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Final Year Project Report

Title of the Final Year Project

B.S. Computer Engineering, Batch 2006
Project Advisor
Name Designation

Submitted by:
Student Name (To) Student-n Name Number-n 2006-CE-Roll 2006-CE-234

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology University Road, Karachi 75300

(Preface is an introduction of your Report, what it is about? what does it signify in general, and what kind of knowledge does it hold in general. By reading at the preface one should be able to understand the concept of this report. You may choose to write in 1 st person singular or plural language i.e. you may use I or We in this section. You may also share your over all experience of fyp in this section. You must select this paragraph and write your own preface. Make sure to follow the indentations i.e. font style.

(Comments: Use the below layout and write your own acknowledgment. Remove the comments in original. This is just a sample. Make sure to acknowledge in same order as given) First of all, we thank Almighty Allah who praise us with the ability to think, work and deliver what we are assigned to do. Secondly, we must be grateful to our internal Mr./Ms ________________ who helps us in this project. We also acknowledge our teachers that throughout our studies helps us and guides us, departmental staff, university staff or other then this.


(Professional photograph of student-1.Remove this text in parenthesis in original report) Student-1 Name (Specialization with respect to project) Immediate Contact: (telephone, cell number, email) (To) 2006-CE- Roll Number-1

(Professional photograph of student-n) Student-n Name (Specialization with respect to project) Immediate Contact: (telephone, cell number, email) 2006-CE- Roll Number-n


This is to certify that the following students

Student-1 Name (To) Student-n Name

2006-CE- Roll Number-1

2006-CE- Roll Number-n

Have successfully completed their final year project named


In the partial fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

(Signature of Advisor: Remove it in printing)

Name of Advisor Designation


(Summarization of your Report, discus in brief each section and the information provided in that section)

PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION TO GROUP MEMBERS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BY PROJECT ADVISOR ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES Chapter 1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Overview Objective Abstract Introduction To Network Monitoring 6 7 7 1.4.4 1.4.5 Chapter 2 Analysis Reporting 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 ii iii iv v vi vii ix x 1 2 2 3 4

1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 What is monitoring? Data Collection Data Logging

BACKGROUND REVIEW 2.1 2.2 2.3 Cryptography Encryption / Decryption Types of Cryptography 2.3.1 Asymmetric-key cryptography 2.3.2 Symmetric-key cryptography . .

. .

Chapter 7

CONCLUSIONS 7.1 7.2 Conclusions and Inferences Future Recommendations

48 48 48

Appendix A A.1 A.2


50 51 52 53 53 53 55 74

Data Flow Diagram of Outer Round Pipelining Design Data Flow Diagram of Inner Round Pipelining Design REPORTS

Appendix B

B.1 Synthesis Report of Outer Round Pipelining Design B.1.1 Synthesis Options Summary B.1.2 HDL Compilation References

Figure 1.1: Thesis Report Layout .................5 Figure 2.1: Encryption process ........................6 Figure 2.2: Decryption process ...7 Figure 2.3: Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC) Encryption and Decryption ..12

Table 2.1: Performance comparison of the Advance Encryption Standard finalists 11 Table 4.1: Implementation comparison on ASIC, FPGA and Software platforms...25 Table 6.1: Timing analysis for first complete input .42 Table 6.2: Timing analysis for next complete input .44

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