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True Independence Day of Pakistan

Pakistan has recently celebrated its 63rd anniversary along with an unbearable flood disaster which has affected the whole country badly. Although there area lots of natural and man made disasters and problems which are have been faced by Pakistanis since Independence Day.T however, the ratio magnitude of these problems is kept increasing has increased day by day and generations after generations suffer by them. Problems on individual level like poverty, unemployment, decline of moral values and ethical thoughts, and on social level vandalism destruction of social and political institutions, lack of management, lack of professional approach to meet requirements to overcome natural disaster etc. On regional and international level Pakistan is although considered as an only IslamicIslamic democratic nuclear power but with an image of terrorist, corrupt state which is on the brink of a total failure state. Actually what Pakistan really needs there is always need is to have an established and well organized system based upon deeply rooted fair and strict judicial system to run state affairs a smoothly state affairs. Which sStates which successfully developed such systems has automatically they become automatically welfare states. For last sixty three years, Aalmost all of us have always criticized and loathed upon our defective system of our country for last sixty three years but never seriously tried to repair the loopholes of this system. Whenever it is asked to people are asked they blamed government for all defects setting . In this way they themselves free of themselves from all responsibilities which are bestowed upon them being the of citizenship of their homeland. Most ridicules ridiculous thing is that by doing this they made themselves indirectly responsible for all these problems because government is representing them .They chose government in Elections by votes. However some more conscience people who realized their responsibilities as citizens felt guilt. But they became satisfied by saying that an individual can not change the whole spoil system so for the sake of survival he has to become the part of system. There is no other option except to accept this defective system.

If the solution of our problems would be exist in written constitution, democratic system or in revolutionary martial laws then we had to find all solutions until now. We have tried all of them in past and are experiencing till present. Alas it did not happen. We are still passing through same those problems perhaps with more intensity than that of our forefathers faced. If it is thought rationally then it can be concluded that each and every Pakistani is responsible of such present situation. Infect if we analyzed ourselves as a nation rationally, we will know that we are all in the imprisonment of our own personalities and self interests and in imprisonments there is always suffocation in which we are living. The only way of our survival is to get rid of this imprisonment as soon as possible. This rational realization can made us once again that motivated nation that won their free homeland in 1947.We should try best on individual and on social level and should think how to coup the present disappointed condition of our country. Here are some suggestions which can be adopted in order to overcome present circumstances. On individual level, every one should be fair and loyal to his country by heart rather than verbally. It is very easy for us because we called ourselves Muslims and fairness and loyalty is true symbol of a Muslim. Except of religion point of view, we Pakistanis always prove loyal and faithful citizens in abroad then why not we become good and civilized citizens in our own country. We should create a sense of ownership in ourselves just like we own our family, our home then why not we own our country? As every one efforts sincerely for the benefit of his own family and home, if he perform his duties on his job and post sincerely then the country will for sure make progress. Every individual should think that his progress is hidden in the progress of country. This thinking can be emerge only from evolving the sense of ownership. We should eliminate all our religious sects, caste, regional differences which have weakened us internally like AIDS in last sixty three years. If we succeeded in doing so, there is no doubt we will think as Pakistani and think for Pakistan which will be in fact for our own benefit. We will take all national and international decisions for the sake of national interest solely.

On social level, there should organize committees on ward and community level. Each committee will consist of some noble and respected persons who have good will and good reputation in that specific area, ward or community. Such committees will be organized in all big, small cities, villages according to ratio of population. There is no need to built separate structure for this purpose but the mosques which are already exist in all wards and communities should use for this purpose.

Main function of these committees would be to secure the communal interest of that ward and community. These committees will not only safe guard the rights of people by solving their routine matters and conflicts which would be helpful to decrease the burden of courts and police but the people will solve their matters by themselves. In this way, the involvement of state institutions would be minimized which would surely decrease the ratio of corruption and bribery in society.

These committees will also provide support to common man economically. People of each area will invest money according to their capacities in that committee. A record will be maintained regarding these investments. When they need money to establish their own small businesses and home industries they can take loans from committee with out any interest. This loan would be actually there own deposited money. They have to pay loan in installments within specific period. In this way their back up capital money would be save and if they face business loss or money deficits they could take loan again to support their businesses again. In short these local committees will play the role of micro finance banks. People will not cheat with these committees because they have invested their own money in this way the collective interest will convert into individual interest in directly. Micro financing has already become popular in third world countries like India and Bangladesh. By adopting micro financing poor people will become self relined and self supported. In this way one of the biggest problems of Pakistan poverty will be controlled and reduced.

These committees will be helpful for society politically as well. The members who will organize functions of such committees they would be chosen by people as their representatives on higher level like in provincial and national assemblies

as well. These people will be true leaders and representatives of their people which will have the knowledge of all problems of their respective constituencies so they will work more efficiently to solve these problems. In Elections people will vote for those persons which have already done honest work for them and which have roots among common people. In this way, a sincere and devoted leadership will be emerged automatically and will fill leadership vacuum in politics. On national level, such leadership which will be select on marit rather than wealth and power will certainly enjoy the support of people in all national and international issues. such leadership will represent national interest boldly on all international forms. All above mentioned reforms and suggestions can only be implemented only if each and every individual think as Pakistani and as responsible member of a nation because ultimately his interest is interconnected with his national interest. If his country will make progress then GDP of each individual will also increase. When it happened that day will be consider the true Independence Day of Pakistan. It is evident by history that only those nations become developed nations which have sincere and responsible citizens. Lastly I want to share historical words of Galileo.One day his student Andr said to his teacher in dismay due to the desperate circumstances of his country Italy that our nation is unlucky and unfortunate which do not have heroes. Galileo answered him very optimistically, that nation is unlucky and unfortunate which needs heroes.

(Written By TAZEEN ZUBY)

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