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It is estimated that there are between 50 and 100 million child labourers in India, making up at least 12 percent of the child population. More than 75 million children are out of school, and 34 percent of children leave before they reach the end of primary school. 12% of girls never see the inside of a classroom. Even in developed states like Gujarat the juvenile sex ratio is shockingly low. In 2011 it was 918 girls to 1000 boys, compared to a national average of 914.

Comment [BA1]: UNICEF Comment [BA2]: Oxfam Comment [BA3]: UNICEF Comment [BA4]: Based off primary enrolment ratio and population under 18, very inaccurate

Comment [BA5]: Based off net primary school enrolment ratio for girls bad statistics?

Comment [BA6]: 2011 Census

Government reports child labour to be around 20 million, but NGO s put the figure at somewhere between 50 and 100 million (Oxfam). Population under 18, 2009 447 401 000 Population under 5, 2009 126 114 000 Percentage of children aged 5-14 engaged in child labour in India: 12% T, 12% M, 12% F 2005-06 DHS Data, UNICEF HQ calculations Approx 54m Net primary school enrolment ratio for girls 2005-2009 - 88% (UNICEF) Net primary school attendance ratio for girls 2005-2009 81% (UNICEF) Net primary school attendance ratio for boys 2005-2009 85% (UNICEF) Survival rate to last primary grade (7 th std.) 2005-2009 66% (UNICEF)
Comment [BA7]: Based off population under 18 - inacurrate

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