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Name: ________________________________

Addenda to the Syllabus in

Great Works (GRTWK: Frida Kahlo)
Official Facebook account:
Prepared by: Ms. Beverly A. Sarza

I. Classroom Policies
1. All class activities should be done by the student inside the class-
room or assigned place designated by the professor. Late submissions
and electronic submissions are not allowed. These submissions will be
thrown outside the building.
2. The student should not enter the classroom unprepared. He/she
should have read the reading assignment and/or has complete materi-
als for the activity of the day. All reading materials are housed at
the Philosophy Department, WH 505. If the assigned material is
downloadable, it is available in the official Facebook account of the
subject. For the list of the minimum required art materials in this
class, please refer to the next item.
3. All policies stipulated in the handbook regarding absences, behavior,
plagiarism, cheating in any form, etc. will be implemented. Students
who misbehave will be sent to the DO’s office to secure a permit that “I paint self-portraits
will enable them to be admitted on the following meeting. Said stu- because I am so often alone,
dents cannot attend subsequent classes without the permit. On the because I am the person I know best.”
other hand, a student disobeying the policies against academic dis- Frida Kahlo
honesty (i.e. cheating and/or plagiarism) will receive a final grade of
0.0 and a D.O. case.
4. Working assumption: Everyone agrees to respect everyone else as a person whose ideas are worth expressing.
The objective is to promote an environment in which everyone can freely express. We are not obliged to accept
uncritically everyone’s opinion. Personal tolerance is expected, intellectual agreement is not.
5. Final grades are not negotiable. No volume of tears can save you. The professor can change a grade due to the
following reasons: wrong encoding and miscalculation. For reasons other than these, the grade is retained.
7. In case a student missed a quiz and lessons, the student should consult the professor as soon as s/he comes to
class for chances of making up. Only students who have legitimate excuse letters signed by their respective
vice-deans will be entertained. However, there are no such things as “special seatworks/activities.”
II. My Art Kit
Every session, the student should bring his/her own art kit. There are no required brands for these. Students
are discourage to borrow materials from their classmates. The minimum materials are as follows:
1. Pencils
2. Coloring materials (wax crayons, colored pens, watercolor, craypas, etc.)
3. Eraser
4. Sharpener
5. Scissors
6. Glue or paste
7. Personalized Creative Journal
8. A big slice of C.H.I.S. (Creativity, Honesty, Imagination, and Sense of humor)
III. Incentives
Incentives will be given on the following instances:
1. Complete requirements (+.5 final grade),
2. Attendance to approved activities of any Cultural Arts Office (CAO) group
AND submission of a one-paged reflection paper with an attached ticket
(+1 each paper to be added to raw score) and
3. Attendance to Philosophy Department’s Lectures AND submission of a one-
paged reflection paper with an attached ticket (+1 each paper to be added
to raw score).
Submitted papers should be reflective in nature and should follow the following
standard format:
✪ Paper: USED short bond paper.
✪ Font Style and Size: Trebuchet / 11
✪ Spacing: Single space
*Excused absences are still considered as absences and therefore a student
that will incur such will no longer be eligible for this incentive.
“There have been two great acci-
dents in my life. One was the trol-
IV. Other Requirements and Grading System ley, and the other was Diego. Diego
was by far the worst.”
A. Each student is required to submit a 3”5” size index card, with a 1x1 recent
Frida Kahlo
ID picture, stating the following personal circumstances:
a. Name (Surname, Given name, and Middle name)
b. Address
c. Mobile Number/s
d. E-mail Address
B. This subject will use the following grading system: “Painting is
Creative Journal 10% just another
Classroom Activities 10% way of keeping
Quizzes 5% a diary.”
TOTAL 25% Pablo Picasso
V. Primary and Secondary Sources
A. Primary Sources
*Diego Rivera—My Art, My Life (Autobiography of Diego Rivera) with Gladys March
*The Diary of Frida Kahlo - An Intimate Self-Portrait Introduced by Carlos Fuentes
“On Moses” by Frida Kahlo in Art in Theory 1900-1990 An Anthology of Changing Ideas

B. Secondary Sources
*The Basic Tools in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
*Chapter 5 of What is Art? by Leo Tolstoy
Diego Rivera by Andrea Kettenmann
Frida Kahlo by Frank Milner
Frida Kahlo in the Casa Azul (Short Film) directed by Del Zamora
“Gender, Genius, and Guerrilla Girls” in Art Theory A Very Short Introduction by Cynthia Freeland
Taking Flight Inspirations and Techniques to Give your Creative Spirits Wings by Kelly Rae Roberts
“Towards a Free Revolutionary Art” by Diego Rivera, Andre Breton, and Leon Trotsky in Art in Theory
Visual Chronicles the No-Fear Guide to Creating Art Journals, Creative Manifestos and Altered Books by Linda
Woods and Karen Dinino

Page 2 Addenda to the Syllabus in Great Works (GRTWK: Frida Kahlo)

I ______________________________________ with ID number _______________________________
is enrolled in GRTWRK Section ______________ Term __________ A.Y. ___________________. I have read, com-
pletely understood the syllabus and agree to its terms, condition, and policies. I also understand that the aforemen-
tioned lessons and the requirements are subject to change due to some unavoidable circumstances (i.e. suspension of
classes, special holidays, etc.). I am also responsible for all of my actions during classes.

Signature above printed name / Date

Note: Before answering, listen to the professor’s instruc- 19. I will die.
tions. 20. I will feel bad because I don’t deserve to be
The enemy within: Core Negative Beliefs (inspired by 21. I will have only one good piece of work in me.
Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and Visual Chronicles by 22. It’s too late. If I haven’t been functioning art-
Woods and Dinino) ist yet, I never will.
1. Everyone will hate me. 23. I don’t have time.
2. I will hurt my friends and family. 24. It’s not applicable in everyday life.
3. I will go crazy. 25. Nothing exciting happens in my life.
4. I will abandon my friends and family 26. I can’t write.
5. I can’t spell. 27. I don’t have rhythm in me.
6. I can’t draw. 28. I might discover negative things about me.
7. I don’t have good enough ideas. 29. My friends/peers do not support this endeavor.
8. It will upset m mother and/or father. 30. I don’t have enough money or resources for
9. I will have to be alone. this.
10. I will find out I am gay (if straight).
11. I will be struck straight (if gay). Name: ________________________________
12. I will do bad work and not know it and look Section: _______________________________
like a fool.
13. I will feel too angry.
14. I will never have any real money. It’s not prof-
15. I will get self-destructive and drink, drug, or
sex myself to death.
16. I will get cancer, AIDS—or heart attack or
the plague.
17. My lover will leave me.
18. I will die.

Addenda to the Syllabus in Great Works (GRTWK: Frida Kahlo) Page 3

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