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Problem set -7

Digital Image Processing and Analysis I

ET2427- BTH –Spring LP4

a) Create 1D Gaussian filters with standard deviation of 1 and different sizes from 5
to 15 by an interval of 2 as (5:2:15). Compute the Fourier transform of each filter
and plot their amplitudes. Comment your result in relation to cut-of-frequency and
their shapes.

b) Create 1D Gaussian filters with fixed size of 15 and different values of standard
deviation of 0.5 to 3 by an interval of 0.5 as (0.5:0.5:3). Compute the Fourier
transform of each filter and plot their amplitudes. Comment your result in relation
to cut-of-frequency and their shapes.

c) Create 2D Gaussian filters as (a), where the kernel filter has a square shape.
Compute the Fourier transform of each filter and show their amplitudes.
Comment your result in relation to cut-of-frequency and their shapes.

d) Create 2D Gaussian filters as (b), where the kernel filter has a square shape.
Compute the Fourier transform of each filter and show their amplitudes.
Comment your result in relation to cut-of-frequency and their shapes.

a) Write a function as below which computes a directional first order derivative of 2D
Gaussian function:

h=dir2dgauss(M, sigma1, N, sigma2, theta).

The kernel h is going to have a size of M x N and theta is the angle that the detector is
rotated (counter clockwise). The sigma1 and sigma2 are the standard deviation of
Gaussian functions.

b) Choose appropriate filter size and the sigma values (you can use your observation from
the results in Q1) and filter results in the directions of [0, -22.5, 22.5,-45, 45 and 90]

c) Compute the magnitude image as , | | | . | + | . | | |

| | | | and show it.

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