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CM Workshop (Regional Briefing)

RCMTs Assessment of Current Situation

CM ISSUES and STRATEGIES Instructions: There are three columns, CM Issues and Concerns, CM Strategies and
Intervention/s. Under CM Issues and Concerns, brainstorm on practices in your region that (1) you think will help and/or may prevent the change initiatives of the bureau, or (2) youll need to transition from where you are right now to your future state (what you articulated in your Visioning Exercise). You may think in terms of the following: leadership people skills/attitude culture and values/ interpersonal relationships programs/projects systems and processes resources/ clients

Then from your identified needs, brainstorm on possible CM Strategies that you think should be done to address these gaps. After listing down the strategies, specify how you will implement it by listing down possible interventions. Interventions are specific activities that you can do for this particular change effort to either partially or fully accomplish a specific strategy.

CM Issues and Concerns

What issues and concerns in your region will help and/or may prevent change initiatives? Ex. Many in the region are unaware of the completed tax reform programs.

CM Strategies
What should be done to address these issues and concerns? Ex. Information Dissemination/Campaign to internal (BIR personnel) and external customers (taxpayers) Assurance from the management that there is now the political will that these changes will be happening definitely. Thorough explanation on the benefits that will result from theses changes. Memorandum that personnel who are on duty are prohibited from using cellphone and indicating therein the corresponding penalties.

How will you do it? Ex. Email Blasts, Flyers, Posters

Resistance and the thinking of employees that such changes will not be realizable

Massive information drive through seminar, workshops.

Use of cellphone of frontline personnel resistance from emplyoees

Surrender cellphones to the Admin Chief. All emergency calls shall be coursed through the office landline.

Lack of skilled Revenue Officers- lack of skilled applicants

Increase in salaries at par with the private sector

On-the-job training of successful applicants prior to formal hiring

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