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What global or local community issue(s) are you passionate about? Why?

Obviously a global goal is very large, and large goals begin with breaking them down to smaller goals. On
a large scale I am passionate about peace for everyone, that no one should ever go hungry or cold. No
one person can accomplish such a large, global goal, but if we break it down to what is in front of us and
begin spreading peace and love with ourselves, our families and communities then we can accomplish
the larger, global goals.

The deepest issue that I see is the neglect my country's peaple have for the founding principles upon
which this country’s freedoms and prosperity were built. Very few appreciate the natural and
“unalienable” rights they possess and how those rights are being stripped away from us all at warp
speed, these days.

Every action, no matter how small, has the potential to make a difference.

1) Speak up for what you care about. ...

2) Volunteer or donate to a global organization. ...

3) Choose fair trade & ethically made gifts. ...

4) Listen to others' stories. ...

5) Stay connected with social movements. ...

6) Stand up against discrimination.

Human rights issues are existing in most of the countries. Thus question should be “what are the basic
human rights and how these are violated.” According to my humble assessment, all the modern
amenities and facilities available to the people in advanced countries, should be provided to the poor in
the underdeveloped countries, particularly those in the third world countries. Portable water, standard
food, residence, quality education, job, equality, justice, right to speech and criticism, health facilities,
security and safety etc are the right of every sane and innocent human being. If even one of the them is
not available to them, the concerned Government is responsible.

First of all, I am very sincere with humanity.Allah Ta'ala has connected everyone in this world with
others so that they can help each other in difficult times. Human beings should have the intellect to
understand each other's feelings, emotions and thoughts, only then a better society is formed . I want to
become a defender of human rights.I must have a platform where I can raise a strong voice against the
atrocities on humanity.Also, I want to enhance my leadership qualities.

As the youth are the future and precious foundation of a nation .It is in their hands to make and shape
the future of themselves and their country. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW also always gave
importance to the opinion of the youth .And every great leader put the youth in the forefront Be it
Quaid-i-Azam's Azadi movement or Imran Khan's real freedom movement, with every great leader the
youth played an important role. Therefore, I want every youth of our nation to have the passion to do
something for their country .The feelings of love for humanity and country that I have in my heart, I
want to create in the heart of every young person.

As Illama Iqbal said

‫جوانوں کو سوز جگر بخش دے‬

‫مرا عشق میری نظر بخش دے‬

To develop hard skills like budgeting and creating SMART goals. Enhance soft skills such as team
management and pitching my project. Engage in peer-to-peer feedback, sharing best practices to
overcome obstacles to my project and exploring further opportunities for collaboration, I want to be a
millennium fellowship student. Through the Millennium Fellowship, I will have the opportunity to work
with like-minded individuals who are passionate about changing the world, and it will be a truly
rewarding experience for me.

-Arshiya Nadir

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