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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional Volume III

- Dr. Mike Okonkwo
Copyright © 2010

ISBN - 978-978-904-343-9

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Daily Devotional

January 1, Saturday
See Beyond Where You Are
“For I know the thought that I think towards you, saith the lord. Thoughts
of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end,” Jeremiah 29:11

ou must have a vision concerning your life, your job, your family,
and ministry. See beyond where you are now. Where do you want
your family to be in the next few years? What do you want your
children to become? You must see it because that's God's plan. For I know
the thoughts that I think toward you, thought of peace and not of evil, to
give you an expected end.
Each time I pray for children, some scriptures always give me
assurance, and it says the seed of the righteous shall be mighty upon the
earth. It says they shall eat of the riches of the gentiles in their glory. They
shall make their boast that the world will look at them and say of a truth,
this is the seed the Lord has blessed. And so, when I read these scriptures it
gives me an assurance and confidence that our children will not end up as
You can't serve God and be disappointed or be humiliated. God
knows where your children are. He knows how to protect them. He knows
how to fight their battles. He knows how to silence the voice of the wicked.
And so wherever your children are right now, I declare quick
understanding upon their lives. I declare knowledge and skill in their
learning and wisdom. I declare excellence for your children.
You must see the vision of peace in your marriage not vision of
warfare. I checked the family life of an eagle. Eagles are monogamous
birds. In other words they are known to keep the same mate for life. Eagles
don't ever divorce. I know divorce is a big thing in the body of Christ. I
rebuke the spirit of divorce in Jesus name. And we try to give all kinds of
excuses that are not acceptable. But look at the eagle; it does not jump from
one partner to another partner. It maintains one partner and stays faithful
till its death. I don't know how many mistresses you are keeping. I don't
know how many sugar daddies that are keeping and paying your bills.
God said look at an eagle, it does not jump from one bed to another bed.
Child of God, marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not endured. Ask the
Lord to give you a vision of your marriage today and watch it come to pass.
Further Reading: Isaiah 55:1-12;
Daily Bible Reading: Gen 1-3
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he word of God is forever settled in heaven therefore I establish

His word upon the earth.

I will praise the Lord, with all my heart and with all that is within me,
for His benefits towards me and my family, He forgives me of all my
sins and heals me of all my diseases. He redeemed my life from
corruption, He beautifies, dignifies and crowns me with loving
kindness and tender mercies. He satisfies my mouth with good things
so that my youth is renewed like that of eagle.

Thanks be unto God who gives me the victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ. I have chosen to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in
the work of the Lord because I know that my labour is not in vain,

I am the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in me. Therefore I
choose not to defile my body because God dwells in me

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

January 2, Sunday
Your Vision Will Sustain You
In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a
throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Isaiah 6:1

n the year that king Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the Lord. He saw the
vision of God and right there things changed around him. Every
weakness must go when you catch a vision of God's purpose. That
was why Caleb was able to stand for forty years. He already saw the
Promised Land, and so he was not ready to die. The vision sustained him
forty years and when he got there, he said, listen I won't settle for
anything less, give me the mountain. As I was forty years ago when I
went to spy the land and saw the vision, so I am now. I am still strong
even though I might have aged in number of years but look at me, I am
still the real me; why? Because he saw a vision of a land flowing with
milk and honey. The vision kept on driving him. May your vision keep
you alive.
You are not an ordinary Christian. An eagle has the ability to
look into the sun when the sun is brightest that is how sharp his vision is.
How can you look into the sun? Christians should be able to look up to
God in all circumstances, for the Lord will give grace and glory no good
thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. I will look unto
the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord
who made the heaven and the earth.
Child of God, where are you looking at? If you look at what is
happening in Nigeria you will pray to die. So learn to look onto God, He
will come through for you and He will not fail. You will not die but live to
declare the works of God.

Further Reading: Genesis 13:1-14, Revelations 8:1-3

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 4-7
Daily Devotional

January 3, Monday
Programed To Win (l)
“And it came to pass the same night that the Lord said unto him,
Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into
thine hand” Judges 7:9

n the book of Judges, Gideon had just drafted 32,000 men to go to
battle, but God stepped in somewhere along the line to prune down
the number to prove a point. You will notice that in chapter 7 and verse
3, God spoke to Gideon saying ''Now therefore come proclaim to the
hearing of the people, saying whoever is afraid and trembling, let him
return and depart from Mount Gilead” So 22,000 people returned, but
10,000 remained. (NASV) When you drop down to verses 4-6, you will
equally notice that the number further dropped to 300. That large army
reduced to a mere 300, represents believers who shift their ground because
of fear.
Beloved, from that story you will notice that all those men who
refused to go to battle were called, chosen and had potentials but they
could not join the winning team because they allowed themselves to be
garaged by the Spirit of fear. Let me remind you quickly that every believer
has been drafted and is daily engaged in the battle of life, be it in health
challenges, finance or marriage, but unfortunately in this battle, not
everybody wins.
You will agree with me that fear did not allow those men to even
take a step and they ended up going back empty handed while others went
and got the victory. The enemy is still introducing fear today, through
'sight and sound' - that is what you see and what you hear and that is why
God also gave us 365 'Fear Not' in the Bible. In other words God is saying to
you, for everyday this year, 'Fear not' in spite of what you see or hear. It is
your time to rise up in courage and faith, discard every fear and move in
obedience to the word that God has given you and you will see yourself lay
hold upon the promised victory. Truly it is your time to testify.

Further Reading: Judges 7:1-25:

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 8-11
Daily Devotional

January 4, Tuesday
Programed To Win (II)
“And it came to pass the same night that the Lord said unto him,
Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into
thine hand” Judges 7:9

f you must win in the battle of life, then first realize that God is with
you and has equipped you with all it takes to be a winner. His word
declares in 1 John 5:4 that ''Whatsoever is born of God overcometh
the world and this is our victory, even our faith''.(KJV). Child of God, you
must understand that you are not ordinary, because you are born of God
and there is something that you have in the inside of you that others don't
have. Things don't have to happen to you the way it does to others, your
case is different.
Secondly, let me charge you to be like the 300 men who took their
lives in their hands and decided to confront their confrontations and
challenge their challenges in battle. What kept them going was their
courage, and so if you must win, get ready to be courageous even in the
face of defeat. Stop factoring on what you see for what you see is
temporal and not eternal. For instance if you are a job seeker, refuse to be
intimidated by the heavy duty CV's that others may present. Refuse to
disqualify yourself, square your shoulder and go for your job interview
by faith.
I am aware, that there are some of you here today who have been
ordained by God to be employers of labour, but who have refused to take
a step because of fear. You come to church, clap your hands, dance but
deep inside you are afraid of starting the business. In fact, the enemy tells
you that wealth and riches is not meant for someone like you, and so you
throw up your hands and barely scratch the surface to survive. You can
change position today and begin to live the life God ordained for you, a
life of exploits; a life of victory.

Further Reading: Judges 8:1-28

Daily Bible Reading :Gen 12-15
Daily Devotional

January 5, Wednesday
You Are Too Loaded To Fail
''Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and
this is our victory, even our faith''1 John 5:4

have come to declare to you that your economy is not dependent on that of
the world but on that of Heaven which cannot be exhausted. If you want
the lion's share in the market place, then act like a child of the Lion of the
tribe of Judah. Courageous people move towards their challenges and so don't
determine your destiny by the things happening around you. You are already
too loaded to fail and I see giants fall before you if only you will take a step of
faith. Let me encourage you to start something, no matter how small because if
you open your eyes you will see money moving around. Refuse to be garaged
by fear because it has torment but instead trust God for creative abilities, for He
has sworn by His word that He will bless the works of your hands.
Still talking about courage, you will notice that God had to speak to
Abraham in Genesis 15:1 not to be afraid, for He was his shield and exceedingly
great reward. Apostle Paul also writing to his son in 11 Timothy 2: 1 said “Be
strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus''. The question is, why these
exhortations? The answer is that fear can be very powerful and that is why you
must not allow it into any area of your life. As a single brother or sister, stop
looking at your age because it does not matter to God and at the fullness of time,
He will bring your partner to you. Refuse to call a pity-party and do not despise
yourself, for God has already spoken into your future, so hang in there for
Indeed, He will surely settle you.
As I round off today, let me reiterate the fact that you must focus on
your unlimited God-given potential and turn it loose for the Kingdom. Creation
is waiting for you to manifest, and I can assure you that no devil in hell would be
able to stop you. Remember that He has not given you the spirit of fear, but of
boldness, of love and of a sound mind. I am waiting to hear your testimonies
this week for I know that head or tail you will win.

Further Reading: Joshua 1:1-10, Romans 8: 15-39.

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 16-18
Daily Devotional
January 6, Thursday
Let Your Life Please God (l)
''By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was
not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation he
had this testimony, that he pleased God'' Hebrew 11:5

B eloved, it is the desire of God that everyone that is called a believer

lives a life that is pleasing to Him, a life that will bring Him honour
and glory. His intention is that the believer would rule here on planet
earth manifesting His glory and honour while He would rule in Heaven.
Like I always say, this is the finest hour for the church to manifest and shine
in a dark world.
Unfortunately, if you look around, you will discover that it is
becoming rather difficult to tell who a Christian is judging by their lifestyle.
Child of God, you can make all the difference, and decide that you will
belong to the company of those who will please God in their lifetime. The
Apostle Paul rightly captures it in 2 Corinthians 2:14 which says ''But thanks
be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ and manifests through
us the SWEET AROMA of the knowledge of Him in every place''. In verse 15
the scripture says ''For we are a FRAGRANCE of Christ to God among those
who are being saved and among those who are perishing''. (NASV) From
these scriptures, it is clear that your life should exude the sweet fragrance of
God at all times irrespective of what you may be going through.
Remember that God made you in His own image and after His
likeness. Why do you think he did that? The reason why He made you in His
own image is that you might fellowship with Him, and in doing that you
will discover who you really are, and the resources available to you. In the
place of fellowship, God wants to show you how He does what He does, so
that you can replicate it and show forth His glory here on earth. That is why
you must not take your fellowship with Him for granted. For instance,
Enoch, the Bible tells us fellowshipped so much with God that he found
himself in Heaven. He fellowshipped so much that poverty, sickness and
disease could not locate him because they cannot stand in the presence of
God. God is ready to deal with those issues that bother you if you will bring
them to Him in the place of fellowship. Let me encourage you to create
personal quality time to fellowship with Him, for that is where you receive
strength to go on pleasing Him.

Further Reading: Genesis 5:20-23, 2 Corinthians 2:15-14-17,

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 19-21
Daily Devotional

January 7, Friday
Let Your Life Please God (Il)
''By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was
not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation he
had this testimony, that he pleased God'' Hebrew 11:5

nother area you need to pay close attention to in pleasing God is
walking by faith. If you walk by faith, all other things will be built
into you. You cannot please God outside faith. Faith is a substance
and it is also an evidence of things hoped for though not seen. In other
words if you have the evidence, then you have the real thing. However,
Faith must be mixed with the word of God because you cannot separate the
word of God from faith. Romans 10:17 says “so faith cometh by hearing and
hearing by the word of God''. So you see that the more of the word of God
that you have, the more your faith grows. Child of God, when you act on
the word of God, that is faith at work. You haven't seen it but, you can stake
your life on it because you know you have the evidence.
Remember that without faith in the word, you cannot please God.
So begin today to act out your faith based on the word of God that you
know. If you are not yet married, begin to shop for your wedding dress,
trusting that God will in due course answer and settle you. As for those
looking for the fruit of the womb, hang in there, for He has promised that
there shall be no barren in the house. Abraham is still celebrated today as
one who pleased God in his own generation because he believed God. He
believed God because he knew that God was too organized to be confused,
and too holy to lie. Please Him with your faith.
Refuse to call a pity party or bow to the pressures of your
detractors. My God will certainly come through for you. As I conclude,
remember that God wants you to become an evidence of the Word to the
world. That simply means that you have to be everything He has said about
you in His word the head and not the tail. You had better realize that you
are royalty and so stop cutting back and acting small. The small goat
mentality is not your portion. The last time I read my Bible it said that ''you
are a Royal Priesthood, a Peculiar People and a Holy Nation called out to
show forth His praises.'' If that is what God says you are, then you must see
yourself as that. The enemy may attempt to fight you, but be rest assured
that because your life pleases Him, your victory is already assured. I bless
Further Reading: Hebrews 11:1-40, 1 Peter 2:9;
Daily Bible Reading: Gen 22-24
Daily Devotional

January 8, Saturday
The Load Is Coming Down
“Jesus saith unto her, said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest
believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God” John 11:40.

I n this passage of scriptures, Jesus said to Martha; don't tell me how

impossible it is. I know your brother is dead for four days now and has
been buried and probably rotten and decomposed. I know worms
should have eaten his body but the Creator is speaking; if thou wouldest
believe, you will see God glorified in that situation.
God said to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 37) can these bones live because they
are already dried and scattered. The skull bones do not know where the
neck bones were and the leg bones cannot say where the toes were because
they were all scattered. If it were to be complete bones of a human skeleton,
maybe we will be thinking of a possibility. But we are talking of a situation
where millions of bones were put in an open grave, they were scattered
and mixed up all over the place.
I don't know how scattered and mixed up things are for you. After
today you will no longer have unanswered questions in your life for God
will visit you. For there is nothing impossible with God. God is bigger than
any mountain or load you are carrying. Things don't have to happen to you
the normal way or follow the normal course. Child of God, you are living
under a covenant. Every load of sickness, disease, affliction, set back,
failure and bareness, I command it to come down in Jesus Name.

Further Reading: John 11:1-44, Ezekiel 37:1-10

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 25-26
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he Lord has been mindful of me; He will bless me; He will bless
me because I fear Him. He will increase me more and more and
He will increase my children.

The Lord will go before me to make the crooked places straight; He will
break in pieces the gates of brass; and cut in sunder the bars of iron. He
will give me the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret

This is my year of recovery; everything the locust, the cankerworm, the

palmer worm has eaten shall all be restored unto me. In this year, I will
pursue, overtake and recover all

There shall be no divination against me, no enchantment against me.

Every plan, purpose and design of the enemy for me or my household
is destroyed.

Grace will speak for me in every area of my life. Favour will over
shadow me. Doors will be opened unto me. I will experience His
unusual visitation.
My present day challenges are not worthy to be compared with the
glory that shall be revealed in me in 2011
Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,
financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

January 9, Sunday
Submitting Yourselves One To Another
“Submitting yourselves one to another in
the fear of God” Ephesians 5:21

I f husband and wife can say let me submit so that we can keep the
peace and be together. If they don't begin to drag who is right and
who is wrong. If the group leaders can say instead of the group to be
destroyed let me suffer loss. If only the leaders will be willing to suffer
wrong just for the group to succeed. Jesus suffered wrong, He submitted
His will because of the global picture. Why should you destroy the work
of God because of your little ego? The kingdom is more important! Jesus
said let me die because I know if I put my life in His hands, He is able to
keep that which I have committed to Him against that day.
God wants you to be yielded to His will. If you abide in me and
my words in you, you will ask whatever you want and it shall be done
unto you. God is looking for people who will submit. And because Jesus
submitted therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him a
name that is above every name. He got a name that no other person has
ever gotten as a result of submission.
Decide to outdo one another in honour, provoke one another in
love. Husband and wives, let it become forever your lifestyle that you are
willing to go low. The way up when it comes to the kingdom is down.
You don't go up by going up, you start down. Submit yourself to God
then resist the devil and He will flee from you.

Further Reading: James 4:6-10, Hebrews 10:24

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 27-29
Daily Devotional

January 10, Monday

Take Out Time To Think
“And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide and he lifted
up his eyes and saw, and behold, the camels were coming” Gen 24:63.

T he problem with most of us is that we just do what we see others

do, we don't take time out on our own to tap into the mind of God.
Stop, take time out to pray and then sit down and think. It was
when the prodigal son sat down to think that he reasoned his way back
to his father. You need to find a place where you can sit down and think
like Isaac did, to find an answer to that threatening problem of your life.
Meditation is a medium through which God by His spirit can speak to us
and drop ideas in our hearts.
Let God drop ideas into your heart. As these ideas drop, no
matter how simple or funny it may seem or even how difficult it may be,
write them down. Document everything that drops into your spirit at
this time, don't take it lightly; afterwards one by one, take it back to God
in prayer and let the Holy Spirit give you divine guidance on what to do
with each idea- some may be immediate, some may be for some future
time and some may be for partnership. As you allow the Holy Spirit, He
will guide you and show you how to maximize the potential that God
has deposited in you.
Take time out to think. Start now and make thinking a lifestyle
and watch God take you to the height He has ordained for you because
he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think
according to His power that works in you.

Further Reading: Luke 15:11-24, Proverbs 23:7

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 30-31
Daily Devotional

January 11, Tuesday

Come Up Higher
“The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying,
ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.” Deuteronomy 1:6

F or too long believers have run through the same circle and ended
up murmuring and complaining when God is calling us to come
up higher. The Higher level is not for mediocres. It is not for those
who are not ready to pay the price to blaze the trail. The higher level is
not for those who want to sing “Qui sera sera, whatever will be will be” it
is for those who are ready to team up with God and declare if God said it,
that settles it. It is time to do the seemingly impossible. It is time to break
the records. It is time to set new records and show the world how best to
get it done.

As you go into this day, take up the challenge to go to the next level in
every area of your life. There is a next level for you spiritually, in your
walk with God; there is a next level in your commitment and devotion to
God. There is a next level in your career and in your business. You have
encompassed this mountain long enough, so go higher in Jesus Name.

I am a firm believer that if you will take up this mandate and dare the
seemingly impossible, the God of the impossible will visit you and make
your dream possible. This is your day of breakthrough. Go and conquer
in Jesus Name.

Further Reading: Exodus 32:17-2

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 32-34
Daily Devotional

January 12, Wednesday

You Will Pull Through
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord
delivereth him out of them all” Psalm 34:19.

J ob is a classic example in the scriptures of why the righteous suffer. You

must understand that the book of Job was written before Genesis and it
is the oldest book in the Bible. It is very powerful and it is important that
every believer endeavour to read that book repeatedly, it will encourage
you. More so, as we begin to climax the age with the challenges we face
today in our world. When you read the book of Job it will answer a lot of
questions in your heart. There are many people who ask a lot of question
why this? Why that Lord?
You are probably going through certain things in your life right
now not because of the sin that you have committed, not because you have
done anything wrong. You love God with all your heart; you are doing all
you know to do to please God. Your heart is perfect towards Him, yet
challenges are coming your way. Could it be that God is bragging on you
before the devil, He is telling the devil, you, see I know that guy I know
what he is capable of. I know the stuff I put in him. Shake him, he will not be
I come to encourage you that you are serving Jehovah the “I AM
that I AM”. You may have prayed, you may have fasted, you may have
rolled on the floor, you may have shed tears, you may have read the bible,
you may have claimed the promises, and you confessed the word of God.
Understand that you serve a God who knows how to boast on His children.
He will never forget you. Can a mother forget her suckling child that she
should not have compassion on her, even if they do, God will never forsake
you. He has done it for others and He will do it for you. Hold unto Him and
do not cast away your confidence because He who began a good thing in
your life will perfect it. The God that delivered Job, Daniel and Joseph from
affliction will deliver you and give you the victory. You are coming out of
that challenge victorious. The God of heaven will put the miracle in your

Further Reading: Psalm 34:1-22

Daily Bible Reading : Gen 35-37
Daily Devotional

January 13, Thursday

Your Responsibility As A Parent
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old,
he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:10.

T he scripture tells us how much Job cares for his children (Job 1:3-
4). At times when his children have gone out to celebrate, he
would come back and sacrifice just in case his children have
offended God. He made sure he had all his family covered. But today
there are some parents who do not care about what their children do and
tomorrow you begin to wonder how did they turn that way. When you
are careless about your children or fail to give them proper upbringing,
you are setting yourself up for destruction in future because these people
who you have refused to bring up in the way and nurture of the Lord are
going to turn against you sometime. In the case of Eli in 1 Samuel chapter
4, his children did not only cause him shame but also caused his death.
You must understand that you have a responsibility as a parent
to bring up these children in the way they should go and when they
grow, they will not depart from it. The Bible spoke of Abraham that he
will command his children and his household after him and they shall
keep the way of the Lord. That is the responsibility God expects of every
The Bible says that in the heart of a child, there is foolishness but
the rod of correction will drive it out. I have no respect for any parent
whose child eats your food, sits under your roof, sleeps under your roof,
you cloth him and all that, yet he tells you I am not going to church and
you do nothing. All you will say is children of their age behave the same.
That's an insult to God. You have a responsibility not only to feed them,
cloth them and send them to school, you also have spiritual
responsibility towards them. God will hold you accountable for any of
your children that you fail to nurture in the way of the Lord.

Further Reading: Genesis 18:19, Deuteronomy 10:6-7, Job 1:3-4

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 38-40
Daily Devotional

January 14, Friday

You Cannot Afford To Be Careless
“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools
but as wise” Ephesians 5:15

ou cannot afford to be careless with your life this year. You
cannot afford to walk about carelessly. If you know where you
threw away your prayer power go and pick it up. If you have
destroyed your family altar, go and repair it. Is it not strange that the
devil has played a big number on us more especially with this era of
professionals? The husband is a professional and the wife a professional.
Everyone is rushing and there is no time for family altar in the morning.
Husbands and wives can't have a corporate devotion because both rush
to work and come back late at night. You are praying in the Spirit while
your mind is in the office and devil will be laughing saying can't you see
that one!
What used to be an abomination is now being brought to the
market place. Sometime ago on one of our television channels some men
were parading themselves as homosexuals. Occultism is practiced in the
open; lesbians are all over the place. We are being confronted and
challenged, where is our God? There is the story of this woman who runs
an orphanage and how she was busy practicing occultism with the
children. She was practicing pure occultism and witchcraft in the highest
form and she claims to be a Reverend. What is this saying to us? It is a
wakeup call to the Christian believer; the wheat must be separated from
the tares. Let the God that answereth by fire be our God.
This year, you must position yourself to enjoy the goodness of
God. You cannot afford to run on tangent. God is still the Almighty. He is
not intimidated by what the devil is doing but He is angry at the believer
playing games. Child of God, let the fire return. Ask God for revival in
every area of your life. Ask Him to send pure fire upon your altar.

Further Reading: Ephesians 5:14-20, Romans 13:11-14

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 41-42
Daily Devotional
January 15, Saturday
You Have Reasons To Celebrate (I)
“Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines;
the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock
shall be cut off from the fold and there shall not be no herd in the stalls; yet I will
rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation” Habakkuk 3:17-18.

n the midst of the diverse challenge you may have gone through, it is
possible that you may have had expectations, dreams and request that
you may be expecting to get results and it appears as if some of them
are probably delayed or some of them are probably postponed or there
may be one or two reasons why you have not got the answers and you are
tempted to be discouraged. But when God began to speak to me from this
passage, I found out that through it all we have reasons to celebrate. I
believe the greatest reason every child of God has to celebrate, that is, if you
are truly a child of God who has given his heart to Christ and you have a
relationship with God is the fact that the Creator of the universe dwells in
you. That God who made the universe, the one who upholds everything by
the word of His power is living inside you.
“And his name shall be called Emmanuel which is interpreted,
God with us” if God be for you who can be against you? You may not have
built a house; you may not have been married or gotten a baby. Whatever it
is but the fact that you are still alive and God is living in you calls for
celebration. It means if He did this, the other one is settled. That means if
He kept me alive up till now, He is not through with me yet, so the other
one is guaranteed.
God expects the believer to celebrate on a daily basis. The fact is
that we have not truly and fully comprehended what took place when we
invited Jesus into our hearts, we don't really understand the mystery of
salvation. It is something we really have to sit back and meditate over on a
daily basis because you can't really fathom it by one snap of a finger, there
is plenty involved. No wonder Paul in one of his writings said “how shall
we neglect so great a salvation”. There is so much inside your salvation. It
is not just about forgiveness of sins, there are so much investment, so much
inheritance, and so much treasure that when you understand, there will be
no cause for sadness even if other needs in your life are delayed.

Further Reading: Habakkuk 3:17-19, Philipians 4:4, Romans 8:18

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 43-45
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T his is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I
am a covenant child of a Covenant keeping God.

The Lord will cause all those that rise up against me to be smitten
before my face. They will come against me one way and flee seven

I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in
my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord, the humble shall
hear thereof and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt
His name together.

Behold, the Lord will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; He will
make a way for me in the wilderness and cause rivers to flow in my

I am a doer of the word of God and am blessed in my deeds. I am happy

in those things which I do because I am a doer of the word of God

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

January 16, Sunday

You Have Reasons To Celebrate (II)
“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice” Philippians 4:4

ou have cause to celebrate because head or tail; you win!
Whichever way it falls, you win. You are a winner all the time! All
things are working together for your good. The only person I am
sorry for and who has no reason to celebrate is the unbeliever because the
greatest thing that can happen to you as a child of God is that you have the
presence of God, you have God living inside you. If you are blessed with
everything and you don't have the presence of God, your joy is for a
moment: it is temporal and it will never last. That is why God gave His
son. He is a gift to everyone. It is not a case of being educated or rich or
poor. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son
that whosoever believes in Him should not perish …”
Each time I see anyone who has no assurance of salvation my
heart beat quickens because I see a moving corpse. The Bible says, there is
no peace for the wicked and who is the wicked? The wicked is the fool
that said there is no God. The greatest thing that can happen to man on
the face of this earth is to know that he has the presence of God like the
scripture said “if God be for you who can be against you. That means
even if your back is against the wall, even if you are down that doesn't
mean you are losing. The ancient prophet of God Micah said in chapter 7
verse 8; rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; for when I fall, I shall rise,
when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be light unto me.
Proverbs 24:16 says for though the righteous man falls seven
times he rises again but the wicked shall fall into mischief. The believer
has cause in every moment of his life to say thank you Jesus. If you are
saved, if you know, if you breathe your last now, you know where you
are going, if you are not in doubt that you are at peace with God then lift
up your hands and thank Him for eternal life, thank Him that you are
saved and guaranteed to live with Him forever. That is the greatest
miracle that can ever happen to man; the miracle of salvation.

Further Reading: Ephesians 1:3-12, Isaiah 57:21, John 3:16

Daily Bible Reading: Gen 46-47
Daily Devotional

January 17, Monday

Challenges Are Stepping Stones To Greater Things
“Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work. That ye may be perfect
and entire, wanting nothing” James 1:3-4

ne event in your life doesn't mean a sum total of your life. One
failure in your life and even two doesn't mean a sum total of
your life. This life we are living in is filled with up(s) and
down(s). If life is only positive then it is not exciting. If there are no
confrontations, if there are no challenges there can't be excitement. What
makes somebody excited is that he went through an exam and passed.
When you begin to see the challenges of life from that point, you will no
longer be distressed, frustrated and discouraged when challenges come.
Challenges are stepping stones to greater things in our lives. There can't
be a crown if there is no cross, there can't be triumph if there is no trial
and behind every glory there is always a story.
God has great plans for each and every one of us. My prayer for
you is that no person will take your blessing. In my many years in
ministry, it has caused me some heart aches and tears when I watch
people who because of one singular event in their lives miss out of what
God has for them. One challenge, one trial, one temptation, it could be a
misunderstanding with other people and suddenly all that God has been
planning for them over the years they miss it, because of that singular
event. That will not be your portion.
The Holy Spirit put it in my heart to speak to you that another
person will not take your portion. You wouldn't have gone through the
challenges of the past years only for another person to take what belongs
to you. Your struggles, labours and service will not be in vain in Jesus
name. The plan of God for you is that after you have suffered for a while.
He will strengthen you, establish you and settle you. Cast not away your
confidence which will be richly rewarded. For you have need for
patience that after you have done the will of God, you might receive the

Further Reading: 1 Peter 5:10, Hebrews 10:35-37, James 1:2-4

Romans 5:3-5, 1 Peter 1:6-7
Daily Bible Reading : Gen 48-50
Daily Devotional

January 18, Tuesday

God Never Planned Hell For Anybody
“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me ye cursed,
into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” Matthew 25:41.

hild of God heaven is real and hell is real. Our Lord Jesus Christ
spoke of hell severally and He described hell as a place of wailing
and gnashing of teeth; a place of torment and everlasting fire. But
I found out in the scripture that He never made hell for anybody. God is a
good God. He never planned hell for any person. Whether the person is a
murderer, a prostitute or let him/her commit any type of crime. No
matter how low he/she may be, the truth is that He never planned hell
for anybody. The Bible says hell is made for Satan and his angels.
The question is do people go to hell? Yes! Why do they go
because they refused God's offer to us. John 3:16 says for God so loved
the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever….”I am
glad He didn't say whosoever rich, poor, white, black, educated or
illiterate, tall or short. It is whosoever. Anyone who believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life. Whoever believes in Him is
not condemned to hell but whosoever does not believe stands
condemned already. People go to hell for refusing to accept the offer of
God to us. People go to hell for refusing to repent from their sins and evil
I will never forget the day I gave my life to Christ. And at times I
do meditate that assuming I did not know Jesus, where will I be. With
what I know about heaven and hell, and what I know about the devil, if I
had died without Jesus; where would I have spent eternity? Child of God
life means absolutely nothing without Jesus. If you have accepted Him
into your life thank God for knowing him and if you have not, ask Him to
come into your heart.

Further Reading: John 3:1-20. John 1:12, Luke 16:19-31

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 1-3
Daily Devotional

January 19, Wednesday

Naked Without The Presence Of God
“And she said, The glory is departed from Israel for the
ark of God is taken” 1 Samuel 4:22.

D avid has been given rest by God on every side. David has
become king over the entire land of Israel in 11 Samuel Chapter
6. He had received the three fold anointing. He was first
anointed king in his Father's house, later he was anointed as king over
Judah and then as king over the entire Israel because that was the plan of
God for his life. In spite of every other thing that went along with his
coronation, one thing was upper most in David's heart: the ark of God's
presence. He wanted to succeed where his predecessor failed.
Saul became king and the Bible tells us that the Ark of the
Covenant which represents the presence of God was taken in the time of
Eli the priest. But Saul did not make any effort to recover it in his days,
little wonder he failed. The priests (Eli sons) handled the ark casually,
they misbehaved, they walked away from God and the Bible tells us that
the Philistines came and seized the ark of His presence.
If the presence of God is taken away from you, you are naked
and have nothing left. You may be beautiful, you may be tall or short but
if you do not have His presence on a daily basis, the devil can make
mince meat of you. Unfortunately that is where a lot of believers are
today. We have become vulnerable to witches and wizards and the Bible
says if God be for us who can be against us. When you are a carrier of the
presence of God, your enemies will back off. Witches and wizards will
run away from you and above all you will never be victim in the battle of
life. That was the secret David found out and that is why he decided to go
for the ark as soon as he became king over the entire Israel. Child of God
go for the presence of God and don't trade anything else for the presence
of God. You become naked in the battle of life without His presence.

Further Reading: 1 Samuel 4:1-22, 11 Samuel 6:1-12

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 4-6
Daily Devotional

January 20, Thursday

God Is Never At Fault
“That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie,
we might have a strong consolation who fled for refuge to lay hold upon
the hope set before us.” Hebrews 6:18.

I n our walk with God, there are some absolutes we must have. Like God
cannot lie, God cannot make mistakes, God is totally good. No matter what
you encounter in life, do not put the blame on God. There are two places to
look at: either yourself or the devil. God is totally good and if you do not have
this understanding you will get upset with God.
David got upset when Uzzah died but meanwhile Uzzah died
because of his error. For God to prove to David that He is a good God, when the
ark went to Obededom's house, a heathen, he was blessed including everyone
living in his house. David got back to his senses and began to ask what am I
doing wrong? In what area have I missed it? Where did I leave God because
God is always there? If you are far away from God or you think God is far away
from you, it is not God that moved far away from you but you are the one who
has moved far away from Him. When David sincerely searched within him
what wrong step he took, God told him that his presence should be carried on
human shoulder and not on a packaged human object.
The priests were to bare the ark on their shoulders and not to be
carried by a new cart. It is human beings that carry the ark because I am in them
and so they will be able to know what to do. God implies that the ark of my
presence cannot be carried by a beast because beast cannot relate with God. The
ark is to be carried by human beings who He redeemed by His precious blood.
And so David made the necessary adjustment. When you read 1
Samuel chapter 6 down, when he made the adjustment, the ark came back
home. Could it be God is asking us to make some adjustments? You know the
areas you need to make adjustments. You will never see your yesterday again
but you can determine what you want in your tomorrow. Some adjustment still
needs to be made to accommodate the ark that signifies His presence. When
David made the adjustment he brought back the ark. Till date, apart from
Christ, David became the greatest king that ever lived in Israel. David never
lost any battle. David was the only king that was alive to install his own son in
Israel, because of the presence of God he carried. May God do the unusual in
your life today.

Further Reading: 1 Chronicles 13:1-14, Numbers 4:15, 7:9-1

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 7-9
Daily Devotional
January 21, Friday
Carriers Of His Presence
“And when the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, The ark of the
God of Israel shall not abide with us: for his hand is sore upon us and
upon Dagon our god” 1 Samuel 5:7.

T he Bible tells us that the philistine took the ark to their country.
When the philistine tried to make a mockery of our God the God
we serve proved Himself to be God. The Bible says when they took
the ark of God, they brought it into the house of their idol, but when they
rose up early in the morning they saw their idol fallen on its face to the
ground before the ark of God. So they took the idol and set it in its place
again and when they arose early the next morning, this time they saw
their idol not only fallen on its face before the ark of God but it has also
broken its head and arms. The God we serve proved Himself.
Child of God the devil will intensify his activities especially as
the days and years go by. We must be carriers of His presence. You must
not approach God casually; there must be greater sensitivity in the Spirit.
The devil is not playing fair, there is going to be a combined force of
demonic activities to attack the church but those that do know their God
shall be strong and they shall do exploits. Evil will always bow before
good and the sons of the wicked will always bow at the gates of the
righteous. When you understand what you are carrying, you will not be
intimidated by the adversary.
And so when the Philistine could not handle the ark, they
decided to send the ark back to where it belongs. The presence of God is to
distinguish you from all others. You are not like every other person.
There is something about you when you are a child of God, you may wear
the same dress, wear the same shoes, enter the same bus but you are
different. You are a peculiar treasure and a royal priesthood.

Further reading: 1 Samuel 5:1-12

Daily Bible Reading : Ex 10-12
Daily Devotional

January 22, Saturday

The Blessing Of The Ark
“And the men of kir'jath-je'arim came and fetched up the ark of the lord,
and brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill and sanctified Eleazer
his son to keep the ark of the Lord” 1 Samuel 7:1.

T hey took the ark of His presence and put it in the house of a man
called Abinadab. Abinadab kept the ark for twenty years and
didn't recognize it. The ark didn't bless him. Meanwhile in 2
Samuel 6:11-12 that same ark was carried into the house of Obededom
and it stayed there for three months and scripture recorded that the Lord
blessed Obededom, including his entire household. The blessings the
ark brought to Obededom and his household was visible and it
announced itself. And it was told King David saying the Lord has
blessed the house of Obededom and all that pertains unto him because of
the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God.
The ark that blessed Obededom and his entire household lived
in Abinadab's for twenty years and no blessing. How can God be in my
house twenty-years and there is no change, no blessing? That is a
contradiction. How can God come into your life with His goodness and
you cannot experience it in your house? Something must be wrong with
you. That means I am not appreciating Him, it means I am not
recognizing who He is and what He wants to do for me.
One of the things we must do is to stop the carnal approach
towards the things of God. If we must work wonders, if we must
experience the wonders of God, we must hold this God in awe. Don't
ever begin to think that you know everything about God. We serve an
awesome God. We have a society today that knows all the Christian
cliché. They know all the slangs the Christian say. They speak in tongues
and dance but there is no presence, why because God has been
trivialized. He is just one in the collections of god's, what a tragedy.
When God becomes the one in the collection of gods, somebody you
approach when you are tired, a spare tyre and not the centre of your life
then you are in real trouble.

Further Reading: 2 Samuel 1:1-13

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 13-15
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. The Lord liveth
and blessed be my rock; and exalted be the God of the rock of my

I am prosperous, I am healthy and my soul prospers in knowledge of

the Word of God . The name of the Lord is a strong Tower; I have run
into it and I am safe.

I trust in the Lord with all my heart and I lean not unto my own
understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my

Jesus is made unto me Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and

Redemption therefore I confess I have the wisdom of God and I am the
righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

No evil will befall me, neither shall any plague come near my dwelling
for the Lord has given His angels charge over me and they keep me in
all my ways and in my pathway is life and there is no death

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

January 23, Sunday

Bring Back His Presence
“And David rose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale
of Judah to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the
name of the Lord of Hosts that dwelleth between the Cherubims” 2 Samuel 6:2.

ow David became king over the entire Israel and said nothing
is more important. I want to succeed where my predecessor
failed. Is it any wonder that Saul ended up in a witch's house?
Saul was chosen by God from among equals, he had presence. When he
enters a place every head will turn in his direction. He was head and
shoulder higher among equals. God choose him king but he ignored the
most important thing in life. He never went for the ark of God's
Any effort you are making without the presence of God is a
waste of time. Any effort you are making without the presence of God is
bound to fail. Saul failed woefully. Many times he had occasions to obey
God but he disobeyed. Saul was filled with arrogance and rebelled
against God. Saul was filled with iniquity, he was filled with pride and
he fell woefully. That will not be your portion because when the
presence of God is there it has a way of cautioning you. It has a way of
directing you.
So David said I will not fail like Saul. In the name of Jesus you
will not fail like others. Where others fail, you will succeed. David said,
His presence is more important to me, so he mobilized all the musicians,
all the elders, the entire priest and all the officers to go and bring the ark,
to tell you how important it is.
In bringing back the presence of God you must throw away all
that has to do with arrogance. You must lead the way. Your life must be
an example to others. David mobilized all the leaders and led the way in
bringing back the ark.

Further Reading: 2 Samuel 6:11-18, Exodus 33:13-15

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 16-18
Daily Devotional

January 24, Monday

Be Careful Of The New Cart (I)
“And they set the ark of God upon a new cart and brought it out of the house of
Abinadab that was in Gibeah: and uzzah and Ahio the sons of Abinadab drove
he new cart” 2 Samuel 6:3.

he instruction of God is that the priests were to bare the ark on their
shoulders but the people decided to carry the ark on a new cart. A
new cart represents the packaging we are doing today. Today the
church of Jesus has virtually become a market house, we are packaging
When you watch the television today, you will see the packaging
of the things of the Spirit. But the question is; where is God in all these
things. I thank God for technology, I thank God for the computer and
internet and all the wonderful things that are coming up in these days.
Knowledge is increasing like never before but let me tell you, all these
things without the presence of God is not going to last. Not by might, not by
power but by my spirit.
Child of God, we must go back to the basics. All the game and
gimmick in our service to God must stop. Let us go back and fall down at the
altar and begin to seek the face of God. There is no want for those who know
their God. When you know your God, you will not lack anything. Child of
God do not join all these things. You know how to speak in tongues, you
come to church every Sunday, but do you know God? I know you pay your
tithe, I know you are involved in ministry but do you know God because it
is only those who know their God that shall be strong and do exploits.
There is too much packaging but every package shall be tried. God
will try everything and whatever is flesh will be burnt. Scripture says for
other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if any man builds upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones,
wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall declare it, because it shall be
revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If
any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a
reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he
himself shall be saved: yet so as the fire.

Further Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 1 Chronicles 13:1-14

Daily Bible Reading Ex 19-21
Daily Devotional

January 25, Tuesday

Be Careful Of The New Cart (II)
“And they set the ark of God upon a new cart and brought it out of the house of
Abinadab that was in Gibeah: and uzzah and Ahio the sons of Abinadab drove
he new cart” 2 Samuel 6:3.

nd David said, the first thing to do as the king of Israel is to bring
God's presence and scripture says they package how to bring it,
they package a new cart. Be very careful about what new things
you introduce in your relationship with God. The devil is so subtle that if
you are not careful in the spirit, he will carefully introduce flesh and you
will think you are in the spirit, meanwhile you are already off the way.
As they were going with all the celebration and clapping and
dancing, with a lot of excitement praising God, lifting up the name of
God, they got to the threshing floor and the Bible says the horse
stumbled and when the ark was about to fall, Uzzah put out his hands to
stay the ark and God smote him for his error. What is that telling you; if
good idea is not God's idea, it is Icabod, it is not of God no matter how
good it is. Not every good idea is God's idea. Uzzah had a good idea he
wanted to help the ark from falling but God's instruction was for them
not to touch (Number 4:15). Uzzah died because he did the wrong thing.
Child of God it is not everywhere you will go, it is not every
friend you will keep. There are people you will offend because you can't
be their friend again. Threshing floor is a place where the wheat and
tares are separated. There will be occasions to separate the flesh from the
Spirit. When you are doing anything in the flesh be rest assured that
there is going to be a time of separation. That is why you must be in the
spirit. Don't allow anything to interfere with your relationship with God.

Further Reading: 2 Samuel 6:1-15, Romans 8:1-11, Galatians 5:16-18

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 22-24
Daily Devotional
January 26, Wednesday
The Mistake Of Stopping The Celebration (I)
“And when they came to Nachon's threshing floor,Uzzah put forth his hand
to the ark of God and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it and the anger of the
Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error and
there he died by the ark. And David was displeased because the Lord had made a
breach upon Uzzah” 2 Samuel 6:6-8

T he Bible says Uzzah died because of his error and when he died
the procession stopped. I don't know where you got the idea that
you will coast through this life and the devil will go to sleep and
he'll not challenge you. Every time God makes a promise to you it is not
only you that heard it. The devil is also aware that promise has been
made. And he is going to send a charge all over the demonic kingdom to
watch you. He doesn't want you to succeed he doesn't want the promise
of God for your life to be fulfilled; he will look for different ways to attack
you. The scripture tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous
but God will deliver you from them all.
It is not given to us to only believe in the Lord but to suffer for
His sake. There are always challenges in our pathway to fulfilling the
will of God but how do we handle it? You have a desire to please God
you are doing the right thing, you are obeying God, you love God, you
are giving and want to do the will of God and on the pathway, the
contrary happens, what do you do? Child of God that is the cross. The
two times the devil attacks you are one, when you are doing the will of
God and secondly when you are not doing the will of God. Whichever
way, he attacks because his assignment is to attack.
Put on your imagination, the music was loud, the trumpeters
were blowing their trumpet and dancers were dancing and all the
violins, cymbals and drums were all singing and playing the high
praises of God, the whole atmosphere was charged with His presence
and suddenly the joy was turned into mourning. That is the issue. Some
of us do not realize that we are living in a real world with a real devil out
there who means business. Don't stop the celebration because there is
always a blessing after each storm. Today, no matter the situation let
your celebration continue.

Further Reading; 2 Samuel 6:1-18, Psalm 34:19, 1 Peter 1:6-7

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 25-27
Daily Devotional

January 27, Thursday

The Mistake Of Stopping The Celebration (II)
“And when they came to Nachon's threshing floor,Uzzah put forth his hand
to the ark of God and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it and the anger of the
Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error and
there he died by the ark. And David was displeased because the Lord had made a
breach upon Uzzah” 2 Samuel 6:6-8

D avid wanted to please God but on the path way to pleasing God,
somebody is dead. The music is playing and here was a corpse
on the dais. Do you know what some of us will do or say? God is
no longer there. That shows the level of your relationship with God.
When I see some people who only relate with God when everything is
good and they fail to understand that there is both the goodness and
severity of God. You can really identify where they are in life. God
remains God both in the good times and in the bad times. The God of the
day is still God in the night.
Child of God, what do you do when you are pleasing God and
the devil seems to be winning? that is a paradox. You have held unto the
horns of the altar and prophecies went ahead of you that this year is the
year that the Lord will visit you but now nothing is happening, what do
you do? Some of us will stop celebrating while others feel God has ceased
to be God, He has failed, He is no longer powerful or His presence is no
longer there. The Bible tells us that David got offended he got annoyed
and displeased with God. That is human and natural.
At times the flesh seems to take hold of us but if you are man of
the spirit when the flesh wants to take hold of you, you should catch
yourself. The Bible says that better is he that ruleth his spirit than he that
taketh a city. Learn to control yourself because the spirit of the prophet is
subject to the prophet. Control yourself and guard what you say. In
occasions like that, some of us abort our miracles, we abort and uproot
what we have been planting over the years; and yet we still expect a
harvest. When you stop the celebrations because of what you are facing,
you may end up aborting your harvest or missing out on your blessings.
Once again today, no matter the situation let your celebrations continue.

Further Reading: Job 13:15, 14:14, Psalm 23.

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 28-29
Daily Devotional

January 28, Friday

The Mistake Of Stopping The Celebration (III)
“And the ark of the Lord continued in the house of Obededom the
Gittite three months: and the Lord blessed Obededom and his entire
household” 1 Samuel 6:11.

D avid was displeased with the death of Uzzah and stopped the
celebration. He immediately stopped the procession, the music
and everything that was going on. He was afraid of the ark of
God and ordered it to be carried into the house of Obededom. The Bible
is careful to tell us his background. The Gittite, Obededom was an
unbeliever. They sent the ark to his house thinking that the ark is a killer
but instead the ark brought blessings to him and his entire household. In
three months the ark of God turned the story of Obededom around. The
blessing of God upon him and all the member of his household was
undeniable and evidential, the type that announces itself.
Don't ever let the devil lie to you that your commitment, your
dedication, your sacrifice, your involvement should cease because
probably your expectations has not being met. Don't let the devil push
you to the point that you come to church and become ceremonial
member and do not involve yourself in anything, don't let the devil lie to
you and bring you to a point where you sneak in and sneak out. You use
to be a front liner but you are now at the back. The zeal and the intensity
are gone because of the challenges. David stopped and took the ark to
Obededom's house.
In my many years of ministry I have found out that when you try
to challenge God, notice that the sun still shines, the moon still comes out
in the night, the world does not stop because you are angry with God and
God does not have a vacuum. He keeps on doing what He is still doing.
So you must understand that God is giving you a privilege. It is not your
right. It is a privilege to partner with him. And you must respect who He
is and His decision in your life. If he chooses to slow you down, slow
down, do not get offended and just follow Him in His will.

Further Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Romans 8:35-39

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 30-32
Daily Devotional

January 29, Saturday

The Mistake Of Stopping The Celebration (IV)
“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him: but I will maintain mine
own ways before him” Job 13:15

o matter what, don't stop the celebration. David stopped and
when he stopped the ark was carried to Obededom's house and
the Bible says God blessed Obededom. In three months the
blessing that was accruing to David went to Obededom, could it be that
some blessings that has been planned and designed for you because of
some attitude or behavior was diverted to someone else. Child of God,
the job is not yet there, yes the husband or wife is not yet there, yes you
may not have built a house or ride in the car of your choice. But check
yourself, you are still breathing, that is enough to celebrate! Have you
considered the negative things that could have happened that God
David stopped celebration and delayed himself. He went back
to the throne and still found out that a throne without God's presence is
empty. News got to him that God is blessing the house of Obededom.
Child of God, that you stop serving God doesn't change Him. He was
God before you came, He's God when you arrived and He will remain
God after you have gone. He is God all by Himself. So if He gives you the
privilege of serving Him and rejoicing in Him, do not stop! Scripture says
rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.
Paul was going through a critical time in his life, he was on a
death-row yet he was able to look up and say rejoice. He wrote to the
church in Philippi saying he that had begun a good work in you will
finish it in the day of the Lord. I want to assure you, you may have been
delayed, and things may not have happened the way you expect but God
is at work in your life. He will finish what He has started. You will never
be an abandoned project. What He has started He will perfect. Your part
in this matter is a fresh commitment and dedication to Him.

Further Reading: Philippians 1:6, 2 Samuel 6:1-18.

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 33-35
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he Lord has delivered me from the strivings of the people, He

has kept me to be the head of the heathen: a people I know not
shall serve me. Strangers shall submit themselves unto me: as
soon as they hear, they shall be obedient unto me. Strangers shall fade
away, and they shall be afraid out of their close places.

This is my season of restoration. The Lord is restoring to me all that the

locust, the cankerworm and the palmerworm hath eaten; I will eat in
plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord my God that
has dealt bountifully with me and I will never be ashamed.

The Lord girds me with strength and makes my way perfect. Psalm
He makes my feet like hinds feet and sets me upon high places. He
teaches my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by my arms

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

January 30, Sunday

What A Commendation!
“And the Lord said unto Satan, hast thou considered my servant Job, that
there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man,
one that feareth God and escheweth evil?” Job 1:8

L ook at the qualifications of Job, this is God speaking concerning

Job, not man, Man can make mistakes as man but God said this
man fears me, this man eschews evil, he is upright and perfect.
What a commendation! No wonder, God now tuned to him. He didn't
select any celestial being but He looked for one of His servants called Job.
He said to the devil you think you are tough but have you considered
that I have a son and his name is Job.
Child of God, can God boast about you, can He truly boast about
your integrity before the devil, can He say I have a servant, as He said of
Job? God said I have one of my servants, his name is Job. You can't shake
him, as far as Job is concerned no shaking. Consider the account God
gave about Job while he was minding his business, loving God, serving
God with all his heart, devoted to God. God boasted of Job's maturity,
uprightness, a man that is blameless, a man that feared God, he
reverenced God; he worshipped God and avoided evil.
The man that fears God avoids evil, and he shuns it. How can
you claim to be born again and you will see evil, you encourage it and
endorse it. You put your hand inside and you say; you are a Christian,
you are born-again; what type of born again is that? A child of God is
expected to reprove sin, flee from every appearance of evil, live an
honest and upright life both at home and where he does his trade.
Resolve today that like Job, God will boast of you and you will never be a
disappointment to Him and His kingdom..

Further Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Job 1:1-8

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 36-38
Daily Devotional

January 31, Monday

You Are Untouchable
“But put forth thine hand now and touch all he hath
and he will cause thee to thy face” Job 1:11

atan was challenging God to stretch out his hand and strike
everything Job has. There are two things I want you to see in this
verse of the scripture.
First, the devil is acknowledging the fact that he can't touch Job.
Only God has the ability to harm Job. He is saying in effect, God if any
one can touch him, you are the only one, for he is beyond my reach. The
second thing you want to know is that the devil is trying to make God
work contrary to His nature and character. Satan is saying to God, you,
yourself should be the one to touch him. But God cannot go against His
character. Child of God whatever you are going through, God cannot
reward faithfulness with evil. He cannot reward commitment with evil
and disaster. God cannot reward you with lack, disappointment,
frustration and delays in your life. By the authority and mandate of
heaven, I rebuke every delay in your life. I rebuke whatever your
adversary has used to hinder and frustrate you thereby trying to accuse
God is a good God and cannot reward any of His children with
evil. Scripture says every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of
light in whom there is no variableness neither any shadow of turning. I
stand in my office as a prophet of God today and declare the powers of
evil against you come to an end today. I say your victory is today! You
cannot serve God and be frustrated. God has bought a future for you.
What you have seen is nothing compared to what is coming. Your future
is colourful.

Further Reading: James 1:7, Isaiah 54:14-17

Daily Bible Reading: Ex 39-40
Daily Devotional

February 1, Tuesday
He Did It For You
“And ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham
whom Satan hath bound, lo these eighteen years, be loosed from
the bond”…? Luke 13:16

ught not this woman be healed of this sickness? It implies there
is something wrong. This woman ought to be healed; she is not
supposed to remain in that bondage that has kept her down for
eighteen years! Jesus is saying that woman ought to have a baby, that
brother ought to have a job, that sister ought to be married and you are
here making all sorts of excuses. You are coming out of every bondage in
Jesus Name. I command the chains over your life to be broken and I
declare that you are loose.
How can you accept to remain in that condition when Jesus has
fully paid the price? No sickness will be in the midst of His people
because He paid. Rise up and claim your healing. If there is any area of
your body you are having a pain, put your hands there, close your eyes
and shout I am healed! Shout it and let the devil hear you: “I am healed”.
He did it for you. He didn't have to die but he died anyway. Why
are you accepting second fiddle; why are you accepting a plan B? There is
no condition that can defile His blood. No sickness is stronger than His
blood. By the stripes on His back you are completely healed from every
sickness and disease. God is visiting you. I declare that your burdens are

Further Reading: Luke 13:10-17

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 1-4
Daily Devotional

February 2, Wednesday
You Are Covered On Everyside
“Hast not thou made a hedge about him and about his house
and about all that he hath on every side? Thou has blessed the work of
his hands and his substance is increased” Job 1:8

hild of God it was Satan saying that God has a hedge around Job,
his family and everything Job had. I come to announce to you
today that you are covered on every side and there is no power in
hell strong enough to destroy you. The Lord encamps round about you.
There is a power at work in you that makes the rulers of darkness to
tremble. Let the devil fire his best shot, let witches and wizards come at
you, you will overcome! They will fall before your face. Evil will bow
before you; the wicked shall bow at your gate. No weapon fashioned
against you shall prosper.
We often give the devil the credit he doesn't deserve. We
overestimate his powers and attribute everything to him when in actual
fact; it is our ignorance that is killing us. You shall know the truth and the
truth you know and act upon will make you free. All you need is
revelation, when you catch the revelation; you are like dynamite going
somewhere to explode. Don't come to church and be a cry baby for the
devil. The devil is under your feet, so enough of this running away from
witches and demons. They are all lesser spirits when you appear.
Anytime you appear on the scene all the lesser spirits will fall to
the ground. Scriptures says you have been given power to tread upon
the powers of serpent and scorpions and over all the ability of the enemy.
Anything you bind on earth receives heaven's approval and whatsoever
you loose on earth also receives heaven's approval. Let them go to the
village or coven and concur their concoctions, they will die in it. God will
feed them with their own flesh and give them their own blood. They will
fall into their own pits and let them prepare a coffin; they will be buried
in it. Child of God you have the victory anytime any day! God is your
cloud by day and pillar of fire by night, so rest in His presence.

Further Reading: Psalm 34:7; Psalm 125:1-2, Zechariah 2:5

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 5-7
Daily Devotional

February 3, Thursday
You Have An Edge
“When men are cast down, then thou shall say there is a
lifting up:and he shall save the humble.” Job 22:29.

ne salient truth about the days in which we live in is that evil will
continue to multiply and the hearts of men would continue to
fail them, but as for us we shall continue to say that there is a
lifting up. I make bold to announce to you that this year, you will witness
an unprecedented move of God in your life. Like I say, this is the best time
to be alive, because the best days are here. However, the tragedy of
mankind, more especially for us as believers is that many of us still look
at ourselves as ordinary human beings. Some of us are tempted to walk
with head bowed low because of the things we have seen around, while
others begin to see themselves as people who are just passing life.
Beloved as a matter of fact, God's plan and intention is that you
approach life from the standpoint of having an edge. You are not
disadvantaged at all, because you have an edge over every challenge by
virtue of Christ inside you. You were made in the image and likeness of
God and that simply means that you must begin to function like Him.
Know it that you are no more in the company of failures and you can be
fruitful even in a desert place. Genesis 1:3- “And God said let there be
light and there was light”. According to this verse of scriptures God saw
a challenge which manifested as darkness and He challenged it just by
speaking. Consequently, darkness had no choice but to bow because
God had spoken. Right there God has given us a template, a pattern on
how to approach situations. You must therefore come up to the level of
speaking like God. Learn to speak to yourself, business, marriage,
finances and even to your future because your confession will bring

Further Reading: Genesis 1:1-31

Daily Bible reading: Lev 8-10
Daily Devotional

February 4, Friday
You Have The Capacity To Produce
“And god blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply and replenish
the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl
of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” Genesis 1:28.

ou will notice that after God has created man in His image and
likeness, He did not stop there, God blessed him and said to him
be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. He was
literally saying to man; by virtue of what you are carrying, go and
succeed in whatsoever you are doing. Let me remind you that you have
the capacity to produce the results the world is looking for. God has
given you all the divine ingredients you need in whatever sector He has
positioned you.
Beloved, it is no longer news that human economic postulations
and theories are failing every day, but the good news is that God has not
abandoned His agenda of seeing His sons function in the position of
authority over the earth. The divine mandate is placing a demand on you
to begin to function at a higher level of authority and refuse to be
frustrated, discouraged, limited or garaged by the situations and
circumstances. In other words you must do away with what I call the
small goat mentality and begin to trust God for creative ideas and
concepts that will take you to the top. If you work with this mindset, then
you will see God move heaven and earth on your behalf to see that your
plan succeeds.
I charge you to refuse to be intimidated by the enemy, who will
always want to jump on your shoulders to ask you where on earth you
will get the funds to finance it. If you have never believed God before,
this is the time to move up higher in your faith. I challenge you to stretch
your faith today and see God come through for you.

Further Reading: Philippians 4:13, Psalm 84:6-7

Daily Bible Reading: Lev. 11-13
Daily Devotional

February 5, Saturday
It Is Time To Move Forward (I)
'Ye have compassed this mountain long enough:
turn you northward.'Deuteronomy 2:3

I n the book of Deuteronomy, Moses was rehearsing the workings of

God in the life of the children of Israel but in Chapter 2 verse 2-3, he
makes a very formidable statement. He said: 'And the Lord spoke to
me, saying, you have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you
northward.' Beloved that is what the Lord is saying to you today. You
have encompassed that mountain of sickness, mountain of barrenness,
mountain of joblessness, you have circled it enough; it is time to break
the cycle and move forward in Jesus name. God's plan for your life is that
you move forward. Anything that is stagnant looses it freshness and
fragrance. God has designed your life to give fragrance to your world;
you cannot afford to be stagnant. It is time to move forward.
Stagnation can apply to any area of life, but before you shift the
blame on someone else, saying, I am stagnant because they have not
promoted me, may I ask you have you promoted yourself? Are you
promoted in your thinking and way and manner in which you do things?
If you are in the same position for the last 5 years and doing the same
things over and over again the same way without change, then beloved,
it is not the fault of the employer for not promoting you; it is you not
promoting yourself. What do I mean? Assume you are an employer of
labour. If a staff has one style of work will you be happy to promote him?
Do you have one experience for 5 years, that is carrying the same files the
same way year in year out or do you have 5 years experience in which
you have learnt how to do things differently and you have applied them?
Beloved, promotion does not come from the south, east nor west but
from God and He is no respecter of persons. Before you blame someone
else for your failure, beloved, examine yourself. Take a mirror and look
at your life, look at your attitude and ask yourself if you are the boss, how
would you feel?

Further Reading: Proverbs 22:29, Psalm 75:6, Romans 12:11

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 14-15
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

he peace of God which passes all understanding keeps my heart
and my mind through Christ Jesus and my thoughts are on
things which are good and pure and perfect and lovely and of
good report.

I am complete in Him who is the Head of all principalities and powers.

For I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works
which God has before ordained that I should walk therein.

Jesus became poor, that I, through His poverty, might have abundance.
Therefore every need is met, every bill is paid, because I live under an
open heaven, I walk in abundance. Money cometh to me.

I am a new creature in Christ Jesus, I am His workmanship created unto

good works. I have an excellent spirit, I walk in wisdom and
understanding. I am a solution provider.

The Lord is my Sun and Shield, He gives me grace and glory, no good
thing will He withhold from me because I walk uprightly
Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,
financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am the seed of the righteous; I shall be mighty upon the earth

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

February 6, Sunday
It Is Time To Move Forward (II)
'The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying,
ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.'Deuteronomy 1:6

hild of God, you might not have a new job, but can you find
newer and better ways of getting the same job done? Can you go
an extra mile to ensure that you give your best to your
organisation? Or are you there just expecting the pay day to come. You
have calculated your pay cheque and you have set your mind on how to
undercut your employer to get much more. Beloved, all wealth gotten
wrongly never lasts.
You think you have done it successfully, but beloved, if you
must arrive at God ordained destiny for your life, like the saying goes, he
who must come to equity must come with clean hands. If you want God
to move you forward in life, if you are desirous of the next level in God,
then you must look inwards, make the change and move forward.
In the scripture in Deuteronomy 2, the children of Israel could
not move forward because God vowed that He will wipe a whole
generation off in the wilderness because they disobeyed Him. According
to His word, they had all died, so He said to Moses, mission
accomplished, it is time to move on. You can only move on with God
when you are in line with His word. You can only move on when your
life is in consonant with His instructions. God has a plan for your life. His
thoughts towards you are thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an
expected end, a hope and a future. He watches over His words to
perform it and He desires to do for you much more than you could ever
dream or imagine but the ball is in your court.
If you must move on, first and foremost, you must move only on
His terms and His terms are the same as His words. It is up to you to learn
at the feet of the master and put the things you have learnt to immediate
use in your life. It is my prayer for you to receive divine keys to move up.
May God turn your captivity around and fill your mouth with
testimonies of His faithfulness.

Further Reading: Prov.12:24, Deut. 2:1-3, Jer. 29:11-13

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 16-18
Daily Devotional

February 7, Monday
Keep The Fire Burning (I)
'The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar:
it shall never go out.' Leviticus 6:13

hen God gave the children of Israel this instruction, it implies
that there is a great possibility for the fire on the altar to go
out. There are many reasons why the fire could go out, but
God speaking to the children of Israel, said emphatically that the fire
shall never go out.
Today, I have come with the same charge to you: keep the fire
burning. Today, we are in the midst of so many activities. A lot of things
are calling for our attention daily and I have come to challenge you to
keep the fire burning. Keep serving God with the same zeal and fervour
you started with. Yes today, we have so many distractions that were not
there a few years ago. The technological advancement has its good and
bad sides. Today we have 24 hour internet almost in every home. We
have midnight cell phones that provide free calls in the midnight, so
rather than mid night connection which meant prayers a few years ago,
midnight connection today is free calls to one another. There are
weekend schools that even prevent a good number of people from being
in church on Sunday morning. In fact, the latest addiction that is fast
creeping into our system is the weekend work schedule. But in the midst
of all this, I have come to challenge you to consciously ensure that the fire
does not go out.
I challenge you today, in your workplace, in your home and in
every place around you, dare to be different. Let the light of God shine
into your world. God is set to bless you. He will settle you on all sides. He
will increase your greatness and you will surely testify.

Further Reading: Leviticus 6:12-13, 11 Timothy 1:7, 1 Thess 5:17-25

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 19-21
Daily Devotional

February 8, Tuesday
Keep The Fire Burning (II)
'Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don't drift along taking
everything for granted. Give yourselves regular check ups. You need first hand
evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. If you fail the test do
something about it.’ 2 Corinthians 13:5 (Message translation)

hat are the things that you used to do when you just gave your
life to Christ? What were your personal consecrations? What
were the things that gave you joy as a believer? Are you still
doing them or has situational ethics taken over? Beloved, the word of
God is still the same today as it was years ago. Everything else will
change and they are changing but we serve a God that is the same
yesterday, today and forever. His word has not changed and it will never
change. He is a God of principles and not situations. Take time to
examine yourself.
Beloved, don't take anything for granted. The things you call
little sins are still sins and they are abomination before God. God forbid
that you will run this race and at the end fail to hear that cheerful voice
saying well done good and faithful servant. Look into your life; you are
the best judge of yourself. Is it the sin of un-forgiveness, gossip,
backbiting, maligning others? Remember loose lips sinks ships. Beloved,
watch your words and actions. Let your life be a picture of Him who has
called you. Be His ambassador in words, thoughts and actions.
We see what God has spoken concerning our nation come to
pass and that is a clear indication that all that the Lord has spoken
concerning you will come to pass. The Lord will perfect all that concerns
you. He will settle you on all sides. He will ensure your latter days are
better than the former. But He needs your cooperation. He needs you to
walk with Him. He needs the fire on the altar to keep burning. Remember
as you go into your world today keep the fire burning. Be an example of
the believer in words, thoughts and actions.

Further Reading: Ephesians 5:14-20,

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 22-23
Daily Devotional

February 9, Wednesday
Build Your Home On The Word
'Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall
not pass away.'Matthew 24:35

e are in a time when family values are fast eroding. We are in
a time when the world is so perverse that the things that were
completely unheard of a few years ago are becoming the
norm and the things that were confined to secrecy are now being
broadcast from the roof top. However, in spite of all that is going on, the
standard of the word of God has not changed. The world is changing, the
methods are changing, the vehicles of communication are changing but
the word of God, the principles upon which our faith is founded remains
unchanged. Beloved, no matter what the world is preaching, I charge
you in the name of the Lord to hang on to the word of God. The word of
God will stand when the world fails.
A man of God once said a major poison that is destroying the
home is anger and he gave a major recipe for controlling anger. He said,
'when anger wells up inside you, say to yourself crucified.' Anger and all
the works of the flesh are things we must deal with if we will have the
home that God desires for us to have. It is obvious that man did not write
the bible, otherwise, no man would have written 'husbands love your
wives even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it' and truly,
no woman wrote the bible otherwise, you would not have found 'wives,
submit yourselves to your own husband' there. Since the bible is the
infallible word of God, therefore, the need for every member of the
family to apply the word of God cannot be over emphasized. The word
of God is the final authority no matter what you think. I therefore
challenge every family to take the word of God hook, line and sinker.
Remember like I have always said: What the word of God cannot give
you, one, you don't need it and two, it does not exist. Hold fast to the
word of God. No matter the situation that you are going through right
now, the word of God has the solution, if only you believe.

Further Reading: Ephesians 5:21-23

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 24-25
Daily Devotional

February 10, Thursday

Follow The Word And Not The World
'And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable
and perfect will of God.' Romans 12:2

I implore you by the mercies of God, follow the word. Don't follow
the world. I see a lot of young people sagging today, beloved, the
world should not be your model, rather, you should be the model to
the world. Dare to be different. Don't be deceived, you cannot go on a
trip with the devil's ticket and expect angels to receive you on arrival, in
the same way, you cannot go according to the dictates of the world and
expect result of the word. Stand firm on the word of God. Be the model of
Jesus to your world. Let the word of God dwell richly in you in all
wisdom, studying to show yourself approved unto God. Allow no one
despise you, rather be an example to him or her.
The Lord demands of you to live your life as an example
everywhere you go. I know there are a lot of compromises all over the
place but I have a firm word from God that He will sustain you through
thick and thin. The Lord who has called you to Himself will make you an
eternal excellence and a joy to many generations. Indeed you will suck
the milk of the gentiles and suck the breast of Kings.
As you walk in the truth that you have received today, the Lord
will cause you to be the head and not the tail, a success and not a failure, a
victor and not a victim, a winner and not a loser. The world will have no
choice but to listen to you because the Lord will fill you with His

Further Reading: John 17: 11-17, 1 John 2:12-17

Daily Bible Reading: Lev 26-27
Daily Devotional

February 11, Friday

Turn The Light On And Sweep Your House
'Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece,
doth not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently
till she find it.' Luke 15:8

I don't know what has slipped under the bed and you are searching
for. I say unto you, turn the light on and sweep your house. The text is
suggesting in a way that this woman really knew that something was
missing. Some people are missing something without knowing and you
can only be looking for something you know is missing. She realised that
her pieces of coins are no longer complete; she lit her candle and swept
the house looking in every corner till she finds it.
The text also suggested that the woman has something before
but she had lost it and now she is looking for it. Many people do not
know what they really are supposed to have. You can get so used to an
environment that you will not know there is a better environment
elsewhere. In the same vein, you can get so used to a society that you
won't know there is a better society outside of where you are. It is
important you first of all realise what life is supposed to be. There are
many things we are living with which many of us do not understand that
you don't have to live with it. You have accepted it as a norm. The
children of Israel said to Moses, you should have left us there in Egypt to
enjoy the leaves and garlic, because they never knew there are grapes
Beloved, if you do not know what God has made available for
you, you will be satisfied with less. Do not settle for the crumbs, there are
better things God has made available for you that are missing in your life,
turn on the light and search for them and you will find them. For he that
seeketh findeth.

Further Reading: Luke 15:8-10

Daily Bible Reading: Num 1-2
Daily Devotional

February 12, Saturday

The Value Of A Soul
'Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence
of angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.' Luke 15:10

I n the entire chapter of Luke 15, Jesus was dealing with sinners
coming back to Him, He begins to tell us the importance of one soul
and how God so loves a soul. It is so shocking and is an indictment
on the modern day church because when an altar call is made and
probably it is only one person that gave his heart or probably a soul is
added to the family of the church and often some of us turn our noses up
and some people will just be there discussing and saying all manner of
things which are not very important to what is being done at the time and
yet God regards one soul.
When one soul is added, the bible says there is joy; there is value
for one soul. God regards one soul. God can go out of His way and stop
everything because of one soul. And that is a challenge to the modern
day church. If there is anyone related to us in our different activities, in
our different area of influence and departments and ministry arm and a
phone call is made to the person and visitation made to the person, I
believe it will go a long way to encourage people. But you will be
surprised how indifferent we are. We do not even know who is in our
group or even when somebody who is supposed to be in our group is no
longer coming and you just continue as though nothing has happened.
That is the reason why you don't allow people to determine your
value, because at times people don't understand how valuable you are.
To them it is not a big deal. So if you allow the way people react and the
way people behave to determine your value, you will be frustrated. Just
one soul! God stops the clock and says let's do a little dance. All through
Chapter 15 Jesus was dealing with the importance of a soul; that is why
we see the prodigal son return and the father was rejoicing. Learn to
place value on souls.

Further Reading: Luke 15:1-32;

Daily Bible Reading: Num 3-4
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. For God has
not given me the spirit of fear but He has given me the Spirit of love,
power and a sound mind.

The peace of God rules in my heart and the word of Christ dwells in me
richly in all wisdom. I have the mind of Christ.

My God enlarges the steps under me so that my feet will not slip I have
pursued mine enemies and overtaken them. I refused to turn till they
are all consumed

I am of God and have overcome the devil for greater is He that is in me

than he that is in the world,
I am the body of Christ and Satan hath no power over me for I overcome
evil with good.

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

February 13, Sunday

Individual Value (I)
'Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece,
doth not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till
she find it.' Luke 15:8

criptures says this woman had ten pieces of coins and one was lost
and the woman just stopped everything she was doing and started
looking for the lost coin. Many of us do not understand the power
of one. Anytime God wants to start with anything significant, He starts
with one. When He wanted to start the first family on earth, He started
with Adam. When He wanted to lead out the children of Israel, he raised
one deliverer, when He wanted to raise another generation after the fall
of man, he started with one; Abraham. God has always started with one
person; that is how He graduates. So there is really power in one.
It is so easy to look at yourself and begin to think that you don't
have value. The woman was concerned about one coin which tells us of
the individual value. That one coin was enough to make her stop
everything to look for it. Every one of us has our individual value. I
know you may have made mistakes, you have fallen short of some
expectations, I know you have been battered, abused, molested,
criticized, condemned and are dismayed. It has not changed anything. If
you are a child of God, you are much valuable than silver and gold. Fear
not you are the apple of God's eyes. You are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar treasure that you should show forth
the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His
marvellous light.

Further Reading: 1 Peter 2:9, Isaiah 43:3-7, Luke 15:8-10

Daily Bible reading: Num 5-6
Daily Devotional

February 14, Monday

Individual Value (II)
'Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece,
doth not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till
she find it.' Luke 15:8

I f you have a five hundred naira note in your hand and you then
squeeze it, jump on it and then throw it to the ground, or write on it;
it will not change in value despite all you have done to it. It still has
the same value and purchasing power as a new five hundred naira note.
So no matter what the devil did to you, no matter how he has
battered you, no matter how he has defaced you, no matter how he has
grounded you to a halt, no matter how he has limited you, you are still
valuable. Don't let the devil lie to you that because of your mistakes,
because of your attacks, because of the challenges you have been
through, the pressure of life or because of the disease and sickness, he
has demeaned you. As long as you are a child of God born of the spirit of
God, you are a creature of value and a peculiar treasure. 'But ye are a
chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people;
that you should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out
of darkness into His marvellous light.' 1Peter 2:9.
God went out of His way to redeem you because you are a
creature of destiny. You are not redeemed by gold or silver but by the
priceless blood of Jesus. Scripture says you are precious in His sight and
honourable. He has loved you with an everlasting love; therefore He
will give men for thee and people for thy life. He will say to the north,
give up; and to the south, keep not back. The earth will surely yield to
you her increase.

Further Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7

Daily Bible Reading: Num 7
Daily Devotional
2 55

February 15, Tuesday

Sentimental Value (I)
'Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose
one piece, doth not light a candle and sweep the house and seek
diligently till she find it.' Luke 15:8

T he lost piece here did not only have an individual value, it had a
sentimental value to the woman. In those days the only way you
know married women is that they wear this silver coins as a chain,
just like women wear necklace today. And the number of the coin has to
be ten. It was usually displayed just like your wedding band or wedding
ring. We do attach some sentiment to it because it is our wedding ring.
Another ring can get lost but not that one and if it gets lost, you are not just
going to sit by or look away saying it doesn't matter. I know people must
have said to this woman when the coin was missing don't bother after all,
it's just one but the woman will say you do not understand, every other
thing can get lost but not this coin; it is important to me.
That is the same way God thinks about us. He has a sentimental
attachment to us. For God commended His love towards us in that while
we were yet sinners, He died for us. No wonder the Psalmist said of God
concerning man- what is man that thou art mindful of him? God why are
you so particular about this man that your mind is so full of him. You
have made him a little lower than Elohim. What is mortal man that you
are so concerned about him? And God said, you do not understand. Do
you know God didn't have to save you but He did? He looked at the
whole of Nigeria and the whole world, passed others, came to you and
picked you. This shows how important you are and He has a sentimental
value attached to your relationship with Him. That is why He cannot
allow you to be lost just as the woman refused to give up on the coin.

Further Reading: Luke 15:8-10, Psalm 8:3-6, Romans 5:6-11

Daily Bible Reading: Num 8-10
Daily Devotional

February 16, Wednesday

Get Passionate
'Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose
one piece, doth not light a candle and sweep the house and seek
diligently till she find it.' Luke 15:8

T he woman refused to allow the coin to be lost. She searched for it

diligently with passion. She lit a candle and went the extent of
sweeping the entire house all in a bid to find the lost coin. How
desperate are you, how passionate are you? You cannot receive strength
to pursue anything you do not have passion for. What you are looking
for, what price are you ready to pay to have it?
Are you ready to stretch yourself, are you ready to stand?
Having done all to stand therefore. Are you ready to keep standing
knowing that after all is said and done everything will fail but I will
remain? There are some crop of believers who when they try something
and meet a hard rock, they pull back and expect things to fall on them like
bag of cherries. Who in the world lied to you to make you think that the
promise God has made will fall upon you like a bag of cherries. You need
to go for them and if you do not have passion for something you cannot
fight for it. In other words, the woman was saying my condition is not
complete without this thing you call little. Though it is little it matters to
me. How much do you really need what you desire? What value do you
place on what you are asking God to do in your life because the value you
place on it will determine the price you are willing to pay for it. The
woman placed a high value on the lost coin so she was ready to go out of
her way to recover it.
Make up your mind today to place a high value on God's
promises in your life and decide that whatever the price, you will pay it
and you will find God's promises come to pass in your life.

Further Reading: Ephesians 6:10-18

Daily Bible Reading: Num 11-13
Daily Devotional

February 17, Thursday

Faith Is A Fight
'Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life whereunto
thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before
many witness.' 1 Timothy 6:12

T he woman with the lost coin placed special value on it so she was
ready to go out of her way. She said, listen keep every other thing.
Thank God for the nine but I am looking for the one and that is
faith. Do you know that is the same thing David did when the lion and
the Bear came to take one of the flock? David didn't go to bed and say
after all I have ninety nine left. David went after the Lion, yanked off the
Sheep from its mouth; he went after the Bear and yanked off the Sheep
off the bear's mouth. He exposed himself to hazard and took his life in his
hands that is faith.
The woman said you can't take this devil; I will fight for my ring.
Don't allow the devil touch your life. Don't sit down and watch the devil
take your husband or your wife. Don't fold your arms and watch the
devil steal your son or daughter. Fight for your job. Faith is a fight and it
is a good fight. The scriptures say you should fight the good fight of faith
and lay hold unto eternal life. The devil will not go to bed and watch you
succeed. The scripture tells us that we have an adversary the devil like a
roaring lion seeking whom to devour. Be sober, be spiritually
responsible and vigilant, be at alert, and do not go to bed. Faith is not
going to bed. Faith is not laziness. Faith is the ability to stand in the midst
of adversity when all hope seems lost and every person is falling. Faith is
standing on God's word.
Don't stop confessing the word, don't stop reading the bible,
don't stop going to church, don't stop living for God, and don't stop
witnessing your faith. Be steadfast and unmoveable and resist the devil
or else he will knock you over and swallow you. But that is not your
portion. You are a winner.

Further Reading: Luke 15:8-10, 1 Peter 5:8-10

Daily Bible Reading: Num 14-15
Daily Devotional

February 18, Friday

Say It Constantly
'For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be
thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart
but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall
have whatsoever he saith.' Mark 11:23

cripture didn't say you will have what you said but he shall have
whatsoever he saith. Many believers think that because you said it
last year it will work or come to pass this year. It is what you are
saying constantly; when you are in church, outside the church, when
there is no food on the table or cloth on your back. When you keep saying
what you started saying when you were in church then you will have
what you are saying.
A man of God some time ago shared the testimony of a man that
had cancer of the throat. The more he confessed the word, the worse it
became. The more he confessed, the weaker he became, the more he
confessed he was dying. Knocked to the ground but he kept confessing.
The devil slapped him but the brother kept saying by His stripes I was
healed. He started growing lean; neighbours came around and said to his
family members let us begin to prepare for his obituary. Friends were
laughing and called him a religious jerk but he kept on saying I was
healed and suddenly the word prevailed.
So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. When you
keep on with the word and you are constantly pursuing and pressing in,
the word will definitely prevail because the word of God can never fail.

Further Reading: Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 10:9-11

Daily Bible Reading: Num 16-17
Daily Devotional

February 19, Saturday

The Lord Is With You
“And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him and said
unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour'' Judges 6:12 KJV

e all know the story of the man named Gideon. He was so
discouraged, frustrated and confused. He did not believe that
anything can change for him. He had heard about the
miracles and how the hand of God was upon the nation of Israel, but at
this time, the Midianities had come after them, whenever the people of
Israel laboured, the Midianities collected them. As a result, Gideon was
threshing corn in a winepress because he was afraid of the Midianities.
And God showed up, He came to this man who believed that nothing
good could ever happen for him. He was already saying ''we are trapped!
The siege is on us, we cannot succeed. We cannot make it''. But God came
to him to let him know that he was not an ordinary man. “The Lord is
with you thou mighty man of valour''. Until this moment, Gideon did not
see himself as a mighty man. He had allowed his circumstance to dictate
to him. How dare you allow the present day situation in Nigeria to
dictate to you, who you really are!
Child of God the Lord is with you! Don't bother about where
you are presently. It may not look like it but I am there in your hard place.
I am the God of your hard places. I am God over your challenges. I do not
abandon you because there is a challenge. Who in the world lied to you
that simply because the enemy is confronting you, you are not made in
the image of God? I declare to you today: You will succeed contradictions
of your life because God is with you. You are not an ordinary person.
God will move heaven and earth to see to it that His plan for you is

Further Reading: Judges 1:1-12, Joshua 1:1-5

Daily Bible Reading: Num 18-20
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I am more than a conqueror for greater is He that is in me than he

that is in the world. I am the light of the world and the salt of the

I arise and I shine, for my light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen
upon me. Darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people
but the Lord will arise upon me and His glory shall be seen upon me.
The Gentiles will come to my light and kings to the brightness of my

The enemy will not exact upon me; nor the son of wickedness afflict me.
The lovingkindness of the Lord will never be taken from me; neither
will His faithfulness to me ever fail. His covenant He will not break, nor
alter the words that have gone out from His lips. So I am confident that
everything He has spoken concerning me shall come to pass.

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

February 20, Sunday

Go In This Thy Might
“And the Lord looked upon him and said Go in
this thy might”....... Judges 6:14 KJV

T he devil does not go after nothing, he goes after something. If he

does not see anything in you, then you are not a threat to him and
he will not bother you. The fact that he is still around trying to
harass you is an indication that you are loaded. That is the reason he is
after you. If he does not see potentials in you, he will not bother you.
The devil so much discouraged Gideon that God had to come to
remind him that he was not a mere man. And that changed the equation
immediately. Gideon the Lord is with you! I will never ever leave you nor
forsake you. I am with you come rain, come sun. I am there with you in
your empty barrel. I am there with you come debts in the bank. I am there
with you! I have not left you without comfort. I am there with you, so
why look at yourself as an ordinary man?
And then God went a step further and said to him:”Go in this thy
might” In other words, Gideon put legs to what I have told you. Go in
this thy might! Then Gideon, immediately he put legs, courage, strength
and ability started to come out of him. He went and destroyed the
temples of idols that his father built. Right there God said “Gideon with
you I will deliver Israel from the hands of the Midianities, with you! You
that think you are just an ordinary man. I am going to prove to you that
you are not ordinary. You will attempt the impossible. Bring out those
ideas and dreams that God gave to you that you thought cannot work.
Bring them out and dust them again because they are coming alive. You
cannot end up a failure. You must be celebrated. You will see your
dreams fulfilled.

Further Reading: Judges 6:14-34

Daily Bible reading: Num 21-22
Daily Devotional

February 21, Monday

You Can Not Fail

“...Christ in you, the hope of glory” Col 1:27 KJV

I n the book of Judges 7:1-7, God said to Gideon to go and confront the
Midianities and he went up with 32,000 armed men. But God said
they were too many. And by the process of elimination and
subtraction they were reduced to 300 men. God was trying to say to His
people that what changes the equation is that you are not ordinary. It
does not matter how many they have, once you understand what you are
made of, it changes everything.
Christ in you is the assurance that you will not end up in shame.
That is what God is saying. Christ in you is an assurance that you will not
end up a disaster. If need be, for the sake of the name of Jesus, God will go
out of his way to ensure that His name is not put to shame. He will go out
of His way because your success gives Him glory. Your achievements
bring the Kingdom of God glory. It makes people respect God's
Kingdom. So He will go out of His way to ensure that you succeed. But
you must see yourself the way He sees you.
Gideon had to fight with only 300 men. Now that was beyond
skill. That was beyond expertise. God wanted to prove to Gideon that “I
am with you” and if God be with you no one can be against you. When
Jesus came into you, he moved inside you with every resource that
Heaven has. He did not move in as a weakling. Jesus moved in with
every resource of Heaven. How then can you fail? How can you be
ordinary? How can you be a mere man? Don't even think of where and
how the next meal will come from. It has to come! That should be your
mentality. It just has to come! You don't put in your bid or application for
something and say it won't work. No! It has to work because you are

Further Reading: Judges 7:1-22, Isaiah 40:28-31

Daily Bible Reading: Num 23-25
Daily Devotional

February 22, Tuesday

Covenant Will Speak For You
“The Lord thy God, He is God, the faithful God which keepeth
covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His
commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9

L et this mind be in you; you are the temple of God. You are the Ark
of the Covenant. If any man touches you he has touched God. You
are the apple of his eyes. This mindset creates boldness and boost
impetus. It puts more speed in you knowing fully well that the battle is
already fixed. Beloved, let's not walk about like beggarly elements of this
world. We are not beggarly. We are not hopeless. The Bible says that it is
those who do not know their covenant rights that are without hope and
without God in this world. But when you have understanding of who
you are, you are not without hope or without God. You are covenant
child and covenant has to speak on your behalf.
Covenant will work on your behalf and that gives you an edge
over other people. Our God is a God that keeps covenants. When it looks
as if your back is against the wall, He will pull out covenant. So
understand this: covenant will speak on your behalf because you are
under covenant.
David did not approach Goliath as a mere man. Notice the way
he spoke “Who is this uncircumcised” that has defied the army of Israel.
In other words, David was saying: you may be looking at my stature, I
may look small, I have never fought any battle, I have not been to the war
front. But let me tell you Goliath, I know who I am. I am not ordinary
because there is a covenant speaking over my life. You too can confront
your challenges in the power of covenant and the God of covenant will
arise and fight for you.

Further Reading: 1 Samuel.17:23-26, Psalm.89:34

Daily Bible Reading: Num 26-27
Daily Devotional

February 23, Wednesday

Be Established In The Truth
“...As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will
not fail thee nor forsake thee” Joshua 1:5.

T he word of God paints for us picture of whom we are in Him and

it is vitally important that we see ourselves the way He sees us.
When you truly see yourself the way God sees you, you will
notice that the joy of the Lord will be your strength. You will never be
discouraged at any challenge you face because you know eventually it
will turn out for your good
Beloved, if God is with you how can you be saying you are
hopeless? How can you have a mentality of hopelessness and
impossibility? Don't you know what you are loaded with? God has so
much endowed you that you can never fail or lack. Stop looking at the
limitation around you; see who you are in Christ. “Greater is He that is in
you, than he that is in the world (1 john 4:4). Don't be afraid of what the
enemy is doing. You are loaded!
You must be established in this truth, when you walk in this
truth, it will put springs on your feet. It will give you confidence;
confidence in whom you are in Him. Confidence in the fact that he has
already made adequate provisions for you that you can never be
stranded. You are going to take your portion in the land. Everything that
is confronting you will bow because you are complete in Him. Your
desire shall be granted. You will not be a disaster. You will not be a
disappointment. The glory of God will be revealed in your life.

Further Reading John 8:31-32, Romans 8:28-37

Daily Bible Reading: Num 28-30
Daily Devotional

February 24, Thursday

There Is No God Beside Our God

“I am the Lord, and there is none else there is no

God besides me...” Isaiah 45:5 KJV

T he God that we serve is the only true God, beside Him there is
none else. He is not in any way contending for the first position
with anyone. He is God all by Himself, we must be very careful to
put God in His own exclusive compartment because He is exclusive in
His class.
All through the ages, He has always revealed glimpses of His
might and power that men may fear Him. As you search the scriptures,
you will see over and over God proving Himself as the only living God,
showing His almightiness demonstrating His majesty and power and
refusing to be put in any other class except that class where he belongs.
That is why He will always say beside me there is none else. Look
around! No other God can be compared with Him.
In the book of Daniel chapter one, He proved himself, you know
He has a way of witnessing to people that He is God. Daniel refused the
King's meat. He said he will not partake of the King's table and diet.
Therefore, he said to the chief of the eunuch's just try us for some days
and see what our God will do. At the end of ten days Daniel and his
colleagues appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men
who ate the portion of the King's delicacies” (Dan.1:15).
That is what your God can do. He knows how to set His people
apart. There are no impossibilities with Him. He alone is God and He will
prove it in your life and situations.

Further Reading: Dan.1:1-21

Daily Bible Reading: Num 31-32
Daily Devotional

February 25, Friday

Choose Your Friends Wisely
“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the
ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the
scornful.” Psalm 1:1 NKJV.

ho are the people in your company? These are not the days
and hour that you choose friends anyhow. You cannot choose
to move with people who will not advance your progress, you
must choose people who will help you actualise the destiny that God has
ordained for your life. The time is too short for you to waste. Every
minute counts in your life. You can, therefore, not afford to waste time. So
why hang around people who are not going to add to your life. There is
what is called blessed subtraction. There are some that must be
subtracted so that something can be added to your life.
You must choose your friends wisely. Now I am not saying hate
people. I may love you with the love of God but that does not qualify you
to be my friend. Before I will lower my fence and call you my friend, I will
know what kind of a person you are.
In the book of Daniel 2.17, Daniel went to his company:
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. People who had the same vision, the
same dream and going in the same direction. People who are tired of
being down. People who want to go up. People who want to excel in life.
You know there are some people who are vision killers. They are going
nowhere and they don't want you to go anywhere. Daniel went back to
his company and you can see the result. May the Lord help you to choose
right. May He order your steps into the right company and may your
friends add to your progress on a daily basis.

Further Reading: Proverbs 13:20, Daniel 2:16-49.

Daily Bible Reading: Num 33-34
Daily Devotional

February 26, Saturday

Your God Will Never Abandon You
“...Lo I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire and
they have no hurt and the form of the forth is like the Son of God” Dan. 3:25 KJV

I n the book of Daniel chapter three, God revealed Himself as the

fourth man in the fire. King Nebuchadnezzar decided they were
going to worship idols and those three Hebrew friends said No, we
will not serve any other God. The Bible describes them as “certain Jews”.
In other words, these ones are different from others. These ones have not
compromised. They have refused to bow to idols.
And King Nebuchadnezzar called them trying to make them
compromise but they said no way, you are not going to threaten or
intimidate us. You are not even going to manipulate us. You can heat the
fire seven times. In fact this discussion is over. We will serve our God.
Just imagine, the king said heat the furnace seven times more but those
boys refused to budge. They said we are not even going to argue with
you. Do what you want. Our God is able to bring us out. But if He
chooses not to, because He is God, if He decides not to we cannot bow to
another God. He alone is God. And they threw them into the fiery
furnace but God did not abandon them. By the time the King looked at
the fire, he saw four men there. Your God will never abandon you. You
see whenever you take a stand for God, He is always there. Remember
He said “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Our God does not jump
ship because your ship is sinking. He will get in there with you and bring
you out. That is the God we serve. He is the Almighty God.
Child of God, i want to encourage you today never to
compromise your faith in these last days. It is better to perish standing
for God than to live and bow to another god. Refuse to bow and God will
show up for you.

Further Reading: Daniel 3:1-30.

Daily Bible Reading: Num 35-36
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he Lord will cause my eyes to see the hidden riches in secret

places; I will be sought after.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but I remember the name of
the Lord my God and I'm safe. The name of the LORD is a strong tower:
I run into it, and I'm safe.

There shall be no divination against me, no enchantment against me.

Every plan, purpose and design of the enemy for me or my household is

There is no lack, for my God supplies all of my need according to His

riches in glory by Christ Jesus

The Lord has pleasure in my prosperity and Abraham's blessings are


The Lord is my Shepherd and I do not want; because Jesus was made
poor, that I through His poverty might have abundance for He came
that I might have life and have it more abundantly.

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

February 27, Sunday

God Hates Pride (I)
“...God resists the proud, but gives grace to the
humble” James 4:6 NKJV

P ride is a dangerous thing. When you commit the sin of

fornication, adultery and all the sins of the flesh, you have the
devil to contend with. But when it comes to pride, God will
contend with you. He will resist you Himself. You know why? He will
always remember what Lucifer did.
God hates pride! He resists the proud and gives grace to the
humble. You cannot resist the devil when you are proud. Submit
yourself to God and resist the devil (James 4:7). That means if I am not
submissive I cannot resist the devil. The devil will query me. “Jesus I
know and Paul know; but who are you?” (Acts 19:14 NKJV) So many
believers today are being queried by the devil. You are going about
thinking you will resist the devil, when you are not submissive to God.
That cannot work. When you are rebellious against God's word you
cannot resist the devil. And let me remind you, the devil is wild today.
He is angry. He has no respect for any person.
Be careful. Don't mess with God's glory and honour and think
that it doesn't matter. Every day of your life, check your life, weigh
yourself in the balance of the word of God and find out where you are.
Find out your position and relationship with Him. It is not about what
somebody calls you. It is not about what people say you are. It is about
how God sees you. That is what is important.

Further Reading: Proverbs 6:16-17, 15:33, 18:12, Luke 14:11

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 1-2
Daily Devotional

February 28, Monday

God Hates Pride. (II)
“The king spoke saying, is not this great Babylon that I have built
for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honour of
my majesty” Daniel. 4:30 NKJV

ing Nebuchadnezzar was proud and arrogant. And in today's
church we have a lot of proud people. It is a big challenge. A lot of
people come to church but the church has not entered inside them.
They are so proud! Beloved, humble yourself under the mighty hand of
God, God is not your mate, He is a wonderful friend but a terrible enemy. It
is important, therefore to be careful about pride because we all have the
propensity to be proud.
God gave Nebuchadnezzar a frightening dream which no one in
his kingdom could interpret except Daniel. And when God showed Daniel
the interpretation, he was also frightened. However, he counselled the
king on how the impending judgement could be averted. “Break off thy
sins by righteousness and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor, if
it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity” (Dan 4:27) In other words, no
matter how bad it is, you can break it by righteousness and by showing
mercy unto the poor. No matter how bad, it could be broken. It is not final;
the judgement would not come if you believe.
Unfortunately, in spite of the wise counsel that he could break this
judgement, the king got more arrogant, may we learn from this example.
Many have aborted and lost their destiny because of their arrogance. So
while king Nebuchadnezzar was busy arrogating to himself the position of
God, a voice spoke from heaven and stripped him of everything he was
boasting about and drove him from amongst men to live with animals.
Look at the judgement of God! Beloved avoid pride as much as you can and
you will always see the hand of God at work on your behalf.

Further Reading: Daniel 4:28-33;

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 3-4
Daily Devotional

March 1, Tuesday
The Almightness Of God
“The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar
and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen
and his body was wet with dew of heaven” Daniel 4:33 KJV

L ook at the Almightiness of God! Here was a king who had a lot of
entourage and protocol around him. Then suddenly the
judgement of God came upon him, it hit him like a thunderbolt.
Right there, things changed. He began to grow feathers and hairs like
animals, his claws were growing out and all his entourage and protocol
were watching these things happening. They were watching, saw the
king strip himself and then moved into the jungle to live with animals.
Think of it! And the bible says he was eating grass.
Now think of the fact that for seven years, king Nebuchadnezzar
was eating grass and digesting grass, it didn't kill him, grass is meant for
animals but he was eating it and he was okay, he was enduring all the
weather; the sun, the moon and all the winter and rain came upon him
night and day, he was moving around with animals yet they didn't tear
him apart. That was a demonstration of the almightiness of God! It didn't
end there, have you asked yourself why his lieutenants did not take over
the kingdom? The kingdom was still running as usual, everything was
going on. No one took over, that was the Almightiness of God on display.
For seven years, a whole king was roaming around the jungle
eating the grass meant for oxen and speaking the language of animals,
and his assistants and lieutenants did not say it is over, lets' take over the
kingdom because the Almighty God tied down the kingdom, He tied it
down waiting for Nebuchadnezzar to come to his senses. The God you
serve is an awesome God! Are there areas of your life where God is
pointing to and waiting for you to come to yourself? Make no further
delay, do it now and you will experience the almightiness of god in your

Further Reading: Daniel 4:33-37, Jeremiah 32:27

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 5-7
Daily Devotional

March 2, Wednesday
God Is In Control
“And seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that
the most high ruleth in the kingdom of men” Dan 4:32 KJV

I n the absence of King Nebuchadnezzar, the kingdom ran as usual

without interruption or challenge, no one else can do this other than
God whose kingdom rules over all. Those who honour this great
God shall be honoured by Him and those who despise Him shall be
lightly esteemed (1 Samuel 2:30 ) so if you fail to honour God, a good
purpose can be aborted. Be careful, therefore to give Him all the honour,
always remember that power belongs to God.
God, in His infinite mercy and wisdom suspended yet
preserved the government of Nebuchadnezzar while waiting for him to
come back to his senses. It is only the almighty God that can do that. Now
what moral lessons can we learn from this aspect of the story? God is in
total control, He has not lost control for one second neither is He
contending with anyone.
Therefore, there is no point being anxious about your tomorrow
when you are in tune with God. When we pray we should rest in that
promise which He has made because God can not lie. We should rest in
His absolute ability and power, He will perfect everything that concerns
your destiny, he is in control! Don't fret neither be afraid.

Further Reading: Psalm 37:7-11, Isaiah 43:11-13, Romans 8:28-30

Daily Bible Reading : Deut 8-10
Daily Devotional

March 3, Thursday
He Is The God Of Restoration (I)
“At the same time my reason returned unto me, and for the glory
of my kingdom, mine honour and brightness returned unto me” Daniel 4:36 KJV

K ing Nebuchadnezzar has been with the animals in the jungle for
seven years, by human reckoning, he should not have been
regarded by the people, but he testified that his “honour and
brightness returned to him”, whatever you have lost is coming back to
you, all those his officers came back to him. If that is not the Almighty
God, what do you call that? Who can do that? Who is able to restore in
such a manner?
Nebuchadnezzar was again established in his kingdom, you
will be established, the God that settled Nebuchadnezzar will settle you,
if God established a man that he drove into the animal kingdom, a man
that failed Him, and disobeyed Him, yet by the time he recognised that
the Most High rules in the affairs of men, his glory, honour and
brightness returned, then child of God, you will be restored.
Notice that the king did not lose anything, everything was
returned and he was established, not only that excellent majesty was
added unto him. You see, when God gets on your case, He does not leave
you the way you started, and He is a God of progression and increase.
There must be an increase to it, an excellent majesty was added, in other
words, there was an addition, He is always adding majesty to the

Further Reading: Daniel 4:34-37, Joel 2:25-27

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 11-13
Daily Devotional

March 4, Friday
He Is The God Of Restoration (II)
“Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour
the King OF heaven...” Dan 4:37 KJV

K ing Nebuchadnezzar began to praise God because of the

manner the Lord restored him, it was beyond human
comprehension. Excellent majesty was added, something that
was not part of the package was added, and only God could have done
that! Now, if God did that for a king that did not honour Him, how much
more will He do for you who have a covenant relationship. This account
was documented in the scriptures for you to know that the fact that you
are down is not the end of your life. You will be back! You are coming
back bigger and better; you are not going to remain the same.
God sent me to you today, to tell you that if He did it for
Nebuchadnezzar, what then is the sickness in your body that He cannot
deal with, He sent me to tell you that His name has not changed, He is
still Jehovah Ropheka: the Lord that healeth thee. He said I am still your
Jehovah Nissi: your victorious banner, I know how to fight your battle. I
am still Jehovah Rohi: your Shepherd. Even though you walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil; for I am with you
(Psa 23:4) God sent me to tell you, I am still Jehovah Shammah, I never
leave my own. I am always there with them all the days of their lives.
What can I not do? Can I not give a child? Do I have to wait for
high sperm count before I give a child? I am God and besides me there is
no other God. Even if you have no womb, you will have a child because
He is the God that healeth us. He is Almighty that is what sets Him apart.
Don't ever see God like other gods, He is the El-shaddai. He sets aside
natural laws to fulfil His purpose. That is the God we serve.

Further Reading: Luke 1: 34-37, 1 Samuel 7:14

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 14-16
Daily Devotional

March 5, Saturday
Know Your God Today

“...But the people that do know their God shall be

strong and do exploits” Dan 11:32 KJV

T he days we are in are evil. It is important, therefore, that your

relationship with God is kept intact. You need to know God. This
is the hour that every individual must know God personally. I am
not talking about playing church. Know your God today. Know Him
personally. Know Him intimately. This is not the time for fair weather
Christianity. No way! When you know the true and leaving God you
will know that every other power bows to Him. He is the maker of the
heaven and the earth, the possessor of the universe, El-Elyon is His
He is the most High God. You must know Him. Don't play
church. Don't play church at all. Remember, the devil does not like you.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill, and destroy”(John
10:10). That is what he wants to do. To destroy everything that has to do
with you. So if you are busy playing church simply because you are one
in the number, then you are setting yourself up for the devil.
The following will help you grow in the knowledge of God.

1. Be consistent in church meetings and services. Hebrews 10:25

2. Be a student of the Bible and apply the truth and principles
therein in the day to day realities of your life. 2Timothy 2:15,
James 1:22-25.
3. Have a personal altar where you meet with God daily for
communion. Genesis 35:1, Psalm 27:4-5.

Further Study: Colossians 1:9-10, Philippians 3:10-14.

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 17-20
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I will bless the Lord at all times and His praises shall continually be
in my mouth. I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me
from all my fears. I look unto the Lord and I was lightened and my
face was not ashamed.

Because I fear the Lord my God and delight greatly in His

commandments, my seed shall be mighty upon the earth and my
generation shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in my house, and
my righteousness shall endure forever.

I am a believer and these signs do follow me. In the name of Jesus I cast
out demons, I speak with new tongues, I lay hands on the sick and they
do recover.

I have set the Lord continually before me; He is at my right hand, I shall
not be moved. My heart rejoices in the Lord and my body shall rest from
all weariness and be confident in Lord's salvation.

God has assured me that His kindness shall not depart from me neither
will His covenant of peace be removed

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

March 6, Sunday
You Are A Product Of Your Choice (I)
“...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live” Deut 30:19 KJV

e live in a world of choices. You are a product of the choice
you made yesterday. And by tomorrow you will be a product
of the choice you are making today. So it is vitally important
that you are careful about the choices you are making in life. And one of
the things I found out from the scriptures is that God respects your
choice. He respects it. He respects the choice you make. Whatever choice
you make in life, He would not stop you.
But one thing I love about God is the fact that He will always tell
you the right choice to make and then leave you to decide whether you
are going to make the right choice or not. So you see many people suffer
certain things in their lives as a result of the choices they have made. We
all need to understand that, when it comes to things of the kingdom, God
spreads a buffet for you. And at the buffet you notice that there are things
you want to eat and there are things you don't want to eat. It is your
The restaurant owner doesn't decide for you what to eat. All he
does is spread the buffet. You are now the one that goes there and make a
choice. That means when you have to make a choice, you have to be
careful to know what you want. Realize there are different options that
you have to choose from but whatever you choose will ultimately impact
on the outcome of your life either positively or negatively. May the Lord
open your eyes to choose wisely!

Further Reading: Joshua 24:1-15, Hebrews 11:1-25

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 21-23
Daily Devotional

March 7, Monday
You Are A Product Of Your Choice (II)
“...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live” Deut 30:19 KJV

s the children of Israel started marching towards the promise
land, God spoke to them, He began to spread the buffet. He said
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you” that I
have set on my table: life and death, blessing and curse. Now I know why
David said thou has prepared a table before me in the presence of my
enemies (Psalm 23:5) The table is prepared right in the presence of your
enemies, then he said you have been anointed to make the right choice
for your life and then exercise authority over that which God has given
He said I have set before you life and death, blessing and
cursing, choose life! I love God; He tells you exactly what you should do.
He doesn't pull punches with you; He tells you exactly what will help
you in life. Then He says that is how far I can go, He pulls back and says
the rest is up to you. The sad thing; however is that people keep making
the wrong choices over and over again. Today God is drawing your
attention to the need to be careful when making your choices because
your choices determine whether you will fulfil destiny or not!

Further Reading: 1 Kings 18:1-21

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 24-27
Daily Devotional

March 8, Tuesday
You Are A Product Of Your Choice (III)

“...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live” Deut 30:19 KJV

hen God declares in the scriptures that He has set before you
life and death, blessing and cursing, He wants you to be
informed that on this planet earth, there are two laws
operating. One is the law of life, while the other is the law of sin and
death. When God made Adam , the law that was operating was the law
of the spirit of life but when Adam fell as a result of disobedience, the
law of sin and death came into existence and it has remained until the
leasehold of the devil is over, so these laws are operating all over the
Now it is the responsibility of every one of us to ensure that we
don't engage the wrong law because they are already operating. The law
of death is operating, the law of life is also operating, it is the choice you
make that either engages the law or hinders it from operating against
you, right now the law of gravity is operating, we don't see it but I can
assure you it is operating, if you attempt to jump down from the balcony
of a storey building the law of gravity will be engaged.
So you see, the choice you make either engages the right or
wrong law, so God said to Moses “I have set before you: life and death,
blessing and cursing therefore if you are my true son, choose life so that
you can leave a lasting legacy for your seed, choose life! Don't choose
death! As you go about your daily activities today, watch out for the
choices that are open to you and be careful to choose the right ones.

Further Reading: Romans 7:14-8:2

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 28-29
Daily Devotional

March 9, Wednesday
You Are A Product Of Your Choice (IV)
“...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live” Deut 30:19 KJV

hen you check through the scriptures, you will see that God
respects the decisions you make. In the book of Numbers
chapter thirteen, twelve men were sent to spy out the land
that the Lord said He has given to His people. We do not remember the
names of the ten of them because of the choice they made, but the names
of Caleb and Joshua are in everlasting remembrance because of the
choice they made, they chose to follow what God said, they chose to
believe that God cannot lie, they made the right decisions. There were
options before them, those ten said it was impossible to take the land,
they chose not to follow what God said and as a result they were
confined to the archives of history, no one remembers them. They are
There are many, many failures today because of wrong
decisions they have made, in the book of Ruth 1:11-17, Naomi told her
two daughtersinlaw, Orpah and Ruth that she had nothing more to offer
them and consequently advised them to go back. Orpah said Good bye
and left but Ruth said “where thou goest I will go, and where thou
lodgest, I will lodge, thy people shall be my people and thy God shall be
my God (Ruth 1:16) Look at that , while Orpah walked away from the
God she had been introduced to, Ruth clung to Him, the rest is history.
You will not see Orpah's name in the book of Matthew chapter one but
Ruth's name is there in Matthew 1:5. Her name appears in the lineage of
Christ. What was responsible? Choice! Beloved the choice is yours!

Further Reading Ruth 1:11-18, Mat1:5

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 30-31
Daily Devotional

March 10, Thursday

The Principle Of Success.
“This book of the law shall not depart out
of thy mouth...” Jos.1:8KJV

he passage of the scriptures in the book of Joshua 1:8 is a revelation
of one of the greatest principle of success. But it is your choice to
choose it. It is your choice to engage it. Joshua, this book of the
law shall not depart out of thy mouth. In other words, Joshua eat it;
morning, afternoon and night. Joshua, speak it to yourself. Joshua,
mutter it. Joshua, ruminate on it. Joshua, digest it. This book of the law
shall not depart from your mouth. “But thou shall meditate therein day
and night.” Not occasionally! Not only on Sundays. Do it every day of
your life. That is your life.
And then when you meditate, you observe to do according to
what is documented there. God said: now Joshua, you know what? I am
not the one that makes you successful. I only give you the rule and your
choices determine what you get. Joshua, if you do it, you will make your
ways prosperous and you will have good success.
Child of God, I know you are intelligent and you desire to
succeed. You go to church every Sunday to listen to your pastor. But
how often do you meditate on the scriptures. How often do you speak
the scripture into yourself? How often do you find out from the Bible
who you are, where you are, what you are and what you can do in
Christ? How often do you find it out and begin to engage it? How
regular? The choice is yours.

Further Reading: Joshua 1:5-8, Psalm 1:1-3, 119:89.

Daily Bible Reading: Deut 32-34
Daily Devotional

March 11, Friday

The Power Of Your Obedience.
“And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt diligently hearken unto the voice of the
Lord thy God to observe and to do all His commandments...” Deuteronomy: 28:1.

any believers usually quote from the body of Deuteronomy 28:1.
We confess: “I shall be the head and not the tail.” I shall lend
unto many nations and shall not borrow”. But that is not where
it started. It started in verse 1. “If thou shalt diligently hearken unto the
voice of the Lord your God”. There is “diligence” to it. There is a
“hearkening” to it. And there has to be obedience to His commandments.
After your obedience, the blessings will now come upon you and overtake
you. But it starts from “if thou” first. It is about choice. Now when you say
to yourself: I don't believe that. Leave me alone. I have done it for twenty
years and it didn't work. You will remain where you are and there is
nothing God can do about it. It is your choice.
When you obey God, you will get results. The scriptures declare in
Romans 10:12. “The same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him”....
In other words, there is no partiality with Him. He does not say because
you are short or tall, white or black or because you have parents or you
don't have, there is a limit to what you can get. No! He doesn't do that. What
you get depends on your capacity to obey Him. We all started from a level
ground, but how far we go in life is a function of our obedience to His word.
Anytime, you read 2Corinthians.5:17, God is saying that we are all
starting from a level ground. There is nothing like not having a head-start.
In Christ, we all have a head-start. All you need is Christ inside you. Christ
in you is the hope of glory. That's all you need. Once you have Him, you can
do anything. You can achieve anything. You can attain anything. No one
can intimidate you.

Further Reading Deut.28:1-13, Acts 10:34-35.

Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 1-4
Daily Devotional

March 12, Saturday

The Power Of Your Obedience (II)
“The Lord said unto Joshua, see I have given unto
thine hand Jericho...” Joshua:6:2

I n Joshua 6:1, the Bible tells us that Jericho was straitly shut up because
of the children of Israel. No one went in, no one came out. There are
many things the enemy has shut away from the people of God. The
devil is a liar. The thief cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy
(John10:10). But God is also coming! He comes always. He comes to
deliver. He comes to set free. He comes to destroy the works of darkness.
But you have to make a choice to obey divine instructions.
Jericho was straitly shut. But God stepped in and said to Joshua
“I have given to you Jericho”. I don't know what the enemy has taken
from you, but I declare to you that restoration is coming your way. God
told Joshua to compass the city of Jericho once for six days and on the
seventh day they were commanded to compass the city seven times.
Besides, Joshua was instructed regarding what to do each day.
Now, for Jericho's wall to fall a choice had to be made. As
powerful and dynamic as the word of God is, it will never be fulfilled
until somebody engages it. The word of God can never fail, if God said it,
He will bring it to pass, but it has to be engaged, Joshua had to obey to the
letter, so that God will now step in and move things out of the way.
Joshua had to go and do exactly what he was told to do and after that the
wall of Jericho had to fall as strong as the wall was, it fell!
Likewise, everything that is a challenge to you today shall fall!

Further Reading: Joshua 6:1-20

Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 5-8
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I love the Lord because He has heard my prayer; and because He has
inclined His ear unto me. Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I

I will go out with joy and be led forth with peace, the mountains and the
hills shall break forth before me into singing and the trees of the field
will clap their hands.

The peace of God which passes all understanding keeps my heart and
my mind through Christ Jesus and things which are good and pure and
perfect and lovely and of good report, I think on these things.

I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. For God has not
given me the spirit of fear but He has given me the Spirit of love, power
and a sound mind in the face of economic crises.

The beauty of the Lord is upon me; the Lord will establish the work of
my hands. I will lend unto nations and borrow from none.

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

March 13, Sunday

We Walk By Faith
“But without faith, it is impossible to please God. For he that cometh to God
must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him.” Heb 11:6

R ight away the bible tells us that without faith you cannot please
God; that is why when you are born again God gives you faith.
Every believer has a measure of faith; when you give your life to
Christ He came with God's kind of faith. Rom 12:3 says “for I say through
the grace given unto me to every man that is among you, not to think of
himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly, according
as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith”.
If God says without faith you can't please Him, then He must give
you the faith to please Him and so when we became born-again, He gave us
the faith to please Him. So faith came when you gave your life to God. Eph
2:8 says “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God”. God, at the time you gave your life to Christ, gave you
the necessary spiritual ingredients for you to yield yourself to Him. 'By
grace' means Him reaching out to you; He not only reached out to you but
gave you faith and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God not of works lest
any man should boast.
Faith is virtually important in the Christian work. The Bible says
'We walk by faith not by sight' 2 Corinthians 5:7. Walking by faith is living
your life based on the word of God. It means reading and knowing the
word of God and practicing the word you know. It means when the word
commands you to love, you love, when it says forgive, you forgive, when it
says give, you give. Make up your mind today to live by the word of God
and you will experience His move continually in your life. I bless you

Further reading: 2 Corinthians 5:1-21.

Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 9-11
Daily Devotional

March 14, Monday

All Power Belongs To Jesus
“And Jesus came and spake unto them saying,
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18

T hat was when He resurrected He said all power is given to Him in

heaven and on earth. Now that sounds like the words of someone who is
victorious, it doesn't sound like someone who was defeated. Jesus has all
power-He defeated the devil. Jesus has all power so He is not contending with
the devil at all. Col 2:15 says “And having spoiled principalities and powers He
made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it”. The Amplified
version says God disarmed the principalities and powers that were raging over
us and made a bold display of them. So you see the devil is already a defeated
foe. This is the mentality you must apply in all your dealings with the devil; it
will help you. Philippians 2 from verse 5 says “Let this mind be in you which
was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to
be equal with God.

But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and
was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man he
humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death on the cross,
wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is
above every name. And at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in
heaven and things on earth and things under the earth.” All power belongs to
Jesus. Eph 1:21 says that Jesus is far above all principalities and power and
might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but
also in that which is to come and hath put all things under his feet and gave him
to be the head over all things to the church.

If Christ is the head of the body (Church) and we believers are the body of
Christ and God placed everything under his feet including the devil, it then
means that the devil is under our feet because as He is, so are we in this world (1
John 4:17). It is time therefore to rise and walk over every power of the devil.
Today you will not be afraid and every power that will rise up against you shall
fall for your sake. You have the victory.

Further reading: Philippians 2:1-11

Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 12-15
Daily Devotional

March 15, Tuesday

Enforce The Devil's Defeat
“Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion
walketh about seeking whom he may devour (vs 9) whom resist steadfast in
the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren
that are in the world.' 1 Peter 5:8

T he devil is an outlaw, he does not accept defeat. He knows he is

defeated and he does not have legal right but because he is an
outlaw he does not accept defeat. We have a responsibility to
enforce his defeat, make him know that you know he is defeated; that is the
believer's fight, which is why it is called the good fight of faith. (1 Tim 6:12)
It is a good fight because you already know from the beginning who the
winner will be and that is you, the believer.

The contention is over the word of God, what God has spoken concerning
you. That is the challenge, that is the warfare and that is what the devil has
been fighting over the years. In Genesis 3, he came to Eve and said to her,
“Has God said....” so the battle has been over what God had said. You
know that whatever God says is final and that means He has already
accomplished it. So this is the fight you as a believer should be fighting, a
fight to establish whatever God has already documented over your life.

Many loose this fight either because they are fighting the wrong person;
their father, mother, uncle or brother or they are fighting the devil without
standing in faith to make bold declarations even at the face of contradicting
evidences. The believer who is fighting sickness or disease must boldly
declare that by His stripes, I was healed and if by His stripes I was healed
then I am healed. In like manner, whatever your area of challenge, find
what God has said concerning it and boldly declare it before the challenge
refusing to give up despite contradicting evidences and you will see the
change take place in your situation.

Further reading: 1 Timothy 6:1-12

Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 16-18
Daily Devotional

March 16, Wednesday

Fiery Darts Of The Devil
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to
quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Ephesians 6:16

1 Peter 5:8 says “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil is
like a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour”. That
means he has to search; there is a suggestion of searching, it also means
it is not everybody that will be a prey, he cannot devour everybody because
there are those who have an understanding of their rights and privileges and
who they are and what they have in Christ. But on the contrary the devil is
searching for those who don't come to services and bible studies-who have
not been trained or those who don't take what they are taught seriously and
so do not know their covenant rights and privileges. Such are those who are
only interested in newspapers and do not know the word of God.
One of the weapons of the devil is to get you to fear him. He speaks
to you through your circumstances, surroundings and situations around
you. He speaks through symptoms of sickness and disease and he speaks
through the print and electronic media trying to convince you to doubt and
dump the word of God. Luke 10:19 says behold I give you power and
authority over all the power (ability) or 'fiery darts' of the devil. That power
there means ability of the devil to speak to you. 'Fiery dart' means his words
to you. The solution is a firm and bold stand upon the word of God.
This is why Ephesians 6:16 says “Above all taking the shield of faith
wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked”, faith is
simply our believing in and acting on the word of God until you see the
So if you don't know that you shall not die but live to declare the
works of God, then the enemies' fiery darts will shoot you down. Jesus said
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. (John 8:32)
so get to know the word of God and no matter what the enemy brings against
you, you shall not die but live in Jesus name, Amen.

Further reading: John 8:1-32

Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 19-21
Daily Devotional

March 17, Thursday

God Is Never Late

“And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said,

and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken” Genesis 21:1

D early beloved, I come to you today with the word of assurance:

that no matter what you are passing through, beloved, what
God has said concerning you will surely come to pass.
Understand that when God makes a commitment with solicitation He
means it and it is final. When He says it, it is to tell you what He has
already finished. He is not going back on what He said, for He is not a
man to lie. When God said He would settle you, He was only giving you
advance information of what He had already done.
The scripture above is virtually important, particularly now that
it looks as if God is running late in your own case. Let me remind you that
your time is not God's time, your thoughts are not His thoughts and your
ways are not His ways. I can assure you that God is never late. He makes
all things beautiful in His time. When He comes through you will be glad
you waited for Him.
When God made a promise to Abraham, it didn't look like
anything was going to happen because he and Sarah were both very old.
He not only did what He promised, God blew their mind, and God went
as far as confirming it with an oath. In other words, God was saying “I am
bound to perform for you all I have said because of Covenant”. In the
same manner, let me remind you that you are a covenant person and that
means that God will throw His weight around for you. It doesn't matter
for how long that contrary situation or circumstance has tarried; I
prophesy that you are coming out of it.

Further Reading: Genesis 21:1-6, 17:19, Hebrews 6:13-20

Daily Bible Reading: Josh 22-24
Daily Devotional

March 18, Friday

Handling Negative Thoughts (I)
As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the
synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe. And he suffered no man to follow him,
save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. Mark 5:36-37

I n Mark 5:21 we have an example from scriptures: one of the rulers of the
synagogue named Jarius came and begged Jesus saying my little
daughter lies at the point of death, come and lay your hands on her that
she may be healed and she will live. While Jesus was on the way to the ruler's
house some people came from the ruler's house to say why are you wasting
your time; your daughter is dead, don't trouble the master any longer. But
look at how Jesus handled it.
As soon as Jesus heard those words He did not allow it to land. You
can't stop a bird from flying above your head but you can stop it from
building a nest on your head. You can't stop the devil from bombarding your
mind, for the thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy, that is what
he does and he is a specialist at it, but you can stop him from taking control of
your mind. He says you are wasting your time and you are going to die
through this sickness. Once he comes with a negative word you don't have to
look far to know that it is the devil that is saying your ministry will not go far,
or that you will not have money to build that house, so tell him all the things
that are impossible with men are possible with God. Praise God! Jesus knew
that if He didn't stop this, Jarius would soon be romancing and meditating on
the evil news and soon fear will set in and faith will jump out of the window
and he won't get the result.
He knew that once Jarius started mediating on satan's word : for
meditation is both positive and negative; you can either mediate on what
God is telling you or meditate on what the devil is saying and then
meditation gives birth to what you have meditated about: for as a man
thinketh in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). So when you are busy thinking
over and over again on what the devil said; how it is getting too late, thinking
over failures and impossibilities, over how you messed up; that is exactly
what you are going to get. So if you had gone into business and lost out, you
should dust yourself and try again; that should be the mind set. No real
farmer says because he had a crop failure last season, he will not farm again.

Further reading: Mark 5:21-43

Daily Bible Reading: Judges 1-2
Daily Devotional

March 19, Saturday

Love And Seek God
“As the deer pants after the water brooks,
so my soul longeth after thee'' Psalm 42:1

ften times believers want to do all the binding and loosing and
forget about God Himself. Child of God, if you truly love and
seek Him, I can assure you that no power in hell, no sickness,
spell, enchantment or divination can stand before you. When you seek
God, He will not only reveal Himself to you, you will also encounter His
Blessing, His power, His glory and His grace.
In Luke 10, we are told that Martha encumbered herself with so
many things, but Mary stayed at the master's feet listening to Him. She
chose to do just one thing, and that is get all she could get. What is that
saying to you? It means that you must not allow anything distract you in
your quest for God so that you can focus on Him. Let us look at what the
great Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3: 13, ''Brethren, I do not regard
myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do; forgetting what
lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead''.
What is that one thing you are trusting God for? Take note of
whatever He drops in your spirit this period, no matter how trivial it may
look, and bring it before Him in prayers. As you seek Him in spirit and in
truth, see that thing delivered to you. Don't write yourself off, just
because you cannot figure out how God will ever intervene in your case.
I come with a mandate from God to declare to you that Jehovah is for you
and He will do whatever He needs to do to ensure that you are settled on
every side. I see Him fight your battles and silence the voice of the
wicked. You will not die but live; get ready for it is a new day for you. I
see God arise on your behalf. You will not be small, you will not be few,
out of your mouth shall proceed thanksgiving, you will sing with the
voice of them that make merry. The wicked shall bow at your gate!

Further reading: Luke 10:38-42, Isaiah 55:6,

Daily Bible Reading: Judges 3-5
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

od is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore I will not fear, though the earth be removed, and
though the mountains be carried into the midst of the seas. For
the Lord of host is with me and the God of Jacob is my refuge. The Lord
will help me and that right early ,

I will not let the word of God depart from before my eyes for it is life to
me for I have found it and it is health and healing to all my flesh.

My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Therefore every disease germ
and every virus that touches this body dies instantly in the name of
Jesus. I have divine health.

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

March 20, Sunday

Handling Negative Thoughts (II)
As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of
the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe. And he suffered no man to follow him,
save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. Mark 5:36-37

T he bible says He permitted no man to follow Him-He threw out all

the doubters. Whenever you seem to be in doubt surround
yourself with things that will build your faith; get tapes, CDs,
books, magazine etc for faith comes by hearing the word of God. Here
Jesus threw doubters out and surrounded Himself with James, Peter and
John, those who will agree with Him in faith.
He got to Jarius' house and refused to partners, with
professional mourners and Jesus said why are you people weeping? The
child is not dead but sleepeth; that was the voice of faith speaking 'the
damsel sleepeth' and they laughed Him to scorn. Don't expect the devil
to agree. They laughed at Him, made mockery of Him but He refused to
be entertained by what they were doing. Some of us are accommodating
what we should put out, applying cream and powder so that we can
receive sympathy, but Jesus threw them all out and He took with Him
the child's father, mother and the disciples because He already built faith
in them. And Jesus went to the damsel and took her hand and said unto
her, 'Damsel arise' and she rose up. Jesus spoke to the problem-He spoke
to the mountain. He did not negotiate with the mountain. You speak
what you desire not what is happening around you.
The damsel arose as Jesus had said and they were all astonished.
I declare to you, your enemies will be astonished. All those who are
making a mockery of you and laughing at you shall be astonished. You
will not see shame.

Further reading: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6.

Daily Bible Reading: Judges 6-7
Daily Devotional

March 21, Monday

How To Function By Faith
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life:
he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: John 11:25

J esus was told that Lazarus His friend was sick but while Jesus delayed, the
devil struck. Jesus said to His disciples Lazarus sleepeth but I go that I may
wake him up. The disciples said if he is sleeping it is good. Alright Jesus said;
let me teach you how you can function by faith. Lazarus is dead and I am glad I
wasn't there, now let us go and wake him up so that you can believe that I am
the Resurrection and the Life.
Now when Martha saw Jesus, she said it is finished, my brother is
dead nothing can happen again. That is not how to function by faith. Mary
stayed back in the house. Mary was offended for she must have been saying,
can you imagine I gave my oil, my best oil I poured on his head; I am one of the
biggest givers but when I called him he stayed in his house, so I am not going to
welcome him. Then Martha came and said 'Lord if you had been here my
brother would not have died and then she repackaged her words by saying yet I
know whatever you ask Him He shall do it. Jesus said to her thy brother shall
rise again but she didn't believe and she said I know at the day of resurrection.
In other words, it is possible but not today. She wasn't fighting the believers
fight. The Resurrection and the Life was there and yet she did not believe it. The
word was there.
The bible says God's word is spirit and life. When I latch onto it and
believe it, life comes out of it. The entrance of the word gives light and
understanding to the simple. Where the word of the king is, there is power.
Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life. When I'm present
anything can arise. Don't you remember that on His resurrection day graves
were opened and many dead rose? Anywhere Jesus is, anything can happen,
even now where you are, let every good thing that the devil killed, stole or
destroyed let them come alive. Jesus said whosoever believeth in me though he
were dead he shall come alive and whosoever believeth in me though he were
alive shall never see death. And he told them to take away the stone. Lazarus
came forth. Every good in your life is coming forth in Jesus name.

Further reading: John 11:1-44

Daily Bible Reading: Judges 8-9
Daily Devotional

March 22, Tuesday

Serve The Lord
Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put
away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt;
and serve ye the LORD...but as for me and my house,we will serve the LORD.

T he children of Israel were already now in the Promised Land and

Joshua was reminding them what favour God had done for them,
how God had gone out of His way to bless them tremendously
beyond their wildest dreams. In Joshua 24:14 Joshua said '...Serve ye the
Lord...' Child of God, that is the key. The whole purpose of God's blessing
upon your life is to serve Him. This is the reason He keeps you alive. This
is the reason He heals your body; Peter's mother in-law began ministering
to Jesus as soon as she was healed of the fever. This is why He saved you,
this is why He delivered you, this is why He provides you with food,
clothing and shelter. This is why God blesses you, so that you would use
every part of your life to serve Him.
In verse 15, Joshua said o them'...Choose you this day whom ye
will serve...' He told them to make a choice. God is not going to push
Himself or impose Himself on them. They had a choice to make and God
would respect any choice they made but Joshua was saying I have gone
too far with this God for me to turn my back on Him. My mind is made up.
What about you, is your mind made up or are you still between opinions?

Further reading: Joshua 24:1-15, Deuteronomy 6:13, 1 Samuel 12:24

Daily Bible Reading: Judges 10-12
Daily Devotional

March 23, Wednesday

Leadership Begins From The Home (I)
“...But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”Joshua 24:15

hen we talk about leadership some of us are wonderful
leaders on the outside and in public places but where really
should our leadership start, where should it begin? Many
leaders are just interested in being successful publicly. Joshua's
leadership of his family was more important to him than the leadership
of the nation. He was interested in raising a successful family before
leading a successful nation. You that wants to be celebrated, how is your
family life, how is it with your spouse and children? Are they a portrait of
the leadership you seek to project? We can draw an example from this
text in the life of Joshua. For him and any other leader wanting to make an
impact beyond their life time, it must begin from home. If you have not
been able to lead your family well, you have no reason to aspire for public
Leadership starts from the home because it is God Himself who
had set families in place and He has put it in such a way that there is order
if we follow the way he has set it. You see, we always have it backwards
and that is not the way it should be because before the foundation of the
world families had already existed. It is the families that make up the
nation so good leadership should really begin from your home.
Husband love your wife, wife submit to your husband, children
honour your parents and parents do not provoke your children to wrath
but discipline them and bring them up in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord. I challenge you today to make your family an example by
offering quality leadership in your home. Today I bless your home in
Jesus name.

Further Reading: Genesis 2:24-25, 18:1-19

Daily Bible Reading: Judges 13-15
Daily Devotional

March 24, Thursday

Leadership Begins From The Home (II)
“...But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”Joshua 24:15

od does not want you to be a public success and a private failure.
A public success is someone everyone is hailing and clapping
hands for, one who is everyone's hero and supposed role model.
He is wonderful in the church, brilliant in the corporate world, popular
in the entertainment industry and powerful on the political scene but his
home is collapsing. That is not success. And this is one of the things
destroying our nation.
A lot of terrible things go on in our capital city which is the seat
of power and they are deplorable because people don't even care about
their families any longer. The family is daily being sacrificed on the altar
of success, money and power. As a child of God, you must be careful not
to fall into this trap or be carried away by the deception. Whether we like
it or not God's standards remain constant and no amount of compromise
or sophistication can alter it. The foundation of the Lord standeth sure,
God knows those who are His; let everyone that nameth the name of the
Lord depart from iniquity. 2 Timothy 2:19. You must resolve to follow
the scriptural standard. We must not follow the world at all. Your
starting at home is the key to affecting others in a positive way. It will be
tragic for you to be a leader in church yet your home is in confusion or
disarray. It is tragic for you to be going around with a big bible while
there is nothing good to write about your home. Everyone must make
conscious effort to see that his home is in order because Joshua had his
priority right and he led his family well. He therefore gained credibility
to lead the entire house of Israel. My prayer is that you will rise to the
very height that God has ordained for you in every area. I bless you

Further Reading: Psalm 11:3, 82:5, Proverbs 22:1

Daily Bible Reading: Judges 16-18
Daily Devotional

March 25, Friday

God Wants Us To Be High Fliers
“Doth the eagle mount up at thy command and make her
nest on high?” Job 39:27

od wants us to be high fliers. He doesn't want us to run around with
chickens like you can see from the text, the eagle flies high, it builds its
nest at a high level. The intention of God is that we become eagle
Christians. Several birds are mentioned in the bible and some of them take
special significance in the bible. The eagle is a bird that symbolizes power,
majesty and youthfulness. It is a bird that has gained control of the air. It is a
unique and an unusual bird known for vigour and speed. The eagle gracefully
soars high in the air hunting for food and has become to many, a symbol of
freedom and power.
When you look at the scripture you will notice some characteristics of
an eagle that Christians need to emulate. God's intention is that when we see
those characteristics, we see His plans for us. Isaiah 40:27-31 says 'But they that
wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings
as eagles...' God's intention is that you soar high like the eagle, that you will not
grow weary in your pursuit and you will not faint or give up in your
aspirations. I declare to you, you will never be weary. You will never faint in
Jesus name. Proverbs 30:18-19 talks about the wonder of the way of the eagle in
the air. You can't explain the way of an eagle in the air. You can't explain the
way it moves in the air. In other words God wants you to look mysterious to the
world; they shouldn't be able to explain how you are managing, or how you are
able to manoeuvre yourself such that while others are sinking, you are
In Ezekiel 17:3, you will see another picture painted of the eagle. It
says, “A great eagle ... took the highest branch of the cedar.' The eagle doesn't
take low places, it takes the highest; that is your portion. You will never be a low
flier. Psalm 103:3 says who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy
youth is renewed like the eagles. So even though you may be ageing in numbers
of years His intention is that you still remain fresh. You don't have to fall apart.
That's not His plan. You can still remain youthful in your appearance. Today
may God satisfy your mouth with good things. May He renew your youth in
the name of Jesus.

Further Reading: Isaiah 40:1-31

Daily Bible Reading: Jud 19-21
Daily Devotional

March 26, Saturday

Eagle Eyed Christian (I)
“Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Prov. 29:18

ne of the great assets the eagle has which I believe God wants us
to have as Christians is vision. The bible says where there is no
vision the people perish (Prov 29:18). An eagle's ability to see is
eight times better than that of human beings. That suggests that to be
eagled eyed is to have strong visionary capacity. You are able to have
strong vision to see ahead while others are celebrating. The advantage
you have is while others are celebrating now, you have already moved.
While others are dancing around what has happened you are already
breaking new grounds with your vision.
The eagle eyed Christian lives in the future. He sees ahead and
that is what the bible is all about. The bible is meant to give you vision,
the vision of your future and so you don't settle for mediocrity. You don't
settle for the status-quo. God has great plans for your life. Where you are
now is not your destination; you will move forward.
Eagle eyed Christians are well ahead of their generation. An
eagle eyed Christian is meant to have spiritual insight into the mysteries
of the kingdom. He understands how the kingdom operates because he
sees beyond the natural. He's able to discern spiritual truth and things
happening around him. Vision is therefore crucial and critical in the life
of an eagle eyed Christian. What you don't perceive you can never
capture. The Lord will enlighten your understanding and broaden your
vision in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Ephesians 1:17-19

Daily Bible Reading: Ruth 1- 4
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he rod of the wicked shall not rest upon my inheritance, and all
my lost years will be restored. I shall suffer no setback in my
home, business and ministry. The Lord will bless me out of His
throne and I will see the goodness of Nigeria all the days of my life

The word of God is lamp to my feet and light to my path, therefore I

will not stumble or fall into the trap of the enemy.

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord
Jehovah is my strength and my song; He is also become my salvation.
Therefore with joy shall I draw water out of the wells of salvation.

I fear not, for the Lord has redeemed me, He has called me by my name,
I am His. When I pass through the waters, He will be with me; and
through the rivers, they shall not overflow me. When I walk through
the fire, the flame will not be kindled upon me

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

March 27, Sunday

Eagle Eyed Christian (II)
“Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Prov. 29:18

hat you do not see, you cannot achieve. The bible says to us that
“as a man thinketh in his heart so is he'. We are talking about
vision inside you, that is, the picture you see that is bigger than
what you are experiencing. He said in Genesis 11 that this people have
become one and there is nothing they have imagined that will be restrained
from them. Whatever picture that they are seeing inside them even I God
will find it difficult to stop them, you will fulfil your vision.
A physically challenged lady by the name Helen Keller was asked
what was worse than being blind and she answered having eyes without
vision is worse than blindness. That I have my two eyes and I cannot see
beyond now and see ahead into what God has planned for me. Many are
where they are because they have resigned themselves to the status quo.
Whenever the word is spoken from the pulpit, it is to paint a picture of what
God wants for your life. How dare you settle for anything less than what
He wants for your life?
How many know that ever before the devil arrived on the scene,
God had already known everything; the devil is too late. There is nothing
he can prove or pull out that can violate what God has already settled,
because the blood was shed before the foundation of the world. The blood
was already shed ahead of what the devil will do. Regardless of what you
are facing now victory is already yours.
Understand that ever before we start the fight, the fight is already
determined. The winner is already determined and guess who the winner
is; you. That is why you must not allow any picture the devil is painting of
failure or disappointment or frustration to be your destination. His
assignment is to paint the picture, your assignment is to say, it is not for me.

Further Reading: Genesis 11:1-6

Daily Bible Reading: 1 Sam 1-3
Daily Devotional

March 28, Monday

When Praises Go Up (I)
“Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
Then shall the earth yield her increase: and God, even our God
shall bless us” Psalm 67:5-6

e have all heard the cliché over and over again when praises go
up, blessings come down. But have you stopped to think about
it? Have you looked at it from the scriptural standpoint or is it
just another cliché for you?
Beloved, the world is in a cup of trembling. Every formula of man
has failed; all the postulations and projections have fallen flat on the face of
mankind. Many people's hearts are failing them; some have even gone
ahead to commit suicide because they cannot bear what they see. But thank
God you belong to an unshakeable kingdom a kingdom where when men
are cast down, you will boldly say there is a lifting.
When the hearts of men are failing, you can talk about peace even
in the storm. Beloved, this is worth thanking God for because it is one thing
to be in the storm, but quite another for the storm to be inside you. The
greatest gift of all after salvation is for a man to have peace with His maker
and peace with himself; that is the benefit of salvation.
Come with me to the book of Psalms and let us explore praise in a
new dimension. In Psalm 103 the Psalmists starts, I perceive with a loud
voice, “Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy
name. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not His benefits …” and he
begins to list the benefits that money or position cannot buy.
Think about it, for which of these blessings can you pay? Which
one can you buy? Is it the forgiveness of sins, or the healing you enjoy? Can
you imagine how many people have died from the same illness that you
discard with a wave of hand every day? Do you know the number of lives
killed by malaria daily? Think about the way He redeemed your life from
the pit and above all crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.

Further Reading: Psalm 103:1-22

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 4-8
Daily Devotional

March 29, Tuesday

When Praises Go Up (II)
“Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
Then shall the earth yield her increase: and God, even our God
shall bless us” Psalm 67:5-6

I n 2 Chronicles chapter 20 where we see Jehoshaphat confronted by what

will probably be one of the greatest challenges of his reign. He was faced
with a war and indeed like every one of us, he was afraid. He started off
calling for a fast and prayers, like we all will naturally do, until the word of God
came to him.
Take a moment and think: Which battle is confronting you today?
What is it that has caused you to have sleepless nights? What is that thing that
causes you to cry in the wee hours of the morning and you clean up your face
and come out with a smile, yet in the deep recesses of your heart you are in fear.
What is it? Jehoshaphat faced the same thing to the point where he proclaimed
a fast throughout the nation. But in verse 14 of that scripture, the word of the
Lord came to him just as it has come to you, that this year, God will settle you.
Can you imagine that God put a whole nation in a battle and the recipe for the
battle was nothing else but praise? Their fear was going to end up with praise.
But the clincher is not just in the praise. It is in verse 20. I am sure you are
familiar with it, but go back and read it again: “Believe in the Lord your God, so
shall ye be established; believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper.” Beloved
what do you believe?
Did you take the word of God declared to you at the beginning of this
year with a pinch of salt or did you believe it whole heartedly? If you believed it
with a pinch of salt, I implore you today to repent of it and embrace the word as
God's word to you personally. However if you believed it whole-heartedly,
then welcome to phase 2, it is time to praise. I challenge you to put on the
garment of praise and take off the spirit of heaviness. Lift up your voice to God.
Pray in the spirit and in understanding. Oh magnify the Lord. Can you
remember that song? Yes, that is what you need to do. Praise Him for who He
is. Praise Him for the things He has done but much more praise Him for His
promises, because His word cannot fail. Heaven and earth may pass away but
not the word of God. Beloved, it is time to praise Him! Give Him undignified
praise. He is the audience and watch Him move on your behalf. Don't do it
today and forget it, make it a lifestyle and you will be glad.

Further Reading: 2 Chronicles 20:1-27

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 9-12
Daily Devotional

March 30, Wednesday

Mission Impossible (I)
...I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the
king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. Esther 4:16

hen you became a Christian, you didn't join a social club or a
society, you made a choice to team up with the Almighty
God, to covenant with Him and be delivered from the
mundane things of this world. Something powerful happened in your
life. You are not ordinary. God chose you to accomplish mission
impossible. He didn't call you for the world to use as a foot mat. He
didn't call you to hide you in the crowd. He called you out of darkness
into His marvellous light.
Your potential is not what someone said about you, rather what
God says about you. You are who God says you are and have what He
says you have. You can do what He says you can do. But do you know
that many can still live their lives and die without fulfilling the very will
of God? Child of God you are not ordinary. God has not called you to be
ridiculed by the world. He has called you to reign with Him. You are the
light of the world, the salt of the earth, a peculiar person. Set aside to
show forth the praise of your God.
The world has been designed to hinder, disgrace and stop God's
purpose for your life but the God that has called you has equipped you to
be able to confront your confrontations, to attack your attackers, to
overtake your over takers. He has called you to reveal His glory on earth.
You are not ordinary. You are somebody in the eyes of God. What you
were yesterday has become history. That is not your potential. Your
potential is based on what God said. The world doesn't have the light.
That is why you have been called to show the light.

Further Reading: Mathew 17:1-21

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 13-14
Daily Devotional

March 31, Thursday

Mission Impossible (II)
...I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king,
which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish. Esther 4:16

T he children of God had been taken captive into another land and
amongst them was a man named Modecai and he had a niece by
the name Esther. She was like a slave in the land. If anyone had a
reason to be rejected and dejected, it was Esther. She wasn't only a
captive but a slave who had never enjoyed the privilege of being loved
by a parent. If anyone had a reason to fold up her hands, sit down and
deny God, it was Esther. She submitted herself to her uncle because she
knew she was doing the will of God. He brought her up in the way and
admonition of the Lord. Esther knew there was potentials in her and
refused to bow down to the pressure of the devil.
Many times, the devil masterminds strategies to make it seem
there is nothing deposited in your life. Every human being has got
potentials. There is something in you that makes you unique. If that
thing can be submitted into the hands of God, it will be a rod in God's
hand. She knew that though she was a slave in the land, she had God.
Though she was a captive, she had God. Prosperity isn't about the things
you have but having and knowing God.
With the challenges of today, some are dying of hypertension
because their prosperity depends on what they have. If you have Jesus
you have prosperity. Let them put you in a desert, you will produce
result. Let them freeze your accounts and take your buildings, if you
have Jesus, you will produce. Since I got a hold of that principle, nothing
shakes me. The tempest may rage, billows may toss high, I know who I
have inside me. I carry God wherever I go. You must begin to realise who
you are inside of you.

Further Reading: Esther 4:1-17;

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 15-17
Daily Devotional

April 1, Friday
Your Haman Will Announce You
And Mordecai told him of all that had happened unto him, and of
the sum of the money that Haman had promised to pay to the
king's treasuries for the Jews, to destroy them. Esther 4:7

rom slavery, Esther found herself as the first lady of the land. But
there rose up a man named Haman, anointed from the very pit of
hell to destroy God's people. We have some Hamans today in
organisations as chairmen, members of board of directors, managing
directors and general managers who want to destroy your life because
you have made Jesus the Lord of your life. You must know that a child of
God cannot be destroyed. Your life isn't in the hands of witches and
wizards and occultists. Your life is in the hands of God.
Haman thought, planned and schemed to kill all the Jews in the
land. I have told those who care to listen that the church of God in this
nation is not the problem but the answer and there is no need plotting to
destroy the church. Besides, the church is the body of Christ on earth and
God will not watch to see His body destroyed or humiliated. He will
defend the church because whoever touches the church touches the
apple of His eyes.
Don't be afraid of your Haman but learn to deal with him by the
leading and power of God. We all need Hamans in our lives to take us to
the very place God wants us to reach. Their evil plots are always used by
God to take us to the very place He has designed for us. Today I
prophesy to you that the very thing the enemy intend to destroy you will
announce you. God will show up and fight for you and you will testify.

Further Reading: Esther 3:1-15

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 18-20
Daily Devotional

April 2, Saturday
At Ease In Zion
“Woe to him who is at ease in Zion.” Amos 6:1

ome Christians easily forget where they are coming from as soon as
God lifts them. They soon forget how they were wondering
around seeking help and no man seemed willing to come to their
aid. Esther was enjoying in the palace when others were suffering but
Modecai reached out to her and informed her about the plan to kill all the
Jews in the land and there was need to act fast. Esther began to give all the
excuses because of fear. Fear will manufacture what you don't desire but
faith will always bring down the hand of God.
She said the king hasn't invited her in a month and out of fear
said if she approaches the king, she will be killed. Esther's life became
more important than the kingdom business. There are some in the shoes
of Esther today who are at ease in Zion. You are now enjoying the
prosperity of God. You are now living in your house, enjoying good
health, driving air conditioned car. You know how sick you were when
you came to church. You have been promoted and lifted up and God has
given you influence and authority and you are giving excuses while
God's work is being hindered.
Amos 6 says “Woe to him who is at ease in Zion.” God frowns at
Christians who slag behind when they should be taking charge. Wake up
today and fulfil the mandate of God upon your life.

Further Reading: Amos 6:1-7

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 21-24
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I have hid His word in my heart, and I have chosen to do His will,
therefore I prosper in all my ways.

I am convinced that all things work together for my good, because I

love God and because I am the called according to His purpose; so I do
not fret about anything; but in everything, I give thanks to God the

The thoughts of the Lord towards me are thoughts of good and not of
evil, to give me an expected end.

The Lord has promised that He will never leave me nor forsake me, so I
can boldly say, the Lord is my keeper, He is the shade on my right hand.
The sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night. The Lord
shall preserve me from all evil; He will keep my life, He will keep my
going out and my coming in, from this time forth and forever.

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

April 3, Sunday
Stand Firm In Faith
“Behold, I am the Lord the God of all flesh;
is there anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27

ooking at this scripture, I encourage you not to join the company of
those who have laughed at God over time, not out of disrespect but
based on lack of manifestation of His promise. However, God's
promises will not fall on you like a bag of cherry: because like I always say,
any prophecy that makes God completely responsible for the fulfilment is an
irresponsible prophecy. There is “a God part” and there is “a you part”.
Hebrews 11:11 says that “By faith even Sarah herself received ability to
conceive, even beyond proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful
who has promised”. Sarah was saying, I may not understand exactly how He
is going to do it but I believe He who delivered me in time past is able to
deliver me now.
God had demonstrated His almightiness when she was delivered
from the hands of the wicked heathen king in Genesis 20. She thereafter
judged God faithful and received strength to conceive. Did you see that?
Take a moment to think about it. If God has been faithful to men all through
the ages, why would He fail in your case? We are not talking about your boss
here, but about the Monarch of the universe, the El Shaddai Himself, the One
who can kill and make alive the maker of the Heavens and the earth. My
question is, do you have enough faith in this God? Child of God, if you must
see the manifestation you are expecting, then you must also stand in faith,
for without faith, it is impossible to please God. Men may break promises but
not God. He is a covenant keeping God. Build your faith on the word of God,
because the word never fails. I have come to challenge you to stand firm in
faith and in the place of prayer. Do not stop until you see the manifestation of
everything you have believed God for. Often times God will allow all flesh to
be silent so that no one will take His glory, so stop looking at impossibilities.
Do not let the enemy garage you with fear because covenant is speaking for
you. Beloved no one can touch your life, because anyone who touches you
has touched God. God is giving you a new beginning, and that is why I know
that great things which will beat your imagination will come to pass. Get
ready to celebrate.

Further Reading: Hebrews 11:1-40

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 25-27
Daily Devotional

April 4, Monday
You Are Not Ordinary
...And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom
for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

ne of the things you must realise in life is that you didn't get to
where you are because of you. You are where you are because of
others. You are a child of destiny and there is a purpose why
God put you where you are. God is a God of plan, purpose, design and
objectivity. Esther had forgotten where she came from; the deliverances,
the victories she experienced in God.
Why should you allow yourself to be lied to by the adversary?
Wake up to who you are. Wake up; you are no more a slave, no more the
captive you used to be. Esther still had the mentality of the Jews that she
naturally was. She still thought she had no say in the palace and was
bound by fear. Modecai told her that you are a queen; you are not
ordinary. Awake to whom you are. Why are you a Christian today? Why
do you speak in tongues? Old things have passed away and all things
have become new. You are the bride of Christ. You matter and you have a
say in the kingdom.
Wake up and don't let the devil bind you. Don't let him remind
you of the way you behaved before you became a Christian. Where sin
abound, grace did much more abound. Why are you looking at what you
used to be? Something new has taken place in your life. Wake up to the
new you. Wake up to the realisation that something new has taken place
in your life. Something powerful has happened to you. God saved you so
that your life will count wherever you are. Why do you open the old
diary when God has submerged it into the sea of forgetfulness? God has
changed your life. When He gave you Christ He gave you His best. He is
the one on your inside working on the outside.

Further Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:1-17

Daily Bible Reading: 1Sam 28-31
Daily Devotional

April 5, Tuesday
Pull The Trigger
Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

I used to know of a state administrator whose wife paid a visit to

Lagos. On their way, they drove through the 'old Oshodi', with an
army escort and driver. She noticed some men trying to peep into the
car and alerted the soldiers. After few minutes five men showed up and
started breaking the glass of the car. She shouted at the soldiers to pull
the trigger and as one of them did, the brain of one of the thieves was
blown out and the others ran for their lives.
Child of God, until you pull the trigger, the devil will not leave
you alone. The woman suddenly remembered that she had been trained
and equipped for warfare. Mathew 11:12 says “And from the days of
John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and
the violent take it by force”. If you refuse to pull the trigger, the devil will
take what rightly belongs to you. The devil has violated many believers
today for their inaction when the devil harassed them.
Every time the enemy shows up, pull the trigger. Take your
stand and declare boldly before him what the word of God says
concerning you. Let him know that if anyone will give in, it's not going to
be you. Realize he is always looking for whom to devour and if you allow
him he will make a minced meat of you. Know he doesn't play fair and so
you don't have to joke with him. Take a firm stand and you will
experience God's victory. I bless you today.

Further Reading: 1 Peter 5:1-11

Daily Bible Reading: 2Sam 1-3
Daily Devotional

April 6, Wednesday
Be A God Chaser
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you. Mathew 6:33

I know of a woman in a particular state who served the Lord with her
whole heart. Anytime I got to the state she drives me around in spite
of her busy itinerary. She has so much appetite for the word and was
always in service.
One day, she decided to go on three days dry fast and the
husband on the third day asked her to stop going to church but she
lovingly told him God has been too good to her to abandon Him now.
She spoke by the leading of the Spirit and by the end of the year precisely
the 31st night service, the husband gave his life to Christ, threw away all
the charms and is till today on fire for the Lord!
When you load your spirit with the word of God, when the time
comes that your mouth will need it as a missile directed towards your
circumstances, your spirit will direct your mouth. Many are saved but
there is no word in their spirit. I love good things but never at the expense
of spiritual vitality. It is very important that believers today begin to
pursue the very heart of God and not the things we find around in the
world. The reality is that if one finds God, all these things are designed to
pursue us. Decide today to pursue God rather than things and every
good thing you desire will come following you. I bless you today.

Further Reading: Mathew 6:1-34

Daily Bible Reading: 2Sam 4-7
Daily Devotional

April 7, Thursday
Don't Tear Your Clothes
“And he that is the high priest among his brethren upon whose head the
anointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the garments shall
not uncover his head, or rend his clothers.”Lev 21:10

e will find out that through the bible, there are instances
where individuals tore their clothes. A few instances like that
of Joshua and Caleb was for advancement. In Numbers
chapters 13 and 14, you will notice that Joshua and Caleb tore their
clothes at their returning from spying the Promised Land with the other
spies. The other spies brought report that discouraged the people of
Israel and in their anger Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes at the
message they heard which was contrary to their belief.
Tearing of clothes in the scriptures usually symbolizes grief. It
means pain. It is an indication or suggestion of desperation. It is simply
saying. It is over! It is a sign of finality. It is a sign of hopelessness. It is a
sign that things cannot change. In Judges 11:35, Jephthah tore his clothes
when he discovered that the vow he made to God was going to be the
sacrifice of his daughter. In 2 Samuel 3:22-24, David tore his clothes
when he heard about the death of Abner. In Job 1:20, Job tore his clothes
because he was grieved. In Leviticus, the bible informed us about the
high priest who comes to God's presence and no matter what happens,
he is expected not to tear his clothes.
1 Peter 2:9 calls us a royal priesthood. Tradition carries it that if a
high priest tears his clothes while in the presence of God, he will be
killed. Child of God, you have hope in this world. You will not end up
the way you are. Help is on your way. You are a king and priest unto
God. You have been called aside to show forth the praise of God. It's a
new day for you so don't tear your clothes.

Further Reading: 1 Peter 2:1-12

Daily Bible Reading: 2Sam 8-12
Daily Devotional

April 8, Friday
God Is Not In Trouble
“....That the living may know that the most High ruleth
in the kingdom of men......” Dan 4:17

e are witnessing in our days, an unprecedented increase in
the activities of the devil and his cohorts. We are seeing
violence on the increase, crime, rebellion, anarchy,
disobedience and disloyalty are more or less daring our God, staring us
in the face and asking where our God is. There is an orchestrated attempt
from the very pit of hell to ensure that God's people with the very life of
God are put down, humiliated, frustrated and discouraged. It is from the
pit of hell and as we begin to climax the age it will increase, but there is
good news for God's people; The God that we serve is not in trouble!
Fear not! Your God is the Almighty. He is in perfect control. He
is high and lifted up, higher than your challenges and everything the
devil can ever throw at you. He is Jehovah Elohim. He is God the creator.
He is Jehovah Sabaoth. He is the beginning. He is the end. He is the first
and the last. When He shuts, no one opens. When He opens, no one
shuts. He is God, beside Him there is none else. He created time and
stepped out of time to control it. His decrees are in eternity and they
manifest in time for the good of man. He is God and He upholds all
things by the word of His power. Do not be troubled at what you see or
what you hear. Your God is not in trouble. The scripture declares that
“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh” Your God is laughing at the
intrigues and devices of the wicked. Therefore, fear not! Rest in Him. He
is not a man that He should lie neither the son of man that He should
repent. If He has said it, He will do it, if He has spoken it, He will bring it
to pass. Nothing can stop the promises of God from manifesting in your

Further Reading: Psalm 2:1-12, John 16: 33;

Daily Bible Reading: 2Sam 13-15
Daily Devotional

April 9, Saturday
You Serve A Mighty God

“... I am the Lord that maketh all things.....” Isaiah 44:24

T he God we serve is a mighty God. He created everything. He

looked at the bigness, the smallness, the wideness and the length
of everything He created. And He said “I am God and there is
none else” (Isaiah 46:9) He is the Almighty God. From everlasting to
everlasting He is God, He is our sun, He is our shield and our salvation.
He is your great provider; Jehovah Jireh. He is Jehovah Nissi your
victorious banner; He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord that heals you. With
Him all things are possible. All powers bow before Him. If this God is for
you, no one can be against you.
In Matthew 11: 28, Jesus declares “learn of me” in other words,
as a believer you need to learn how to access what is available to you. The
power of God is available to you in the name of Jesus and every satanic
bondage shall be broken because you serve a mighty God that cannot be
hindered in any way. Choose to believe, choose faith over fear.
The other day, when Jesus was on His way to Jarius' house,
people came and said the girl is dead. In other words, Jesus you came
late! Not our God! Our God controls time and circumstance. He cannot
come late. Who told you that your own case is gone? Who told you that
you should rule yourself out? Who told you nothing can happen again?
“Be not afraid, only believe” Jesus replied. (Mark 5:36) Your God will
show up! He will show up and take over every battle in your life. This is
your time. This is your season. He that raised Jarius' daughter from the
dead is still alive. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and
forever” (Heb 13:8) expect a miracle, expect things to turn around
because you serve a mighty God.

Further Reading: Mark 5: 25-42

Daily Bible Reading: 2Sam 16-18
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

hen I call upon Him, He will hearken unto me. He will give
me great and mighty things and make me praise in the

The Lord has sworn by His right hand, and by the arm of His strength,
surely He will not give my corn to be meat for my enemies, and the sons
of the stranger will not drink the wine for which I have laboured. I will
eat the fruit of my labour and it shall be well with me.

The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, therefore I shall not fear. The
Lord is the strength of my life; I shall not be afraid.

God hath given me riches and wealth, and hath given me power to eat
thereof, and to take my portion in the land , and to rejoice in my
labour; this is my gift from God, Every place that the sole of my foot
shall tread upon, the Lord has given unto me as he promised

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at

God's ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will
make a formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

April 10, Sunday

You Have Been Empowered To Succeed
“...And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be
fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and
have dominion...” Gen 1: 28 KJV

e have been adequately informed in the scriptures that God
made man in His image and likeness. He looked at the man He
made and said “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth
and subdue it and have dominion over what I have created”. This is the
divine mandate! This is what He said, you know what? You have been
empowered to prosper, empowered to succeed by divine decree,
empowered to overcome.
Child of God, you are not called for disappointment and
frustration. You are not supposed to be a by-word. Man is not supposed to
be scorned or refused or be a disappointment. God did not intend that you
should be a failure. No! You are made in the very image of God. The gene of
God is flowing through you. How then can you fail?” if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away, behold all things
are become new” (I2 Corinthians 5:17). You are in His class, you are raised
by God to be in His class. Your salvation was consummated before the
foundation of the world (Titus 1:2) Think of it, how can creation now
overrule you? You existed before creation, how can creation be greater than
you? You were not called to be a failure; you are not called to be like every
other person. You are different. You have been quickened, you have been
raised, you have been made to sit in the place of power with Jesus Christ at
the place of power and authority, you are called to be above, you are not
called to be beneath, you are not the victim but the victor, you are a
conqueror, you are called to be blessed. You are called for the blessings of
God to come to you, you are called to decree things and they shall be
established. What you bind shall be bound what you loose shall be loosed.
You are not an ordinary person.

Further Reading: Genesis 1: 26-29 Psalm 8:1-9

Daily Bible Reading: 2Sam 19-21
Daily Devotional

April 11, Monday

You Are Called To Restore Divine Order (I)
“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the
manifestation of the sons of God”. Romans 8:19 KJV

B eloved, we are a chosen generation, we are God's own royal

priesthood, ordained by God to show forth His praises, we are
the light of the world, we are the salt of the earth. Every
ingredient necessary to make you an instrument in His hands has been
deposited in you. It is an insult to the finished work of Jesus Christ for a
child of God to go about like every other person, you are supposed to
manifest. A lion gives birth to lion, if you belong to the class of God, then
understand that His genes run through you. His blood flows through
your veins you are not ordinary, you are called to restore divine order.
The earth has been disorganized by the devil and his cohorts,
the earth has been messed up, our nation has been messed up,
everything around us is messed up and there are believers who are
hiding, child of God, it is time for you to manifest and take charge, God is
looking to and fro, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose
hearts are perfect towards Him. He is looking for sons and daughters to
come out of the kingdom. Creation is waiting with eager expectation for
the manifestation of the sons of God. Where are they? When will they
show up?
In order for you to manifest, you need to understand that every
trial, pressure and temptation you face is designed as a set-up by God for
you to manifest. May you manifest in Jesus name.

Further Reading: 1 Samuel 14:6-23, 17:23-50

Daily Bible Reading 2Sam 22-24
Daily Devotional

April 12, Tuesday

You Are Called To Restore Divine Order (II)
“And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” Genesis 1:2

I n the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He created it
beautiful, our God is beautiful and excellent, anything He does is
perfect, then suddenly, He looked at what He created and it was
“without form and void” but the Spirit of God moved. He is a moving
spirit! You cannot have the Holy Spirit and not be on the move. You
cannot have the Holy Spirit and be stagnant. If you truly have the Holy
Spirit He will move you, He will change your position and your
circumstance. When the Holy Ghost comes, a change is imminent. “it is
not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit” (Zechariah 4:6).
In the midst of the devastation, the spirit of God was moving.
And God looked down and God said I can't have this! This is what is
called restoring divine order. You get angry! God looked down and said
what's going on here? Who's the boss here? I can't have this. “Let there be
light” and the scriptures says there was light! This is manifestation. That
is how the sons of God should manifest, refuse to be intimidated. Speak
to whatever is withholding light in your situation “let there be light”
Let! Let!! Let!!! In other words, devil you have no choice, let go!
Beloved if you check the scripture you will discover that every person
used by God came to restore divine order. These men were flesh and
blood like you and I. They were men of like passions. What they did, we
can do also, stop running from challenges stand and position yourself to
be used of God to restore divine order. This is your time!

Further Reading: Genesis 1:1-24

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 1-2
Daily Devotional

April 13, Wednesday

You Are Called To Restore Divine Order (III)
“…Moses and Aaron went in and told pharaoh thus
saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go…”Exodus 5:1 KJV

oses, at a certain time in his life ran away from Egypt, but
when the time came for the fulfillment of his divine destiny,
God called him to go back to Egypt and confront Pharaoh. The
challenges you run from today you will meet tomorrow. Some believers
today are running from church to church, looking for someone who will
pray that “ultimate prayer” for them and everything will just go. It
doesn't work that way, what you cannot receive and access for yourself,
even if a higher anointing gets it for you, you will not keep it. God is
calling His sons and daughters back to the barracks, He is calling us. We
are running hay wire, we are not listening to the instructions of our
commander in-chief.
Moses went back to Pharaoh and said “let” let my people go! He
looked at Pharaoh, whom he was running from without fear or
intimidation and declared the counsel of God. Why? He had had an
encounter with God. When you have seen the face of God, you cannot
fear any man.
In Exodus chapter 12, the sons of Israel went out of Egypt;
pharaoh could not stop them, whatsoever has been holding you will
release you. You are going! Divine order will be restored in your life.
Refuse to hide, refuse to be ordinary, and decide to stay at the cutting
edge. You are called to restore divine order that is why you are here. You
have the mandate from heaven. Therefore if God said it, declare it. Moses
declared what God said and there was restoration of divine order.
Declare what God had said in the face of obstacles and difficulties, when
you say it, the enemy will bow to the power of God that is upon your life.

Further Reading: Exodus 5:1, 12:40-42

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 3-5
Daily Devotional

April 14, Thursday

All You Need Is God's Approval (I)
“And Elijah the Tishbite who was of the inhabitants of Gilead said unto
Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whim I stand, there shall
not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word” I Kings 17: 1

lijah was a man of great exploits yet there was no record of his
background, it is therefore not about your background but about
your connection to the Most High. As far as the bible is concerned
we just saw Elijah stagger out of obscurity. Do not be afraid to come out
of obscurity, all you need is the call of God, once God has approved you,
that is all you need. God specializes in using the “unlikely” people who
were never regarded by man but regarded by God, beloved if God has
approved you, no man can disapprove you, you are approved!
Elijah said there's chaos they are dismantling God's order and
I'm not going to be alive to accept it. He stood before King Ahab and said
there will be no rain and they began to run from pillar to post, looking for
Elijah, one man! The bible says Elijah was a man subject to like passions.
He was born of a woman. Child of God, it is time to get angry. Look at
Elijah, he was a man who decided to restore divine order, there will be no
rain or dew in the land except by my word. He didn't say by God's word,
he said “by my word” he has become one with God. The people that do
know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan 11:32) by his word,
the man shook Israel and they were looking for him all over the place.
It is time for government to be looking for you for good. You
have the answer, the church has the answer, the church of Jesus Christ is
God's voice, we are the authorized agent of the kingdom of God. We
have divine credentials, we have the divine mandate, we are the
distributors of heavens abundance, we are not called to carry cup in our
hands, we are called to make decrees and they be established.

Further Reading: I Kings 18:20-45;

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 6-7
Daily Devotional

April 15, Friday

All You Need Is God's Approval (II)
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and
every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call
them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name
thereof. Genesis 2:19 KJV

T he God we serve is a restorer of divine order, He has also given

man the mandate to restore divine order here on earth, notice that
when God finished creation and created man, He gave him the
mandate and said now you are in charge. The next thing, when he
created the animals and everything, He stepped aside and said “now
Adam, call it what you want” He said I have finished my own
assignment, you call it what you want, and Adam began to name them;
goat, rat etc and God said, yes you are following what I expect you to do.
You are restoring divine order, when eventually the woman was
created; it was Adam and not God that named her. The scripture is
showing us a pattern regarding how man ought to function.
Joshua, the servant of God was fighting the Amorites in Joshua
chapter 10 and he stood at the valley of Ajalon to do something that had
never been done by mortal man before. He spoke to the sun and the
moon and they stood still in the midst of heaven until the people had
avenged themselves upon their enemies (Joshua 10:12-13).
Joshua knew that God has put him in charge here on planet
earth he knew that God will not do the speaking for him, he took
responsibility, he addressed the situation. That, in a nutshell is what you
are called to do, you are not supposed to run because there is a problem,
God called you to restore divine order. Arise and take your place!

Further Reading: Genesis 2:19 Mark 11:12-23

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 8-9
Daily Devotional

April 16, Saturday

Get Into The Word
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God
and the Word was God. John 1:1 KJV

J esus is the express image of God. He is the very word of God. In the
beginning was the word… and the bible declares that “And the word
was made flesh”. (John 1:14) The intangible became tangible, the
spirit became real. The word became flesh “and we beheld his glory as of
the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
Jesus is the word of God. As hell could not stop Jesus, no power
can stop the word of God. If you speak, it will be honored, God will back
it up for His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our
thoughts (Isaiah 55:9) Heaven and earth shall pass away but the word of
God will never pass away (Mark 13:31) He sent His word and healed
them and delivered them from all their destructions (Psalm 107:20) so
shall the word be that goeth out of my mouth. It shall not return unto me
void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in
the thing where to I sent it (Isaiah 55:11).
It is time to take the word of God seriously that is the only
weapon you have. Get into the word, and don't add anything, don't
subtract, get into it. Every where Jesus; the word of God went He
produced amazing result because the word can never fail. I challenge
you to get the word of God into your system. Load the magazine of your
spirit with the word of God, when you come out of your closet you are a
divine dynamite going somewhere to happen.

Further Reading Proverbs 4:20-22 I Peter 1:22-25

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 10-11
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I do no walk in the counsel of the ungodly; nor stand in the way of

sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful. My delight is in the law of
the Lord and in His law do I meditate day and night. I am like a tree
that is planted by the rivers of water; I bring forth my fruit in season and
whatsoever I do shall prosper. (Psalm 1:1-3)

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is
the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked,
even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat my flesh they
stumbled and fell.

Because I have chosen to obey and serve the Lord, I will spend my days
in prosperity, and my years in pleasures. I will keep the Lord's charge ,
walk in his ways, his statutes, his commandments, his judgments, his
testimonies, as it is written in His words , that I may prosper in all that I

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, I run into it and I am safe. I have
been delivered from the evils of this present world, for that is the will of

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

April 17, Sunday

Preach The Gospel
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world
and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16: 15

T he preaching of the word is restoring divine order and that is what

every believer is called to do. Beloved, we need to change our
orientation, we are not on planet earth to make money, our
vocation is a secondary thing, and our core assignment as believers is to
restore divine order through the preaching of the gospel. Jesus went from
village to village and from city to city preaching the gospel and He
affected His world. That is what we are called to do.
When you understand it and you are diligent about it, no power
can stand before you, why we are not seeing the power today as we ought
to is because we are sitting down in church, well fed and developing
spiritual constipation, it is not enough to acknowledge and declare that
the day's message is wonderful. The real issue is what have you been
doing with the wonderful messages you have been receiving. The world
is going to hell and all we can do is sit down and do nothing.
Every believer ought to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to
wherever he/she has been planted by God: in the market place, corporate
world, government circles, schools, hospitals etc, the assignment of your
pastor is to equip you and energize you, his job is to strengthen, perfect
and equip you with all the divine ingredients and enablement to be all
God wants you to be. You are a moving house of God, there is a power at
work in you, it makes the rulers of darkness to tremble. Arise! Take your
place and impact your generation.

Further Reading Romans 10:9-17 2 Timothy 4:1-2

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 12-14
Daily Devotional

April 18, Monday

Stand Your Ground
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able
to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13

I n the book of Ruth chapter 1, Elimelech made a wrong choice and

blew his destiny by leaving Bethlehem-Judah. There was famine at
that time in Bethlehem-Judah and he packed his bag and baggage in
spite of God's instruction and went to the land of Moab. There are many
believers today who cannot stand once there is a little shaking. They
cannot endure any trial. They have left their Bethlehem Judah (the land
of bread) because of a little challenge, who told you that because you are
serving God, there will be no challenge, who told you the enemy will not
try to hinder you? As a matter of fact, those who live godly in Christ will
suffer persecution. You have to know that we are not only called to
believe but also to suffer for His sake.
Enough of fair weather Christianity, this is the time for the fire to
return to your eyes, let the fire return, put on the breastplate of
righteousness, let your feet be shod with the preparation of the gospel of
peace. Take on the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith and the sword
of the spirit. Let the devil know that you are not backing down, if anyone
is to back down, it is not you! The devil cannot stop you. The devil cannot
have your marriage, he cannot have your baby, he cannot have your joy.
Whatever God has spoken concerning you shall be fulfilled. You will not
die a failure; you will not be a disappointment. You must look at the devil
and begin to let him know that you are one person he is not going to
destroy. You will live to full age.

Further Reading Ruth 1:1-5 Ephesians 6:10-18

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 15-17
Daily Devotional

April 19, Tuesday

Increase Is Your Portion
“The Lord shall increase you more and more,
you and your children” Psa 115:14

T o increase is to become progressively greater in size, amount,

number or intensity. It also means to make greater, to enrich, to
enlarge, to augment and to profit. In verse 12 of Psalm115, these
phrases, house of Israel and house of Aaron are used. These were
covenant people, they were covenant people of a covenant keeping God,
therefore the first thing you need to understand about increase is that
increase is a covenant promise of every child of God. You have the right
to increase in any area of your life.
According to Galatians 3:7, “They which are of faith, the same
are the children of Abraham” and also “if ye be Christ's then are ye
Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise” Galatians 3:29 and
so we are Abraham's seed and then we are covenant people so increase is
our portion. We have the right to increase, our God is not a God of
retrogression, and He makes progress in every area and intends that we
By reason of covenant, whatever is militating against increase in
your life shall be destroyed, what has been mobilized and packaged to
stagnate and stop you shall be dismantled. It is the will of God for you to
increase from month to month and from year to year, therefore from now
thereon, always breathe increase, think increase, talk increase. Never
talk lack! Lack is not kingdom language we belong to the kingdom. You
are blessed of the Lord therefore you are entitled to increase.

Further Reading Psalm 115:9-15 Proverbs4:18

Daily Bible Reading: 1King 18-20
Daily Devotional

April 20, Wednesday

Be Involved In Covenant Practice (I)
“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee
power to get wealth that he may establish His covenant” Deut 8:18 KJV

I t is God that gives thee power or ability to get wealth, when God
talks about wealth there, He is not just talking about money, He is
talking about increase, influence, power and success because of the
covenant He has made, he made the covenant with Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob and He said because of that covenant I give you ability to make
wealth. God is faithful on His part (Deuteronomy 7:9) you however,
need to walk in His statutes in order to access the covenant blessings.
You see the problem we have always had is not God, because
every promise of God is validated by the blood of Jesus, every promise
has been validated, confirmed, sealed and packaged with the blood. In
other words, there is no margin for failure, but the problem we always
have is the “if” that is attached to the covenant. We often ignore the “if”
and want the package. Beloved you can only receive covenant promise
through covenant practice.
The word of God is not meant to be argued, you don't argue the
word of God. It is meant to be obeyed! The problem many of us are
having is that we are not ready to follow instructions. You come to
church, sit under an anointing and God gives you an instruction but you
walk out, drop the instructions in the church without obeying it and you
want results, it doesn't work that way, you must obey God's instructions.
There is a difference beloved between lecture and instruction, in lecture
you can argue your case but in instruction, it is absolute. You just have to
obey, that is covenant practice!

Further Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-13 Isaiah 1:19

Daily Bible reading: 1King 21-22
Daily Devotional

April 21, Thursday

Be Involved In Covenant Practice (II)
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” Psalm 119:105

any believers are crashing when they should be flying. They
are instructed on what to do, what button to press and they
say “No” I don't feel like it! I don't feel like being in church on
Sunday. I don't feel like being at the bible study service. It is like a pilot
who has been told how to navigate his way in a stormy weather and is
giving excuses, ultimately, his plane will crash because he has refused to
do what he ought to do.
The word of God is a book of instructions “Thy word is a lamp
unto my feet and a light to my path” I feel sad because many believers are
not where they should be, not because God does not love them, but
because they find it difficult to follow instructions. Too many believers
today are rebellious to simple instructions.
What type of God do we think we have that will leave us to
ourselves in the midst of troubles? How can God know we are going to
face the type of challenges we are facing in the world today without
preparing us adequately? That is not the type of God we serve. The issue
is, there are people who are not listening, you make up your mind on
what to obey and what not to obey. Who told you that the word of God is
meant to be reasoned out? Beloved the word of God is the final authority
for every issue in life. Not your culture, not your constitution. Your
obedience to the word of God is what guarantees continuous access to
the covenant promises.

Further Reading: Exodus 23:20-27 Deuteronomy 30: 19- 20

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 1-3
Daily Devotional

April 22, Friday

Redeemed By His Blood (I)
“In whom we have redemption through His blood
even the forgiveness of sins” Colossians 1:14

E xpository dictionary says the word redemption means to “buy

out” especially of purchasing a slave with a view to his freedom.
If we have redemption, therefore we are free. It says to buy for
oneself. Jesus redeemed us for himself therefore the devil has no right
over our lives. Jesus bought us back for himself. And when you buy
something, you buy it for yourself and you protect and fight to defend
that thing.
To redeem means to release by paying a ransom. I want you to
know today that you have been released from every bondage. Your
redemptive package has been completed, no matter what the captivity
is, you have been released. The handcuffs are fallen, the chains are
broken, the prison door is open and it is time to come out! Your
redemption has freed you from every distress and harm. You are free
from captivity because Jesus has paid the ransom.
Your redemption is to help you overcome anything that is
detrimental in other words, you have been made free from anything that
will inflict pain or death, you are free from the consequences of sin and
changed for the better. In other words because of redemption, you ought
to be different your life should go better and better from glory unto

Further Reading: Ephesians 4:8, Colossians 2:13-15

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 4-5
Daily Devotional

April 23, Saturday

Redeemed By His Blood (II)
“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things,
as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your
fathers: But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish
and without spot” 1 Peter 1:18-19.

hat you are redeemed with is more than money. Our
redemption was by something costly and it is sin to trample
on it. Sacred was the blood that was shed to pick you from the
dungeon of sin and establish your feet on the rock. It is a sin to trample
on it. Don't handle it casually.
When Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to
come, He entered through the greater gate and more perfect tabernacle,
not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation and not through
the blood of animals but through His own blood. He entered in once into
the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us. The blood is so
powerful that He only needed to apply it once. That is why the moment
you invite Jesus into your heart you are delivered instantly because no
power of sin can stand against it. You have been eternally redeemed. In
other words, you are not going to hell. There is a “paid for” on your life.
Hebrews 10:19 says the blood gives us boldness to enter the
throne of God. You do not need any intermediary to go into the holy of
holies. The blood ushers you in. Scriptures say you should come boldly.
It is time to stop every intermediary, fear and rejection. You have been
invited as a son by a new and living way which Jesus has consecrated for
us through the veil that is to say His flesh. Jesus stands before the father
every time with the blood saying father, I paid the price for them. Child
of God do not allow the devil to lower you. We have an advocate with
the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. Therefore, come to the throne of
grace with confidence so that you can receive mercy and find grace to
help you in your time of need.

Further Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16, 1 John 1:7-9, 1 John 2:1-2

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 6-8
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he peace of God which passes all understanding keeps my heart

and my mind through Christ Jesus and my thoughts are on
things which are good and pure and perfect and lovely and of
good report.

I let no corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth but that

which is good to edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearer. I
grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby I am sealed unto the day of
redemption .

I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but
Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
faith of the Son of God who loved me, and gave Himself for me. The law
of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed me from the law of sin and of
I am more than a conqueror through Christ that loves me and I am
persuaded that nothing can separate me from the love of God
Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,
financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom..
Daily Devotional

April 24, Sunday

The Power Of The Blood (I)
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His grace” Ephesians 1:7

T he resurrection of Christ is the heart of Christianity because if

Jesus did not resurrect, then we have nothing to glory. You are
alive because Jesus is alive. When you wake up every morning
declare what you have in Jesus. Many people sing about the blood of
Jesus and at times when we pray, we shout the blood of Jesus. We talk
about the blood without understanding what the blood did for us and
how to apply it to our lives, you can shout all you want, but it will not
become effective in your life if you lack an understanding of its working
Without the blood, you can't be saved, without the blood, you
can't be redeemed, without the blood there would have been no
Christianity. But He shed His precious and spotless blood for a reason.
When they put the crown of thorn on His head, blood was shed. The
scripture tells us that while He was praying in Gethsemane blood was
shed. Scripture also tells us when He was nailed in his hands blood was
shed, on His feet and on His side, blood was shed. And He took this
blood to His father and sprinkled it on the Holy things in heaven.
There were specific reasons why this blood was shed and it
applies to our case. There is a life we ought to live called the kingdom life
and there are things that you ought to have by right and position in
Christ. So when it is contrary to that you must question why? You must
not be complacent and just accept it as the norm. In Luke 13:17, Jesus
said of the woman that was brought, she being a daughter of Abraham
ought to be healed, implying that she is not supposed to be in the sick
state she was. Child of God, there are some things you should say “not
so”. Whenever the enemy attempts to plant anything on you, say not so.

Further Reading: Hebrews 9:1-28

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 9-11
Daily Devotional

April 25, Monday

The Power Of The Blood (II)
“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are:
and when I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon
you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt” Exodus 12:13

cripture says we are redeemed by the blood (Ephesians 1:7). It was
the blood that had power to stop the enemy. When the enemy saw
the blood, he backed-off. When he saw the blood he could not
proceed a step further. When he saw the blood; he passed your house to
look for someone else. That was what happened to the children of Israel
when the death angel was going all over the place destroying other
homes. When he came to the door post of the children of Israel, the bible
says their lintel was smeared with the blood and he said to himself no
this one is “don't touch”.
There is a “touch not” in your finance, your job business and
health. There is a touch not over your marriage and family. The blood
will not suffer the destroyer to come into your house. In the Old
Testament, they have to do it physically, they have to see something but
because we are the children of the spirit you don't have to see it
physically. You are marked. Don't you understand that God has marked
you, don't you understand that you are marked and dangerous and a no
go area to the devil? When God marked you, He said to Satan don't
touch, this one belongs to me. And they overcame him (the devil) by the
blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.
You will not die prematurely. Evil shall bow before you; the
wicked shall bow at your gate. No weapon formed against you shall
prosper and every tongue that shall rise in judgment against you I

Further Readings: Revelation 12:9-12, Exodus 12:1-14

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 12-14
Daily Devotional

April 26, Tuesday

Applying The Blood For Total Victory (I)
“And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and His sweat was as it
were great drops of blood falling down to the ground”. Luke 22:44

J esus shed His blood at Gethsemane while praying for strength to go

through the pain and agony. He looked at the sin problem, He looked
at the weight and said Father this thing is heavy, can I handle it in any
other way? And the Father said No, you must not go through it by your
own will, it must be by my will and He said Lord if you say it is your will
then let not my will be done. So He decided to go the whole journey. It
was the blood that broke His will to be submissive to the Father's will.
The application of this blood that was shed while He was praying will
break your will to totally submit to God. It is meant to break your will;
you can't do what you want. If Jesus had to submit Himself, His will had
to be broken.
One of the greatest things God has given you is the power of
choice. But He wants you to willingly give that choice to Him. Let this
mind be in you which was also in Christ, though He was God thought it
not robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation. He
took on Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men
and being formed and fashioned as a man, he humbled himself to death
even the death of the cross. And because He did it then God said I am
obligated to exalt Him. This is His right but He decided to submit this
right so that God's kingdom can advance.
There are two choices standing before Him either He chooses
His will and preserve Himself or the choice to say I will lay my life so that
the kingdom can advance. He decided to suffer so that the kingdom will
advance. Learn to submit to God and humble yourself before Him and
He will exalt you.

Further Reading; Philippians 2:5-11, James 4:6-10

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 15-17
Daily Devotional

April 27, Wednesday

Applying The Blood For Total Victory (II)
“And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon His head,
and a reed in his right hand; and they bowed the kneel before Him,
and mocked Him, saying Hail, King of the Jews!” Matthew 27:29

T he crown of thorns has some sharp objects put in them and they
made sure the sharpest points are where they will put on His
head. As they began to lower it on His head, the sharp objects
began to pierce His head and blood was dripping. Why did He shed
blood on His head? The application of the bloodshed on His head gives
us sound mind. God wants you to have sound mind. You are not an idiot
you are not a failure. 2 Timothy 1:7 says “for God hath not given us the
spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind”.
You can excel in whatever you are doing, do not settle for second
position or mediocrity or failure. You are the head and not the tail, you
shall be above only and not beneath. You have the mind of Christ and
Christ can never be a failure. Christ will always succeed in whatever He
is doing. He is mentally alert, sharp and smart. You are a winner all the
time; you are a success and not a failure. You can pass exams; you can
pass that interview because of your mental alertness.
You are sharp, you have creative ability and you cannot be
limited. Stop following those who bequeath first position to others, you
are first. You are like a tree planted by the rivers of Water that brings
forth his fruit in his season: whose leaf shall not wither and whatsoever
you lay your hands upon will prosper. God wants you to excel. Let the
creative ability of God in you come alive in Jesus Name. That is why He
shed His blood; for your mental alertness, excellence and smartness. It is
for you to be the best.

Further Reading: Deuteronomy 28:12-13, Psalm 1:1-6

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 18-19
Daily Devotional

April 28, Thursday

Applying The Blood For Total Victory (III)
“And when they were come to the place which is
called Calvary, they crucified Him…” Luke 23:33.

I n Luke 24:39-40 when Jesus resurrected and the disciples doubted

that He was the one that was crucified, He said look at my hands and
my feet that were pierced. The reason He shed the blood from His
hands is to enable you succeed in the works of your hands. So that
whatsoever you do, shall prosper. The blood was shed so that
whatsoever you lay your hands on, that is consistent with godly living
will prosper. Hence you do not have to cheat, loot, steal, manipulate or
play games to prosper.
I declare to you today; if you have been suffering reverses in
what you do, from now begin to prosper. You will flourish like the palm
tree even at old age you will still bring forth fruit. You were bought with
a price so that whatever you do with your hands no matter how small
and no matter the number of people involved in the same business, will
prosper. Your case is different! As you are doing that thing, the blood is
saying yes, I have paid for the success of this business. By the reason of
the power in the blood I declare to you that your business shall not fail.
You will not go bankrupt in the name of Jesus.

Further Reading: Psalm 1:1-3, Psalm 92:10-15

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 20-22
Daily Devotional

April 29, Friday

Applying The Blood For Total Victory (IV)
“Every place the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the
wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto
the uttermost sea shall your coast be”Deuteronomy 12:24.

hy did the blood flow from His pierced His feet? It is to enable
you make Progress and make advancement in life. The blood
that flowed from His feet was to stop stagnation. You are not
supposed to be having near success syndrome. Some of us have allowed
traditions to becloud the reality of our relationship with the Father. For
instance, some will say in our family people always experience delay in
marriage and life. Shut your mouth! That was then. When Jesus shed His
blood you were delivered from that family trait. You are no more in their
group, Christ redeemed you from them. So God intends for you to make
progress, it is your right!
The prodigal son said how many of my father's hired servants
have enough to eat and to spare and I am here suffering. Even though I
am a prodigal, I am still a son. The blood of my father runs through me. I
am going back, there is no way I will go there and He'll refuse me. If you
believe in the natural, that blood is thicker than water how much more
the blood relationship with God. How dare you think that the devil will
hold you back when you know that the blood of Jesus is thicker than that
of the devil? Where others fail you will succeed. You will pursue,
overtake and recover all. Even when the door is shut at others when you
get there, it will be opened. Today wherever the soles of your feet shall
tread, has been given you.

Further reading: Joshua 1:3, Matthew 27:33-35

Daily Bible Reading: 2King 23-25
Daily Devotional

April 30, Saturday

Applying The Blood For Total Victory (V)
“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that
we being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness. By whose stripes ye
were healed” 1 Peter 2:24.

he stripes at His back were for your healing. The scripture says
Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. When scripture says
“stripes” many of you think that it was just a mere cane. It was not
even “koboko”. When these soldiers want to beat, they bring out a type
of whip and put sharp nails and objects like broken bottles and weave it
into it, so that when they beat, it will wrap round you and they will draw
it. Think of the way it hurts. It cuts deep into the veins, arteries and
The whipping is so important to the Jews so that when a
criminal is being beaten, they have to whip him forty times, because
when you go beyond forty that is a sin. The person that whips will stop at
39 so as to ensure he doesn't make mistakes. And so, Jesus was given
thirty-nine stripes and medical science has proven that there are thirty-
nine main causes of major diseases.
Scripture declares that by His stripes you were healed. Tumour
is healed, cancer is healed, fibroid is healed, bone condition is healed,
high blood pressure is healed, diabetes is healed, stroke is healed,
bareness is healed, miscarriage is healed, eye and ear pains are healed.
Today I challenge you to discard every symptom and thought of
sickness and walk in the reality of your healing because by the stripes on
His back you are completely and totally healed from every sickness and

Further Reading: Isaiah 53:3-5, Matthew 27:26, Luke 23:16

Daily Bible: 1Chron 1-2
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

od is on my side. He has given unto me all things that pertains
unto life and godliness therefore I am a partaker of His divine

Great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the Lord.
Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Christ has redeemed
me from poverty, Christ has redeemed me from sickness, Christ has
redeemed me from spiritual death.

The Lord will answer me in the day of trouble, the God of Jacob will set
me up on high and send help to me from the sanctuary and support,
from Zion; The Lord will remember all my offerings and accept my

The Lord will help me; therefore I shall not be confounded therefore I
have set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

May 1, Sunday
Applying The Blood For Total Victory (VI)
“But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side,
and forthwith came there out blood and water”. John 19:34.

J esus' side was pierced with a spear so that your family can be
together. Don't you know your wife was taken from your side ribs?
Your wife was taken from your rib so that your family can be together
so that there will be no confusion in your home. He had to shed that
blood on His side so that your wife stands by your side, so that every
misunderstanding, misconception and unforgiveness can be healed,
and that you may enjoy a peaceful home in your family. I declare to you
from this moment forward, every confusion in your home ceases. There
will be no more misunderstanding in your home. I rebuke every
rebellion, every anarchy, every attack of the devil against your family; I
declare it destroyed in the name of Jesus.
Your marriage is not supposed to be endured, it is to be enjoyed.
From this moment forward I declare that you will enjoy your marriage.
Who told you that you are supposed to struggle through that marriage.
If you are praying for your wife to die, she won't die, she will live. So let
that strange woman go away and let your wife live because God has
given her to you. And if you are praying for your husband to die, he
won't die now, in fact, he has just started living. You better just braze up
and decide that you will enjoy him because God gave him to you to
enjoy. That is why you opened your eyes very well when you were
getting ready to be married, and you prayerfully asked God.
I release the blood against every satanic force against your
progress, your family and the works of your hands. By the authority of
heaven I speak to every spirit that has defiled you, resisted you and
attacked you in every area of your life and I command them to be bound
in Jesus Name.

Further Reading: John 19:31-34,

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 3-5
Daily Devotional

May 2, Monday
Get Away From Destiny Destroyers
“Now the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of thy country and from
thy kindred, and from thy father's house” Genesis 12:1

od was saying something very significant to Abraham and to us
in this verse of the scripture, Abraham had been in the company
of losers, in the company of those who don't increase, he had
been in the company of those who were stagnated and the Lord said to
him “get away” get away from those people who are framing your
thinking, get away from people who are making you do away with God's
design concerning your destiny. Anyone that will not enhance your
destiny, God is saying get away from them, there are some of you who
have been influenced by what people have said more than what God is
saying, get away from destiny destroyers because they are all around.
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7) The
environment you live in, is what frames your thinking, that is why God
commanded Abraham to get out of his father's house so that he can be
positioned for what God wanted to do in his life. Every believer must
determine not to hang around people who are going to destroy his/her
destiny, People who will not enhance and applaud or help what God has
put in you to grow mightily. Why sit around the scornful and God
Psalm 1:1 declares “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the
counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in
the seat of the scornful”. Under what environment are you functioning?
Who are the people framing your thinking? Who is framing your
thoughts? Realign and reorder your life, get away from anything and
anyone that will not enhance your walk with God and position yourself
to receive the blessings of the covenant.

Further Reading: Genesis 17:1-9 Psalm 1:1-3

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 6
Daily Devotional

May 3, Tuesday
It Is Profitable To Do The Will Of God
“All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” 2 Tim 3:16

ccording to this verse of the scriptures, the word of God is
profitable to believers; therefore if any believer neglects the
word, he robs himself of the profit that the Lord has packaged
for him. The word of God and indeed the bible is designed and packaged
to furnish believers to achieve good things in life. In other words, God
teaches us to profit through His word.
In I Timothy 4:15, the word of God declares “Meditate upon
these things; give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear
to all” God wants your profiting to show, He wants people to see that
you are profiting, He wants it to be evident in every area of your life:
spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, emotionally and indeed
anywhere you go. God wants people to see that there is something
special about you, and it all begins with your attitude towards His
Look at verse 8 of the same chapter “For bodily exercise
profitheth little but godliness is profitable unto all things”. Following
godly instructions is profitable, you don't lose anything by obeying God,
rather you set yourself on the pathway for increase and breakthrough,
that is why I can look at somebody and tell you already, where he will
end, by just looking at the things he is doing. Godliness profits! You don't
lose anything by making up your mind to follow God, I therefore
admonish you this day to follow Him diligently and consistently. It is
not half and half affair. Your mind must be made up. Even if you will die
following and doing His will, do it because it is profitable.

Further Reading: James 1:19-25

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 7-8
Daily Devotional

May 4, Wednesday
You Have Been Given Dominion
“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness
and let them have dominion” Genesis 1:26

T he number one thing that God gave to man at creation is

dominion or what we call authority. It was given by God, we
didn't work for it, it was a free gift from God, He gave authority to
man over the earth, in other words, we are in control of the earth and He
gave us authority to be able to take charge here on planet earth.
What is authority? It is the right to command and expect to be
obeyed, the right to command and expect to see results of what you
commanded. That is what dominion is. You command and you expect,
just like God looked at the darkness and said “Let there be light” and
there was light. You can also say “let there be”. Anything that heaven has
not permitted in your life, you have the right to command it to leave,
don't wait for God, until you command, God can do nothing because He
has given you the authority. Remember He says “Let us make man in our
image after our likeness”. The image of God, there, He is talking about is
just like the speaking God. Just like Him that speaks! You are created to
speak like Him, praise God! No room for defeat in your life.
Jesus shed more light on this principle in Mark 11:23
“…whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be
thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe
that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have
whatsoever he saith”. So you see, we are called to function in the realm of
unlimited possibilities. Stop crying over the mountains in your life,
command them to move and have faith that what you have commanded
will happen.
When God spoke: He saw the manifestation; you will see the
manifestations of the things you speak, take responsibility for your life.
Take responsibility for the fulfilment of your destiny. Exercise the
authority that God gave unto you.

Further Reading: Genesis 2:19-23 Joshua 10: 12-13

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 9-11
Daily Devotional

May 5, Thursday
The Seed Principle (I)
“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God” Luke 8: 11

T he second thing that God gave to man at creation is seed “Behold,

I have given you every herb bearing seed. (Genesis 1:29) The seed
yields fruits, you plant one seed of corn in the ground and it will
grow and produce a harvest. In Luke 8:11, however Jesus Christ
expanded the definition of what seed is, by declaring that “The seed is
the word of God” that is the seed that produces anything. Now you have
authority and you also have seed. What do you do with seed and
authority, anything! The seed is the word of God, in other words, like
God; I can say it and it will produce.
When you as a kingdom person begin to see every scripture as a
seed, when you begin to see every promise that God gave as a seed, you
will begin to experience the type of increase you have never experienced
before because it will affect the way you plant it. The seed is the word of
God. Right now seated on your laps are bags of seeds, you are carrying
bags of seed.
God wants you to use your authority and your seed to
determine what comes to you on this earth. “I have planted, Apollos
watered but God gave the increase”. (I Corinthians 3:6) God gave the
increase! He cannot increase what has not been planted, He can't increase
what you didn't plant, you have to plant it. Take the word of God that has
to do with the fruit of the womb and plant it in the womb of your heart,
plant it there until you become one with it. Plant the seed of divine
health, the bible is not a religious book; your very life depends on what is
written in the book. Nothing can happen without the word.

Further Reading: Luke 8:5-15

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 12-14
Daily Devotional

May 6, Friday
The Seed Principle (II)
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked for whatsoever
a man soweth, that shall he reap” Galatians 6:7

omato will produce tomato, orange will produce orange, and
pawpaw will produce pawpaw. Whatever a man soweth, that,
shall he also reap. Verse 9 of Galatians 6 says “Let us not be weary
in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”. The word
is the seed. Just like a farmer goes to the farm and puts seed into the
ground, when you come back the next day, you may not see anything
physically on top but something is happening underground, and if you
are not careful, you may become weary and say I didn't see anything
coming up, but the truth is, it first grows down before it will shoot up so
that the harvest will come.
The same applies to the word of God when it is released, it goes
into the spirit realm, stays there and then as you are not weary through
thick and thin, it will come out of the spirit and manifest in the physical.
Someone will say but I said it two years ago, and it has not yet manifested
well keep on saying it, if nothing seems to be showing, keep on saying it.
It may look stupid, keep on saying it! I don't care what you see in your
house, go around there and keep saying it; you may look stupid but keep
on saying it, you can't afford not to say it.
You don't want to be where you were last year, something has to
change in your life, don't stop saying it. You are coming to the front line,
keep on saying it! In the morning say it! In the afternoon! say it, in the
night! say it! You will receive your harvest because every seed must
produce after its kind.

Further Reading: Genesis 8:22 Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 15-17
Daily Devotional

May 7, Saturday
The Seed Principle (III)
“So is the kingdom of God, is as if a man should cast seed into the ground
and should sleep and rise, night and day and the seed should spring and grow
up, he knoweth not how” Mark 4:26-27

E very seed goes into the ground first before it comes up, it goes into
the ground so you don't need to become discouraged simply
because you are not seeing anything yet, consider the farmer, he
has not seen anything yet but he clears the weeds, takes care of the bugs
and makes sure everything is alright on the farm, he knows that the seed
must grow roots. By the same token, let the word grow roots, meditate
on it, stay there! Until the image maker produces your image, use your
image maker, let it produce the image you have always wanted in your
Whatever area you desire increase or breakthrough in, in your
life, look for the seed that has to do with that area and plant it, without
planting, God cannot give increase, our covenant responsibility is to
plant the seed of the word “so mightily grew the word of God and
prevailed” (Acts 10:29) Jesus said the kingdom of God is like unto a man
who sows a seed and goes to bed and he doesn't know how it comes up,
why do you want to understand all the technicalities and how it works?
That is not your business, your part is to plant and let God give the
increase. Jesus said the man plants the seed then wakes up, then he sees
first the blade, the ear, the full corm and then he puts in the sickle. (Mark
Every believer needs to strategically and systematically become
someone that practices covenant. It must be deliberate. God is not a
magician; it is your seed, which is planted that guarantees your increase.

Further Reading: Mk4:30-32 John 12:24

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 18-21
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart.

I have given and it is given unto me good measure, pressed down,

shaken together, running over, men shall give unto my bosom

There is no lack, for my God supplies all of my need according to His

riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know
how to speak the word in season.
The Lord is a shield for me, my glory and the lifter up of my head.

The Lord has heard my prayer, he has given me joy and gladness and I
will rejoice.

The Lord will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come:
and the Lord will fill this house with His glory. The silver and gold
belongs to my Father and according to His word, the glory of this latter
house shall be greater than the former and in this place the Lord will
give me His peace

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

May 8, Sunday
Tithe Is Holy Unto The Lord
“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there
may be meat in my mine house” Malachi 3:10

T ithe belongs to the Lord, it is sacred, it's part of our covenant

responsibility. It doesn't add up that somebody can be in church
for one year, two years, three years and making excuses why you
should not give your tithes. The bible says the tenth belongs to God. How
do you read? And when you take what belongs to Him you are cursed.
Who will bless that thing that is cursed? You use God's money to buy a
car and then call the pastor to bless it, no matter how he shouts, sweats
and jumps up, God will say it is Ichabod, you used God's money to build
a house, no wonder demons are attacking you in the house.
Haven't you read about Achan, who took what God said should
be consecrated to Him, what happened to Him? God destroyed him. God
said this first city that you are going to enter, dedicate it to me. I am the
first in your life, don't touch it and Achan went there and said ah! God,
how can we leave all these things, what foolishness!
Today many believers are exhibiting the foolishness of Achan,
they are eating the one-tenth that God commanded to be consecrated
unto Him, consequently, the heaven over them has become brass and the
earth has become iron. Be not deceived, God is not mocked, it is what you
sow that you reap! Don't blame God for whatever you are getting. If you
sowed the seed of disobedience by eating the tithe that belongs to God,
you must also reap the harvest of what you have sowed. It is up to you.

Further Reading: Leviticus 27:30 Malachi 3: 8-12

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 22-24
Daily Devotional

May 9, Monday
What You Sow Is What You Reap
Do not judge and you will not be judge, do not condemn and you will
not be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37 NIV

I n this verse of the scripture our Lord Jesus Christ was advancing a
statement about seed. If I plant the seed of judgment, I will receive the
harvest of judgment, if I don't plant the seed of judgment, I will not
receive the harvest of judgment. Again, the scripture says “Do not
condemn and you will not be condemned” if I do not sow the seed of
condemnation, then I will not receive the harvest, if I sow it, then I will
reap the harvest.
“Forgive and you will be forgiven” that means, if I say what that
brother or sister did to me is such that it is only in heaven he will be
forgiven, maybe you will not make it to that heaven. Maybe you may not
get there. Jesus said forgive so that you can be forgiven. If I fail to sow the
seed of forgiveness, then I should not under any circumstances expect
forgiveness, what you sow is what you reap.
Love so that you can be loved, no one loves you, you say. Do you
love others? No one visits me, you complain, do you visit others? No one
called you on the phone, did you call others? They didn't text you on your
birthday, did you text other people on their own birthdays? Beloved
what you sow is what you reap. If you don't like the harvest that comes to
you, don't blame anyone. Take responsibility and begin to sow the right

Further Reading: Galatians 6:7-10 Matthew 6:14-15

Daily Bible Reading: 1Chron 25-27
Daily Devotional

May 10, Tuesday

Give And It Will Be Given To You
“Give and it will be given to you, a good measure pressed down,
shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” Luke 6:38 NIV

od says give and it shall be given to you so I make up my mind, I
will be giving. It is not about you that I am giving to; it's about
Him that will give the increase. It becomes a lifestyle because I
don't want to go down. And it says, with the measure you give, the same
measure you will receive you are the one, therefore who determines
your increase, you determine it as long as the earth endures, seedtime
and harvest … will never cease. (Genesis 8:22) Every time you plant
those seeds, you just relax because you know the harvest is coming. You
just know. You don't need a prophet to tell you, you just know it.
God is not telling you where the harvest is coming from, He said
He will cause men to give to you, men can be from America or south
Africa, and notice that God didn't say men that you know, they may
know you or may not know you, they may like you or may not like you,
that is why He said the kingdom of God is like someone planting seed, he
doesn't understand how it works. He who sows sparingly shall reap
sparingly and he that sows bountifully shall reap bountifully, every man
as he has purposed in his heart let him give. In other words, you are in
charge of your harvest, you are in charge of your increase, and do you
know why You are guaranteed harvest? 1Peter 1:23 declares that the
word of God is the incorruptible seed. That seed will always produce, it
is incorruptible. The world economy cannot corrupt it.
It is more blessed to give then to receive (Acts 20:35) so, if you are
in the company of those that are always looking for ways to receive and
never willing to give anything from your bag of seeds, then don't expect
a harvest, but it is good to be in the category of those who are “more
blessed” therefore be a diligent and consistent giver.

Further Reading: Proverbs 11:24-25 Ecclesiastes 11:1-4

Daily Bible Reading: 1/2Chron 28-1
Daily Devotional

May 11, Wednesday

Your Victory Is Guarantee In Christ
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37 NKJV

ou need to know that, as a child of God, your victory is assured;
your victory is guaranteed in Christ. So, set your eyes on the
victory and not on the challenges, set your eyes on the finishing
line, you will get there! The days we are in are challenging so you need to
get as much of the word of God as you can because everywhere you turn
to does not give hope at all, the newspapers do not, the television and the
billboard do not, but our hope is in God and that is why we can never be
Somebody said “I don't know why the devil is after me every
time”. He doesn't know why the enemy is trying to stop God's promise
for Him, the answer is simple, it is because it is a good promise that is
why the devil wants to stop you, if he doesn't see anything good in the
promise he will not attempt to stop you. The twelve spies that went to
spy the promise land in Numbers chapter thirteen saw giants, but they
saw grapes first and then ten of them began to wonder why the giants
were there, the giants were there because of the big grapes.
What you are looking for is what they are looking for too, but the
good news is that before God sent you to get the grapes, He had already
perfected your victory. “For whosoever is born of God overcometh the
world (I John 5:4) He has equipped you to overcome and take the grapes,
so stop looking at the giants, you are a grape eater and you have the
opportunity to fight the giants and get them out of the way. You will not
be stopped!

Further Reading: Deut 28:7 Joshua 1:5 I John 4:4

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 2-5
Daily Devotional

May 12, Thursday

You Are Going To Birth Something Special
“Behold now thou art barren and bearest not,
but thou shalt conceive and bear a son” Judges 13:3

T he woman spoken about in this scripture was the mother of Samson.

She was recorded by the scripture as barren, but when God visited
her, the same womb that men had labeled barren brought forth a
mighty deliverer by the name of Samson. All through the scriptures,
whenever God breaks barrenness, He is about to bring forth something
new, something unique and special.
You see at times, we encounter certain things in the area of what
God intends to do. It is important; therefore that we walk in the light of the
knowledge of the word of God so that we don't become frustrated and
defeated. When we talk of barrenness here, don't just zero it down to the
fruit of the womb, it could be in the area of your job or business. It could be
in the area of academics and things have not been the way they should be,
always stay focused and believe that something special is about to happen
in your life. If you studied the cases of men and women who encountered
challenges in the area of childbirth in the scriptures, you will notice that
they all gave birth to special children. They always have a prophetic
agenda and that is why the enemy always tries to stop them from being
born, he will fight it, he will resist it.
Remember the devil never fights what it is not important, he fights
what is going to be a threat to his kingdom, so you see, the enemy
attempted to stop Samson from being born because he was going to be a
serious threat to the Philistines. God had already ordained it before the
foundations of the world that Manaoh's wife was going to bring forth
Samson that would deal deadly blows to the Philistines, who were
permanent enemies of Israel.
So he tried to hinder her from having the baby but the devil is a
liar! If there is something the enemy has been trying to keep from you, just
cheer up, wipe your tears and blow your nose because after all said and
done, you will testify. God will always have the final word in every

Further Reading: Luke 1:5-17, 57-58

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 6-8
Daily Devotional

May 13, Friday

A Hope And A Future
“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end” Jeremiah 29:11.

T his verse is a letter from God through His ancient prophet

Jeremiah to the Babylonian captives. God's people were in
bondage, they had lost hope, things were tough, and they never
believed that they would be free from that captivity. Seventy years in
that bondage of the enemy; they were faced with difficulties, yet in the
midst of that situation God was still moving. The darkness may be
around us, but God is still moving. The Spirit of the Lord moves in the
midst of darkness, there is no amount of darkness or challenges that
intimidates your God, including the present situation you are faced
with, God is not at all intimidated.
The scripture tells us what He does; He laughs, He that sits in
heaven laughs because He knows the end from the beginning. The
ancient prophet Jeremiah tells us the mind of God concerning us, for I
know the thoughts that I think towards you, you can put your name
there, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a hope and a future.
Everybody desires to reach an expected end; every person is
expected to have a goal or a dream. Otherwise if you don't have a goal in
life, a vision or a dream of where you intend to reach or what you intend
to achieve then you are not really living. But when you have a goal and
what you want to achieve, there is always a desire to get there. The
challenge facing us is how to reach this expected end, how to reach this
goal, not in whether it is packaged for us, not in whether God has
designed it for us.
The challenge has always been in the how; how to reach that
desired future. If a lot of us just know the How; the how to do certain
things our problems would come to an end. God said that if any man
lacks wisdom, let him ask from God. So why don't you ask from him
today and He will show you how.

Further Reading: Proverbs 23:18, 10:28, Psalm 9:18, 62:5, James 1:1-8.
Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 9-12
Daily Devotional

May 14, Saturday

Learn To Ask The Lord For Directions
“Then Manoah prayed to the Lord, I beg you let the man of God you
sent to us teach us how to bring up the boy who is to be born” Judges 13:8 NIV

B efore Samson was born, his mother had an angelic visitation but at
the time the angel was speaking to her, Manoah her husband was
not around and the woman came and told her husband “Look a
man of God came to me and his countenance was like the countenance of
an angel of God, very terrible: but I didn't ask him where he was coming
from, he didn't tell me his name but he told me I was going to have a
child” (Judges 13:6-7)
Manoah, when he heard, went to God in prayers, he was
sensitive and opened to the Holy Spirit, he prayed that the man of God
should be sent back so he also can receive the necessary instructions
regarding the upbringing of the boy that shall be born and God
hearkened to the voice of Manoah, and God listened to him.
When you ask God for directions, He will always give you. God
will always give us direction. It is our right; it is our privilege as God's
children to receive direction, so don't feel intimidated about asking God
for directions or making inquiries concerning issues of your life. He has
said “ask and it shall be given to you” (Mathew 7:7)

Further Reading: Psalm 32:8-9 Jeremiah 29:11-13

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 13-17
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he Lord is my Shepherd and I do not want; because Jesus was

made poor, that I through His poverty might have abundance
for He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly.
And I, having received the gift of righteousness do reign as a king in life
by Jesus Christ

I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God
will hear me. So rejoice not over me o my enemy, for when I fall, I shall
arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.

I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined to me and heard my cry.
He brought me up out of the horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set
my feet on the rock. He has established my goings. And He has put a
new song in my mouth, even praise unto my God. Many shall see it and
fear and trust in the Lord

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

May 15, Sunday

Be Open To The Holy Spirit (I)
“The spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him… and he found a new
jaw bone of an ass and put forth his hand and took it” Judges 15:14-15

ccording to this account of the scriptures, Samson was bound
with ropes, but by the time the anointing came upon him,
everything was loosed. The anointing will always break chains
and remove fetters, the anointing is the burden removing and yoke
destroying power, whenever you see the anointing, latch on to it, it will
always destroy every yoke.
When the anointing came upon Samson, he found and took a
fresh jaw bone, fresh and slippery, you know you cannot fight with a
slippery weapon but when an anointing is upon you, you can do
anything. We can do all things through Christ because all it requires is for
the anointing of God to rest upon that thing. It is unnatural to fight with
the jaw bone of an ass, it is unnatural! Even if it is strong enough to defeat
one person, what of one thousand people? You see when you are moving
with God and carrying out His assignment at times He will deliver into
your hands some unnatural weapons to fight with, some uncommon
ideas that are not natural, ideas that don't make sense and you should be
open to them.
Often times, God wants to put in our hands the things that will
advance whatever we are involved in but our minds get in the way, we
need to understand that when the Holy spirit is present, He opens our
eyes to see new things that naturally we would not have seen and at
times those things don't make sense, it didn't make sense to fight with a
slippery fresh jaw-bone of an ass, but that was what the spirit of God
opened the eyes of Samson to see, may you see what the spirit is showing

Further Reading: Romans 8:14 John 16:13-15

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 18-20
Daily Devotional

May 16, Monday

Be Open To The Holy Spirit (II)
“Not by might, nor by power but by my spirit,
saith the Lord of hosts” Zechariah 4:6

od wants His children to move in the supernatural, when we
talk about the supernatural, don't only limit it to opening blind
eyes, unstopping deaf ears and raising the dead. When you are
able to discover new things and new ways of doing things, it is
supernatural. When your business can thrive in the midst of famine and
difficulties, that is supernatural, but often times, we are not sensitive.

One of the things that has greatly hindered believers from moving in the
supernatural is insensitivity to the Holy spirit. It is so sad. We want to
figure everything out and as a result, we miss out on the supernatural
acts of God. At times, some supernatural things are just so natural that
we ignore them, remember we are supernatural beings; every believer is
a supernatural person because we are led of the spirit.
You cannot move in the supernatural unless you submit to the
leading of the Holy Spirit, “As many as are led by the spirit of God, they
are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14) You are born of the spirit, that is what
makes you a child of the kingdom. So you must begin to live your life
supernaturally and refuse to be limited by the natural environment that
you are living in, after all Jesus our example and model was never
limited at any time.

Further Reading: Acts 1:8 2: 1-21

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 21-24
Daily Devotional

May 17, Tuesday

Find Out New Ways

“Behold I will do a new thing” Isaiah 43:19

ou can improve on whatever you are doing. You can improve on
the way your family runs; you can improve in anything you are
involved in. It can be better than what it is, it is not God's will for
us to be static, and the purpose of the Holy Spirit upon our life is to
improve our life and productivity. In order to improve, we need to be
open to new ways of doing things; the fact that something worked in
1960 does not mean that it will work in 2010. Check it out whether there
are some things that worked before that you are still keeping and trying
to use today, when you begin to hold on to something because it worked,
you may end up falling into the trap of tradition, and tradition makes the
word of God of no effect.
What do all these mean to us? You need to find out new ways of
doing things, you must continue to look for ways of improvement, you
must continuously and deliberately desire it. Pray towards it, do not be
satisfied with old methods, that is what it means to excel, that is what it
means to advance more than other people, improve on what you have,
polish your gifts, work on what God has given to you, find out how you
can do it better than you have been doing it, find out!
This attitude should permeate every fibre of your life, find out
how best you can stir up love, find out how you can stir up oneness and
togetherness in the family, find out new things that you can add that will
bring about increased productivity. Pay the price to find out because our
God is a progressive God and He wants to tell you how best you can fit
into the present situation.

Further Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Revelations 21:2-5

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 25-27
Daily Devotional

May 18, Wednesday

Improve Your Productivity
“That which is done is that which shall be done
and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV

T he wise man said there is nothing new under the sun, there is no
one that can tell you he is bringing something new, No! he only
discovered a better way to produce what is already on the ground,
and in order to discover it, you have to search for it, that means you have
to work for it, it means you have to pay the price for it, you have to stretch
yourself for it, it is never discovered on the surface.
Every product you see today is an improvement on what has
been in existence, not quite long ago, people were wearing bongo's
trousers, now they have changed to tight ones, what is reigning now is
the tight ones, but that one had been existed, people had worn it before, it
is not new, what people call old school had been used before, nothing
new, people just look at the terrain and know what to do at the material
So there are new territories not yet discovered by any one, the
wisdom of God is available for you to achieve it, move away from the
norm, study your market area and find out what new innovations you
can introduce in your area of specialization. Look for better ways to
packaged your products and services, remember the scriptures says “But
the path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto
the perfect day”. (Proverbs 4:18) You will not be stagnant in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Mark 2:18-22

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 28-31
Daily Devotional

May 19, Thursday

Embrace Change
The Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy
kindred and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee” Gen 12:1

D o you desire to make progress in your walk with God and in

every area of your life? Then don't ever be satisfied, don't ever
be satisfied and say “well I've got it all together, this is how it
must be done and nothing else changes”. The only thing that is constant
in life is change, things are changing, you must therefore be liquid
enough to flow with change.
Look at the uncommon blessings that God packaged for
Abraham in Genesis chapter 12. Access to these wonderful blessings was
contingent upon Abraham's willingness to embrace change. There are
blessings you will never be able to access until you are willing to flow
with change. Notice all these places, thy country, thy kindred and thy
father's house. They are all familiar terrains, they represent things he was
used to, but God instructed him to get out of his familiar terrain so that
He can get him unto something greater.
Beloved you can't move forward if you are always operating in
familiar terrains, you cannot improve your life and productivity, if you
dwell only on the familiar ways of doing things; this is the way I know
how to do it. If that is where you are, you can never be productive beyond
where you are, don't fall into the routine mode. That is how it is and so
shall it be, No! Get out and try something new. Find out how best you can
spice things up. Stretch yourself into new areas. Don't be afraid to step
into new terrain that has not been explored before. God always has
uncommon blessings, packaged for people who will dare to embrace
change and step into new horizons.

Further Reading: Genesis 12:1-7 Hebrews 11:8-16

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 32-34
Daily Devotional

May 20, Friday

Stretch Your Ability
“Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth
the curtains of thine habitations…for thou shall break forth on
thy right hand and on the left” Isaiah 54:2-3

ne of the secrets of productivity and growth in anything you do,
is to put yourself in situations that will stretch your ability; you
cannot know what people can do until you stretch them. In
Judges Chapter 6, an angel of the Lord appeared unto Gideon and said
unto him “The lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour”. (Judges
6:12) Instantly, Gideon began to tell God about how poor his family
background was, he had built a stronghold intro his mind that his family
was poor. There are some strongholds that we must pull out of our
heads, so that we can enjoy the covenant blessings of God.
But God came and stretched him in spite of what he said, God
was not careful to even answer him, He said to him “go in this thy might”
(judges 6:14) in other words, even in the midst of your discouragement
and feeling of limitation, there is might inside of you that you have not
released, you have might that is not released, Gideon, stretch yourself to
release what is in you.
Go in thy might. When you learn to stretch, you will not only be
blessed, you will be a blessing and your blessing will transcend you.
That means when you are gone, your blessing will still be blessing
others. That is God's purpose for us! That is His intention, therefore,
dream! Dream big, stretch yourself, beyond what you can achieve and
put God in motion on your behalf. Gideon stretched himself; he went in
that might and completely destroyed the midianities, that same Gideon
that was hiding, the same Gideon who said everything about him was
poor. Beloved it is time to stretch, get out of your comfort zones, stretch
yourself to the new level, stretch for increase, stretch for increased
productivity, stretch! Stretch! The Lord is with you.

Further Reading: Judges 6:12-23 8:28-29

Daily Bible Reading: 2Chron 35-36
Daily Devotional

May 21, Saturday

Release The Kingdom Dimension
“I will bless thee and make thy name great and
thou shalt be a blessing” Genesis 12:2

od's intention for you is to become a very profitable channel to
bless humanity. The more you release, the more He pours out
unto you, therefore wherever you find yourself, whatever you
are doing that is blessing people, see it as a ministry because the will of
God is for humanity to be blessed. Wherever you are, see it as a ministry
and release the kingdom dimension in that place, if you are sweeping the
streets, sweep as though God would sweep that place, remember you are
His ambassador, drive that car as though it is God that is driving, handle
that computer as though it is God that is handling it, as a caterer, don't try
to cut corners and sell rotten meat to people to eat because they are
hungry, No!, cook as though you, yourself will eat that food.
In order to release the kingdom dimension you must see
yourself, wherever you are located as a man or woman on a mission for
the king of kings, you are involved in a kingdom assignment, you
represent the kingdom, that is kingdom mentality. When you have this
mentality, it will guide your lifestyle outside the church, it will guide the
way you function, when others are cheating and cutting corners you will
not join them because you know you represent heaven wherever you
In order to release the kingdom dimension and affect our world,
we must be guided by the fact that we are spiritual people, and
spirituality does not end when you step out of the church, No!
Everything you are involved in is spiritual, everything! Even in your
house, when you are having your bath its spiritual, when you are eating,
it is spiritual, when you are loving your wife, it is spiritual. When you
have this mind set, you will notice there are certain things you don't
want to do.

Further Reading John 15:16 I Corinthians 2:9-15

Daily Bible Reading: Ezra 1-3
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

H e makes my feet like hinds feet and sets me upon high places.
He teaches my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by
my arms.

My God enlarges the steps under me so that my feet will not slip I have
pursued mine enemies and overtaken them. I refused to turn till they
are all consumed. Psalm 18:36-37.

The beauty of the Lord is upon me; the Lord will establish the work of
my hands. I will lend unto nations and borrow from none. The Lord has
pleasure in my prosperity and Abraham's blessings are mine.

I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my
God will hear me. So rejoice not over me my enemy, for when I fall, I
shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours. (Prov. 4:18;
Matt. 5:14; Jn 8:12; Jn 5:37; Jn 14:9; 1 Jn 4:17)

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

May 22, Sunday

You Are A Candidate For Heaven
“For Christ did not entered into the holy places made with hands, which
are figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence
of God”. Hebrews 9:24.

ary stood outside the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she
stooped down and looked into the sepulchre. Now Jesus has
resurrected, and Jesus called out to her, Mary and Mary
recognizing His voice turned herself, and said unto Him, Rabboni, which
means master. And she wanted to embrace Jesus but Jesus said to her
'touch me not'. I am carrying something sacred. I have to take it first to my
Father so that there will be eternal redemption, so that my people will be
totally redeemed. Touch me not, for I have not ascended to the Father, go
instead to my brothers and tell them I am ascending to my father and
your father, to my God and to your God.
When you read Hebrew 9:11-24, you will see it validated that He
took His blood to spread on the holy things. He said what I have done
will not be complete until I have shown the Father evidence that I paid
the price completely for eternal redemption. For this reason, sin shall not
have dominion over you. That is why we have an assurance that we are
going to heaven. The enemy will not cut you short and you will not die
prematurely in Jesus name. The blood has been shed for a sound mind, it
has been shared for you to succeed in whatever you do with your hands,
for you to be healed, for you to overcome every family problem and it
was shed for you to be assured without any shadow of doubt that you are
a candidate for heaven.
Lift up your hands and thank Him for the blood that was shed
for you way back at Calvary. The blood that reaches to the highest
mountain and flows to the lowest valley, the blood gives you strength
from day to day; it will never lose its power.

Further Reading: Hebrew 9:11-24, John 20: 1-11-17

Daily Bible Reading: Ezra 4-7
Daily Devotional

May 23, Monday

Building Your Success On A Solid Spiritual Base (I)
“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and
doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house
upon a rock: “ Matthew 7:24.

T here is need to always build a solid base because the wind will
always blow; check any solid success; it is foundated on a solid
spiritual base. Today, we have a clientele of believers who are not
willing to commit to anything. You cry “knack me prayer for head”, “pour
me anointing oil”, “lay hand on me, my head, coat and if possible your
shoes” but you are not ready to commit to anything and you want a good
success; No! You are deceived.
In Joshua chapter 1, Joshua took over from Moses. Moses was now
dead and Joshua was wondering what's going to become of him because
the promise of God was not the wilderness, the promise of God was the
promise Land. Joshua knew what it took Moses to bring them thus far.
Joshua was frightened, how am I going to handle it and God began to speak
to him repeatedly, be courageous, Joshua be courageous. In other words,
there are things to fear but be courageous. There are things to make you
afraid but don't be afraid just be courageous, you are going to stand on
what I told you.
Then God came to a crescendo in verse 8, this book of the law shall
not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate therein day and night
and thou mayest observe to do according as to all that is written therein for
then, thou shall make thy way prosperous and then thou shall have good
This is God's recipe for lasting success; that is continuous
meditation on the word to the point of action. Make up your mind now to
give constant attention to reading and meditating on the word. The more
you meditate on the word, the more you become one with it and the more
your success is revealed. I pray that you succeed in all you lay your hands

Further Reading: Joshua 1:1-9

Daily Bible Reading: Ezra 8-10
Daily Devotional

May 24, Tuesday

Building Your Success On A Solid Spiritual Base (II)
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt
meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according
to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,
and then thou shalt have good success”. Joshua 1:8

otice here that there are two parts to God's directive to Joshua in
Joshua 1:8. There is a spiritual aspect: there is a spiritual
assignment, a spiritual responsibility, then the promise. In
other words, God said Joshua first build a spiritual base, and then I will
bless you and make you successful. I don't want you blessed without you
having a spiritual base, because your blessing will be tested. The enemy
will come after you and if you don't have a base and the wind begins to
blow, what I gave you will fly away.
In other words, Joshua, don't be carnal, carnality will destroy
your blessing. So God told Joshua even before you start, build your life,
and build your spiritual muscle, because we are engaged in a spiritual
warfare. Meditating and acting on the word of God will make you
develop spiritual muscle. Until you do that, you cannot have good
success; you cannot be prosperous according to the kingdom principles.
There are people who are succeeding today without the
kingdom principles so to say. But if you go close to them, you will see a
lot of deficiencies. The blessing of God makes you rich and adds no
sorrow to it. A lot of people are sort of rich but have sorrow with their
riches and that will not be your portion! When your success comes it will
be solid and lasting, no amount of wind will blow it away in Jesus Name.

Further Reading: Joshua 1:1-9, Proverbs 10:22, Matthew 7:24-28

Daily Bible Reading: Neh 1-3
Daily Devotional

May 25, Wednesday

Stop Pursuing The Blessing
“Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, doth Job fear you for nought?
Hast not thou made a hedge about him and about his houseand about all that
he hath on every side? Thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance
is increased in the land” Job 1:9-10.

atan answered the Lord, and said, doth Job fear you for nought? In
other words what are you talking, why will he not fear you when you
have blessed him. It is because you have blessed him that is why he
fears you. The devil said the reason Job feared thee is because he is blessed,
God has blessed him on every side and everything he touches is blessed, so
how will he not respect you. What an indictment against a lot of people
who serve God because of what they get. If that is the reason you serve God,
then you don't know God, you should pray to know God. If the reason why
you come to church is because of the things you get from God and not
because He is Jehovah then you won't go far, the enemy will easily
orchestrate your fall out.
I told you sometime ago that it doesn't really matter if the whole
world turns against God; He still remains God. He is the First and the Last,
the Alpha and Omega, He is the Beginning, and He Is the Ending. He shuts
no one opens, He opens and no one shuts. He can kill and can make alive. It
is a privilege that He reached out to every one of us mere mortals and we
can look up and call Him our Father. The devil knows why you serve God.
He knows whether you love your God with all your heart or you love what
He gives you. Look at what He said to God, what are you talking, you have
protected him round about, you have blessed him, things are working fine
for him, that is why he is committed, faithful and dedicated to you.
The multitude when they found Jesus said to Him Master, we have
been seeking for you, where have you been? Then Jesus answered them
saying, you seek me not because you love me but because I fed you. Child of
God, stop pursuing His blessings, for when you worship God for who He
is, you will encounter His blessing.

Further Reading: Job 1:1-22

Daily Bible Reading: Neh 4-6
Daily Devotional

May 26, Thursday

You Are Too Loaded To Fail
''Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world
and this is our victory, even our faith'1 John 5:4

I have come to declare to you that your economy is not dependent on

that of the world but on that of Heaven which cannot be exhausted. If
you want the lion's share in the market place, then act like a child of
the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Courageous people move towards their
challenges and so don't determine your destiny by the things happening
around you.
You are already too loaded to fail and I see giants fall before you,
if only you will take a step of faith. Let me encourage you to start
something, no matter how small because if you open your eyes you will
see money moving around. Refuse to be garaged by fear because it has
torment but instead trust God for creative abilities for He has sworn by
His word that He will bless the works of your hands.
God had to speak to Abraham in Genesis 15:1 not to be afraid, for
He was his shield and exceedingly great reward. Apostle Paul also
writing to his son in 2 Timothy 2: 1 said ''Be strong in the grace that is in
Christ Jesus''. The question is, why these exhortations? The answer is that
fear can be very powerful and that is why you must not allow it into any
area of your life. As a single brother or sister, stop looking at your age
because it does not matter to God and at the fullness of time, He will
bring your partner to you. Refuse to call a pity-party and do not despise
yourself, for God has already spoken into your future, so hang in there,
for Indeed, He will surely settle you.
Let me reiterate the fact that you must focus on your unlimited
God-given potential and turn it loose for the Kingdom. Creation is
waiting for you to manifest, and I can assure you that no devil in hell
would be able to stop you. Remember that He has not given you the spirit
of fear, but of boldness, of love and of a sound mind. I am waiting to hear
your testimonies this week for I know that head or tail you will win.

Further Reading: Joshua 1:1-10, Romans 8: 15-39.

Daily Bible Reading :Neh 7
Daily Devotional

May 27, Friday

Let Your Life Please God (I)
''By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and
was not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation
he had this testimony, that he had this testimony, that he pleased
God. Hebrew 11:5

B eloved, it is the desire of God that everyone that is called a believer

lives a life that is pleasing to Him, a life that will bring Him
honour and glory. His intention is that the believer would rule
here on planet earth manifesting His glory and honour while He would
rule in Heaven. Like I always say, this is the finest hour for the church to
manifest and shine in a dark world. Unfortunately, if you look around,
you will discover that it is becoming rather difficult to tell who a
Christian is, judging by their lifestyle.
Child of God, you can make all the difference, and decide that
you will belong to the company of those who will please God in their
lifetime. The Apostle Paul rightly captures it in 2 Corinthians 2: 14 which
says ''But thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ and
manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every
place''. In verse 15 the scripture says ''For we are a fragrance of Christ to
God among those who are being saved and among those who are
perishing''. (NASV)
From that scripture, it is clear that your life should exude the
sweet fragrance of God at all times irrespective of what you may be going
through. I can hear you say, but I am pleasing God in my own little way.
Yes you are, but I believe that in your bid to please God, one thing is
actually needful and that is fellowship. If you get that right, then every
other thing will naturally follow.
Make up your mind now to fellowship regularly with God. Pray
always, read your bible, adopt a life style of thanksgiving and praise, be
open always to the leading of the Holy Spirit and be prompt in obeying
Him. All these will ensure a healthy fellowship with God and your life
will be pleasing to Him. I bless you today.

Further Reading: Genesis 5:1-24.

Daily Bible Reading: Neh 8-9
Daily Devotional

May 28, Saturday

Let Your Life Please God (II)
''By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found,
because God had translated him; for before his translation he had this testimony,
that he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Hebrew 11:5

R emember that God made you in His own image and after His
likeness. Why do you think he did that? The reason He made you
in His own image, is that you might fellowship with Him, and in
doing that you will discover who you really are, and the resources
available to you. In the place of fellowship, God wants to show you how
He does what He does, so that you can replicate it and show forth His
glory here on earth. You should be able to say like Jesus that whoever has
seen you has seen the Father. That is why you must not take your
fellowship with Him for granted.
For instance, Enoch, the Bible tells us fellowshipped so much
with God that he found himself in Heaven. He fellowshipped so much
that poverty, sickness and disease could not locate him because they
cannot stand in the presence of God. Let me assure you that the
challenges you are passing through today also cannot stand in the
presence of God, because in His presence, there is fullness of joy and at
His right Hand there are pleasures forever more. God is ready to deal
with those issues that bother you if you will bring them to Him in the
place of fellowship.
Let me encourage you to create personal quality time to
fellowship with Him for that is where you receive strength to go on. Be
diligent to keep to your appointment with Him and obey constantly
whatever He tells you in the place of fellowship for therein you will find
joy and fulfilment, and continually, your life will be pleasing to Him.

Further Reading: Genesis 1:26-28, John 14:1-11, Hebrews 1:3

Daily Bible Reading: Neh 10-11
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

I trust in the Lord with all my heart and I depend not on my own
understanding, in all my ways I acknowledge Him and he directs
my path. My help is in the Lord, therefore I will not be disgrace, I
have set my eyes on the Lord I will not be ashamed, all my accuser shall
grow old like a garment and moth will eat them up.

I am convinced that all things work together for my good, because I

love God and because I am the called according to His purpose; so I do
not fret about anything; but in everything, I give thanks to God the

I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart

There shall be no divination against me, no enchantment against me.

Every plan, purpose and design of the enemy for me or my household
is destroyed.

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.
I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

May 29, Sunday

Real Success Does Not Come Cheap
“Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished; but he that gathereth
by labour shall increase” Proverbs 13:11.

hen we talk about success or achievement in life, there is good
success and there is bad success. There is the success that
endures and there is the success that comes and goes, when
the wind blows it, it would dissipate and go away. If you don't believe
me, you can check around and look around. You will see that there are
people who have been successful in this world and you will also agree
with me that some of them are those they sang their song in years past
but today they are begging. What went wrong? There are some who
were once commissioners and governors. I know of a gubernatorial
candidate who was once a governor and he wanted to run for an election
and was asking me to help him, what happened to his money?
Real success does not come cheap; the success that endures does
not come cheap. I know that I live in Nigeria where we want everything
free, just tell people that it is free, you will see a lot of crowd. Everyone
crowds around the person who is ready to be a Father Christmas. We
love free things, we are not really ready to pay the price for anything and
so it doesn't endure. Cultivate a habit of not getting everything free, let it
become a lifestyle with you. Don't live a life of “I want it free”. People
who are always wanting it free never get plenty. For your success to
endure there is the need to build a solid base because the wind will
always blow. Every solid success is always foundated on a solid base.

Further Reading: Proverbs 20:21, 28:20, Mathew 7:24-27

Daily Bible Reading: Neh 12-13
Daily Devotional

May 30, Monday

We Want To See Jesus
“... And desired him saying sir, we would see Jesus” John 12:21

s a child of God you must be like God because you were created
to function like God. In (Genesis 1:26) the Lord said let us make
man in our image after our likeness… God also said to Moses I
have made you a god to Pharaoh because you are like me (Exodus 7:1).
God was saying act like me and in Psalm 82: 6, God says have I not said
you are gods? If you are not applying this in your life you will die like
mere man.
As a child of God, you should be like God, transformed unto the
same image like your creator. It is wrong for you to be of a different
character. You should be like God in love, in mercy, in compassion, in
giving, in sacrifice, and in the way you talk and act. God can never talk
negatively. He calleth the things that are not, as though they were. The
baby eagles behave like eagle. Eagle Christian doesn't tell lies because
God does not lie. But some Christians are now professional liars, and it
means nothing to them. They can tell a lie and at the end eat communion.
Some people came to the disciples of Jesus and said to them we
want to see Jesus. We are tired of what you are saying. We want to see
Him in your life. We want to see you speak and act like Him. We want to
see you function like Him in everything. Beloved, if you are truly born of
the spirit, then you have all it takes to function like Him. This is what the
world is waiting to see in the believer today. Make up your mind today to
function like him. When people look at you they ought to see Jesus.
Today may your world see Jesus in you.

Further Readings: Exodus 7:1 Psalm 82:1-6

Daily Bible Reading: Est 1-5
Daily Devotional

May 31, Tuesday

Overcoming Temptation
“Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God,
than enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season”. Hebrew 11:25

J oseph looked at Portiphar's wife and wow! she was a knockout. Don't
kid yourself Portiphar's wife was not ugly. She was a desire of any
man. I told you temptation cannot be a temptation if there is no
possibility of doing it.
The young man looked at her, and looked at himself. He said no;
my vision is bigger than this. I am not going to destroy my position for
instant gratification. Why should you come down from the lofty height
the Lord has put you? Why should you reduce yourself? Sin reduces, it
embarrasses, it humiliates, sin disgraces, sin is a reproach. Sin will cast
dust on your face, sin is a terrible thing. It is a mystery, that is why we
seek the face of God to help us out of sin. Every day of your life, don't ever
come to the point where you don't ask God, Lord I need your grace. I
need your grace to help me overcome the challenges of life because the
banana peels of life are all over the place, and if you are not careful, they
make you slip.
The Bible tells us that the lusts of the flesh are all these
fornication, adultery, covetousness, witchcraft, sedition In Galatians
5:16. Yes they are the lust of the flesh, but the Bible says that if you then be
risen with Christ, seek those things that are above. We are Christ's. He
has been raised up and He has lifted you, so that when He shall appear
you will be like Him. He says seek those things which are above. Set
your affection on the things that are above. You have been raised from
those mundane things, you are free and sin will no longer have dominion
over you in Jesus Name. Walk always in the consciousness of this truth
and you will always overcome every temptation.

Further Readings: Galatians 5:16, Romans 6:14, Ephesians 2:5 &6

Daily Bible Reading: Est 6-10
Daily Devotional

June 1, Wednesday
The Eating Habit Of An Eagle Christian
“Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. Matthew 4:4

agles have peculiar eating habits; Eagles eat only clean and fresh
food Eagles are selective in what they eat. Eagles don't eat carcasses,
such as dead rats, and snakes, Dead foods are for lower animals not
for the eagles, they are careful to examine and choose their food.
What do you feed on, what type of revelation do you feed on? My
heart breaks when I see people who have been active in a living church
leave and go to a place where I know the word of God is not being taught. It
breaks my heart. There is an adage that says, if I want to eat a frog, at least I
will eat the one that has fat inside it. How can I leave a living church and go
to a witch's coven simply because I have a need. How did you get there?
They say let me take you to the mountain where you will change positions
and there they give you special water, special oil with special perfume.
When all the ritual is over, you just get back to church and sit down as if you
have not done anything, polluting the spirit. What food do you eat?
The Eagle will always wake up very early to seek her food. That is
what it is. Wake up in the morning, start your day with God. Declare the
counsel of God, speak out His word, His infallible, errorless, authoritative
word. Thank God that now, at least every Sunday we give you tables of
confession even if you don't know what to say pick out one of them and
declare it to yourself. Charge your atmosphere and see the devil on the run.
What do you eat? Eagle Christians have special diets. The word of God is
their diet. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Further Readings: Deuteronomy 8:1-9, Mathew 4:1-11.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 1-4
Daily Devotional

June 2, Thursday
Become One With The Word
“We all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of God
are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit
of the Lord” 2 Corinthians 3:18

s we begin to look into the scripture, the scripture is our image.
The Bible is your true image, you look exactly like the bible
describes you, don't accept anything else. As you keep feeding on
God's word you will discover that you are being changed into the same
image and until you get to the point of eating and feeding on the word, you
never get to see this image. You must become addicted to the word. Read,
memorize it, meditate it, speak it, obey it, it is your food.
Until you become an eater of the word, you cannot let loose your
wings of faith that will take you to your destiny. You have a beautiful and
enviable destiny but it is buried in the word of God. You must eat the word
as if that is your life, because it paints for you a picture of your destiny, and
you must be one with it. You become one with it by reading and meditating
on it. Habakkuk 2:1 says “I will wait to see what he will say to me”. When
you receive the word of God in your spirit, it paints picture of your destiny.
The picture you see will eventually become a reality. And the word became
flesh and dwelt amongst us, and we beheld his glory as only begotten of
father, full of grace and truth.
Until you and the word become one, you cannot see the glory.
When you eat ordinary food, it digests and gives you energy, what is inside
that food is transmitted into you, then you have strength to function and
people see life in you. The same way, until you meditate on the word and
the word become flesh in you because you depend on it much more than
anything around you, people cannot see the glory on you. Make up your
mind today to feed on the word and His glory shall be made manifest in

Further Readings: 2 Corinthians 3:1-18

Daily Bible Reading: 2: Job 5-7
Daily Devotional

June 3, Friday
Living Under The Blessing
“Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath
blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places” Ephesians 1:3

T he Epistle is where you should live in because in, the epistle you
don't need to cast out devils, devils run from you because of what
you know about yourself. When you live in the epistle you will
live under the blessing. You are not looking for blessing, you live in
blessings. Because you know some things you don't go about begging for
them. You don't go begging for what rightly belongs to you. The epistles
tell you all that rightly belong to you. That is why as a believer you should
really live in the epistle.
If I know that some things have been kept for me as an
inheritance, I don't beg for what I know. I simply take it. For the kingdom
of God suffereth violence and the violent take it. Listen to Paul in 1
Corinthians 2:2 “For I determined not to know anything among you, save
Jesus Christ, and him crucified”. He was saying I decided I am not going
to know anything, but I am going to lay hold on everything Jesus died for.
You can't lay hold on it if you don't know it. The epistles give you
knowledge of all He did for you. It's not about eloquence or expertise. It's
not about skill, or how strong you are or how wise, it is about what He
You can make up your mind today to live in the epistles and get
to know all he did for you so you can take full advantage of it by laying
hold on it in your meditations, confessions and actions.

Further Readings: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16

Daily Reading: Job 8-10
Daily Devotional

June 4, Saturday
The Mystery Of God's Wisdom (I)
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom
which God ordained before the world unto our glory”. 1 Corinthians 2:7

hildren of God do not function like mere men, they function in
divine wisdom; they speak and act in the wisdom of God. People
of the kingdom don't speak the wisdom of the world, the way
you know it. In God's kingdom the wisdom that is demonstrated or
revealed is totally different. It is not contacted by the natural mind; it has
nothing to do with your education, background, wealth or status, it is
imparted by the Spirit of God. That is why Paul called it a mystery.
This is where the people of God make mistakes. We try to equate
God's wisdom with the wisdom of men. Don't forget, the same Paul tells
us that the weakness of God is stronger than men. You see your calling
brethren, not many wise and not many nobles are called. For God uses
the foolish things of this world to confound, to disgrace, to humiliate,
ridicule and embarrass the wise and prudent. This means the very thing
the adversary is using against you, is what God will use to defeat him. So
no matter how fierce the battle may seem, be assured that in the final
analysis, you have the victory and you will end up with testimony.
The problem of the believer is that we have not tapped into what
Christ did and so we are going about naked, harassed and at times,
defeated by the enemy. He says we speak wisdom among them that are
perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world,
that come to nought. When you read another translation, it says not the
wisdom of dethroned powers. Their powers of the devil and his cohorts
are already dethroned in your life so no matter how much they rage, they
cannot overcome you. Surely, you have the victory.

Further Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:17-31.

Daily Bible Reading: Job 11-13
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he Lord will comfort me in all sides, He will make my

wilderness to blossom and my desert shall be like the garden of
the Lord. Joy, peace and gladness shall continually be in my
home. As mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord will be a shield
unto me and my entire family forever. (Isa 51: 3, Ps 125: 2)

I will build houses and live in it; I will not labour in vain or bring forth
for trouble; I will live to eat the fruit of my labour and it shall be well
with me.

I refuse to be carnally minded, I am spiritually minded and I have life

and peace with God.

I have a treasure inside me that cannot be destroyed. Even though I am

troubled on every side I refuse to be distressed; perplexed I refuse to
despair, persecuted but I refuse to be forsaken, cast down I refuse to be
destroyed. The life of Jesus is revealed daily in my life

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom..
Daily Devotional

June 5, Sunday
The Mystery Of God's Wisdom (II)
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom
which God ordained before the world unto our glory”. 1 Corinthians 2:7

T he mystery of the wisdom of God is ordained unto our glory.

Meaning that every mystery in our lives has solution, there is an
answer to every problem. There is an answer to every situation.
The fact that people have not discovered it does not mean it does not
exist. There is an answer to every pressure in life. There is no situation
that defies the God that you and I serve. There is an answer to that
marital, job or business problem. There is an answer to that situation
concerning child birth, there is an answer for every miscarriage and there
is an answer to every disappointment and frustration. This day you will
get the answer. The answer will be packaged and delivered into your
Whatever is going on now in your life, God ordained it for your
glory not for your shame. Though it is threatening to bring shame, but
there is a hidden wisdom that will bring glory to your life. No one stands
with God and lose out. You will not lose out. Listen to what verse 8 says
concerning this wisdom, “Which none of the princes of this world knew:
for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory”.
It means this wisdom beats the imagination of the powers that be in this
When you tap into what God has for you, no witch, no wizard,
no enchantments, no divination can withstand it. They don't know it
neither do they understand it. They just can't figure you out. You may
seem down and out right now but hang on a little longer because your
God is about to spring a surprise. Remember your God is the umpire in
the battle and he will not end the fight until you win. Rejoice for victory is

Further Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:18-30, I Corinthians 2:6-13

Daily Bible Reading: Job 14-16
Daily Devotional

June 6, Monday
God Said If I Lie I Die
“God is not a man that he should lie nor the son
of man that He should repent”. Hebrew 6:18.

brother ran to me and said daddy I have just won a million naira
from the M.T.N. they called me that I won, I don't know how it
happened. I said are you sure it is true? He said yes! He brought
out a big cheque you know, the one they printed in the printing press and
they wrote his name and one million naira on it. I said that is paper. Go and
get the real thing, when you get the real thing let me know and make sure
you pay your tithe so the flow will continue.
Not very long he came back to me that he had collected the money.
And as I meditated on this, it just came to my mind that it would have been
foolish if after the brother collected the paper and the phone call he says to
himself I am not going to collect the money and he sits down in his house.
He would have lost the one million naira. And yet the one million naira
belonged to him. Do you know how many foolish people sit in church?
Now, I am not trying to insult your intelligence, but that is true, how many
foolish people sit in church and they are scratching their heads wondering
what is going on around them.
If what a human being or a company and may be the company
manager or general manager or CEO is even a sinner, could honour what
they said, how much more the God you serve, who cannot lie. God said if I
lie I die. Every word of God is validated in the blood. How dare you doubt
the living God; the one that upholds all things by the word of his power? Oh
yes, by word the world was created, so that the things that are seen are not
made out of the things that do appear.
He spoke it into existence, so His word carries power. Paul writing
says His word is powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to
the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is
discerner of the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. If you have his word
for anything, you have that thing. His word is as good as the real thing; you
can always count on it. Today his word will produce in your life in Jesus

Further Readings: Hebrews 6:1-18;

Daily Bible Reading: Job 17-20
Daily Devotional

June 7, Tuesday
Get The Missing Link (I)
“And it shall come to pass if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the
Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command
thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations
of the earth”Deuteronomy 28:1

I n Deuteronomy 28, we see what we all call the Abrahamic covenant.

We are the seed of Abraham and the Bible says, those who are of faith
are the seed of Abraham and then it says those who are baptized in
Christ have put on Christ, there is no bond or free, Jews or gentiles, male or
female but we are all one. If you are Abraham's seed, you are heir according
to promise. So every promise that is documented here; blessed in the city,
blessed in the field, blessed going out, blessed coming in, blessed in the
work of your hand, fruit of your body and your health, blessed in
everything you are doing, above only and not beneath, the head not the tail,
all these things are wonderful covenant blessings.
But it didn't start in the middle. In verse 1 the scripture says “And
it shall come to pass if thou shall diligently hearken unto the voice of the
Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments, which I
command thee this day….” Child of God, this is the missing link, when you
get this and get it right then the blessing will follow. Dare the Lord now and
you will see His faithfulness! Because you have developed spiritual
muscle, you have chosen the way of spirituality not carnality; you have
chosen a lifestyle that would honour God secretly or openly, God will
honour His word in your life.
Whatever price that needs to be paid, make the word of God your
life. Take a quality decision that whatever it takes I am not going to be just a
professor of the word but a practitioner of the word of God. Where we are
failing is that we are not practicing the Word of God. We confess it, we talk
it, but when last did you practice the word? You will always notice that
God will deal with the spiritual first before the things you are looking for
are ordered. Your spirituality connects you to your desires. I pray that all
your desires come through this year in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Deuteronomy 28: 1-13, James 1:22-23

Daily Bible Reading: Job 24-28
Daily Devotional

June 8, Wednesday
Get The Missing Link (II)
“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace;
thereby good shall come unto thee”. Job 22:21.

e believers always quote “and I shall decree a thing and it shall be
done unto me” you are not qualified under any circumstance to
decree anything if you have not first done the preceding verses and
it talks about gold and silver coming like dust. You are not qualified to expect
that without spirituality. The preceding verse is usually the missing link.
Look at verse 21-30, says “acquaint now thyself with God and be at
peace, good shall come unto thee. Receive I pray the law from his mouth and lay
up His words in thine heart, if thou return to the Almighty, thou shall be built
up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles “then” only then shalt
thou layup gold as dust and the gold of ophir as the stones of the brooks. Yea,
the Almighty shall be thy defense and thou shall have plenty of silver for then
shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty and thou shalt lift up thy face unto
God. Thou shalt make thy prayer unto Him and He shall hear thee and thou
shalt pay thy vows. Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established
unto you and the light shall shine upon thy ways. When men are cast down,
then thou shalt say there is lifting.
Because of the information and the level of revelation you are
functioning in, when men are cast down and they say it cannot be done, when
they say you can't have the baby, when they say that their home is destroyed,
when they say they cannot achieve, then “they shall say” You are not saying
what men are saying because there is an inside information you have. Then
thou shalt say there is a lifting up.If you don't get the missing link, you will just
be beating about the bush, we must get the missing link. God is not a liar,
haven't you heard or read in 1 Peter 1:23 that we are redeemed by the word of
the incorruptible seed. Incorruptible means it cannot be destroyed by any
assault. Every promise of God is guaranteed to fulfillment by virtue of the
blood. But why are we not seeing the result. We have not built the base! Your
decrees have been falling flat on their faces because there is no spiritual
foundation to them. They are mere words of mere men. Is it not God that said
you shall decree a thing and it shall be established? If it is not coming to pass do
you think God is a liar? Find out what you are doing wrong.

Further Reading: Job 22:21-30;

Daily Bible Reading: Job 21-23
Daily Devotional

June 9, Thursday
The Arm Of God
“To whom is the arm of the lord revealed” Isaiah 53:1

hen we talk about the arm of God, we talk about the glory of
God; we talk about the grace of God and we talk about the
mighty power of God. He is an awesome God who carries
power. “To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed” that means the arm is
not revealed to every person. You may be in church and the arm of God
is working yet you don't receive. He says to whom is the arm of the Lord
revealed? If the arm of the Lord must be revealed in your life, there is a
price to pay. Then he began to tell us what he will encounter.
He tells about the pains, the agony, the humiliation and ridicule,
he would go through. He said he will be led like a sheep to be
slaughtered and like a lamb before his sheaves and he would not open
his mouth. He would be undergoing the pains. The pain is so
excruciating and yet, he will not say I am tired. He submits completely to
God saying no, not my will but thy will be done. He is willing to pay the
supreme price.
True ministry can only be carried out by people who the arm of
the Lord has been revealed to, such people Weather every storm of life
like Christ did to ensure the fulfilment of God's purposes, such people
true to their nature will never open their mouth to complain or murmur.
They endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ. It is my prayer that
every purpose of God will be fulfilled in your life and no matter the
price; His grace will be there to see you through. Surely the storm will
pass away and you will testify.

Further Readings: Isaiah 53:1-8

Daily Bible Reading: Job 29-31
Daily Devotional

June 10, Friday

The Gift Of Righteousness
“For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which
receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in
life by one, Jesus Christ”. Romans 5:17

e who knew no sin became sin, that we might be made the
righteousness of God in Christ. Do you know what righteousness
means? Right standing. It means that no matter who I am, I have
been authorized to stand before God, as if I have never sinned. I have that
authority not because of me but because of Him. So, when I come into His
presence I am not thinking or doubting whether He would accept me, no, I
am already accepted in the beloved.
If any man be in Christ, any man! Male or Female, rich or poor,
white or black, yellow or green, polka dot or whatever colour you may
choose. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature and before Paul said
that, he says henceforth, know we no man after the flesh. He said I wouldn't
be looking at you from human stand point. I am looking at you based on
what the father has completed in you. I will look beyond your physical
being. I will look beyond your fault and your mess. I am going to look at
what God has finished. God did not make a mistake in saving you, you are
a brand new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) You know these are forgotten
truths that the devil hides from us, so as to keep us bound.
Yes you go to church, jump up, clap, hi-five and rejoice and as
soon as you leave the church, everything drops in the church. You go out
and get defeated, but no, never again. Henceforth, you will leave the
presence of God with fire in your eyes, you will leave with anointing and
you will rise up from obscurity. Righteousness means you cannot be
defeated. When God bequeath to you, the gift of righteousness it is all
evidence that you cannot be defeated.
Can sin stand in the presence of God? Can sickness stand before
God, can disease stand before God? That is why you can never be defeated.
Therefore, I approach every challenge with an understanding that I have
the victory. I am not approaching it from a standpoint of defeat. No, I
already know I am a winner all the time.

Further Reading: Romans 5:1-17

Daily Bible Reading: Job 32-34
Daily Devotional

June 11, Saturday

Sin Shall No More Have Dominion Over Us
“For sin shall not have dominion over you:
for ye are not under the law but under grace”. Romans 6:14

race and sin don't agree, two of them don't work together. How
shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Let not sin
therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the
lusts thereof; let it not rule. Let not fornication, adultery, let not abortion,
let not anger, wrath, unforgiveness, pride and arrogance, contention,
hypocrisy and double standard, reign in your mortal body while you are
living here, that you should obey it in the lust there of.
By “your members” he is talking of your physical bodies, your
eyes; the way you look at things, the way you look at people; your mouth,
what do you say in secret and private. Your hands, what do you do, what
do you fiddle with, and your feet, where do you go. Who are your
companions? Who are your friends, what type of people do you move
around with. I am not talking about church; I am talking about even after
church. What do you do in your office, in your job in your private
He says; don't yield your members as instrument of
unrighteousness. That means you have power or control over your
members. By virtue of the gift of righteousness, you have been
authorized to stand before God. But how can I be standing before God
and refuse to love my wife or respect my husband? How can I be standing
before God and refuse to take care of the child God has given to me? I
have become like Eli, who did not talk to his children.
How can I be standing before God lifting up my right hand and
with my left, I am stealing or beating my wife. They simply don't agree.
They do not agree when you are standing before God asking for mercy
and refusing to forgive your brother or sister. Child of God you have
what it takes to overcome these vices today if you choose to. It is all a
matter of choice. May your actions today glorify God in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Romans 6:1-14

Daily Bible Reading: Job 35-37
Daily Devotional
188 2

Daily Confession

he Lord is my hiding place, He preserves me from trouble, he
has encompassed me with songs of deliverance. He instructs me
and teaches me which way I should go, He guides me with His

The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger, but because I seek the Lord,
I shall not want any good thing. The Lord's kindness shall not depart
from me, neither shall His covenant of peace be broken.

I am like a green olive tree in the house of God, I trust in the mercy of
God for ever and ever.
I refuse to faint under any circumstance and though my outward man
perish, I know that my inward man is renewed day by day.

I call every challenge light affliction because I know it has come to pass.
It cannot last forever, and God is using them for my good because I have
learnt not to focus on them rather I focus on what God is doing

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfil purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

June 12, Sunday

Elevated And Seated In Heavenly Places
“And hath raised us up together, and made us sit
together in heavenly places in Christ” Ephesians 2:6

I come to you today with an assurance from this scripture that God
has already elevated and seated you in heavenly places to rule and
reign in life, by virtue of Christ in you. In other words, God has
designed and programmed you to be able to confront that situation in
your life from a stand point of strength and not weakness For too long,
many believers have refused to be in charge and instead they sit back
and watch the enemy run riot over their lives. Child of God, from this
elevated position, you are to be in charge and in control over satanic
forces that want to hinder and garage you. You cannot afford to fold
your hands, for this is the time for you to show the world what to do. For
instance, at this level, you do not accept where the enemy has placed you
and you refuse to be put down in your business, finances, job or
This is because, one vitally important truth about the days in
which we live, is that evil will continue to multiply and you cannot
control evil if you remain at the lower level. You need to move to the
level where you are higher. In Mark 4: 35-41, a storm came upon Jesus
Christ and the disciples unannounced, and while the disciples were
busy bailing out water from the boat, the master was fast asleep. Just
imagine that? The master was able to sleep even in the face of a storm
because He was not on the same level with the disciples. He simply
commanded the storm to cease and there was calm. That is the level of
authority that God is calling you up to; a level where the storms of life
and challenges would be subject to your command. Make up your mind
today to function at this level and situations and circumstances will be
subject to you.

Further Reading: Ephesians 2:4-9

Daily Bible Reading: Job 38-39
Daily Devotional

June 13, Monday

See Yourself As A Winner (I)
“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:
and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” 1John 5:4

B eloved, for you to survive in these trying times, you must first of
all have an elevated view of yourself. In other words, see yourself
already as a winner, and not as one who is going to win. You must
approach life from the standpoint of one having an edge. The scripture
says in 1 John 4: 4, ''You are of God, little children and have overcome
them; because greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world.''
Did you see that? Let me remind you that you are not disadvantaged at
all, because you have an edge over every challenge by virtue of Christ
inside you. You were made in the image and after the likeness of God,
and that simply means that you must begin to function like Him.
In Genesis 1:3, the Bible says, “And God said let there be light,
and there was light.” According to this verse of scripture, God saw a
challenge which manifested as darkness, and He challenged it just by
speaking. Consequently, darkness had no choice but to bow because
God had spoken. Right there, God is giving us a template, a pattern on
how to approach situations. You must therefore come up to the level of
speaking like God. Learn to speak to yourself, business, marriage,
finances and even to your future, because your confession will bring
Is there a challenging situation in your life right now? I
challenge you now to rise, take your place at your elevated level and
speak to that situation and watch it turn around because your word
carries authority.

Further Reading: Ephesians 1:1-21

Daily Bible Reading: Job 40-42
Daily Devotional

June 14, Tuesday

See Yourself As A Winner (II)
“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:
and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” 1John 5:4

D o not for any moment think that the enemy would play dead
while you move up to the next level. That is why you must do all
you can to run away from sin and every appearance of evil in
any form or shape. Come with me to 2 Timothy 2: 19 and let us see what
the Bible says about sin. That verse of scripture says ''Nevertheless, the
firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, the Lord knows those
who are His, and everyone who names the name of the Lord must depart
from iniquity''. Child of God, do all you know how to do, so that sin is not
found in you, because it hinders. It can hinder you from this glory that is
being revealed, so run from it, and be straight in all your business
dealings. Refuse to compromise or cut corners, because those who do
eventually get cut off. That will not be your portion in Jesus name.
Finally, another area I want to urge you to pay very close
attention to, is the area of your thoughts. If I may ask, what do you think
about yourself? Like I always say, if you think the thoughts of death, then
get ready to die, but if you think the thoughts of life, then get ready to
live. Remember that the scriptures say that as a man thinketh in his heart,
so is he. In Judges 6, we are told that Gideon was fearful and intimidated
until an angel met him. Note that the same Gideon rose from the place of
hiding, blew the trumpet and multitudes gathered around him.
All that set Gideon apart was the express word he received from
the Lord. The word changed his thought pattern and in Judges 6:14, the
word of the Lord came to Gideon saying ''Go in this thy might”. Beloved,
as you enter into this new day, I implore you to go in this thy might and
be all that God has ordained you to be. I look forward to hearing your

Further Reading: Proverbs 23:7, 1 John 2:13-14

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 1-8
Daily Devotional

June 15, Wednesday

God Is On Your Side
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us,
who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

B eloved, I am sure you are familiar with that scripture, because all
that God is trying to remind you of is the fact that He is on your
side. If you back up a little from verse 26 30, you will notice that
God is indeed committed to making all things whether good or bad work
together for your good, to the extent that even when you don't know
what you should pray as you should, the Holy Spirit helps your
weakness by interceding for you with groaning that cannot be uttered.
What the scripture is revealing to you is that God will go to any length to
prove that He loves you. Remember that even your salvation was His
idea and not yours.
When you were headed in the wrong direction, it was He who
turned you back, cleaned you up and reconnected you to the destiny that
He has for you. Aren't you glad that God the monarch of the universe;
the one who can kill and make alive is ready to throw His weight around
for you? That should make you dance knowing that no matter what the
enemy brings your way, it cannot stand.
Let me encourage you that it is vitally important that you check
your life, because that is where the rubber meets the road. I am not
talking about just coming to church or doing all your spiritual
obligations but you must guard yourself so that nothing will hinder your
prayers. Ensure that when the enemy comes he will not find anything
against you. Avoid offences and be in readiness to forgive every person
who has offended you.
This is not the time to walk in bitterness and blame every other
person for what you are going through, but it is a time to take your eyes
away from challenges, frustrations and focus on God. Remember that
God has not called you to seek Him in vain, so have great expectations
for your miracles because they shall surely come.

Further Reading: Isaiah 41:8-16, Hebrews 13:5-6

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 9-16
Daily Devotional

June 16, Thursday

How Badly Do You Want It (I)
“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless
me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me,
and thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God
granted him that which he requested” 1 Chronicles 4:10

ome with me to 1 Chronicles 4:9 and let us look at the experience of
a man who got really tired about his situation and decided to do
something about it. The scripture says “And Jabez was more
honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez saying,
because I bore him with sorrow''. The first thing I want you to notice was
the introduction of Jabez.
His mother and of course all those associated with him called him
'sorrow' Can you imagine going around town with a tag of sorrow?
Everywhere Jabez went, sorrow went with him. In other words, doors
closed on him just because of his name. Is there anything that has made you
a laughing stock? Then get ready to get rid of it. I have come to encourage
you to arise at this period and challenge everything that has brought you
sorrow and pain, because you serve a prayer answering God.
Beloved, what turned around the situation of Jabez was the fact
that he desired a change in his life and did something about it. He desired a
fresh start, a new beginning because he was tired of the status-quo. He
needed a paradigm shift, and I also believe that there are areas of your life
that needs a paradigm shift. Up till now, you may have been
disadvantaged by your birth or background, but that does not mean you
will die disadvantaged. You are too loaded to fail, so refuse to cry or call a
pity-party. Beloved, like Jabez, you too can take responsibility for your life
and pray.
It does not matter which language you feel comfortable with, the
issue is just call upon God. He understands all languages, and you have a
word of promise from the scriptures that all who call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved. God will answer, because He is not a man to lie, nor is
He the son of man to repent. He would certainly hearken to the cry of His

Further Reading: Isaiah 38:1-9

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 17-20
Daily Devotional
194 2

June 17, Friday

How Badly Do You Want It (II)
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we
may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” Hebrews 4:16

ne of the tricks of the enemy you must watch out for at all times is
the fact that the enemy would attempt to remind you of your faults.
The idea is to weaken and intimidate you in the place of prayer and
that is why the Bible calls him the accuser of the brethren. Child of God, you
need to stand your ground and enter boldly into the Throne room of grace to
obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need.
Take a look at Romans 8:1 and hear what it says. ''There is therefore
now, no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus”. If you are in Christ
Jesus, then there is no place for condemnation, for He paid the price for your
sins at Calvary. If that is true, then you must receive all that God has in stock
for you because the price for your healing, miracle and breakthrough in
every area of your life has been paid for. When an item is paid for, the buyer
has the right to collect it, so collect your job, your promotion, and every
desire of your heart as you pray. Do not shift ground for the enemy, for this is
your set time to be settled.
Finally beloved, let me also add that if you must make a change in
the place of prayer; be real. Don't pray hypocritical prayer. If you cannot
open up to God, then the question is who can you open up to? Jabez realized
that it was only God that could change his situation and so he called upon the
God of Heaven to bless him. He was very specific in his request. Take a look
at verse 10 of 1 Chronicles 4.
It says that ''And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that
thou wouldest bless me indeed and enlarge my coast, and that your hand
might be with me and that you would keep me from evil that it may not pain
me!'' And God granted him what he requested. You can see from this prayer
that you now have a template. Jabez knew he was acquainted with sorrow,
and so he needed the type of blessing that would speak. It was not an
ordinary or wishy-washy kind of prayer that he prayed. He was desperate
for a change and he got it. Open up to God and I assure you that all those who
saw you before now will not recognize you after your situation has been
turned around, because of what God will do in your life.

Further Reading: James 3:13-18;

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 21-25
Daily Devotional

June 18, Saturday

Don’t Give Up
“Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire
cometh, it is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 (KJV)

any a times we are tempted to throw up our hands and say “it is
not working” and really, naturally speaking, you might be
correct because every prediction of man has failed. However,
what you have ignored is the God factor. You forgot that He is God and you
are not. He is the one that can kill and can make alive, He can wound and
He can heal. He is the all-powerful, all-knowing and all-sufficient God. I
am sure Gideon was at this point when he asked the pertinent question
above “if God be with us, why are all this be fallen us”? Beloved, are you in
such a situation in dire need of a breakthrough? I have come your way at
this time to tell you not to give up. Our God will come through for you. Yes,
weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
I prophesy to you today that your desire is coming. That which
you have stood in faith for is about to be released in the name of Jesus. All
the reproach of yester years is about to become history in your life. It is like
the woman in travail who is ready to abuse any and every body because of
the pains she is going through, but have you noticed that the moment the
child is born, the mother forgets completely about the pain? Beloved, your
desire is about to be birthed. Don't give up. Do you realize that the darkest
night is just before the break of dawn? So if the night is darkest for you, just
hold on a minute longer and see the day break right in front of you and the
good news is when the day breaks, it never leaves you where you are, it
takes you to when the Lord has ordained for you to be. Gideon, a timid and
fearful person, threshing wheat in the winepress was the same man that
turned the altar of the idol down and repaired the altar of the Lord making
a sacrifice to Him and this same fearful man became the judge over the
whole of Israel.
Beloved, the Lord will surely bring you out and make you great
and honour you in the same place you have been despised, if you don't give

Further reading: Ps. 30: 1-5; Jug. 6:11-24

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 26-31
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

T he Lord has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to Him

.Many will see the glorious work of God in my life and fear Him,
and put their trust in Him.

I am like a green olive tree in the house of God, I trust in the mercy of
God for ever and ever.

The Lord has assured me that He will never leave me nor forsake me, so
I can boldly say The Lord is my Helper; I will not fear what man shall do
for me.

I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I

have been chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy without
blame before Him in love. I am a beloved child of God having received
redemption through His blood even the forgiveness of sins by the riches
His grace.

Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord for He has plucked out my feet from
the net. He has turned to me and has had mercy upon me

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Daily Devotional

June 19, Sunday

He Watches Over You
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want” Ps. 23:1 .

T oday, I want to share a truth with you that you must never forget.
No matter what you are going through, never yield to the lie of the
devil that the Lord has forgotten you. David gave us a vivid
picture of the love and care of God for us in that scripture: The Lord is our
Shepherd. Think and imagine the shepherd and the sheep. No matter
how many sheep make up the flock, the eyes of the shepherd are upon
them all. The shepherd watches over them to ensure that none wanders
away. He ensures that they have food. Even in the desert, he leads them
to where they can get water. The sheep never go looking for food
themselves, but the shepherd leads them to where the green pasture is. In
the same vein your Heavenly Father watches over you and leads you
every step of the way. Your part is to follow Him like the sheep follows
the shepherd.
Matthew 10:29-31 (MSG) makes it very clear. It says: "What's the
price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what
happens to it even more than you do. He pays even greater attention to
you, down to the last detaileven numbering the hairs on your head! So
don't be intimidated by all this bully talk. You're worth more than a
million canaries.”
No matter what you are passing through, don't give in to the lie
of the devil because God cares about you and He watches over you with
Stand firm knowing that He who watches over you will bring you out in
Jesus' name.

Further Reading: Ps. 23:1-6

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 32-35
Daily Devotional

June 20, Monday

Be Still
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen,
I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 (KJV)

ne of the most difficult things to do today is to be still. Many
even find it difficult to pray for the very same reason. They sit
down to pray and their minds wander from the home, to the
office, to the children, to their aged parents, to the financial needs to the
house they are building etc. all in one minute. But God calls out to you
today to be still. In spite of all the noise going on in the world, He says
“Be still”. The message translation puts it in a very interesting way. It
says, “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High
God, above politics, above everything."
Beloved, step out of the traffic of life for one minute and take a
long loving look at God. Your God is bigger than the biggest, stronger
than the strongest, wiser than the wisest. He holds the world in the palm
of His hands. Your God speaks and His voice is like the sound of many
waters. There is nothing that is happening in the world today that is
outside the knowledge of your God. So if He knows everything and He
is in perfect control, then why don't you just stand still and see His
I pray that the grace of the Lord will be mighty upon you that
you may be still and release yourself into His hands knowing that He is
able to keep anything that is committed into His hands against that day.

Further Reading: Ps. 46: 1-11; 2 Tim. 1:7-12

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 36-39
Daily Devotional

June 21, Tuesday

It Is Working For Your Good
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (KJV)

ne of the challenges of the Christian life is to accept that every
trial that comes your way is working out for your good. Many
times when you are in the midst of the challenge you cannot see
any good in it. Remember Job's wife said to Him “curse God and die”. In
fact message translation says: “His wife said “Still holding on to your
precious integrity, are you? Curse God and be done with it!”. Beloved,
all the devil is looking out for is that you curse God, deny Him, and turn
your back on Him. So he turns the heat on and makes it so hot and it
appears unbearable. But when you are in this situation, remember the
three Hebrew boys in Daniel chapter 3. The king threw three men bound
into the fire, but rather than have three men burnt, he saw four men
walking in the midst of the fire.
Child of God, in that fire of life, the fourth man is there. He will
not allow you to be burned. He will protect you from every harm and
danger. In six evils, the Lord will protect you, yea in seven shall no evil
come upon you (Job 5:19). He is with you always and will ensure that
none of the promises He has made to you fall to the ground unfulfilled.
Don't give in to the lie of the devil, the fire will not burn you,
rather this challenge will work for your good. You will come out better
and brighter in Jesus' name. Remember gold when it goes through fire, it
comes out purer. In fact the more the heat, the more expensive the gold.
You are coming out in Jesus' name. This challenge will work for your
good. The fire that was to burn the three Hebrew boys was the same fire
that astonished the king and led to their promotion. I prophesy to you
today that the challenge will lead to your promotion in Jesus' name.

Further Reading: Dan. 3:8-30

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 40-45
Daily Devotional

June 22, Wednesday

Let Your Light Shine
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (KJV)

J esus in Matt. 5: 14 defined who you are as a believer. He said you are
the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. One
of the challenges of the believer is the refusal to shine in a dark world.
It is indeed an aberration for darkness to overpower light. Wherever you
are as the light, no matter the size of the light, the moment it appears, it
dispels darkness. Darkness does not have the opportunity to consider:
should I leave or not. No. Darkness must go at the appearance of light.
But when the light refuses to shine what happens? Jesus knew that it was
possible for the light not to shine that is why He gave the command in
Matt. 5: 16 Let your light so shine. It was not a suggestion, He was not
asking our opinion. If you are the light, Jesus is commanding you to
The time has come for believers to take their place on the hilltop
and become the light that God has intended them to be. The message
translation says: "Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light,
bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept.
We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you
light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do
you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a
hilltop, on a light standshine! Keep open house; be generous with your
lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with
God, this generous Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (MSG)
In that office, don't hide your identity. In the school, don't mix
up with everyone. In the market place, let them know who you are. Shine
as the Light and automatically dispel the darkness in the world. Imagine
the type of world we will live in if we all shine in our little corners. In a
short while, the whole earth will be flooded with light.
My prayer for you today is that you will shine in your world.

Further Reading: 1 Tim 4:8-16; Matt. 5:13-16

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 46-50
Daily Devotional

June 23, Thursday

Dare To Be Different
“Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and
different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you
will learn from your own experience how his ways will really
satisfy you.” Romans 12:2 (TLB)

ne of the easiest things to do is to conform to the world simply
flow with the world. But God has not called you to be a
conformist. If you do the same thing the world is doing, then
what difference will you make in the world. If Jesus calls you the light,
beloved, that presupposes that you have an assignment to stand out and
do things differently. In the market place when everyone is using unjust
measures to cheat their customers, you use the right one. In the market
place when people are changing figures to make more money, you
maintain your integrity.
One of the things that affect the believer and stops him/her
from shining is lack of contentment. You want to do what the world is
doing so that you can get more money, be known in the crowd, get the
human applause and then lose your ability to shine in the dark world.
Beloved, that is not God's will for you. Remember Matt 6:38? “Seek ye
first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things
shall be added unto you.” You are not of the world, so you cannot afford
to do things the way the world does it. You are different. You are a child
of the Most High God. You are in covenant with God. So dare to be
different. Be an example to the world in all you do. You are the light, so
Take a moment and think: In what way are you conforming to
the world? List them out and consciously turn your back on it and decide
that from today, you will be different.

Further Reading: Rom. 12: 1-2; Jn 17:11-19

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 51-57
Daily Devotional

June 24, Friday

Arise And Shine!
“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the
LORD is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1 (KJV)

ertain things are natural to certain things. It is natural for the dog
to bark, for the bird to sing and for the lion to roar to mention a
few. In just the same manner, God expects that it will be natural
for the believer also to shine. But he does not take it for granted; He still
went ahead to challenge the believer to shine. Isa. 60:1 is a command to
shine. He said “Arise, Shine”. Did you notice that He did not say Arise
and Shine? It therefore implies that the moment the believer can take the
step to arise, shining becomes automatic. So if you are not shining,
chances are that you are still sleeping. You are yet to wake up to the
realization of the great potentials in you. You still see yourself as just
another number in the Kingdom. But beloved, you are more than a
number. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
set aside by God to show forth His praise (1 Pet 2:9).
God did not call you out of darkness to just be another number
in the Kingdom. You have been empowered to make a change in your
world. As a lawyer, He expects you to be the best. As a doctor, be number
one. As a teacher, teach with excellence, as a businessperson, be a
man/woman of integrity. Let the people gravitate towards you and
desire to relate with you knowing that your yea is yea and your nay is
You are not praying for the light of God to come upon you; the
moment you gave your life to Christ, God birthed in you everything you
need to succeed. Your part is to use them and as you do, you grow deeper
and deeper in Him and become more and more confident of His grace
upon your life and you achieve results.
So wherever you are today, I challenge you in the name of the
Lord to Arise, shine and bring glory to God.

Further reading: 1 Pet. 2:8-9; Is. 60:1-7

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 58-65
Daily Devotional

June 25, Saturday

Don't Fall For The Devil's Alternative
“Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land,
a land of corn and wine, a land of bread and vineyards.” Isaiah 36:17 (KJV)

ne of the strategies of the devil is to present an alternative that
looks like the real thing but it is a complete imitation. Your God
is totally good but the devil is totally bad and there is nothing
good in him. Whatever he offers you is only a smokescreen, the real thing
is just a step away, once he traps you, he then show you his true colour.
Can you imagine the messengers of Sennacherib saying to the people,
don't believe in God because God cannot save you, rather yield to our
master and do whatever he wants you to do. When you surrender to him,
he will leave you here for a while then he will come and take you to a land
like your own. Can you imagine? God gave the children of Israel a land
flowing with milk and honey and the devil was going to exchange it with
a land of corn and wine, bread and vineyards. Can you compare them?
Beloved, no matter what it is, the devil's alternative is nothing
compared to what God is set to do in your life. The journey might appear
to be long, but don't fall for the lie of the devil; don't take a short cut
otherwise you may end up cutting yourself short. Like I always say, if
you appear before your time, you will disappear with the same speed.
God always builds a solid foundation before putting up the
superstructure. Relax in God and let Him settle you in His own time and
in His own way.
Can you imagine where Joseph would have been if the butler
remembered him after he left the prison? Of course, he would have been
released on the order of the king and would have wandered away in
search of daily bread and when the king had the dream, Joseph would
not have been there to interpret it thereby losing the opportunity to
become the Prime Minister. You dream will come to pass, but only as you
wait for the Lord.

Further reading: Is. 36:13-21

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 66-69
Daily Devotional

Daily Confession

will praise the Lord, with all my heart and with all that is within
me, for His benefits towards me and my family, He forgives me of
all my sins and heals me of all my diseases. He redeemed my life
from corruption, He beautifies, dignifies and crowns me with loving
kindness and tender mercies. He satisfies my mouth with good things
so that my youth is renewed like that of eagle.

Grace will speak for me in every area of my life. Favour will over
shadow me. Doors will be opened unto me. I will experience his
unusual visitation.

Thanks be unto God who always causes me to triumph in Christ and

makes manifest His Knowledge by me in every place because I am the
light of the world and the salt of the earth.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, I have run into it and I am safe. I
have been delivered from hidden traps and deadly hazards. A
thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, yet it will
not come near me, with my eyes I will look at behold the reward of the

Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically,

financially, mentally, morally and in all my endeavours.

I am called for a purpose, I will fulfill purpose and I will arrive at God's
ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a
formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom..
Daily Devotional

June 26, Sunday

Lifted To Bring Forth
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and
the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the
earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed
after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his
kind: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:11-12 (KJV)

ou really cannot help anyone when you are under the water
yourself. For you to be helpful, you have to come out of the water
first. Jonah could only preach when he came out of the mouth of
the fish, the earth could only be inhabited when it was lifted out of water.
In creation, God first lifted the earth out of water, then He began to
separate or literally rearrange things. The same way child of God, if you
want to be lifted in life, you need to take stock of your life, examine
yourself through the mirror of the word of God, and rearrange your
priorities in line with the word of God. Don't, under any circumstance
muddle things up.
This includes your finances many people want to be rich but
are not ready to be accountable; beloved, it does not work that way. If
you want money, you must be accountable, you must consciously pay
your tithe, give good offering, be able to account for everything God has
blessed you with and be a faithful steward then you will see the money
increase beyond your imagination.
Another thing to notice in creation is that God called everything
by name. The same thing should apply to you, don't meddle with sin
and call it a fad; if it is a sin, call it a sin and quit immediately remember:
sin shall not have dominion over you. The same thing applies to your
vision for your life; don't play games with your life. Have clear-cut goals
and aspirations. Write down the vision Habakkuk says; document
them, keep them in view, look at them, review as the year goes by. As
you do, you will surely bring forth your dream. I prophesy over your life
that the dream will not die. It shall come to pass.

Further Reading: Gen. 1:1-11

Daily Bible Reading : Ps 70-73
Daily Devotional

June 27, Monday

Delight In The Lord
“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires
of thine heart.” Psalm 37:4 (KJV)

od wants to give you your heart's desires only when it lines up
with His will. Often times the believer is so hung up with things
that his/her desires are not in line with the God's desire. This
leads to scheming, manipulating and all forms of strategies to “help”
God. Beloved, the blessings of God makes rich and do not add sorrow, so
beware of the things you claim are from God.
The scripture above is a key from a man that knew how to get
God's attention David. He said “delight thyself in the Lord”, notice, not
in things or in your desires, but in the Lord. Make God your priority; love
God for who He is. What you chase after will always be far from you that
was why David, gave the golden key: don't delight in money, job,
business, marriage, children etc; no, rather delight in the Lord.
Jesus said the same thing in Matt. 6:33 “seek ye first the
Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be
added on to you”. Delight yourself in God and He will kindle godly
desires in your heart and much more He will bring them to pass by
ordering your steps. Adam was busy delighting himself in God when the
Lord looked at him and said it is not good for man to be alone and made
an help meet for him. I challenge you today to make God your priority;
focus on Him, love Him, adore Him, obey Him and you will see
everything falling into place in your life.

Further reading: Ps. 37:3-7; Matt. 6: 25-34

Daily Bible Reading : Ps 74-77
Daily Devotional

June 28, Tuesday

The Funeral Is Over
“And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi;
which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.”Mark 5:41 (KJV)

J airus, a ruler of the Synagogue, approached Jesus on behalf of his

daughter who was sick. Jairus trusted the ability of Jesus to heal the
daughter and Jesus also had no hesitation to go and pray for the child.
But on their way, a different news came to Jairus “your daughter is dead,
why troublest thou the Master any further”. In other words, the case is
closed, so give up. But immediately Jesus heard that He spoke to Jairus
“Be not afraid”.
Is there any situation in your life that has become worse since
you started praying? Can you imagine a sick girl dying while Jesus was
on His way to heal her? Yes, maybe you have fasted and prayed and your
business seems to nose dive the more, or is it in the area of your health,
your children, your education, that you have prayed and it seems that
the more you pray the worse it becomes? I have come to you today in the
same words that Jesus spoke to Jairus Be not afraid. When Jesus arises in
that situation, the funeral will automatically come to an end.
Notice that by the time Jesus got to Jairus' house the funeral has
started the professional mourners had gathered crying and wailing but
Jesus put them all out. Today, Jesus will put out all the mourners in your
life and the very reason why they are mourning will be turned to joy.
Your business will flourish again, your finances will rise again, and
everything that you thought you have lost to the devil will be returned in
Jesus' name. Like Jesus said to Jairus, I declare to you: Be not afraid, only
believe and your situation will turn around for good in Jesus' name.

Further reading: Mk. 5: 35-43

Daily Bible Reading : Ps 78-79
Daily Devotional

June 29, Wednesday

There Is No Place For Idle Hands
“And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told
thee what thou must do.”Acts 9:6 (KJV)

aul was on his way to Damascus to persecute the church when the
Lord met Him and the moment he knew it was an encounter with
the Lord, the next question he asked was “what will thou have me
to do?” Beloved, you have been saved to serve. God did not call anyone
to fold his/her hands and do nothing in the body of Christ. There is an
assignment for you and if you don't do it, you are not only robbing
yourself of a blessing, you are denying the church the benefit your
assignment would have brought to the church.
There is no one person who is useless in the kingdom of God.
The fact that you are alive today is a proof that God still has need for you.
If your assignment have been completed, He would have called you
home, but if you are still here today, then don't fold your hands. That is
why you need to have a Pastor who can give you direction and speak into
your life. God directed Paul to Ananias who instructed him and spoke
into his life. Today, we are all beneficiaries because the same Paul wrote
more than half of the New Testament.
God does not intend for you to be lazy. Find out your
assignment and commit yourself to it. Don't be like the foolish servant
that buried his talent and earned himself a place in the burning furnace
because he buried his talent. Rise up today and take your place in the
body of Christ.

Further reading: Matt 25:14-30

Daily Bible Reading : Ps 80-85
Daily Devotional

June 30, Thursday

Let God Arise
Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also
that hate him flee before him. Psalm 68:1

ften times we struggle to fight our battles and we end up being
frustrated in the process when victory is not in sight. You must
realize that the battles of life are real and in any battle the
intention of either party is to take out the other. So Satan also wants to
take you out and you must not let him. He will try but the good news is
that you have the upper hand because God is with you.
So don't fret, don't align with the devil by your words or
negative actions. Stand firm on the word of God. Trust Him who has
spoken concerning you. Confess the word of God over and over in your
circumstance. That way, you invoke the power of God to arise on your
behalf. I know that the battle may be raging fierce right now and
everything about victory looks unlikely, but I have a firm word from
God for you: if God be for you, who can be against you? Beloved, no one!
There is no power in hell strong enough to withstand your God. Don't
forget: He is the Almighty. The Great I Am that I Am. Let God arise for
Don't give up and don't give in. Be strong because God will
scatter all your enemies. He has done it before, so I know that He will do
it again. Trust Him to come through for you. Take time to boast in His
ability, remind yourself of past victories and know that His promise to
you is guaranteed. No matter the battles you are facing today, realize
that you will come out of it.

Further reading: 2 Kgs 7:3-11

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 86-89
Daily Devotional

July 1, Friday
You Are Coming Out Of It
“And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, standstill, and see the salvation
of the LORD, which he will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye
have seen today, ye shall see them again no more forever.” Exodus 14:13 KJV.

F ear has been described as False Evidence Appearing Real. When you
look around you today many things are creating fear in the hearts of
men. The devil is manipulating every device to cause fear and make
you feel that you are trapped. Every day the media both print and
electronic are full of tales off woe. Things that were unimaginable a few
years ago are suddenly becoming the order of the day. The activities of the
devil are not only on the increase, but he is also magnifying them so as to
instill fear in you. But beloved, be not afraid, because the devil is not in
control of your life. God is in control.
It is an insult to God to think that God will sit by and watch the
devil ravage your life. You have been redeemed (bought with a price), you
belong to God irrespective of what the devil is doing to you or around you;
fear not. There are 365 fear not in the Bible because God appreciates that
many things will want to make us fear so, one for each day, He reminds us;
fear not.
No matter the report: is it the doctor's report, the stock market, the
financial trend, the educational trend or anything that seem to confront
you?. Don't meditate on the report, take the word of God and meditate on
it. With your eyes of faith, see what God has done for you already and as
you behold the finished work in your mind's eye, it will manifest in the
physical. You will surely come out of this challenge, so fear not. When the
opportunities to fear comes, remind yourself of what God has said in His
word. When the meal barrel is empty and the rent is due, remind yourself
that He is your Jehovah Jireh and He supplies all your needs according to
His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. When you go to the hospital and the
scan shows fibroid not foetus, remember He makes the barren keep house
and become a joyful mother of children. When the results show the disease
is incurable, remember that there is nothing that is impossible for Him to
do and healing is the children's bread.

Further reading: Gen. 18:9-16

Daily Bible Reading: Ps 90-95

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