ere in his own powers, and these miracles stand witne- ss in his divinity? Or We shail accept the truth That The eS are the signs vw of His tremendous powers and the capabilities which fle showed through His prophets Which ever intend- ed. Wascothis The Miracle b raising to-life, rus. “Miracles are meant. for slrengtheningTiteie faith of the people and not for dis- th of Jesus Christ, or dead Laza- Uclicf. Well he believes whom God Will.If you remem~ ber the encounter of Mosses with the Magicians whom Ph- aroah had invited for the encounter with Nosses with their magic soon recognized miracle against their magic and believed in God Aimighty in front of Pharo- ah himself, fearless. when Pharoah, insisted the mira- cle as the magic, The point here to be noted is that, The magicians had believed in God, and did not miscon- 94 Over all achievements and the success of Jesus PBUH, upon his people, inspite of all these mighty works,were almost negligible, Miracles were so usual,a witness for the people that these were hardly a thing astonishing, these did not help them a belief except adding to th- eir disbelief and they re- mained unaffected and not, only this, They were fear- lessly , killing prophets, notably% Prophet Zachariah, Father of John The Baptist (Prophet Yahya,) as well as The Baptist and so they had tried to kill Jesus PBUH and claim of having killed him, And You also believe that They crucified him Jesus was disappointed of the achievements of his mi- ssion after all those mira- cles he had performed, These did not help their faith. This is confirmed from the following incidences. 1.Absence of all his disci- ples from the scene when Jesus was being tried and crucified, as told by Mark, ceive the miracle in the 14:50 "THEY ALL FORSOOK HIM Power _of Mosses PBUH, even ___AND FLED" _That._shows . the “though they had witnessed love of his disciples that him, performing the miracle they preferred their lives “but they did not fell down over their master. in prostration before Moses PBUH. 2. Who betrayed Jesus?, who sold him out to Romans? Is not it ? one of his disci- Jesus pbuh, prophesicd that ip him i ples at the meagre price of People shall worship him in ¥ain_and will believe in few silver pieces. This was doctrines pot made by God, his success,a few believers but_by mens and those too not faithful, : Instead that they should Math.15:9 “But in vain they have sacrificed their lives do worship me, teaching for the commandments to save their-master.Rather Quran, The Divine constitution Ascension tone of them preferred a few silver pieces and sold his master and the remaining preferred their lives over their master and fled away. (This is reported in Bible] Yes beyond doubt al! the success unity goes to the credit of Paul who was the founder of ‘lie religion with new ction new dimensions, nc doctrines nex permissions and many remissions littl+ to do and wore to get cas: salvation Enjoyment’ of the life in full, and paradise guaranteed attractions over attractions, The buge entry to Uhis new faith was nol from Christ, but from Paul, for Christ could have never made such sanctions and pr- omises, which are far from the simple logics of the pay for the work and not for supposition. Paul form- ulated the religion for the sentiles to their choice which they could easily ac- cept, Jesus prohibited his disciples and forbade them from going to gentiles but ‘Paul embraced them. Jesus reminded his disciples for embracing the Mosaic laws \ tightly and himself too was _in perfect observance of “these laws, whereas —Patr exempted his people,so much “was a practice amongst Jews -and was given to Prophet [Abraham at the age of 59, las per Bible] and then all the prophets, following him observed the practice sin- » Serely, and Jesus himscif ,¥as circumcised when he was 8 days old, But Paul abo2i- ished it in his religion. Ref, Bible Galatians 5:2, +85 “Behold, I Paul say unto you that if ye be circum- cised Christ shall pay you nothing. . And I am sure Paul should have also been circumcized by this time he had made this statement as he was also a Jew and circumcision was a practice amongst Jews Did Christ say this? who himself was circumcised. Is it not a lie alieged to the person of Jesus PBUR7I£ you can justify? Show me one verse where Jesus PBUH, has told his followers ' they Were exempted from the laws of Torah and circumeision. Just one verse from Jesus PRUH, in support of these exemptions given by Christianity, All which is believed and practiced, is against the teachings of The Christ, yet Christians! Are you sure? You are plea~ sing your Lord for His grace to your salvation. Isn't it? You care. “ASCENSION (RESURRECTION) Mr. R.B....-. “Your version So even circumcision which agein has a mistranslation- Alive & Live is nonexistent — in the correct translation. This leads you to understa~ nd and conclude wrongly". Mathew, 12:18-40 intends to present a sign as requested by the Jews and primarily doesnot intend to explain or describe his own death, The expression might be de- fective but please see this text in comparison to three Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-II other texts,Math.16:21 Mark 6g:31 and Luke 9:22. This three days and three nights js never said or meant but fon the third day’ Please understand that Jewish days arc considered in a differ- ent way as we do. A Jewish day consists of the hours from iho sunrise to sunset, only.?hus Friday first day, Saturday second, and Sunday the third day.Please under sland too that "On the thi rd day" means a different thing ‘after the third day’ So that please understand that the missing body on that Sunday morning is the proof of his resurrection from the dead.” Now The Answer Your argument that Alive and Live are nonexistent in the correct translation. ! 1. Please name the correct translation so that I and the readers will know the wrong one, and thus can be saved from being misled by those wrong translations. 2.Math.12:18-40, intends to 3. Matthew, 16:21, and Luke, 9:22, Mk.8:32, This three days and three night is never said or mea- nt but on the third day" Now see......T read, i. Mathew 12:40,"For as Jo~ nah was, for three days and three nights in the beily of the whale so shall live the son of man for TH DAYS AND .THREE NIGHTS in the heart pf the earth. Is it said or not ? ii. Referring the lesson on the holy scripture by corr- espondence Vol.11 NO. IX of July 1968 (Book,IX)that you sent me.Please read on page 264, If you have one.? Para 2,line2 “By rising from the lead after having been_bur= ied_for_three days_and thr- ‘ec nights, in the sepulchre (as Jonah had stayed three days in the belly of the whale) Here for Jonah,It is stated three days, but for Jesus, three days and three nights is maintained. 96° present a sign as requested Do you still insist ‘Three Ss days and three nights’ is not intend to explain or describe his own death.! Yes we are also speaking of the sign, Sign in the like~ ness of Jonah,and we do not talk of his death. This is what you say he died, It is you, who tell us he failed to fulfill the sign he pro-~ mised to give, to establish his genuineness.If this was not the event, when he ful~ filled the prophecy.? never said? Decide for yourself a- Three days and three nights is said or not.? b- Mathew.12:40, The lesson on the scripture is correct or not.? c- Matthew 12:40, The pro- phecy is fulfilled or not? Quran, The Divine constitution ~—(JONAH=Prophet Yunus, pbuh) — Ascension If yes, when and where? if not, How then, justify the faith.? you will 3. Jewish days are conside- red in a different way. A Jewish day consists of hou~ rs from sunrise to sunset. The day, from sunrise to sun set, follows a night which begins at sunset and termi- nates at sunrise. This is a cycle of the day and night which takes 24 hours to complete. A day in Buropian world or in a Jewish land or Arab territories observe the same rule of the nature The Day has to follow the night, and the vice versa, else it can not enter in to the next day, So three days and three nights consist of 72 hours, As per your rec ords Jesus was crucified on Friday after noon, Though he was brought down from the cross before the sunset Preperation of the body sh- ould have taken a minimum of couple of hours or more before he was finally put in’ his sepulchre. question is, Did ortant at all. Three days and three nights or third day or even three hours. But What is required is the li- keness of Jonah. Question is.. 1. Was not Jonah alive when swallowed by the whale.? So should be Jesus ‘ALIVE’ when was put in the sepulchre. fas not Jonah alive in the belly of the whale.? So should Be Jesus ‘ALIVE’ for the time he had stayed in the belly of the earth. 3. Was not Jonah alive when was thrown out on the shore by the whale.? So should be Jesus, ALIVE when raised from his sepuichre. The miracle is, in the cir- cumstance where, for one, You expect surely die, and he doesn’t die, But if he dies, It’s no miracle. Only living Jesus, can prove the fulfilment of the prophecy. But dead will prove failure What will you say? Q@- Did Jesus qualify or the sepulchre? The wiously is ‘No’ So Failed,should mean a chall- he started from the night enge to his status and his — of Saturday, spent the day of Saturday and probably the night of Sunday, and in the morning of Sunday as was discovered by Mary Nag- dalene his body wasn’t pre~ sent in:he sepulchre. Mean ing there by he is thus to- ld to have stayed in the sepulchre for TWO NIGHTS AND A DAY, This is for you in the argument, Otherwise the time factor is not imp- genuinness as a prophet. Fulfilment confirms Jesus did not die on the cross. Hence the theory of Ascen- sion, ICr.15:13-18 is wrong The right is in your hands, Dignify Jesus or Degrade him, We suggest Dignify him This is his right. Now I ask you a question.? Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-IT 98 bg- Is the theory of resurr- ection Biblical? book what Paul says. li- Timotay » "Remember that Jesus Christ of the David was raised soci a 70 This suggests, Paul originator of the idea of the resurrection and not Matthew, Mark, Luke or John el the shoulders ef these gentlemen have been used for shooting the gun. Can you justify between 7 Matth.12:40 [Three days and Three nightsJand Matth. 16 22, (Third Day]. ‘wo contradictory statemen- ls by one person!? Isn?t. it one is the statement and the other is the careless feeding without a napkin. Let's study some more facts of the event of crucifixion According to your belief Jesus was crucified. But this is also true Jesus did not _want to die and he cri- ed for God’s help. Cl.Math.27:46 "Eli Eli lama~——wan-ts~ there of you whom if sabakhthani" [My God My God why hast Thou forsaken me} 2.buke 22:42"Father if Thou willing, Remove this cup from me."(cup=cup of death) Belief of crucifixion means the prayers of Jesus PBUH, remained unheared. He died yet he didn't want to die. Such a belief disqualifies him from the status of a prophet.__It is believed in general the pravers of a prophet never go unheared. Bible tells us the prayers of Jesus were heard. Read, L.Lk. 22:43 “And there app- eared an angel unto fim from the heaven strengthen- ing him “Meaning Assurance from God, of His help. T do not expect, you will tell me, Hegwas ‘assured, but was not helped. 2. Hebrew 5:7, "Who in the days of flesh when he (Jes- us} had offered up prayers and supplications with st- rong crying and tears unto Him, That was able to save him from death and was hea- : fi 3, James 5:16"The effectual fervent prayers of a right~ eous man availth much. 4.Math.7:7-10,Himself Jesus said, "Ask and it shall be given,you seek and ye shall find. Knock,and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth and that he seeketh, findeth ‘and to whom,who knocketh it shall be opened. Or what a son asks bread will he give him a stone or if he asks a fish, will he give him a serpent? ABOVE SUGGEST JESUS ASKED HIS LORD FOR LIFE, AND GOT. 5. Hosea 6:6_“For I desired mercy and not sacrifice and knowledge of God is more than burnt offering." Quran, The Divine constitution Ascension 6. Math.9:13, "But go ye and jJearn what thet meaneth orb ob 1. Mathew 12:7, "But if have known what it meaneth f will have mercy and not sacrifice, ......." This is in conformity wi a verse in Holy Quran. Quran 2:1R6"WHEN MY SERVAN’ ASKS YOU {Mohammad powir) CONCERNING HE T AM INDE NEAR, I LISTEN THE PRAYERS OF EVERY ONE WHO CALLS UNTO ME." Above quoted verses approve Jesus, was heard of his pr ayers, and he had mercy and was not sacrificed. Meaning he did not die on the cross Believing him crucified ani died on the cross after a court trial and death sent- ence, is a horrible accusa~ tion against Jesus Christ, according to the scripture. Read,.. Deutronomy 13:5, “And that prophet, or that dreamer of be put to deat! “—=——=pel of Barnabas’ Jesus PBUH on the cross and consequently portrayed him, a false prophet. Christians believe in his death on the cross For this is necessary in the redemp- tion of their sins and the salvation’ through his blood therefore have to accept this accursedness for Jesus overlooking, what Bible is stating in these verses of Deut, 13:5 and 21:22-23 for such a belief. QURANIG Statement, in rela~ tion with crucifixion is very clear which leaves no doubt on the subject Chapter 4 :157... "AND THEY SAY IN BOAST WE KILLED EISA [Jesus] SON OF MARY, THE APOSTLE OF GOD,THRY DID NOT KILL HIM NOR CRUCIFIED HIM BUT IT WAS MADE TO THEM APPEARED SO, THEY HAVE NO CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE EXCEPT THEY FOLLOW CONJENCTURE, FOR SURITY THEY KILL HIM NOT. Can there be a more expli- cit more definite statement than this. I like to quote a verse on this subject from the gos: is referred in the Bible in “Dewtronomy 21:22-23 “And if———the-chapter—of—Acts+—Unkike- @ man committed a sin wor~ thy of death and thou hang him on @ tree.His body sia- 21 not remain all night on the tree but thou shall in any wise bury him that day, for he that is hanged is accursed of God. To believe in his death on the cross hurts the presti~ Be of Jesus severely, Jews Maintain to have killed the scribes of the four canonical gospels, Barnabas is representing himself in direct conversation with Jesus. So he is the eye witness of all the events. Therefore, is more towards the truth, Unfortunately Gospel of Barnabas was dec- lared disqualified after the council of Nicoea in 325 A.D. For it was not obeying the official belie? Islam, The way of life : Salvation from The Bible Part-II as approved by the council, However this gospel escaped the mass destruction of all the genuine documents, whi- ch were not agreeing with the official faith of Chris tianity approved. The hands of the believers of Jesus in truth saved this gospel. Presently two of its trans- Talion in Ttalian and the other English are pres~ ent in Viana for honion respectively. Major- ity of the Christians, have never known about this book Barnabas writes, Once Jesus leld his disciples that one of my disciples will sell m: Lo my enemies at a price of thirty coins, and shall be killed in my name. (This betrayer was Judas Iscorite Chapter 112,Jesus answere lieve me Barnabas that I can not weep as much as I ought. For if men had not culled me God,I should have seen God here,as He will be seen in Paradise and should have been safe, not to fear the day of judgement. But God knoweth that I am inno~ cent because never have I harbored thought to be held more than a poor slave. Nay =I tell thee that 1% T_hac not been called God,I shou~ —-ld—have—been—carried—into- The Paradise, when I shall depart from the world, whe- reas now I shall not go thither until, Judgement Now thou seest if I have cause to weep. Know 0 Barna~ .bas that for this I have great persecution and shall be sold by one of my disci- ples for thirty pieces of money.Where upon, I am sure that he who shall sell me shal] be slain in my name for that.God, shall take me up from the earth and shall change the appearance of the traitor so that, every one shall believe him to be ne; neverthless when he dieth an evil death, I sha- ll abide in that dishonour for a long time in the wor- ld. But when the sacred me~ ssenger of God (Mohammad) shall come. That infamy sh- all be taken away. And this shall God do because I have confessed the truth of the Messiah; Zwho shall give me this rewdtd, that I shall be known to be alive, and a stranger to that death of infamy. Then answered he that writ- eth: 0, master tell me who is that wretch, for I fain would cholk him to death. Hold thy peace, “answered Jesus, For God willeth, and he cannot do otherwise; but see thou that when my moth- er is afflicted at such an event thou tell her the tr- uth, in order that she may be comforted.” Then answered he, who writ~ eth: "All_this will Ido, 0 __master, i please Barnabas, is in the confor- from Chap. 4:158. ”......BUT ALLAH RAISED HIM UNTO HIMSELF AND ALLAH EVER MIGHTY AND WISE. YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE, Quran Ch. 4:159, “AND THERE IS NONE AMONG THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK, BUT SHALL SURELY BELIEVE IN HIM, BEFORE HIS DEATH, AND ON. THE, JUDGEMENT. Quran, The Divine constitution ~ 100, Ascension DAY HE SHALL BE A WITNESS AGAINST THEM" \This verse has two possible explanations. Jl, Each one from the people fof the book is exposed the truth when he is dying, he believes, but neither it benefies him, nor he can benefy others for he looses all his faculties and capa- bilities in his terminal event. 2. Each one of the people of the book, shall believe before the death of Jesus pbuh [after his second com- ing} Islamic conception the purpose of the second com ing of Jesus, PBUH consti- tute partly the fulfilment of the law of the nature of death for all who breathed, as Jesus lives and is yet to die. Ofcourse after hav- ing lived the remainder of his life on earth. But all those who shall be~ lieve after his second com- ing will not get any bene. fit of their belief for th- en it will be against the Divine principle of the Be- Jo lief in unseen”. 101) Yet more evidences against. alleged crucifixion. 1.Jesus's legs were not br- oken by the Roman soldiers. John 19: 32-33, the soldiers, legs of the the other "Then came and break the first, and of which was cruci~ fied with him.But when they came to Jesus and saw he was dead already,they break not his, legs. * Yow quéstion is, i, Are the witness of the soldiers,reliable enough to believe Jesus dead.? Should they be considered compete- nt enough for the job.? Fainting too makes one mo- tionless. ii, Possibly the soldiers had shown kindness to Jesus and spared him from further punishment as they knew, he was innocent. 2, Death causes caesation of blood circulation by way of generalised blood clott- ing, but John tells us~ dohn—Ghs—i9-o4y Well in both these cases the late.believers shall be the loosers. Allah knows it better, All powers are re- served for Him. Thanks to Allah, Who graced us with every truth togeth- er we pray, The Almighty to help us in faith, which He will approve before such a moment is reached, when all graces and pardons from God are ceased completely for us. Ameen Islam, “The way of life the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forth with there came out blood, and water." Meaning,the blood was still in circulation confirms, he was not dead. Summing up these evidences. of the 1. No eye witness event. Salvation from The Bible Part-II 2. Soldier's evidence enough for surety. not 3. Soldiers did not break “Jesus's legs. Chances of escape strong. 4, Joln 19:34, oozing of water and blood suggests blood in circulation 5. Sign of Jonah,Reyardless of the time factor, which may have the least signifi- cance here. The likeness of Jonah, which is actually intended as all the situa tions Jonah passed through, were for his sure death but he lived and this was the miracic. The same is expec— ted for Jesus,to stay alive n all stages when an ordi- nary person must die irres- pective of the time factor. Jesus promised the sign in the likeness of Jonah and t should be as it is stat- ed. Any variation in this likeness will prove failure on the part of Jesus and this is not desired from a person like Jesus PBUH that 9. Mary Magdalene on recog- nizing Jesus, clinches the feet of Jesus John 20:17, Jesus said, "Touch me not T am not yet ascended.” Mean- ing, it hurts me for I am not yet dead. John 20:17, Suggests life 10.. Resurrection after dea- th is spiritual as told b: Jesus, Lake 20:34-36 and by Paul himself, IGr.15:43, Question, Was the ressurrec- tion of Jesus, i. Spiritual or ii Physical. If spiritual,every body who dies is resurrected (ascen- ded) spritually, Then it is nothing special for Jesus. If the resurrection was Ph- < ysical, that means ascen- tion in life, and Jésus ‘not crucified. he will show failure in any 11. Jesus, walked, talked, stage from laying, stay and ate, and let the disciples Ascension. touch him and feel him, All these are the phenomena of 6. Jesus did not approve life. Bone crifice but—me 102 7. Jesus was granted mercy Luke 22:43, and Hebrew 5:7 8. Mary Magdaline saw Jesus alive disguised as a garde~ her, Disguise is not needed to the spirits but to the living required for hiding from the enemy, for fear of being caught and killed, But one who is already dead has ho such fear for further deaths, Disguise suggests life for Jesus. 12. LUKE confirms 1:3 " AND __-GAVE_MANY._CONVINCING_PROOES _ THAT HE WAS ALIVE. 13.The book of resurrection Mark 16:9-20 expunged from Bibles namely RSV, in 1952 NASV and new world transla- tion of Jehova’s witness. Reason Not found in most ancient manuscripts Sugges— ts'Ascension’ a fabrication However Mark 16 : 9-20 is restored in RSV in its 1972 edition Ascension \4.Resurrection of the dead \ hypothesis II Timothy 2:8 and the creation of Paul's own mind, 1 Cor. 15:13. Cr. 15:18,_"But_if tho ibo_dead.neither Christ has umption and a weaker Muslims, as a principle do nol need any other evidence for their belief except the evidence of Quran.All these arguments from the Bible for you to realize that Jesus had not died at the cross so neither he was prosecuted, nor was he cru~ cified, All that happened remained a confusion for them and they thought that, the person they had cruci- fied was Jesus.Quran testi- fies Ascension of Jesus in life and so the various re~ cords in the Bible conform. per fied—was the betrayer of Jesus that is Judas Iscorite, and so he received the punishment, he was changed to look like Jesus as we learn of the details of this event from the Gospel of Barnabas and Jews understood that, They had killed Jesus. What had actually happened,God knows the best, so far as Quran testifies, Jesus was not crucified,who was crucfied? This is not our concern. Biblical arguments are not necssary for us, for our belief. But for you you don’t believe in Quran. + So the Biblical arguments have been put forth before you, as you believe in the ible, And You should not say neither,. These evidences are in con- Cormity with the witness in ihe holy Quran that neither They killed Jesus nor cru- cified him, but God raised him alive,also as conformed by Barnabas, It is prooved that the” laid down theory by Paul into Lhe resurrec~ tion of Jesus after his dea th,is based on pure assump- tions without a solid proof Paul himseif has admitted that,He assumed the theory, believed it and based his faith. Therefore the theory of resurrections is the cr- eation of his own mind. And whether they announce it or hide,They have alrea- dy believed in the state~ ments of Quran indirectly. Quran’s declaration that Jesus(Masaya Eisa s/o Mary) wasn’t killed nor crucifed. Therefore Jews are now free from the guilt of his murd~ er and so it has become the " he—friendh es between Jews and Chris- B.B.C London 4.00 AM G.M.T. Dated Dec. 6, 1990. through their special correspondent in Rome David Willy "It is just twenty five years sin~ ce the Roman catholic Chur~ decided to discard the ch, concept of collective Jew: sh guilt to Jesus Christ’s death." Besides a proposed move of a meeting of twelve Jewish Rabaee, Three cardi- nals, seven bishops and ten Islam, The way of life 103 tin tians, Ref. News Broadcast Christians deadly, Salvation from The Bible Part-II priests to meet The Pope to decide future Jewish Catho- lic relations. What would it mean? Jews are now free from the guilt of piotting the death Of Sesus Christ, that Jesus Christ was neither crucifi- ed nor killed, that the tho bory uf crucifison, Ascen- tion fron the dead,Divinity to Jesus, and the need for Alenenant are ail annulled Well Jews can never be fr cod from this guilt that they had plotted the death of Jesus Christ, Yes they did it,But It was only God, ho had saved iis beloved Messenger (rom this disgra- ceful death. And this was a general belief upto the fi~ rst century A.D amongst the believers of Jesus Christ, (Sectarians) that Jesus was not killed even crucified. It is only later centuries, after the council of Nicoea 325 A.D. when this view was granted official recogni- tion. However It surprises me so much, A group who can not escape from the guilt of plotting into the death of Jesus Christ also deny him as @ Prophet till this day,and labeled him a blas~ he e—a_fals: het and called upon the name of virgin Mary, m/o Jesus PBUH Allah's peace be with her, disgracefully, are Chris- tian’s bosom friends and the group who fights for protecting the prestige and position of their hero and testifies his greatness and pronounces Mary P.B.U her a chaste woman of highest st- atus amongst all the women of the world,are opposed by as their worst enemies.!!!! My. R.B. [The letter] “Paul ‘if? The English dictionary says, IF does not only mean uncertainty but condition, supposition, concession ex- pression of a wish etc.” Answer..."If" means If what ever else, it may mean but it can’t change its weak nature in contrast of sure~ ty, It can suggest possibi- lity but not the certainty The argument was, The Faith needs definite and the logi cal arguhents.It can't sta- nd on weaker supports or it will fell down. And so is seen today in the Christian world.No one has a definite reason for his belief or disbelief,Only a blind fai- th what so ever, right or wrong.Without sound reasons the strength does not form and this is the reason of the superfeciality of the Christian faith. The moral of a human being, the most honoured of all the creatu- res remains adversely effe- cted- if his belief in God Almighty and the accountab- ility, and eternal fate is weak.The secret is open you will find even the religi- ous people in Christendom _telling,"We don’t let reli- gion be mixed with our per= sonal life.But the fact is, if religion is being kept away from the life,The pur- pose of the religion is de- feated and the moral in the humans does not form. Islam doesn’t approve blind faith, Sufficient knowledge to understand the right or the wrong is compulsory for each believer. Even Bible disapproves blind faith. “Prove all things before Quran, The Divine constitution er eee i 104) Ascension , you Hold fast. nian 5:21. 1 Thessalo~ Those who have realized the truth and are not after the worldly gains leave away uncertain beliefs and emb- race the truth.You will see most of the reverts from Christianity to Isiam are the most knowleds peo- ple,such as Rav cunn- ingham of Canad ow Mey Jamaiuddin,Rav.Garry Muller another from Canada,Now Me. Abdul Ahad Umar,Dr. Maurice Bucale a renowned surgeon of France, Writer of the book The Bible, The Quran, and The Science. And Rav. Arthur of Philippines. The chief of holy ghost church- es for whole Asia, Wow Mr. Khalid Mr. Arthur kicked off an income, sounding in 50 millions U.S dollars per annum in that capacity, Cat Steevens famous pop singer, now Nr. Yusuf and many more like them who received the light and the guidance from Allah realized the truth and embraced it and never cared their material losses or the persecutions by th- eir own. Nothing remained dearer to them than the ove of Allah and his pro- this knowledge of the truth Too, they learn to love and_ obey Jesus and all other Prophets, Allah's peace be upon them. May Allah open cur eyes too,like of those, Striving hard in His cause. Ameen. Very recently I happened to read something, very new on the subject of crucifixion and Ascension. I thought it appropriate to place this research here in my book in order to make the subject, milk white clear that you. can recognize easily, right from the wrong without con- fusion you'll see, that How much Christendom is confus- ed conconcerning Jesus PBUH and how they are lost in the wilderness ‘of ignorance and they can never know the truth about this great Mes- senger of God to reach to a definite knowledge unless they hoid the torch, The One unchallengeable source of the truth “The Holy Quran’. Any attempt in this search of the truth using any gadg et beside Quran,shall- leave one,more and more into con- fusions, leading the rest of the world too in chaos mak- ing the people lesser and lesser as the believers. Ref.Sunday Addition Hindus~ tan Times, Dated April 11, 1993 Heading: ‘Death where is thy sting’ by Abu Abraham Referring Barbara Thiering, Australian theologian and scholar -extraordinary.After_ having researched into the : Jie? —£ twenty years evolved a new _technique to understand the _ scriptures which she has called ‘Pesher’ method. she insists, “And It is not conjecture” According to her new sion ‘Jesus The man’ Ch.25 ‘A death that failed’ Jesus did not die on the cross.He recovered from the effects of the poison, on the cross and was thus helped to esc~ ape from the tomb by the Islam, The way of life 105 Salvation from The Bible Part-IT 106 friends, and stayed with for scapegoats.Peter wanted them until he reached Rome, to flee, but Living Jesus | where he was present until met him and told him ‘go AD 64." and face the martyrdom’ and Peter is told here, was The poison was Snake Venom crucified in imitation of which was given to him in Jesus Christ. And Paul was vinegar wine on the cross, put to death. It was 3pm,After 6 hours on the cross he was thought to Having known so much into te dead but wasn'i.She says the Life of Jesus Chri (he theologians and the th- she admits having no recor- inkers outside the Church ds of the Cinal days of have pointed out that thro- Jesus, He was 70 years old ughout the Christian histo- in AD 64 !, married Merry The Resurrection was not Magdalené fathered a family treated as, central to the and later divorced her. He faith but something that died of old age in seclu- developed in recent times. sion in Rome: The legend about Jesus having died in She asserts “The evidence Kashmir is open to conje for resurrection has always ture. been weak; an empty tomb proving only that it was With due apology,May I ask. empty. But the disciples wanted to believe in to the 1.Who were the executers of resurrection, Paul goes to the crucifixion Pilates men ine extent of saying in the or the friends of Jesus.? rst. part -of Corinthians that How could they excess If The Christ has not been to Jesus with that ease and raised, your faith is in poisoned him.But Mark tells vain." in Ch. 14:50 “THEY ALL FOR- ‘OOK HIM AND FLED" But from the newly discov~ ered ‘Gospel of Philip’says 2. Where was the crucifi- | Thiering,there is a passage xion done in Judea by Pila- “ which denies resurrection te’s men,or in Rome by Nero Those who say the Lord died first~and—then-rose—are—Ir sree aa error, for he rose up first story renders Christ ran ~-and-died. away—from—the—mission—he — : was sent for, leaves him (Chapter reference from qu- disqualified in the ful- oted gospel not mentioned! ) fillment of the duties of a messenger.? She has given a detailed description on the final 4. Peter was crucified in Journey of Jesus, Luke, Paul Rome in imitation of Jesus and Peter by ship to Crete, Christ and is written mart- Malta and to Rome. It was yred, Paul was also put to “June AD 60. In A.D. 64 when death,Why not martyred too? Rome was partly destroyed by fire probably by Nero, 5. Spending last days of -But Nero took Christians his life in seclusion in Quran, The Divine constitution : Ascension Rome, disqualification for - a prophet of God. 6. lord rose first and then died.!, Lord died '1!?, Then now is he Lord.? And if not Lord, Way to cali him Lord? Secondly who is the witness 7. lies he was Bi Ae 70 yes.old in died in Rome, jecture. But his death in Kashmir open to conjecture! Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru died in New Delhi is a kno- wn fact but if one tells also York, is open to conjecture (Apology for us ihe instance}. Does it make sense? How many places one may die. Well One is a fact, Else each is conjec~ ture. 8. ile No con- 9. A personal question to Mr-Abu Abraham and to those have agreed with Mrs. Thiering's study. So you have believed beyond conjecture, Jesus a man and not God- alright, but there is no clear indication in this study of the exact The this status of Jesus Christ, events detailed in cation for a Prophet of God 1.You have believed Jesus a man and not God. - Agreed 2, Not God, and not the son of God. either, for if son then God, again! For a seed will present the same pare~ ntal form. So not God, Not the son, So No Trinity. - Agreed, 3. Not crucified,- Agreed, 4.80 no Atonement from sins Thereby no escape from Acc- ountability.- Agreed 5. Ascended - Agreed,Normal Ascension or in Physical form? However believing the later, would restore his status as a Prophet of God, Avery special man to God.A normal Ascension is for all which is in spirit form, It does not help Jesus any place of importance.You may agree with me. NOW THIS IS ISLAM Q@ What is your faith 7 -Are you a Muslim?, Then what is the need for wande~ ring here and there astray. -Are you a Jew, then co- mpare the commandments with those in Holy Quran. may be a sectarian, same as 107 A Prophet may migrate from those of old sectarians, or one place to another as may be required by The God Alm ighty, But he never sits in seclusion he is required to be engaged actively for the mission he is sent for. Not only, the story is alleging Jesus Christ to have order- ed Peter to go and be kill- ed for him and he will sit there in seclusion saving his life.! An allegation. avians but they believed as per prophecy in Deuteronomy 18:18, A messenger is pro- mised in the likeness of Mosses (A Prophet with a ~ law) And after Proph.Mosses PBUH the only Prophet with a law is Prophet Mohammad PBUH. Please Complete your research, Take it in the right direction if you are truly God believer, and the believer in Accountability. Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-11 ou need to bother little nore. Prejudice may lead us to disqualification in the matter of salvation. church's Formula You do not agree, Jesus PBUH did not chalk out any jurisprudence is per Rible he insiste preaching the existing 1 ct his time ive The Law of Hoses. Nallhew, Ch.S:17:i8. "Jesus suid, "Think not Uthat T have come to destroy the law, but ho fulfill." Se Christianity as such i. not in possession of Divine Jurisprudence. \he doctrines in tne Chris- ‘innity are men made, This is so clearly exposed by he Bible. Math. 15:9 “But in vain they do worship me Leaching the commandments of men.” Your salvation re- quires your obedience, of the Divi laws. and the enly Divine law intact in its perfect purity and ori- ginality is The Holy Quran. When you conclude your sea- rch, Donot spare this docu- ment the only one uncontro- versial unchallengeable and a true guidance present on earl Tel doesn’t insist you much ex- cept to believe in One God, Day of Judgement, and life after death to eternity ei- ther blessed in Paradise or cursed for the hell fire. And all these are required beliefs in unseen, Besides His messengers and The Div- ine revelations. The purpose of the knowle- age and there by the belief ef these unseen articles of faith for a believer are of “utmost importance, If just remove the fear of the et- ernal punishment, the moral disorders will grow up like weed, and law of barbarisin shall become the fate of the earth. It can be expla- ined in the worldly affairs with the example of the ad- ministrative forces, if re- moved, lawlessness will be- gin to prevail. What ever lawlessness we are witness- ing today in and around is only because that most of us are evoid of this know- ledge and the fear of God. When one doesn’t have the knowledge of the right path any path he chooses deems fit to him and if a person has some expressive capabi- lities engages along with him in his belief many more innocent people and takes them on the path of destru- ction. The news in ‘The Hindustan Times’, of 21-4— 1993, A cultist Davidian some David Koresh in U.S. under went a mass suicidal campaign killing himself and 86 more including 16 children, also in England followers of this guy emu- lated themselves. This man made those people believe that he was the incarnati ind God. He had promised the people in ——his—cult for Paradise, but he was engaged in civil and moral crimes which compell- ed the authorities to take action, and every one saw that god, Allah's curse be upon him could not save him self and his followers from the fire of the world even, let alone the hell fire. In the same article some Mr. Henry of old’ Trafford Man- chester out of his unexp- lainable grief reports that Quran, The Divine constitution 108 Salvation from The Bible Part-II his wife too killed herself and all his children, was a ‘member of Koresh’s cult. He says, He had informed th authorities about Kor satanic powers.But unfortu- nate Henry had already lost then when the authorities and the rest of the world took the notice about Quran bs warning wma ings again again. Beware Satan, he is your wors eneny Satan definitely finds helpless against Un ose men, who know about his evil motives and stay at guard against him.But those peopie Who never read Quran do not know of this fact and therefore get easily caught in the evil clutches of Satan and a thing like this always happen at a news level or below news levels. But each day there are plenty such news coming 4o our knowledge which ruin propie for the rest of the- ir lives in the worid, and the life after,if they have no knowledge about it. Peo- ple donot realize what they are doing. Certainly they are the most grieved people when they have already com- mitted it, but then it is useless to cry over spilt job, he has already destro- yed your life in the world and the life after death,if you believe. lest one re- pents and seeks Allah's pardon and promises for no repetition. God is defini-~ tely Forgiving and Kind. But they are certain sins which are beyond pardon and one of these is a claim of Div- inity,attributing God with, Partners and Sharing His Divine authorities to th— ings in the creation. The theory of Atonement ie Redemption from the origi- nal sin through the blood of Jesus Christ. Let us kriow, what is the original sin ? The sin related to Adam and Eve, in the Paradise as a result of temptation by the satan that they had eaten the fruit from the forbid - den treey It is believed in the Christendom that human beings inherit this sin fron their first parents Adam and Eve. So each human which is born carries the stigma of this sin and can not be redeemed of his sin unless he believes ~that Jesus is the son of God and sacrificed his life for the redemption of the mankind. Well there is question always ready to bother the elders of the Christianity to answer of the fate of the people who died before this sacrifice ? Please find if there is any logic in this view as Jesus Christ and died in pain_and disgrace to redeem the humans of their sins including the original sin. exclusively for Christians who have believed Jesus as God and the savior, cruci fied and Ascended etc. etc. Isn't it strange God Almi ghty had bothered so late to send His son for this sacrifice and a faith for salvation for humans only those who lived after Jesus Quran, The Divine constitution 409 Salvation from The Bible Part-11 110 christ, exclusively those who can believe for Jesus as God, and that God sacri- ficed His son ete. But the Poor people who lived before Jesus Christ and those who can not agree for such # belief as they had looked into the logic and thes could not accept the reasons so they will face the wrath of God for their disbelief though they had not committed the sin. Thus the humanity earlier Jesus Christ which includes many of the greatest Proph- ets and) Messengers shall remain deprived of Redemp~ tion as per this theory. erefore this theory dis proves itself as it does not satisfy the purpose in keneral.God isn’t that par- tial,we are all His beloved creation.He would. not puni sh any one unless the witn esses of their disbelicf J unrighteousness are satistied. Justice is not satisfied if the sinner is not punished. Well logic would not accept it for justice that a crime is committed by Mr. X and Mr. Y is hanged for X’s crime. I don't think any nation will agree for such God Almighty got His son slaughtered for the sin of Adam and Eve. Believers are redeemed of all their sin. they have committed and mi- ght commit further in their life time besides the inhe- rited original sin. So whon they die they are aircady pardoned for their eternal abode in the Paradise. There fore the Paradise is thus guaranteed irrespective of the believers deeds. For them, The life in the world is thus¥for their enjoyment Death f already the pay ment of their sins.Paradise is guaranteed,Since the do- ath is a law of nature for every life,so nothing extra No harm done in this belief Thus this belief is provid- ing a free licence for sins and so is this doing,a lot wrong in the concerning so- cieties. The moral world is severely effected,for these people there are no limita- tions or hesitations. Where as the sanity says, "The nutrition for the healthy moral,is the correct belief and the fear of accountabi- lity. Just lift the fear of Accountability the doors of fearless unopposed immoral sinful behaviors shall open jthe-same moment. Should any = Taw be enforced It is understood that such a Justice is unacceptable and impracticable, Therefore not religious, for religion comes for enforcing Justice and for the ease of the man kind, If a doctrines fails on these requisites is not Divine. The proof for a doctrine Divine is that it is feasible,practicable and applicable for all people in general. a Islam, The way of life ‘one believe, God Almighty has loved the~redeeming the humans from their sins at the cost of the peace and the security of the, humani~ ty in general and‘/the na- tions at large. Well I can not imagine God Almighty could have not understood the evils of such a belief weather TI am redeemed or not. Atonement. Is it not ? God Almighty is All capable, If He had ever wished to forgive all man- kind without @ question, He has the right to do so, Who will prevent Him doing so . Then what was the need fi God to send His son and get him slaughtered, or take birth on the earth and go a jong way with harsh and hard and die a disgraceful dcath to redeem a pariicul- ar group of people and ail- owing them a prohibitions free life. Logic doesn‘ accept the concept. The idea of original doesn’t exist in any of ih manuscripts of the Bible Catholic Bishops admit ihe nonexistence of any documen tary proof supporting the theory. According to Rav. lierburt Haag of Germany A catholic scholar "Amongst the Chris- Qians of first three centu- ries such belief does not exist at all, that human sinful from the very birth. when this idea started spr- eading the Christian schol- ars resisted the idea for two centuries.Atlast by the end of the fifth century AD | Saint Augustine succeaded- ait meaning thereby, Not taught by Jesus Christ, On the contrary instead of any supporting substance in the Bible for the original sin, We find a lot to cont- radict the idea. J, Deut. 24:16, "The father shaii not be put to death for children, neither the children shall be put to death for the father. But every man shall be put to death foripis own sin.” 2. Jeremiah 31:30, "But every man shall die for his own inequity.” 3. Exekiel 18:20, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die, The son shall not bear the inequity of the father, neither shall the father bear the inequity of the son, The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him." So the Adam and Eve were responsible for their own sins, as clearly stated in the Bible "Who sinneth is responsible" So the concept fipherived sin opknan in introducing the idea as the fundamental belief in Uhristianity that the human inherits the curse of the original sin from Adam and Eve and there is no way out to get rid of this sin exc- ept through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ."Rav. Herb- urt Haag ‘The Original Sin’ in the scripture.. The concept of the original Sin was introduced almost three and half century A.D. Islam, The way of dicted. ” - You may argue these argu- ments from the old testa~ ment, Well never mind let us see what the New Testa- ment reveals. 1.St.Paul in 1 Cor.3:8 say, "Now that he planteth and he that watereth are one and every one shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.” life Salvation from The BibYe Part-II he can reason and understa- nd a thing only then he is accountable, and will face the judgement. All these verses from the Holy Bible are in the conformity with The Holy Quran Ch. 17:15 th for which ‘they® t ere ended before their creation. Therefore their ultimate destination was the earth and their stay in The Para- dise was“ temporary:’" Since The Paradise is not the pl- ace for propagations, hence their transfer to the earth was necessary and with in the plan of God Almighty. Quran, The Divine constitution xeaning, Accountability and “WHOEVER GOES RIGHT THEN HE Hudgement GOES RIGHT FOR HIS OWN j SOUL’S BENEFIT AND WHOEVER g. Math. 7:1-2, “Judge not GOES ASTRAY GOES ASTRAY vpat ye'll not be judged. FOR HIS OWN LOSS, NO LADEN for sith what judgement ye SOUL SHALL BEAR ANOTHER'S judye, ye Shall be judged, LOAD, AND WE NEVER PUNISII dnd with what measure ye UNLESS WE HAVE SENT AN APOS hali bo measured ‘ThE i.e A WARNER TO FURNISH in.” EVIDENCE BEFORE JUDGEMENT Meaning judgement is in Islamic concept there is alsory for all, one i nothing like inheritance of txenpied from acvountabili= the original sin, Adam and ly) hus Une concept. of any Eve did commit a folly out belief providing aionement. of their Shuman weakness of from accountabilit ab: temptation, but they soon urd. For your own sake shun realized their mistake they quch sedatives and Getup cried and sought for God's Trom its indueed sedation pardon, Allah pardoned them or consequences shail be and guided. incvitable.Take it or leave choice is yours. Adam and Eve had eaten from ' the forbidden tree in the i 3.Math. 19:14, "Jesus said, Paradise, Which had brought | “Suffer Little children and some changes in their body ' forbid them not, to come after which they felt asha- ! nto me, for such is the med of each other and star- kingelom of heaven." ted looking for some thing in the Paradise to wrap up Meaning thereby the Child- their shame. ren irrespective from which parents of what faith, befo- We have to conclude certain re reaching the age of rea~ logical facts from this soning won’t be required true story. for acounts, that is, if a child dies, before such age 1. Adam and Eve were actu- > shall receive God's grace ally created as viceregents |i, es dise—whthows as. oi God for Earth, they were 7, ‘counts. It certifies that a not meapt for Paradise for (pu _child does not inherit any good. fightfrom the-beginn~ | y sin, He is deemed sinless ing, but after having spent ‘™ ~~ until reaches the age when their life term on the ear- 2, Atonement was created with action, Therefore of the use of g- Adam freedom of for the tes this freedon he should have paths to choose. Therefors besides a path of virtues there should be a parallel path of owils. and th can not be appre loss | 3 evil toa. jae created avery good jated thers ihe so on © is nisht 3- God after having created Adam ordeved all angels te prostrate to Adam all obey- ed God, except {The Jees) who i to Ginns a creation of who was struck with the pride of is seniority and disobeyed be Lord telling he is sup~ erior than Adam. So God re- jected him and was an ont cast from-he company of the angels for ever. Lucifer songht an age Jasting the dooms day, Ke then promised The Lordyhe will astray the prostarity of Adam and make them disobedient except the sincere ones. And then he pac iter longed fired said, "THEN WILL I ASSAULT THEM, FROM BEFORE THEM AND BEHIND ‘THEM, FROM THEIR = RIGHT AND FROM THEIR LEFT, — =-AND—YOU—WEbL—NOT—EIND—MANY— OF THEM THANKFUL" .Quran Ch. 1:17 Thus the evil was cre~ ated. In this story points of importance we see are. 1- Creation of the evil to judge the virtues, 2- Establishing superiority of human upon the angels. 3- Exposure of the weaker human nature. of temptation and forgetfulness as a res~ 5 ult of which,He can be att- tacted towards disobedience and thereby to unrighteous~ 113 ness. Temptation of, Adam and Eve, alluring them to eat from the forbidden tree and thus disobedience to God and the resultant expulsion from the Paradise logically seems to be the part of the programme into the transfer of thé twain on the earth for their abode and propa- gation. j-Adam was stance to made of the sub~ realize the folly soon, and sought Allah’s yardon ard Allah pardoned iim, So The greatest bless- ing and the tool awarded to Adam yas the act of Pardon. God loves Lhe one who seeks pardon more than the one who is already righteous. Adam and Eve were created innocent like every infant which is born, They didn’t have any appreciation of their sexes until they had eaten from the forbidden tree. They were not all the humanity intended, so they were not supposed to live in the paradise for good unless they will complete the term of their life on earth.The humanity was wai-~ tingéafter them. They were —needed_to—be-man_and_woman,— being prepared for their habitat. So In the sequence of the events as described in Qu-~ ran quoted as under in re~- lation“ of the creation of Adam, If You analyze the verses, you will find, that every event was planned. Thus creation of Evil, com- mitting the sin and seeking pardon, and the Grant of the pardon were all in the Divine plan. Adam was for- Islam, The way of life given and once some one is forgiven for a folly which he had ever committed, does not require to pay for it any more.So question of any jnheritance of this sin. i (The original) sin} as pr nounced by the Christianity docs not arise. he Slors of the creation of Adam in The Holy Quran #- "AND YOUR LORD SAID TO THE ANGELS, "I WELL CREATE MY VICKREGENT ON EARTH. "SAID THEY IN REPLY, “THOU SHALL CREATE ONE WHO WILL DISPUTE AND SHED BLOOD ON MARTH. WE WORSHIP YOU AND PRAIS! JR GLORY, “SAID, "WHAT I KNOW YOU KNOW NOT” AND TAUGHT ADAM THE NAMES OF ALL THINGS (QURAN CH. 2; verses 30-31) 4-"AND WE SAID TO THE ANG- ELS, "BOW DOWN TO ADAM" ,AND THEY BOWED DOWN, EXCEPT IB- LRES, (Lucifer The satan) WAS PROUD AND WAS ANONG- 7 THE REFUSERS.AND WE SAID TO ADAM, “LIVE YOU AND YOUR WIFE IN THE PARADISE AND FAT FROM IT ANY THING THAT YOU LIKE AND DO NOT GET NEARER TO THIS TREE OR YOU WILL BE OF THE WRONG DOERS. THUS APPROACHED TO THEM THE FROM WHERE THEY HAD BEEN. AND SAID WE, (God). "YOU ARE THE ENEMIES OF BACH OTHER, (Satan and Adam) AND FOR BOTH OF YOU IS AN ABODE, AND SUSTENANCE ON EARTH FOR A FIXED TIME AND LORD TAUGHT ADAM ‘THE WORDS OF PARDON AND HE PARDONED HIM INDEED HE IS PARDONING KIND. AND SAID, "GET DOWN BOTH OF YOU FROM HERE AND IF AS IS SURE THERE COMES THE GUIDANCE FROM ME THEN WHO WILL FOLL~ OW MY GUIDANCE SHALL HAVE "Initial abode for Adam and Salvation from The Bible Part-II ald NO FEAR NOR WILL THEY GRIEF AND THOSE WHO WILL REJECT FAITH, AND BELIE OUR SIGNS THEY SHALL BE THE INMATES OF THE FIRE, THEY SHALL ABIDE THERE IN FOR EVER. (QURAN CH, 2:34-38) ANALYSIS 1."1 WILL CREATE HY VICERE GENT ON EARTH. Adam was created for earth 2. "WHAT I KNOW YOU KNOW NOT AND TAUGHT ADAM THE NAMES OF ALL THINGS. Vast knowle dge to Adam 3- "AND WE SAID TO THE ANG- ELS, "BOW DOWN TO ADAH Superiority over angels 4-,AND THEY BOWED DOWN, EX~ CEPT IBLEES,Disobedience of Lucifer to God as a result, Outcast of Lucifer from the paradise, then turning evil a necessity to execute the plan and to differentiate the good from the bad. The need of evil,a test for the freedom of human actions. 6- “LIVE YOU AND YOUR WIFE IN THE PARADISE AND EAT FROM IT ANY THING THAT YOU LIKE AND DO NOT GET NEARER OF THE WRONG DOERS Eve in The Paradise,Placing a-tree with its fruit meant to produce maturity and se- xual awareness when caten. It was placed there to be eaten but the prohibition was just to test the stead- fastness of Adam, And to tell that Human nature is forgetful, and weak and can easily be tempted. Quran, The Divine constitution Atonement 115 6-THUS APPROACHED TO THEM THE SATAN, AND GOT THEM OU- STED FROM WHERE THEY HAD BEEN.Adam and Eve were tem- pted They ate from the for- bidden tree. As a result, The sexual awareness appe~ ured and then they were not. fit to live in the Paradise This was the time when they were to be Uransfecred to the varih to complete their life Lime term and live in it, obedient to Lord facing salan with all his evil ef- forts yet. staying steadfast Satan had promised The Lord to invest ali his efforts to deviate human from the right path to astray, And so he is doing. 7- AND SAID WE,(God) "YOU ARE THE ENEMIES OF EACH OTHER, (Satan and Adam) AND FOR ROTH OF YOU IS AN ABODE AND SUSTENANCE ON EARTH FOR A FIXED TIME Knowiedge to Adam of the motives of saian towa- rds him and his prostarity. 8-AND LORD TAUGHT ADAM THE WORDS OF PARDON AND BE PARDONED HIM INDEED HE IS PARDONING KIND. Human attitude of quick realization of the mistakes and feeling sorry to it as atan . Education to humans through Adam the words for seeking pardon. S-AND SAID, "GET DOWN BOTH OF YOU FROM HERE AND’ IF AS IS SURE THERE COMES THE GUIDANCE FROM ME THEN WHO WILL FOLLOW MY GUIDANCE SHALL HAVE NO FEAR NOR WILL THEY GRIEF AND THOSE WHO WILL REJECT FAITH, AND BE- LIE OUR SIGNS THEY SHALL BE THE INMATES OF THE FIRE, THEY SHALL ABIDE THERE IN FOR EVER." Adam sought pardon and the Lord pardoned him and guid- ed and stated who ever will observe the guidance shall inherit the Paradise for good and who ever will dis- obey shall be cursed to hell along with his leader satan the outcast, 10-Quran Ch.7:17 “THEN WILL ASSAULT THEM, FROM BEFORE THEM AND BEHIND THEM, FROM THEIR REGHT AND FROM THEIR FT, AND YOU WILL NOT FIND MANY OF THEM THANKFUL". This is the verse telling how the satan will strike the human to make him dis- obediengé to the Lord. All the arguments that we have studied so far from The Holy Bible as well as in The Holy Quran speak so evidently that the theory of The Original sin and its inheritance to the mankind and need for the sacrifice of Jesus and thereby Atone- ment from original sin as well as other sins is ab- surd, illogical, and much harmful for the cause of —humanity_and_righteousness— for which religion is meant _ is simply cooked to its—use- inthe purpose of creating the identity and a separate religion.Sacrifice of a man hasn’t much value even for himself what to talk for the whole mankind. So for the big job,a bigger thing was sought for sacri- fice, And beyond man, there is God, and the elders of Christianity didn’t mind to go to the extreme and sac- rificed Him. Any logics!?, Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-II ~ $0 no Atonement,No need for sacrifice, Tf no need for sacrifice, Jesus not eruci-~ fied, Ascension is there of the Living Jesus. So Jesus js not God, but a mighty Messenger and this is Islam $0 in Is}am iives Jesus dui dies Christianity and if Christianity is made to suevive, Jesus dies. Twill suggest, Belicve that There is nothing like original sin, which is inherited and should need an extra ordi- cy sacrifice.telieve that there is no Atonement from sins for any body. Every body of the age of reason- ing is accountable for his decds and has to appear be- fore God for His judgement. itclieve that, your redemp- tion is in your righteous~ ness and not in a plane faith, Take it or leave it choice is yours, but only that which is logical appe~ als, and which appeals con vincingly is the Lruth. And in the truth is hidden the peace of the world, and The Paradise of the heavens. CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES Q-From men or from God 7 is telling in above verse he is duty bound to preach and observe the seme exist- ing law and is not given any new jurisprudence to be preached. Jesus was basica- ily a Jew, He never knew in his life time he will ever be called Christ at any time and a faith will emer- ge after iis name as Chri- stianity. lie never knew any other nation except the ch~ ildren of Israel as he said “I came for the lost sheep of Israclt He forbade his disciples not to go to the gentiles and the Samaritans he said, “enter ye not.” Matthew 10:5-§ Meaning, the area of activities of Jesus Christ PBUH was limited to Children of Israel only. This concludes that Jesus Christ was a Jew, Observed jimself as a preacher and a reformer for the Israelites only, taught his believers the same laws they were already in practice with, He did not give any new laws.As such for Christians the law was from Torah but Paul exempted them from ob- serving the laws of Torah. Acts, Ch.13:39, Paul says "and_by_H. _Hatthe are justified from all Said, "Think not that I have come to destroy the law, but to fulfill.” Law means Torah, The juri Prudence given to Mossi for his nation and all the Gescending prophets to chs~ erve until Jesus Christ. Therefore all the prophets were bound to preach the existing laws that is the laws of Torah revealed to Mosses.And as exactly Jesus things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Mosses.” Similarly Paul forbade Cir~ cumcision amongst Christia~ ns of his school of thought Galatian Ch. 5:2, “Christ will pay nothing if you be circumcised. "And this prac- tice of circumcision which was given to the patriarch of Israelites and Arab Pro-~ phets, Prophet Abraham, and Quran, The Divine constitution Doctrines . was being practiced by the Jews. Jesus Christ PBUH, as is Teported in The Bible was circumcised at the ei- ghth day of his age. QWhat about Christ himself r his own circumcision, q-Who gave the raul?!Did Jesus Christ PBUI y so? Any instance in the Bible.? ZT beieieve being a w, Paul himself must be civouncised too. authority to Jesus Christ was God's ssenger and was revea shal he was to preach and practice. Should we believe God revealed to Paul go susolutely against the tea- chings of his Prophet and messenger so special and so honored, Common sense do: t accept it. Well it is ple to understand that vho calls himself Christian should be the follower of Jesus Christ, and then only he can claim for himself, a follower of Jesus PBUH, and vbserves him in his belief and deeds strictly.But what we are witnessing today Ch- ristians are following Paul and ignoring Jesus Christ beth in the belief and the Practice.Still they are pr- “oud to call themselves Chr- i ine oF Athenasian is a more appro~ priate term, Jesus said, “Obsegve the law"Paul said, Bo hot observe that law.” Grist said, “Do not go to gentiles" Paul concentrated the religion amongst genti- les only. Jesus said day, Rul said night. Christians @& not seem to be hearing Yesus Christ but to Paul by Bl zeals and enthusiasm, aul obedience. Well with Me- due Apology May I ask yeu, who is your hero Jesus thr- ist or Paul? Who is greater worthy to be heard and obe- yed Jesus or Paul?.¥ou will say, Well ofcourse Jesus Christ is greater. But your practice, obedience goes to Paul and poor Jesus is sta- Ging behind, staring at. them estonished.Do you know what such people are called whose words and deeds are not in correspondence, Hypo~ erites’ ,General,such people are not#appreciated by the societies, and God says for hypocrites the dvelling is the deepest of all the pit- ches of the hell fire, and there in they wiil live for ever and there is no exit from it and there is no pardon for them. Because of this popularity of St. Paul over Jesus Chr- ist,Mickel et Hart mention- cd in his book'The greatest hundred’ Paul at the second place and Jesus Christ at nusber three. However Moha- mmad PBUK was at the top in his selection list. So Todays Christians infact aren’t in possession of any laws, For law of Mosses Paul has exempted them, and e any laws. What St, Paul has given are the doctrines of faith but no Jurisprudence. It is for this reason in Christianity, People are concerned with the faith only, but What they are su- pposed to do,they are igno-~ rent about it and so the doos and the don’ts are not. written any where, and so are not known to them, that is why they are wanting for a definite path for their Islam, The way of life = ss pawse Part-II decds. And without deeds, Faith is life less as it is reld by St. James. 126 "As the body apart is dead so is the fai- this >: che pi are betny hear 5, well retigion ides and my Fife is ancth= rand 1 do not Tet the twa with cach other, Whereas e ihe purpose of the religion is te bring changes in the life onty. if the Peligion the fife it is Fmpacl on yle of a beliey= loss for hin. All doctrines of the modern christianity are given by st. Pauly Divinity sonship, Trinity Crucifixion ascension, Atonement, ee. hese are fundamentals of istianity, which we have ready gone through in our previous discussions. How- ever these are Lhe pillars of Christian faith on which the building ef Christiani- ly rests. And we have seen that_none of these articles of faith gets any genuine sipport from The Bible. But on the contrary much—we- —jave seen is going against these essential articles of faith.Besides many Christi- ons of highest scholarships and calibres such as Angli- can bishops, RSV makers and australian scholars like 4's. Barbara Theierings are paongst those whose study encern and scholarships wave found out that these we interpolations and are wt existing in the most ancient manuscripts. W. ever supporting verses ve find in the Bible are most- jy written by St.Paul as is evident from his own state ments. Besides the verses in support of these article of faith which are seen in the four canonical gospels namely Hark, Matthew, Luke and John are caveless spoon feeding and can easily be recognized by their self contradictions. These need not be enumerated again as we havegalready read in our previoUS long discussions . These doctrines without any valid support and justifica tions laden with errors and contradictions are the sole cause for the superficiali- ty of a Christian faith. Intellect demands reasons to convince a sane mind Why should one believe some thing not supported by val~ id reasons and documents. How come one should swallow unwholesome food and feel happy about it, even a sus- picion of impurity shall make him reject it or keep him nauseated and unpleased if swallowed until he gets cleared of it.Bible is full of such impurities which is evident by the fe e Ancient authorities add and the an- cient authority omit’. who these ancient authorities are? who gave them that authority to manipulate God’s word and render it unreliable. And no one can say with certainty which is the word of God in a text and which of this is not . The thirst of the truth seeker can never be quench- ed by todays Bible. Some Quran, The Divine constitution have already located th truth, Some are still sear- ching for it. They too will find out some day if they arc Sincere. However this that most of the christians are not satis- fied With the present docn- went for a firm faith on the subject of # faith and the doctrines A Civistian scholar Raverand, arles Scott. in his arti- cle Jesus Christ, published in Encyclopedia Briiannica fourleenth edition writes. © following passages wre bransiated into Engiis from Urdo language taken from Tafhcemul Quran from page No. 491-495. by Sheikh Maudoodi, and therefore is not the exact wordings of Raverand Charles Scott. but Uc nearest to his slated language in meanings. There is no deliberate mister lation for surety: “The first three Gospels namely Matthew, Mark and Luke do not contain such a Doctrines self and not even an indi- cation that his death has any relation with the rede- mption of sins of the man- kind. On the contrary Jesus is shown to have presented imself as a prophet. Rav. Charles Scott. refers Luke 13:35, which states "“Never- theless T must go on my way foday and tomorrow and the day following, for it can not be that, A Prophet sh~ ould perish away from Jeru~ alem" Mostiy he pronounced imself son of man, Christ hever pronounced for him- self son of God, and so had known his disciples Further He writes, His pro- nouncing Father to God was not intended in meaning for himseif alone but a metaph- oric expression in general. The exclusive understanding of such applications later developments for vas ted reasons. He quotes the words of Pe- ter at the occasion of Pen- ta cost, "A man which was from God," These statements present Jesus Christ at a position he actually belong ed.Besides these Jesus PBUH like every other human is statement which may cause even a doubt that these scribes had thought of the Christ more than a__human being; He was aman Aa who was specially benefitt- ed by the holy spirit (Ruh- ul Qudus) and had an insep- erable spiritual relation with The God Almighty”. “ & eg Luke refers in Ch. 24:19 “Jesus of Nazareth, who was 4 Prophet mighty in deeds, and words before God." In these most ancient scri- tures, Jesus has not been Presented or understood an: Where for God Almighty Him- “shown to have passed tnrou=— gh the same processes of developments needs and gro- wth, Depending upon every thing necessary for life like every other dependent. The only difference between him and other men were his miracle birth,The spiritual nearness to God Almighty and revelations exactly as Quran tells about Prophet Mohammad PBUH "Ch. 16:110, TELL, INDEED I AM A HUMAN BEING LIKE EVERY ONE OF YOU But the difference is that Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part~IT J WAVE BEEN REVEALED, IN- DEED YOUR LORD IS ONE GoD, gHUS WHO INTENDS THE PATH OF WIS LORD, HE IS REQUI 70 BR RIGHTEOU zi AND WILL NOT Ai oN, IN THE P off po claim for rapable Nol even a trace find from thes Ihe works (Miracles) that rked, were independent fod. Rather he was m extensive prager to God pyery big or small needs and used to bell his liste= ners, 0 People This affiic- Lion of yours won't be Jis- led except. by your prayers. This conforms that Jesus was fully dependent of Gol ven though the churches had ready started callin. us, God much before 14. Gospels were written snd compiled, but the seribes had maintained the truth about Jesus and presented him, as "a man of God ", A Prophet and a messiah, who formed what. ever mirac]= es but by the permission of God etc. All these related verses we have already read for God meaning O He (Tran- slated as Jahowa), to Jesus and lastiy placed him para- lel to God in Dignity and knowierige.But he avoided to use the word 'God Almighty for = Christ. in the Bible word Holy S$pi- rit has been mostly used, Jest nol use the word oly ghost, This was lately used expression by the chu- rehes,shich gave much emph~ asis lo this expression and later placed it as the Div- ine thitd in person in the- ir expression of Trinity. On the subject of the Chri- stian jiisiory in this Eney clopedia, it slates that, Before the end of the third century A.D., The word was already recognized as the physical body. But quite a large number of Christians were not believing Jesus Christ, Divine.In the forth century AD this had become a great dispute amongst Ch- ristians which had shook the very foundation of the Church. Atlast in 325 AD at the council of Nichea The belief of the Divinity of Jesus and of the holy ghost had become the legal faith in our previous pages in the chapters talking of Di-* vinity, Miracles etc. Se no need for repetition He charges, he was St. Pau} who first gave the meaning to the expression of son of God and God iiimself after aying down his theory of Ascension. It began from son ef God first as an. indica- Lion later became the only begotten son, then finally he transferred the ancient Jewish expression 'Yahowa’ Quran, The Divine const stay Another dispute arose, they said, the Divinity that Je- sus received was in his person as Christ,They want- ed to know the difference between human and Divine Jesus, This debated for qu~ ite a long time, when in 451 A.D. in another council of ‘Lassidon’ the question was answered by telling that both the characters human and Divine were conf- ined in the person of Jesus tution 126 121 Doctrines at the same time, In 680 AD a third council was held at Constantine It was further adicd that each of these characters possessed inde~ pendcat will. AL the same time Western chinehes were working on lic duestion of Salvation iin S29 AB it was arcep- led hat because of the touplaiion of Adam cach hie owas involved tna situeifon that he cannot ike & step forward in ord= er of salvation unless he cricrs a new life and this he cannot have wless he passes through death and even after entering a new fife, he cannot be at wilhenk the peace permanent. grace from the Lord, and this he can only have through a Catholic Church. These statements of the risLian scholars on the sub ject of salvation for the eternal Life were passed on behalf of God Almighty with out sufficient evidences. This was thus intended for the church's identity and expressing in exaggeration their love for Jesus Christ investing all their efforts +e—DIvinations As a result of this all those doctrines including Souship, Divinity, Trinity, Crucifixion, Ascension, and Atonement from jJaid down one by one.But so strange none such things are found out in the teach- ings of Jesus Christ. The earlier people of the faith who exaggerated, was out of retaliation against Jews, their bitterest enemies of that time and in search of an identity from the enem- ies religion. These changes were recognized by the lat- er peopie.They they" too did not rectify the errors, but tried to find out reasons to justify these. Thus a religion absolutely differ- ent from the original mono- theism to Polytheism (Trix nily} was established. (Ref. Tafheemul Quran, Page 491- 495) This was pot the end of the tragedy for basically, the unitariang. Trinity was yet not enough to satisfy the elders of the Christianity for their polytheistie div- ersity. They added Divinity to Merry PBUH as the mother of God. The term was used for the first time at Alex- andria at the end of the third century which was not accepted by the church in the beginning, but stayed im debates for quite a long time.Atlast in 431 A.D, The term had received an offic- ial recognition, This open- ed the doors for the worsh- ippers of Merry and gradua- lly the faith acquired so much strength that had put even The Father aside and The mother (Merry) was made ————s—permanent—goddess—for—a— belief. But in the Bible there —isn’t~a-trace—of—an evidence for such a belief. Centuries later protestants protested against the faith But the Roman catholics still believe this and wor- ship the images of Merry and the son and these imag~ es are present in every ca- tholic church and a house. (Ref.Tafheemul Quran Page # 510 Vol. i, by Sheikh Maud— oodi, ( Translation from Urdu } Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-II Now have a look at the Qur- anic Statements about the positions of Jesus and Mery PBU them, Tt is sufficient as a warning for such bel- ievers. Those who reject Quran let them bring their certificates but if they do ve authentic eno: them be prepared of the Ps diss of Judgement. for their » SOK O UNTO MicW PME AND MY_MOTH Hv WiLL, SAY, GLORY TO KEVIN GOULD 7 SAY, WHAT 1 2 NO RIGHT, HAD 7 sa A THING, THOU WOULD INDEED KNOWN IT, THOU {ST WHAT IS IN MY HEART BUT T KNOW NOT WHAT IS. IN WINE. FOR THOU KNOWEST IN FULL WHAT TS HIMDEN, Juigement, Life Hereafte ars net the matters to be everlooked but these are the matters of great conce- cn for every human being. God has not created human being in vain. He has crea- ted humans a very special creation. Blessed with a wisdom to reason. Provided 122 body think, He will, live to eat and drink, and will do anything he likes and die when time comes and there is nothing beyond that to bother,lie won't be question ed for what he had done in his life time. God says, in The Holy Quran, 23:115-118 “DO YOU THINK WE HAVE CRE- ATED YOU IN VAIN AND ‘TAT YOU WILL NOT BE BROUGHT RA- CK UNTO US, EXALTED IN MIGHT THE TRU i i 4 THE sUSTAT- NED ON THE GRACIOUS THRONE, SO WHO EVER CALLS OTHER GODS BESIDE ALLAH FOR WHOM, THERE ARK NO CERTIFICATE: WITH HIM,INDERD THE ACCOUNT FOR SUCH A ONE iS WITH HIS HE WILL NOT OF THE REJECT- ING FOLK Therefore the purpose of the knowledge and thereby the belief of these unseen articles of faith for a believer are of utmost imp- ortance and value in order to set human life upright, Just remove the fear of the eternal punishment, There'll be complete chaos in the moral order of the human being. It can be explained in the worldly affairs with the freedom of action.Every thing in the creation has been created for the bene- fit, and in the service of the human being.The beauti- ful climate and the forests Th beautiful vegetations and creatures. Water, Air Son and stars,The Paradise, and even The hell. Some we Witness and some we don't but we are informed to bel- jeve. With all these sanc- tions and comforts,Does any him the knowledge and th. exampies—of=the—eaninis— ~ Btiidance and sanctioned him trative forces with guns, aw_for_order,Break—the—law— Face the punishment. Remove these administrative forces lawlessness will prevail, Remove the fear of eternal fire the Jaw of barbarism and moral disorder on a la- rger scale shall prevail on earth.and what ever lawles- sness we are witnessing Lo- day in and around, is only because the man is ignorent of this knowledge ,j-acounta- bility, and the fear of the Quran, The Divine constitution Doctrines eternal fire. They become easy prey to The Satan. sat world is glamorous full of all worldly atterac tions, desires to fulfill (hrough means right or wro~ ng, together with all sorts of woridly fears except the r of God, Most of us are pe nonvers of his troops, defenders of bis canse. fe Quran is) warning human beings again and aga OF THE SATAN HE IS WORST AND OPEN ENEMY," definitely finds him- helpless ‘against the who have Lhis know- and \hey are always tains him.But those who do not réad Quran and do net know about his evil motives and the pledge that he has taken against humans are caught in his clutches. Every word in the religion Estan logical and based on perfect reasons puts fo- rth every picture so obvi- ous leaves no doubt in its purity and authenticity.The reason being an absolute freedom from contamination of the facts by any greedy hands. Besides God has al- ways provided such volun- -The—Ged—Almigh 123 the believers of Islam. As it is said by Jesus Christ, PBUH. For verily I say unto you till earth and heaven pass one jot or one tittle in no wise shall pass from the Taw till all be fulfilled.” And islam is the fulfill- ment of this prophesy. Surely you can not realize this truth unless you bel- deve in the oneness ef God, Day of ,Judgement anc your accountability, and that Mohammad PBUH js the last Prophet, and the Messenger of God and the Quran is the final word of God. Then you can understand Lnat anyth- ing that exists in between the skies und the earth is in. the perfect bond ship. —o: —and—noth-—— ing in this universe shares any part in the Divinity of The God Almighty.The moment you believe this al} doubts false beliefs, confusion disappear immediately just as the darkness disappears when the light comes. Then you can separate water from the milk and can have ans- wers for all questions with all logics and reasons eff- ective convincing and winn- = who—Invested—thes lives in preserving every bit- and dot—of—this- reli- gion to the perfect purity. And these volunteers shall never cease to exist around Quran and sharia as this is promised by God Almighty. “INDEED IT IS WE WHO HAVE REVEALED OUR DISCOURSE Zikr = Quran) AND IT IS WE WHO WILL PROTECT IT.So the Div- ine jurisprudence which ex- ists today on earth in its Perfect purity is amongst ings This clear vision to infinity. But—unlike this; —in-Christ>{ Sanity-the night is being pretended for the day. bven, when the sun is bright high But how long this can work. The shinning rays of the truth must penetrate the closed eyes and will compel these to open.Heat the peo- ple who are awakening fast, they will tell you, How do they see it now,than before they had entered in Islam. Islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-II taza Do you realize the differe~ The many writers [scribes] nee, To answer my letter of the. different books of you had to take the help of The Bible were inspired on a seminarian, and your ans~ different locations,nations wer was not more than a few settings etc. And they were suggestions, But had you not aware that, their work been in my place ceriainiy will come together as one you could have answered tha Bible. There are reports osc questions Par more wl that differ from one book ter Gi T conhd to to the other. There are ev- God says pe Holy Que ents vague and times contr- adictory but God’s work doesn’t intend to present history, Geography and sci~ WAS INCT ROM ence etc. His revelations ERROR, WHO EVER DENIES WAL containing Wis will for all GODS AND BELT IN AULA men." HAS SURELY HELD A FIRN SUP- PORT WHICH IS UNSHAKADLE Answer: AND ALLAH 1S URARING AND Avoiding the repetitions of KNOWING." the subject. As, much of it has already been talked in Ch.2:257, ALLAH IS THE PAT- + -the part I. I will try to RON OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE, HE talk on the points raised BRINGS THEM FORTH FROM THE ——in—the—ietter—pertaining— DARKNESS TO LIGHT, AND AS the subject.So let us first OF THEM WHO DISBELTEVE , understand the difference THEIR PATRONS ARE THE DW 1,8 WHO BRING ‘THEM FROM TH LIGHT INTO THE DARKW. between the Inspiration and the Revelation. SUCH ARE THE INMATES OF THE 1. Inspiration FIRE THERE IN THEY SHALL Inspiration: at times may ABIDE FOR EVER.” stand in the meanings of . oe Revelation but not always, Literally Inspiration means encouragement. or emotional instinct,a drive or an imp- Mr R. B. [The Letter] ulse which encourages one fuy“resource person wakes to—do—something—of—a—virtae— this comment- I quote "The And the source of this imp= |. presence of the ‘contradic- ulse could be anything beset tions’ and many defect. you side God. e.g. I am inspired have mentioned points to by Mr. Recardo Bisquerra to the fact that the writers write this book. Or I may of the God’s revelations say You have inspired me to were men of ordinary inte- work on this subject, or lligence and capable of Even I can say I am inspir~ errors as they are human. ed by my God Almighty to do but it does not necessarily this work of a virtue in mean that they are not His cause but at the same kifted by the grace God’s time, I will seek Allah's revelations.” refuge if to tell this work is a Revelation. Similarly 2. Consider the following. many scribes were inspired Quran, The Divine constitution The Bible to collect the traditions and stateme| from Jesus PBUH from ali their possi- ble sources in a good faith and intentions to bring La the people the Leachings of Jesus PAUH. So that thos: weren'L lost and the people of the future generation way be benefitted from tty teschings of the propy Tinwrefore Lupse of the Ty teeple texan Lo Tesesi ly dives efforts in tia holy bask Sith the best of their enpaabilities and t Tanguages with their pure ani Sincere inkentions, Yes jean agreo with you if sou Cran those “intentions s ingpiralions to do some thing holier, virtuous in the benefit of the cause of the religion. Bub to under~ stand that the collections nnd Uheir reproductions wh~ ich they fad brought forth were the revelations from Gedy as il is inlerproted and insisted by the church~ es. No, It is an ulter o take, For the quality of a man’s work depends upon his knowledge,and the skilis of presentations vary from per son to person in-qualities. It may be the best of one’s oki pheeoayet it be with errors, it may never prove perfect at all on the literary or scientific sta- ndards,it can be challenged er be proven wrong ete.etc. There are fair chances of mistakes in the receptions, collections interpretations simple grammer and presenta tions. Besides a human being has his Limitations and ho work done by him can ev- er be perfect and final, he has to sit down again and again in order to think of improvements and modifica- tions for the best of its utility. Since The Bible is the handy work of a large number of people, and as it - y you'These were the people of ordinary int- eilegence and were capable of orrors.Errors are alw likely when one is talking of x subject with in his Siwituitons and is not hel- ped or has sought help from some ono elise having a bet- Ger knewiedge and underst~ anding on, that subject.This is efare on every page of The Bible there are foot holes, which you can see as The ancient authorities add and Lhe ancient authorities omii. This process of addi- tion and omissions,who ever amthorities—they were, —sug= gests that the works of the scribes weren't final.There might have been many errors which these authorities had lo rectify or the time was nol satisfied with their presentations that’s why additions or deletions were required to satisfy the in- terests of the people.So,As such this work is not final even today. The seniors of the Bible still working on its improvements And this is the reason every now and then a new version appears in the hands of the people and each of this;is-a Bible i have already talked these names in the Part I, So no need to repeat. The differ- ent versions of The Bible is the proof that the Bible like every other book needs those changes in the name of improvements or a better understanding is therefore the work of men however in- spired to do the job but those works were,surely not the revelation. Islam, the way of life 125 Salvation from The Bible Part-I 2. ‘The Revelation’ is from God, which is not passed to every Dick and Herry but strictly to chosen men who then becomes God’s Prophets and the messengers, A revo— Intion is a Message from God to His Prophet sent to jim Uhrough another Messen- yer, an angel priel) or I in io the brai: Prophet, or as we known in case of Pro. Seses PBUH Ged spake to Bim e the Arabic Litle for Feuphet Moses PBUH, Kaleem in its original form as was revealed and so is an auth- antic Divine document on earth for the whole mankind and will vemain so till the term.This is repeatedly em- phasised at various places in The iioly Quran that the people of wisdom should un- derstand that which is fi- nal hax nothing to add or delete. Quran's authority, Uncontroversiality,its: bea~ uLitul language, authorit tive Nessage into the guid- ance. {Informations regard- ilfah"(Converser with God). ing the people in the past, \ message of God is perfect Its perfect affinity with in all respects quality, the nature,quality of memo- ermation,in its guidance rivation from dot to dot, Lie presentation and it even by tie youhger child- Fficacy for ages Lo come, ren, so indestructible, in- perfect on the literary and errani, never ined_fo: the scientific grounds, and editing and its open Chall- is inerrant, unediteble and enge to ali from the time final in all respects for all the descending periods unit another such reve}a- fion is sent down to anoth- ce Prophet. o.g. Pro.Mosses BUH was revealed Torah, which was effective for its law even when Jesus Christ PBUH was in his office as a messenger of God and since Jesus wasn’t provided a law Therefore the law of Torah was effective ‘till Quran is effective and is a final guidance for the present — time and will remain so, as no more prophet is to come. The prophethood is sealed 4 Prophet Mohammad PBUH. The previous scriptures do hot exist in their original form as those were revealed Neither Torah nor Injeel Torah is replaced by The Old testament as with Chri- stians and it is Thalmud as for Jews, Thanks to God for Quran is present absolutely of revelation to this date to produce just one chapter in its likeness and which is still slanding.These all prove thal this document is a Revelation from God and is not written by Mohammad PBUH.Quran produces its cer tificates again and again for its name and the cont- ents as the revelation from God. Where as The Bible is wanting of these certifica- name nor the contents, that —these—are—revelations, Even the scribes, attributed for the work are not the actual writers of the document. A simple language to under- stand'It's a Gospel accord- ing to Watthew,According to Nark, According to Luke,and According to John etc, In the old Testament “God said unto Mosses and Mosses said unto God. suggest That the attributes weren’t the wri- ters but some anonimous Quran, The Divine constitution ifiesits— The Bible 328 persons who wrote these do- cuments on behalf of Natth- ew, Mark, Luke, and John, Nosses and God Almighty But on Lhe other hand, Quran is Message of God to enger Proph.Mehammad PRUH and there is none else to amed or unnamed, not vaimmad PI 1 ormed from ali Uhese that Holy onean Ts an ex ‘ Goss revelation, Where foe The Bible, The si were however inspire were not revealed for tie yvri of the writings from heir own cannol peach to. the perfection are there- fore wanting for those yna- lities necessary for a rev- rlavion,enumerated as xdove in relation with The tioly Quan. This is the reason that The Bible could not ex ss to’ freedom from errors contradictions, controver ics and so continues going wiier revisions additions, deletions and appearances of newer versions. There- fore neither to this day it is a final document nor vould ever expect be spoken Cinal. Every newer, age will ask for its revesion and this pri si11_thus—k Om Roingifiad it been final, should have been sealed for “any amendments, as is Holy Quran Final from the reve~ lation to this day and till the end of this world. Let me end these two tech- Nicalities by presenting the following verses A. Quran Ch. 15:9 “INDEED IT (5 WE, WHO HAVE REVEALED OUR DISCOURSE AND IT IS WE, WHO WILL PROTECT IT." nd through His me-"" / 2. Holy QURAN in Chapter 4: verse 82 "DO THEY NOT CON— SIDER THE QURAN (With Care) HAD TT BEEN FROM OTHER ‘THAN THEY WOULD SURELY UAVE FOUND THERE iN, MANY DIS- CREPANCIES. As for Bible what Dre Luke says,in iuke Ch.1:2-3\ "Bven us they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were the eye witness and ministers of the word; It is sceméd good to mo ‘also having Rad perfect under- standing for all things fr- om very first to write unto thee, in order most. excell~ ent Theophillus." So_Luke says as he heard from the eye witnesses, he gathered the material,’ and so he was not even an eye witness. And it is a clear statement there is no claim from him for his gospel to be a revelation.Besides, as I have said above,The title of each of these gospels unlike Gospel of Matthew, Mark Luke and John but all of these are presented with a prefix “according to" to these gentlemen. “apre, of To tament.) and The Holy Quran — inspite of many changes in Torah, There are verses cor- responding with those of Quran, The difference is only the language.Quran was revealed to Proph, Mohammad PBUH say about 2000 years of the revelation of Torah to Prophet Mosses PBUH. And Prophet Mohammad was him- self illiterate, Who had never seen or heard of Torah. But when revelations Islam, The way of life ee Salvation from The Bi came the corresponding sub- ject matt are exactly Same in their description as is presented in the old testament. This is revela- {iony God opens the secrets upon His messengers so that Like nowld remain no pias Joubis or guess kovks os Lo depend upon tie wigsted stories. So The nits information ive of Taps Secotwils unlike Bible Quran was wrikben,arranged in ch tpiers in ihe direct su vision dictation of Frophet Sehammad PAW wader the guidance of” God \imighty throngh Angel Gab- viel, even though the reve~ lations came in pieces and iL Look twenty three years lo complete, Yet there isn't tie leasl of the flaw in the continuity and the rec- of ihe message. it is this continuity which makes furan memorizable even by the children, not few but millions of people are ‘al- ways available amongst Hus~ lims who are already pre~ serving whole of Quran in their hearts, This is the remove each and every copy of Quran and then ask Mus~ Jims lo reproduce as it was and there won’t be any dif- Ticulty in its reproduction and ask people to make the- se separately,Never mind in America, or ‘India, or in Philippines and match these with each other and you won't find a difference of & dot in any of these rep- roduced copies. This is how ve can say it is indestruc~ tible.This is the only book le Part-I1 on earth which is mostly recited, and is being read again and again each Muslim who has read Quran is obli- ged to read it hundreds of times from dot to dot. And every time he reads he enj- oys the reading. Besides its regular recital in daily five times prayers eople started to collect Bible of their own. For if Jesus PBUH had desired Tnj- eel be collected and compi- led should have dictated himself iW the ianguase it was revealed.It should have been accurate like Quran, inerrant and unchallenge~ able. But the history telis us Injeel neither was wri~ tten nor arranged in the life time of the Prophet PBUH. Nor the job was done by his immediate companions and perhaps it was not even suggested by the prophet to his disciples that they "11 do such a task. These were the people much later after Jesus Christ when they saw that the messages delivered by their prophet were being lost and forgotten they fe- lt it better to collect as much of it as it was possi- ble.The Bible is written as_ Christ accommodating events and-statements—of—Jesus_Ch= ie" ___ rist as and where the scri- bes had deemed fit. There~ fore the whole job was done by the people themselves without a set arid a proper directions This is the rea~ son for conflicts in the opinions, and contradictions in thé statements. The revelation of the Inj- eel is-supposed to have be~ en preserved by the Prophet Quran, The Divine constitution 128 The Bible PBUH himself. But the fact is that Jesus did not do so There may be reasons for Jesus,nol preserving Injeel er asking his disciples to do so. To know this we have to study the mission of Jesus Christ which can be divided into two, ‘The prea ing wd Shae goed new pessible reasons for vecerding The Injcel may be. i. Jesus Christ came as a teacher and warner amongst israclites to mend their wags. He did not bring with him any new laws.He preach- ed the people te held fast Torah and himselt observed the same. There fore Torah was still a valid document and a law for his time. There was no place for a change or a need for anoth= r law. Injeci was a_remin- ler and the warning for the people,defaulters and going astray. Surely a Prophet does how much he is told to do. He doesn't do anything of his own. So it is under- stood,Jesus PBUH did not do een Jesus followers and de~ niers,broke out.At the same time somé people joined the followers of Jesus Christ from amongst the denying folk as a black sheep who pretenied to be Christ PuUil Followers but actually they had joined lo ruin the acl= ual preaching and practices of us Christ. You. cam call them Hypocrites. Those people insisted of an iden- tity for themselves frem those of Jews and Judaism and sg they had to bring about changes in their bel- ief and the practices. nd then ihey. were in need of a document for their rituals, ceremonies and beliefs. Bul there were still some sinc- ere believers and followers of Jes ians, s Christ The sectar— ihey did not agree to those changes and had to face the wrath of the first group, The nonsectarians or the Pauline group. As you have read above, verses in the chapter of The Doctrin- es by St. Paul, telling not to obey Mosaic law and not to go for circumcision and s0 on. He was Paul who gave the name Christianity to a thing he was not told to their renewed faith, for an do it. identity . é 2. Since Jesus and his dis- 3. Since the children of ciple were already possess- ing a document of the requ- ired jurisprudence which they were observing. They did not have felt the nece- ssity for preparing another document. Meaning the imme- diate followers of Jesus Christ were Jews, ofcorse more better than those of deniers of Jesus Christ The need of a document was felt when differences betw- Israel~had—proven-themsel es arrogant, and wrong do- ers right from the time of their great grand father Jacob, PBUH. (Israel a nick name of Jacob PBUH) They cheated their father and threw his brother Josef (Yu- suf PBUH) in a well. During the time of Prophet Mosses, the story of Israelites is full of their arrogance ha- ughty behaviors.They killed the prophets and those of islam, The way of life Salvation from The Bible Part-II the sincere people in the cause. They killed Prophet acharayah, Proph. John The Baptist (Yahya PBU themjand They wanted to kill Jesus as wel} as they boas st of having kilied him and you aceepi. it. 7 Tor punishment God aay nol intended to keep an these vented their poni eternal t= neni ane dh ined pon them. hy They Iwi already Just. inject was Uims not told for sreserya= tion. 4. And for those of the be~ lievers in the truth among- st them $t might have been a test for them to see if hey can holdfasi the faith and the Law even without the avai awrite ability Lon document. 5. Injeci means a good news What was that good news wh~ ich constitute the second part of Prophet Jesus's mi- ssion. This good news was the coming up of The Mess~ enger of God ( Mohammad PB- Quran,and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. The third part of this book is meant for these details how ever Jesus Christ PBUH has prophesied for Pro.MOhammad PBUH, You may not find a clear prophesy with name in the Bible as you have read it in Holy Quran Surah (suf Chapter 61:6. Jesus Christ came as a herald for Proph- et Mohammad PRU and this constitute the second part of Jesus Christ's mission. ge You will note that Prophet Mohammad and The Message delivered to him,is prophe- sied from the ancient, times Proph. Mohammad PBUH is the end of God’s mission for guidance.Quran is therefore reported to’ be the mother document. revealing the pre- vious scriptures and the incidences of the past. And Quran is promised its vation therefore, The aviier Revelations such as Torah and Injeel are also preservgd in it. To verify the statement you can find the ten commandments of To~ rah in Chapters Alanaam (WO. 6 :151 - 152) and Sura Asra or Bani Israel] (No.17: 23-38) in The Holy Quran beside a lot more in rela~ tion of those Prophets and their people.Since the Holy Quran was to be the last document and so was requir- ed to be the only document for references to keep the religion of God one. Many valid documents should ins~ ist to keep the people div- ided, And this is not the intention and the purpose for God's religion and the~ refore for all prectical purposes No other documents were required in the prese~ Hedy te Th mother book. Same as,if one possesses an encyclopedia does net need to have a di-~ ctionary compulsorily. Be~ sides it is also logical to understand that in the pre- sence of a new law or an amendment the previous law is deemed cancelled and in~ applicable for practice. Quran, Ch.2:106, WE BRING A BETTER OR ATLEAST A LIKE OF IT FOR WHAT EVER VERSE WE ABROGATE OR CAUSE TO BE Quran, The Divine constitution > FORGOTTEN, DO YOU NOT KNOW ALLAH HAS FULL POWER OVER EVERY THING. Meaning the previous seri = tures are deemed canceili 4 in the presence of -Quran Hence not maintained for preservation. This also in- dicate towards the fact ¢h- ab a dew will wot remain a Jow or a Christian will not rewain a Christian after the arrival of the last tie~ ssenger and the final word. and this was the purpose of all those prophesies made by previous prophets about this last messenger Chal all the people who ever wir i} find this messenger in his life time shall ubey and observe hin unconditio~ nally. Thus too, there seems no need for any tion of the preserva- The Bible 13 withers and the flowers fail but the word of our God stands for ever." Torah is lost for Injeel is lost for istians unless they believe The holy Quran, The moment they will believe this doc- Jews and the Chr- ument they will find these lost scriptures already in- tact in The Holy Quran.As I have already quoted above Uie verses and tie chapte in the, oly Guran for the placesxof the Ten Command- ments of Torah. Thus these scriptures The Torah and The Injeel and Zuboor which are God’s words still exist as has said Isiah. Mr. R.B. "Even if you say your Quran is perfect that i previous scrip- it is written by God Him- tures. Quran's law is final self, and it stands till for all references to the today with that described end of this world. challenge. 1 would still allow my self a little dou~ Mohammad PBUH is the last bt about its perfection and prophet and the Quran is a absolute freedom from error final word there are so even without having seen , many verses in Quran in the heard or read it.” verificatios. There is ulsu a tradition from Prophet Answer Mohammad PBUH telling for himself as being the last. Firstly Quran stands with ==propl 7 by” showing the “chattenge, First Tit his two fingers joined to- “gether and said, "The rela~ tion between him and the Judgement is like this, that there was no gap between those two fingers. He said after him there is only Judgement. Lastly Allah knows best all His reasons. At the same time statement of Isaiah in Ch. 48, verse 8 is also true. "The grass the challenge and prove that’ it is errant; Prove it that you can reproduce as the challenge requires. But without reading and accept- ing the challenge, You will doubt its authenticity is not_the_justice_and_more_so when you say, “even though you haven't seen, heard or read it". In that case the word justice won't be suff- icient,one may say with due apology, such a person is Islam, The way of Life Salvation from the Bible, Part IL haughty ov of the truth. stubborn, denier Mr. R.B. "You may not judge 132 a beok by its cover or a gift by its wrappings. if It is not possible to know wrappings are not attrac- a fruit sweet or sour unie~ Live and not expensive but. ss it is tasted.You can not contents might reveal a disqualify a student wilh priceless inheritance." out having gone through his answer book if you are made Answer. an canmingr, Rut stilt you So On APS nol a respon Well said Ke book should be ibie person. You are allo- rejected just by a look at. well Lo showl and expose at its cover or by its name the Lop of your voice for only. The decision of accep- any defeet, if you can Pind Lance or rejection must be in The Holy Quran. But for given -@fter having satis~ this you have to hold it fied for lhe minimam that read it and understand il. is one reading. Tatai, This Don't be afraid of il.isn'e is my argument to you, You it, You are strong in your sent mo the lesson from the faiih.But if sou can't read Bible, I did with it full that select one Lranslite= justice and gave it a read- ral and translated copy ing and then picked up the of The Holy Quran, If you pen to answer you. Could I don't have time, Listen for write any thing good or bad some audio materials of The without opening those pages Holy Quran and give your You can't tell me that, I Judgement later. But if you did not reject what you had can'{ do that and rest. ass sent to mo but on the cont= ure that you can’t do, then rary you seem to be reject~ fear God, His reckoning is ing what I sent to you. How severe. could you ever know the . priceless inheritance that In search of an error in Quran possesses, unless you the Holy Quran people have open its covers and give been doing tireless efforts the justice of a careful there are people of the la- reading. You have admitted nguage in this search but of not having touched Quran =they_faven"t yet been able or even had a look at it. to lift the challenge of The Holy Quran or prove a discrepancy in it. And that. they had to accept it unanii mously that Quran indeed is inerrant. and unconquerable. But if you can still prove those people ere not good enough in the task.You pick Up the challenge, sometimes & negative efforts may give & positive result. The Christendom has reject- ed Quran even by its name and warned Christians not to look at it, They fear, The truth might pick them up. The effective language and meaningful accounts has all the strength to pierce through each superfeciality all the other religions are resting upon. It is true T could have never known what The Bible contains unless I had seen it and hold it and read it. Quran, The Divine constitution The Bibie Wr. R. B. “Several Bibles, There is only one Bible. though there are many vers- ions of it. And T see these a good indication that more scholarships are made to whain better and better understanding of God’s rev~ elations to man.” ene Bible ! Which is this vie Rible, Waat is its lan- mage what is its whore ab- out. There is a Bible in Greek, in Latin, in English wid ia two thousand differ- nt languages. You may say these are the translations including the most ancient The Greek one. Then where the original Bible? and what is its language?, from which those Bibles had been translated. Secondly if th- pse are translations then whynot the two translalions we identical atleast in tneir meanings.You may find Wifferent meanings of the same verse from certain qu- otations in, the chapter of The Bible,in the first part of this book. i have already talked of the difference between a in the first part so need not to repeat it. The many versions of the Bible are a good indication in your opinion in order for more scholarships and better and better understanding. ! Are you sure?. Different versions that is different opinions, different state- ments on a subject should cause understanding or mis~ understanding and conflicts They say there are two tho~ usands or more sects in The Christianity to day, Aren’t, these diversities from one arither, not the gifts of ih-se different versions. T there may be hardly be: any body who has ever fone A comparative reading of any two different ver- on arely you may find he has ever read Ute Bible, just ror once from A to Z in his life. What is mostly seen, people are m selective ng only the reading of the iibie ti toe from the canenicul gospels or some arts from the rest of the hy stament. If honestly one goes with a thorough study of the seripture, he has to face many questions to limself more so when one a comparative study of two different versions, cult. if he can stand sound on his faith after such a study, The example jaurice Bucale is before us, who did study The Bible thoroughly,and comparative- ly with in the versions and with the Science and The lioly Quran, Later he wrote his book ‘The Bible, The Quran and The science’. And st. In fact those different ver sions were not the works of old and the simple people of some iower intelligence as argued in your letter but these are the works of the most siilled people of the highest scholarships and intelligence. Who are investing their tireless efforts in the preparation of these different versions for the purpose of more profits and an identity of Islam, The way of Life Salvation from one sect from the other thereby a separate chair of the same status. I doubt if this is helping. understand- ing of the Bible or a vice versa. He. RBS nd?s word was never revised, it was the former versions of it inal was revised in order Liat (he Bible may be open io all, its messages, God's revelation might reach ev ery man, nation, race. Answer: God’s word was never revis- ed which was revised were the older versions” What. should this mean. Khat ever was revised, Was this not The Bible.? Is a revised version, docs not continue to be The Bible.? and now,Aren’t these Bibles in your hand and in my hand God’s word,? because these are also the translations and had already passed thr- ough several revisions. Pl- ease don’t mind it but your the Bible, Part IT 134 ow belitvers,O friends this Bible, ,ihich we are, holding for our faith, since it has passed though revisions is therefore not God’s word. If il is intended The Bible should reach to every man why was this kept £02 seer- et for almosi sixteen cen- Listes, away from the reach of Lhe people and remained a mystery for them. Why was it not made public from the very beginning?. Why were they cgmpelled to believe, what ever was being read to Lhem was God's word. why not, ihe people were allowed to have reading by their own.? What is a version any way Does it mean a translation’ A Translation: means con- version of a taxt into an- other language when the or~ iginal language is retained in order to check the trans lation, No language is hun- dred percent convertible in to another. For this reason we may have to choose some alternative words, nearest in meanings or an explana- tion may be required. The maximum liberty a transla~ tion may enjoy is the choi-~ ce of words. but in no way which is revised is not God’s word, so were the ol- der versions. Well revision of a version makes it older than after the revision wh- ich makes it new Isn't it?. The process of revisions of The Bible is ancient. Truly every Bidle existing today in which ever language, has Passed through several rev- isions. RSV The most authe- ntic for today begins its name ‘Revised’ So, Can you tell the same to your fell- lation are different or op- —_posite.If-so—one—may_quick=— ly say,"This translation is wrong” A translation can not be done unless the act- ual taxt for translation is not in front. Where as, A Version: is a revision of the previous text, enjoying the liberty of additions or omissions, changes in the previous text in the name of improvements and profi ability for the readers. As Quran, The Divine constitution The Bible 135 y have already given the example of Revised standard on of the Bible. This vers js « revision of King James yav, while casting the most peautifai flowers of its tritutes for Ked.V TL says, "yol iL has grave defed ood to rect fects. R.S.¥ proves that the recerds able up to the mo= jent manuscripts and silies the manuscripts the ancient period only. T don't go in to the re~ petition of the details of thes changes I should say [hal such revisions of the Word constantly unde" process since the very riy limes after Jesus Christ. Can any body tell,A draft which has been tb.igcted to so many chang- And those of God are ex und revisions and after revision could ever contain any irace of the original substance? But if you still insist that The Bible is nol revised But what was revised were the transla~ tions or the older versions Therefore K.J.V. and Catho- lic’s Douay versions are the translations of the Greek and Lat riptures t + one original unrevised Bible (God’s word) or a re- yised version of some pre- vious revisions? However a known fact that The Injeel delivered to Jesus Christ Was not written and record- ed. Therefore does not exist Suerly God's word is immune for revision. But which can be revised can't be God's word. Well said. So far as the message of the Bible is concerned th- ere are Rontroversies betw- cen the statements. Can you honestly teil the good pur- pose of tic message in the benefit of the mankind for which so mich of efforts of writing, Printing, Publish- ing are being made. When it is neither read honestly word by word nor is practi- ced according to The Word. Tt is true after so many changes and revisions The Bible now starving for its authenticity. Barnabas in Ch.124, Jesus ‘spoke unto his disciples, "Verily I say unto you, If the truth was not distorted from the book of Mosses, God would have not given a book to our father David, of Aramaic, and R.S.V. is the revision of the KJV ete So each of these are trans~ lations and their older and the newer versions of one another and according to your statements these revi- sions were not significant~ ly important. because these Were not God's word. This is the simple meanings of your statement. Well T leave it to you to decide your self a book in your hands in which ever language.Is this brought in to the book to David,—then—God_would_have not given me the Injeel. Because God is not going to change gods for us. And He has given one message to all mankind. Therefore when Regarding the changes br- ought in the Bible. Let us Islam, The way of Life Salvation from the Bible, Part IT 490 see what Encyclopedia Brit- tradition holds good for “gnnica says in its 1946 all the prophets and the edition. messenger of God. For in fact that lie is against “such obvious changes are God Almighty.Well you check made in the Gospels delibe~ yourself how much Lie has rately such, as times whole been attributed to Jesus chunks have been taken from Christ PBUR and the most elsewhere and put in the painfuf aspect of these is pook. These changes have that all these are believed been made by the people to be true and practised deliberately and purposely, tho Christenion. whoever gol some material from anywhere had thought. Reassure your seif befor himself justified to put in yeu attribute lies to the the book Lo make it more holy person of useful and purposeful." messenger of Gud. consequénces of the eternal Nany of these changes were doom shal] become inevit~ done in the second century able, Observe what Jesus A.D. and no one knows from Christ PBU has traly tae~ where these materials were ght And where you doubi Lake (Ref.Tafheemul Quran seek the help of the Final _ by Sheikh Maudoodi, page Testament, that is The Holy No. 464, Vol. 5) Translated Quran. But before Quran can from Urdo. help you your belief in the holiness of Quran and the Therefore Jeremiah 8:8, "How last,and the seal of the we can say we are wise and messengers of God, Prophet’ > Word of God is with us,when Mohammed PBUH is most imp- the pens of the scribe has ortant, Else you will never made it into a lie.” look into it with faith, that it can help you. Mr. R.B. many of Jesus’s Mr. R.B. “yours is an int- words were not recorded. erpretation and not all _interpretations are correct anawer:—Well said, Not. all — a book interpretations: are- correct -God's-Word—not properly re-"__The correct interpretation corded, Secondly What ever is the one which measures — vor was recorded from Jes~ . perfect at all logics'easy &s,After so much of manipu to bg ,,understood, \ may rot “lations, Can you say with —need~ “further ——interpreta- certainity,which is Jesus’s tions*by the Seminarians or word and which not. other scholars. A correct interpretation is one word There is a tradition from explanation and if an inter Prophet Mohammed PBUH. Any pretation, needs long expla~ one who will attribute lies nations \éxamples etc. may to me. Rest assure his dwe- not be @ correct explana- iling in the hell fire.This ce Quran, The Divine constitution poy fion e.g. I quote a verse from the Bible. Matth.5:20, "Verily, verily T say unto thee unloss your righteousness exceeds "tae righteousness of the scrib- es and the pharisees, yo shall by no means enier Lhe kingdom of heaven" one interpeotation is sim ple as understand — Liat. your success for your sal- vation requires your right= cousness in your faith and deeds. For without deeds faith is lifeless as we have already jearnt from dames 2:26. A second interpretation may be one as per your bolier only faith necessary, decds not important, Weill you may interpret and understand as you pleased, but a man who wants to understand may not agree with you, lic can say well 1 can see it is day why are you telling me a night’ still and insisting me to keep asleep.To insist upon an incorrect interpre- tation you have to work much harder go a Jong way with explanations rough and odd. Or with some gifts, “concessions and a promise for an easy salvation. But let me tell you Tatai and ny dear readers, Things Perhaps won?t be under our control on the Judgement «Day. The situation may be absolutely different from Sur expectations. You may take a little notice from averse in Matthew 7:22-23, ‘Many will say to me in » that day Lord,Lord, Have we nol prophesied in thy name? lave we not cast out devils The Bible 137 And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I (Jesus) declare to them I never knew them, Depart from me you evil doers. Well if this is found true what will be the fate of Ye people on that day when wo help ean be expected from anyone, else whom God \imighty will grant the sanction to intercede with recommendation. Therefore my immble ghggestion to you and to everyone in control «ith these important scrip~ iures is to nterpret and understand and observe exa- cliy as if is written ace- ceptable to your logical un- derstanding without involy- ing the least of the perso- nal interests, Else you may earn little bit of earthly profits but) in the here- after, You find your- self amongst the big losers of the eternal life. And this is definitely a big loss, if you are really a believer of the life after death. Surely our interpre- tations and understandings will not work. We have to live our lives in accordan- ce to The Will of our Lord ds. And for the correct faith_and_deeds,—we-haveto search for a document with plane and straight forward message from God’s word and .. traditions of the prophet in his statements and deeds recorded, honestly, correctly interpreted and free from all vasted interests.Surely mind will interpret correc- tly if personal interests are not involved. Islam, The way of Life Salvation from the Bible Part-II yy is 4 simple loyic, Does ‘yng one receive any thing eNthout efforts.Does a far- ier, grew a seed of grain Qithout having worked in the fiedd. Showld a war peevive the without having shown tuinimnin rewired ontput how Uren one wages ror Lhe should expects for y paving de push sufferings jent iabour fo. Fail and deeds are embracm i ax the duacs 2:26, out, bhe body shall be dead. Tul} apart che cee the faith will by att Beeds without faith aim less.Therefore the faith is the soul and the deeds a te arms of your righteou ness. And Your righteousness ether so with Lhe Pull Lie soul bod vy bolt di is, what is demanded from you for your salvation as slated in Malthew 7: Conclusion: Therefore the religion demands from you Teincerity in faith and deed and perfect devotion to the absolute will of God. What ever deeds of virtue, you e for the pleasure of God Al- — “mighty. If any personal int-_ Srest becomes involved oth er than the interest of God Almighty. That deed becomes Masted and no reward for Tsuch a deed. Rather, itu {become a curse for you, 7 Ray record here an inciden- Se of Caliph Ali, son of (Abi Talib, and son inlaw of gThe Holy Prophet PBUH, and fthe fourth caliph of the jAslamic empire, Allah be GPleased with him. Once in a 5 Quran, holy War, after having def- eated one of the enemies of God, was sitting on his chest, and wanted to strike off his head when this man suddeniy spate on the fac of Ali, Allah be pleased with him, in order that Ali out of his anger should ha- sten the act and he may not face any torture. Torture of the defeated man too was a practice of the days of ig- norance before Islam, But Ali gol. up from the chest of that yperson and spared his life* This man was so astonished, he further exp- Jained the intention of hi act, and said, “Instead? you had given me a couple more of the stronger strikes you Vet me go" He said,"I could not nderstand this. Hazrat Ji replied." when 1 wanted to punish you, it was for the sake of Allah, for you were His enemy but when you spate on me, that blew in me the anger. Had I chopped off your head in that state of my blown anger, the act would have not remain in the interest of God Almigh- ty but for my own anger. This is the reason,I spared your life because each and every act in our life must the cause of our Lord and or anger. The man said such teachings could be from a true prophet. only and soon he - read—the--witness-of--Is~ jam and joined the Islamic brotherhood the next moment This incidence is reported by Thomas Carly] in his bo- ok ‘Hero and Hero worship’ There is a statement (Tra~ dition) from Proph.Mohammed PBUH recorded by the faith- The Divine constitution 138, not for our personal enmity Conclusion 18 fuls transmitted by Abu Hu- rerah Allah be pleased with him, telling,"On the day of Judgement the cases of thr- ee persons shall be brought first for the judgement and these three persons shall be, @ Rich man who had done lot of charities in his life, a learned man who had imparted wilh the peaple lol of tnowledge in life, and a warrior wh sacrificed his life holy war,All th ee sha- li be ordered for cendemna- Lion Lo the hell fire for the reasons,that their dee- ds of virtue were intended for their personai appreci- ations instead of the pure cause of God Almigit And God will tell them"well you have been appreciated duely during your life for your deeds in the world as you had desired, Therefore you don’t share any rewards for \his day".The companion Abu furera Allah be pleased wi- Uh him,who had recorded and transmitted this tradition when ever used to recite the tradition amongst the companions would go fainted with the fear of God.There- fore an utmost care is req- uired while performing acts of virtues that, not even _a just removed a stone or a thorn from the path of the passers by, way intending * the pleasure of the Lord, will pay you amply on the Day of Judgement for your eternal life is per record from Hoty Quran, and the tradition of rophet. johammed PBUH, a sould deed is vecorded in observer's account, only at ihe intention and is writt- en ten times as a rule, but an evilgdeed is recorded owly whe the evil act is Jone and is written exactly lth the same degree, as il Therefore it, is a necessity that every deed must be di- rected towards God Almighty to enjoy its due rewards on the Day of Judgement and Unis can be possible only when the performer shall have strong faith in God Almighty, The Day of Judge= ment and his accountability Certainly this is cared by them who do believe in God and fear Him and the Judge- ment Day as one ought to fear. Such of them care ev- ery step in their life so minutely that nothing shou- id become the cause of the- =trace of personal apprecia- tr condemnation on that Day tion should be involved el- sc-all shall go wasted, Any good deed of any degree _er order from helping the Poor with a grain seed upto the sacrifice of the life if not intended to the ab- solute pleasure of the Lord but for some personal gains or fame goes wasted so no reward for such a deed on the day of Judgement.But on the other hand if you had TT) suggest, Read Quran and prophet’s traditions just for knowledge sake even for criticism. You'll be help- less to recognize Islam as the true religion intended for the whole humanity, and intended to bring peace and prosperity for the whole man kind. Intended to bring law and order in the lives of the people: without the guns of the police and the Islam, The way of Life Salvation from the Bible Part-II 140 armies. In Islam is hidden the success of the life in We are all the children of the world and the life aft- our common parents Adam and er death, Eve.all our systems natural and physical as well as Most of us believe in God, Woral requirements for all but unfortunately in most the mankind ought to be one of the faiths, the concep (This moral system in other tion of God is limited and words you can call it as very superficial as one who The Religion).Therefore the has created you, and sus- standards of Judgement for tis you, amd awards you al) minukind shali a be mal, ever you ask from hin one ad the same. So diff- and the death a natural pro erences or any double stan- evss of gradual decay and dards shouid we expect from then the story finishes. in God Almighty Islam The story begins from 4 here with the conception of Tn Quran God has clearly God as The creator Sustain staledsINNA DEENA INDALLAH~ cr and the only Accountant IL ISLAM" Indeed the reli- of the Bay of Aecoun and gion with God is Islam We'll gather everyone from y zs : the first born to the Iast ‘At another place in Quran on this day and will call chapter 5 verse 3, says, for accounts to all those, TODAY I NAVE COMPLETED THE vho lived a sane and post RELTGTON FOR YOU AND COMPL- adolescent life. We have to ETED MY BLESSINGS UPON You return to our creator and AND FAVOURED FOR YOU THE are accountable for our RELIGION ISLAM." Seeds and have to face tie Judgement and then shail In chapter 2 of The Holy bogin the life which will Quran Prophet Abraham and be oternal,if rewarded will Ismael and Jacob PBU them be in the Paradise eternal- are warning their children ly and if punished shall be “DO NOT DIE TILL YOU ARE in the hell fire for ever. MUSLIMS." So Islam is the most ancient religion given Quran Ch.24:21-118 HAVE You right from Adam to Prophet CALCULATED OF YOURSELF, THAT Mohammed PBUH and AND THAT YOU WILL NOT BE one hundred twenty four th- {ALLED. BACK UNTO US. GLORY -——ousands—prophets and every BE TO ALLAH, THE TRUE KING, individual shall be judged THE SUSTAINER OF THE THRONE for his faith and deeds wi- AND UE WHO CALLS UPON OTHER th in the laws of Islam un-. ‘GODS BESIDES ALLAH FOR WHOM der the witness of the pro- NE HAS NO CERTIFICATES. THE phet of his time. So shall ACCOUNT FOR HIM IS WITH HIS be the humanity of this day LORD, INDEED HE DOES NOT after the advent of Prophet GRACE THE DENIERS. AND YOU Mohammed PBUH shall be ju- (0 Mohammed) TELL,O HY LORD dged under the witness of FORGIVE ME AND BESTOW YOUR Prophet Mohammed PBUH only. KINDNESS, INDEED YOUR ARE. If one insists, He is a Jew FORGIVING KIND.” and for him the witness Quran, The Divine constitution Conclusion shall be required from Mo~\ sses, It is a wrong belief as every pRophet has his jurisdiction for his period nnd nation. Pro. Nohammed's jurisdiction is the whole mankind and the period is from his advent Lill the Duy Judgenent. as per Sem, "Even Heosa (PBUH), iF ye Kus present in my time, he Loo had, lo follow me.” Se ne excuse Wend fer the truth, and joarn Lhat ignorance is no exeuse, God's path is one, slrsight palh.Prejudice and diversities ave disastrous. Tf you can realize the exp- Junalions given here have logics, which are appealing lo your wisdom, The path in all ite Likelihood is right one and all other sigag pa~ tha with no definite desti- nation without enough light in your way is provably wr- oug and needs its correc- Lion, before you reach at the one way point and there may not be any further cha- nees for its correction and von may find yourself at the final ill fate. Seek Allah's help for rat ‘Su are really intending.He will open your heart—and— mind to accept the truth and will let you shun all false that you had been observing. Allah_is “certainly pardoning kind. May Allah show us and the readers the right path and help us for our steadfast- ness on the path, You. are Pleased with,and accept all our efforts intended in Yo ur cause and make these the~ Islam, The way of life ida reason for our pardon on the Day of Judgement. Ammen a Akhiro dawana AnilHamdo illahe RabbilAlameen.” ‘Your sincerely De. Afiab Abmad Khar Referenc i. the Holy Quran, @ransla- tion by Yusuf Abdallah Al 2. The ety Bible, King dames, — Revised \andard New international rsion, Gideon's Interna ional. 3. Js Jesus God by Ahmad Deedat..7 4. Was Jesus crucified by Mr. Ahmad deedat.? 5. Video cassette progra~ mnes by Mr. Abmad Deedat.. 6. Video casette programes of Prof. Jamal Badawi. Video cassette prog 1-Na, 8. Gospel of Barnabas. 9. The Bible, The Quran and — The Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaic- 10. Tafheemi Quran by Sheikh Maudoodi. etc. MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE 142 Mohammad from The Bible these messengers. All the angels known and unknown. The subject studied so far And to believe all that is under the title “Salvation in between this earth and from the Bible"? remains the skies is, buc in the unsatisfied and incomplete bvondship to his or its Lord qnicss Mohammad PRUH,. isn't and that nothing shares His explored from the Bible. Divine authority in Wis do- main. Where as Christianity ood, denies Prophet Sohammad PD- je Bible” Wii and ihe Bivine revela~ the Like ao prophecies not tions to him i.e Quran. And busking anything about Moh~ Sows are denying both Jesus wid PRUE sueh importa- as well as Hohanmad 7BY th- nt figure ever bern on the em and the Divine revela- fuse of this world, which tions toXboth of tiem ise. r uistery of the mankind Injeel and Quran, for their doesact Pind his coequal in vasted reasons.Perhaps they the watiers of his authori- are yet wailing for someone ly and achievements,more 80 \o come bo them avcording when this prophet is Lesti- fo a prophecy in Torah, fying Jesus PBUH, his pro- (Deut. 18:18) But now they yhethood, his miracle birth are already lost hope for ned the divine revelations is has already been too INJERI, and Une miracles wh- late in this waiting, Such ich he performed through had never happened before Goits will, and not denying that, if a nation was in is quite astonishing need’ of guidance, fad to (iis book is not speak~ wait fora propiwt for so anyLhing about Mohammad long. Frém Mosses till now who in the presenta~ 3500 years, for Deut, 18:18 tion'of the religion of God to fulfill as they do not testified both Jesus and believe in Prophet Mohammad Nosses PBU them and presen= PBUH, as the fulfilment of ted beliefs much in common ‘% the said prophecy and all wilh Christians and Jews. the other prophets in betw- een Hosses and Mohammad PRU 1.Belief in God and the day them, including Jesus PBUH. — ;ofjudgement— = “Hone of them has claimed * . for himself the stated mes _ 22. God’s messengers—and the - ~senger, “That Prophet". So divine revelations. for them Deut. 18:18 is yet to be fulfilled. Where as &.Belief in Angels,The fate Pro. Mohammad PBUH has told ‘and the life after death. in a tradition that, ie and : the judgement is like this, Muslims do not have a cho- fle joined two of his fing~ tee. This is the article of ers together that no gap faith to believe in all the was left between them sugg~ \Prophets,in the guidance of esting that there is no Tan kind known, and unknown further messengers and the without any distinction, All guidance between him and the divine revelations kno- the judgment, i.e.No prophet wn and unknown to any of after him. He is the seal Quran, The Final Testament Propheci: Sof Lhe prophethood.Jews had recognized Mohammad PBUl as the one prophesied in Deut. 18:18, But They denied him ou! of Jealousy as they be- }ieved prophethood was the imaegiy for the children of Tstari and the stated pro- pote rane TRIS is ed by Garan in chaph. Til 1 NIZE VOU, TEI SONE ve aD KNOW 11 (iows TRUTH AKD PLOLHEC LES Ja desus Christ PBuli. Quran brings Lo our know- ledge that Josus PBUH, did make a prophecy for a pro~ phel after him, whose name shall be AHMAD. Quran Chapt. 61:6 “AND SATD iS SON OF MARY, "O CHIL DREN OF ISRAEL, INDEED I AM THE MESSENGER OF ALLAI TO- WARDS YOU AND TESTIFY TORAH WHICH CAME BEFORE ME AND GIVE YOU A GLAD TIDING OF A PROPHET WHO WILL COME AFTER ME AND WHOSE NAME SHALL BE, ==AINADS Jesus is told in Quran to have prophesied for Prophet Mohammad PBUK.with his name as Ahmad, This should not lead you to any misunder- standing as Ahmad is the other name of Pro. Mohanmad PBUH. The former means the praising one, and the later means praised one. Both are the characteristics of Pro. Mohammad PBUH, But in the whole Bible neither Ahmad nor Hohammad is mentioned » by Jésus Christ PBUH das by name. And Chrictianity denies for prophet Nchammad PBUH.Now Let us study Bible from this point of view and analyze the verses of such prophecies boih in the old and in the new testaments. 1. Prophecies from the new Testament. John, 16:7-14, verse 7"Nevectheless I tell you the truih;Tt is to your advantage that J_go_awav fon ity denote ans Le z wil) not come _to you bub if [ go TI will send him to you. verse 8. And when he he wil] reprove the concerning sin, and righte- ousness and judgement. verse 9 -Concerning sin be~ cause they do not believe in me concerning rightcous~ ne: verse 10 ~Because I go to the Father,and you will see me no more; concerning jud- gement because the ruler of this world is judged. verse 12 - "I have yet many things to say to you, but verse 13--_"When_the_spirit of truth will come, he will guide you in to all the tr- uth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come." verse 14 - "He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE Thi If we analyze these verse: we will notice Jesus PBUH, is prophesying for someone to come after him,/ but the coming of this one is con- ditional only a the re- urn of Jesus P ive. Un- less he goes ihe counselior 11 not come as suggested in John, 16:7 The Question is. who is this counsellor, Cit sis Inliking abou com) after bis return. A Christ- ian will reply "Tk is. the holy ghost"! But how !? he cin be the counsellor as he not fulfill the condi- for the holy ghost was already present during Jesus's time and was help- ing him too, and not only this he was present even be fore Jesus, PBUH. And the condition for the counsell- or's coming is only after Jesus's return. Therefore holy ghost cannot be that. couunsellor. Note the foll- owing verses in that rela— tion. 1. Luke, 1:15 the Baptist] ‘shall be great jn the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither the Wine nor _the strong drinks a Pied with the holy ghost even from the mother’s womb." “For he [John I Note that the wine is the Undesirable stuff for drink ing ] ~John The Baptist and Jesus Were almost of the same age 2. Luke 1:41 “And Elizabeth was filled with the holy Shost." As per Bible Elizabeth John Baptist's mother, 3. Holy ghost helping Jesus in casting out devils Read, Matthew 12:27-28, “sind if cast out devils by tie be- eizebub, by whom da your sons cast them out? Thero~ fore they shail be your Judges. But if it is by the spirit of God, that T cast out demens then the kingdom of God has come upon you" 4. Besides; Holy ghost was also helping the disciples, AL ihe time of his departu- re,Jesus said to his disci- ples. "Recéive ye the Holy- ghost" And if you remember what Jesus said, When T am gone I will send him from the father, And shen I am gone you will see me no mo- re. And in the verse above, He is handing over the holy ghost to the disciples even before his departure,So the condition does not satisfy. sicrefore the counsellor or the comforter is not the holy ghost, but a man who fame _after the departure of _ Jesus PEUH;For we have seen in the above quoted verses ready present whenthe coun- sellor was yet to tome,Only after the return of Jesus.A condilion as stated in the verse Jn.16:7, which is not fulfilled by the holy ghost Now, we will examine in the Light of the Bible, that if this comforter fits to the person of prophet Mohammad, PBUH. ? Quran, The Final Testament MOHAMMAD, pbuh 1- ANOTHER, John 14:16, And I will pray e Father,and He will give you another counsellor to ho with vou for ever." Another i.e. other than J. sus himself, and those of exrlicr ones Jike David, esses, Abraham PBUH them, Tey Sere all bumans and prophets of God, So was J elf, Naturally is talking for a messenger From amongst humans only to five with them in | his person, hom peopie can see vi fect and his) Ceachings ie siny Lill the end of (hiv werda, but net Lhe swirii or a ghost. 2. il, Please read the abo- ve quoted verse Jn. Ch 16: 13 and 9 You'll notice that in theso two verses where iis comforter is talked, vo is to come r othe return of 1s PRU, is sp- Jaen with the subject ‘WK? for not less than eight ti- ues and this is a masculine subject, which indicates a man and not the ghost or a scoop, According to English Grammer -al nonhuman -objec> ts begin with-subject ‘It’. 3. PERMANENT in —sbay,——_— "That he may abide with you for ever" John 14:16, Abiding for ever means, Af- having lived a life in hand bones ieaving be- hind a model of his lite and of lis teachings, perf- ct to be observed by his folioners and it is agreed _ Upon unanimously that, no pan. has ever lived" ’alorgst is fojlowers so perfect sin “obedience as did Prophet Mohammad PRUH,And therefore FROH THE BIBLE the verse fits in perfectly to his person. 4, ‘KINGDOM OF esus PBUH, a member of the ngdom of heaven,A soldier of God, who spent his lifc, in efforts to establish the kingdom of God on carth, ile conveyed the message of God io Lie people, Bul his task romained unfinished, fer the 4- iis own peopic him,disbelieved hi “HIS OWN BELIEVE much, even untit this rejected dn.is1t So day. t-cod's message was changed completely, as wil We have seen above, alrendy admitted by the people of authority like of those, for Encyclo~ pedia Britanica that the presence of contradictions, errors and the controvers~ jes are as a result of the~ se changes, stand in proof besides the deity of Je! PAUH,and his worship as God in the Christendom i.e. the worship of a creature inst- ead of the creator. These are the proofs that Kingdom of God had not established on earth through Jesus PBUH But now the world sees and major sector of the people _in_this world have received — a perfect knowledge of One God as the creator and the sustainer and is worshipped alone without any associa~ tion. Prophet Mohammad PBUH gave this perfect identity of God to ail humans throu~ gh the guidance he received from God in the form of holy Quran and enforced on earth, the Divine laws. And these are obeyed and pract- ised strictly. Therefore, We Quran, The Final Testament MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE can say in the form of isl~ an, Atleast in some part of the world, The divine laws for humans are in practice, the word of God is present in its perfect order and purity, and in fall en~ forcement. Therefore We can say The weaning of the King dow of God is well. under- slood by ths owerss of Honamead PUI, for them God is the supreme ruler fil for iis worship and jaw to be enforced upon the be- lievers and be observed in fuit, The natural order and lie jaws, for every one are alike which no one can dety A imman kins amongst the believers in any park of the earth is jr toa care lakers to that The pi- vince law is being observed. llc doesnot, own any part of the earth. A king is a mor tal being and conquerable 90 hy another stronger one Therefore The earth and ev ery thing in ihe univer belongs to the permanent. being, who is God Almighty, clernal and inconquerable. Huwans are only the viscer— uenls of God. And so the kingdom is for God and This has been seen by the world perfectly enforced during caliph’s period and forth. ts time too,it is perfectly observed by the millions of Muslims in the world. Logically too,A house which you have built and that,you are the one, who bring the livilihood for the inhali-~ tents of your house reas. ably deserve from them that You should be the one, Lo be honoured, as the master for that house, but suppose f someone else is given that honour in your house instead of you, you feel it ?.’ should you ever tolerate and allow such an injustice by your depandents towards you. Xo not at all. Similarly the world, which is created by God alonc, Who is providing sustnance for its every sm all or large creature, oxc- usively deserves all’ than- s and worships for Himself and if these are given to something who had not play- ed any role in the creation or the Zustenance of any of the creatures. God will reprimand such attributers severly and warns al) huma- ns in The lioly Quran, that lie may forgive any sin but one, He will never forgive the attribution of anything in His domain with His au- thorities, or the qualities in the belief or in his de- eds, even a slightest of such a thought is treated by the Almighty as SHIRK as the term, used in the Holy Quran which literally means association. All the creat- ures except humans, do not enjoy the liberty of their actions but they worship their Lord without choice. Humans and those of the cr- -eatures -who~enjoy—the—1 erte=of—m “ere 7 concerned here, and so they willbe judged,—Therefore the recognition of God as the supreme authority, His worship, obedience and sur- render to Wis absolute will Enforcement of the divine laws,in all the social, ec- onomical and legal matters, pon the nations and upon the individuals, is what is meant here by the establish ment of the kingdom of hea- ven, This is the message of Islam and this is the prac- How would Quran, The Final Testament 146 Prophecies, by Jesus Christ PBUH “tice in any sincerely Isla~ mic nation. Therefore you n say the Kingdom of God s established, where Isla- mic laws are strictly en- forced. §. THE SKAL OF TH PROPH HOOD. God reveaiod in The Holy Quran, Ch TES DAY havi RD YOUR Riii~ GION AND HAVE 1 COMPLETED OR FOR YOU YOU ARD HA ISLAM AS THE 1diON.” This declaration sas made to Prophet Mohammad, Putiti at the necasion of the Tast pilgrimage, which means the purpose of the prophet hood was Cui filled, God's) messayis was delivered in fall, The poople were in perfect) ube= dience under the devine bas ws. The prophet PHUH, Looi: the Witness from the pil ims present ab the occasion three Fimes,that he had con veyed the message in full and the pilgrims conformed. He, PBUH in his address to the crowd passed on to them the responsibility of tra~ asfering the message to om it had not yet reached and to those of the cominriz Generations, He said, "Who 9 aat apter 21: 13, "The burden upon Arabia'which means the responsibility of carrying prophet's mission accross the world. The mission bega ne right from the time of the stated pilgrimage with the prophet and is so freg- uently seen even today by ail of us and will thus continue ceasciessis. This is necessary to satisfy the arguments on the Judsement bay, that none will have to argue "I had not heard of iL". Tg cut, short The fina lization of God’s religion on earth is the conclusion of the prophethood. Further Al}ah, The declared in Quran Ch. “MOHAMMAD IS NOT THE FATHER OF ANY OF YOUR MEN, BUT THE APOSTLE OF GOD, AND TiiK SEAL QF THE PROPHETS,AND GOD HAS THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ALL. THINGS. \imighty 33:40 6.HE WILL REPROVE THE WORLD OF SINS” John 16:8 Bach prophet before Mohamm- ad PBUH, was concerned to his nation and for a defi- nite period of time includ- ing Jesus who was concerned to-the~house--of--Esrael--only =ever—knovs—a—word—of—the— =ant—pertod—upto—the—advent= authantic message aust pass it on to whom it isn’t yet known and so infact the Mission of prophet Mohammad PBUH continues. And thu lives amongst the believers and the followers in his teachings and will thas continue to live till The Day of Judgment. This final approval and recognition from God and prophet’s tr nsfering of the responsibi- lity upon the followers is Prophesied by Isiah, in ch- Islam, Absolute of Pro.Mchammad PBUH. Where as-the-later!s.“PBUH)-concern— is the whole world and the period till its end. He up- rooted idolatry and repri- manded Christians of having divided One God into three, and thus condemned Trinity. NOW let's study the origin of the word counsellor or the comforter,which we find in the Bible in relation with the prophecy made by Jesus Christ PBUH for some- compromise with the nature ‘ MOHAMMAD , after him as 16: 7-14. one to come stated in Jolin ch. Counsellor ,Comforter, er, Teacher, many other which are used Help- Advocate similar words in differont Bibles, these are again ir- ansiated in many differcut Junguages and are expressed fferentiy none uf these languages spoken Jesus}CArist PBUH We concerned With the Language that Jesus PBUH spoke the actual word which Jesus PBUH uttered for this orw counsellor or the comforior translated in the Bib jet's trac as possible. it back as much Gospels in ancient Greek used the wordy ‘Paracletus? for the counsellor or the comforter, which means to atlure,to call for help, to warn, to agitate and to mo- tivate.But The Biblers tra- nslated this word as Conso- lator,Deprecator, Comforter Intercessor,Counsellor,Tea~ cher, Advocate etc. At the same time it is learnt that there is another word in Greek very near in sound but" very “different “in’ the— flytos’ which means The —Praised—One—and: -"Ahmed—and— aap Mohammed both Praised one mean, ‘The and Peri- close in Since Paracletus clytos are very their sounds. Originally this word may have been Periclytos which was some how changed accedentally by way of a mistake in dicta~ tion, or deliberately! Well there are innumerable inst- ances of deliberate changes pbuh FROM THE BIBLE in the Bible, as verified by Encyclopedia Britanice 1946 edition and Christians have always considered this justified statement confir- med by the Presence of foot notes in The Bibles as the ancient authorities add and ancient authorities omit. Paracletus cannot otherwise be the holy ghost, as in the Epistles, Jesus is also termed as a Paracletus, And The Holy ghost being a sep- rate pgrson in The Trinity can't be another Paracletus for two Paracliti at a time are unlikeli as they are the seperate heads, which constitute The Trinity. Yet doing so, you'll go against the very definition of the Trinity, Therefore Paracle~ tus other than Jesus, is also a man at a distance of time like Jesus himself and wnot-a spirit,whom Jesus has spotted, as stated in John, chapter 16: verses 7-14, . Even Periclytos was a trans lation of the word that sas spoken- by Jesus PBUH#“Léet’s go into the history to find out the most’ probable - word spoken by Jesus Christ PBUH of Pel»stine during the ti-~ 148, hoof —me—of —tesus—was—Syriae+—A——— dialect’ other than what is spoken in Damascus. Hebrew language had already become unknown in Palestine 250 BC During selucide period Gre~ ek was also present in tho- se days but was the langua- ge of the rulers and their courtiers and the subjects were ignorant of Greek.This is confirmed by the history MOHAMMAD, Titus, a Greek general when conquered this region in 70 A.D. addressed the public. it was in Greek and the me~ ssuge was required for traq nslation in Syriac language This confirms that the lang. uage of Palestine in those S$ was Syriac and not eck nor was ii Hebrew. ri language — persisic in Palestine until 900 A.D. mis for 200 years under jsiamic banner. (Tafhecmut~ Quran Vol 5 page 463. trans- ated from Urdu) Therefore the informations eoliected by Muslim schol= wes from Palestinian Chris- ian sources who spoke: the ame language as that of Jesus Christ,should be more authentic and probably the actual word spoken by Jesus Christ than what is record- ed in the four canonical Gospels in Latin and Groek and then translated in to nglish and other languages of the world. We have learnt from the scholarships of Ibn Hisham, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE a4 ter the conquest of Palest- ine in 700 A.D. In 900 A.D. the language of Palestine changed to Arabic. Mohammad bin Ishaq died in 768 A.D. and Ibn Hisham died in 828 A\.D. Therefore it was not difficult or impossible for Mohammad bin Ishaq to find mit from Syriac speaking Palestiuian Christians the Syriac for Periclytos,And found it out thal i) was 'Mohammana’ (Tranglated from Urdo. Ref. Tafheemul Quran by Sheikh Maudoodi page, 463 vol. 5) parallel word Wn ther auoted hy ancient witness is Vbduliah bin Mas- aood when’ Najashi, (The Ch- vistian ruler of Yemen in the life time of Prophet Mohammad PHU) called for Muhajir son of Wabasha and Jafar son of Abu-Talib [Fix t cousin of Pro. Mohammad PHUH], asked Jafar to read fron Quran and to tell some of the teachings of the Pr- ophet pbuh, After hearing the recital from the holy Quran he witnessed and said who quotes from the auliws- “Welcome Lo you and to the ity of Mohammad bin Ishaq, personality you have come who has written a complet from I witness that, he is discourse of the concerning he messenger of Allah and verses from John, Chapters 15 and 16 and has mentioned “this word was MOHANMANA, which means ‘praised one’ same as Mohammad, in sound as well as in meanings. And Mohd.bin Ishaq has explain- ed,this word is paraltel in meanings to ‘Periclytos’ in Greek. (Ref.Tbn Hisham page 247) The language of palestinia- ns remained Syriac until 900 A.D. of these,200 years were under Islamic rule af- . Quran, he is the one whose informa tion, We find in Injeel and he is the one who is proph- esied by Jesus son of Mary” From this we know that Najashi(7th century A.D)not only knew the prophecies of Jesus PBUH regarding the Le forth coming Prophet but also the signs which Jesu: PBUH had told, that Najashi did nel face any trouble in recognizing Proph. Mohammad as the one actually prophe~ sied by Jesus son of Mary. The Final Testament Islam,—Absolutc- compromise-with the nature 2 uo: MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE 150 Woon pn eT as, The messenger of Allah, pouh as in John 16:14 and erlier by Mosses, PBUH as in Deut ronomy 18:18. On further analyzing the prophecy and the verses of the chapters John 15 and 16 It is clearly gtated that The Cowforter or’* The Coun- sellor is to be a wan and nol meant for a ghost. Following reasons siand in upport of the Comforter to Please note. 1. Besides the prophecy, a: it is stated in the mascul- ine gender HE, using the word repeatedly suggested, The one to come after his (PBUH) departure shall be a man, as has already been pointed out above. Tmpersoal objects in English grammer are not indicated with sub- ject ‘He’ but by subjects like IT, that etc. 2.The holy spirit not nece~ ssarily be a scoop, but it can also be explained as an human being also. Holy when, itis from God, and evil ““when it is from Satan. PI. note the following verses Spirit that does not conf- ess is not of God. Firstly these verses clear ly state that, here. Spirit. means a person and not a scoop secondly Jn. Ch.d:2~ verses give a_ remarkable test to recognize a holy spirit. from God, that the ene, “hich confesses Jesus, is ‘from God and ‘ Prophet fobammad — PRU confesse ess as Christ PRUR,a true messenger of God,Born m culougiy, testified the mi racles performed which he through the will ef God and testified injeei, as the vine scripture. So as per. John 1:2-3 the testifier: is nlso from God. Bul The Chr- istianity is’ denying Proph. Mohammad insistingly even Lhough The Bible here is testifying, This shows that the stubborn attitude dis- approving The Bible and make themselves deservingly to be recognied as not from God. Now I ask you very humbly, The Bible says yes Mohammad PBUH is a true spirit from God but what will you say ? Do you accept or reject li- ke_all_ other rejectionists. “defier of The Bible and~so™ of God and put yourself in n Support. #-ist. Epist. of Jn. Ch.4:1 “Believe not every spirit but try the spirits to see whether they are from God for many false prophets ha~ ve gone out into the world" *-John Ch. 4 :2-3, “By this you know the spirit of God; which confesses that Jesus Christ is of God, and every “the company of satan as stated by 1Ep. of Jn.Ch.4:1 Well qualify yourself for the test or disqualify cho- ice is yours.However Proph. Mohammad PBUH, qualifies your test beyond doubt. The verse Jn.4:2=3 doesn’t seem to be in your favour. Don’t be angry but such are surely not of God, who will believe a part and reject the rest. Quran, The Final Testament Prophecies, by Jesus Christ PBUH ‘A SPIRIT CAN BE SYNONYM OF ‘A PROPHET. True prophet = True = Spirit from God. spirit ,ise prophet= False spirit Spirit from Satan. Look at the verse bellow. John Ch. 3:6 born of uni that flesh is fie That which is spirit is spirit hich is bern of A." ‘Born of pita spirit’ means spi- ily motivated and Born esh, means materially vated. iL is another test for a tineness of a person, If one is investing his life for spiritual gains or for the material gains, On. the basis of this test, you can measure the life of Prophet anmad PRUT, that How he, PBUK has invested it.? Was it for the spiritual gains or for the material ones. Well I am sure the study of the world has unanimously qualified Prophet Mohammad Well, so far have learnt from the above argue. ments, A spirit can also be applied for a holy person, as we as of a prophet. But genius people when saw, the spirit is loosing the game, They preferred to call it a gho- st, that no way they should loose, for No one would pre- fer to accept such an exp~ ression for their prophets Holy ghost as we have lear- nt in the cases of the bir- ths off Jesus Christ and John The Baptist, PBU. them which is Angel Gabreil PBUH and he is a messenger of God, between God and Wis chosen men whom The Almigh- ty prefers for His purpose of the deliverance of guid- ance, for the rest of men in @ nation.Angel Gabriel PBUH was coming to the earth as and when required so and is not the one which was sub- jected to come only after the return of Jesus Christ PBUH. Now;if this spirit of truth is the holy ghost, The 3rd of the three and not pro- PBUH, for his truthfulness phet Mohammad PBUH, then I and the sincerity in the am sorry to say, leaving cause service of God _Almi- aside of the innumerable. “ghty. quite a good “accomt; "soc topolitical ——proviensy= You will read ahead in this “book; of the -views;—of—many scholars regarding the life and overall achievements of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. And you will see that, he will be found fully qualified to this second test. May be then you will real~ ize the fitness of his pe son upon the given tests and your stubburn attitude towards Mohammad PBUH. which are prevailing in the —thristian—societies.—Even— the Bible is facing lots of controversies and world wide criticism,when all the scribes ate supposed to be inspired by the holy ghost, and is known to be prevail- ing in them and so believed for each and every Christ~ ian, more so when the chain of apostleship is unbroken in the Christendom through Popacy. The Holy ghost does not seem to be revealing Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature nee i MOHAMHAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE 152 : Dae the answers of any of those help giving a solution for controversies, and easing these problems as he too them out of this agony of believes in the accountabi- no answer attitude. But we ity for all humans irres- can see cvery thing remains pective of their faith col- is such, Criticism are grow- or, nation and Lime. ay and Christia- nit ess to sce the 2- The superfeciality of prevailing evils in a-Caris the belief in God and the y Like Atcoho= Accountability is due to Ping Abmora@ad, sex complicity ef The Christain Tucest, Sovia aiths such as Trinity, The The agony does heist as Savior and Redem- : Gaia down here, The piion from sins,no accounL= highk wf immoraiity can be ability for Christians,want en when one will know, Tn of suffpcient strong suppo- Farope iio men can live as vts in® favour of various jnisband and wife and this articles of faith and the ie Legat. either the chur- prevailing errors and cont~ ches ner ihe holy ghost roversial statements in The cauld prevent these nations ibie.So things bo believe, from crossing the barriers ave indefinite. of the nature, Sodeme was a nation which was punished But on the other hand .apply by God for this parbicular “holy spirit" Lo the persen crime, This is mentioned in of prophet Siohammad PBUI, the Holy Bible as well. God and ask him the solution has shown He can punish for any of the prevailing them through itis invisible problems and he will answer whip such as AIDS Precisely you to your ausuiute satis~ The holy ghost has given no faction. And you -will see, so, fam Lo that he is the one,for whom bréyent, the people’ g indul= Jesus, PBUH indicated “who once’ in such’ dirty ‘sex will lead to all truth” And foralities hag relatively ‘a he is certainly the one who Yargér “ratio “in mst’ edwan- led to all the truths,Islam ced Christian world. has a balance and therefore there is no exaggeration on Sore SESONS: jde—thet—may—lead—t any confusion which may 1- A superfecial belief of result —a complication in accountability and a strong the Islamic beliefs. There belief in redemption of a is not a defect in Islamic Chrislian through the blood approach that should cause of Jesus Christ, after his for one to raise a finger. death.And so none or little A very simple and logical to bother in relation with explanation.if one will ask their redemption. Almost a an American or a Japnese total freedom is provided Why your countries are edv~ from the deeds through this ancing so fast, They will belief, And since THIS IS answer in a flash, because THE MAIN ATTRACTION. So no We are working for it so solution either. Sorry to hard,Look when the material say even Holy ghost, cannot world needs your work, your Quran, The Final Testament Prophecies, by. Jesus Christ PBUH 5 hardest possible and since- re labour, Then Why should you believe your spiriiual world can go ahead for the eternal success with out your works and needful eff- orts?. Islam has given pri- ority to the spiritual wor= id over the matefial. The success of ihe later too is hidden behind (ie forme Just think for a moment, The spirituai success dema- nds from you virtues, and virtues guarantee the peace ind prosperily.Islam enc rages growth of knowle and has never caught the hands of scientists. Surely both the spiritual and material worlds can go side by side in a sweet hari John 16:12, Jesus said to his discipies before depar- ting from them, "I have many things to say but you can't bear them now. Beyond doubt Jesus PBUH too was from the same God, He too could give the solution for any problem, but he was aware of ‘the capabilities of his people i.e. why he said, "I have many things to 1. Matthew tle faith.” 6 "Ye of lit- 2. Matthew 14:31"¥e of lit- tle faith.” 3. Matthew 16:03"fe of 1it- tle faith,” 4. Hatthew 17:20"because of your unbelief. 5. Matthew 15:06, “are ye yet without understanding," 6.Mattbew 17:17"0 faithless and perverse generation, How Jong shall I be with you. And that is why he said, John 16:13 "Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth will come,he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself but what- ever he shall hear that sh~ all he speeak, and he will shew you things to come “Whatever he shall hear he shall speak "This refers to revelations which Prophet Mohammad PBUH received and read to the people as Quran “He you to all truth" Truth, through Quran iy bat yout = ‘and prophet’s traditions. ty to bear them now. Rut Both preserved in the pages when—the spirit —of truth will _come, he will lead you to all truth.And the spirit of truth came and led the people to truth, The humble People believed and the ar rogants are still standing stiff necked. See how Jesus PBUH was dis- contented and disappointed from his people. and in the memories in its utter purity in the origin~ al language and is practic~ ed in a degree of relative perfection. Traditions are kept separate from Guran so that one should know, which is Quran [ The God’s word } and which The Hadith [The traditions (sayings and the practices of the Prophet PB UH]. where as in The Bible there is no such distine- tion that one could ever Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, know which is the word and which the tradition even if the part is genuine.In sho-~ rt both The Quran and The Sunna(Prophet’s traditions} are meant for the guidance of the mankind.One who will believe and practice shall prosper in both Lhe worlds hore and hereafter, This is so promised by Alia The Almighty. HE SHALL TESTIFY oF ME," John 15:25 "But when the comforter is come, when I will send unto you from the Father; even the spirit of Lruth,which proceedeth fro the Father,HE SHALL TV OF ME Quran testifies Je: PRU, as masiah,born miraculously without a male contribution True messenger of God, The Word from God proceeding to wards his mother, Helped by the holy spirit, (Angel Gab- riel),The miracles that he performed through the will of God, The Injeel (The Di- vine scripture) which was revealed to him. Besides it also testifies all the pre- vious prophets, and the Di- vine revelations, such as Sac an Jacob,Mosses,David and tho- —se-not known PBU-them, such of God convey as Torah Psalms [Zaboor] and Injeel etc.On the other hand,The differences of The Anglican Bishops regarding the Birth, The Position,The Crucifixion and Ascension. This suggests that there is no definite account avail- able in The Bible regard- ing Jesus PBUH,which should ascertain his exact nature and testify him.Had it been so, There was no reason for we pbuh FROM THE BIBLE { Quran, The Final Testament any disagreement in the very fundamentals on the subject.Quran testifies his exact nature and position which is not disbelieved by any of its one billion bel- jevers.Hence John 15:25 "He will testify me" stands for the messenger who testified Jesus PBUH on behalf of The @uran and he is Hol PBUH, and none else. this is upto you Believe the word of God or the wor- of men. Quran is before you iffyou can challange its authority. “HE WILL GLORIFY ME,” John,16:14 "He will glorify me; for he shali receive of mine and shew you things to come, “Obviously Islam glo- rifies Jesus PBUH, where most of the Christians dif- fer so much, even for his virgin birth. But Islam is extremely respectful towar- as both, the son Jesus PBUIL and his mother PBU her Pro. Mohammad PBUH through Quran not only glorifies Jesus but all the Prophets before him by telling for them all 1. True people of God, up- right, free from ali sins and_idolations. 2. Devoted in the service ying His mess: ges to the mankind in their utter purity without conce- aling or adding a word of their own, Suffered in the cause of Allah for the sake of the welfare of the man- kind in this world and on the Judgement Day, and for their eternal life in peace and Paradise. No difference in their uprightness weath- er lived as a shepherd, or as a king,They were sinless Prophecies, by and steadfast in the cause, which ever circumstances they had to face. us Washes off all the filths which is thrown upon © persons of some of th- great servants of God Briefingly again. Where many Chris~ i. Birth, tians doubt {le miracle bi- rth of Jesus,@uran conforms it und not one of one billion doubi it. ii. Where Bible porte Jesus ing harsh Lo Lhe Ving (h om snakes, and swine, ete. (Ref. Mabth. 7:6) even to his mother calling her. "woman what I have to do with thee” (Ref.Jn.2:4, and Mark 3:34) QURAN condemns such allega~ Liens about all prophets telling, Ch. 4:148 “ALDAI DOESN’T APPROVE THE UTTER- ING QF THE HARSH WORDS, ¥: CEPT BY ONE WHO HAS BEEN WRONGED, AND ALLAH IS EVER HEARING AND KNOWING.” and Chapter, relation 19:32, with A verse in Jesus PBUH <*AND DUTIFUL TO HY MOTHER, — AND NOT MADE ME OVERBEARING AND UNBLESSED." — Even JESUS PBUH himself co~ mmanded saying, Matth. 15:4 “Honor thy father and moth~ er, He that curses father or the mother, Let him die the death.” iii Crucifixion An event of disgraceful death to Jesus as claimed by Jews and so believed by the Christians. Jews claimed so in effort: Jesus Christ PBUH to prove him a false proph- et according to Deut. 13:5 and 21:22-23 and Christians for their redemption from the sins want to believe in Jesus's death and Ascension there after to confer Deity The the minimum requirement for the purpose is, that he should die as a god. ondemns eruci~ PRU, strong QURAN again fixion of Jes! oudewnation and testifies, © was neither killed nor crucifidd but was raised alive. iieaning there by he has uo relation with that humiliating and disgraceful Qeaiit which the churches are reporting herefore once again Mohammad PBUH, ylorifies Jesus PBUH,on be~ half of The holy Quran, and brings him out from those false reports of insults and humiliations, nailings and killing. Quran Ch.4:157 Weil some one was crucified that isYrue but Who ? Quran doesn’t inform this in full Simply it says “WE MADE IT DOUBTFUL TO THEM AND THEY BELIEVE PURE CONJENCTURE “ However Godpel of Barnabas reports this incedence in full as a direct transmitt~ Jesus Christ PBUH,which You —have—already—read—above—in— Salvation? from The Bible Part II that the man who betrayed Jesus, and sold him out for few pieces of silver was crucified actuaq lly, as God had transformed him look like Jesus and Je- sus PBUH was raised alive. (Ref. Gospel of Barnabas Chs.72 and 113). Christians in general believe, he was Judas (one of the disciples of Jesus) who betrayed him. Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature 155: MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE 156 THAT PROPHET. Art thou that prophet? The Jews sent priests and levites te John,The Baptist to know, who really he was. 20-21"And he (John i) confessed and but confessed, "7 am not the Christ” And they ked him, “what then? ire you Fliajah (Blias)? ane id, “Tam not" ART THOU (HAT PROPUBT"? and he wered "No is is a very importane verse needs be analyzed wi th care. Jews were waiting for three prophets, Christ, Reincarnation of Eliaj and THAT PROPHET. THAT PROPHET as was reveal~ ed to Pro.Hosses PBUH Deut. 18:18 Jesus, PBUH was Christ, but Jews didn’t believe him too It is expected from John The Baptist being a prophet that he Knew Christ which he denied for himself. Too he knew Jesus was Christ @_not THAT PROPHET, John “The Baptist 1 ‘that prophet’ and kept him “self Separate-from-Christ. Eliajah was a prophet in the past whom Jews wore believing shall reincarnate Christians claim Jesus PRU told for John (The Baptist) as “Eliajah reincarnate” A herald to Jesus. (Ref.Math 11:14 "And if ye wili re ive it This [Baptist] is Elias” which John denies in the above verse in Jn. 1:21 Also check Mathew 17:12 and Luke 1:17, A big contradic- tion between two mighty pro phets. And Of the two cont- radictery statements. both can not be true at the same time so one must be wrong. Whom would you say lying May I tell you attributing lies for prophets is a hor- rible offence Who can deci- uth surely no one of Quran. ere are witnesses for other consLituting the pillars for the suppert ing Another “important — remark ace by Jesus for John, The Baptist ih the gospel of Matthews, chapter 11:11. “Verily I say unto you that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John(The baptist) not #ith~ standing he, that is Least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Obviously all (except Adam and Eve) are born of women including Jesus PBUH. The Least means youngest member of the kingdom of heaven amongst The Prophets. so termed in the Bible, ‘The least in the kingdom of he- seuen-Queation Whois thie? Church, without a second thought will sayy Jesus; — But Jesus is not the least for the following reasons. i. The verse Math. Li: i stated by Jesus So he is the first person according to the English grammar, So being the subject in the statement Jesus, cannot put himself in the position of Therefore he the? third person. himself cannot be that Quran, The Final Testament That Prophet ‘which is indicating for the jeast, In the rest of the verse the word ‘he’ is used twice First for the ‘least’ and second he for John, The Baptist.But if churches in sist then Jesus should have said so somewhere in the Bible but no such ciaim. A prophet is not supposed io have concealed the truin. 2. Kingdom of heaven was not established through Je- sus He left, leaving behind an incomplete mission as is confirmed through the vers- es in the gospel of John, Chapter 16:7-14, But if the pivches still insist, Even then he can't be the least as the Christianity believ es the chain of apostle: P is unbroken.The twelve dis- ciples each of then posses the status of an apostle. Paui him self was the self styled 13th. apostle, and there after cach Pope is an apostle and is believed to have been blessed with the gift of prophecy. Since the chain is unbroken, so the least is not yet arrived, When?, May be not until the end of this world. Jesus PBUH did not claim so rather he prophesied fora in the— forth coming prophet. John 14:16, "ind-I will pray the Father, and He shall give you ANOTHER comforter" ANOTHER, like of himself, a human in flesh and bones, and not a scoop or a ghost. ANOTHER,A comforter to pre~ sent himself as’ an absolute model in life and live with them for ever through his islam, Absolute compromise with -the-nature. teachings, A ghost can’t make himself such a model for the people for the rea~ sons. 1. A ghost is a spirit whi- h has no life, No persona~ lity and No visibility. Th- crefore can't Live amongst peopic alive,and suffer the sufferings of the life. And Thevefore can*i present him model. A necessity required for the éomforter as stated in these verses of John Chapter 16:7-14, Therefore these are point- ing towards a man comforter A prophet, and not a ghost or a scoop. & ghost might have been prevailing in the Christendom but it hardly seems to be solving any of the innumerable prevailing problems in the Christian Societies.Sorry to say, The oly ghost,of whom a Chris- tian is talking about, as was claimed by Revnd, Jimmy Swegard of U.S.A. who had announced before a crowd of thousands if not millions, that He is the one example, In him prevails the holy ghost ( Ref. Debate between him and Mr. Deedat in Ame- ubject (IS JESUS GOD) to be holy, who let him go teh—of —filth—at— the hands of a prostitute. (News March, 1988) This is one example, There could be many more examples but not Known for not exposed. A brief note I understand, Tt is imortant to mention of a cheap trick played by the producers of RSV (Revi- sed standard version of the Bible). They have tried to MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE correct many mistakes of King James version of The Bible. Note a correction of Jn. Ch.1:20-21 THAT PROPHET is changed by ‘the Prophet’ Wow if you go through this verse again with this corr— ection, The third question ef the levites made to John The Baptist, You will read, Are You the prophet?" and his answer is NO The correc Lion has hit two targets in one shot. THAT PROPHET alto- gether removed from the sc- ene and poor John has aire- ady denied for himself even as the prophet, Then How he can be greater than Jesus when nol a prophet even. Now who remains there to be the least Only Jesus Isn’t it the brellience of the mind of the producers of R.S. A document for the faith, which and the matters The Salvation life hereafter. A dispute between K.5.¥ and RSV concerning The Baptist here is,ils he the pophet or not? Who will decide? If Yes. Why then denied in RSV? If No. How then is his wit~ nesses are valid for Jesu: ter me; me is preferred before for he was before me" The facts which no one can deny are. i. The age difference betw- een Jesus and John The Bap- tist PAU them was very nar- row, day be few months. And the word ‘after’ as indica- ted in the verse above,sta- nds for a remote future and doesn’ intend for one wal- king behind. Therefore Jesus PRUU, i& noi meant here but a person to come Later. Consider the prophecy in Deut, 16:78 Aud Mohammad, PRUE who came much later of them say after about six centuries is meant here. ii 10 you insist ‘after’ as one walking behind Perhaps you won't agree for Jesus walking behing John, As You believe Jesus, superior to John. iii But that neither John was following Jesus nor was Jesus PBU them, John working separately for his mission. 4_Matth 3:11 "l_indeed—bap- “as~a surést evidence in his Ze th water for divinity If not a prophet! . pentance, Rut he who is com= ing_after_me is greaater Surely You have no answer than I, whose sendals I am and You cannot have one ei- not worthy to bare, He will ther. Lies have no answers baptize you with holy spi- Confess or keep on lying. rit and fire NOW, we shall study some of i. "He who is coming after the witnesses related to me” This phrase is the ex~ Jebn The Baptist. planation of the above ver- . se makes it still clearer l.John Ch. 1:15 "John bares as the werd after is meant witness of, and cried and for remote future and not Saying, "This was he of him for those working parallel. spake, “He that comes af- 156 Prophecies, by John, The Baptist ii. The second part of this verse, "whose sendals, I am not worthy to bare".If this phrase in this verse stands for Jesus then John must have clung to the fect of Jesus and should have join- vd him as a disciple. But he truth is, Tt wasn't so, us John. Was independant on is mission. infact the ph- se is meant for prophet Hohammad PRUH. which simply licates his greatness on Lie mission of God. The Th- ird phrase in this verse ‘who will baptize you with Tire" means will Till you “ith the light of truth. Prophet Mohammad PBUH con— \eyed the unchallengeable iruth of the knowledge of findyand got established su- cessfully, the Divine laws for all humans on earth least a major sector of them is in humble submis- on and obedience to the shly Lord. 3. Matthew 3:14 "rt is 1, who ought to be baptized by You and do you come to me." T won't disagree with you that Jesus was superior than John, as the later was UH was a prophet and the messenger.Too, you will a: Fee with me,More greater is more humble,who can excel a Prophet in humbleness John Was running a sacred missi- on of baptizing penitent Jews for repentance. Jesus Christ PBUH definitely was hot penitent Certainly sin- less like any other prophet but who could repent to God more than a prophet? who is there,. aware of God more than a prophet,? Who can ery before his Lord more than a prophet,? Who is th- ere who knows God and fears Him, more than a prophet?. Surely none. And Jesus Puli getting baptized by John The Baptist showed the peo- ple how much a common man should need io repent to his Lord, when a prophet Goes if so much. These verses neither con— form the divinity to Jesus, nor portray him as THAT PR- OPHETS of Deutronomy, 18:18 One s#fould always weigh his reasons before establishing a belief.1f John bad recog nized Jesus as God or Son of God, (Ged for bid) even THAT PROPHET, whose sendals he was not worthy to bare. John must have stated so clearly and should have not stood apart from Jesus. Matth. 3:11 is an absolute misinterpretation which is considered a surest eviden— ce in the divinity to Jesus PBUK, Rather it does not even apply to him, 4. John 1:29-34, Th dax"Behold the lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world! This is he, comes one, who has been set above—me;—because—he—was— before me......I behold the spirit is descending as a dove from heaven and it ab- ode upon him. And I did not know bim,but He Who sent me to baptize with water said, to me,He upon whom you will see the spirit descending and abiding upon hin, he it is who baptizes with the holy spirit’ And I have se- en and have borne witness that this is the son of God , Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature — MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE ' above verses John 1: 29-34 Mark, 1:12-13 "And immedia- start with the phrase, ‘The ely the spirit driveth him nextday’ John, sees’ Jesus into the wilderness” coming unto him,PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND, Mark 1:13, “dnd he was in the wilderness, 5. John, 1:36-36 “Again the days, Lempled of Sate nextday after John stood, and two of his disciples: lease note here the vord and Tooking upon Jesus as Timmediagely) and forty days he witked. he saita, behold in the wilderness. What John the Tumb of God.” said in Ch. i verse 29 “TUE NEAT DAY" repeated again in G.Maith. 3:16-17 “and Jesus verse 33, tainty this when he was baptized, | went next day means the day next up Straight out of the to bapkism of Jesus by John errand Jo heavens were open But Matthew and Mark, also nto him and he saw spirit luke in chapter 3:21 and of God descending Tike a 22, have iold above scan dove and lighting upon iim, water ind Ip a voice from \ie was led-by tha~spbcil. ta heaven saying, “ This is my ihe_wilderness tempted by bejoved son in whom TI am the Satan and stayed thers well pleased," fasti yd: and nis chts. Now read it carefully. May I know, tow then John i. Matthew -2 “Then was saw him ‘the next day’!? to Jesus led up of the spirit unce him "tite jamb of into ihe wilderness to be and son of God as templed of the devil, And ted in Jn. 1:29 and 35 when when he had fasted forty he was immediately led away days and forty nights, he into the wilderness and was was after thet hungered. not present on the scene. Remember these verses are Please note! regarded as the surest sign in the divinity of Jesus. a. A prophet of God led by the—spirit = —nore—so—when For "christianity such a they are calling him son of important event, upon which God in the same powers and the-faith rests~and all the mights! and is being atements contradicting each tempted by the evil spirit other. I will simply advise the devil. Amazing and Amaz you to fear Ged, before: you ing! Only the very genius believe such, for « prophet ones ‘can find a purpose and the messenger of God, from this temptation. Even a common man who is filled with the light of b. Note here the forty days the truth in your words the and KEEP IT IN MIND. holy spirit, can very well resist all evil temptations The event is noted in ihe He is not a prophet if he gospels according to Luke, can be Lempted by the evils Chapt. 4 verses 1 and 2 and It is certainly a great Quran, The Final Testament, Prophecies, by John, The Baptist insult to the person like of Jesus, PBUH a mighty me- gsenger of God to believe of such a filth. These are those horrible verses shich have led the masses to all evil acts.for them there is x goed reason Lo plea, that They may say, when Jesus wukd be hompied of aval (od forbid} what is their spaeity Lo resis (empiations. ‘ta the evil is a free lisensing io sins You can Wferd lo believe such an Tusutt to your own hero, But for me Ti ix a horrible ac- sation rather a great in- enti, even to think such, for any ef the prepiets more so for Jesus PUUTh a wighty messenger of Allab. Prophets are imqune and pret from God for any kind Lemptations., Arid of a prophet,t can say ome powers to resi- its if not too much, his power varies Prom man lo man depending on the de~ wree of piety. And who is more pious than a prophet.? Satan can’t even pass by a prophet or look at him. Chapter 38 in Quran verses 71-73 ave reciting the sto- ry when Th: Lord created SUBDUE THEM ALL. SAVE THE SINCERE BONDNEN AMONG THEN" Well who can be more since rein recognition and obedi cnee of God than a prophet. Still you wiil say Jesus was tampted by the satan. ! adition of Pra.Mohammad ] » “Any one who ain triles a lie lo me rest as- sure he will make his dwel- ling in the heil fire, and his Lradition holds good for alk, the prophets Very Serv important T.Malthew 11:2-4, "Now Join (The Baptist) fad heard in Li prison, the works oi Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said unio inim Art thou he? (THAT PROPHET of Deut.18:18) tial should come, or do we look for un- other. Jesus answered and said, "Go shew John again those things which you hear 8. Also Luke in Ch.7:19-22, “and John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to Jesus saying, "Art thou he (THAT PROPHET) that should come? Or look we for another. When the men were ome unto him they said, fuman and ordered the ange 1s to prostrate. All obeyed except Tblis and he was out casied.Later Iblis sought a life, lasting the resurrec- tion day after sanction, he promized The Lord, he will misguide ail humans except the sincere ones. And The Lord said, He will f the hel] with him and his foll- Owers. Well the main verses for my quotation are 82 and 83."IBLIS SAID, "BY THY MA- JESTY, THEN SURELY I WiLL Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature John The Baptist hath sent us unto thee saying art th- ou he that should come? Or look we for another. Then Jesus answering and said, "unto them, "Go your way,and tell John what things ye have seen and heard” Now please notesss 1. Matth. Ch. 3 :16-17 and Luke in chapter 3:21-22 are witnessing John baptising Jesus PBUH and the dove de~ scending from heaven, and hearing Lamb of God and Son MOHAMMAD , of God while the same gentlemen in chapters Mati. i1:2-3 and Luke,7:19-22 are reporting John The Baptist wanted (0 know from Jes Win was?, Ww can ete. you Jobn the pri The Baptist is in on and. fre he seni disciples Lo Jesus, asking him who ron lly he was?. John had h of Jesus in the pr means he had not met him Lill then,ifle simply had ard of him of h wanted bo know from h ho was Lhe same prophet. pr- wsicd Lo Nosses PBUH, in +i8:18,As the Later was 'y much awaited by Jew: Remember that John PBUH om Uhis prison was straight away Laken for decapitation Could you please tell me, when jesus was baptized by John?, when tie called him Lamb of God,or son of Go: Is it not, Matth.11:2-3 and Luke 7:19 and 22 contradic~ ting themselves in Math. 3 16-i7 & Luke 3 : 21-22, And both these gentlemen are contradicting John 1:29-34 and Mark 1:7-13, telling us this incidence never occ: “ed and the story is a con- coction. 3. Matth.11:2-3 and Luke 7: 19-22 are shouting at the top of their voices for THAT_PROPHET and searching for him so curiously,and he is one other than Jesus. 4. Jesus didn’t answer the disciples of John,obviously to a simple question with plane ‘Yes'or ‘No’ It is so unusual to hear from one This or That,Here and There pbuh FROM THE BIBLE name x! but not telling his when asked, Are you Mrs How the miracles, cures and healings could answer tne question, It was such a time when miracles were so comm- on a witness for the peopic because of Lhe frequent pear of prophet. those days and each of ¢ showed plenty of ap- in their genuineness. Prophet John, himself being Ged's chosen gan, wonders and mi~ racles swere not far apar from him except that, pro- phet is programmed for his Geeds.Wonters oceur accori- ing to that programme and the will of Allah.Thorefore Under the Light. of the just interpretations of the aho- ve quoted verses,It is con- cluded that Jews were look- ing for a prophet, as pro- phesied lo Mosses, according to Duet.18:18 THAT PROPHET, which was neither Join, nor was Jesus p.b. u. them. THEN WHO? Let us study Deu- tronomy 18:18. DEUTRONOMY, 18:18, PROPHET IN THE LIKENESS OE MOSSES. God addresses to Mosses, "I will raise them up a pro phet from among their bre~ thren, like unto thee {Hoss~ esJand will put mv words bis mouth, and he shali speak unto them all that 7 shall command him" Churches claim the proph- ecy stands for Jesus Christ PBUH They have to say so, for it is necessary to deny Mohammad, PBUH and Quran in order to survive with an 162 Quran, The Final Testament, Deutronomy 12 identity Well f am going & prove here the prephec: wanding for pro. Mohammad H# and not for Jesus A SROPHET BRETHREN, om among Question, st isn't it, They are jshmaci— ikes.? ive. Arabs. Prophet Abraham, two Ss) Isimacl, First sonyand © second son. Any quesi fon T should hope none Israelites are of prophet Jacoh, he chilue PRL named as israel, the sun of Isac PBUH. The second son « Prophet Abraham Pi are Une descende f ar Ube secund sun of fiw et Ishmacl PBUN Ref.Genesis 25:14. Therefore Arabs are the first cousine brethren of Israclites and Prophet Mohammad PBUH. is the only prophet in the lincage of Ishmael PBUH and the Inst of all the prophets.It thus from amongst PBUH, is the cousine brethren of Tsracl- ites as stated in the first phrase of the verse. Prop Jesus PBUH. as one frow che Israelite himself can noi be called as the brethren of Israelites. 1? ¢ was intended for Jesus PRI. The Phrase in the verse sii have read as from ston children or something indi- eating their race disci and not thy brethren Tiere- fore it has proved the ver- se is not intended to J. pbuh, but to Mohammad PBUI!. 18-19, and Kedars 1 2. God’s covenant to bless all the nations on earth hrough the descendents of rophet Abraham PBUH ihe patriarch of monotheism and the common great. grand fa- ther of Jews,Christians and Muslims, stands for the de- scendents of both his sens, pancly Ishmael and lsac pbu Lhem. Through bis second son Israelite towering cyeame aly prophets, of Lie the personaldties namely Jacob, Josef,Mosses,David, Soloman and Jesus PBU them thus fulfiis the firsi part of God's covenant to Prophet Abraham PBUH. The advent of Prophet Nohammad PBUH, from the descendent. of Ishmael PBUH fulfils the other half of the covenant. of blessing for al] nations on earth. Getiesis 12:2-3, "and Twill make of you s yreat nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing iwill_bless those who wili bless you, and bim whe cur- ses yo! Twill curse hip andby you all the families on earth shal? bless thea- Muslims accept the fulfil- ment of God's promise to Abraham PBUH, through Isac PBUH whole heartedly and their respect and belief in them is an article of faith for all Muslims. The first chance was given to Isreel- ites to receive the bless- ings of God and benify them selves and other nations of the world as stated above. In this order God rose num- evous prophets from the pi ogeny of Isac PBUH, in the lineage of Pro. Jacob PBUH, Islam; Absolute compromise withthe nature & MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE but Israelites proved arro- gant, haughty and transgre- ssed,They refused to accept any reforms and mend their ways, but stood arrogantly killing the prophets for no reasons as they didn’t « lo hear a word of mova} Jesus PBUH, was the Tast prophet in this lineage of Pro.Isac PBUH in this - Pt. But him too they tried to Kill and bave killed him and Ch ans believe so, Jesus «: Killed by crucifixion. they boast of Since children of rael proved failed to benify to themselves even,what of ihe ether nations of the wor from the promised blessings of God, Therefore were ceas- ed to continue to be a gre~ at nation after Ascension of Pro. Jesus PBUH.” Now this was the time alr endy ripe for the torch be handed over ‘to a member in the progeny of Pro. Ishmael PBUH, to bliss themselves and the other nations of the world from the light of truth and the guidance from God and make a great nation and prove worthy for being chosen in the purpose of = reper AF mStreates= the second part in the ful- filment--of- God’s~ covenant to Prophet Abraham PBUH, to bliss all the nations of the world through his seeds After about six hundred years of Jesus Christ Paul, Proph. Mohammad PBUH was born in the city of Mekkah, in Arabia,(which belongs to Saudi Arabia today)The land frequently termed as Paran in the Bible inhabited by the descendents of Kedar, 16 the second son of Ishmael PBUH, the first son of Pro. Abraham PBUH. Pro. Mohammad PBUH took the torch in his hand and successfully show- ed the right path to his people and through them the blessings reached all the nations of the world. Let's yo through certain verses from Genesis in su- pport of above statement. Genes.,12:2-3 was a promise of Godio Abraham pbuh, be- fore any of his sons was born. “And I will make of you a great nation, and I’ will bless you, and make your name greal,so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who will bless you, and him who curses you, I will curse ; and by you all families of the earth shall bless themselves." Genes. 17:4, God’s promise to Abraham pbuh, after the birth of Ishmael but before the birth of Isac, PBU them It reads "Behold my covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of multitude of na~ tions.” Genes. 21:13 and 18,Promise of God for Ishmael, PBUH to make Ishmael a great nation Gen.21:13, "And I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also, because he is your offspring" Slave woman is Hagar |Ara- bic Hajirah] mother of Pro. Ishmael pbuh. Quran, The Final Testament, Deutronomy 18 Genes. 21:18 "Arise and Jift up the lad, and hold him fast with your hand; for I will make him a great nation.” According to Deutronomy 15: 17, The traditional rights and the privileges of the first born are not affected by the social staius af his mother being a free woman such as Sarah or a bend wo= man such as Hagar § himani- tarian principle of aii pe- vealed faiths. Deutronomy 15:17, "If 2 man has two wives the one joved ind the other one Gisiiked und they have borne ildven both the disliked and the first born is her's, that is distiked then on the day he [ine fa~ ther] assigns his possess~ jons as an inheritance to his sons, he may not treat the son of the Joved as tie firsl born in preference te the son that is disliked, who is the first born bul he should acknowledge the first born, the son of the disliked, by giving the dou~ Al 18-19, and Kedars 1s gave her to Abraham her husband as_a wife, and he went into Hagar, and she conceived." Genes. 16:11 “And the angel of the Lord said to her, "Behoid, you are with child and shall bear a son, You shall call his name Ishmaei because The Lord given ced to your affliction." has ishmacl, = God heard Isma (Arabic) = hear El, hebrew) = God ElanfiArabie}) = God Precisely Ismaeel means God heard. llowever the story of migra tion of Hagar to Mekkah va- lleys as stated in Genes.21 is contradictory to itself. Genesis 21:13, Ishmael is portrayed as a lad, an inf- ant child, where as ages of Abraham PBUH, described in Lhe Bible in relation with the births of Ishmael and sac ares. 1. Abraham was four score and six (one score= 20) i.e 86 years old when Hagar bo- re Ishmael. Genesis 16:16 ble portion of all that he has, for he is the first issue of his strength, the ght he—firs: é his". And the full legitimacy of Ishmael as Abraham's son and seed, and the fuli leg- itimacy of his mother liagar is well stated and acknowl- edged in the Bible, as si ted in Gen, 21:13 and i6:3. Genes. 16:3 "So after Avra~ ham had dwelt for ten years in the land of Canan. Sarai Abraham's wife took lager the Egyptian, her maid and nt Ab Yee Was —ROnared years old when his son Isac -¥as-born—unto—him.Genesis;—— 21:5. Therefore Ishmael was _alre~ ady fourteen vears old when Isac_was born. 3. Isac was weaned at the age of two years and Abrah- am gave a large feast on that day Genesis 21:8. Islam; Absolute compromise with the nature Deutronomy 18 So Ishmael was already six- ‘teen years old at the wean- ing ceremony of Tsac. i, Sarai tells Abraham io casi out slave woman and her son at this occasion. i.e.the weaning ceremony of sac Genesis 21:10. Naturally it is uncommon to see a woman carrying a hoy of sixteen years old on her shoulders. (Gene. 21:18) as portrayted in The Bible The stories are surely concoct > perhaps justify in the Bible. of sacrifice of Isac PBUH inst the same for Tsh PRU as reported in Quran io raise the honors of the Sescendents of Isac, Jacob und following PBU them, Whereas Quran has clearly mentioned the sacrifice relation with Ishmael PBt (he elder son ofPra.Abrahs EU, Quran Ch, 37:102~-113. to the aga~ aed 102, AND WHEN THE BOY ATTA- TNED THE AGE OF. RUNNING WITH HIM,(i.e age of adole- sence) NE SAID: SON! I HAVE SEEN IN A DREAM THAT T AM SLAUGHTERING THEE, SO LOOK 18-19, and Kedars 106, VERILY THAT ! A MANIFEST TRIAL. THAT WAS 107, AND WE RANSOMED WITH A GREAT SACRIFICE. HIM AND FOR HIM WE POSTERITY G SALUTATION « LEFT THE 108, AMONG FOLLOW INE Log, Bi UPON IBRAHT 110, VERILY RECOMPENS WE! THUS DO WE THE WELL DOERS. RELY HE WAS OF OUR LERVING BONDMAN. 112, AND WE GAVE HIM THE GLAD TIDING OF ISHAQ; A F OPHBT AND OF THE RIGHTEOUS. 113, AND WE BLESSED HIM AND ISHAQ; AND OF THEIR OFFSPR- ING SOME ARE WELL DOBRS AND SOME WiiO WRONG THEMSELVES MANIFESTLY. The insisdence as quored in Quran it is clearly repor- ted that, 1. The glad tiding of Ishag and following from him, is given soon after the repor- WHAT CONSIDEREST THOU? HE ted sacrifice of the only tDy— FATHER! —DO—-WHAT—THOU: SO OIF er havin ARE COMMANDED: THOU WILT qualified the test. And you FIND ME, ALLAH WILLING, THE PATIENT. oF 163, THEN WHEN THE TWAIN SUBMITTED THEMSELVES, AND IBRAHIM HAD PLACED HIM, BY HIS TEMPLE. 104, WE CRIED TO HIM: TBRAHIM ! 165, OF A SURETY THOU HAST FULFILLED THE VISION.VERILY WE! THUS DO WE RECOMPENSK THE WELL DOERS. will--not-~deny—that—before- the birth of Ishaq,PBUH The only son was Ishmael PBUH, 2. That the sacrifice is reported by way of slaught- er and not burning as agai- nst Bible. 3. That it was simply the test of steadfastness of Prophet ibrahim PBUH,of his patience and obedience and not the sacrifice to happen : Islam, Absolute compromise with the_nature 166 Deutronomy 18 : We can also discover the truth of the sacrifice from the Bible itself. tested to bim, Chapter, braham, 22:1-2, “God “and said rahan" and He said, "here mi", He said, "Take your sdn,vour only son Isac whom you Jove, and Go to iand of Yorinh and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of wh= ich T shall tell you." Note here the phrase ‘the enly_son Isac’, Could it be jogical to pronounce the younger son as the only son for someone, who has two sons and the elder son is very much alive.? On what veasons could you disquali- fy Ishmacl PBUH, of being the son of Prophet Abraham PBUH more so when he is his first born. Whe The Bible itself recognizes the legi- timacies for him and for his mother as we have read above. Truth is shouting at the top of its voice, “The impure hands have played mischiefs with these names. Isac in place of Ishmaci, Howevér ‘ONLY’ was retained 18-19, and Kedars kah and it was not a burnt offering, but by way of slaughter (Zabeech), Besides ‘Only son Isac’ The other logical explanations why Ismael for sacrifice and not Tsac PBU them, if the sacrifice was inten- Ged for Tsay stated in the Bible, Abraham was alr- eady having (so sons and when a sacrifice is demand- ed for one son it may yet be posgible io meet out the demand, for one still rema~ ins for subsiitute and that too if the elder one, still more comforting, But if one Gs having Just one son and the only hope for the aging parents then Lhe demand is a veal test. This is, more Jogical to be a test person like Prophet PBUH, Giher wise there have been many stories of human sacrifices and if the sacr~ ifice was intended for Isac as stated in The Bible, It would have not added enough value to this sacrifice for nothing special.It be- comes very special only wh- en it is required for Ishm~ 167 perhaps in an attempt to ael as stated in Quran, and disown Ishmael, But that is the real test. “lamp never extinguishes wh=— = ich is lit by God Himself, One word they can~ transfer from here to there but not the whole book, God let “them retain the word only with Isac to let us know that Isac was an addition here. For fourteen years before the birth of Isac, Ishmael was the only son of Abraham,yes,and this sacri- fice was ordered before the birth of Isac as stated in Quran Further the place of sacrifice is Mina near Wek Islam, This can be understood by an~-example;Suppose ~some—one- is having a ready house and a plot of a land,if the au- thorities need to aquire this unbuilt plot and leave the house for the owner, his will be regarded reas- enable and the loss shall be minor and easily toler- able, but if a person is having just one house yet to be ready for living, and is the ea for whole of bis Jife, and if the demand Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE requires this bouse,and the man neither has a substitu- nor @ capability to make another the loss is rea great and intolerable. This is just for example, However a material joss can ‘sever ared with the human ss.The sacrifice demanded from proph. Abraham PRU was required Lo he the greate Ani ihe greatest eacrifice contd opty be in a situas jon when he is having only one von who is already rea= ching te Ais adolesence and s hope for ying parents vi no further hope to have other for already 100 yrs \itributing the sacri ‘ice Lo Isac PBUH reduces Le value and tie weight of iw Sacrifice and this is sol Atpar the person of Pr. Lhralian PRUR, who was recu- ived for test of the patie- ce of the highest order. tiedly as portrayed in The pivle for the sacrifice was a burnt offering, Fire is a sign of curse which God Al~ mighty is talking about for whe deniers of the truth and the polytheists. God will never demand a sacri- fice by burning from holy persons like prophet Abra~ —hren = sed qualified the great test of patience -and--his-unshakable Taith in one God. Throwing of Abraham PBUK,in the fire a totally different th- as this fire was’ lit the deniers of Allah The igbty, to kill Ibrahim, But Allah cooled it down and made a garden out of it for him PBUE.] back te the story of Sa: and Hager. Hagar did leave Sarah witi her son Ishmael in is: in ancy and it was so in God's plan to settle Ishmael wit! his mother in. this rock; and desert land of Mekkah And this was nothing to é ith the jealousy of Sarah, Tt is an allegation, Propl- ets wis ind hearte women and teh. Secon ly Propet in PBOH A did not pusa them away jato the wilderness, as it is portrayed in che Bibic n Genesis,c ry 2i:10-5 But he eccompanied them ali along the way to Neitkah, Jes by Ange] Gabrici upto | the point of settlement exact! where Holy Kaba is situated to-day, Kekkah is termed as Baran {Arabic Faran) in the Bible Genes. 21:21. Abrahsar was ordered here to leave away the mother and the ch- ild unto his Lord. Ishmael was thirsty, And the mother ran in between the two cli- ffs named as Safa and Warxa in search of water and eve ry time she would climb up these hills to have a gian- ce of her child and if she can catch a nt of the water any where. When she had already run seven times in_between th i “threw her sight towards her son and saw a stream of wa- ter gushing ovt from under the heels of Ishmael PBUH, Hagar shouted Zam Zam,mean~ ing stop, stop. This well of Zam Zam is mentioned in The Bible in Gen.21:19 And this well is a living miracle of God whose water never falls short whatever is the dema- nd for each day of the year this wel? is amenching the thirst the inhabitants and the pilgrims in Nekkah and Medinah. And world can Quran, The Final Testament, Deutronomy 18 : witness the gathering of pilgrims in Mekkah and Ned- inah during the season of HUJ which sores to millions and not a single one can he was not drinking enough Zam Zam water these days. God made the running of liagar in hetween these ots of Safa and Narwa, and the sacrifice obligato~ ry rituals of Huj and Omra. upon the believers.The pur- poses of this sacrifice as demanded from Abraham by God Almighty, propbably be, 1.To test the steadfast of Abraham in ihis mast CFicwlt test for any being. One who will son at the age of eighty six, and when the child reaching to his adolescence and the man reaching his century,he is asked to sac- rifice his only son.Prophe~ ts are always put such tri- als one way or the other to test the stfength of their belief and patience. ness 2. To abolish all the whims and superstitions of ignor- ance of the past of human sacrifices,God Almighty or- dered Abraham to cut,and to he esa Pe Ret toe eee 18-19; and Kedars fam PBUH. And God Almighty had the power to avert the sacrifice as it happened, This sacrifice of Abraham PBUH, was made a ritual in Huj Ceremony and for the day of Ei-dul Adha all over the world for Muslims. May I know, If Christians belie- ve the sacrifice for Isac PBUH, Do they have any such representation where with they can commemorate this great sacrifice by this gr- eat himan «ho earned from God tRe tittle to be ‘The friend of God’. After this test of Prophet. Abraham PBUH. God conveyed him the good news for another son as a reward named Isac, from Sarah Allah be pleased with her and from Isac, Jacoir PBU them (Arabic= Ishaq and Yaqoob). Muslims pray for Allah's peace and blessings to Abr- aham PBUH and his prog along with their prayers of Allah's peace and blessings to prophet Muhammed PBUH and his progeny for not le- ss than five times a day.If for a moment just think of this rotating earth each point has a variable time aham PBUH applied so much of his strengnth upon the knife that the blade got bent and Ishmael was asking the father to cut. Abraham PBUH had qualified the test as was pronounced to him by the angel Gibriel, and was given a Ram for slaughter, brought from the paradise. Thus replacing the human by a ram. God showed He does not need human sacrifices, It was only a test for the steadfastness and the obe- dience of His servent Abra~ THOT TS there a part of this 24hrs. free from. Muslim’s. worships. to Allah and their prayers for His peace and blessings to pro.Abraham and Mohammed PBU them and their progeni- es. This is, what is meant with the verse in Gene,12: quoted as under. Genesis, 12:3 "I will bless him, who will bless you and him, who will curse you, I will curse hin" Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE I don’t know if Jews and Christians ever bless their patriarch in any part of their day or night but Nus- Jims do bless Abraham and his progeny,so much so that not a moment on this globe is free of their prayers to Allah for Wis peace and blessings to Abraham his progeny. Therefore deserve Allah's be according Lo [he ¥ sia led above. We Muslims Ghawk Aiiah for Wis yuidance Lhe absolute truth thr iiis Prophet Mohammad and revelation ¢ Surprizingi Lin to be qualifying a tests laid dowa in bie which Bibiists ves are failing. Hope can see the iruih and ream lize,that they can sLill be saved from (he eternal dis- aster if hold Quran fast for their guidance Precisely Abraham PRU, was blessed for both of his so- ns namely Isac and Ishmael PBU them both were blessed for great nations. Prophets of towering personalitic came in succession in the branch from Isac PBUH, wak=— Ing Tsraelites a great na-_ tion consisting of Jews un til Jesus PBUH,as one great nation for all this period of time. and Pro. Mohammad PBUH from the branch of mael, PBUH, constituting Arabs, and from him ail slims of the world, ano great nation, Thus the iru knowledge of God and guidance has reached earth for all the nations of the world throug seed of Abraham PBU stated in Gen.12:3 “Ali ——Quran. milies on earth shall bless The Divine message of Islam is universal, It’s address in Quran is in general, su- ch as "0 people, or 0 human kind" It never addresses, 0 Arabs,or 0, Qureshites ete. All the Mohammad PBUH were Limitt in their missions for and the region e.g Mosses’s mission was limitted to the children of Israel so was said by, Jesus PBUH, I came for th® lost sheep of the house of Israel. He did not. say I came for the whole world, But Hohammaa yes, He came for the guidance of the whole world. prophets before a Quran, 34:28 "AND WE HAVE SENT THEE SAVE AS BRARER OF GLAD TIDINGS AND A WARNER TO ALL MANKIND; YET MOST MANKIND DO NOT KNOW. God's mission of ihe guida- nce for all the nations of the world, was to finale at his hands and thus the pro- mise of God to Pro.Abraham, was to be fulfilled. Final Divine message which is Qu- ran, is meant for the guid~ ance of the whole mankind PBUN,which he PBUH, convey- ed to his followers as such and is present as a written document in its original language as well preserved in millions of hearts.Check the following verses of Qu- ran in its own relation. Quran, chapter 51 verse 3 “AND HE SPEAKS NOT OF HIS OWN DESIRES. verse 4, "iT IS BUT A REVE- LATION REVEALED. The Final Testament— 170 MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE verse 5"ONEOF MIGHTY POWERS HAS TAUGHT IT TO HIM." verse 6 ONE OF MIGHTY MAKI THEN HE STOOD STRATGHT." The religion was deci, final. Quran Ch. 6:3, * DAY HAVE I PERFECTED Yi IGION,AND HAVE 1 COMP: ni) MY FAVOURS FOR YOU HAVE CHOSEN FOR YOU ISiAM AS RELIGION.” After this declaration prophethood was sealed at him as He said in a Lyadi- tion, "I and the day of ju dgement are like this", he joined two of his fingers and showed to his companio- ns, No gap between the two fingers meaning, No prophet after him only the Day of Judgement. The history of the true re- ligion of God from Abraham to Jesus PBUH, is decorated with epoch events of th great prophets each of th- ese are decorated with spe~ cial features.Each one made a progress and then gradua~ lly by the passage of time and increasing greed of the People their teachings beg- an to fade until the compl- + of—tre—teachings of the prophets and the true knowledge of God. But Mohammad’s (PBUH) mission was final and for all the nations of the world,so Kas promised its protection ti- 11 the day of judgement by God Him self, God made the revelation of Quran easy for memorization, that even a child of eight or ten years of age can memorize whole Quran when as for the language he may not know it at all, Besides memoriza- tion it is also preserved on paper,God has given. such sincere volunteers to this religion, in all tumes, who after passing away of the Prophet PBUH, not only pro- tected each and every word of Quran but the sunna also (Traditions of the prophet) with their blood, but have aiso kept the mission of the prophet PBUH go on, as was demanded by the prophet at the occasion of the last pilgrimage. And so you may always see the volunteers walking door to door carry~ ing on the mission to every corner of .the world bring- ing the knowledge of Gods religion to all nations. Therefore Pro.Hohammad PB is the prophet from God for cach human on earth from his Lime till the end of this world, shall be judged under his PBUH witness with out an exception, Believers and the obedients shall re- ceive God's blessings in their life of the world as well in the hereafter. The Prophethood could have nev- er been sealed, if God’s desired religion for the mankind was not complete and the devine law wasn’t enforced. As the world i witnessing, There has been already 1400 years for Pro- phet Mohammad PBUH, ‘having passed away, There is not a witness of a prophet after him till this day, Where as in the past such had never happened that the people were kept awaited for guid- ance if they were in living in ignorance and were in need of it. Quran, The Final Testament, MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE Therefore foretold prophet of Deutronomy 18:18, in the likeness of Mosses PBUH, who was so cagerly awaited by Jews, is Pro. Mohammad PBUH, and is the last in the series of the prophets. However Jews had expected the prophesied prophet of Deutro. 18:18, to come from amongst their oun people but when they saw the foretold prophet wasn't from Israelites They felt bad of him and decided to reject’ Proph. Mohammad PBUH ont of jealousy, However They nad recognized him as one recognizes his own son. Since Christianity regards (his prophecy to Jesus PBUH We Wave to study Lhe points in favour and against, betwoen sand Hohammad PRU them, of their likeness or unlikencss Lo Hosses PRU Lo sakisly the peophecy in Deut. 18:18 and 19 i. Birth, — Xormal Normal Abnormal Mohammad, like and Jesus not - Marriage YES YE NO As above Children, YES ES NO. Do 4, Carrier Prophet & Same Prophet Statesman only. Do 5. Status © Messenger Same Messenger Do with law without law 6. Forced To Hadian To Madina None Bo migration, Note. The migration of Proph.Mohammad is described in Bible, Habakuk, CH.3:3, "God came from Teman, and the holy one from the mount Paran, His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise —— Now analyze this verse. Teman = ‘Tema > Old name of Nadina, Tema, a name of one of the sons of Tshamac!,{Gen.25:13] who habitated the region of Medina came to be known after his name ‘Al~Tema’ Paran = Faran > Mekkah (Wilderness of Paran, Gen.21:21, The place of settlement of ajar and Ishmael) Ref. J. Hasting’s dictionary of Bible. His glery covered the heavens and the earth full of his praise” Wis name Ahmad and Nehammad meaning praised one for heavens and on the earth. "The holy one coming from mount Paran” Refers to Prophet’s migration from Mekkah, to Medina. Quran, The Final Testament, Deutronomy 18 ; 18-19 and kedars “God came from Teman™ Refers to the help of God that reached to the prophet came from Teman (Tema = Medina) when The Prophet and his few believing companions were facing lot of resistance from the people of Mekkah. That crucial time batches of Medinites reached Mekkah,embraced Tsiam and invi- ted The prophet in Nedina to settle and preach the religion. They supported him, and his companions with shelters, food water and with all their best resources. History of mankind fails to give a similar example of brotherhood which was sh- own by the Hedinites under the teachings of the Prophet, PBUH This was the help of Goi to the Prophot of Istam PAUH, Teman where he founded the first capital for ihe Kinadom of God. "The heavens and earia was full of his praise” Refers to his name, Mohammad PAuii as well as Ahmad meaning The praised one-and the praising one. Event Mohammad Jesus Remark 7. Encounter YES NONE Mohammasi with ene~ as Mosses mies and Jesus not 8. Results Moral & Do Moral As above Physical only. victory Writing of In the life bo After no Revelations time 10. Nature of Spiritual Do only po teachings & Legal. Spiritual 11, Acceptance Accepted DO Rejected Do of the by all by mejori- leadership ties 12. Death, Watural DO Disputed Bo Quran-— Rarsep Auive Bible- crucified 13. Believed NONE NOWE YES Do as God 14, Second NONE Generally Do Appearance believed. There are hardly any two prophets are so alike in their characters as Mosses and Nohammad PBU them.If you will ask a Christian to prove points of similarity between Mosses and Jesus PBUthem At the most he can tell you,"Both are prophets and the messengers" On this criterion, Was David PBUH, not Islam, ‘Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh like Mosses? It concludes the likeness of Mohammad PBUH with Mosses PBUH, as per stated prophecy in Deu- ‘ronomy 18:18. Now if we study this pro- pheey further in corelaiion with the prophecy in John 16:1Sage find corresponding statement Deut.18:19. werds into shall spea and will his mouth unto them put Meaning iis ++ God will reveal. to him which bo the people speak John 16:13, "Honbeit, he,the spiril of truth will come He wiil guide you unto «li truth, for ie shail uot speak of aimseif but what ever he shall hear, iia Shalil_be speak and he will shew you things to come Quran is that revelation which is indicated above, which Mohammad PBUH receiv- ed through revelation from God and recited to the peo- ple as such and at the same time it was memorized and preserved in writing. some of the verses from Qu~ ran reading for itself, ‘a word of God’, and it is not in the capacity of, other than God,to be able to pro~ duce a document of the like i.Ch.4:82 “DO THEY NOT CON- SIDER ‘The Quran’ HAD IT BEEN FROM OTHER THAN GOD THEY SHOULD SURELY HAVE Fo- UND MANY DISCREPANCIES". Quran, The Final FROM THE BIBLE 2. Ch. G:19 “SAY WHAT THING IS MORE WEIGHTY IN EVIDENCE SAY, GOD IS WITNESS BETWEEN YOU AND ME.'This Quran’ HAS “8LED TO ME BY .INS- THAT 1 MAY WARY 3. IN DOUBT AS TO Ch. 2:23 “AND 1 YOU ARE WIAT WE HAVE REVEALED FROM TIME TO TIME TO OUR.'SERVANT, THEN PRODUCE A suRA (chapter) LIKE UNTO, AND CALL YOUR WITNESSES OR HELPERS RESIDE GOD, IF YOUR [doubts } ARE TRUE, Note; The smallest of a surah (Chapter) in Quran consists of,as few as three verses only,and the challa- nge still stands. 4. Ch. 2:24, “BUT IF YE CAN NOT, AND OF A SURETY YE CAN NOT, THEN FEAR THE FIRE WH- OSE FUEL IS MEN AND STONES, WHICH IS PREPARED FOR, WHO REJECT FAITH 5. Ch. 6:92, “AND THIS IS A BOOK, WHICH WE HAVE SENT DOWN BRINGING BLESSING AND CONFIRMING WHICH CAME BEFO- ““RE“ITS THAT” THOU” HAYEST “WARN THE MOTHER OF CITIES Mekkah AND ALL AROUND HER, THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN HEREAFTER, BELIEVE IN THIS BOOK AND THEY CONSTANT IN GUARDING THEIR PRAYERS.” 6. Ch. 17:105-107, "WE SENT DOWN [The Quran] IN TRUTH, AND IN TRUTH HAS IT DESCEN- DED; AND WE SENT THEE, BUT TO GIVE GLAD TIDING AND TO WARN. QURAN WHICH WE HAVE DIVIDED IN ORDER THAT THOU MIGHTEST RECITE TO MEN AT TestamentIslam, Deutronomy 18 : INTERVALS « BY STAGES. BELIEVE IN IT OR NOT, TRUE THAT THOSE WHO GIVEN KNOWLEDGE, BELIEVE FORE HAND, WHEN IT 1S RECI- WE HAVE REVEALED SAY WHETHER YE IT 1S TED TO THEM, FALL DOWN OW THEIR FACES TN HUMBLE PROS- TRATION. 27:8, AS TO TH BESTOWED UPON THE PRESENCE ¢ TS WISE AND KNOWIN 10:1 “ALIF, LAH, & ARE THE SIGNS OF BOOK OF WISHOM. TO THE DOERS OF GOOD.” 10. Ch. 27 : 76-77, “VERILY THIS QURAN DOES EXPLAIN TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL,MOST OF THE MATTERS, IN WHICH TH- BY DISAGREE AND IT TS CERT- AINLY A GUIDE AND MERCY WO BELIEVE." 11.Ch.32:1-3 “ALIF LAM MEEM THIS IS THE REVELATION OF THE BOOK IN WHICH THERE IS NO DOUBT FROM THE LORD OF THE WORLDS, OR DO THEY SAY, “HE HAS FORGED IT" ? NAY IT “IS” THE TRUTH FROM TAY LORD THAT THOU MAYEST ADMONISH A PEOPLE, TO WHOM NO WARNER HAS COME BEFORE THEE IN OR- DER THAT THEY MAY RECEIVE GUIDANCE. 12. Chapter 10 : 37-38 "AND THIS QURAN IS NOT SUCH AS COULD BE FABRICATED AGAINST ALLAH;IT IS BUT A CONFORMA TION OF WHAT IS BEFORE IT AND AN EXPOUNDING OF THE DECREE OF WHICH THERE IS NO. DOUBT, FROM THE LORD OF WORLDS. DO THEY SAY HE HAS. 18-19, and Kedars FABRICATED IT? SAY THOU: THEN BRING A SURAH LIKE IT AND CALL UPON WHOMSORVER YOU CAN BESIDES ALLAH, 1F YOU ARE TRUTHFUL.” Above are a few verses from Quran quoted in support of it being God’s word, Yet many more. Can you find one ingie sentence in the who= ie Bible in similar evide~ nee.* Yes Injeel to Prophet Jesus Christ, which was ver written, neither during ne tile of the proph.Jesus PBUH nor even by his imned- jate disciples.Not as early AS seventy to one hundred years after Christ peopie begane to collect out of their memory the teachings and the traditions of Jesus Christ in the record, with= no distinction between the word and Jesus's traditions However it is @ combination of the two together with Lie biography of Jesus Chr: ist. Perhaps yet some sinc~ ere efforts of the early people but even that too doesn’t exist any where any more.The earliest documents on which the present day Bible is based are the man- uscripts written from 2-400 years after Christ. A time “when present day christian— ity had already established in place of the teachings of Jesus Christ,’ Pauline school of thoughts had al~ ready dominated over the actual religion of Jesus Christ and his followers. And at no place a single statement in the whole Bib- le you may find in support of its genuineness as the word of God.Again the crad- it goes to The holy Quran, iad it not revealed of inj~ eel there was not a proof Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE 176 on earth to prove that any thing of this scripture was divine. Because of Innumer- able contradictions discre- pancies, additions omitions and deffects present in it. But now after it has been revealed in Quran, Atleast i billion of Muslims fave already believed for 1 revelation from God, Cir- istians found support from @uran for most of their vo- mmon beliefs, where as many of the Christians, They d ffer much, including the Bible for its Divine nat The Birth of Jesus Christ Wil, crucifixion and his Ascention ete. And perhaps the credit for ihe friend- ship of The Christians with Jews too, goes to The holy Quran, Its definite state- ment regarding the crucfi- xion and killing of Jesus Christ. That neither he was killed nor crucified. what the people had witnessed was utter confusion and what they had believed was plane guess work, has freed The Jews from the charge of murder of Jesus Christ.How- ver the charge of attempt to murder and the guilt of the offense shall always __-Stay at their neck. So Jews who should have been the worst enemies of Christisns are seen in close ties with them. Possibly Jews submit~ ted the appeal through the witness of The Holy Quran telling, "Well,You see Quran is our witness, We did not kill your hero then why sh- ould we be the foe to each- other”. The ties of friend ship between the two are obvious to prove that The Christians have principaliy accepted the evidence, How- ever they want to keep on maintaining in theory, the crucifixion,death and later The Ascension for their own laid down doctrines. For this is the belief which makes the central piller of faith,on which all the Chr- istian decrines rest.. The above arguments leave no doubi. that the foreteld prophei. of Deutronomy 18:18 is Prophet Mohammad PBUH, confirmed by; 1. John. the Baptist referr- ing to 7 OPHET;in John i115 and Hathew 3:11 and by Jesus PBUH in John 14:16 and John, 16:7-13 referring Lo the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, who will come only ‘after his departure from Lhe earth. Spirit of truth is parallel to saadiqui-waad, in drabic meaning trust worthy truth— ful, ‘Saadiqul waad’ is one of the Lities of Pro. Moha~ mmad PBUH} 3.Secondly Pro.Jesus Christ didn’t confirm in a three letters word 'YES’ or a two letters word No to the dis- ciples of The Baptist which he_sent to Jesus to conform — for himself if he was the awaited ‘THAT PROPHET’ of Deutronomy 18:18 Ref. Math. 11:2-3 and Luke 7:19-22. [And after The Christ, The only prophet who came was, Mohammad PBUH finally deci~ des for him,as the revealed prophet. of Deut.18:18 4. The likeness of Prophet Mohammad to Prophet Mosses, as stated above and his blood relation with the Is- raelites,as Proph. Mohammad Quran, The Final TestamentIslam, MOHAMMAD, comes from. their cousine brethren, being from the progeny of Prophet ismael, The only brother of Prophet Tsac,from one father Proph, han PRU thom. The common great great grand father of il Israelites and 4rabs. nally Deutronony last9 80 WARNS! a ove heed tans wards io shall speak in mw myself require £ Please note, i+ Pvery chapter in Guran iexespl the chapter of itep- entanee for reasons est known to Ged, perhaps the nature of the subject Lalk- ed in this chapter refiect- ng the anger of God upon ypocrites], begins in the vane of God with the verse BISMTLLAH TRRAHMAN TRRAHEEM in the name of Allah most beneficent most merciful” Deut. 18:19 "which he shall” 2. Wherever, and whenever a Muslim reads from Quran be- gins his reading with the verse BISMILLAH — TRRAHMAN TRRAHEEM. Deutronomy 18719 is in cor- respondence—With—Quran—-in- Chapters 3:19, and 3:85. Quran Chapt.3:19 "TRULY THE RELIGION IN THE SIGIT OF ALLAH IS ISLAM." Quran Ch.3:85 “WHOEVER DES~ TIRES A RELIGION OTHER THAN ISLAM,IT WILL NEVER BE ACC- WPTED, AND IN THE HEREAFTER WE WILL BE OF THE LOSERS. pbuh FROM THE BIBLE Be honest and tell Who sat- isfies Deutronomy 18:18-19, Mohammad PBUH and Quran OR Jesus PBUH and The Bible?, Now i like to give some ar~ guments in support with the actual proph made by Je- iirist PBUH in relation Prophet Mohammad uuoted fren of Barnab. WITNESSES OF BARNABAS, from the Gospel of Barnabas Barnabas, is well known to Bible renders, I have ai- ready introduced him to the veaders in "SAIVATLON? FROM THE BIBLE", PART 10 Barnabas as reported himse- 1f was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus PBUH, as we wiil read in some of the chapters from his Gospel But for some unforiunate reasons his name was remov- ed from the discipleship of Jesus and was replaced by another name, too his work was also made unknown for centuries,after the council of Nicea $25 A.D., However it’ wasn't lost completely, but some how it was saved " “from total destruction by some sincere souls at the ~—cost~of their lives as ft— was Ist degree offence to keep a document of the ser ipture not aproved by the council, However they saved and kept it very secrately under keys and locks in the captivity of some sincere believers of jesus Christ. Two copies of this document The original Italian vers~ ion in Viana, italy and its English translation in ton~ Gon. In 1907 when the Heb Quran, The Final Testament, MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE italian version was first translated into English and was published by Clearendon Press Oxford London. But it could not stay for long in the public for reasons that found in opposition with the present day Chris- lian beliefs besides it was conforming the prophesy rs gurding the senger im favour of Pros. iohammad PRUH. However giisi translation was re- tained and is still avail- able in the Oxford univers= London ily Library, Again Sune Sincere Leuth seekers Pound book, Preparod pabiished and tie ih possibile for thi gospel back te public once sgain. The following quoia- jous are taken from iho une punlication. Precisely from re Rormabas we can conelnie rom language itsel fiat the sequences of conv- ersations goes on between two persons i.e Jesus PBUH, ding of and Barnabas himself. This is unlike the four canoni- val Gospels each of which begins with a title, Gospel According to, Meaning there one,were sincere and truth- ful and upright believers, Whom Quran pronounces help- ers of God.Precisely Uf any document arriving to us Hi- rectly from any of those companions of the prophet is believed to be more: ace- urate than these from Lhe emate verihes Gospel of Farnahas is Uv one which docs nei compro- mize with Lhe present day Christianity, The doctrines of which were formulated in pelo nba however es- caped from miss destruction of all such genuine doe nts, which were noi Jesus as Ged, ay supporting Trinit were noi Chapter i7, “For all the prophets, tha are one hundred forty four thousands, whom 6: h se at into have spo- of God,and having said this desu ghed_and—saidj—Hev by these gentlemen whos: wares are reffered as the cribes of these Gospels vre-actually not the serib- es but some other anonymous beople not mentioned, who perhaps made these gentle- men their basis of their collections and referred the work to their names ve~ spectively, One speaks, and the other Writes,seems more authent ic ana third person who wi- il write on behalf, All the Gisciples of Jesus, except mercy on Israel 0,Lord God; and look with pity upon Ab- raham, and upon his seed in order that they may serve thee with truth of heart. His disciples answered; "So be it 0, Lord Chapter 42, Then the disci- ples wept after this disco- urse and Jesus was weeping, when they saw many who came to find him for the chiefs of the priests took counsel among themseives to catch Quran, The Final Testament, MOHANMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE aie him in his talk. Wherefore they sent the levities .and gome of the scribes to que- stion him saying, Who art thou.?" Jesus confessed and said the truth" am not the Messiah" Noto: {Ler you not be confused Jesus Christ was iniced Me~ esiak as stated Jn guaran, sa_Masech ibna Mariama" vhrist, son of Mary. hin question, intended by Jesus PB UR is"That prophet"of Beut. 18:18 shich Jews considered the rea) Messiah, whom they were searching for, aad in Inler sentences of this chapter it shall become gu= ite clear that, Where Jesus is talking about this forth comil Ker, aself addressing bim as the Hes jah,The real spiritual hea~ Jer of ihe sonis and minds of the whole mankind and did not Tike for himself io be called as Messiah, We have the incidence in Math. Chapt. 16:15-16 where Jesus warns his companions not to call him Messiah "whom do you say am I,and Peter ans~ wered without hesitation. Him in the name of the who~ and a: Then said Jesus, “i am a voice that crieth through all Judea, and crieth,"Pre= pare ye the wav for the me- asenger of the Lord, “even as_if_is written in Esiag.” They said: "if thou be sot the messiah nor Eliajah nor eh, any prophet [of the wherefore dost thou preach new doctrine, and make 1 self of more account than the messiah" sus answered: The miracies which @od works by my ands show that 1 speak that whi~ ch God sth; nor indeed i be myself to by acc= pupked as him of wh speak, {indication towards some one else in the future That Prophet. of Deut. 16:18) For T am not worthy co una loose the ties of ihe hosen + or the latchets of the sho- es of the messenger of God, whom ye call messiab, who was made before me and_sha- li_come after_me, and shali bring the words of the tru- th, So that his faith shall have no end. The levities and scribes departed in confusion, and recounted all to the chiefs = b—the— Je group YOU_ARE THE CRE ofhepriestsi—te—heth Son of the living God, devil on his back who reco- ye AND JESUS WARNED HIM NOT TO They said, "Art thou Elia~ jah,? or Jeremiah,or any of the ancient prophets? Jesus answered, “No” Then said they, “Who art thou?” Say in order that we may give testimony to those who sent us, unteth all to him, Then said Jesus to his dis- ciples “Verily T say unto you that the chiefs and the elders of our people seek occasion against me." Chapter 72 “At night Jesus spake in secret with his disciples saying, “Verily I say unto you thal Satan de~ sireth to sift you as wheat but T have besought God Cor Quran, The Final Testament, Gospel of Barnabas you and there shall not perish of you save he that layeth snares for me.- And this he said of Judas, bec- ause the Angel Gabriel said to me, how that Judas had hands with the priests, and reported to them all that Jesus spake. tears drew near unto Jesus he who writeth this saying, "O Master tell me, Who is he that should betr— ay thee?Jesus answered say- ing, © Barnabas This is not the hour for thee to know nim but soon the wicked one rovenl himself because T shall depart from the world Then wept the apostles 0, Master wherefore thou wilt forsake us? It is much bet- ter that we should die than be forsaken of thee. Jesus answered, ‘Let not your heart be troubled, ne- ither be ye fearful: for I have not created you, but God is our creator who hath created you, will God, who shall bring salva- tion to the world, But _bew- are that ye be not deceived for many false prophets sh- ail-come;—who shall take my words and contaminate my Gospel. [contradictions and the controversies in the Bible conform the statement. } Then said Andrew, "Master tell us some signs, that we know him." Jesus answered,"He will not come in your time, but will when my Gospel shall be an~ nulled, in so much that th- ere shall be scarcely thir- ty faithful. At that time God will have merey on the world and so. He will send Wis messenger, Over whose head will rest a white cl- oud, where by he shall be known of one cleci. of: God and shall be by him manife- sted to the world. We shall come with great, power agai- ast the; ungodly and shali destroy*idolatory upon the earth. And it rejoiceth me because that through him our God shall be known and glorified, andi shall_be eres and he isi theses ena ae a that_j_am more than aman. He shall come with truth more clear than that of ‘all the prophets’ and shall rep- rove him who th the wor- ld amiss. THE TOWERS OF THE CITY OF OUR FATHER SHALL GREET ONE ANOTHER FOR JOY and so when the idolatory shall be seen to fall to the ground and confess me a man like other men, Verily Isay_unie you the messeng= #r_of God shall be come,’ Chapter 83 “After the pray- er of midnight, the discip- Tes came near unto Jesus and he said to them "This (This refers to ‘The night of the power’ In Quran this is termed as Lailatul Qadr Ref. Ch.97 “WE HAVE INDEED REVEALED THE MESSAGE IN THE NIGHT GF POWER. AND WHAT Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE WILL EXPLAIN. TO THEE WHAT THE NIGHT OF POWER IS ? THE NIGHT OF POWER IS BETTER THAN A THOUSAND MONTHS (prayer}.THERE IN COME DOWN THE ANGELS AND THE SPIRIT (Gabriel) BY GOD’S PERMiss ION 01 Is THIS, UNTIL THE RISE OF This night com in the month of Rama 2 month of Fastings} One night bet- ween 21st. te 29th. as per Prophet Mohammad PBUH] Therefore I will not that we sleep but let us make a bowing our heads a hundred Limes doing revere nce to our God.” [Please note mid night prayers refers to Salat-ml- Isha the fifth and the last obligatory payers of the day for Muslims. ] Chapter 96. “When the pray ers was ended the priest said with a loud voice:Stay Jesus, for we need to know, Who thou art? for the quie— tening of our nation. Jesus answered, “I am Jesus son of Mary, of the seed of ——Bawkds-amanth r and feareth God, and I seek deed Iam not he, for he is made_before me and shal. come after me.” The priest answered:"By thy words and signs at any rate we believe thee to be a prophet and a holy one God, wherefore Tp thee in the name of all Judea and Israel that thou for love of God shouldest tell us in @hat wise the Messiah shall come." sus answered,"As God liv- es and in whose presence my soul standeth, i am not Messiah whom all the tribes on earth expect;even as God promised to our father Abra ham sayying, ‘In thy seed will I bless all the tribes of earth'But when God shall take me away from the world The Satan will raise again this accursed sedition by making the impious believe that I am God and son of God, whence my words and my doctrine shall be contami- nated in so much that scar- cely shall there irty faithful one; Where upon God will have mercy pon the "world and™ wil send his messenger for whom —_that_to_God_be—given—honor———he—hath—made—2l1—things;— and glory. The priest answered "In the book of Mosses it is writt- en our God must send us a Messiah who shall come to announce to us that which God willeth and shall bring to the world the mercy of God. Therefore I pray thee tell us the truth Art thou the Messiah of God whom we expect."? who shall come from the south with power and shall destroy the idols with the idolators; which shall take away the dominion from the Satan which he hath over men.He shall bring with him the mercy of God for salva- tion of them that shall believe in him and blessed is he who shall believe his words." Quran, The Final Testament, - Gospel of Barnabas 182 Chapter 97 "Unworthy though I’m to tie his hosen I have received grace and mercy from God to see him. Then answered the priest, with the governor and the king saying, “Distress not thyself 0 jesus holy one of God;because in our time sh- all not this sedition any- more, Seeing that we shall write to the sacred Roman senate in such wise that by imperial decree none shall any more call thee, God or son of God. Then said Jesus with your words, I am not consoled, because where ye hope for light darkness shall come; hole world, for so God hath pro- mised to Abraham our father And that which gives me co-~ nslation, that his faith shall have no end,but: shall be kept inviolated by God. The priest answered, afler the coming of the messenger of Go s. come.? “Jesus answered,"There shall not come after him true pr- ophets sent by God, But th- ere shall come a great num ber of false prophets,where at I sorrow,For Satan shal} raise them up, But by Lhe just judgement of Ged, and they shall hideth themsely- es under the pretext of my Gospel.” Herod answered: ‘How is it the just judgement of God and thy that such impious men shou- 1d come.? Jesus answered; ‘It is just that he who will not belie ve in the truth to his sal- vation should believe in a lie to his damnation.Where- fore i say unte you, thai the sorld has ever despised tie Leue prophets and loved he 1 oe seen in the time of Nechaiah and Jeremiah. For every Like loves Bis Like Then said the priest, “How shali the Messiah be called nd what sign shall reveal his coming.? ce of the Messiah is admirable ¥or—God_llimse1f gave this wait Mohammad, For thy sake 1 will te create paradise, the world and a great multi tude of creatures, where of I make thee a present,in so much that who so, shall bl- ess thee shall be blessed and who shall curse thee shall be accursed, When T shall send thee in to the my messenger of salvation y word shalj_be true,— in so much that heaven and earth shall fail, but thy faith shall never fail. “Mohammad is his name. blessed Chapter 112, "Having said this jesus said: ‘Ye needs must seek of the fruits of the field to sustain our life, for it is now eight days that we have eaten no bread.Wherefore I will pray Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE to God, and will await you with Barnabas. * So all the disciples and apostles departed by fours and by sixes and went their according te the word Jesus. There remained wi- th Jesus who writeth; where upon Jesus weeping said: 'O Barnabas, Ti is necessary that T should reveal to thee great secrets, whic after that I shall be dupa- rted from the world, thou shalt reveal to it. Then answered he that. writ- eth, weeping and said: “su- ffer me to weep, O master, and other man also,for (hat we are sinners. And thou that are a holy one and prophet of God, it is not fitting to thee to weep so much. Jesus answered, Believe mo, Barnabas, that I can 4 weep as much as I ought.For if men had not called me God, I should have seen God here as He will be seen in the Paradise and should ha- ve been safe not to fear of the day of judgement, But God knoweth that I am inno- cent, because never have “Warboréd thought to be held more than a poor slave. Nay 1_tell thee if I~ had not been called God I should have been carried into par- adise when I shall depart from the world Where as now I shall not go thither un- til the judgement. Now thou seest if I have cause to weep 0, Barnabas, That for this I must have great per- secution, and shall be sold by one of my disciples for thirty pieces of money. Wh- ere upon I am sure that he who shall sell-me shall be slain in my name, for the God shail take me up from the earth, and shall change the appearance of the trai- tor so that every one shall belicve him to be me;never- theless, when he dieth an evil death, shall abide in that dishonor for a long time in Lae wo Then answered he that wri- teth: 'O master tell me who is that wretch, for I fain I choke him to death.’ ‘Hold thy peace, for so God willeth, and he can not do otherwise:But see thou that when my mother is afflicted at such an event thou tell her the truth in order that she may be comforted.’ Then answered he who writ- eth:‘All this will I do o siaster,—if_Godplease.. Tn these few examples from Gospel of Barnabas, We have learnt that Jesus PBUH gave the glad tiding for a forth coming prophet and the mes- senger of God with his name and as the prophet of sal- vation for all the people in the world. And this in- formation was a part of the mission of Jesus Christ'In- jeel’(translated as Gospel) meaning ‘Good news, and this news was regarding the Quran, The Final Testament, Gospel of Barnabas coming of Pro.Mohammad PBUH as the last messenger of God with final word and the guidance,and the establish— ment of the kingdom of God, and the purpose here with this news was, to inform the people, that who eves shall live during and after the advent of this) prophet and the messenger of God should believe in him and fotlow him.Anyone who shail live his life on his foot steps shall receive ss va- kien. Secondly Barnabas $s also telling of crucifixion Tha the one who was crucified was not Jesus,but the Lrai- tor, wao had betrayed Jesus PBUH, Though Quran has no given full story of the in: cedent that what actually had happened. However the fact, that Jesus was not kilied or crucified and w: Ascendéd alive is in corv- espondence with Quran. Quran Ch.4:157 "BUT ALLAH RAISED HIM UNTO HIMSELF, AND ALLAH EVER MIGHTY AND WISE" Now let us see what the old testament says about Pro only this, we will also see How this prophet, PBUH has “been prophesied in the most. ancient religious documents Before passing into this study I would like to quote few verses from Holy Quran. 1. Quran Ch. 10-47 "TO § RY PEOPLE WAS SENT AN A¥OS~ TLE WHEX THEIR APOSTLE [on the judgement day]COMES THE MATTER WILL BE JUDGED HET- WEEN THEM WITH JUSTICE AND THEY WILL NOT BE WRONGED. Message is clear, Humanity was provided the guidance from God, in all times and nll nations, Judgement requ- ires evidencesonce the wit- ness is fulfilied the judg- ement. shail be in justice and \his witness for a peo- ie shall be furnished by tie prophet of their time i the region. For example Nosses,PaUH, Peopiw, -> Israelites, egiof, =» Pallestine and Period,till the enforcement of a new law (Shariahi by a prophet after him, Jesus PB iid not bring a new law, himself was in observan- ce of the law of Mosses. However Jesus PBUH, being a prophet. and the messenger of God, Amongst the follow- ers of Mosses, {Israelites] s witness shall cover up the people from his. presen- ce till the advent of Pro- phet Mohammad PBUH. And Mohammad, PBUH being the seai'of the prophethood,his witness shail cover up all the people of all the na- tions in the world from his advent till the Judgement a disbelief as a whole, Th- ose who disbelieved_Mosses or Jesus or Mohammad, PBU- them or any of the prophets or any of the divine bocks or any thing which requires from us the belief. Seen or unscen are nonbelievers and such shall meet the conse- quences of their disbelief on the Day of Accounts. and now recall the meaning of the above quoted verse ‘om Quran Ch. 7 Verse 172, ‘} THING TO SAY, THAT Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE YOU WERE IGNORENT"And Igno- rence is no excuse. Those who believed in their prophets and obeyed them in their life shali be amongst the successful. who will receive the salvation. and the deniers will find their doom in the neil fire their final abode. Tiere- fore it must become evident to ail, after the adveni of Pro. Mohammad PBUH, The fate on the day of judgement si~ ail depend and none else, what they used or observe. jis witness irrespective to believe upon 2, Chapt.5:81 "BEHOLD GoD TOOK THE COVENANT OF THE PROPHETS SAYING,"i GIVE YoU A BOOK AND WISDOM,THEN COH- BS TO YOU AN APOSTLE, CON- FIRMING WHAT IS WITH YOU,DO YE BELIEVE IN HIN, AND REN- DER HIM HELP? GOD SAID, "Do YE AG AND TAKE THIS MY COVENANT? AS A BINDING ON You? THE HE’ SAID, 5 AND I AM WITH YOU AMONG WI- TNESS." We can understand from this verse,God had taken an oath from. came on this earth(in their spiritual states), to help and “support, a particular Prophet and messenger, whom Allah The Almighty will se- nd as the prophet of salva- tion for the whole mankind. Therefore It was demanded from each of the prophets earlier the messenger of Salvation that erving his duty on his mis- sion shall also convey to his peopiec the news of the arrival of the messenger of salvation with his requisi- beside abs- te signs so that he can be recognized easily by the people of his time. and we are so lucky through the grace of the Almighty Ailah that we are born during the period of this special mes- senger of salvation,who was prophesiod by ail the pro- phets in the past. Prephet Mohammad Pauli is that mess- enger of Salvation whom Al- dai had chosen for the fina Jization of His guidance to the mankind, and tae relig- ion. Bet not anyone ask me “Were the followers of pre~ vious prophets not on the religion of Godt¥es ALL the prophets and their true be- jievers ani the followers were all on the same reli- gion which Prophet Mohammad preached. Ref. Quran 5: 44 “ALL PROPHETS, WHICH WERE MUSLIMS" and so their foll- owers were iuslims too. And so Good juck and eternal fortune is certain for the true believers and the fol- lowers of all the previous prophets and so the same for the believers and the followers of Proph.mohammad PBUH. and he is surely most unlucky, who has denied hin or any of the previous pro~ time. Beyond doubt Pro. Mohammad PBUh,is the last of all the prophets and therefore is the seal of the prophets.So his jurisdiction contains all the nations of the wor- Jd. Quran,the final revela- tion, therefore stands for guidance for whole mankind. The religion which he prea- ched received the aproval of God and so is the only recognized religion for pr- actice for the whole man- Quran, The Final Testament, 185 Prophecies by Prophets from The Old Testament is kind and therefore Mohammad scriptures and will see,He PBUH is the- messenger of those earlier prophets ‘havo salvation who will witness prophesied for this Messen- his believers and followers ger of salvation and their on the day of judgement. advise to their nations, This is confirmed by the that who ever finds himself traditions of Pro. Mohammad in the period of this prop- PBUH as well as statements het shail embrace his faith of Quran. in obedience with out a second Lhought and follow et you noi be confused bis jurisprudence. This covenant in this verse from all the prophets quo- In this head T am going to led above, suggests their trace ous ihe cvidences existence in spirit forms “fromsall the available ser- in the heavens before being iptures much earlier of born on the earth,Similarly Jesus Christ PBUH and not every individual born alre- only from Tornh and Psalms ay or yet Lo be born, were but aiso from Ancient Hindu siready existing in| their and Porsian scriptures such spirit forms in the heavens as The Vedas, asatir and And God had taken a covena-~ Zand Avasta, nt from all these humans in their spirit forms,of their 1. JEREMLAU bondage to God, that they CRITERION OF The Messenger will worship none but Him of God. alone and will not associa~ te any one with Him. .Proph~ Jeremiah Ch.28:9 “The pro- ets have simply attempted phet which prophesicth of to remind humans of this peace when the word of the covenant which they had prophet siali come to pass, made with their Lord. then shall the prophet be known that the Lord hast In support of this state- truly sent him.” ment I will produce a verse from Holy Quran, The word Islam literally means peace, The Prophet of ci verse 172 “AND RECALL Islam, PBUH taugh: 7B FORTH ple of peace. Peace of the FROM THE CHILDREN OF ADAM, soul and of the mind, Peace _ -THETR—POSTERITY—FROM—THETR: f the house and of the na- BACKS AND MADE THEM TESTIFY tions,Peace between the cr- AS TO THEMSELVES,SAYING: AM eator and His creatures.The I NOT YOUR LORD, 1 SAID prophecy of Jeremiah cannot YEA ! WE TESTIFY. THAT WAS be applied to Jesus PBUH as LAST YOU SHOULD SAY ON THE he himself said that he did DAY OF RESURRECTION: VERILY not come for peace.Check in OF THIS WE WERE UNAWARE. luke Ch.12:51-53 | "Suppose Meaning ignorence NO EXCUSE ye that I am come to give peace on earti, I teil you, Now we will study the old nay ; but rather division ; testament and the available For, from hence-forih there evidences from the ancient will be Live in 9 house Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, divided, three ‘against and two against three, father against’ son, and the son against father, The mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother.The mother iniaw against daughter inlaw tivo The the daughter inlaw against moter inlaw." Also in Matthew, 10:34-36 “Donoi think that I have come to bring peace on ear- th; have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For have come to set a man aga- inst his father, and a dau- ghter against her mother And a daughter iniaw again- St her mother inlaw and a man’s foe will be of those of his own house hold." Therefore et of PRU. 2. Exophet Jacob PBUli, UNTIL SHILOH COMES, prophesied proph- peace is Pro.ohammad pbuh FROM THE BIBLE clearly states that the li- neage of prophethood shall continue to stay till the reaching of the prophet of peace. ISLAH literally means Peace. Through this witness of Pro. Jacob PBUH, we have learnt that, he advi children to submit to oh unconditional when he These verses are in agree- ment with Quran, i. Che 133 JACOB? Wi SONS. "WHA' ATER MK, ) WORSHIP YOUR GOD, Altabi THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER, AB~ RAWAM, ISHMAEL AND ISAC, ONE GOD , TO HIM WE SURRENDER. you CAME TO — SAID TO HT Y SAID," 2.Ch.2:40-41 “O CHILDREN OF ISRAEL CALL TO MIND SPECTAL FAVOURS I BESTOWED UPON YOU AND FULFIL YOUR COVENANT WITH ME AS I FULFIL MY COVE NANT WITH YOU,AND FEAR NONE. BUT ME. AND BELIE TOT 187 This was the message of REVEAL CONFIRMING THE REVE~ Pro. Jacob PBUH, to his LATION WHICH IS WITH YOU children before he died, AND BE YE NOT OF THE FIRST TO REJECT THE FAITH. NOR Genesis 49:1, "dnd Jacob SELL MY SIGNS FOR A SMALL called unto his sons, and PRICE AND FEAR ME AND ME ei —Gartd AEONE—ANB—DONG! ai HE gether, that I may tell you TRUTH WITH FALSEHOOD, NOR that _shall_befali_ you in CONCEAL THE TRUTH --WHEN__¥OU_ the last days.” KNOW. Genesis 49:10, “The scepter God is reminding here israe shall not depart from Judah nor a law giver from betwe- en his feet until Shilob comes and unto him shali the gathering of people be Shiloh means peace in other words, the prophet of peace is Prophet of Islam,Prophet Mohammad PBUH Genesis 4 lites the promise that they made to their father Jacob at the time of his death by telling them,The Shiloh has come surrender thy self to him, in peace for your sal- vation. Note; R. S.V. of the Bible has removed the word Shiloh The Final Testament, Prophecies by Prophets froin The Old Testament 1 How does it matter if. a word is dropped or changed with another, Truth can not be concealed, if clouds cover the sun, Should we believe the sun is no more? The rays will still pierce through shift of the prophet- threatened tn Jdero- "Tf those ordi~ from ae saith the t then tie seed of Israei se from be- ing 2 nation before me for Also by Jesus. atthow Ch.21:43 "Therefore i say unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from You, und given to a nation bringing forth the fruits theroor.” 3 in the above state- ment had clearly told, they are going to witness the same what they had witness~ ed concerning the fruitless fig tree. Matthew 21:19, "And seeing ording to the above state- ments the time was already ripe enough for the change £ the responsibility from the lineage of Isac PBUH to the lineage Ismael PBUH and the only prophet who came in this lineage was Prophet Mohammad PBUH, sho success Fully served the task and brought up the fruit heal~ thier enough to serve the purpose of God 3. HETNESSES FROM 4os Deutronomy 33:2-3 said before his death, “The herd came from and dawned from seir npon us; he shone forth from mo- unt Paran, He came from the ten thousands of the hols ones, with flaming fire ai his right hand." This verse refers to the sites of the God's reveia- tions to Hosses, David and Jesus and Mohammad PBU them respectively, Sanai = Site of revelations for Torah (The old testa- a fig tree by the way’ side ment) revealed to Moss. , he went to it,and found n PBUH. thing on it "May po f: ever come from you again, Seir = Site of revelations "And the fig tree withered for Psalms (Zuboor) part nr — —atone: Fig tree is a parable Actu- ally the curse was intended towards Israelites, who had failed to produce a fruit all this length of time right from Jacob to Jesus PBU them Jesus PBUH,was the ja st in efforts to set aright the ways of these stiff necked arrogant peo- ple. The years of Jesus's ministry were over and ace- old testament revealed to David PBUH,and Injeel {Gos- pel) revealed to Jesus PBI Paran=(Faran= revelation for Quran, upon Prophet Hohammad PBUH {The Cave of iiira at Jabl-e-Noor (the mount of Light)]. The site of first revelation ‘He came from the ten thou- sands of the holy ones’ Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, History is witness the bl- codless victorious return of prophet Mohammad PBUH; to Meccah accompanying ten thousand army of the saints Saint, speaks. of the quality of the companions of the Prophet mohammad PBUH, That they were all saintly men. ith flaming right hand” fires in his Refers to, The Holy Quran, A guidance and complete co- nstitution for ihe mankind, in his right hand as the mercy and blessings, for the mankind te bring peace on earth under its guidance. "He loved his people, those, who coi were in his hand: AL crated him, Refers to his followers,all those, who believed “iim hallowed him were perfect obdience and had set such an example of love and de~ votion that has no parallel in the whole history of man kind till this day. This love and devotion was not limited to his life time only but until this day and shall continue till the end pbuh FROM THE BIBLE ou God's message in They answered yes, 0 Messenger of Allah. He took their witness three tines Thereafter lie said, to all the pilgrims present at th- at occasion,Now it is their duty to convey this message to those who are not prese nt among us and these peo- ple who arc yet to History is witness, the pilgrimage was over only ten thousand pilgrims returneg their homes, where had yon® the rest?ves these men heard the command of their prophet, did not giv a second thought just too the message of Ged and mav- ed out to different direc- tions without, knowing where They were not in the search of the places but’ of the people whom they could con- vey the message of God and fulfil their responsibility And it is through them that we see God's obedient bond- men present in every corner of the earth. Let me tell you such self volunteeered soldiers of God are not ov- er, You can still see them every now and then in sing- les or in parties carrying their begs and baggage on —-their_—shoulds of this world. This can be observed from the life be- haviors of his true follow- ers and their efforts in the preservance of every bit of prophet’s traditions on paper and in practice. History is witness, At the occasion of he last pilgri- mage.There were one hundred forty thousands believers as pilgrims with the pro- phet PBUH.The prophet PBUiil, addressed the Muslims and said, "Have T not conveyed Quran,'The Final Testament, short or travelling long absolutely at their own expense looking for men ready to hear God’s message Thus fulfilling the promise that their elders had made to the prophet PBUH. And so you can see the mission of the prophet of Islam is never over, It is this de- votion which is talked in the verse, stated as above. This is as prophesied by Isiah in chapt. 21 verse 13 “The burden of Arabia”. 189 MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE only this, The rich of them purchased slaves from oth- ers and set them free. 7 system of Isiam brought. affluence to the Islamic society. The treasures were over flowing, The people were prosperous So much that The Islamic govern- ments used their excess funds for purchasing ihe slaves from heir owners: and freed them from tiv bondage. The example af Caliph Umar bin Abdal Ay is with us in this relation Who ordered his governors bo use the excess funds fer that purpose when he was reported by them their ire asures had excess funds and they didn’t know what to do with that money. (Ref. lee- ture by Dr. Jamal Badawi Recorded from Riyadh Radio Thus by and by slavery was abolished in Islam for the first time in the human history. Any such exar in the earlier histories of the world? Verse8 “I am the Lord: that is my name, and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images” The—verse— ecting— true image of God, Lone in His glory and the gualities. which none shares with Him and no one to parallel Him =No religion other than Is~ lam gives such a clear and unadultrated image of God. Christianity talks of Tri-~ nity, Jews have also found out Azar as God’s son, The rest of the world is either atheist or polytheists. Quran, The Final Testament, Absolute monotheism is the teaching of Islam which is talked in the above verse. Verse 9 “Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things IT now decla~ re; before they spring for~ th T tell you of them. Let us see what new things. are Isaiah want declare. Verse 10. “Sing to the Lord "a new song of His praise" from the“end of the earth." A new song Other than those they knew in their languag- es. Which is this emw song of Allah’s praise and is being sung from the end of the earth.Since it is glob- al body has no end. Every point on its sphere is a point of beginning and at the same time is the end point too. This means from every point of the earth. Let us see what is that new song? of Allah's praise which is being sung from every habitation on earth, Well I do not find another, but The call for prayer of ive. Muslims Azan and this s= 7 —Tanguage other than the language of ALLAHO-AKBAR , ALLAHO-AKBAR Allah is great,Allah is. gr- eat spoken twice. ASH-HADO UN LA ILAHA ILL~ ALLAH (Spoken twice) I witness there is no deity except the deity of Allah. ASH-HADO —UNNA — MOHAMMADAN RASOOLULLAH (Spoken twice) the_fortelling_prephet-—— Prophecies by, Prophets from The Old Testament That means the resposibili ty of the Arabs in relation with God’s message iis people were just not in his handS only during his life time, but are still so fully devoted in love and obedience and will remain so till the last day. they coseeraté” him wore than their mother, fai her and children, and will leep on doing so, till the fast believer is on earth. For he lives with Liem every moment, in every vit of their lives. 4. HOWAMMAD, mentioned witty namc in the book of SOLON Prophet Solomon whemaan } PBUH. too made the propieey about prophet Mohammad Vnvit and is mentioned in one of his songs which expresses his love, and the qualities of this holy prophet io come. The song actually reads his holy name in Hebrew language as under. IKKOMAMITTAQIM MAHAMMADDIM ZEHDUDI RAAI BENUTS YARUSHALAM. 190 gether lovely.This was done purposely .to concele the evidence. The suffix ‘im’ which otherwise is meant for plurality, But in case of great beings it stands for dignity and respect such as Elohim, which means Lord, The Great. Similarly Mohammadim which — should noan “Mahammad worthy of respect" logically in no wise any name is translated re of ‘Trini Bre used this word n their favour, But seekers of the tru- them know and check dictionaries that ‘im’ stands for res- case of God and gr- eat beings and not always stands for the plurality Similarly in Quran God is using'We'for Himself alone, Belie: Blobin for the th, Let Jewish suftis pect in how- “INNA NAHNO NAZZALNA ALZIK- RA WA INNA LAHA LAHAFTZOON" Indeed it is We, who have sent the message, and it is We, who will guard it." Not only in Hebrews and Arabic alone but in other languages too,say as in Ur- do and Hindi languages, The jiord HAM meaning we is com- Hissmouth=ts—10st= yea he is MOHAMMAD altoge- ther lovely, This is —my— beloved and this is my friend, salem. O daughter of Song of Solomon 5 6 The learned people of Chri- stianity showed the bight of their clever wits and translated even the name so that the only place in the whole Bible where Mohsaunad is mentioned with his name could be masked and repiaca ed "Mahammadim” with allo Sronty—used=by—any—body—tor= himself alone, Surely one _from_upper_strata_of—people— who speek in dignity. in the whole history of man isind, The name MOHAMMAD was giver first time to the son of Abdallah and mother Ami~ na among Qureshites. Kedars of Wekkah (Paran) Biblical names,was provided by Allah The Almighty Himself, Like many other names which were provided by Allah Himself such as Tsmael,ishag iisac) Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE 191, oob (Jacob) ,Moosa(Moses} hya (John The Baptist )and Hisa (Jesus)son of Mary etc PBU them. The name provided by God Himself never exist- ed in the history before. 5. KING DAVID called him “NY LORD" saims ii0:1 “Phe Lord seid ante my Lord,Sif thou at a right hand Until I make ine enemies thy’ foot stooi” Lord is mentioned here iv- ice, The first Lord stands for God Almighty, and the second. lord which means the master.David PRUH knew vers well that there is only one Lord, The God and not two Now the question is, Whom David called my lord? The churches will answer, Jesus But Jesus PBUH himself had denied for such a title, as he belonged to the progeny of David through his mother Check Matthew 22:42-45, and Luke 20:41-44, Matthew, 22:42-45 Jesus asked them a question saying, “What do you ‘think of the Christ? whose son is bas.David called ‘lord’ for Mohammad pbuh. : whom he had seen in the spirit form. No prophet was so accomplished as was Pro. Mohammad PBUH.Even the wor of all the prophets if put together cannot account eq- ual to work of Mohammad PRI completed in a short period of twenty three years and until this day remains intact and un- chaliengeable-Ofcourse this was so désire Allah. 6.ISAIAU has prophesied for Wowhich he Pro. Mohammad PRU, in sur prising détails,his genes prophethood, Lhe revelations. bis migration trom Mekkah jo Nedina,The help from the medinites, Battle of Badr, Victorious return of the Prophet of Islam PBUH to Wekkah etc. and we find th- ese,in Chs.11,21,42 and 60, but before passing into each chapter separaely, I would like to go for some terminologies, we will come across in these chapters of Isiah from The Bible. PARAN = (Faran) Mekkah also termed as Bakkah both in Bible as well as Quran. (J. heh They-sadd-to-him, “ine son of David", He said them, "How is it then Da is inspired by the spirit calls him lord? saying” The Lord said to my lord, Sit at my right hand till T put thy enemies under thy feel. If David thus cails him jo- rd,iow then he is his son”? Jesus must have given the answer not recorded in any of the four canonical Gosp- els, But mentioned explici- tly in the Gospel of Baxna- iestings dictionary-of—the ~~ Bible. ]} Mention of Bakkah in The Bible. Ref. Psalws, 84:4-6 Mention of the pilgrims passing through the valey of Bakkah.(picturization of Huj] and the mention of the spring in Bekkah, Note the only spring on that rocky land is Zam Zam. (KJV) “as they go through the va- Lley of Bakka, They make it a place of springs|Zam Zam] Quran, The Final Testament, Prophecies by Prophets from The Old Testament i9 the early rains also covers it with pools. Mention of Bakkah. in Quran Ch. 3:96. RILY THE FIRST HOUSE lof worship] APPOINTED FOR MAW IND WAS THAT IN BAKKAH ¥U- i) OF BLESSINGS AND GUTDAN Cit FOR PEOPLE." AR = The second Pro.Tshmaei PBUH Gen. son 4 25:13 HAN = Tema, Genesis 25 (Habbakuk 3:3) An oas and near Medina, Hiesting's Gictionary of the Bible. cma finds its origin from © ume of one of the twe- ons of Prophet Ishmet MAN And his tribe settlod in the oasis of Medina and was known, Banu Tameem and the se These were the helped prophet PRUH and were known, as Al~ Ansar- meaning The helper: actly the same as Alhawaq rioon,or Alnasra, for Naza~ rites who helped Jesus PBUH (Nasr = Help), which Quran has used for the helpers of Jesus Christ PBUH,It is a coinsidence,In Christianity too this word is recognized ment a itr net—tnite-meanings—hme it just indicates the name __of the home town of Jesus_ PBUH Nasara or Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth, However Quranic expression is more dignifying than that in Christianity. Besides Jeus begane to use this term for hie followers of Jesus Chr- ist, to identify them from themselves. The Holyone from Paran, The hely one from Faran Mekknl, is is he not Mohammad PAUii? JESSE (Isaiah,il:1)= Ishma- el,Ref. Encyclopedia Brita~ nica. Jesse is the abreviation of Ishmael, In liebrew Language "1? is pronounced in Hebrew as ‘Ye’ e.g.Ishmael is pro- nounced as Yeshmacl.And all nglish Bibles with the ie- iter dee.g.. Yasha is Jesus and Yuhana is John,Yunus is Jonah, Yusha is Joshua and agub ig} Jacob and so Yesh- 1 from Hebrew became Jeshmacl in Greek and Eng~ lish and Jeshmac} probably was further abreviated to Jesse. Seconiy — Jeshmaci would have not served the purpose for understanding Isaiah 11:1 the prophecy of was purpose and was Found accaptable as it is close to Jesus in sound. But most very the very first verse in chapter 11, It states the stump from the shoot of Jesse,and Jesus didnot give any shoot as he did not marry, Nor was he a shoot of any Jesse from Israelite for he was born miraculous- Ay—tochts—mother—without—a— male contribution. He was related tothe Israelites — through his mother alone. DEDANITES Isaiah 21:13 Chi- ldren of Kedar Qureshites of Hekkah,The parental tri- be of Prophet Mohammad pbuh I want to know from the Bible readers, What are the significances of these mentions in the Bible? are these useless talks or carry some importance?. Why Islam, Absolute compromise with the nature MOHAMMAD, pbuh FROM THE BIBLE. not a reader of this scrip- ture should know what’ actu~ ally these mentions are and what is their importance? Possibly they may be over looking some thing very important and their ignora- nee might lead them to the eternal disaster.I leave it to you fer a scratch on sour mind of those, Sincere believers of God, and His judgement, and make 0 for study of Isaiah afresh sincerely. ISAJAi Chapter li, Isaiah, Ch. 14:1-2 here shail come farthsk from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots And the spirit of the Lord sha~ 11 rest upon him the spirit sdom and understanding spirit of counsel ‘and might the spirit of the kn~ owledge and the fear of the Lord.” shooi Christianity regards the verse,related to Jesus Chr- ist. However, The phrase “a shoot from the stump of Jesse" will decide it. question As Isac_or—Jacob-or_David— ever named ‘Jesse’ in the Bible. ? anywhere * Does Jesus have any pate- rnai relation from any man in the lineage of Isac. 4 Is Jesus alone a shoot in the lineage of Isac or any of its members?This lincage is full of such shoots of prophetic status.. Quran, % The verse reads “The shoot from the stump of Jesse"and not Jesse himself. If Jesse means Jesus!?Then every one knows Jesus didnot marry so he didn’t have a shoot. % 4 stump in ec represent the family the main head of the family and his children are ihe shoots or the branches of this stump. Therefore Siump suggests. Paternal relation, Jesus PBUH was related to thi lineag@ from his mother side. ‘Pen't it? and in the lineage tree daughters are not included. As has been studied above and as per Encyclopedia Br- itanica, Jesse is meant for Ishmael, and the only shoot ef wisdom and knowledge that rose from this stump was Prophet Mohammad pbuh. The very first sentence in the opening verse of the chapter Ji before you, is explicit and leaves no dou- bt that the prophecy is not meant for Jesus PBUI, but other than him and ne is Pro. Mohammad PBUH as it is already explained that Jes- sy is Prophet Ishmael PBUH, —and—sueh—a sheet ins neage is just one and he is Mohammad PBUH. Verse 3 "ind his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord, fle shall not judge what his eyes see or decide but by what his ears hear". Meaning Judgement. God’s revela’ through Versed "But willh vightcous~ ness he shali judge the poor and decide with equity The Final Testament, “ist

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