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World War 1:
1. Which warefare method had the shortest life expectancy? Answer: Air, Planes 2. The total cost for WW1? Answer: 300 billion 3. Where was the first gas attack? Answer: Ypres 4. When did WW1 start? And end? Answer: 1914- 1918 5. What was the trigger of WW1? Answer: The assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 6. When did the Americans enter the war? Answer: 1917 7. How many Canadian soldiers died during WW1? 60,000 8. Who were the Triple Entente? Answer: Britain, France, and Russia 9. Who were the Triple Alliance? Answer: Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary 10. State one term in the Versailles Treaty. Answer: - Reduce Germany s army to 100,000. - Germany had to pay for all the damages made in WW1. - Germany had to sign a document stating that they were the cause of WW1. - Germany had to give back the land that was taken from France.

Laurier s Canada:
1. Where did the second wave of immigrants come from? Answer: Eastern Europe 2. To which part of the country did the Government want to send immigrants in 1900? Answer: Western Canada 3. Due to urbanization what was made? Answer: Slums 4. What new province was created during the early 1900 s? Answer: Alberta 5. Who was the prime minister during the turn of the century? Answer: Wilfrid Laurier

6. Who was the man in charge of immigration and recruiting immigrants? Answer: Sifton 7. What was discovered in Cape Town, South Africa? Answer: Diamonds 8. Which immigrants were required to pay $200 to immigrate to Canada? Answer: Asians 9. Who did Britain side with in the Alaska Boundary Dispute? United States 10. Which type of school were Aboriginal children forced to attend? Answer: Residential Schools

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