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Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.

Purpose of the document ................................................................................................................................ 3 What is needed for debugging? ...................................................................................................................... 3 Common Requirements......................................................................................................................... 3 Requirements specific to a Component................................................................................................. 3 HOW TO GENERATE THE LOG AND TRACE FILES ................................................................................... 7 How to generate form trace? ................................................................................................................. 7 How to generate database trace? ......................................................................................................... 7 How to generate Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD)?........................................................................... 8 How to generate INV transaction log file in ONLINE cases? ................................................................. 8 How to generate INV txn log file in BACKGROUND cases? ................................................................. 8 How to generate WIP log files in ONLINE cases? ................................................................................. 9 How to generate WIP log files in BACKGROUND cases?..................................................................... 9 How to generate CTO debug log files?.................................................................................................10 STEPS TO GENERATE LOG AND TRACE FILES - COMPONENT WISE ...................................................11 WIPTXSFM Move Transactions ........................................................................................................11 Online means ..................................................................................................................................11 Background means..........................................................................................................................11 Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases ...................................................................................11 Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases .......................................................................12 WIPTXCMP Completion Transactions...............................................................................................14 Online means ..................................................................................................................................14 Background means..........................................................................................................................14 Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases ...................................................................................14 Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases .......................................................................15 WIPTXMAT WIP Material Transactions.............................................................................................16 Online means ..................................................................................................................................16 Background means..........................................................................................................................16 Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases ...................................................................................16 Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases .......................................................................17 WIPTXRSC Resource Transactions..................................................................................................18 WIPTXCFM Work Order-less Completions .......................................................................................20 Online means ..................................................................................................................................20 Background means..........................................................................................................................20 Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases ...................................................................................20 Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases .......................................................................21 MOBILE.....................................................................................................................................................22


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

For Mobile UI log files................................................................................................................................22 ATO AND CTO..........................................................................................................................................23


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

Purpose of the document

The objective of this paper is to provide detailed instructions for generating log and trace files for debugging purposes.

What is needed for debugging?

Common Requirements
1. For all bugs, output of appscheck.sql showing all the WIP files. 2. For all datafix issues, Output of Wipjob11i.sql 3. For all performance issues, raw and tkprof output of the process. Also, please provide sqltx output (stats.dmp and sqltx.txt) against the update statement. Refer to Metalink note 215187.1 that will guide you how to get them from the customer env. 4. Answer to Has all recommended patches (RPL) been applied to the instance? If not, why?

Requirements specific to a Component


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

Transaction Move Transaction

Online mode binds if possible) UI Related issues Inventory Transaction Log Files For 11.5.10 and above, WIP log files

Background mode Inventory Transaction log file raw and tkprof

Forms Trace raw and tkprof (with Move Worker Log file Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) for Database Trace of Move Worker

Material Transactions/ Completions

Forms Trace raw and tkprof (with Inventory Worker Log file binds if possible) UI Related issues Inventory Transaction Log Files For 11.5.10 and above, WIP log files For 11.5.9 and consigned inventory organizations, wip log file. No wip log file will be generated for nonconsigned orgn. For ATO related issues, CTO debug file Inventory Worker database trace WIP log file For ATO related issues, CTO debug file Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) for raw and tkprof

WorkOrderLess Completions

Forms Trace raw and tkprof (with Inventory Worker Log file binds if possible) UI Related issues Inventory Transaction Log Files For 11.5.10 and above, WIP log files Inventory Worker database trace WIP log file Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) for raw and tkprof

Resource Transaction

Theres no online mode for resource Resource Worker Log file txns, however if issues related to UI or Resource Worker Database Trace performance, need Forms Trace raw and tkprof (with binds if possible) Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD) for UI Related issues file raw and tkprof


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

Component Mobile txns) ATO_CTO (for

Online mode all MWA server log file Same as desktop txns For completion txns., CTO debug file

Background mode Same as desktop txns Auto Create FAS log file Omse11i.sql output Database trace file raw and tkprof

Open Interface / N/A WIP Mass Load

Dump of open interface tables for sample jobs/txns that are failing. Dump of errors from interface error tables Corresponding worker log files Corresponding worker database trace files raw and tkprof Inventory Transaction Log files.


If issues found in receiving txns and If issues found in receiving txns RCV:Transaction Mode is On-line , and RCV:Transaction Mode is provide form trace of receiving Batch or Concurrent provide Receiving txn worker log file transaction form

If requisitions are not getting created, Receiving txn database trace file. check WIP parameter Requisition If requisitions are not getting Creation Time. If the value is move form. trace of discrete job form. created, check WIP parameter value is indicated in move txns at operation, provide form trace of Requisition Creation Time. If the at job/schedule release, provide form at operation, provide log files as background mode. at job/schedule release, provide log and trace for WIP concurrent exploder. REPORT WORK_ORDER N/A If UI related, FRD and form trace. If processing related, log and database trace file of the process Output of the report clearly indicating the problem


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

WORKBENCH Job Creation / If WIP:Discrete Job Definition Form is If Concurrent Definition and follow us The log file of WIP Concurrent Exploder request Raw and tkprofed trace file of WIP Concurrent Explider OTHERS/MISC Lead Calculation OTHERS/MISC Close Jobs OTHERS/MIS Purge Jobs Log file and trace files for Concurrent Log file for Concurrent request for request for Close Jobs request for Purge Jobs Close Jobs Purge Jobs Log file and trace files for Concurrent Log file for Concurrent request for Time N/A Log file for Concurrent request for LeadTime Calculation WIP:Discrete Job Definition Scheduling Issues Interactive Definition, change it to Form is Concurrent Definition get steps for the Background Mode.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5


How to generate form trace?
1. Open the form that has the problem. 2. Enable Trace. (Toolbar Menu: Help->Diagnostic->Trace->Trace with Binds). This will give a note saying You have enabled SQL tracing for this form.. Please keep a note of the trace file name from this note. 3. Perform the transaction that causes the problem. (Reproduce issue). 4. Disable trace and exit form. 5. Get the trace file that is generated both the raw trace and tkprof output with explain plan.

How to generate database trace?

1. Open the concurrent program definition form. (Navigation: Concurrent -> Program). 2. Query the program for which you need to enable the trace. For example, if you need a database trace for move worker, then query on Program = WIP Move Transaction Worker 3. Check the Enable Trace checkbox and save. 4. Now, activate the move manager and note the request_id for the move worker. Wait for move worker to complete. 5. Get the process_id of this request using the following query.
select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = &request_id;

6. Go to the directory where database trace files are generated. You can use the following query to find out this directory. select value from v$parameter where name=user_dump_dest; 7. Search the tracefile that contains the process_id obtained in step 5. For example, check ls l *123456* if 123456 was the process_id obtained in step 5. Get the trace file that is generated both the raw trace and tkprof output with explain plan.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

How to generate Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD)?
FRD is enabled by passing two parameters to Forms: record=collect and log=/mydir/frd.log. Omitting the log parameter results in the FRD log file being written placed in the current directory (where the forms server was started from), and the log file name being constructed from the UNIX pid, eg. Collect_1234.txt Using the Application Release 11.5 standard CGI cartridge configuration file and base HTML, it is possible to pass the parameters in the URL, since records and collect are both defined in the appsweb.cfg file and the base HTML. For example, Please refer to the Metalink Note 150168.1 for additional information on generating the FRD.

How to generate INV transaction log file in ONLINE cases?

For all releases, set the following profiles: 1. INV: Debug Trace 2. INV: Debug Level 3. INV: Debug File = Yes = 11 = <valid directory from v$parameter>

4. Perform the move transaction You can use the following query to find out a valid directory.
select value from v$parameter where name=utl_file_dir;

How to generate INV txn log file in BACKGROUND cases?

For all releases, set the following profiles: 1. INV: Debug Trace = Yes 2. INV: Debug Level = 11 3. INV: Debug File = <valid directory from v$parameter> 4. You can use the following query to find out a valid directory.
select value from v$parameter where name=utl_file_dir;


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

How to generate WIP log files in ONLINE cases?
For 11.5.10 and above, the WIP debug log files will be created if 1. FND: Debug Log Filename 2. FND: Debug Log Enabled 3. FND: Debug Log Level 4. FND: Debug Log Module = (Make sure this is null) = Yes = Statement = WIP%

To get the log file, run the following SQL script. This will create an output called MoveON.txt
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool MoveON.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=(select oracle_session_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = &MOVE_TRNX_WORKER_REQUEST_ID) order by log_sequence; spool off;

For 11.5.9 and prior, there will be NO WIP log files generated for online cases.

How to generate WIP log files in BACKGROUND cases?

For 11.5.10 and above, the WIP debug log files will be created if 1. FND: Debug Log Filename 2. FND: Debug Log Enabled= Yes 3. FND: Debug Log Level = Statement 4. FND: Debug Log Module = WIP% To get the log file, run the following SQL script. This will create an output called MoveBG.txt
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99

= (Make sure this is null)


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

spool MoveBG.txt select from where message_text fnd_log_messages audsid=(select oracle_session_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = &MOVE_TRNX_WORKER_REQUEST_ID) order by log_sequence; spool off;

For 11.5.9 and prior, the WIP debug log files will be created if 1. TP: WIP Concurrent Message Level 2. TP: WIP Debug Directory
select value from v$parameter where name=utl_file_dir;

= Message Level 2

= <valid directory from v$parameter>

You can use the following query to find out a valid directory.

3. TP:WIP Debug File 4. MRP: Debug Mode

= <valid filename> = Yes

How to generate CTO debug log files?

For all releases, CTO debug log will be created if OM: Debug Level = 5. Note: 1. Log file will be generated in the last directory specified in v$parameter
select value from v$parameter where name=utl_file_dir;

2. File name generated will be of format ctoDDHH24MISS.dbg where DD is

the date, HH24MISS is the hour, minute and seconds.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5


There are 5 forms available for performing WIP transactions. Form Name WIPTXSFM WIPTXCMP WIPTXMAT WIPTXRSC WIPTXCFM Form Function Move Transactions Completion Transactions WIP Transactions Resource Transactions Work Completions Navigation Path WIP Move Transactions WIP Material Transactions Transactions Material WIP Material Transactions Transactions WIP Resource Transactions Work Orderless Completions Transactions Resource WIP Material Completion Transactions Move

Order-less WIP Material Transactions

WIPTXSFM Move Transactions Online means

TP: WIP Move Transaction TP: INV Transaction processing mode = Online processing = Online Processing

Background means
TP: WIP Move Transaction TP: INV Transaction processing mode Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases 11.5.10 and later 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the Move transaction form, and perform the move transaction, click on save button. After the form comes back with the following message Shop Floor transaction(s) completed, click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql = Background processing = Background Processing


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool MoveON.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the MoveON.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option. 11.5.9 and prior 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the Move transaction form, and perform the move transaction, click on save button. After the form comes back with the following message Shop Floor transaction(s) completed. 3. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option. Note: If you are having difficulties generating debug log files for ONLINE cases, please set the profiles to background and provide the logs.

Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases 11.5.10 and later

1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the Move transaction form, and perform the move transaction, click on save button. After the form comes back with the following message Shop Floor transaction(s) completed, click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql script:
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool MoveBG.txt


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the MoveBG.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option.

11.5.9 and prior 1. Set the INV and WIP debug profiles.
2. Launch the Move Transaction Interface Manager. 3. Go to the Move transaction form, and perform the move transaction, click on save button. After the form comes back with the following message Shop Floor transaction(s) completed. The move worker will process the records from WMTI. 4. Upload the Move Worker concurrent log file. 5. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

WIPTXCMP Completion Transactions

Online means TP: WIP Completion Material Processing TP: INV Transaction processing mode Background means TP: WIP Completion Material Processing TP: INV Transaction processing mode = Background processing = Background Processing = Online processing = Online Processing

Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases

11.5.10 and later 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Completion Transactions click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message WIP completion transaction(s) completed, click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql script:
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool CompON.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the CompON.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option. 11.5.9 and prior 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Completion Transactions click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message WIP completion transaction(s) completed


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

3. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option. Note: If you are having difficulties generating debug log files for ONLINE cases, please set the profiles to background and provide the logs.

Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases

11.5.10 and later 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Completion Transactions click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message WIP completion transaction(s) completed, click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql script:
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool CompBG.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the CompBG.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Make sure material transaction manager is running. Once the material worker completes, upload the worker log file. 11.5.9 and prior 1. Set the INV and WIP debug profiles. 2. Launch the Inventory Material Transaction Manager. 3. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Completion Transactions click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message WIP completion transaction(s) completed. The material transaction worker will process the records. 4. Upload the Material Transaction Worker log file.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

WIPTXMAT WIP Material Transactions

Online means TP: WIP Material Transaction Form TP: INV Transaction processing mode Background means TP: WIP Material Transaction Form TP: INV Transaction processing mode = Background processing = Background Processing = Online processing = Online Processing

Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases

11.5.10 and later 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Material Transactions (Component Issue) click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message Material transaction(s) completed, click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql script:
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool MatON.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the MatON.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option. 11.5.9 and prior 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Material Transactions (Component Issue) click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message Material transaction(s) completed.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

3. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option. Note: If you are having difficulties generating debug log files for ONLINE cases, please set the profiles to background and provide the logs.

Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases

11.5.10 and later 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Material Transactions (Component Issue) click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message Material transaction(s) completed, click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql script:
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool MatBG.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the MatBG.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Invoke the material transaction manager. Once the material worker completes, upload the worker log file. 11.5.9 and prior 1. Set the INV and WIP debug profiles. 2. Launch the Inventory Material Transaction Manager. 3. Go to the WIP Material Transactions form, and perform a Completion Transactions click on Done button. After the form comes back with the following message WIP completion transaction(s) completed. The material transaction worker will process the records. 4. Upload the Material Transaction Worker log file.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

WIPTXRSC Resource Transactions

The resource transactions are processed in batch, they are populated in wip_cost_txn_interface table. The cost Manager processes resource transactions. Cost Manager controls the following processes. Cost Manager CMCTCM The Cost Manager invokes the material cost manager and if WIP is installed, the resource cost manager. Material worker Actual Worker Cost CMCACW cost CMCMCW This subroutine polls the transaction table for uncosted transactions, and costs them by calling the cost_trx library function. This actual cost worker processes material transactions that are assigned by the actual cost manager in chronological order based on the transaction_date and transaction_id. Depending on the transaction origination (INV or WIP), the appropriate cost processing routine will be invoked. Resource Cost CMCCTW Worker Processes transactions that are assigned by the transaction manager through the group_id. The type specifies the type of transactions within a group. TYPE Overhead Cost Worker CMCOCW 1 - Resource / OSP transaction

processes transactions that are assigned by the transaction manager through the group_id. The type specifies the type of transactions within a group. TYPE 2 - Overhead

Operation Yield Processor

CSTPOYLD CSTPOYLD.process_op_yield


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

To Enable Debug for Cost Manager, Stop the Cost Manager and set the following profile options, and relaunch the Cost Manager. MRP:Debug Mode CST:Cost update debug level to = Yes = Full

Please provide the Cost Manager, Material Cost Transaction worker, Resource Cost Worker, and Overhead Cost worker concurrent log files.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

WIPTXCFM Work Order-less Completions

Online means TP: WIP Work Order-less Completion Transaction Form TP: INV Transaction processing mode Background means TP: WIP Work Order-less Completion Transaction Form TP: INV Transaction processing mode = Background processing = Background Processing = Online processing = Online Processing

Steps to generate Log file in ONLINE cases

11.5.10 and later 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the Work Order less Transactions form, and perform a WOL Completion Transaction click on Save button. Click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql script:
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool WolON.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the WolON.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Upload the INV transaction log file from the directory specified in INV: Debug file profile option. 11.5.9 and prior There was no online mode for WOL completions in 11.5.9 and prior. Note: If you are having difficulties generating debug log files for ONLINE cases, please set the profiles to background and provide the logs.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5

Steps to generate Log file in BACKGROUND cases
11.5.10 and later 1. Enable the INV and WIP profiles for debugging. 2. Go to the Work Order less Transactions form, and perform a WOL Completion Transaction click on Save button. Click on Help About Oracle Application and find the AUDSID and the value associated with it, run the following sql script:
set pagesize 500 col message_text format a99 spool WolBG.txt select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence; spool off

3. Upload the WolBG.txt generated from the above sql script 4. Activate the material transaction manager. Once the material worker completes, upload the worker log file. 11.5.9 and prior 1. Set the INV and WIP debug profiles. 2. Launch the Inventory Material Transaction Manager. 3. Go to the Work Order less Transactions form, and perform a WOL Completion Transaction click on Save button. The material transaction worker will process the records. 4. Upload the Material Transaction Worker log file.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5


For Mobile UI log files

Do the following: 1. Open $MWA_TOP/secure/mwa.cfg. 2. Note the directory specified for mwa.logdir. If is is invalid / not writable, please correct it. 3. Set mea.Systemlog = system.log 4. Set mwa.Loglevel = trace 5. Set mwa.enableLogLocation=Yes 6. mwa.MaxLogFileSize=10000000 Start mobile server on a new port for logging a particular transaction, connect to this new port, perform the transaction, reproduce the issue, exit from the mobile device and bring down the port. The following log files will be available in the location specified under wma.logdir <portno>/System.log <portno>.WIP.log <portno>.INV.log <portno>.WMS.log Based on the type of transaction performed, only some of the above list of log files could be generate and that is normal. For generating trace for mobile transactions, see Metalink note 277655.1. For mobile transaction errors Set the appropriate transaction profiles similar to transactions using forms application.


Oracle Work In Process (WIP) - Release 11.5


1. Enable the following debug profiles MRP: Debug = Yes OM: Debug Level = 5 2. Run auto-create final assembly program (WIP: Discrete -> AutoCreate Orders) and provide the concurrent request log file. 3. Also, provide the CTO Debug log file.


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