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VIETNAMESE STATE ALUMNI YOUTH CAMP 2011 Excursion Tour Proposed Activities

1. Bus Game a. Calculate Carbon Footprint Number of Participant Up to 50 Time 20 minutes Description - Each participant is given one daily activities questionnaire. This questionnaire simply asks the participant to give personal information such as how many kilometers they travel by bus/motorbike a day, how many hours they use air conditional a day, - Simple calculation will be done by participants themselves. The results will be described in term of how many trees should be plant to offset the number of tons of CO2 released by their activities. - Finding a greenest participant, whose number of trees equivalent is smallest. Purpose - Have fun - Introduce the concept of carbon footprint - Raising awareness of participants about impact of human activities on environment. Materials - Small gifts ( such as snack, candy, keychain,) b. Quizzes Number of Participant Up to 50 Time 15 minutes Description Participants are expected to answer a series of quiz about environmental facts and figures Reference sityIQ_TG.doc - Have fun - Enrich participants knowledge about environment and biodiversity - Motivate participants to learn more about environment and biodiversity


Materials 2. Forest Game Number of Participant Time Description

Small gifts ( such as snack, candy, keychain,)

Purpose Materials

6-8 member/group ( Each group contains 2 camp counselors and 4-6 campers) At least 30 minutes During hiking, participants collect something from the natural environment (nothing may be broken or picked from any living thing the item has to be either lying on the ground or resting on another object (e.g. stump or log). The group will make a picture from those natural materials to deliver a message of protecting environment. - Have fun - Encourage creativeness of campers For each group: - 01 A3-size paper sheet. - 01 crayon - 01 watercolor markers - 01 double-side tape - 01 transparent tape - 01 scissors

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