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Virtual Brainstorm Rules

Keep the session focused on the problem No one criticises or evaluates Quantity and variety are important As many ideas as you can, as wild as you want Everyone participates no matter what location No Prework Ensure that no train of thought is followed for too long Build on other peoples ideas Have some fun

The Process
Decide on the problem for brainstorm Set up phone/screen conference for whole team 5 minutes to do your brain dump Use soft Post-it notes on own PC Call out your idea as you write it Email all ideas to Chair after 5 minutes Chair to cut and paste all ideas onto Pay-off matrix Team de-dupes / groups similar ideas Team suggests location of ideas within matrix Vote on 3 best ideas (blind voting for 1 minute then tell Chair for logging) Count votes and identify top ideas Write up outputs and circulate

Enter your idea here

Enter your idea here Enter your idea here

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