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How to lead a

happy life?

Source: Some pictures are from the website.

94AG025 Claire 蔡昀庭


 Are you happy? This is a very simple question.

However, many people are not sure whether
he/she is happy or not.
 In this anxious and competitive society, how to
lead a happy life has become more and more

 There are five key words I found can lead us

a happy life. The five key works are as the
following: confidence, goals, sharing,
satisfaction and friends.
5 Key Words

 Confidence
 Goals
 Sharing
 Satisfaction
 Friends
1. Confidence

 Be confident
 Don’t compare yourself to others.
 Encourage yourself everyday.
 Don’t afraid of making mistakes.
People learn from mistakes.
Don’t care them too much.
 Always look on the bright side of life.
2. Goals

 Follow your goal and work hard to achieve

and make it come true.
 Having a goal, you won’t idle away your
 Goals make your life
full of substance.
3. Sharing

 Don’t be selfish.
 If you share with others,
you will gain happiness
from others.
 To give is much happier
than to receive.
4. Satisfaction

 Avoid thinking about what

you don’t have. Think more
about what you have and
what you can do for others.
 Parents give we a sound body, we should be
satisfied and treasure for them, not to complain
5. Friends
 Your life will be colorful if you have some
indeed friend.
 When you feel upset or unhappy, friends can
accompany with you and let you feel not alone
and warm.
 Friends share some of
your sorrow.
 Do you still think live a happy life is difficult?
You can try these five words I give you and
enjoy your life happily!

 Remember, it would be better to be a

confident person who has a goal, willing to
share with his friends and always be
satisfied with what he has!

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