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Rewrite the sentences using the gerund.

1. Bethany was born in Hawaii. It was natural for her to become a surfer. 2. Bethany won a j unior competition. That picked up Rip Curls interest in sponsoring her. 3. Bethany was home- schooled. That gave her plenty of time to surf. 4. Bethany got her arm ripped off by a shark. That made her think shad had lost her opportunity to become a pro. 5. Bethany went to Thailand with her friends from church. There she learned that there were more important things than surfing. 6. Bethany received a lot of letters from fans all around the world. That gave her strength to start surfing again. 7. Bethanys father modified a surfboard. That allowed Bethany to have better control of it in the water. 8. Bethany got in the fifth place in the national competition. That showed everybody that she was really strong willed.

Bethany Hamilton & AnnaSophia Robb

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