Life - A Work of Thesis in Common Life

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Life is leading to life

Random of Ransoms

We dwell in the world of dreams, best for the drawback of the Society and Humanity,
because we dream of the ill possibility in random. Basically human today adding style of
behavior to over come their flaws, We value doyens only for the preexistence of namely
values; we forgot to worship their works as best, because we regret their knowledge as a
past experience.

Similarly, Holy Bible and Holy Quran, and many Religious epics from Hinduism,
Jainism, and Buddhism are criticized with thundering questions nowadays, why these no-
win situations to older constant things happen.

I found the answer as this, here now the life call is not noble and legible. One who
experienced in seduction is now preaching Holy Beliefs to other pupils who involved in
seduction. In common They two are one and the same in their personal life, Once these
fact is realized, then this sum total made the findings of new philosophy, so worth of
belief is not within everyone’s mind, for the best deeds of preaching and learning of Holy
Deeds, simultaneously money made society made human into mere man and woman with
out his\her knowledge by his\her knowledge over the irrational deeds and irrespective
manners, and its whole penalty takeovers fixed values with new meanings and new ideas.

In terminology “taking care” and “taken care by” are merely same but miniature
diversity added here given a larger extensive meaning.

Basically Humans, we are domineer in our presence else we loss our battle of life so
humans need a base slaves to follow them in their advances and the same slave got the
credit of the failure too when domineer fall. These slaves are called as friends in other
vocabulary and they are in favor of employ and to reduce our compassion

A human’s best enemy is his\her best friend.

Trust me we are selecting them for our needs, there are realities of love at first sight, but
there is not any evidence of friendship bind in first sight, friendship need clear analysis
and warm equanimity of values between each other. If you are domineering, you get
credits on your victory, as a single person ‘you’. If failure comes, the response goes to
your friends as ‘they’. Avoid pruning others for your cause. We lost all our battle in this
way only until now.

According to the view of all great authors all their tragic hero has a tragic flaw, we need
to prescribe it for our needs means, we find the truth that, we basically need to accept and
found our losses by our own deeds not by the environment or other human beings or by
the situation itself, so grow with the environment without blaming it, this is the important
stand needed for a human is the necessity of today’s world.

In such a way we fell in the random of our mind and payees our own ransom for our
safety. We are one among the human being; we are attracted towards and by, any one at
any instance of time, some attractions are vibrant and some may softer in form, these
affection of attraction are further derived by physical based (as it presence), gender based
(as a opposite sex), energetic based (as a sparkling with likeability), appeal based
(demand), certainty based (faith), idealism based (optimize), etc.

This all in short we have some common words Hearty, Mindy, Sexually. In the
mentioned three hearty care and affection had only with parents and Mindy with our best
people e.g. a friend has it in his\her mind for a friend, a merge of this three presents in
between a happy couple in love or in marriage life. So that a wife is worthy more to a
man than to his own mother, father, brother, sister, kit and kin, etc.
Once a guru on his voyage of knowledge share asked a question to an unknown follower,
on a sudden the follower replied, guru praised his follower and wished him “all the best”
now we are in the mind, to know,

What is that question?

Why the Guru praise him?
Why “All the Best”

The Question from the Guru is

“If Almighty appears in before of you, what the best you ask to him\her is?”

The Answer from the unknown follower is

“Almighty... give me..., My Best Wife”

The life exist by and life afford by are not the same verbalize however the equality are
big more than a life, he/she is a ingredient of life with two special uniqueness,

In the common world living beings came to exist and deliver a fine remembrance for
their presence, that’s the reason for exist of living being in this beautiful earth. Human
had its best presence of life as knowledge driven living being, in other words this
identified declaration is

“The sixth sense”

The Sense, the power of imagination differs from one to one mind, this difference we
paid of and delivered in a platform as innovation nowadays, those are philosophy in the
older days, both new in nature and identified a great market in reaching the will of
common man/women, as sensible ideas, goes on improving the desperate loneliness into
business affection, this all give our earth stay connected to the extra terrestrial planet,
with all it had will be demanded from one side,

Sex {body and soul}in a common term it’s an avoidance word from many a people by its
personal measure but one who makes a best offspring don’t mean it as the way as many
people think. They at once describe “what it is and why it is” as a best artist handling
perfection in the same.

Let’s add some meaning in life, go on win your life.

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