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FRIENDS FOREVER By: Jordalene Monsalud

When I was on my way home and take the route via

Rimando, I saw two guys who are very familiar to me. Then later on I realized that the two guys were Christian and Chelsea. I just said, Oh my God. I was shocked because I saw Christian kissing Chelsea on the forehead. My mind works like this: I first thought that maybe one of the two is gay. Then later on I said Maybe theyre brothers or close friends. But then finally I think that maybe they have the same tradition or belief that kissing is there way of expressing brotherhood.


that is probably the reason why I saw Christian

kissing Chelsea. Those two are my classmates this third year- first semester. I often see them together! Theyre together while eating, during our breaks or even during class dismissals. Actually, since just this semester that I came to know them, I think that they have relationship, relationship as in lovers. But then, I have learned from their previous classmates who are also my classmates this semester that they were friends since grade school. Probably, that is the reason why they are very close to each other to the point that kissing on the

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forehead is just normal to them. I also learned that theyre parents are also old friends since they live on the same province.

So you see? You should never judge people at the first time you
met them. Instead, you should come to know them first and see if your first impression really lasts. And as the latest update, I still see them together with their families of orientation. I hope that my family is also close to my friends failies in order that we can know each other well.

About the Author: Jordalene Monsalud Poblacion, Infanta, Pangasinan Saint Louis University School of Nursing BSN III-I3

Nursing Informatics Submitted to: Sir AGA

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