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Arrested for Endangering Children?

By Elton Camp

To youngsters he’s been a menace for years

Toward lifetimes of risky behavior he steers
While all the time pretending to be a friend
In order to influence how money they spend

At least those are the charges some will make

But just how seriously should all that we take?
To Ronald McDonald we should try to be fair
Really, will kids believe a clown with red hair?

We show our children advertising to recognize

To know the danger of hamburgers and fries
A modern child is not a mindless automaton
That to some fast-food joint will wildly run

Any who haven’t taught their son or daughter,

Then it’s something that they really oughter
Let’s put the responsibility where it should be
Not on the advertising icons that children see

McDonald’s wants adults as a customer base

On inane advertising not as much will waste
And so according to most of what I now hear
Ronald, over time, will gradually disappear

“You have the right to remain silent….”

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