Basic Electricity: University of Manchester Department of Computer Science

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University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science

Basic Electricity
The intention of this lecture is to describe basic electrical characteristics in a qualitative way. Lecture objectives: o o provide some basic knowledge of analogue electronics to give some feel for electronic effects on digital circuits

Much of the following theory should be familiar; what may be new is some of its application. Note: Much of the skill is to understand the associated jargon, especially as terminology is often used for things not directly related to its strict definition. For example D.C. literally refers to Direct Current, an electrical current which always flows in the same direction. It is loosely used to describe any value (electrical or otherwise) which does not vary with time.

CS1222 Computer Technology

Basic Electricity

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Electrical Basics
What is
Charge? Charge is measured in coulombs and is the amount of electricity present (or flowing). Charge can be positive or negative. Like charges repel each other. Unlike charges attract each other. In the vicinity of a charge there is an electric field. The field points in the direction that a positive charge would move. Charge moves about and may be stored (e.g. in a capacitor or battery).

Current? (A.C. ? D.C.?) Current is a flow of charge; the rate of movement of charge through a system. It is analogous to the flow of water in a hydraulic system (in litres/s). It is measured in amps; an amp is quite big. A.C. is alternating current, where the current flows first one way then the other (repeatedly). This does not mean it cannot transmit energy. D.C. is Direct Current where a current flows in the same direction at all times (normally implies constant value as well as direction).

Voltage? Voltage is electrical pressure. It is analogous to the pressure of a hydraulic system (say like the height of a reservoir). Voltage is measured in volts; contrary to media opinion, volts do not flow.

Impedance is the resistance to current flow. It is a very important concept in any electrical circuit. For instance the (internal) impedance of a gates output should be low so that it may drive its output more easily. The input impedance of a gate should be high so that it may be driven easily (without it absorbing a large current, which would lead to a high power loss). Impedance is a general term. For many applications resistance is equally applicable, however capacitors and inductors have different properties.

Energy is a measure of work done. Power is the work done per unit time. Thus if a battery contains so much energy it can power something for a particular time. If the power needs of the equipment is reduced then the same energy can power it for longer. (These two terms are not restricted to electrical circuits.)

University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science

Ohms Law
V=IxR This is only true for resistive loads. Most loads are more complex than this. In general: V=IxZ where Z is the impedance of the load. This may depend (for example) on the frequency of an A.C. signal.

Kirchhoffs Current law

What goes in, comes out. A simple application: Potential divider V0 R2 V R1 V = V0 x (R1/(R1+R2))

There is a tacit assumption here that no current flows in the output.

CS1222 Computer Technology Basic Electricity Slide 2

Basic Laws
Ohms law (which should be familiar) is a very useful rule. Note that it only applies to resistive loads however. The impedance of other passive components may vary with (e.g.) frequency (e.g. capacitors) and many components do not obey this rule at all (diodes, transistors etc.). Resistance determines how much charge flows per second whe a voltage is applied. Resistance is lower if the material the device is made from has many charges (normally electrons) in it and if the charges can move easily through the material. Both of these depend on temperature. Kirchoffs law, which is common sense, states that the sum of currents at a join in wires is always zero, i.e. any charge (current is a flow of charge) which goes in must come out somewhere.

Potential divider The potential divider is a simple application of these laws.


X R1

The current through R1 must be the same as the current through R2. The voltage at point X can therefore be found from the ratio of the two resistors. The potential divider is a simple, cheap way of producing an arbitrary voltage. It is not always the best way; consider what happens if something is connected to point X which sources or sinks current. Question. If R1=10, R2=20 or if R1=10k, R2=20k the voltage at point X is the same. What would be the reasons for choosing particular values for the resistors?

Note: Resistor values are often written as (e.g.)47R, which means 47 (no character available), 33K (33k), or 1K5 (1.5k). The last style is easier to interpret on a circuit diagram where a . may easily become lost after photocopying, with possibly traumatic results!

University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science

A capacitor is a charge storage device.

It allows A.C. signals to pass through but blocks D.C. signals. Why? The impedance of a capacitor is Zc = 1/C ( = 2f) o o o A high frequency ( = big) signal passes through easily (low impedance) A low frequency ( = small) signal passes through with difficulty (high impedance) A D.C. ( = 0) signal is blocked (infinite D.C. impedance)

A capacitor will charge/discharge with a delay proportional to RC where C is the capacitors value and R is the charging (or discharging) impedance. Everything has some inherent capacitance. Capacitance is usually the enemy in digital circuits, slowing down signal edges and therefore circuit operation:-(
CS1222 Computer Technology Basic Electricity Slide 3

A capacitor is a charge storage device. It comprises two conducting plates separated by an insulator. The charge (Q) stored is related to the voltage across the capacitor (V) by: Q=CxV Where C is the Capacitance. To change the voltage on a capacitor, charge must flow into or out of the capacitor. In a circuit the charge flow rate is limited by any resistance present, so the time taken for the voltage to change is given by T=RC, the time constant of the circuit.

Simple filters
Think of the potential divider

C Vin

R Vout = ----------------------------- Vin R + 1 ( C ) Vout R Vin

1 ( C ) Vout = ----------------------------- Vin R + 1 ( C ) Vout C

High pass

Low pass

Handwaving explanation The high pass filter only transmits high frequencies from input to output (low frequency currents are blocked by the capacitor). In the low pass filter the capacitor will short any high frequencies to ground, allowing only the lower frequencies to affect the output. For those more interested calculate the ratio of input to output voltage for the circuits at two or three trial frequencies - say = 1/(10RC), 1/(RC) and 10/(RC). Capacitance is usually a Bad Thing in digital logic because it slows things down (voltages take T=RC to change). It is exploited in some circumstances however: o Decoupling power supplies o DRAM storage elements o Dynamic CMOS logic (a form of VLSI circuit) Types of capacitors Capacitors come in many sizes, shapes and colours. Different capacitors can (should) be used for different jobs. Capacitance is measured in farads. A farad is a big unit and typical devices range from 1pF to 1000F.

University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science

Resistors in series are added together resistance increases. R1 + R2 R1 In parallel resistance is reduced R R1 R2 1 = 1 + 1 R R1 R2 R2

In particular if R1 = R2 then R will be half of R1 (or R2).

Capacitors in parallel are added together capacitance increases. C1 + C2 C1 C2 In series capacitance is reduced. C C1 C2 1 = 1 + 1 C C1 C2
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CS1222 Computer Technology Many

Basic Electricity

types of large value capacitors are polarised i.e. they must be placed so that one terminal is always more positive that the other. They will also have a voltage limit which should not be exceeded. Failure to observe these restrictions will cause a failure of the circuit in the near future.

University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science


An inductor is a device that tries to keep a constant current flowing through itself. As electronic components inductors are bulky and much rarer than resistors or capacitors. However the property of inductance is real and some appreciation of it is needed. Many electrical components are highly inductive: motors transformers relay drivers

The impedance of an inductor is given by: ZL = .L i.e. zero at D.C. and increasing with frequency Everything (e.g. wires) has some inherent inductance.

CS1222 Computer Technology

Basic Electricity

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Resistance in VLSI
Most VLSI circuits do not contain components that are explicit resistors. However all materials (other than superconductors) have some resistance to the flow of electricity.

All the wires and, particularly, the channels of the transistors on a VLSI chip have some resistance and this influences the design of the device. In general a higher resistance causes a gate to switch more slowly.

Resistances add when connected in series. This means that: o two (or more) series transistors have a higher resistance than one, alone. o more series transistors cause the circuit to go more slowly. It is also resistors (or, rather, components with resistance) which dissipate power. The power dissipation in a (pure) resistor is given by: P = V2 = I2 R R

However it is rare that this is a concern in VLSI circuits; it is more important to measure the energy transfer each time a gate switches.

Capacitance in VLSI
Most VLSI circuits do not contain components that are explicit capacitors (although they are occasionally included). However all wires, transistors etc. have some capacitance. Particularly important contributions come from the MOSFET gates (described later).

Capacitances add when placed in parallel. This means that the capacitance of a network increases if it is connected to more things (higher fan-out). o more connections cause the circuit to slow down. The energy stored on a capacitor is given by: E = 1 C V2 2

More importantly the energy transferred by cycling a capacitor from 0 V 0 is: E = C V2 o more connections more capacitance more energy per cycle more power dissipation

University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science

Electric Fields
o o Like charges repel Unlike charges attract

An electric field exists between any two objects at different voltages. Electrons (negative) will move (if they can) in an electric field. + + + +

+ + + +

Electron movement

Electric field

The redistribution of electrons in an electric field is the key to the operation of the Field Effect Transistor (FET). A change in electric field arises from a redistribution of charge (i.e. a current flow).

CS1222 Computer Technology

Basic Electricity

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o A capacitor is a device which stores energy in its charge. o An inductor is a device which stores energy in a magnetic field (due to its current). Energy cannot change instantly (implies infinite power dissipation) o A capacitor acts to keep a constant charge (voltage) across its terminals. o An inductor acts to keep a constant current flowing through itself. Inductance in electronics is the property analogous to inertia in mechanical systems (keeps things moving).

Inductance in VLSI
Inductance does not form an explicit part of VLSI design. It is generally seen as undesirable and the effects of inductance are usually negligible.

The only circuits of direct interest which exploit or suffer from inductance are power supplies. Inductance is exploited in transformers to change the supply voltage (usually from 230V to something ~5V). The properties of digital circuits are such that they are required to either remain static or switch rapidly from one digital state to another. This means that electric currents should turn on and off quickly. Inductance opposes this. This is an especial problem for the power supply wires: firstly these have to be led into the chip over a (comparatively) long distance, and secondly they carry the accumulated current for many signal switching transitions. This change in current in the inductive wires gives rise to voltage changes (spikes). These can cause interference or cross talk between devices, and can also be used to dicover the operation of devices - e.g. cracking codes of smart cards by measuring current flows and voltage spikes on power supplies. Effect of inductance and capacitance on a digital signal When an inductance and a capacitance get together an oscillator results; thus any disturbance in the circuit conditions causes ringing until the inherent resistance damps this down. This can be seen on all signal and power supply wires in digital circuits; it is undesirable, but inevitable. 1 Theory Reality 3 2 4 1 Inductance reluctant to let edge start 2 Edge slowed by capacitance 3 Inductance drives overshoot 4 Damped oscillation

University of Manchester

Department of Computer Science

CS1222 Computer Technology

Basic Electricity

Electromagnetic Radiation
The electromagnetic spectrum: Mobile phones 106

v = f. = 3 x 108 m/s Frequency f (Hz) 1012 1014

Infra red

f = 1 GHz, = 3 cm





Gamma ray

Ultra violet




10-5 10-7 Wavelength (m) VLSI Transistors




CPU frequencies

Electromagnetic radiation is used for a huge variety of tasks and the radio spectrum is very crowded. The use of the radio spectrum is carefully controlled and rationed. An electromagnetic wave consists of an alternating electric and an alternating magnetic field; one transfers its energy to the other and vice versa. They can be generated by accelerating charge; another way of stating this is that electromagnetic waves can be generated by alternating a current. Digital circuits switch currents continuously. As these flow along wires (aerials) they emit radiation. This unwanted radiation creates ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI). As processor speeds approach many of the frequencies used for mobile communications (and harmonics will stretch further up the spectrum) there can be a serious problem maintaining ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) both with other computer equipment (a transmitting aerial also receives outside interference) and other radio equipment. Points to remember: o radio waves will not penetrate a conductor (e.g. metal box) o radio waves will go through holes of about their wavelength (or larger) m A computer monitor displaying 1280 x 1024 pixels at 75 frames per second has a bit rate of about 100 MHz. Its E.M. emissions have ~ 30 cm and will pass easily through a window (can be detected in the street....) o radio transmission (and reception) works best with an aerial of about a wavelength m power supply wiring is particularly good at this as are (e.g.) keyboard cables

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