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Professor Dr Maha M.F Mounir

Dentin & Pulp

Odontoblasts are an integral part of both dentin & pulp

Dentin is a vital tissue containing cell processes of odontoblasts & neurons. Odontoblasts form dentin matrix, & neurons convey sensory information

Dentinogenesis occurs prior to amelogenesis

Soon after the deposition of the first layer of dentin (mantle dentin), odontoblasts express MMPs to digest the basement membrane to allow E & D matrices & their respective mineral phases to come onto direct contact a strong mechanical bond is formed between E & D

Bell stage-establishing coronal form

Secretion & mineralization of dentin & enamel matrices begins only after the shape of crown has been determined in soft tissue Secretion & mineralization of dentin precedes enamel formation


Preodontoblast elongates & forms the odontoblastic process. The nuclei occupies the basal portion of the cell & organelles are located at apical end,Polarity

Consists of a cell body + an odontoblastic process ( that branches laterally & terminally)
Function: secretion, distribution & removal of matrix components+ mineralization of dentin

Mantle Dentin
First formed layer of dentin. It contains thick collagen fibers that lie perpendicular to the ADJ ( fibers of circumpulpal dentin are parallel approximately to ADJ & are finer)

Von Korffs Fibers

Are the first secreted collagen fibers (dentin matrix protein) that may pass between differentiating odontoblasts & extend towards basal lamina where they end in a fan shaped arrangement (argyrophilic= take silver stain) Consists of type I + type III collagen

Is the un-mineralized dentin matrix


Dentin Matrix proteins

Are secreted externally via transport vesicles

incremental deposition of enamel & dentin

Forming dentin in crown area

Dentine mineralization
Small mineral crystals in:1.Matrix vesicles
2.nucleated in spaced within collagen fibrils ( globular & linear mineralization)

Incremental deposition of dentin

Incremental lines of Von Ebner Neo-natal line

Thank you

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