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Movie review: The social network The social network is a drama film, directed by David Fincher .

The film was filmed in the U.S . The main characters are Jesee Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield. The movie is about the true story of the creation of the famous social network `facebook. A student of harvard ,Mark Zackerberg, had the idea of created a new web site , and it was called Facemash. Facemash was very popular . At one point in the movie, Mark met a twins and a friend of theirs. They were students of harvard too.They spoke with Mark and they told him ,that they were looking a programmer for a new web site in harvard connection . Mark decides to help them .After time , Mark and his friend Eduardo created this new social web.The new site was sucessfull in Harvard but Mark stole the idea of twins . When they learned ,they were very angry . Months afeter , borned facebook,but mark suffered a lot off differents problems. However he become millonaire . Finally , i think that the movie was very interesting because i learnd the true story of facebook. Morever ,you can see the movie with all you family

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