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Lectii 1-20

Curs engleza online

Lectia 1 Persoane / People

Eu / I eu si tu / I and you noi doi / both of us el / he el si ea / he and she ei doi / they both barbatul / the man femeia / the woman copilul / the child o familie / a family familia mea / my family Familia mea este aici / My family is here. Eu sunt aici / I am here. Tu esti aici. / You are here. El este aici si ea este aici. / He is here and she is here. Noi suntem aici. / We are here. Voi sunteti aici. / You are here. Ei sunt toti aici. / They are all here.

Lectia 2 two Familia / Family Members

bunicul / the grandfather bunica / the grandmother el si ea / he and she tatal / the father mama / the mother el si ea / he and she fiul / the son fiica / the daughter el si ea / he and she fratele / the brother sora / the sister el si ea /he and she unchiul / the uncle matusa / the aunt el si ea / he and she Noi suntem o familie. / We are a family. Familia nu este mica. / The family is not small. Familia este mare. / The family is big.

Lectia 3 three A face cunostinta / Getting to know others

Ceau! / Hi! Buna ziua! / Hello! Cum ti merge? / How are you? Veniti din Europa? / Do you come from Europe? Veniti din America? / Do you come from America? Veniti din Asia? / Do you come from Asia? n care hotel locuiti? / In which hotel are you staying? De cnd sunteti aici? / How long have you been here for? Ct ramneti? / How long will you be staying? Va place aici? / Do you like it here? Va petreceti concediul aici? / Are you here on vacation? Sa ma vizitati! / Please do visit me sometime! Aici este adresa mea. / Here is my address. Ne vedem mine? / Shall we see each other tomorrow? mi pare rau, dar deja am planuri. / I am sorry, but I already have plans.

Ceau! / Bye! La revedere! / Good bye! Pe curnd! / See you soon!

Lectia 4 four La scoala / At school

Unde suntem? / Where are we? Suntem la scoala. / We are at school. Avem cursuri. / We are having class / a lesson. Acestia sunt elevii. / Those are the school children. Aceasta este profesoara. / That is the teacher. Aceasta este clasa. / That is the class. Ce facem? / What are we doing? Invatam. / We are learning. nvatam o limba. / We are learning a language. Eu nvat engleza. / I learn English. Tu nveti spaniola. / You learn Spanish. El nvata germana. / He learns German. Noi nvatam franceza. / We learn French. Voi nvatati italiana. / You all learn Italian. Ei nvata rusa. / They learn Russian. nvatatul limbilor este interesant. / Learning languages is interesting. Noi vrem sa ntelegem oamenii. / We want to understand people. Noi vrem sa vorbim cu oamenii. / We want to speak with people.

Lectia 5 five Tari si limbi / Countries and Languages

John este din Londra. / John is from London. Londra este n Marea Britanie. / London is in Great Britain.

El vorbeste engleza. / He speaks English. Maria este din Madrid. / Maria is from Madrid. Madrid este n Spania. / Madrid is in Spain. Ea vorbeste spaniola. / She speaks Spanish. Peter si Martha sunt din Berlin. / Peter and Martha are from Berlin. Berlin este n Germania. / Berlin is in Germany. Voi doi vorbiti germana? / Do both of you speak German? Londra este o capitala. / London is a capital city. Si Madrid si Berlin sunt capitale. / Madrid and Berlin are also capital cities. Capitalele sunt mari si galagioase. / Capital cities are big and noisy. Franta se afla n Europa. / France is in Europe. Egipt se afla n Africa. / Egypt is in Africa. Japonia se afla n Asia. / Japan is in Asia. Canada se afla n America de Nord. / Canada is in North America. Panama se afla n America Centrala. / Panama is in Central America. Brazilia se afla n America de Sud. / Brazil is in South America.

Lectia 6 six Citit si scris / Reading and writing

Eu citesc. / I read. Eu citesc o litera. / I read a letter. Eu citesc un cuvnt. / I read a word. Eu citesc o propozitie. / I read a sentence. Eu citesc o scrisoare. / I read a letter. Eu citesc o carte. / I read a book. Eu citesc. / I read. Tu citesti. / You read. El citeste. / He reads. Eu scriu. / I write. Eu scriu o litera. / I write a letter. Eu scriu un cuvnt. / I write a word. Eu scriu o propozitie. / I write a sentence. Eu scriu o scrisoare. / I write a letter. Eu scriu o carte. / I write a book. Eu scriu. / I write. Tu scrii. / You write. El scrie. / He writes.

Lectia 7 seven Numere / Numbers

Eu numar. / I count: unu, doi, trei / one, two, three Eu numar pna la trei. / I count to three. Eu numar mai departe: / I count further: patru, cinci, sase, / four, five, six, sapte, opt, noua / seven, eight, nine Eu numar. / I count. Tu numeri. / You count. El numara. / He counts. Unu. Primul. / One. The first. Doi. Al doilea. / Two. The second. Trei. Al treilea. / Three. The third. Patru. Al Patrulea. / Four. The fourth. Cinci. Al cincilea. / Five. The fifth. Sase. Al saselea. / Six. The sixth. Sapte. Al saptelea. / Seven. The seventh. Opt. Al optulea. / Eight. The eighth. Noua. Al noualea. / Nine. The ninth.

Lectia 8 eigth Ora / The Time

Scuzati-ma! / Excuse me! Ct este ora, va rog? / What time is it, please? Multumesc mult. / Thank you very much. Este ora unu. / It is one oclock. Este ora doi. / It is two oclock. Este ora trei. / It is three oclock. Este ora patru. / It is four oclock. Este ora cinci. / It is five oclock. Este ora sase. / It is six oclock. Este ora sapte. / It is seven oclock. Este ora opt. / It is eight oclock. Este ora noua. / It is nine oclock. Este ora zece. / It is ten oclock. Este ora unsprezece. / It is eleven oclock. Este ora doisprezece. / It is twelve oclock. Un minut are saizeci de secunde. / A minute has sixty seconds. O ora are saizeci de minute. / An hour has sixty minutes. O zi are douazeci si patru de ore. / A day has twenty-four hours.

Lectia 9 nine

Zilele saptamanii / Days of the week

Lunea / Monday martea / Tuesday miercurea / Wednesday joia / Thursday vinerea / Friday smbata / Saturday duminica / Sunday saptamna / the week de luni pna duminica / from Monday to Sunday Prima zi este luni. / The first day is Monday. A doua zi este marti. / The second day is Tuesday. A treia zi este miercuri. / The third day is Wednesday. A patra zi este joi. / The fourth day is Thursday. A cincea zi este vineri. / The fifth day is Friday. A sasea zi este smbata. / The sixth day is Saturday. A saptea zi este duminica. / The seventh day is Sunday. Saptamna are sapte zile. / The week has seven days. Noi lucram doar cinci zile. / We only work for five days.

Lectia 10 ten Ieri azi maine / Yesterday today tomorrow

Ieri a fost smbata. / Yesterday was Saturday. Ieri am fost la cinematograf. / I was at the cinema yesterday. Filmul a fost interesant. / The film was interesting. Azi este duminica. / Today is Sunday. Astazi nu lucrez. / Im not working today. Eu ramn acasa. / Im staying at home. Mine este luni. / Tomorrow is Monday. Mine lucrez din nou. / Tomorrow I will work again. Eu lucrez n birou. / I work at an office. Cine este acesta? / Who is that? Acesta este Peter. / That is Peter. Peter este student. / Peter is a student. Cine este aceasta? / Who is that? Aceasta este Martha. / That is Martha. Martha este secretara. / Martha is a secretary. Peter si Martha sunt prieteni. / Peter and Martha are friends. Peter este prietenul Marthei. / Peter is Marthas friend. Martha este prietena lui Peter. / Martha is Peters friend.

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