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Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai-24.

Department of electrical electronics engineering

a. state and prove the following properties of Z-transforms: (1)time shifting (2)differentiation (5) b. Find the Z-transform of (i)x(n) = rn cos n u(n), (ii )x(n) = n2an u(n) (5) c. A causal LTI system has an impulse response h(n) for which the Z-transform is given by H(z) = (1+z-1) / [(1 + 1/2z-1) (1 + 1/4z-1). What is the ROC of H (z)?(5) d. Find the inverse Z-transform of X(z) = 1+3z-1 / 1 + 3z-1 + 2z-2 (5) e. What is ROC? Explain properties with suitable examples. (5)

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