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` M   


Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting

human behavior . Motivation not only affects other
cognitive factors like perception and learning but affects
the totals performance of an individual organizational
Maslow s need hierarchy
¦ `   


¦ Ôhysio logical needs :
¦ `he physiological needs are the top of the hierarchy
because they tend to have the highest strength until
they are reasonably satisfied .
¦ Until these needs are satisfied to the degree needed
for the efficient operation of the body.
¦ `he majority of a person·s activities will probably
be at this level ,and the other levels will provide him
with little motivation .
afety needs :
¦ |nce the physiological needs are satisfied to a reasonable
level ²it is not necessary that they are fully satisfied and
degree of reasonableness is subjective-other levels of needs
become important .
¦ Peter f . drucker has suggested that one·s attitude to words
security is an important consideration in choosing job .
¦ ëfter the first two needs are satisfied, social needs become
important in the need hierarchy .
¦ Since man is a social being , he has a need to belong and to be
accepted by various groups .
¦ In this type of environment workers depend on informal
groups of support of unfulfilled social needs such as
affiliation .
¦ `he esteem needs are concerned with self ²respect , self-
confidence , a feeling of personal worth, feeling of being
unique and recognition .
¦ Satisfaction of these needs produces feelings of self-
confidence , prestige , power and control .
¦ Some of the social problems have their roots in the
frustration of the esteem needs .
¦ Self- actualization is the needs to maximize one·s potential
, whatever it may be .
¦ `his is related with the development of intrinsic capabilities
which lead people to .


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