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There are many reasons why I want to be a student

ambassador of Shaukat Khanum. First of all, I am very

sincere with humanity.Allah Ta'ala has connected everyone
in this world with others so that they can help each other in
difficult times. Human beings should have the intellect to
understand each other's feelings, emotions and thoughts, only
then a better society is formed. My first goal in becoming
Shaukat Khanum's ambassador is to become a defender of
human rights.I must have a platform where I can raise a strong voice against the atrocities on
humanity.Also, I want to enhance my leadership qualities

As the youth are the future and precious foundation of a

nation .It is in their hands to make and shape the future of
themselves and their country. As our beloved Prophet
Muhammad SAW also always gave importance to the
opinion of the youth .And every great leader put the youth in the forefront Be it
Quaid-i-Azam's Azadi movement or Imran Khan's real
freedom movement, with every great leader the youth played
an important role. Therefore, I want every youth of our
nation to have the passion to do something for their
country .The feelings of love for humanity and country that I
have in my heart, I want to create in the heart of every young
As Illama Iqbal said

‫جوانوں کو سوز جگر بخش دے‬

‫مرا عشق میری نظر بخش دے‬

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