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2011-12 | imaGEsdiCksOn.


diCksOn COUnTy, TEnnEssEE

Giddyup, Economy
Agriculture continues to be vital commodity


Outdoor options are truly great

COUnTry CrEaTiviTy
Local artists, artisans find inspiration in their surroundings
spOnsOrEd by ThE diCksOn COUnTy ChambEr Of COmmErCE

City of Dickson
600 E. Walnut St. Dickson, TN 37055

Offering Small Town Values and Outstanding Opportunities

Building Inspector/ Enforcement Officer Cemetery City Administrator Fire Department Mayors Office Municipal Court Parks & Recreation Police (Emergency 911) Police Department Public Works Recorder Business Licenses/ Tax Collector Senior Citizens Ctr. Treasurer 441-9505 446-0147 441-9570 446-0390 441-9508 446-9249 446-1721 446-8041 441-9590 441-9506 441-9508 441-9503 446-9350 441-9504

Don L. Weiss Jr., Mayor

Council Members: Mike Legg, Vice Mayor Richard Arnold James Monsue R. Scott England Dwight E. Haynes Betty Lou Alsobrooks Jon B. Armstrong Michael Outlaw Tom H. Waychoff, City Administrator Jerry V. Smith, City Attorney J. Reese Holley, City Judge

2011-12 EdiTiOn | vOLUmE 11

diCksOn COUnTy, TEnnEssEE

co nte nt s F e atu r e s
8 bEsT Of bOTh WOrLds


Dickson County communities offer warmth of country close to city

12 COUnTry CrEaTiviTy
Local artists, artisans find inspiration in their surroundings

6 GiddyUp, ECOnOmy 1
Agriculture continues to be vital

20 WOrLd, mEET diCksOn COUnTy

International companies find county good for business


Outdoor options are truly great

d e pa r tm e nt s
4 24 26 27 28 32 34 36 40 43 almanac biz briefs Chamber report Economic profile image Gallery Local flavor health & Wellness arts & Culture Education Community profile

On ThE COvEr Tidwell Farm Photo by Antony Boshier

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diCksOn COUnT y, TEnnEssEE

prOOfrEadinG manaGEr RAven PeTTy aUdiEnCE dEvELOpmEnT dirECTOr DeAnnA neLsOn COnTEnT COOrdinaTOr JessICA WALkeR sTaff WriTEr kevIn LITWIn COpy EdiTOr JILL WyATT COnTribUTinG WriTErs JOe MORRIs, JessICA MOzO, kARen sChWARTzMAn mEdia TEChnOLOGy dirECTOr ChRIsTInA CARDen

Digital Edition

sEniOr GraphiC dEsiGnErs LAuRA GALLAGheR, JessICA MAnneR, JAnIne MARyLAnD, kRIs sexTOn, vIkkI WILLIAMs GraphiC dEsiGnErs RAChAeL GeRRInGeR, TAyLOR nunLey mEdia TEChnOLOGy anaLysTs BeCCA ARy, ChAnDRA BRADshAW, LAnCe COnzeTT phOTOGraphy dirECTOr JeFFRey s. OTTO sEniOr phOTOGraphErs JeFF ADkIns, BRIAn McCORD sTaff phOTOGraphErs TODD BenneTT, AnTOny BOshIeR WEb COnTEnT manaGEr JOhn hOOD WEb prOjECT manaGEr nOy FOnGnALy WEb dEsiGnEr ii RIChARD sTevens WEb dEvELOpEr i yAMeL hALL, neLs nOseWORThy


Here We

WEb aCCOUnT manaGEr LAuRen euBAnk ad prOdUCTiOn manaGEr kATIe MIDDenDORF ad TraffiC assisTanTs kRysTIn LeMMOn, PATRICIA MOIsAn i.T. dirECTOr yAnCey BOnD i.T. sUppOrT TEChniCian DAnIeL CAnTReLL sEniOr aCCOUnTanT LIsA OWens aCCOUnTs payabLE COOrdinaTOr MARIA McFARLAnD aCCOUnTs rECEivabLE COOrdinaTOr DIAnA GuzMAn OffiCE manaGEr/aCCOUnTs rECEivabLE COOrdinaTOr sheLLy MILLeR saLEs sUppOrT COOrdinaTOr ALex MARks COLOr imaGinG TEChniCian ALIsOn hunTeR Chairman GReG ThuRMAn prEsidEnT/pUbLishEr BOB sChWARTzMAn ExECUTivE viCE prEsidEnT RAy LAnGen sEniOr v.p./saLEs TODD POTTeR, CARLA ThuRMAn sEniOr v.p./OpEraTiOns CAsey hesTeR

otton and wheat are still grown here, and so is dark fire tobacco. Beef cattle and hogs are still raised on many farms. Agriculture remains a vital part of the economy in Dickson County, even though the industry has changed quite a bit in recent years. For example, the county is still home to lots of beef cattle, but the numbers have decreased a bit ever since a drought of three years ago, says Mike Henry, agency manager with Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Company and a lifelong

farmer. Plus farmers dont try to raise the biggest, heaviest beef cattle anymore. The goal these days is to raise quality beef that the consumer is demanding. Henry says people can still make a decent living at farming but it requires some degree of specialization. We really dont see one farmer anymore raising multiple items for profit, like hogs, tobacco, cattle and row crops, he says. Even with beef cattle and hogs, many are picking one where they have the most expertise. A lot of people are now

producing fruits such as blueberries, and were down to only one dairy farm in Dickson County Daniels Dairy. But we do still have 17 century farms that have been in the same families for more than 100 years. Farm of the Year Tidwell Farm in Dickson County was established in 1944 and today is run by brothers Farris, Billy and Randy Tidwell. Two other brothers, James and Wilson, own part of the farm but are not involved in the day-to-day operations. My parents originally bought the property, and we have 185 acres

Randy Tidwell runs Tidwell Farm, named 2010 Dickson County Heritage Farm of the Year.





sEniOr v.p./CLiEnT dEvELOpmEnT JeFF heeFneR sEniOr v.p./bUsinEss dEvELOpmEnT sCOTT TeMPLeTOn v.p./ExTErnaL COmmUniCaTiOns TeRee CARuTheRs v.p./CUsTOm pUbLishinG kIM hOLMBeRG v.p./visUaL COnTEnT MARk FOResTeR v.p./COnTEnT OpEraTiOns nATAshA LORens

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v.p./saLEs ChARLes FITzGIBBOn, heRB hARPeR, JARek sWekOsky v.p./TravEL pUbLishinG susAn ChAPPeLL COnTrOLLEr ChRIs DuDLey COnTEnT dirECTOr/bUsinEss pUbLiCaTiOns BILL McMeekIn COnTEnT dirECTOr/LivabiLiTy LIsA BATTLes markETinG CrEaTivE dirECTOr keITh hARRIs disTribUTiOn dirECTOr GARy sMITh ExECUTivE sECrETary kRIsTy DunCAn hUman rEsOUrCEs manaGEr PeGGy BLAke

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Images Dickson County is published annually by Journal Communications Inc. and is distributed through the Dickson County Chamber of Commerce and its member businesses. For advertising information or to direct questions or comments about the magazine, contact Journal Communications Inc. at (615) 771-0080 or by email at fOr mOrE infOrmaTiOn, COnTaCT: Dickson County Chamber of Commerce 119 hwy. 70 e. Dickson, Tn 37055 Phone: (615) 446-2349 Fax: (615) 441-3112 visiT Images DIckson county OnLinE aT imaGEsdiCksOn.COm Copyright 2011 Journal Communications Inc., 725 Cool springs Blvd., suite 400, Franklin, Tn 37067, (615) 771-0080. All rights reserved. no portion of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent. Member The Association of Magazine Media Member Custom Content Council
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Member Dickson County Chamber of Commerce

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2011-12 | imaGEsdiCksOn.COm

diCksOn COUnTy, TEnnEssEE

Giddyup, Economy
Agriculture continues to be vital commodity

Serving You Since 1905

Outdoor options are truly great

Get the most up-to-date info on cost of living, top employers, schools, population demographics and more


236 Cowan Rd. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-9051

COUnTry CrEaTiviTy
Local artists, artisans find inspiration in their surroundings
spOnsOrEd by ThE diCksOn COUnTy ChambEr Of COmmErCE

LiVinG here
Learn the basics about local neighborhoods, schools and health care providers

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Welcome to Dickson County

An intrOductiOn tO the AreAs peOpLe, pLAces And events

A night With the stars

Movie night is on in Dickson County. Thanks to the wide selection and superior quality of the Roxy Movie Theater, residents can indulge in a weekend staple and spend a night with the hollywood stars. The theater features a superior sound system, plasma screens and comfortable seating with plenty of legroom to make a night at the movies as enjoyable as possible. now that 3-D movies are dominating the box office, the Roxy Theater has made the effort to stay on top of the trend and offers 3-D screenings with its new state-of-the-art MAsTeRIMAGe system.

A helping hand
support isnt hard to find in Dickson County. Places such as the Child Advocacy Center exist to ensure help is available to those who need it. Located in Charlotte, the Child Advocacy Center is a place for child victims or alleged victims of abuse to receive support. The center works with police and child-protection workers to talk to and help children in these circumstances. The goals of the center are to increase childrens safety, help children and their families recover from trauma, prosecute perpetrators and educate the community on ways to decrease violence against children.

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Gotta have Faith

When summers in full swing, its time for kids to settle into camp. Luckily, the Dickson County area offers several church-based summer camps to keep kids happy. Camp Garner Creek is an ideal atmosphere for a fun summer, complete with a swimming pool, basketball and volleyball courts, a climbing tower and a zip line. Camp hickory hills offers campers a week of activities, fun, fellowship and worship. Other camps in the area include hillmont Christian Camp and Retreat and Camp Leatherwood.


Community Feel
Tucked in Dickson Countys corner is the small Cumberland Furnace community. The communitys long history as an iron producer dates back to 1793, when Gen. James Robertson and William sheppard opened the first iron plantation village on the sites 640 acres. Perhaps Cumberland Furnaces greatest claim to fame is the cannonballs it supplied to Gen. Andrew Jackson in the War of 1812. Throughout the years, the community has seen many changes, with iron production shut down and then later briefly reopened during World War II. It was officially placed on the national Register of historic Places in september 1988.

Fresh Off the Farm

Crowds flock to Dickson County for local farmers freshest fare. The Dickson County Farmers Market showcases the best local food Dickson has to offer, from homegrown fruits and vegetables to eggs and other fresh finds. so come out and eat, drink and be merry, all while supporting your local farmers. The market is held on Friday from 8 a.m.-noon, then from 2 p.m.-6 p.m.; and on Wednesday and saturday from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Cowan Road.

saddle up
A southern spectacle comes to life during dickson county stampede days. in true rodeo tradition, the show features classic events including bareback bronc riding, steer wrestling, bull riding, team roping and barrel racing. the event is held the third weekend in June every year, and both nights feature a full rodeo performance with different contestants. Local entries are welcome. get there early for the pre-show, with roping, rodeo clowns and autographs to get the crowd ready for the real rodeo action.

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history hotel
The hotel halbrook isnt acting its age. It was built in 1913, yet is as vibrant today as it was during its heyday. The long-standing downtown Dickson landmark was transformed into the Clement Railroad hotel Museum, which now occupies the entire two-story building. The state of Tennessee owns the stately old brick hotel, whose lone tenant is the the nonprofit museum. When visitors first enter the building, they immediately walk into a hotel lobby that looks as it would have in the 1920s and 1930s. Besides the eye-catching lobby, the museum has several elaborate exhibits on the second floor. It is kid-friendly, with an extensive model railroad setup on-site.

dickson county at a glance

pOpULaTiOn (2009) Dickson County: 48,230 Dickson: 14,019, White Bluff: 2,534 Charlotte: 1,166, Burns: 1,462 vanleer: 330, slayden: 213 LOCaTiOn Dickson County is in Middle Tennessee, 30 miles west of nashville and 30 miles south of Clarksville. bEGinninGs Dickson County was formally established in 1803 and named for Dr. William Dickson, a nashville physician who served as Tennessee speaker of the house of Representatives (1799-1801) and then as a u.s. Congressman (1801-1807). fOr mOrE infOrmaTiOn Dickson County Chamber of Commerce 119 hwy. 70 e. Dickson, Tn 37055 Phone: (615) 446-2349 Fax: (615) 441-3112

Fast Facts
n the dickson county courthouse in charlotte is the oldest courthouse still in use in tennessee. n greystone golf club opened in 1998 and was designed by pgA tour pro mark mccumber. n the renaissance center offers a yearround calendar of musical performances, plays, exhibits and classes. n dickson is home to 17 century farms farms that have been family-owned and operated for at least 100 years.

Dickson County
48 49 24

Vanleer Charlotte

Nashville ashv l h hville White Bluff

48 46 96 6

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Best of Both
diCksOn COUnTy COmmUniTiEs OffEr WarmTh Of COUnTry CLOsE TO CiTy
sTORy By jEssiCa mOzO

f youre looking for a home offering the best of the city and the country, youve come to the right place. Dickson County attracts people longing for the warmth of a rural community with the conveniences and excitement of big-city life just a 30-minute jaunt down Interstate 40 to Nashville. The countys abundance of affordable living options is also a draw, ranging from rural farms and historic neighborhoods to subdivisions and downtown condos. Outdoor enthusiasts love Montgomery Bell State Park and the countys three 18-hole golf courses, while retirees appreciate the excellent health care provided by Horizon Medical Center and Tri-Star Health Systems Sarah Cannon Cancer Treatment Center. Young families enjoy Dickson Countys unbeatable quality of life, with a community calendar full of events, fantastic schools, inviting neighborhoods and fun tourism destinations. Dickson is known for its historic Main Street, where youll find coffee shops, gift stores, antiques, furniture, books and one-of-a-kind restaurants. You can even find apartments and condominiums within walking distance of downtown. One of Dicksons most impressive attractions is The Renaissance Center, a cutting-edge educational facility that opened in 1999 and offers laser light shows in its CyberSphere Theater, art workshops, dinner theater and music classes. Since 1959, Dickson has hosted Dickson County Old Timers Day, a festival in May that features free musical entertainment, a parade, living history demonstrations, the annual Ms. Old Timers Pageant, crafts and food vendors, and antique car and tractor displays. Dickson also hosts the Middle Tennessee Fiber Festival at the Dickson County Fairgrounds over Memorial Day weekend. White bluff The town of White Bluff has a small population of about 2,900, but dont let its size fool you. The community has a lot going for it, including an eatery called Carls Perfect Pig Bar-B-Que that was voted among the top 10 barbecue restaurants

dickson Dickson is Dickson Countys largest community, with a population of slightly more than 19,000. Single-family homes are popular in Dickson, and booming neighborhoods include Cherry Springs Estates, Woodside Estates, StoneBrook and Rock Church Estates.

the dickson county courthouse in charlotte is the oldest functioning courthouse in tennessee.


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in the country by The Wall Street Journal. White Bluff offers a variety of living options, from single-family homes on large wooded lots to several nicely designed subdivisions to historic neighborhoods within walking distance of downtown, says Jeff Martin, projects administrator for the Town of White Bluff. My family has lived in Dickson County since the early 1800s and in White Bluff since the 1860s. Although vibrant and growing, White Bluff still retains its small-town atmosphere and sense of community, but offers proximity to Dickson and Nashville. White Bluffs community calendar includes an Apple Butter Festival, Main Street Festival and GrillinN-Greens Festival, all in October. There is also a Bluff Stock Music Festival in June, and residents can hear live music nightly at Church Street Commons Coffeehouse and weekly at the White Bluff Community Center. Kids love White Bluffs Field of Dreams playground located just behind the community center on U.S. Highway 70.

Charlotte The county seat of Dickson County, Charlotte has a population of about 1,600. Charlotte citizens are proud to have the oldest functioning courthouse in Tennessee. The courthouse was built circa 1812, and a tornado came through in 1830 and damaged the roof and upper floor, says Sherry Kilgore, a Charlotte resident who is retired from the Tennessee Historical Commission. Charlotte residents had it repaired and back up and running in only four months. Kilgore and her husband Ron moved to Charlotte in 1977 after Ron graduated from Vanderbilt University Law School in Nashville. He still practices law on the Charlotte square. We wanted a farm, and we loved the historic aspects of Dickson County, Kilgore says. The log section of our house is 212 years old the deed was recorded in 1799 and our water comes from a cave spring. We also chose this area for the quality of life. When the courthouse closes, theres no traffic.



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You can walk on the streets. Its quiet I love it. The last Saturday in August, the community holds its annual Charlotte Festival, a fun-filled day with country and gospel music, a parade, vendors, homemade ice cream and kiddie train rides. During the Christmas season, Charlottes city hall holds an open house for the public and a holiday mixer for businesses on the square. In June, Charlottes Promise Land Community also sponsors an annual festival. burns Burns is slightly larger than Charlotte, with a population of around 1,400. Burns has a skateboard park downtown,

and plans are in the works for a new city park as well as a Bark Park for dogs and their owners. Burns citizens also enjoy its community center, where they gather for special events such as breakfast with Santa during the holiday season. vanleer and slayden Vanleer and Slayden are Dickson Countys smallest communities. Vanleers population is around 450, and Slaydens slightly more than 200. Both are rural communities made up of residents who work largely in Dickson, Clarksville and Nashville. Tobacco and cattle are raised on area farms, and Slaydens community center and voting station are housed in a former schoolhouse that served first through eighth grades until 1962.

Clockwise from far left: Burns skateboard park; Field of dreams playground in White Bluff; ribs and sides from carls perfect pig Bar-B-Que, voted among the top 10 barbecue restaurants in the country by The Wall Street Journal; the middle tennessee Fiber Festival is held during memorial day weekend in dickson.

AnTOny BOshIeR AnTOny BOshIeR

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dicksOn cOunt y

diCksOn COUnTys arTisTs, arTisans find inspiraTiOn in ThEir sUrrOUndinGs

sTORy By jOE mOrris PhOTOGRAPhy By anTOny bOshiEr

ickson County has some serious native talent when it comes to traditional crafts like cooking, quilting and glassmaking. And all those talented artisans will tell you that the rural atmosphere here, along with plenty to see and do when the mood strikes, keeps them both grounded and inspired. Quilting her Way to fame Take Bernice Stokes, a thirdgeneration (at least) native of White Bluff, whos created more quilts than she can count. Known as the Dickson County Quilt Lady in some sewing circles, shes been featured on Tennessee Crossroads and has work hanging in the

White Bluff City Hall, Dickson County Public Library and other landmarks in the area. She wouldnt live anywhere else. We have a lot to be proud of, she says. Weve got Montgomery Bell State Park, and of course all the antique shops and the Clement Railroad Hotel Museum. I know when I travel I go to see the quilt and antique shops first, and I usually think that ours are better. Cooking to save the day And then theres Patsy Caldwell, who spent about 25 years cooking for a well-known Nashville family. The Charlotte native, a culinary legend, has put those skills on display in a cookbook, Bless Your

Clockwise from top: david and susan Allsbrooks from Burns with some of their stained-glass works; Bernice stokes of White Bluff holds one of her favorite quilts; peach pie at culinary legend patsy caldwells house in charlotte

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dicksOn cOunt y

Heart: Saving the World One Covered Dish at a Time, and is now hard at work on You Be Sweet, a tribute to desserts. She, too, says her home fuels her creativity as well as providing a place to recharge her batteries. We like to entertain, so when we have people over I can try things out on them, she says. But around here I can always find something to cook. I have a lot to work with, and its right here at home. When she and her husband entertain, they like to show off the county to visitors. It gives me a chance to show off Charlottes beautiful square, Caldwell says. Our mayor and others have worked to make our

county seat so attractive. Were small and contained, but we have all the good stuff. Through the (stained) Looking Glass Churches, municipal buildings and private homes are just some of the local and national beneficiaries of David and Susan Allsbrooks talent. The two Dickson County natives, who have spent their 35 years of marriage on a Burns farm, bought a well-known historic home back in the 1970s to run as an antique shop. A few classes later, they ventured into the stained-glass business, an operation they now run entirely from the farm.

We just liked it, but didnt really have any intentions of going into a business with it, Susan Allsbrooks says. But people would come in to see the house, and then see what we were doing and want something, and so it was a natural progression. The Allsbrookses work on commission pieces that range from private-home windows that are shipped all over the country to larger pieces in churches and restaurants throughout Middle Tennessee and elsewhere. They also teach several classes a year at The Renaissance Center, so they are able to inspire, as well as draw inspiration from, their community.

Left: stained-glass door by david and susan Allsbrooks above: patsy caldwell with her cookbook, Bless Your Heart: Saving the World One Covered Dish at a Time

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dicksOn cOunt y

aGriCULTUrE COnTinUEs TO bE a viTaL COmmOdiTy
sTORy By kEvin LiTWin

Here We

otton and wheat are still grown here, and so is dark fire tobacco. Beef cattle and hogs are still raised on many farms. Agriculture remains a vital part of the economy in Dickson County, even though the industry has changed quite a bit in recent years. For example, the county is still home to lots of beef cattle, but the numbers have decreased a bit ever since a drought of three years ago, says Mike Henry, agency manager with Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Company and a lifelong

farmer. Plus farmers dont try to raise the biggest, heaviest beef cattle anymore. The goal these days is to raise quality beef that the consumer is demanding. Henry says people can still make a decent living at farming but it requires some degree of specialization. We really dont see one farmer anymore raising multiple items for profit, like hogs, tobacco, cattle and row crops, he says. Even with beef cattle and hogs, many are picking one where they have the most expertise. A lot of people are now

producing fruits such as blueberries, and were down to only one dairy farm in Dickson County Daniels Dairy. But we do still have 17 century farms that have been in the same families for more than 100 years. farm of the year Tidwell Farm in Dickson County was established in 1944 and today is run by brothers Farris, Billy and Randy Tidwell. Two other brothers, James and Wilson, own part of the farm but are not involved in the day-to-day operations. My parents originally bought the property, and we have 185 acres

randy tidwell runs tidwell Farm, named 2010 dickson county heritage Farm of the year.


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for raising 25 head of cattle along with some chickens, corn and other vegetables, says Randy Tidwell. We try to make a little money from the sale of cattle but arent in it for our livelihoods. Im retired from the Dickson County Board of Education, and my other two brothers working the farm are retired from the railroad industry and trucking industry. We still enjoy farm life, so we keep it going. Tidwell Farm was named 2010 Dickson County Heritage Farm of the Year by the Dickson County Chamber of Commerce. My parents left us boys with a nice place where weve raised our families and lived our lives, Tidwell says. Were proud of it and happy to still run it.

Generation next To further help keep the farming spirit alive in Dickson County, both Dickson County High School and Creek Wood High School have strong Future Farmers of America programs in place. The mission of the programs is to help interested students develop their potential for leadership, personal growth and career success through agriculture education. Getting students active early in agriculture means they might continue staying active in it for a longer period, Henry says. Agriculture is still a great career choice, especially these days with so many advancements and so many diverse and interesting careers to go into.

Clockwise from top right: donkeys on the tidwell farm; creek Wood FFA in dickson county; Brothers Farris (right) and Billy tidwell on their farm in dickson county; horses in a field near Burns


dicksOn cOunt y

PhOTOs By AnTOny BOshIeR

PhOTO COuRTesy OF zeBuLOn T. JAMes

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World, Meet dickson

inTErnaTiOnaL COmpaniEs find diCksOn COUnTy LOCaTiOns GOOd fOr bUsinEss
sTORy By jEssiCa mOzO | PhOTOGRAPhy By anTOny bOshiEr

merican companies have been attracted to Dickson Countys central location and quality of life for decades, but in recent years several international companies have discovered the regions many incentives as well. sumiden Wire products Corp. Sumiden Wire Products Corp. opened its Dickson County location in 1990. It is a subsidiary of Sumitomo

Electric Industries Ltd. in Japan. There were two main reasons Sumiden Wire chose Dickson, says Brian Burr, general manager at Sumiden Wire Products Corp. First, the area is centrally located to minimize distribution time to the majority of our customers. Second, the city and county officials made a big impact with their very hospitable welcome during the initial site visit. Sumiden Wire produces PC strand used for strengthening concrete structures in construction

applications and stainless steel wire used in products ranging from surgical staples and catheter wire to springs for military and aerospace applications. Dickson is a great place to do business for a number of reasons. It is close enough to a large metropolitan city for quick, efficient travel, Burr says. The people are accepting of other cultures. The area is safe for overseas employees and their families to reside. And Dickson County has a reasonable cost of living relative to other areas.

An employee inspects wire to be shipped from sumiden Wire products corp. in dickson.


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Bridgestone APM is another Dickson company with roots in Japan. Bridgestone APMs Dickson facility opened in 2003 and produces shock-absorbent pads and interior cushions for automakers. bavarian polymers Usa inc. Like Sumiden Wire, Bavarian Polymers USA Inc. chose Dickson County for its central location. The companys German owners opened the Dickson-based company in 2006, along with a second location in Mexico for warehousing. Bavarian Polymers manufactures vinyl window and door profiles for window and door fabricators in the United States, Mexico, Bermuda and Jamaica. Logistically, Dicksons central location within the South is a one-day transit time for shipping to the majority of our customers, says Amanda Berry, executive assistant at Bavarian Polymers USA Inc. The vacant building [we occupy] was already structured for plastics manufacturing and included rail access, both of which were major deciding factors. Being close to the Nashville International Airport is another plus, and quick transit times to shipping ports help keep costs down. Dickson is a great small community, Berry says. We have found great local, long-term employees and vendors, who ultimately are responsible for our continued success. metriCan stamping and nemak Canada-based MetriCan Stamping LLC built a 75,000square-foot facility in Dickson
metrican stamping (top) and Bridgestone Apm are two foreignbased companies that have built facilities in dickson. bottom left: A technician adjusts a machine at sumiden Wire.

in 2005, divided into four manufacturing areas for metal stamping, value-added assembly, tool repair, and warehouse and shipping. Dickson is MetriCan Stampings only U.S. location the companys other sites are all in Canada and Mexico. Mexico-based Nemak opened a Dickson facility in 1987, and

employs more than 420 people. Nemak manufactures aluminum components such as engine blocks and transmission parts for the automotive industry. The Dickson plant focuses on producing cylinder heads, and has the capacity to manufacture more than 2.6 million units per year.

Wed be stretching the truth if we tried to tell you we werent pleased to have been named the best bank in Dickson. Its always nice to be appreciated especially by people you genuinely care about. And since opening back in 1954, caring about our neighbors in Dickson has been the whole idea. Its why we work so hard to make sure you can enjoy the same up-to-date banking options available in the worlds major financial centers. Its also why we take the extra time to greet customers by name. If by chance you dont yet bank with us, please stop by and let us show you why Bank of Dickson is still the bank in Dickson.

615.446.3732 Member FDIC

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Biz Briefs
Businesses BOth LArge And smALL thAt heLp deFine dicksOn cOuntys ecOnOmic cLimAte

bUsinEss aT a GLanCE

$606 million
annual retail sales

retail sales per capita

$61 million
annual hotel and food sales

Total number of firms

source: u.s. census QuickFacts

habiTaT rEsTOrE Biz: Home and building materials Buzz: With all proceeds used to build Habitat for Humanity homes in Dickson, Habitat ReStore offers new and gently used items for the home, as well as building materials. All items, which are sold at a discounted price, are donated by local individuals, businesses and organizations. The store is open from 9 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday. 24
dicksOn cOunt y

TrisTar bank Biz: Banking organization Buzz: A $160 million banking organization, TriStar Bank was the first bank to open in the new millennium, opening one second after midnight on Jan. 1, 2000. It has grown to offer four convenient locations in Dickson County with a variety of services, including personal, business and online banking, loans and mortgages.

GOaL pOsT spOrTinG GOOds Biz: Sporting goods store Buzz: Locally owned and operated, Goal Post Sporting Goods offers an array of affordable items, including custom screen printing and embroidery, trophies, plaques, ribbons, uniforms and more. The store is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (615) 446-9709

haLf mOOn bay Biz: Gift shop Buzz: Located in downtown Dickson, Half Moon Bay offers an assortment of gifts, such as soaps, lotions, jewelry and more. The shop also features kitchen items, bedding and child care essentials. The store is open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday.

a.L.p. LiGhTinG COmpOnEnTs inC. Biz: Manufacturing facility Buzz: A.L.P. Lighting Components Dickson operation manufactures LexaLite brand products, such as LexaLite prismatic Reflexor, outdoor and indoor lenses. The facility includes injection molding machines, mold maintenance operations and more.

Y W learn how! FL O or N
Flight Lessons Corporate Aircraft Facilities Full Service FBO P.O. Box 901 Dickson, TN 37056 (615) 446-5962
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chamber report
chAmBer LAunches revAmped WeBsite
he last time the Dickson County Chamber of Commerce launched a website was 2003, but technology changes so quickly the site eventually became out of date. now, there is a freshness to its website. We decided to go with an all-new look for 2011 with quick

links, streaming photography and other options that are easier on users, says David hamilton, chamber president. Our revamped site still lists information on the chamber, tourism, economic development, community demographics, a calendar of events and available commercial

land and buildings, but its all done with a lot more flair.

making Changes
hamilton says one interesting aspect of the site is that if a chamber member has available land or a building that might be attractive to a company looking to locate in Dickson County, that information can be listed on the website for free. Also, if we at the chamber want to make any change to our site, we can easily do that from our office, he says. It used to be wed have to call our webmaster to change a name or add a picture, and wed be charged around $80 for each service. now, we can do everything ourselves.

Telling the story

The upgraded website was designed by David Martin, a chamber board member and owner of David Martin Creative services. Martin lives in White Bluff and has been involved with graphic design and website building for 15 years. After meeting with David hamilton and other chamber people, they wanted to tell the story of Dickson County as a friendly, comfortable, down-home community, Martin says. It also helps that I live in Dickson County and know about attractions such as Montgomery Bell state Park, downtown Dickson, scenic farmland and modern buildings. I tried to showcase Dickson County in many ways.

Your Hometown Energy Source

We Sell and SeRviCe both natuRal and PRoPane aPPlianCeS.
Serving natuRal gaS to customers in Dickson County and portions of Cheatham, Houston, Stewart and Montgomery counties. Serving PRoPane gaS to customers in Dickson County and portions of Cheatham, Houston, Stewart, Montgomery, Humphreys, Hickman and Williamson counties. Convenient Pay by credit card Electronic transfers Paying stations in your area Free service calls during regular business hours Interest free financing to homeowners with approved credit

2,000 hits Quickly

Martin says the new site, launched May 2, 2011, had more than 2,000 visitors during the first month. Today, a majority of people who decide to search-engine Dickson County will end up on this chamber website, which is great, he says. Kevin Litwin

Safe Reliable eConomiCal

605 E. Walnut St. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-2830 (800) 903-8247

membeR of the CounCil foR ReSPonSible eneRgy


dicksOn cOunt y

ECOnOmiC prOfiLE
bUsinEss CLimaTE
The services and manufacturing sectors are some of the largest private-sector employers in Dickson County. The regions labor force is characterized by an eagerness to learn, a willingness to work and a high level of productivity. An excellent rural road system and a moderate climate allow employers to draw labor from a wider geographic area.

inCOmE majOr EmpLOyErs

tennsco corp. 510 employees horizon medical center 400 employees tennessee Quality Foods 320 employees Quebecor gravure 300 employees interstate packaging 220 employees


per capita income

Associate degree

Average Annual household expenditure

Bachelors degree

dickson municipal Airport 2370 sylvia Rd. Dickson, Tn 37055 (615) 446-5962 nashville international Airport (615) 275-1675 About 50 miles from Dickson

graduate degree


dickson county chamber of commerce 119 hwy. 70 e. Dickson, Tn 37055 (615) 446-2349 www.dicksoncounty tennessee department of economic & community development 312 Rosa Parks Ave., 11th Floor nashville, Tn 37243 (615) 741-1888

city sales and use tax

county sales tax


state sales tax

White-collar Jobs

total sales tax

Blue-collar Jobs

Since 1987 We Offer the Experience, Knowledge and Level of Service You Expect and Deserve

Middle Tennessee MorTgage

210 Skyline Cir. Dickson, TN 37055

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100 Barzani Blvd. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-2781 T (615) 446-4077 F


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Image Gallery


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Farmland in Dickson Photo by Antony Boshier

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Holland Park in downtown Dickson Photos by Antony Boshier


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Horses in a field near Dickson

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Local Flavor

barts bbQ

southern eating
dicksOn cOunty restAurAnts prOvide greAt-tAsting chOices

Whats online
For even more about Dickson Countys scrumptious food scene, visit

ood restaurants serve you right in Dickson County, with several located in the city of Dickson as well as another healthy handful in surrounding communities. here are some of the excellent dining options:

eat like a local

Lugos, a trendy, upscale restaurant, serves American cuisine for lunch and dinner. Menu items include appetizers like plantain chips, pulled pork wontons and stuffed quail, and entrees such as 12-ounce pork chops, 16-ounce rib eyes, Louisiana sausage and Carolina mountain trout. Front Porch on Center Avenue displays local charm at its best. Located in a renovated, 100-year-old home, the restaurant features three dining rooms and fine country cooking. On the menu are soups, salads, sandwiches, hot chicken

casserole and a blue plate special. For a quick meal that doesnt skimp on flavor, head over to Cindys Cafe, open for breakfast and lunch. seafood lovers will find their dish of choice at Catfish kitchen, where their signature menu item, catfish, is front and center. Or if youre craving an All-American meal, try Buddys Restaurant, serving up some of the best burgers in town.

come here For comFort

Dutch Country kitchen in vanleer will satisfy a comfort-food craving, serving up country classics such as fried chicken, mashed potatoes and biscuits. yet another favorite is Country view Market in Charlotte. Farmers Family Restaurant embraces the traditions of the local farmer, serving farm-fresh vegetables at every meal. The


dicksOn cOunt y

hungry for more?

sisTErs rEsTaUranT
buffet restaurant is open for lunch and dinner, with menu favorites like fried chicken, meatloaf, catfish and country fried steak. For finger-licking good food, try Barts BBQ. The restaurant makes open-pit barbecue pork, beef, turkey, chicken and ribs, all cooked on-site with the freshest ingredients. Breakfast is also served at this barbecue joint, and orders can be placed ahead and conveniently picked up at the drive-through window.

chain reaction
There are plenty familiar favorites in Dickson as well. everything from your usual fast-food staples to finer dining chains dot the county. Places such as Logans Roadhouse, Ruby Tuesday and shoneys add some variety, giving locals plenty of places to choose from, whether it be local cuisine or a well-known chain. Kevin Litwin and Karen Schwartzman

This Dickson eatery excels at southern cuisine, where customers can order plates of turkey and dressing every Thursday evening and catfish dinner specials on Friday. sisters has a meat-and-three menu with traditional southern side items such as turnip greens, macaroni and cheese, white beans and corn bread.

aCE dinEr
Dicksons newest eatery, which opened in May 2010, is on Main street in a restored historic building. The diner is open Monday through saturday for breakfast and lunch, and the menu is classic American. Breakfast includes eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausages and hash browns, and lunch choices are sandwiches, soups, salads and desserts.

CaTfish kiTChEn
The Catfish kitchen on u.s. highway 70 east in Burns has been a Dickson County tradition since the early 1970s. Just look for the giant catfish complete with whiskers on the sign out front. Folks drive many miles for the farm-raised fresh catfish but there are many menu items, including the unexpected like frog legs, and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, quail.

Las fajiTas mExiCan rEsTaUranT

For favorite Mexican dishes like chimichangas, burritos, tacos and taquitos, hungry residents need not head south of the border, just south on highway 46 to Las Fajitas Mexican Restaurant in Dickson. Open every day, Las Fajitas has lunch specials from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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health & Wellness


dicksOn cOunt y

the doctors Will see you now

residents hAve mAny heALth cAre OptiOns
he prognosis is positive regarding health care needs for residents of Dickson County. Physicians and medical personnel provide top-notch care at horizon Medical Center, The sarah Cannon Cancer Center, Dickson Medical Associates and hMC healthCare Dickson.

Center facility and The sarah Cannon Cancer Center.

the sarah cannon cancer center

The sarah Cannon Cancer Center, named for country music star Minnie Pearl whose real name was sarah Cannon, opened in 2007 and is accredited by the American College of surgeons. It is the nations largest community-based cancer treatment and research program, with therapies that include radiation oncology, medical oncology, imaging and surgery. The center also provides patients with access to clinical trials and research through The sarah Cannon Research Institute.

horizon medical center

horizon Medical Center continues to be a leader in medical innovation and treatment, serving residents in Dickson, hickman, houston, humphreys and Williamson counties. The 157-bed hospital treats more than 30,000 annual emergency room visits and delivers 500 newborns, plus performs many special procedures. For example, one of the surgeons at hMC is trained to perform an innovative balloon sinuplasty procedure, whereby the surgeon relieves a patients sinus passages by running angioplasty tubes through the gums instead of the nose. Another surgeon does a procedure on the lower back called an axial lift, which separates compressed vertebrae.

dickson medical associates

Dickson County has other top-notch medical facilities available to the public, including Dickson Medical Associates, which opened an 83,000square-foot facility along highway 46 in 2009. The multispecialty practice provides the latest in medical technology, with an emphasis on patient convenience and satisfaction.

natchez medical park

horizon Medical Center recently expanded its technology and medicine by opening a campus known as natchez Medical Park, located on 66 acres along highway 46 near Interstate 40. The eventual goal is to continue expanding the medical park, with the final phase of construction to include an inpatient tower. With its completion, horizon Medical Center plans to move all of its equipment and services to this new location. Currently, the campus includes natchez Imaging

nhc healthcare dickson

nhC Dickson is a senior citizens health center that allows residents to maintain their independence while aging with grace and dignity. The staff includes professional nurses, in-house therapists, a registered dietitian, social workers and recreation specialists. services include respiratory care, wound care, pain management and psychological care, and nhC Dickson also has rehabilitation and assisted living services. Kevin Litwin

horizon medical center serves dickson, hickman, houston, humphreys and Williamson counties.


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Arts & Culture

cultural pearls
dicksOn cOunty is hOme tO A vAriety OF Arts And entertAinment

ickson County is home to a variety of interesting and entertaining cultural offerings. here are four of the standout attractions:

the renaissance center

This state-of-the-art performing arts and learning

facility in Dickson has entertained and educated Middle Tennessee residents since 1999. The multimillion-dollar center was funded by The Jackson Foundation and is staffed by adjunct instructors and volunteers. The center offers courses in visual arts, music, dance, theater and computer classes.

The Renaissance Center also produces film documentaries, live concerts, instructional videos as well as the Tennessees Wild Side weekly television program that airs throughout the state on PBs.

live music
The hatchery building in downtown Dickson was used for many years to hatch baby chicks, which were then shipped all over the world. Today, it hosts country music performances every saturday night under the title of Vance Smiths Grand Old Hatchery Music Show. Long-time resident and musician vance smith starts every saturdaynight show at 7 p.m., and the music continues until 9:30 or a little later. smith purchased the building in 1997, and weekly attendance for his entertaining show is 75-100 people. The Grand Old hatchery has a house band comprised of fiddle banjo bass and electric guitar players along with a drummer. Besides country music, performances can often include bluegrass gospel and southern rock. Cant get enough of country? The Wild Country Jamboree puts on live country music shows every Friday and saturday. All ages are invited to the smoke-free, alcoholless venue, where they can enjoy the music, dancing, free Wi-Fi and door prizes. Dance lessons are offered on Thursday nights.
AnTOny BOshIeR

dancers at the Wild country Jamboree, a live music and dance venue located in dickson


dicksOn cOunt y

Tennsco steel products, manufactured here in Dickson, Tennessee, are distributed throughout the United States and are known for their quality and durability. Tennscos product line includes shelving, storage cabinets, media storage, lockers, workbenches and card files. With over 600 employees in six plant locations, Tennsco is proud of the role we play in our community. (615) 446-8000

tennessee artisan market

Dicksons Renaissance Center is home to the Tennessee Artisan Market, a retail gallery featuring work by more than a hundred artisans. The gallery features art, fine crafts and handcrafted items by Tennessee artisans exclusively. Artists from all over the state display their work, giving them a way to show and sell their work and providing buyers with the opportunity to support the local artist community. The center is open Monday through saturday, and free artisan demonstrations are held every first and third Thursday of the month.

old spencer mill

visitors can step back in time when touring Old spencer Mill, the only structure of its type in the state. nestled in the hills of Burns, the mill has two sets of French burr stones and original equipment thats powered by a 20-foot-tall Fitz waterwheel. The 1800s double stone gristmill offers tours, camping, interpreters and demonstrations. The historical site on Parkers Creek also has a 4,000-squarefoot banquet facility and catering service perfect for church functions, family reunions, weddings and receptions. Kevin Litwin

Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC Certified Public Accountants

308 E. College St. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-5106

Whats online
Discover more about the creative climate of Dickson County, including arts, events and cultural attractions, at

Hubert M. Mayes, CPA J. Kevin Rye, CPA Wm. Michael Walters, CPA 37

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sports & Recreation

get out, get out

OutdOOr OptiOns Are truLy greAt
ickson County offers a peaceful lifestyle, with several sites serving as ideal venues for entertainment and relaxation getaways. some of the restful and enjoyable options are as follows:

montgomery Bell state park

The 3,782-acre refuge is home to 12 miles of hiking trails, 20 miles of mountain biking trails and three lakes. Montgomery Bell is safe and friendly, and home to a variety of wildlife that includes deer, turkeys, eagles and squirrels. More than 1 million people flock to the park each year to camp, hike, mountain bike, fish, swim, golf, boat, picnic and simply relax. There is also a 120-room inn and conference center on-site, along with eight new environmentally friendly villas offering meeting/ convention opportunities.

acorn lake
This scenic waterway at Montgomery Bell state Park has swimming and a sandy beach, and visitors can rent paddleboats, canoes and flat-bottom boats from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The lake is also a hot spot for fishing, with good catches of bass, bluegill, crappie and catfish. A full-service restaurant near the parks inn offers nice views of Acorn Lake. The restaurant serves buffets every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

luther lake
PhOTOs By AnTOny BOshIeR

The spacious 14-acre, manmade lake along highway 70 east

Left: canadian geese on the banks of Lake Luther right: montgomery Bell golf course


dicksOn cOunt y

is a popular haven for fishing, and even features a fishing pier. Outdoor enthusiasts can also enjoy wildlife viewing as well as walking and running on scenic paved trails. The City of Dickson Parks and Recreation Department also oversees wakeboarding and waterskiing classes on City Lake during the warm-weather months.

dinner-style events, or 700 for theater-style functions.

golF courses
Golfers can get into the swing of things at three nice venues in Dickson County. Montgomery Bell Golf Course has been recognized by Golf Digest as one of the Top 100 Public Courses in America to Play, and today, the 18-hole destination has been certified as an Audubon Cooperative sanctuary and also features a new golf clubhouse. Meanwhile, Dickson Country Club is a private 18-hole, 6,600-yard venue that has been around since 1940, while Greystone Golf Club is an 18-hole public facility that features zoysia grass and was designed by PGA professional Mark McCumber. Kevin Litwin

lester speyer community rec complex

This park off highway 47 east hosts a wide range of activities. It is home to four adult softball fields, lighted basketball courts and a playground with the latest equipment. The Lester speyer Complex also houses the Tennsco Community Center, a facility that can accommodate 300 people for

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educational emphasis
dicksOn cOunty strives tO educAte A diverse grOup

ome to a thriving school district and various higher education opportunities, Dickson Countys students are well-served. Learn more about why this education community earns high marks:

students can take a few courses online while attending the remainder of their classes the traditional way.

dickson county school district

More than 8,500 students are enrolled in this district that is regarded as one of the highestachieving in Tennessee. The district employs 1,000 people, 550 of which are teachers, and there are 14 schools: eight elementary, three middle, two high schools and one alternative. The two high schools are Creek Wood high and Dickson County high. The district also offers a virtual high school, which primarily targets students who have fallen behind on coursework, or are on the verge of dropping out.

dickson county higher education center

The Dickson County higher education Center was first established in October 2006 in a small building on McLemore street in Dickson, with a goal of allowing residents the chance to enroll in college-credit courses. The center quickly became so popular that it has relocated to a larger facility inside The Renaissance Center. More than 300 students are now taking classes, with the higher education Center currently operating under an umbrella agreement between The Jackson Foundation, Austin Peay state university and nashville state Community College.

students at tennessee technology center learn how to service hvAc equipment (above) and cosmetology skills (right).


dicksOn cOunt y

students taking college classes at the higher education Center can easily transfer completed credits toward degrees from Austin Peay and nashville state.

tennessee technology center at dickson

The Tennessee Technology Center at Dickson campus was established to allow students an opportunity to receive top education in a variety of technical fields. Programs offered at TTC include automotive technology, business systems, computer information technology, cosmetology, dental assistant, heavy equipment mechanics, machine tool technology, practical nursing and technology foundations. several courses are offered online, and TTC also provides highquality training and retraining of employed workers.

neW directions academy

This alternative school serves students in grades 3-12 who are having difficulties with coursework, attendance or behavior. The new Directions Academy mission is to help students not only graduate from high school, but then become fully functioning and thriving members of society. Among the offerings at new Directions Academy are two GeD programs for 17year-olds a hardship program and a Jobs program.
PhOTOs By AnTOny BOshIeR

6039-TR12260M_TGB_Livability.indd 1

Bank of Dickson Blankenship CPA City of Dickson Dickson County Municipal Airport Authority Dickson Electric System First Bank Greater Dickson Gas Authority Holiday Inn Express Horizon Medical Center Middle Tennessee Mortgage Nemak Tennessee State Parks Tennessee Technology Center Tennsco TriStar Bank Water Authority of Dickson County

visit our

3/22/10 11:40:09 AM


dicksOn cOunt y

COmmUniTy prOfiLE
Dickson County is located in the north central portion of Tennessee, and its a part of the eight-county nashville Metropolitan statistical Area. Charlotte is the centrally located county seat, although the city of Dickson is the countys largest.

COsT Of LivinG

marital status:

median household income


median home price


median rent for a two-Bedroom Apartment




hOUsEhOLd infOrmaTiOn

88 25


July high temperature

median resident Age


January Low temperature

19 and under

Annual rain Fall (vs. national Average Annual rain Fall of 37)




TimE zOnE

55 and Over

26 minutes
median travel time to Work

this sectiOn is spOnsOred By

Nemak Tennessee
(615) 446-8110 1635 Old Columbia Rd. Dickson, TN 37055
Automotive Supplier to Major Car Manufacturers. Products: World-Class Quality Aluminum Cylinder Heads.

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The employees of the Water Authority of Dickson County are committed to clean, safe water for your family and their own.

101 Cowan Rd. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-4188 (615) 441-9987 fax

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Ad Index
23 Bank of Dickson 37 Blankenship cpa c2 city of Dickson 25 Dickson county Municipal airport authority 3 Dickson electric systeM 45 first Bank 26 Greater Dickson Gas authority 27 holiDay inn express 6 horizon MeDical center 39 tennessee state parks 41 tennessee technoloGy center 37 tennsco c4 tristar Bank 45 Water authority of Dickson county 43 neMak 27 MiDDle tennessee MortGaGe

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Member FDIC

(615) 446-7100

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