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Die Familie - The Family - An English-German Glossary


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English-German Glossary
Die Familie - The Family

Talking about family and relations

An annotated English-German Glossary

In this glossary you'll find vocabulary related to the family and relatives. It is related to Lesson 9 of our free online course, German for Beginners.
Although some genealogical terms are included, you should see our Genealogy Glossary for more extensive vocabulary for that topic.

Glossary > A-L | M-Z

The Family - die Familie

An annotated English-German glossary

Englisch Deutsch

ancestor - ancestors der Vorfahre/die Vorfahrin - die Vorfahren

aunt - aunts die Tante - die Tanten

baby - babies das Baby - die Babys

blended family (-ies) die Fortsetzungsfamilie (-n)

Blended family: i.e., a continuing family, serial family, a family with children from a previous marriage.

boy - boys der Junge - die Jungen

brother - brothers der Bruder - die Brüder

brother-in-law - brothers-in-law der Schwager - die Schwäger

child - children das Kind - die Kinder

"We have no children." = "Wir haben keine Kinder."

"We have three children." = "Wir haben drei Kinder."

cousin (f.) - cousins die Kusine - die Kusinen

die Base (old-fashioned term)

cousin (m.) - cousins der Cousin - die Cousins

der Vetter - die Vettern

dad - dads der Vati - die Vatis

daughter - daughters die Tochter - die Töchter

daughter-in-law - daughters-in-law die Schwiegertochter - die Schwiegertöchter

family - families die Familie - die Familien

family tree - family trees der Stammbaum - die Stammbäume

die Stammtafel - die Stammtafeln
die Ahnentafel - die Ahnentafeln

father - fathers der Vater - die Väter

forefather - forefathers der Vorfahre/die Vorfahrin - die Vorfahren

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Die Familie - The Family - An English-German Glossary

genealogy die Genealogie

die Ahnenforschung

Also see our Genealogy Glossary.

This glossary is related to Lesson 9 of our free online course: German for Beginners

girl - girls das Mädchen - die Mädchen

Mädchen, like all German nouns ending in -chen or -lein, is neuter even though it means "girl." A similar example would das Fräulein, miss,
unmarried woman.
For more on noun gender, see German Gender Hints.

grandchild - grandchildren das Enkelkind - die Enkelkinder

granddaughter - granddaughters die Enkelin - die Enkelinnen

die Enkeltochter - die Enkeltöchter

grandfather - grandfathers der Großvater - die Großväter

grandmother - grandmothers die Großmutter - die Großmütter

grandma/granny - grandmas die Oma - die Omas

grandpa/gramps - grandpas der Opa - die Opas

grandparents die Großeltern (Pl.)

grandson - grandsons der Enkel - die Enkel

der Enkelsohn - die Enkelsöhne

greatgrandfather(s) der Urgroßvater (-väter)

great- (prefix) Ur- (as in Urgroßmutter)

half brother - half brothers der Halbbruder - die Halbbrüder

half sister - half sisters die Halbschwester - die Halbschwestern

husband der Mann, Ehemann

die (Ehe)Männer (Pl.)


Also see Lesson 9 of our online course: German for Beginners
and our Genealogy Glossary.

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Part 2: M-Z
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Die Familie - The Family - An English-German Glossary


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